WTM-LA 2018

Page 55

Hotelaria Hotels de Janeiro achieved an average of 86% occupancy in its hotels with neighbourhoods such as Flamengo and Botafogo reaching 96%, followed by Ipanema, Leblon and Copacabana, at 89% and Barra da Tijuca, which recorded occupancy at 82%.

Belo Hor izonte had a 45% occupancy rate in its hotel network. The capital of Minas Gerais has gone from a departure city to a Carnival destination. Hotel occupancy in São Paulo reached 52% throughout the city, revealing a result above expectations for the

period. In the Northeast, Fortaleza closed its occupancy at 86.2% and Salvador, Recife and Olinda, which expected 90% occupancy, recorded 98.6%, 97% and 95% occupancy respectively, during carnival. Other non-traditional Carnival destinations have also had good

results. In Espírito Santo, the capital Vitoria and the mountains of Espírito Santo reached 95% of occupation and Guarapari, along with the whole coast, 85%. In Goiás, Caldas Novas reached 95% and Pirenópolis, 89%. In Boa Vista (RO), 79%.


Diária Média- Daily Average


Daily average


Abril / April 2018


São Paulo



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