Megavikend 2013 Bulletin1 EN

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About Megavikend Basic information Saturday tracks Sunday workshops Trainers

Well, here we go... So, if you don't know what this is about, we are right now going to tell you. Because we are inviting you to the Czech Republic. Why? Because it is going to be absolutely awesome. What? The thing we are inviting you for. Because...

THE MEGAVIIIIKEND IS HERE (well, not here, it is in the Czech Republic) And we are going to tell you everything about it. Right now. Well, not really tell, we are going to write it. And not everything, because there is going to be two such issues. But we will tell you as much as fits into the first one. Right?

What is the Megavikend? Megavikend is a weekend-long educational event mainly for Czech AFS volunteers, however lately we have welcomed many volunteers from other AFS partner organizations as well. It is one of the most important events in the whole AFS year because, in a mere weekend, all volunteers can participate in many workshops with diverse foci led by experienced volunteers.

Facts about Megavikend 2013: •

The biggest educational event organized by Czech AFS

It takes place from 11th-13th of October 2013 in České Budějovice

On Saturday, you choose from 6 different tracks, from which 3 are held in English

On Sunday, you take part in 2 out of 6 workshops

You meet plenty of interesting people

In one sentence: IT WILL BE AWESOME

Tracks and workshops On Saturday, you can choose from 6 different tracks. A track is a day-long workshop allowing the participants to go deep into the topic and investigate many details of it.

Saturday tracks Including the returnees within the AFS society Language: Czech Trainers: Monika Nikolova, Kristýna Žáková Do you remember the time when you became a volunteer? You were on your exchange year and then... what happened? Someone might have called you, or you just signed up for the AFS meeting yourself and showed up? Approximately 50 students are sent abroad through AFS, but only a mere one third of the participants continue as returnee volunteers, which of course is a great pity! Collaborating with you, we would like to figure out how to work with the returnees before they are sent abroad. The workshop is mainly for more advanced volunteers and the members of the DOS group.

Marketing & AFS... how does it actually all work? Language: Czech Trainers: Lukáš Jandač, Kamil Provazník There is absolutely no doubt, that all of us in the past years have encountered ourselves with the term marketing at least a thousand times. Yet think, do you actually know the meaning of this modern phenomenon? If you have not figured out a satisfying answer to the previous question come join us for a full day seminar about marketing. We will be discussing the actual significance of marketing and what it consists of. We hope to teach you about AFS marketing as much as possible in order for you to apply it straight after your arrival from the Megavikend! There will be a range of activities varying from practical work to theory, so don’t hesitate in signing up!

Measuring the loudness of a silence (a very enterTRaining approach to ICC) Language: English Trainers: Niccolo Bertoldi, Yonathan Darmon In AFS we talk about Intercultural Communication (ICC in short) all the time. We even call ourselves AFS Intercultural Programs. But what is ICC? In this workshop, we look at the two sides of it, trying to figure out what communication is and how the Intercultural dimension makes it even more tricky and interesting. We learn to speak with and without words, to listen with our eyes, to measure cultures and the loudness of a silence. We laugh a lot and challenge each other. We combine intercultural gurus like Hofstede, Bennet and Hall with The Mentalist. We make Latin sound really cool. We change our words to change the world. Learning should be fun, so you MUST come to the workshop in a good mood and wearing a smile!

Human Rights Education and Active Citizenship as a part of Global Learning Language: English Trainers: Tereza Våvrovå, Viktoria Bedo In today's world, we encounter a greater variety of perspectives, cultures and communities than ever before. This is partly the result of globalisation, through which people and countries have become increasingly connected culturally, politically and economically. As AFS and its ICL mission envisages a world where people feel connected and empowered to engage peaceably and effectively across their cultures in the sustainable development of their communities. We think this vision is important at this time when decisions taken locally can have an immediate impact globally and vice versa. We live interconnected lives and therefore we see the topics of human rights and active citizenship as more than essential. We are globally connected, let´s get locally engaged!

How do others like to learn? AFS orientations beyond European audiences. Language: English Trainer: Jana Holla This workshop is meant primarily for current and future AFS orientation leaders, however, anyone interested in how to tackle the question of different regional learning and training styles when designing a training intervention is very welcome as well. Put more simply, the goal of this workshop is to look into how we can make our AFS orientations more inclusive, more non-Europeanparticipants-friendly. How will we go about it? We’ll discover and re-discover ours and others learning preferences - share our experiences with how we and others learn and train in AFS -, look into some methods and methodologies not so much used in Europe – in other words, question the current status quo of Western-centered Intercultural training approaches – and last but not least get our hands on putting all of this into practice and designing our own AFS orientations/ training sessions for non-European audiences. In the process, we’ll come upon some theory yet the main idea is to “get our hands dirty” and try out and apply tools known and less known (in the spirit of experiential and participatory learning).

Reaching an understanding when solving conflicts Language: Czech Trainer: Michal Dubec The participants will be presented with the way our brain works during conflicts and the effect it has on our behavior and relationship signals. We will try to work consciously with these relationship signals in particular conflict situations. We will discuss and distinguish between evaluation, divination, mentoring, the denial of the world by the rest and other personal attacks, which are usually the base of all interpersonal conflicts. We will learn how to use descriptive language, to search for the needs of others during a conflict and to convey our needs in such manner that we won't endanger the status, sureness, autonomy and trust of others. I will introduce you to the evaporative cloud of conflicts and we will try to apply this theory in a specific situation.

Sunday workshops On Sunday, there are six workshops, which will be repeated two times, so that you can actually choose any two of them.

Living Library Language: Czech Trainers: Michaela Svobodová, Kristýna Polášková You. Me. Your parents. Siblings. Friends. We all have our unique story. That story may possess an incredible amount of power when in particular combined with well-formulated questions. This is exactly how the Living Library works. Instead of the presence of books there are people and their stories. Instead of reading, the readers have a live conversation with the person. If you are interested in sharing your own story and therefore becoming a living book or being a reader and getting to know about other people’s lives and experiences, please come join us! We will not only reveal the interesting method you have definitely not had the opportunity to encounter but also pass on the skills to become the organizers of these great events!

Let Yourself Be Moved Language: English Trainers: Petra Doležalová, Yonathan Darmon Have you ever felt not quite yourself? Do your brain and your heart sometimes fight on opposite sides of the barricades? Do you at times get surprised or even overwhelmed and confused by your own emotions? Join us at the beginning of a journey to self-exploration: with the help of the perfect tool, your own body, and its most primeval form of communication – movement and dance. We will introduce you to a way which might not seem all too easy at first but is a safe and worthy one. With the help of improvisation, spontaneous movement, free associations, and last but not least, the others, our immediate experiences will let us become aware of and look for connections between the physical, emotional, social, and cognitive parts of

ourselves. The ultimate goal? Tuning into, finding unity in and making sense of ourselves as well as our surroundings. That will probably not come as a result of one 90-minute session or overnight but will hopefully find and open up some hidden doors and initiate the process. So switch off for a moment, let yourself be moved...and yourself. N.B.: We will move on the floor a lot, so (clean!) socks and comfortable clothes – preferably long pants and sleeves – are a must.

Time management: Don’t be slave of your work and lack of time. Language: English Trainers: Petra Pojerová, Philipp Landgraf •

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Do you also think you would need the 8th day in a week? But how would you use the spare time? By working harder, seeing friends or sleeping? How would you feel the 8th day in comparison with other 7 days? Do you also refuse invitations for fun activities because you feel busy? / Do you always attend all fun activities even though you feel busy? But what is your priority? To see your friends and relax or get the work done? And when you choose, are you able to make the best of your time? Do you also postpone annoying tasks for tomorrow? But how do you feel once you have finished you work? Released? Do you also find some better task to do exactly at the moment you should start studying for an exam? But how important is cleaning your apartment to you at that moment? Is it really that important?

Don’t worry! You can fix it! You just need to set your mind a bit differently and maybe use some handy techniques and tips.

I, the Volunteer Language: English Trainers: Lucie Čížková Are you too busy to pause for a moment and “think big”? Do you ever ask yourself why you became a volunteer in the first place and what’s in it for you in the future? Do you feel in control of your “volunteer career” or is it “just happening”? No matter the answer, if these questions appeal to you then join in the “I, the Volunteer” workshop. This reflection session is not about gaining new knowledge, acquiring skills or developing competencies. However, it will provide you with a clearer idea about who you are as an AFS volunteer and how you want your volunteer future to look like. Also, we’ll make sure to identify some of the strategies and next steps that will move you in the direction of your future dream. We are going to ask and answer a lot of appreciative questions; we’ll work with visualizations and apply a strategic planning tool called SOAR (strengths, opportunities, aspirations, resources/results) adapted for personal life. Expect to travel in time (both forward and backward) and also to enjoy the present moment!

Experiential learning Language: Czech Trainer: Martina Gilarová During this workshop we will learn about experiential learning via games and other activities. Not only will we acknowledge our most common stereotypes and prejudices but we will also explore the meaning of multicultural education.

Public Speaking Language: Czech Trainers: Lenie Šmejkalová, Kristýna Žáková Are you nervous when speaking publicly? Are you insecure about what to do with your hands or where to stand? Or do you just want to find out how to “dress” the transferred message in the best way? We will be focusing on practical activities and training. This workshop will be led in Czech.

Trainers Read who is going to lead the tracks and workshops. In this issue, we are presenting the first half of the trainers, the rest of them will be introduced in the next one. You see – there is a lot you can look forward to.

Kamil Provazník Country: Czech Republic Track/Workshop: How to present AFS? What did life with AFS give you and take away from you? I know that this might sound slightly pathetic, but I am convinced that if it were not of my AFS experience I would definitely not be the same person I am today. AFS has enriched me with not only many great new experiences but also has taught me how to become independent at a younger age, meet great friends and colleagues and how to orientate myself in today’s world. My case is definitely not copied and pasted from a promotional handbook. What has it taken away from me? A certain amount of time, which I could’ve used up in a different and less meaningful way. What future plans do you still have in AFS? What would you like to achieve in AFS? Up to this date it is my fourth year at the AFS board. It might seem like there is no more room for improvement but I believe that people are constantly learning and AFS enables this as it offers a great variety of learning. Due to the workload from my current job I will unfortunately not be connected to AFS as much as in the past nevertheless I will stay in touch.

If you should choose your (new) first name, what would it be and why? I’ve actually never really thought about it. Looking at Czech names I really like the name Michal, German names ex. Tobias. I don’t really have a reason in itself, the names just sound nice. I wouldn’t change my name for the world, I had quite a lot of success with it in Turkey. Have you ever wanted to become your own pet? If so, what would you be? During my hectic days I wish I were a fish in the sea, which can swim away from all the daily traps, and difficulties I have to face from time to time.

Kristýna Žáková Country: Czech Republic (Prague) Track/Workshop: Including the returnees within the AFS society; Public speaking What did life with AFS give you and take away from you? It has given me an incredible 10 years of intercultural experiences, new friendships and a lot of valuable knowledge and skills. It hasn’t taken away a thing from me- maybe except the fear of the unknown. What future plans do you still have in AFS? What would you like to achieve in AFS? My desire is to continue in giving workshops and to develop educational awareness via AFS. Hoping we will be primarily recognized as an educational organization not only by the public if not so by all the volunteers themselves. If you should choose your (new) first name, what would it be and why? I have no desire of changing my name; I’d say my parents did a good job on that. I would appreciate though if people would finally

understand where to write y and where i in my name... Have you ever wanted to become your own pet? If so, what would you be? I’ve never really given it a thought. But considering that our tortoise Zuzanka didn’t even survive the winter, I’d rather not take the risk.

Kristýna Polášková Country: Czech Republic (The office) Track/Workshop: Living Library What did life with AFS give you and take away from you? I could definitely write a book about this! It has unquestionably taken a lot of my spare time, which I have substituted by the work that I love and has a explicit purpose. What more could I ask for? What future plans do you still have in AFS? What would you like to achieve in AFS? One of my future goals is that, schools know what AFS is, what it offers and actively search anything related to AFS’. No more than step by step to change the educational system of the Czech Republic. If you are by any chance interested to join me on this journey contact me: If you should choose your (new) first name, what would it be and why? I wouldn’t change my current one. The greatest advantage of my name is, that most of the foreigners I have ever met have already heard about it or already know it. Therefore it is not difficult for them to memorize or pronounce it. I’d rather change my surname, but that’s a whole different story...

Have you ever wanted to become your own pet? If so, what would you be? Hell no! I would probably suffer a lot, having to wait days where nobody would feed me, take me out for walks or cuddle. Definitely not something I’d go for!

Lenie Šmejkalová Country: Czech Republic (Plzeň) Track/Workshop: Public speaking What did life with AFS give you and take away from you? It has given me countless new experiences and the best friends with which I continue having great adventures of life. It has taken away the easy black and white world I had in mind before. Everything seems so much more difficult than in the past, which sometimes is quite heavy to carry. What future plans do you still have in AFS? What would you like to achieve in AFS? At this precise moment I am starting up a Club of Professional Trainers and Joint-Pot (an initiative which we are developing together with Hungarians and Austrians and hopefully with future cooperation of Slovaks and Poles) If you should choose your (new) first name, what would it be and why? Eleonor (because of Eleonor Roosevelt – a fighter for human rights, obviously!) Have you ever wanted to become your own pet? If so, what would you be? To be honest not really, I don’t really enjoy greens. If I were to have a pet it would definitely be a goat ;)

Lukáš Jandač Country: Czech Republic (board of AFS) Track/Workshop: Marketing & AFS... how does it actually all work? What did life with AFS give you and take away from you? Partly thanks to AFS I am the person who I am today, therefore it seems rather impossible to list everything it has given to me these past 7 years. What has it taken away from me? Probably not only time which I wouldn’t have been able to spend in a better way anyways. What future plans do you still have in AFS? What would you like to achieve in AFS? With the cooperation of all AFS volunteers I look forward to spreading the word about AFS in hopes that even a stranger on the street will know what it is, which is the case in Italy for example. If you should choose your (new) first name, what would it be and why? I think Lukas is ok, besides everyone knows that I love myself way too much... Have you ever wanted to become your own pet? If so, what would you be? Most definitely my cat Mikes, he had a spectacular life – I send you greetings to cat heaven!

Martina Gilarová Country: Czech Republic Track/Workshop: Experiential learning What did life with AFS give you and take away from you? New horizons, opportunities, friends, experiences, self-realization. It has taken a bit of my privacy and time. What future plans do you still have in AFS? What would you like to achieve in AFS? I would like to: continue gaining new experiences, be a lecturer even in different activities, increase workshops in schools, spreading the word about AFS and to learn how non-profit organizations work. If you should choose your (new) first name, what would it be and why? I don’t know, I’m quite happy with the name I currently have. Have you ever wanted to become your own pet? If so, what would you be? Why should I? I have more than enough pets surrounding me already...

Michaela Svobodová Country: Czech Republic (Prague) Track/Workshop: Living Library What did life with AFS give you and take away from you? If I were to make a list of everything that I have gained from AFS, it would probably be enough for an article in the newspaper. With some acquisitions I meet on a daily basis including great friends, many unforgettable, irreplaceable experiences and adventures. The opportunity of growing each an every day is also one of the ones on the top of the list. To be frank with you, it has taken a lot of my free time, which I have spent voluntarily. My life with AFS has therefore gotten rid of boredom and stereotypes of life. What future plans do you still have in AFS? What would you like to achieve in AFS? Most of the times I reach my AFS goals unexpectedly and with no planning whatsoever. I believe that, even a path can be a goal’, so I therefore do everything to my best knowledge and consciousness. The outcomes usually surprise me. If you should choose your (new) first name, what would it be and why? As I child I wasn’t extremely fond of my name but nowadays there is not a single thing I’d change about it. I am proud of my originally Hebrew name that means, resembles God. Another great thing about the name is that you can easily create a lot of nicknames for it. Have you ever wanted to become your own pet? If so, what would you be? I feel like a pet myself already. My favorite activity is to pamper myself.

And what's next? In the next issue, you will learn: •

Who is preparing it (about the prep-team)

Who will be doing it (about the trainers)

How to get to České Budějovice

What you must not forget at home

What it is going to look like (the program)

The rules (of the game)


Do you want to know more right now? Then visit our website

Our thanks to... Megavikend 2013 is organized thanks to the project "Volunteers together" supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports

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