10 Surprising Anti-Nausea Remedies That Actually Work

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Surprising Anti-NauseaRemedies ThatActuallyWork

1-Ginger:Ginger has been used for centuries to alleviate nausea, and research has shown that it can be an effective remedy for both motion sickness and morning sickness. You can consume ginger in a variety of ways, such as drinking ginger tea, eating ginger candy or chews, or taking ginger supplements.

2-Peppermint:Peppermint is another natural remedy that has been shown to reduce nausea. You can consume peppermint in the form of tea, chewing gum, or even by inhaling peppermint oil.

3-Acupressure:Applying pressure to specific points on your body can help alleviate nausea. One popular acupressure point for nausea is located on the inner wrist, about three finger-widths down from the base of the palm.

4-Lemon:Lemon has a refreshing scent that can help reduce nausea. You can try drinking lemon water or sucking on a lemon wedge to ease your symptoms

5-Bakingsoda: Baking soda is an alkaline substance that can help neutralize stomach acid and alleviate nausea. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with a glass of water and sip slowly.


6-Fennel:Fennel has a licorice-like taste and can help alleviate nausea, bloating, and gas. Try drinking fennel tea or chewing on fennel seeds.

7-Chamomile:Chamomile tea has a soothing effect on the stomach and can help alleviate nausea. Sip on a cup of chamomile tea to help ease your symptoms.

8- Aromatherapy:Certain scents, such as lavender and peppermint, can help alleviate nausea. You can try inhaling essential oils or using a diffuser to disperse the scent throughout a room.

9-Applecidervinegar:Apple cider vinegar has an alkalizing effect on the body and can help reduce nausea. Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and drink slowly.

10- Crackers:Eating plain crackers or toast can help settle your stomach and alleviate nausea. It's important to eat slowly and in small amounts to avoid aggravating your symptoms.

To get more anti nausea remedies online do visit Medy.ae.

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