Cardiff Life - Issue 260

Page 34



As you might have been able to tell from our front cover, we have a focus on property in this issue. Getting a glimpse inside other people’s homes is one of my favourite pastimes; not in a creepy way, mainly in a Rightmove-browsing kind of way, and it might sound a bit sad but nothing excites me more than when a new residential development comes to the city. Speaking of, on page 16, we show you around St. James, a former church which has recently been divinely reinvented into a magnificent collection of luxury apartments and townhouses. And flip to page 11 for plenty more new builds – from high-end dwellings, to the Atlantic Wharf Masterplan centred around the new arena. We were also invited to have a peep inside a newly revamped house on Pen-Y-Lan Road, the architectural details of which are simply exquisite (page 52). Elsewhere, don’t shoot the messenger, but it’s high time to book those Christmas parties. Yes, we said ‘the word’, and honestly, we agree with you, it doesn’t feel right what with those recent blistering days of summer still fresh in our minds. But we also know this: if you’re hoping to have a festive get-together to remember this year, then there’s no point in hanging about; bookings are already being bagged as we speak. So, pour yourself a Baileys and head to page 42 for a handful of our recommendations to get you started. As always, there’s plenty more – from our Green Man Festival experience (page 27) and transitional fashion shopping haul (page 34) to a bumper What’s On guide (page 22) and a chat with one of Europe’s most promising young stars (page 66).


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Enjoy! #CardiffTogether, always

Efallai i chi weld o’n clawr blaen ein bod yn canolbwyntio ar eiddo yn y rhifyn hwn. Un o’m hoff ddiddordebau yw cael gweld y tu mewn i gartrefi pobl eraill; nid mewn ffordd annifyr o gwbl, ond mewn ffordd debyg i rywun sy’n pori drwy Rightmove. Ac efallai y byddwch yn tristáu o glywed mai un o’r pethau sy’n fy nghyffroi i fwyaf yw clywed bod datblygiad preswyl newydd yn dod i’r ddinas. Ac o sôn am hynny, ar dudalen 16 rydym yn eich tywys o gwmpas St. James, sef hen eglwys sydd wedi’i throi yn ddiweddar yn gasgliad bendigedig o dai tref a fflatiau moethus. Yna, trowch i dudalen 11 i weld mwy fyth o ddatblygiadau newydd – o gartrefi drud wrth ymyl Parc y Rhath i’r prif gynllun ar gyfer Glanfa’r Iwerydd, y mae’r arena newydd yn ganolog iddo. Cawsom ein gwahodd hefyd i fwrw golwg ar dŷ sydd wedi’i ailwampio yn ddiweddar yn Heol Pen-y-Lan, y mae ei bensaernïaeth gywrain yn wledd i’r llygad (ar dudalen 52).

EDITORInstagram@CardiffLifeMag@cardifflifemag ’S LETTER I CARDIFF LIFE I 5

Fel arall – a chofiwch mai nid fi sydd ar fai am ddweud hyn – mae’n hen bryd i chi drefnu lleoliad ar gyfer eich parti Nadolig. Rydym wedi mentro yngan ‘y gair’! Rhaid cyfaddef ein bod yn cytuno â chi; mae’n rhyfedd meddwl am y Nadolig, a ninnau newydd gael cymaint o dywydd crasboeth. Ond rydym hefyd yn gwybod nad oes diben oedi os ydych yn gobeithio cael parti Nadolig bythgofiadwy eleni; mae lleoliadau’n cael eu harchebu’n barod, y funud hon. Felly, cymerwch wydraid o Baileys ac ewch i dudalen 42 i weld rhai o’n hargymhellion ni er mwyn dechrau arni. Mae yna lawer mwy hefyd, yn ôl yr arfer – o’n hymweliad â Gŵyl y Dyn Gwyrdd (ar dudalen 27) i siopa am ffasiwn ar gyfer y cyfnod rhwng dau dymor (ar dudalen 34), canllaw gorlawn i amryw ddigwyddiadau (ar dudalen 22), a sgwrs ag un o sêr mwyaf addawol Ewrop (ar dudalen #CaerdyddYnghyd,Mwynhewch!66).

bob amser Cardiff’s St. James Church has been transformed into luxury homes. See page 11 for more

Senior art editor Andrew Richmond Graphic design Megan

Production/Distribution manager Sarah Kingston sarah.kingston@mediaclash. Deputy production manager/Production designer Kirstie Howe

Editor Lisa Evans

We’re a Bath-based publisher, creative agency and event organiser Magazines portfolio of regional magazines celebrates the best of local living: Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter. Agency From the design and build of websites to digital marketing and creating company

Allison Cover design Trevor Gilham Contributors Nathan Wyburn, Wayne Courtney, Jane Cook Commercial manager Mark George Business development manager Claire Hawkins Business development manager Jordan Chambers jordan.chambers@mediaclash. New business manager Sophie Speakman

magazines, we can help. Events We create, market, promote and operate a wide variety of events both for MediaClash and our clients Contact: 341142 FEATURES 27 GOING GREEN Our review of Green Man, the biggest festival in Wales 42 PARTY TIME Don’t shoot the messenger but it’s time to book those Christmas parties ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT 21 A RTS The Banff Mountain Film Festival Tour comes to Cardiff 22 WHAT’S ON Arts, music, shows, events and more 57 SCENE Papping some of the most popular events locally – can you spot yourself? SHOPPING 33 SEASONLESS STYLE Year-round sustainable clothing from Out of Sync 34 EDITOR’S CHOICE Transitional fashion trends for those in-betweeny days HEALTH, BEAUTY AND WELLNESS 37 TINY TWEAKMENTS Our review of Cardiff’s Dr Kathryn Aesthetics & Skincare FOOD & DRINK 39 TASTY BITES Plenty of foodie news morsels for you to chew on 41 JANE COOK Our food and drink columnist spills the tea PROPERTY 11 TOP OF THE PROPS A look at the new-build highlights in the capital 52 REAL HOMES Inside an architectural redesign of a family home in Roath BUSINESS 63 CARDIFF WORKS News, views and brilliant businesses 65 CARDIFF LIFE AWA RDS 2023 The business highlight of the city is coming back! REGULARS 9 SPOTLIGHT Just a handful of feel-good stories 29 WYBURN AND WAYNE Our columnists have been out and about again 66 CARDIFF LIVES Natalya Romaniw is making her debut at the Cowbridge Music Festival ON THE COVER St. James Church, Cardiff, has been transformed into a collection of luxury apartments and townhouses. See page 11 for more. Issue 260 / September 2022 I CARDIFF LIFE I 7

Managing editor Deri Robins

Chief executive Greg Ingham Cardiff Life MediaClash, Carriage Court, 22 Circus Mews, Bath, BA1 2PW 01225 475800 @The MediaClash © All rights reserved. May not be reproduced without written permission of MediaClash

Chief executive Jane Ingham


We’re already planning for Cowbridge Pride 2023 and we can’t wait to share this special event with everybody.”



Authors BOOKED UP To celebrate its eighth birthday in September, Griffin Books in Penarth has planned a star-studded autumn line-up of events with a distinctly Welsh flavour. Here are some of our favourites: Maggie O’Farrell: The Marriage Portrait A special event with the incomparable Maggie O’Farrell, to mark the launch of her new novel, The Marriage Portrait. All Saints Church Penarth, 23 September Ruth Jones: Love Untold

Previous Red Dragon FM overnight host Matt Lissack also recalled the madness of The Love Room, labelling it a mix of Big Brother, The Cube and Love Island

Thomas has poignant memories of the Centre, having worked there for two decades, and having met her late wife, Julia, there. Moyra worked in Hollywood Bowl for 20 years; however, after her wife, who had worked as a cleaning operative in the centre for 13 years, passed away, Moyra decided to move into the cleaning team, taking over Julia’s role.

SPOTLIGHTSTORIES Steps star Ian ‘H’ Watkins is behind the CowbridgeinauguralPride


For more: Events

The BBC’s Middle East editor since 1989, Jeremy Bowen will be interviewed about his new book, The Making of the Modern Middle East All Saints Church Penarth, 11 October. For more:

The UK launch of Ruth Jones’ third novel is one of the many events being hosted by Griffin Books


Cardiff Bay’s Red Dragon Centre is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, and to mark the occasion they are sharing stories from some of the long-standing employees who have spent their working lives there. “The Centre has been a great place to work over the last 20 years, having moved with the times and offering something for everyone,” says Kristy John who started at Red Dragon FM in 2002 and is now station director for Capital FM. “One of my favourites memories was when Red Dragon FM ran a Valentine’s Day competition called The Love Room in 2007, where a couple won £5,000 after spending a week living in a tiny cube in the middle of the mall!”

“The world has changed since I was growing up,” says Ian. “I want my children to grow up celebrating diversity and representation. It’s important that Cowbridge reflects that. This is my passion project, something I’ve wanted to do for a while, and this year it’s happening.


Cowbridge is set to host its first pride event thanks to Steps star Ian ‘H’ Watkins. The pop singer is organising Cowbridge Pride having lived in the town with his children for the last seven years.

The week-long occassion will take place from 19 – 25 September and will consist of events, activities, art installations, education, talks and exhibitions for everyone to enjoy, with all of the money raised going to Cowbridge schools for LGBTQ+ resources. The Gala Fundraiser, sponsored by Bont Gin, at the Bear Hotel, hosted by BBC’s Owain Wyn Evans, Tina Sparkle and H, sold out within an hour, with other events – including a Pride disco, a fashion show, and a boozy brunch – still available to book at the time of writing. For more:

Having started working at the Centre in 2006, Matt’s seen the Centre change a lot, “The original Dr Who exhibition was located at the Centre for years,” he says. “I believe the creator and writer Russell T Davies once visited us to seeMoyrait!”

The original Dr Who exhibition

The UK launch of Ruth Jones’ third novel, Love Untold. Richard Burton Theatre, Cardiff, 27 September An Evening with Jeremy Bowen I CARDIFF LIFE I 11 PROPERTY


The International Sports Village is a new and improved sporting destination at the heart of the waterfront

There’s always something brilliant going on in Cardiff’s dynamic property sector; here are some of the most exciting new builds and projects shaping our city’s destiny

• An integrated public transport offer – further expanding the city’s geography of economic opportunity, including: Cardiff Parkway, with circa £1bn of investment offering a new railway station alongside a new business district that could support up to 10,000 new jobs for the city; completion of the Central Interchange, one of the tallest buildings in Cardiff that will house transport, new homes as well as office space that will be the new headquarters for Legal and General in Wales. This transformation of Central Square from what was a dilapidated corner of the city centre into what is now the commercial heartbeat of the city has been a remarkable achievement for all involved.

• The Wider Atlantic Wharf Masterplan – over £500m of investment to include a new 17,000-seater multipurpose arena, hotels and New Red Dragon Centre. It will act as an anchor to the wider investment offer around the Bay by creating a thriving new city neighbourhood that will offer a distinctive, attractive, flexible and vibrant use of space.

• Central Quay – another £1bn of investment. Here, developer Rightacres is regenerating the old Brains Brewery site that sits across 6.5 acres of prime development at the heart of the city centre, currently one of the largest private real estate developments in Europe.

“It’s one of thelargest developmentsrealprivateestateinEurope”

A look at the property highlights in the capital – from mammoth, city-changing developments and ground-breaking masterplans, to regeneration with wellbeing in mind and luxury, prestigious residential new builds.

• Canal Quarter – 800,000 sq ft of regeneration on Churchill Way, lifting the central reserve to expose the feeder canal below in order to create a new and vibrant city centre waterfront destination, a priority for the council.

BIG HITTERS A snapshot of the city’s most important future developments


• Dumballs Road – £1bn investment from developer partner Vastint covering 40 acres of brownfield site that links the city with Cardiff Bay, including 2,500 residential units, 54,000 square metres of commercial space, plus an additional space for leisure, hospitality and retail use.

“Cardiff is on an agenda to build back better and more sustainably,” says Juliet Gamlin, inward investment principal officer at Invest in Cardiff. “We are on track and delivering some of the biggest regeneration schemes on offer within the UK right now with around £6.5 billion in our current investment pipeline and more to follow as we move forward. So let me just highlight a few of the key projects…”

• The 21st century schools’ program – that’s £250m towards the biggest program of new and improved school development Cardiff has ever seen.

• International Sports Village – a new and improved sporting destination creating new leisure, sport and retail opportunities at the heart of the waterfront.

• Repurposing of City Centre – units bringing new life and a new offer to the city as an environment is created to attract visitors and businesses alike. The demand for ‘experiences’ is returning and people want to access what they cannot get, or feel, online.

• Western Gateway alliance – exploring high-value tidal and renewable energy and transport projects going forward.

• And the council’s biggest challenge – the ambition to make Cardiff a Carbon Neutral City by 2030, leading to improvements in air quality and open public spaces within our neighbourhoods. For more:

The Atlantic Wharf Masterplan –spotlit in this image – will see over £500m of investment to include a new 17,000-seater multipurpose arena, hotels and New Red Dragon Centre I CARDIFF LIFE I 13

We are working on several exciting projects in Cardiff and the UK. We have a strong legacy of delivering high-quality student accommodation in Cardiff, including The Bridge Street Exchange in the City Centre. While the demand for PBSA [purpose-built student accommodation] in Cardiff has reduced, there is a strong uptake in the provision of BTR [build-to-rent] developments – often as a part of a larger mixed-use masterplan. We have been working closely with Rightacres for several years on the Central Quay Masterplan on the site of the former Brains Brewery. The masterplan includes a variety of uses and has recently achieved planning approval for two blocks comprising circa 700 BTR apartments. Similarly, we have been working with Cardiff Council on the Atlantic Wharf Masterplan, centred around the new arena – the wider masterplan will include several residential development areas of varying tenures. These projects have been in progress for a considerable period, and their delivery will continue over the coming years. In the shorter term, we are on-site with BECT contractors to deliver 152 BTR units for Crossmark Developments at Landore Court on Charles Street in the City Centre, due to be completed in the summer of 2023. This scheme utilised a unitised façade system which should see impressive progress over the winter period.

Tell us a little bit about the business… Loosemores is a boutique law firm, providing an extensive range of legal advisory services to both business and individual clients in the thriving Cardiff and Vale residential and commercial property markets. We have a strong heritage, built up over 50 years, this is allied with a fresh, modern outlook and a commercial approach to solving the challenges that our clients face.

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Thoughts from a legal advisory expert

What’s in the pipeline in the near future?

14 I CARDIFF LIFE I BUILDING MOMENTUM A spotlight on architecture RIO AllensbankARCHITECTSRoad, Heath Chris Taylor, senior associate

The continuing growth of Cardiff is exciting to see, but must be tempered by the growing housing crisis. The redevelopment of citycentre brownfield sites into dense, urban, mixed-use neighbourhoods enhances the vitality and interest in the city; including provision of infill development of single-family homes is essential to cater for younger families and those looking to move out of the city centre. Cardiff has always been a compact city, and is fed successfully by the large number of nearby towns and villages within easily commutable distance.


JoanneHighLOOSEMORESStreet,CardiffWhitehead, partner and head of property

What are your thoughts on Cardiff’s residential scene at the moment?

We have a variety of interesting residential schemes on the drawing board that we hope will come into the public domain over the coming months, including the repurposing of a significant historic building into high-end housing, a large BTR development in Cardiff Bay, and a waterfront apartment complex.

What new projects can you tell us about?

Tell us a little bit about the firm… Founded 22 years ago, we are an architectural practice based in Cardiff and we work across multiple sectors, including mixed-use, social housing, private residential, student accommodation and wider non-residential projects. We have a team of about 45 architects, technologists, interior designers, visualisers and support staff.

above: The Central Quay project sees the regeneration of the old Brains Brewery site in the city centre; below: Canal Quarter will see regeneration on Churchill Way, lifting the central reserve to expose the feeder canal, creating a new city centre waterfront destination

Cardiff and the surrounding Cardiff City Region should look to grow effectively with investment in sustainable public transport solutions enabling a more commutable workforce without the need to develop greenfield sites on the periphery of the city, therefore protecting the character of Cardiff as a compact and vibrant city.

Landore Court, on Charles Street in the City Centre, is due to be completed next summer I CARDIFF LIFE I 15

We are already a strong letting brand and we’re looking forward to expanding our sales operations further in the next 12 months. Cardiff is a very competitive market and we want to be the go-to agent. We have great relationships developed with some small-scale developers who are looking to introduce interesting projects to the area – like eco-friendly homes – along with housing associations on larger plots. Last year, we launched our James Douglas Auctions service and this is another area that we foresee growing in the future.


Tell us a little about the business…

Chatting with two top local estate agents JAMES DOUGLAS SALES & LETTINGS Albany Road, Cardiff Levi St John, senior sales valuer


We help create a stress-free experience while moving home. Any agent can list a property and wait for enquiries, but finding the right person at the right price and then seeing that through to completion takes a different kind of agent. With one in three sales falling through in the UK, we’re proud that 90 per cent of our sales follow through to completion. We offer professional photography, floorplans, video tours and plenty of online exposure. What new-build properties can you tell us about?

What do you have your sights set on in the near future?

“It’s named as the most prestigious residentialchurch developmentin Cardiff”

What are your thoughts on Cardiff’s current residential scene?

There has been unprecedented growth over the past 18 months in Wales’s property market due to land transaction tax savings and lifestyle changes following the pandemic. While things are slowing down on the price growth front, there still appears to be a continuing lack of supply compared to demand. Going forward, rising interest rates and inflation are likely to affect affordability and the market across Wales. However, Cardiff, being the capital city, may be less affected.


For more:

We have recently listed three luxury new-build apartments near Roath Park. They are in the development phase and can be secured off plan.

all images on this page and opposite page: Cardiff’s St. James Church has been transformed into a collection of luxury apartments and townhouses

Entries into the Cardiff Property Awards are closing soon – on 22 September. Businesses ranging from architecture firms and developers to estate agents and interior designers are encouraged to enter. The Awards, celebrating the vibrant local property sector, will take place at Mercure Cardiff Holland House on 18 November.

What are your thoughts on Cardiff’s current residential scene?

After the craze of last year, with everyone rushing to take advantage of the Stamp Duty cuts, the residential scene seems to be becoming more relaxed. There is still a strong demand for people wanting to purchase properties, but quality, fresh stock appears to be slowing down. With the cost-of-living crisis, it’ll be interesting to see how things pan out in 2023. This could be a great time to list your property as there will be less competition. For more:

What are your thoughts on Cardiff’s current residential scene?

ST. JAMES CHURCH, Cardiff Named as the most prestigious residential church development in Cardiff, St. James Church, on Glossop Road, has been transformed into a collection of 14 luxury apartments and townhouses.

DIVINE REINVENTION Fancy living inside a landmark church?


MR AND MRS CLARKE South Wales Mike Watkins, director Tell us about the business…

The magnificent St James The Great Church, built between 1891 and 1894, was, according to Coflein – the online catalogue of buildings in Wales – designed in a late 13th century Gothic style, built of pink grey Swelldon stone with bathstone dressings and slate roofs and boasts stained glass windows, bathstone arches, marble stairs, a five-bay nave and a complex vaulted ceiling.

The church closed its doors in 2006 due to poor attendance, and it has finally been given a new lease of life.

The church was Grade-II listed by Cadw in 1975 and amended in 1997 for being ‘a masterpiece of E M Bruce Vaughan, whose finely composed tower and spire is a key feature on the Newport Road approach to the city centre and for group value with Cardiff Royal Infirmary’.

There are still pockets of craziness going on, but it’s the more attractive and well-marketed properties that are having lots of viewings and the odd bidding war here and there. As we head into winter though, it’s going to get tougher. The agents that work hard on preparing their properties for sale will do better than those that don’t, attracting people to view your property will become the key. For more:


We have been operating across South Wales since 2019. The property process has historically been a challenging one, with buyers and sellers feeling out of the loop from their estate agent. Having been in property a long time, I knew it could be done better. Placed squarely at the core of the business was the idea that being ‘discerningly different’ in everything we do would result in a service that not only was enjoyable, but was also empowering to home sellers. Many believe that the decision to buy a property is all about numbers – such as price and square footage – but we know it’s about something deeper, more soulful. At the core of the decision to buy one home over another is the moment you step into a new space and suddenly feel at home. That sense of belonging – of home – is what we aim to capture and share at every step of the process, from bespoke photography to home staging. We are there to champion the home, to showcase its values to the world, and to empower the home owner to take the next step on their journey.

The reinvention has been architecturally designed to create unique environments within this beautiful, historic building; the combination of generous space, traditional features, contemporary stained glazing and exposed beams make it an extra special place to live. n For more: or

The Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour is back for 2022, bringing the latest action and adventure films to venues around the UK and Ireland, including St David’s Hall, Cardiff, in October. Starring intrepid characters, extreme expeditions and stunning cinematography, the tour features two new collections of inspirational films from the wildest corners of the “Weplanet.areso excited to be sharing these awe-inspiring new films,” says tour director Nell Teasdale. “As well as adrenaline-packed stories from the world’s best adventure filmmakers, Banff events are a celebration of the great outdoors with a vibrant atmosphere – and we guarantee audiences will leave inspired to have an adventure of their own too.”

LIAUTARDJBBYPHOTO© still from Follow the Light, a film within the Banff collection





See The Banff Mountain Film Festival Tour in Cardiff on 1 October at St David’s Hall;


This show finds Joe (the artist formerly known as Hugo Boss) exploring his love of art, toying with companies on Instagram, and the perils of online trolls. Motorpoint Arena, city;

11 September CHAPTER FOUR: SUNDAY JAZZ Chapter’s in-house jazz group brings swinging tunes to the arts centre. Chapter Arts, Canton;


The Lip Sync assassin and dancing diva Tayce from RuPaul’s Drag Race UK is finally going on tour. Tramshed, Clare www.tramshedcardiff.comRoad;


Oasis frontman Liam Gallagher will bring his solo tour to Cardiff for an outdoor gig. He will be supported by 90s indie legends The Charlatans. Alexandra Head, Cardiff Bay; 23 September –


The Salsa party night is back! Get ready for Latin dance line-ups, salsa, bachata and reggaeton hits until 1am. Revolucion de Cuba, The Friary;

CLUBBRUNCH This regular rooftop brunch features 90 minutes of bottomless prosecco, a two- or three-course brunch and live music. The Botanist, Church Street;


On now, until 10 September FRIENDSICAL TOUR An original parody musical inspired by the beloved TV show Friends. This stage show crams all 10 seasons into 60 minutes of nostalgic fun. New Theatre, Park Place;


Most Fridays

NUKE Party anthems, cult classics and dance floor bangers. Clwb Ifor Bach, Womanby Street;


ANTHEMS OF ROCK Allow this show – featuring fireworks, flames, three West End credited vocalists and a five-piece band –to take you back to the heyday of 80s rock. Memo Arts Centre,; Every Thursday HAVANA FIESTA

Thursdays – Sundays

9 December AMSERJAZZTIME RWCMD’s Friday jazz club performs everything from bebop, to funk and soul. RWCMD, Cathays Park; 24 September

Every Friday and Saturday COMEDY NIGHTS

FOOD & DRINK 24 September and 8 October

THE CORPORATION YARD An indie outdoor street food, drinks and social hub where you’ll find scrumptious offerings and an exciting programme of regular events. The Corporation Yard, Cowbridge Road East;

A collection of stars from London’s West End, backed by a phenomenal nine-piece band, will perform a concert celebrating the music of Neil Diamond. Sophia Gardens, Cardiff; 30 September

The Welsh National Opera has announced its new programme, including: Janáček’s The Makropulos Affair; Puccini’s La bohème; new opera Migrations; Shostakovich’s Cherry Town, Moscow; and new commission The WalesShoemakerMillennium Centre, Cardiff Bay;

On now, until 11 September NOFIT STATE: SABOTAGE Back in the Big Top, Sabotage brings a darker, grittier, more subversive edge to NoFit State’s trademark large-scale contemporary circus spectacular. Sophia Gardens, Cardiff; 11 September – 22 October WNO’S AUTUMN 22 SEASON

Grab your dancing queens and come together for the naughtiest nuptials of the century. Say ‘I do’ to freeflowing drinks, a brunch and a day of show-stopping shenanigans. Tonight Josephine, Caroline Street;

Treat yourself to an evening of award-winning comedy. Four superb stand-ups will keep you laughing until Monday. The Glee Club, Mermaid Quay;

WHAT’S ON From 9 onwardsSeptember Harry Styles has announced new tour dates, including a Cardiff stop




Having hit 60 (but still a year younger than Madonna), Jenny confronts a new decade of decrepitude. Sherman Theatre,;

superhero fancy dress 5k before heading to the Heroes Village where there’ll be entertainment, food and music. Fundraising for Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital. Pontcanna Fields, Cardiff;


Annie’s rich, flowing artworks proffer a contemporary take on classical subjects. TEN Gallery, Roath; 10 September KEALEY FARMER LAUNCH

MAKENZY BEARD SOLO EXHIBITION Hailed as one of the post prodigious young artists to come out of the UK, Makenzy Beard’s work is now internationally recognised, with collectors across the globe. Blackwater Gallery, Pendeen;

An indoor and outdoor attraction featuring a petting and feeding zoo, crazy mini golf, a train that takes you on a tour of the park, and a new soft play area. Began Road, Michaelston-y-Fedw, Cardiff;


On now, Septemberuntil2023


On now, until 5 March 2023


National Museum Cardiff, Cathays Park; 9 September ANNIE MORGAN SUGANAMI

The Albany Gallery, Albany Road;

From clog dancing and traditional games to creative workshops and exciting performances, there’s a whole host of free activities for young people to enjoy at Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales’s museums. Amgueddfa Cymru;


This display will include objects from Pride events held across Wales, from protest banners to LGBTQ+ campaign badges. St Fagans National Museum of History, Cardiff;

HEATH PARK MINI RAILWAYS DAYS Ride miniature trains and trams in an enclosed, safe environment. King George V Drive East, Cardiff; 25 September

DICK & DOM IN DA BUNGALOW To celebrate 20 years since cult hit TV show Da Bungalow hit our screens, quadruple Bafta awardwinners Dick & Dom are back with an extensive UK tour. New Theatre, Park; 25 September THE SUPERHERO DASH Run or walk the family-friendly,


On now, until 10 September SUMMER SHOW

This farm village retreat offers an interactive animal experience with pygmy goats, micro pigs, alpacas, meerkats, reindeers and more. Caerphilly;

The new collection from the awardwinning contemporary mixed media artist. Adamo Gallery, Morgan Arcade; 16 September – 14 October


Most Fridays and Weekends MOUNTAIN VIEW RANCH

above: An exhibition of Rithika Pandey’s work is at Chapter Arts; left: Cate Le Bon will be at Llais festival in October

Put your shaking skills to the test with an infamous cocktail masterclass in this new-to-Cardiff venue. The Cocktail Club, St Mary Street, Cardiff;



Here you’ll find Wales’s only Gruffalo Trail, as well as outdoor trampolines, a fairy forest, a Hobbit hill, zip lines and a dragon’s nest. Heol Penybryn, Blaengwynlais, Cardiff;


An exhibition created with minoritised communities in response to a portrait of Sir Thomas Picton – a war hero who also terrorised the island of Trinidad where he was Governor.

On now, until 11 September FUN AT THE MUSEUM

This changing exhibition includes a private collection of original works by some of the gallery’s top-selling artists.



There are three heritage trails to choose from: a Sculpture Trail with wood carvings, old mining caves, and Castell Coch for touring. Fforest Fawr;

On now, until 18 September AQUA PARK CARDIFF Bigger, better, wetter ‘n’ wilder than ever before, Wales’s biggest Aqua Park is in Cardiff Bay for the summer. The inflatable obstacle course features slides, trampolines, monkey bars and blast bags. Cardiff Bay; 18 September

An hour outside Cardiff, trek with an adorable gang of fluffy alpacas (that you walk on leads!) while taking in stunning natural views. Brecon Beacons;

A selection of evocative and deeply personal paintings for Chapter’s Art in the Bar programme that shares a nomadic embrace of surrealist futures. Chapter Arts, Canton;

WALK FOR PARKINSON’S Starting and ending at Cardiff Castle, walk one or five and a half miles around beautifully landscaped gardens in the heart of the city. Bute Park, Cardiff;

A four-day music festival at Kings Road Yard (dates may change). Pontcanna Market,; MARKETS

Every week

More than 100 farmers and small producers sell food and drink across three regular markets every week: Rhiwbina Farmers Market on Fridays, Roath Farmers Market on Saturdays, and Riverside Farmers Market on Sundays. There is also a monthly market at St Fagans and pop-up markets at Cardiff Met University, and The Riverside night market takes place on the last Wednesday of the month. Across Cardiff;

This inaugural charitable swimming event, hosted by Cardiff’s bigmoose, will aim to inspire swimmers and non-swimmers alike to use swimming for good. Speakers include awardwinning author and adventure activist Jessica Hepburn, and the first woman to swim a mile inside the Antarctic Circle, Cath Pendleton (AKA The Merthyr Mermaid). voco St David’s Hotel, www.bigmoosecoffeecompany.coCardiff;




This year’s festival offers 30 walks of up to 14 miles and several themed walks with local history, geology and more. Across the Vale of;


The festival will welcome worldclass musicians – from Natalya Romaniw, to Kizzy Crawford – to the market town. The theme for this year is Songs from my Homeland, a celebration of Welsh music-making. For more, see page 66.; 19 – 25 September

Whether you fancy a spot of family white water rafting, gorge walking, hotdogging (inflatable kayaking) or SUP, head down to CIWW. Cardiff International White Water; Ongoing ICE SKATING

The week-long festival will consist of events, activities, art installations, education, talks and exhibitions. For more, see page 9. Cowbridge; 29 September – 2 October

Coldplay’s world tour is coming to Cardiff

An annual city-wide programme of events to celebrate the city’s good food movement. Across Cardiff; www.

Every month


The first space of its kind in a Welsh arts centre, the newly opened Bocs (Welsh for Box) will present a programme of immersive digital experiences – from 360° films and projections to extended reality (XR) experiences. Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff Bay;

WHAT’S ON 17 September – 22 October WICKER WOMAN

The world’s first Cosy Cinema Pod Park has landed in Cardiff. You’ll find private pods – big enough for couples, families and small groups – where you can stream media of your choice (from Netflix originals, to boxsets, to movies, or even live sport or video games) on 92-inch screens. You can even stay overnight. Caravan Park, Fields Parks Road, Pontcanna;

A firm favourite in Wales’ foodie calendar, St Fagans will come alive with over 80 food, drink and craft stalls nestled among the historic buildings. St Fagans National Museum of History;

16 – 25 September


GREEN TOP EVENTS Artisan food, craft, clothing and gift markets are held at Cardiff Garden Centre in St Mellons (on the last Friday of each month), and at the Norwegian Church in the Bay (on the first Saturday of each month). Cardiff; OTHER 23 September MAGGIE O’FARRELL: THE MARRIAGE PORTRAIT Penarth’s Griffin Books bookshop will host a special event with bestseller Maggie O’Farrell to mark the launch of her highly anticipated new novel, The Marriage Portrait. For more, see page 9. All Saints Church; 24 September



19 September SWIM 4 GOOD

Get your skates on and take to the ice with the whole family. Our favourite session is the Friday Night Ice Party, Fridays from 8.15pm. Ice Arena Wales, Olympian Drive;


COWBRIDGE PRIDE Cowbridge is set to host its first Pride event thanks to Steps star Ian ‘H’ Watkins who has organised it.




This is a solo exhibition for Kate Shooter – a winner of the 2021 MADE Art Prize. Cardiff MADE, Lochaber Street, Roath; Most weekends CERAMIC WORKSHOPS Matthew Jones’ workshops cater for groups of up to four, all making pottery items on the wheel. Get creative, get your hands dirty and BYOB if you like. Matthew Jones Ceramics Barry, www.matthewjonesceramics.comGoodsheds;

30 September

The 70th Anniversary tour of The Mousetrap, the longest running play in the world, is visiting over 70 venues throughout the UK and Ireland from September. New Theatre, Park; 6 – 7 June 2023

The alternative rock trio are going back on tour. Motorpoint Arena, city; 22 – 26 November

Iris is home to the largest short film prize in the world; the festival brings filmmakers from around the world to Cardiff. Opening night sees six new film premiered. S4C’s Angharad Mair will host. 21 – 23 October S N FESTIVAL


CARDIFF CASTLE GHOST TOUR Explore the castle at night and discover its ghostly goings on. Cardiff Castle; 9 October BAFTA CYMRU


One of Britain’s most treasured bands is heading out on tour with The Fratellis and The Sherlocks. Motorpoint Arena, city; 14 November BIFFY CLYRO

Principality Stadium; Westgate www.principalitystadium.walesStreet; 20 June 2023


The 31st BAFTA Cymru Awards will make a return to a live, in-person ceremony, with Alex Jones as host. St David’s Hall, The; Every Friday BINGO LINGO


Since the band’s record-breaking tour began this year, more than four million tickets have been sold, and they show no signs of slowing down, with extra dates just added.



Nominations are open for the Cardiff Property Awards 2022 until 22 September. Businesses ranging from architecture firms and developers to estate agents and interior designers are encouraged to enter. The Awards, celebrating the dynamic local property sector, will take place at Mercure Cardiff Holland House. March 2023

18 (NominationsNovember are closing soon!)

FESTIVAL WORLD TOUR Banff is bringing evenings of thrilling adventure films from world’s best adventure film-makers to venues around Wales. For more, see page 21. St David’s Hall, The;



CARDIFF LIFE AWARDS Save the date! Our city-wide awards ceremony is coming back to City Hall! We can’t wait to welcome 500 local business people to celebrate the greatest successes of the year with us. Nominations will open this winter. For more, see page 65.

It’s bingo with the dust shaken out; one of the wildest events in Cardiff. DEPOT; Curran www.depotcardiff.comEmbankment; Year round COIN, COAL AND CHEERS Hensol Castle Distillery, the Royal Mint Experience and A Welsh Coal Mining Experience at Rhondda Heritage Park have joined forces to provide an action-packed day out for tour planners. Various venues;

The iconic road race around the city is back for its second time this year. Cardiff; 8 October FIM WORLD SUPERCROSS BRITISH GRAND PRIX

Cardiff will host the first ever World Supercross British Grand Prix later this year, where for one historic night the sport’s biggest stars will meet on the ultimate dirt bike battlefield, along with epic freestyle motocross stunts, live music and awe-inspiring pyrotechnics. Principality Stadium; Westgate www.principalitystadium.walesStreet; 11 – 16 October IRIS PRIZE LGBTQ+ FILM FESTIVAL


This multi-venue music festival is based entirely in Cardiff’s city centre. Opening night takes place at Tramshed, with the BC Camplight playing their biggest Welsh headline show to date, and you’ll see the likes of Panic Shack, Lime Garden and transatlantic alt-rock duo Prima Queen too. Across Cardiff; 26 – 30 October LLAIS Formerly the Festival of Voice, Llais is an annual international arts festival inspired by the instrument that connects us all. The line-up includes Pussy Riot, John Cale in his 80th birthday year, Paraorchestra and Brett Anderson, Abdullah Ibrahim, Midlake, black midi, Cate Le Bon and Bombino. Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff Bay; 3 November KAISER CHIEFS

SPIKE: UK TOUR Ian Hislop and Nick Newman’s comedy, Spike, sees Olivier Awardwinning actor John Dagleish reprise his role as Spike Milligan. New Theatre, Park; 1 December –1 January 2023

Due to popular demand (of course), international superstar Harry Styles has announced the continuation of Love On Tour with 19 newly announced dates in Europe, including a show in Cardiff.

Principality Stadium; Westgate www.principalitystadium.walesStreet; n above: The Iris Prize LGBTQ+ Film Festival lands in October; right: Alice Low will be at Llais festival in October


CHRISTMAS AT BUTE PARK Tickets are on sale for this year’s Christmas at Bute Park, a breathtaking festive festival of light – the biggest Wales has ever seen. See page 49 for more. 14 – 18 March 2023


Once again Green Man proves why it is the best festival on the planet

There were also inspirational talks in the Babbling Tongues from the likes of Jess Phillips MP; first-class comedy from Lolly Adefope and Mark Steel; groundbreaking science over in Einstein’s Garden plus art displays, secret cocktail bars, vintage clothing stalls, healing fields, a Pride parade, Morris dancing, and ending it all with a beautiful bang was the traditional burning of the Green Man effigy along with a spectacular firework display. We left exhilarated, rejuvenated, and checking the dates for the early bird tickets. (It’s 29 September so be ready).

“Such is the power of the festival these days that it sold outwithin 72 hours”

For those who like their rock with a story to tell, Scottish duo Arab Strap set the Far Out alight; bringing an ecstatic glam into contemporary experimental rock was Yves Tumor and Its Band; the soaring vocals and soft folk sounds of actor Jessie Buckley and former Suede guitarist Bernard Butler brought about a spellbinding sunset performance in the Walled Garden. Then of course there were the big hitters who gathered hopeful crowds and didn’t let them down. Ezra Furman brought tears, kicked ass, made us dance, and electrified, entertained and enchanted from beginning left: The audience wore 3D glasses for Friday’s Kraftwerk performance; right: The Green Man effigy is burned on Sunday to mark the close of the festival



Some have called Green Man the Welsh Glastonbury. Nah. That’s doing Green Man a disservice because it’s much, much better than that. Now in its 20th year, Green Man has built its solid, much-loved reputation on welcoming vibes, thoughtful line-ups, and embracing its Brecon Beacons beauty – the Mountain stage sits amidst the Black Mountains backdrop as if it was born to be there. Such is the power of the festival located on Crickhowell’s Glanusk Estate these days that it sold out within 72 hours despite Michael Kiwanuka being the only confirmed headliner, and even he’s played there twice before. This was my 14th Green Man and it was discovered as an alternative to Glastonbury which I’d fallen out of love with (I could cite franticness, competitiveness, and insane overcrowding as reasons – all true – but it was the use of umbrellas that finally did me down – what kind of fair-weather phoney brings a brollie to a festival?!). My first visit in 2008, the ageing folk-jazz band Pentangle headlined on the Sunday, it rained solidly, and people put their hoods up and smiled. I fell in love and have never ever looked back. Somehow the festival continues to evolve, managing to find another area within its compact space to offer something new – this year a relaxation and workshop space for the teenagers. And yet you’d be struggling to find any compromises – instead each new component slides into place – another gem to be uncovered as you wander the fields, crisp Welsh pint in one hand and locally sourced delicious grub in the other.


to end, while German electronic pioneers Kraftwerk, at what was their first-ever festival appearance, delivered a hypnotic 3-D spectacle of sound and vision. Poet and singer Kae Tempest powerhoused their way into our hearts with their thought-provoking and beautiful lyrics, and Michael Kiwanuka took us on the transcendental journey proving he’s on the path to securing his status as one of Britain’s all-time greats. Local boy who always makes good Gruff Rhys turned up as the Sunday surprise special guest and, if that wasn’t enough, raised the bar by teaming up with Imarhan, an Algerian Tuareg desert rock quintet, to deliver a unique performance that charmed and captivated.

The line-up for 2022 was stellar, and yet so eclectic it could carry the strapline ‘something for everyone’. For those who want to bag bragging rights to ‘having seen them first’, Thursday saw a wealth of local talent celebrated including indie rockers Adwaith; Cardiff popsters Papur Wal; and the wonderfully surreal John MOuse, who sang of pigeons, Citreons, and Newport.

By Sarah Moolla


For more:

74b Albany Road, Cardiff, CF24 3RS | T: 029 2078 9171 | E: Gallery open: Tuesday - Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday 11am-4pm | www.albanygallery.comCeramicsbyPaulWearingGWYNROBERTS 16 September8 October ALBANY GALLERYViewimagesonourwebsite



About our columnists: Nathan Wyburn is a pop culture artist who uses non-traditional mediums such as Marmite, beans, soil and fake tan; and Wayne Courtney is a healthcare support worker at University Hospital of Wales. They are also Radio Cardiff DJs with their own show, and they run St Andrew’s Coffee Court in Cardiff. Follow them on social: @wyburnandwayne / @wyburnwayne

A fter a two-year absence, the Pride Cymru celebrations returned to the city on August Bank Holiday weekend. It was like Cardiff in bloom; the weekend started with the Pride parade and explosion of colour filled our city streets. It was a great carnival atmosphere and exciting to see Cardiff bursting with thousands of people out to enjoy. It was great to be back on the main stage too, performing an 80s set; the crowd was fantastic – who doesn’t like an 80s party, right? It was such a thrill to see Melanie C, Bimini and Boney M to name a few, but it was so heart-warming to see the local acts that work the Cardiff scene performing on a huge stage to massive crowds. Well done Pride Cymru for coming back with such a fabulous weekend of celebrations.

“Upcoming: some of the biggest spectacles the theatre has ever hosted”

Recently, The Botanist invited us along to their rooftop soirée where they had a Madri takeover; we’ve become fans of an ice-cool beverage during the summer heatwaves, so an evening of free beer on the most exclusive rooftop in Cardiff was just bliss. The host with the most, Jay Page, even treated us to a raucous game of musical bingo where we won even more beer! So much fun. Keep an eye out for more Madri takeovers at The Botanist plus the opening of their sister venue The Club House in Cardiff Bay. It’s fair to say we are MASSIVE Cher fans, so when The New Theatre announced The Cher Show was coming to Cardiff, we were beyond excited. The show was just fabulous, the cast incredible, the sets fantastic, and the sequins, well let’s just say there are lots of sequins. We also enjoyed a pre-show gettogether with other reviewers and guests, and theatre manager Steffan talked us through the autumn/winter programme. It was great to be back at The New Theatre too; it has had some pretty impressive renovations this summer, including revamped bars and new toilets, it’s looking very smart. Steffan talked us through the upcoming programme of shows which includes some of the biggest spectacles the theatre has ever hosted; these are exciting times for The New Theatre. Two big acts guested on our Radio Cardiff Show recently to promote their upcoming shows in the city. One of the founding members of Genesis, Steve Hackett, was an absolute treat to chat to; it was great to hear the stories from one of the most influential bands to emerge from British rock. Steve is playing St David’s Hall on 10 September.

Our other big guest was Steven Collazo of Odyssey fame; Odyssey is supporting The Four Tops and Temptations this October at The Motorpoint Arena. In other news, we spent two nights in Wrexham recently at Wales Comic Con; Nathan created some unique pieces of art for some of the special guests and we got to hang out with cast members of Stranger Things! It was really nice to enjoy the weekend with other Cardiff-based guests too, namely the legend Mark Lewis Jones and Dr Rhys Jones. We love Wales Comic Con and it’s great to see so many huge American actors visiting; even Ryan Reynolds was nearby taking selfies at the footballCardiff’sground.StAndrew’s Coffee Court hosted the first ever NHS Big Gig Buskathon raising money for The Cardiff & Vale Health Charity; organiser Bex put together an impressive line-up of acts. For now, we must get back to reading our script for this year’s Panto (Peter Pan) Rehearsals start soon and there’s a lot to learn. Bye for now, from Captain Hook and Smee!

Move over Ant & Dec. Make way Edina & Patsy. Stand aside Batman & Robin. Our dynamic duo are in town and they’re here to give us the low down on the Cardiff high life

Recently, THE PARADE SPECIALIST DENTAL CENTRE held a special ‘thank you’ event at the incredible Celtic Manor resort...



Dr David Richards is our sedation dentist and joined the Parade in 2020. Dr Richards is a referral on dentist and provides sedation to nervous patients to help with any dental anxiety. THE TEAM


Dr Adrian Binney is a specialist in periodontics and has a special interest in dental implants. He joined the Parade in 1997 and is a referralonly dentist.

A t the Parade, we have specialist dentist working with us, due to this we receive a high number of referrals from other dental practices. As a thank you, we held a private event, which included a BBQ, drinks and music to celebrate a successful year. The event will be taking place every year and we are looking forward to another successful turn out in 2023. We accept referrals for the following: OPG, IMPLANTS, RCT, ORAL SURGERY, PERIODONTICS, CT SCANS, SEDATION. As of October, The Parade will have seven dentists who will be able to help with all the dental treatments noted. Once we receive a referral we aim to have seen the patients within a two-week timeframe. The Parade Specialist Dental Centre is a private, platinum, referral dental practice based in Cardiff city centre ■ For more information contact practice manager Stephanie Richards, on 02920 481486 or email:

Dr Mike Page has a keen interest in dental surgery and implants. He joined the Parade in 2007. Dr Page accepts referrals for Implants, RCT and restorative dental treatment.


SHOPPINGSEASONLESS based in Lisvane, Cardiff.

“Versatility is of the utmost importance to increase the lifespan of a garment, reducing the impact on the environment and combatting a throw-away culture,” says Kate Lewis, co-founder of familyowned luxury womenswear brand Out of Sync, “Out of Sync’s vision is to curate your wardrobe essentials to be treasured beyond each season. Creating seasonless collections, each outfit can transition from day to night, from summer to winter. Ageless design through thoughtful layering means these pieces can be loved for a lifetime.”

Pictured: Camel jacket, £499; Camel trouser, £395; from

STELLA NOVA ELY SWEATER, £209 Make a statement in voluminous-sleevedthislipdesignsoftknit. From Kiti Cymru, Pontcanna Street;

ULVEFLOK BOMBER, £80 EACH These bombermade-in-Walesjacketsarefrom the Llên clothing range, which promotes regardlessself-identity,ofage,race,gender,ethnicityorsize.Itisforthewearertocreatetheirownnarrativewiththegarment,tofallinlovewithit,wearitforever,thenpassitonforitsstorytocontinue.

From Vedra, High Street, Cowbridge;

AMAYA CHUNKY CHELSEA BOOT, £50 With its neatral colourway and super thick cleated outsole, this boot positively stomps into the new season. From Schuh, Grand Arcade, St David’s Cardiff;

From Llên Studio, Heath, Cardiff;

RIDLEY JUMPER, £169 Crafted from wool-cashmere blend fabric, this jumper has a relaxed fit and slouchy cowl neck which we desperately want to sink into.

A beautifully ‘clean girl’ aesthetic oversized sweater, with a statement roll neck.

KATE WIDE LEG TROUSERS, £50 Offering a balance of structure and drape, these checked trousers create an effortless silhouette.


layeringdilemmaNavigateTRENDSTRANSITIONALtheannualsummer-to-autumndressingwithourpickofsnugglyouterwear,optionsandpracticalfootwear 34 I CARDIFF LIFE I

From AllSaints, The Hayes, St David’s Cardiff;

From Box Edit Boutique, Goodsheds, Barry;


PINAFORE DRESS, £280, AND CULOTTES, £265 This hand-crafted, avant-garde pinny dress is designed to be a statement piece to complete a layered outfit; pair with high-waisted culottes for a fashion-forward look. From Out of Sync, Lisvane,;

Cardiff-based fashion brand Soul Sisters celebrated its first year in business with a new glamorous collection named after the epitome of sass from the 70s, Charlie’s Angels. From Soul Sisters, Canton, Cardiff;

TAPED GILET, £160 Inspired by street, skate, and sneaker culture, Perverse Demand breaks boundaries between luxury and comfort. From Perverse Demand,;

L26 TOTE, £23 Delivering the grown-up version of the back-to-school vibe is this roomy tote – from a local brand on a journey towards sustainable minimalism. From L26, Llandaff, www.l26sustainablefashion.comCardiff;



DRESS, £20 garment that stands the test Inspired by street, skate, and Perverse

OVERSIZEDDRESS,POCKET£20 If you’re looking for a one-ofa-kind, sustainably sourced garment that stands the test of time, then get down to Fussy Vintage. We swooned over this 80s dress (size XL). From Fussy Vintage, Goodsheds, Barry;

CABLE-FRONT JUMPER, £139 We love a cosy cable, and this oatmeal marl knit looks as snuggly as can be. From The White Company, St David’s Cardiff; www.thewhitecompany.


Barry: 7/8 Ty Verlon Ind Est, Cardiff Rd, Vale of Glamorgan, CF63 2BE E-mail: Phone: 01446 739739

Newport: Unit 1 & 2 East Market Street, Newport, NP20 2AY E-mail: Phone: 01633 927927 MORE AT: WWW.VALEVETCENTRE.CO.UK

Cardiff: 233 Cathedral Road, Pontcanna, Cardiff, CF11 9PP. E-mail: Phone: 02920 004007



TWEAKMENTmagazine-worthy TIME

Dr Kathryn Aesthetics & Skincare, Lake Road West, Cyncoed, Cardiff CF23 5PL family home which overlooks Roath Lake – I decided to go for three tweakments: tear trough filler, botox and lip enhancement. In my 33 years, I’ve only tried out one of those: lip filler, many years ago, and only once. I found it to be an incredibly painful experience, even with numbing cream applied. This, however, was to be a very different experience. But we’ll get to that shortly. For me, the most nerve-racking was the tear trough procedure; the thought of having needles that close to my eyeballs made me clench my thoughtfully provided stress ball extra hard. But there were no needles. One tiny pin prick was made in my cheek – leaving no mark afterward – and then a blunt-ended cannula (a safer and more advanced technique) was popped into my cheek until it reached my undereye, an uncomfortable feeling but not at all painful; I could only feel wiggling pressure.

Kathryn handed me the mirror after one side was complete and I almost cried with gladness at the I-just-woke-up-like-this freshness looking back at me. Repeat on the other side and all was finished within minutes; it will now last a whole year. Next up was the botox; this one wasn’t painful either; I expected long, scary needles being fed under the skin, but no, just the tiniest of nicks delivering one-second bursts of antiwrinkle treatment only where desired – the frown lines and upper forehead for me, with the added extra of a little at the sides to raise my brows by a fraction. Onto the lips; having said to Dr Kathryn that I was a bit of a wimp, she suggested a few numbing injections first. Isn’t that pointless, I thought? Having even more injections in my face seemed counterintuitive. Wrong. Bearing in mind that Kathryn delivers complex procedures such as epidurals and nerve blocks on a daily basis as an anaesthetist, the light touch and the fine needles barely felt like anything, and the actual lip injections were like soft angel kisses thereafter.

A small amount of filler was dispensed

Subtle, non-invasive aesthetic procedures that deliver natural results – AKA ‘tweakments’ – are trending right now. I met with an expert on the subject, Dr Kathryn – a doctor with 22 years of experience, and a full-time consultant anaesthetist working in the NHS – who runs her own clinic, Dr Kathryn Aesthetics & Skincare, on her days off. And what better way to learn about tweakments than to have them done to my own face? Cue the anxiety.

The judgement around nips and tucks seems to have dissipated in recent years (save for my nan’s opinion); what was once seen as pure vanity is now often looked at as a self-esteem boost or a positive act of self-care. If you want to be a tweakee, do it for you, but do your research first! ■

Lisa Evans receives a less-is-more makeover via subtle injectables at Dr Kathryn Aesthetics & Skincare in Cyncoed Main photo by Gemma Griffiths

BotoxTWEAKMENTS:LISA’S , which starts from £150 Tear trough filler, £350 Lip filler, which starts from £175 Kathryn, a doctor with 22 years of experience, launched her own aesthetics clinic at her home in 2018

Kathryn, whose mere barefoot, smiley presence put me at ease – as did the many framed certificates on her wall – laid out an all-I-could-eat buffet of treatments to choose from, such as dermal fillers, microneedling, customisable chemical peels, and non-surgical rhinoplasty. After a lengthy consultation in her oh-so-beautiful clinic – a natural-sunlightwashed room in her décor I CARDIFF LIFE I 37

where I was experiencing volume loss, and there you have it, instant rejuvenation.

The amount of filler administered? A discreet 0.1ml; compare that to my previous experience of 1ml, and you can see it’s basically nothing; it was the most minor of adjustments, which evened out my slightly wonky cupid’s bow, and the bottom lip was leftNoneuntouched.ofthetreatments are meant to be noticeable; Kathryn says people will see that you look well but they won’t be able to put their finger on the reason. Of course, I can tell, and I couldn’t be more delighted with the results. The best bit was that there were no unsightly after effects – zero bruising – and no aftercare was needed other than a little ice.


Smashed Cardiff LTD


Instagram: @smashed_cardiff_ltd Nighthawks In Castle Arcade you’ll find the sleek, glassfronted Nighthawks, a new contemporary wine bar offering a frequently changing list of handpicked wines. All wines are poured by the glass alongside paired cold plates, charcuterie and grilled cheeses, and you won’t find any intimidating wine lists, overwhelming jargon or wine snobbery. Did you know, downstairs is home to one of Cardiff’s best kept secrets: the ultimate wine cellar – a cosy and candlelit drinking den with carefully curated cocktails and champagne.


The inspiration for Splott-based Mabin is from the Mabinogion – a collection of tales dating prior to the Middle Ages. “Each orator would add their own flair to the stories they told,” says owner Frankie Manzai, “in the same way, we bring our heritage and creativity to the food we make. We serve a mix of typical café dishes and bites, such as toasties, sausage rolls, salads and cakes, as well as a range of Italian dishes. Everything is made in house, even down to our preserves, jams and pantry items.”

The Club House has a nautical, holiday vibe above: Nighthawks’ duo Rob Clark and David Adams

Mabin is inspired by the Mabinogion


At the end of August, long-awaited venue The Club House opened in Cardiff Bay. Sister company of The Botanist, the twofloor, nautical-themed bar and restaurant aims to offer ‘that feeling when you first arrive on holiday, where you leave the real world behind and your cares just slip away’ and does it through live music, good food, fun events and acrossovertakingsippedcocktailsimaginative–bestwhileintheviewtheharbourtowherethe barrage meets Penarth. On the menu, you’ll find their famous hanging kebabs; as well as stacked crispy chicken burgers and buffalo gravy dip, and classics like ribeye steak served with lashings of béarnaise sauce, as well as plenty of veggie options. Work is underway on the former Yard Bar on St Mary’s Street which will see it become the UK’s first Proud Mary Pub. The £1.2 million investment by bar and club operator REKOM, which also chose Cardiff as the first UK location for its popular Heidi’s Bier Bar, will open at the end of October. Operating over two floors, with a 950 capacity, it will be a relaxed party pub with the blended fun and festive atmosphere of a German bier hall. “We are delighted to continue investing in Cardiff, which is such a vibrant and exciting city,” says REKOM’s regional director, Graeme Da Silva. “Heidi’s has exceeded all expectations and PRYZM continues to be one of our most successful clubs, so we are confident Proud Mary Pub will prove to be a similar hit.”


This will be the UK’s first Proud Mary Pub

New to Cardiff Indoor Market is burger joint Smashed Cardiff LTD, from the team behind market favourite Sage Deli.

Instagram: @nighthawkscardiff


clockwise from top left: Using my Cardiff Wine Passport at Vermut; lamb ribs from

Our columnist, good food fanatic, local blogger and indie foodie PR guru JANE COOK has her finger on the pulse when it comes to what’s new and tasty in the city…

The Corp Market; Toast brunch; Forest Feastival; Lucas Wooten FOOD & DRINK THREE THINGS I LOVED EATING THIS MONTH… 1Sardines on toast with a glass of Vermouth at Vermut, picking up a stamp for my Cardiff Wine 2(@cdfwinepassport)Passport Spiced paneer, cooked over flames, with Welsh honey from Mowglis in Canton 3(@mowgliscardiff_) Four measly but delicious tomatoes from my homegrowing efforts – if anyone has any tips for me for next year, please get in touch! I CARDIFF LIFE I 41

Iam definitely not what you’d call a ‘pumpkin spice’ girl. I can’t get excited about cosy jumpers and rust-coloured leaves when I’ve been so busy enjoying the technicolour dream of full summer. But true as this may be, there is one thing that does excite me about this time of year, and that’s the food. September is probably the most abundant month for local food here in Wales, with summer crops of salads still going strong, but autumn treats like apples, pears and squash all starting to appear. If you’re looking to make the most of eating locally and seasonally this month, check out my September seasonal food guide on To really feel the autumn vibes, you could head out of the city to Forest Feastival, which returns to Merthyr Mawr with a new foodie line-up this month. You can admire the changing leaves while tucking into some local street food; I’ll be making a beeline to try The Warren’s sustainable and super-seasonal Hazelwell Farm Hogget koftas. For more info, check out @streetfoodcircus. Closer to home, one local chef is planning a huge seasonal feast in Pontcanna. Lucas Wooten, who trained in Oman and worked in restaurants in London before moving back to Cardiff, will be bringing his pop-up Lahmacun to the Kings Road Yard, promising ‘a night of Arabic food from the fire’. Taking place on 15 September, tickets cost £38pp and include snacks to share, a choice of mains and dessert. Having sat through a hailstorm just to try Lahmacun’s slow-cooked BBQ lamb ribs a few months ago, I just know it’s going to be good. Find out more at @Lahmacuncardiff In other news, the folks from Toast (Cardiff’s local brunch pop-up) have taken up permanent weekend residency inside the Corp Market in Canton. Catch them serving brunch with freshly squeezed orange juice every Saturday and Sunday – try the shakshuka! For more info see @toastcardiff And finally, the Good Food Cardiff Autumn Festival also returns from 10 September until 18 October with dozens of events planned across the city. Community groups, schools, gardens and businesses will run a wide range of events centred around cooking, sharing and growing food. Many events will focus on how communities are coming together to help people to continue to access healthy and nutritious food through the cost-of-living crisis. To find out more, visit @foodcardiff. For more: | @janechicomendes| Lahmacun;

By Lisa Evans

PARTY ON We can’t quite believe it ourselves, but it’s time to make those Christmas party reservations (seriously, they’re going fast)… I CARDIFF LIFE I 43 CHRISTMAS PARTIES

Don your tuxedos and best party dresses, Parkgate Hotel is pouring on the glamour for a night to remember in the elegant Postmaster Suite. Enjoy a festive drink on arrival before sitting down to a sumptuous three-course meal and partying the night away on the dancefloor.

How about our famous turkey hanging kebabs served with orange and cranberry sauce and all the trimmings? Surprise us… Keep the party going and request your favourite song for our talented live artists to perform while you dance the night away.

Luxurious, glamourous, black tie, grand.


Our unique selling point is an arrival drink served pitch side at one of the World’s best stadia, the home of Welsh rugby. Tempt us with the menu…

At The Botanist, our dazzlingly decorated, picturesque venue offers a celebratory atmosphere like no other.

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: The Parkgate Hotel; The Botanist’s festive hanging kebabs; the Principality Stadium; The Parkgate’s beautiful façade

t feels a bit odd writing a piece about Christmas parties when we’ve barely bid adieu to those blistering summer days we endured recently (those fans took their toll on our electricity bills, didn’t they? Actually, let’s not get into the topic of electricity bills...), but festive bashes – whether for families, groups of friends, or for the office – are already being booked up, so there’s no time like the present. All the best places will be solidly reserved by November; even by October there’ll be a waiting list. Here, the teams at local venues tell us about their festive offerings.

Mesmerising, delicious, luxurious, unique soirée. What makes your parties special?

THE PARKGATE HOTEL Sum up your Christmas offering in five words…

THE BOTANIST Sum up your Christmas offering…

What makes your festive bookings special? They are elegant Christmas parties set in Cardiff’s most luxurious city centre destination. Celebrate in style. Tempt us with the menu… Enjoy festive favourites such as roasted turkey with all the trimmings and an indulgent chocolate Christmas bauble. What’s the vibe?

What makes your festive bookings special?

Guests can immerse themselves in live music, enjoy festive tipples and indulge in a selection of seasonal showstoppers. Go on then, tempt us with the menu…


A three-course example for you: sweet potato and coriander soup; chicken supreme in mushroom sauce with mashed potato and Tenderstem broccoli; and pecan and toffee cheesecake to finish. What’s the vibe?

Sum up your Christmas offering in five words…

The vibe of your Christmas party depends on which luxurious hospitality space you choose within our world-class stadium. We offer all vibes and atmospheres – from traditional to urban contemporary dining. All spaces are decorated with a classic Christmas touch.

THE ALCHEMIST Sum up your Christmas offering in five words…

Fun, theatrical, extra, molecular, unique. What makes your parties special?

It’s a lot more varied this year, with the ability to opt for something different than your standard Christmas dinner; our Turkey in a Basket is a twist on this – our special festive seasoned fried chicken served with seasoned fries and gravy. What’s the vibe?

We create experiences that will bring people together this Christmas. What makes your parties special?

We have DJs spinning on all busy days, and, as well as dinner tables, our bar area is thriving with bartenders crafting impressive festive cocktails.

Our stand-out cocktails add that little bit extra than a usual festive booking; this year we allow you to have the choice of dishes that are less formal and more relaxed and the ability to opt for a cocktail instead of a dessert for a touch more indulgence. Tempt us with the menu…


They are all about creating a fun experience, bringing together top-quality food, varied drinks packages and partying the night away! We offer a choice menu so that our guests can enjoy a restaurant-style experience as part of their party atmosphere. Tempt us with the menu…

PARK PLAZA Sum up your festive offering…

To get your taste buds going, how about: slow-cooked Welsh lamb shank, bubble and squeak and rosemary jus; or for that extra special New Year celebration, enjoy roast sirloin of Welsh beef, chateau potatoes, Yorkshire pudding and red wine jus. Our Laguna Restaurant is renowned for its afternoon tea offerings, and during the month of December we serve our Traditional Afternoon Tea with a festive twist. What’s the vibe? Party in style with our lunches, party nights and Gala Extravaganza Party Nights. Our tables are decorated with Christmas-themed centre pieces which give that extra sparkle, and you can enjoy your meal while listening to background festive music creating the perfect Christmas ambience. After your meal you can dance the night away at our disco. We are also offering Christmas party celebrations at Kuku, our unique Moroccan-themed venue with a modern twist. It’s the ideal party space which occupies two floors with a dance floor. A great venue if you are looking for something less formal.

ABOVE: The Alchemist’s Turkey in a Basket; RIGHT: Inventive cocktails are what The Alchemist is best known for; INSET: Atmospheric interiors at The Alchemist

ABOVE: Festive afternoon tea at Park Plaza; BELOW: Traditional vibes at Hensol Castle


What makes your parties special?

“Our ‘Gin’gleBell Ball events are Christmasgin-infusedparties”


Hensol Castle offers a really majestic setting for a special Christmas party. We have adopted our on-site gin distillery into our ‘Gin’gle Bell Ball events, creating gin-infused Christmas parties. Tempt us with the menu… The gin theme carries through to the menu. For example, there’s smoked chicken and duck terrine, parma ham, gin- and juniper-infused red onion marmalade and toasted brioche, and for dessert: blood orange gin trifle. What’s the vibe and interior like? Décor in the castle is traditional in the front rooms with classic red and green tree decorations, then a more modern vibe in the main function room.

Tempt us with the menu… There’s a traditional turkey roast; a veggie option of red onion and goats’ cheese tart; and sticky toffee and date pudding to finish. What’s the vibe? From the glittering Christmas lights and warm Welsh welcome you’ll receive, through to taking your seats in our festively decorated Amber Lounge on the first floor of the Pavilion, we’ll ensure the perfect backdrop is set for your winter soirée. You’ll dine in informal luxury as our team offers their spectacular service to accompany the delicious, locally sourced menu we have become renowned for. n





Tell us about your parties… Celebrate 2022’s festivities in the luxury of our four-star hotel. Enjoy an unforgettable experience in the run up to Christmas and choose between a two-course Christmas lunch or a three-course Christmas party with evening entertainment, with either a sharer party in our restaurant overlooking the city, or upgrade to your very own party suite for that extra touch.

Please sum up your Christmas offering in five words… Picturesque, tasty, exclusive, merry, sparkling. What makes your parties special? Situated in the heart of the Welsh capital, our unique venue in Sophia Gardens offers the ideal location for a Christmas party to remember. Our Pavilion Prosecco Parties are the perfect way to enjoy your festive celebrations. Home to Wales’s only first-class county cricket team, our Pavilion and grounds are nestled in Grade-II listed parkland – just a short stroll along the River Taff from Cardiff Castle. After a warm welcome from our experienced staff at a Prosecco Reception, you’ll take your seats for dinner. Each course is cooked to perfection by our in-house team of chefs before coffees and chocolates to conclude. Following dinner, our in-house DJ will provide the perfect set for you and your guests to be able to dance the night away.“OurXmas Brunches will be running with theincredible Becky Sax andDJ Rhys Lewis” above: The Grand Bar and Kitchen; inset: Sophia Gardens Cricket Pavilion

Tell us about your parties… Join us for a private party, a bottomless brunch, a dinner or a lunch. We’ll be running a Christmasthemed menu and our Xmas Brunches will be running with the incredible Becky Sax and DJ Rhys Lewis for all Saturdays in December.

It’s the biggest festive lights trail Wales has ever seen


Talking of festive plans, tickets went on sale this summer for the return of Christmas at Bute Park, and not many remain, so best not to leave it until the last minute... 1 December – 1 January 2023 After a sell-out run in 2021, Christmas at Bute Park is set to shine brighter than ever. This year’s event will take visitors on a breath-taking tour through the biggest festive lights trail Wales has ever seen. There’s a host of brand-new attractions, plus firm favourites including the Christmas Twist, The Starlit Boulevard and The Flaming Fire Garden.  From early December, the expansive, beautiful park will be taken over by fairy-lit pathways, flickering fire sculptures, spectacular mirror ball displays, huge-illuminated trees and installations including an exciting Hypnotic Laser Journey, an Epic Orb Of Iridescent Colour, and a magical Light Canyon awash with a thousand mesmerising stars. As well as spectacular light displays, the 1.4km route will also offer locally produced street food from an array of stalls for visitors to enjoy during and after wandering through the trail. I CARDIFF LIFE I 49 CHRISTMAS PARTIES

NEVER MISS AN ISSUE TODAYSUBSCRIBENevermissanissueof Cardiff Life – get your own copy posted to you on the Friday the magazine comes out Get yours for £30 for UK subscriptions (17 issues) £3017ISSUESFOR


Photos by Pierce Scourfield



“By removing an entire length of wall along the return and constructing an extension, we created a secondary or ‘slow’ link between the dining, kitchen and living spaces. This allowed the spaces to bind and flow together.


The result was a unique, calm living space, unlocking what was previously a problematic configuration of rooms.

The architectural team sought to release the potential of the rear space of the property, designing into it a timelessness and permanence originating from a detailed understanding of modern living.

An extension created a new space for preparing food, and an opening cut into the existing wall connected the kitchen to a new larger dining area, unifying the entire living space. Emphasis was also placed on reconnecting the internal spaces to the garden via a picture window and a set of bespoke timber folding doors which seamlessly blurred the lines between inside and out. Principal of Benjamin Hale Architects, Benjamin Hale explains… “Material, light and the proportion of space have all been carefully considered in order to form a distinct hierarchy of rooms,” he says. “The use of warm, textured finishes throughout link old and new while large Italian terrazzo slabs delineate the kitchen in a material sense from the rest of the space. “As you move from the front of the house through to the dining room, the view of the garden is concealed; as you turn the corner beneath the cornice arch, the view is revealed. White painted timber fins, sitting beneath a three-metre roof light, diffuse daylight, washing the walls with a soft, dappled light that offers a constantly changing atmosphere within which to cook and socialise. “We worked hard to achieve these moments throughout the space – moments of material and light coming together to create a feeling of serenity. Despite being distinct from one another, the spaces feel interlinked and connected because of this consistent approach.

“We tried hard to avoid the standard large open-plan experience of a rear extension and instead suggested to our client that a series of ‘garden rooms’ would offer them the chance to gather together as a family, entertain or grab a quiet moment in solitude.

REAL HOMES kitchen that prohibited any link to the garden and also failed to offer a variety of spaces in which to relax or entertain. There also existed an underused and disconnected utility space to the rear within a previous lean-to extension.

The architects Benjamin Hale Architects, Tyn-y-Coed Place, Roath

hile many extensions to the traditional Victorian terrace aim to create an aesthetic division between old and new, Benjamin Hale Architects – based in Roath – wanted to blur these conditions at one of their latest projects, a family home on Pen-Y-Lan Road in Roath.

“Working with the existing, rather than against it, we were able to create a series of spaces through a few surgical moves – a number of openings and cuts we made which created new spaces and visual connections from the street to the new extension and garden beyond.” ■

The project A reconfiguration of the rear of the property, unlocking its living-space potential


THE DETAILS The property A home on Pen-Y-Lan Road in Roath

“Previously, the floorplan suffered from an oversized

“Moments of materialand light come together tocreate a feeling of serenity”

We also o�fer other veterinary services, such as; CONSULTATIONS | VACCINATIONS | MICROCHIPPING PREVENTATIVE CARE | MEDICATION RECHECK | SURGERIES Peaceful and compassionate Home Euthanasia in Cardi�f and surrounding areas No hidden or extra fees are charged for home visit service. �e fees are all inclusive except for any additional medication, service or intervention if or where needed. HOW CAN WE HELP? Contact us on: 07496 966205 | “Both Maya and Ivan were so respectful of our beloved hound. �eir care and love for dogs was palpable. �e procedure was explained excellently so we knew what to expect. It is a di�ficult decision but to have Maya and Ivan show such care and such gentleness was lovely.” KH

Every aspect of teaching and learning at Howell’s is tailored to girls, every program for wellbeing, leadership and learning caters to the needs of girls, developing their confidence as they mature into young adults in a culture free from gender bias, encouraged to believe that nothing is beyond consideration. Research currently shows that girls’ confidence starts to decline at the age of 8, and it only improves from the age of 80.


At Howell’s School, Llandaff GDST, girls thrive from the age 3 in a single-sex environment where academic achievements are always celebrated, and these go hand-inhand with co-curricular activities that inspire and challenge them. From playing chess to performing in a rock band, debating current affairs to playing cricket, everyone at Howell’s believes that education doesn’t stop when the bell rings at the end of the school day.

Get in touch to discover what makes Howell’s so special. Contact Admissions Officer Chrissie Hall-Davis on 029 2056 2019 or visit

ould your daughter thrive in an environment where she is free to be herself? A place where she is encouraged to believe that nothing is out of reach?


The school’s founder, Thomas Howell, wanted to create greater opportunities for young women, and Howell’s School has been changing lives since it opened its doors in 1860. His generosity gave many young women access to an education that would elevate and inspire them, and in 2022 Howell’s still creates opportunities for students from all backgrounds. The GDST Bursary Fund provides assistance to enable students whose parents could not otherwise afford the fees to enter the school in Year 7 and Year 12 ■

Howell’s School, Llandaff GDST has been teaching Cardiff’s daughters to learn without limits for 160 years.

GDST schools are at the forefront of gender equality, deliberately challenging gendered norms and purposefully building girls’ confidence, conviction and self-belief, making sure that girls have the skills to set and respect boundaries and have the confidence to make their voices heard.

Howell’s instils in girls the confidence they need for a successful future, and their teachers delight in watching them grow to become more assertive and willing to ask questions, make mistakes and take risks.

At Cardiff’s HOWELL’S SCHOOL, LLANDAFF GDST girls thrive in a girls-only environment where their voices are heard I CARDIFF LIFE I 57

ACROSSSCENECARDIFF,ONESHINDIGATATIME Melanie headliningC Proudly flying the flagXxxx

One of PridebiggestCymru’sfans

A celebration of equality and diversity Tens of thousands of people joined in Happy faces and jazzy outfits everywhere It was the 50th anniversary of the first Pride march

The City Hall site was packed Pride Cymru returned to Cardiff on August Bank Holiday to celebrate 50 years since the first Pride march in the UK. The Spice Girls’ Melanie C, Drag Race star Bimini, and the legends Boney M headlined the Admiral Main Stage, and the likes of Adele Roberts, Booty Luv and Mary Mac made up a jam-packed line-up of festival entertainment across three stages at the City Hall site. The celebrations kicked off with the Pride Cymru parade, which saw over 15,000 people walking the historic route from the Capitol shopping centre along Queen Street. The Pride Festival boasted a dance area with a cool line-up of DJs, including Leonce, Alex Selio, PRIDE CYMRU and Esther Taylor, alongside the community stage hosting the best of local talent with drag performances from Adam All & Apple. And new for 2022 was the youth area delivered in partnership with Welsh Youth Services, Child Friendly Wales and LGBTQ+ youth groups. “After two interrupted years, we were delighted to celebrate Pride Cymru 2022 in person,” says Gian Molinu, chair of Pride Cymru. “On the 50th anniversary of the first Pride march, we want to celebrate our communities, but also show how much it’s still needed in a society where hate crimes against the LGBTQ+ community are on the rise, with our trans community particularly under attack.”

Photos by Mark Lewis

“We still get calls and visits from our family support worker, and our daughter, Ella, who is eight, has play therapy in school to help her to deal with her grief. My wife and I still get invited to complementary therapist sessions at the

“Then we were told about Tŷ Hafan. Initially we were scared but we couldn’t have been more wrong. Tŷ Hafan is the most positive, uplifting and inspiring place you’ll ever visit. “From our first visit when Thomas was able to enjoy the play area to our last visit when he died, the care, compassion, support we all received from Tŷ Hafan was first class. They even read to him and put Star Wars on in his room after he’d died. I can’t put into words how reassuring that was as a parent.

It costs £5.2 million to run Tŷ Hafan annually and 25 per cent of that comes from the generosity of their amazing supporters who have left the charity gifts in their wills.

“I honestly don’t know where we would be without Tŷ Hafan and I think every Tŷ Hafan parent would say that the hospice has played a massive positive part in their lives.

ŷ Hafan children’s hospice has provided care and support for more than 1,100 children and their families across Wales since it first opened in 1999. Currently caring for around 300 children with lifeshortening conditions, Tŷ Hafan provides respite care at its hospice in Sully and outreach support in communities across Wales.

Tŷ Hafan has partnered with the National Free Wills Network to offer their supporters the opportunity to meet with a local solicitor and write a simple will or pair of wills for free.

Whilst there is no obligation to include a gift in your will for Tŷ Hafan when using these services, they will be very grateful if you do choose to remember the charity. ■


“Until autumn 2017, Thomas was a normal eight-year-old boy: very fit, intelligent, a keen reader, and very funny. Just a typical kid. “But that September we noticed some behavioural and physical changes and then, in January 2018, Thomas had two big seizures at home. After being blue-lighted to hospital and various tests, we got given the diagnosis of Adrenoleukodstrophy (ALD). “When you get a terminal diagnosis for a previously fit and well child, it sounds like a cliché but we literally didn’t know where to turn.


hospice, and, for me the support of the Dads’ group is unique and invaluable.


Will you leave a gift in your will forHAFAN children’s hospice?

To find out more please contact John Lowes on org/,john.02920532255orwww.tyhafan.

“So please leave a gift in your will for Tŷ Hafan. Every penny goes to caring for children like Thomas and families like mine.”

Here, James Meacham shares his story about his son Thomas, and how Tŷ Hafan was the lifeline he and his family never thought they would need.

On Bank Holiday weekend in August, hundreds of people gathered to celebrate Wales’s diverse communities at the annual Butetown Carnival. The culturally significant event, in partnership with the Wales Millennium Centre and supported by the Arts Council of Wales, showcased a wide range of live musical, dance and artistic performances on the Senedd steps, and the colourful, much-loved parade ran from Loudon Square, ending back at the Senedd.


Photos by Dan Green / Wales Millennium Centre

Cate Le Bon Rodri Davies THE PARTYGREEN The Green Man festival, known as the Welsh Glastonbury, returned to its picturesque Brecon Beacons backdrop for four glorious days of music and magic. It opened on 18 August with a plethora of local talent headlining, and closed on 21 August with a transcendental set delivered by Michael Kiwanuka and the midnight burning of the Green Man effigy. Turn to page 27 for our full review. Early settlers arrive for a week of beforehandcamping Ezra Furman 60 I CARDIFF LIFE I Ural Thomas THOMASPARRI© GUNNINGPATRICK© CHAPMANOLIVER©THOMASPARRI© MCLACHLANKIRSTY© GUNNINGPATRICK©MCLACHLANKIRSTY© EBERLNICI© The crowd enjoyed a rain-free weekend A trapeze artist on a balloon was part of the Sunday finale Jessie Buckley and Bernard Butler

Kae Tempest Public Service Broadcasting The Murder Capital The burning of the Green Man effigy Valerie June MichaelKraftwerkKiwanukaHandshakeMandrake CHAPMANOLIVER© THOMASPARRI© THOMASPARRI© THOMASPARRI© THOMASPARRI©THOMASPARRI© MCLACHLANKIRSTY© EBERLNICI© THOMASPARRI© Yves Tumor EBERLNICI© Gruff Rhys I CARDIFF LIFE I 61

C ARDIFF PROPERTY AWA RDS CARDIFF PROPERTY AWARDS | 18 NOVEMBER 2022 | MERCURE HOLLAND HOUSE Promote your company and team’s success: • Nominate your business and projects • Benefit from extensive marketing, be part of the city’s leading property celebration • And join with your peers at this prestigious, unique event For details: Initial sponsors: Headline sponsor: NOMINATIONS LAST CALL: ENTER THE AWARDS BY SEPTEMBER 22 Scan here for more

Hensol Castle Distillery – South Wales’ first full-scale gin and spirits distillery and contract bottling plant, and the only UK-based distillery in a 17th century castle – is on track to more than double its turnover by the end of 2022 as it expands its storage facilities with the lease of a new warehouse.

For www.kiticymru.commore:Penrhyn,Gwenno owner of Kiti Cymru Cardiff office will be led by Julia Fitzgerald Jargon PR team

“Our contract bottling service has really taken off since we launched in 2019,” says Chris Leeke, managing director of Hensol Castle Distillery. “We’ve just reached the milestone of bottling our 2.5 millionth bottle.”

A&R Services has seen rapid growth in the last few years, working with clients such as Welsh Water, Snowdonia National Park and Cardiff’s One Central Square, and they are looking to build on this and become the first choice for commercial cleaning, security and soft service needs.


For more:

Contract bottling, which represents 80 per cent of the Pontyclunbased distillery’s revenue, has doubled year-on-year from a turnover of £1.2 million (excluding duty) in its financial year 2020/21, to £2.5 million last year (2021/22), and is expected to reach £4.3 million in the current year (2022/23).

For www.hensolcastle.commore:

A&R’s directors Chloe Stanford, Ashley Davies and Dora Vasarhelyi

The launch of the Cardiff office – in Grangetown – is a strategic move designed to support the growing number of start-ups and scale-ups in Wales.


Chris Leeke (MD) and master distiller Dai Wakely

For more:

The office will be led by Jargon PR account manager Julia Fitzgerald who says, “The growth in technology-based businesses throughout Wales in the past few years has been incredible. The new Cardiff office is perfectly positioned to work alongside this fast growth and we’re excited to see what the future holds.”


A&R Services has been named as part of the Fast Growth 50 – a list that identifies the fastest growing firms in Wales – for their sixth consecutive year, cementing themselves as one of the leading businesses in the country.


To support the demand for the distillery’s services, the business has signed a five-year lease on a 20,000 sq ft off-site warehouse in Talbot Green, adding to its onsite bonded warehouse of 18,000 sq ft.

Jargon PR, an international B2B public relations agency, has announced that it has expanded into Cardiff, complementing its offices in Dubai, Reading and Manchester.

CARDIFFWORKS It’s the city’s business I CARDIFF LIFE I 63


The distillery’s range is now available throughout restaurants, pubs and bars in South Wales, including the Hardwick, Pasture and the Potted Pig sponsorshipandrestaurants,ithasstruckdeals with Cardiff City Football Club and theCricketGlamorgantobecomeofficialgin supplier of both.

“We have turned our attention to sustainability and introduced new technology to the work we do,” says Ashley Davies, managing director.

“This, partnered with our top-level service, has kept us ahead of the curve.”


Kiti Cymru, an independent fashion boutique has moved into the heart of Pontcanna. Previously located in Pontcanna Mews, its new, much bigger, home is on Pontcanna Street. Kiti will be continuing to stock fromhigh-qualityexclusive,brandsacrossEurope, and there are now even more brands to choose from.

A Production #CardiffLifeAwards ︱ OFCELEBRATETHEBESTCARDIFF Sponsorships now available


time for modesty; you are encouraged to blow that trumpet and shout about yourselves!


There are a number of ways to get involved:

T he Cardiff Life Awards are coming back – are you ready? Planning is well underway for the glittering, vibrant, joy-filled 2023 ceremony, the business highlight of the city, at which pretty much any and every local business – big or small – can win one of our 22 coveted awards.

If you are a part of this amazing community and want to showcase your venture, talent and efforts, along with supporting and meeting other top businesses, then we’d love you to see you there.


• Get tickets


Nothing beats being there. Anyone can come to the event, whether you’re up for an award or not. With the company of 500 people, the networking and collaboration opportunities are on another level, and the party, well, that speaks for itself. What goes on at the Cardiff Life Awards stays at the Cardiff Life Awards.


“To be awarded with recognition was such a strong motivator to keep going and keep producing great results. As for the night itself, the company and networking opportunities were fantastic and offered the chance to acquire new clients too.”

Sanctuary Financial Planning, Winner: Legal and Financial category 2022 It’s free to nominate your company or organisation, and you can enter as many categories as are most celebratory night of the year

For more:

• Sponsorship With more and more interest in being closely associated with the most prestigious event in the Cardiff business calendar, sponsorship opportunities are going fast. Already signed up are: Genero, Bupa, ReRecruitment, 13Fields and Lexus Cardiff. Sponsors reap the benefits of powerful marketing and exposure in the build-up to the Awards, and they also bag guaranteed tickets. To find out more, please

YouCATEGORIEScanenteryour business into one or more of these categories… BusinessBarArts services WelshTechnologySustainabilityRetailerRestaurantPropertyPeopleNewLeisureLegalHomesHealthHairEventEducationCreativeCivicCharityCaféandBeautyandWellbeingandInteriorsandFinancialandTourismBusinessServicesandInnovationLanguage


• Enter the awards It’s free to nominate yourselves; just head online, choose what categories you’d like to enter, and you’ll find a Q&A asking you all about your business or organisation – your biggest achievements over the past year, your highlights, and what you are most proud of. This is not a Plans are underway for the city’s business event of the year: the Cardiff Life Awards! Nominations are opening soon, and there are plenty of other ways to get involved too…

THE CARDIFF LIFE AWARDS 2023 WHEN March 2023 WHERE City Hall, Cardiff NOMINATIONS OPEN This winter Life Awards 2023



What topic/ issue could you talk about for hours?

Singing Rusalka at the Edinburgh International Festival this summer; representing Wales in BBC Cardiff Singer of the World; and coming up is my house debut as Tosca at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden.

At the moment I’m preparing for a few recitals – Strauss Vier Letzte Lieder, Berg Sieben Frühe Lieder and a selection of songs from my debut CD, Arion

all my favourite haunts are – Ground Bakery, Uisce and Heaneys, and also the culture hub of places like Chapter and The Corporation Yard, and a few choice pubs too, including The Pontcanna Inn.

“I WalesrepresentedinBBC Cardiff Singer of the World”

Hi Natalya, we’re looking forward to seeing you perform at Cowbridge Music Festival; how are you feeling about the upcoming show? It’s not often I get to perform in Wales and so close to home. I’m

You can always catch me unaware singing a tune or two down aisle 13 of Morrisons on a Sunday afternoon.

Tell us something not many people would know about you…

Billed as ‘the outstanding soprano of her generation’, Natalya Romaniw talks to us about her upcoming performance, singing in the aisles of Morrisons, and the huge impact Cardiff has had on her career looking forward to performing for my home audience and feeling that sense of nostalgia that comes with singing at home.

What are the pleasures of living here?

I love the fact that I can dip into the Pontcanna scene, where Cardiff-based soprano Natalya Romaniw is hailed as one of Europe’s most promising stars. She performs across the world, but she’s about to make her Cowbridge debut at the Cowbridge Music Festival in September.


It’s difficult to imagine talking about anything other than music for hours because it’s such a major part of my life and is usually the primary source of conversation. But I can talk for hours on end with my best friends about everything and anything.

How has Cardiff and Wales shaped your music?

I trained in London but my heart has very much always been in Wales. Having started at the Welsh National Youth Opera, Wales – Cardiff in particular – holds a very special place in my heart and certainly has influenced my career hugely. Will we see you perform in the city any time soon?

Natalya Romaniw and pianist Michael Pollock perform at Cowbridge Music Festival on 23 September; find tickets at

What are your biggest career highlights to date?



A Welsh audience is always a warm one! How long have you lived in Cardiff? Since 2014, and I love it. I live next to Cardiff Marina; I love being so close to the water.

I used to be a flautist, but not a very good one. I also started as a music theatre singer. Other than that, I’m fairly boring! n

What are you concentrating on at the moment and what else is coming up?

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