Meldreth Matters, November 2023

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Meldreth Parish Council Meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 5th October 2023 This meeting was held in the Community Room in Elin Way. The main points of the meeting are set out below in the usual summary format. The full formal minutes can be viewed in due course on the website noted above and on the Parish Council noticeboard; these will be presented for approval at the next Council meeting. Discussions and Decisions District and County reports: the Council thanks our District and County Councillors for their latest report; this can be seen in Meldreth Matters on pages 33-35 and questions and requests for further information on this wide range of subjects can of course be raised directly with our District and County representatives. Flambards Estate The Council voted to arrange a professional risk report on the area of damage to a hard standing area, in order to identify the nature and possible scale of risk to pedestrians and other users. This report would establish the need and nature of any protective measures - such as secure fencing – for immediate safeguarding and for any permanent repair possibly preventing access by vehicles or on foot to the area. There has been an approach by Gigaclear Limited to install underground internet connections through the parcels of land owned by the Council and leased to the Residents’ Association. As the freeholder of this land the Council is asked to sign the agreement with Gigaclear but will also pass details of the scheme to the Residents’ Association for comment and information. This process was approved by the Council. MCCS Update Partial funding from ACRE is available for the hub for the next twelve months. The FoodBank does not benefit from central funding and a JustGiving campaign has been launched to secure funding for the next six months [see page 44]. For both initiatives it may be necessary for the organisers to approach the Parish Council for a contribution. Both the Food Bank and the Hub are working well and are clearly appreciated by village residents. Community Rail Partnership It was noted that a meeting is planned for 17th October 2023. Community Projects Working Group Three projects were discussed 1. Marvell Green wild area: a request from the residents’ company for £1,730 was considered to help finance the planting of and equipment needed for the 38

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