ROMANIA - Guide to Spa Resorts

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ACCOMMODATION 4-, 3- and 2-star hotels, 3- and 2-star, 2-star pensions, 2-star rooms to rent.

TOURIST ATTRACTIONS Cetate Reformed Church, originally a Roman basilica, built from stone and brick, with very thick buttressed walls, with three naves and six transepts, a semi-circular apse and a massive spire. In 1569, the church changed from the Roman-Catholic to the Calvinist Reformed denomination. The Archangels Michael and Gabriel Romanian Orthodox Church, founded by Michael the Brave, who, after the Battle of Íelimbår in 1599, stopped at Ocna Sibiului on his way to Alba Iulia and commanded a church be built. It was rebuilt in 1695 by Constantin Brîncoveanu. The Romanian Orthodox Church of the Transfiguration, built in 1790 by miners from the old salt mines. Built in brick, with a semi-circular apse on the east side and a spire, is decorated on the outside with a plaited girdle and blind niches, and on the inside with Neo-Byzantine paintings. The Nativity of St John the Baptist Romanian Orthodox Church, built from brick in 1810, with a semi-circular apse on the eastern side and a tall spire, preserves on the outside a few fragments of the 1827 mural paintings. The resort, built between 1907 and 1909, in a uniform and harmonious Belle Époque architectural style, with rich ornamentation consisting of floral and vegetal elements in the Vienna Jugendstil decorative-geometric manner characteristic of the 1900s in Transylvania. The Salt Museum, housed in the Upper School building, presents the history of salt and therapeutic bathing, with sections for history, ethnography, folk art and a small art gallery. The resort’s surroundings offer marvellous opportunities for excursions to old mediaeval strongholds or to town such as Sibiu, Mediaß, and Cluj, which are famous for their mediaeval ambiance.


17. OCNA ÍUGATAG Year-round spa and climatic resort in Maramureß County. Altitude 490 m.

LOCATION The resort is located in the Maramureß Depression, in the foothills of the ˇibleß-Gutîi volcanic mountain chain, 20 km from Sighetul Marma†iei.

HISTORY Ocna Íugatag was first attested in historical documents that date back to 1355. The main local activity was salt mining. Silver and gold coins from Roman Era have been found around the salt mines. At the beginning of the twentieth century, when mining came to an end, water flooded and caused the collapse of the mine roof, thus creating the saltwater lake for which the city is renowned.

CLIMATE ntermountain depression climate. The summers are cool, the winters not very cold. The annual average temperature is 8°C (in June, over 18°C, and in January -4°C). The annual precipitation is 750 mm, and the prevailing winds are south-westerly and southerly.

Natural therapeutic factors Concentrated chloro-sodic mineral waters from the salt lakes created by the collapse of old salt mines. Gavrilå Lake contains concentrated chloro-sodic mineral water, with a total mineralisation of 289 g/l; mild bio-climate.

Therapeutic indications Degenerative rheumatic complaints (cervical, dorsal and lumbar spondylosis, arthrosis, polyarthrosis); abarticular rheumatic complaints (tendinosis, tendomiosis, tendoperiostosis, scapulohumeral periarthritis); post-traumatic complaints (post-traumatic stiffness, conditions resulting from operations on the bones, muscles and ligaments, complaints resulting from sprains, luxations and fractures); peripheral neurological complaints (post-traumatic paralysis and paresis of the limbs, polyneuropathy after the acute phase, polyradiculoneuritis in the after-effect phase, after-effects of polymyelitis); central nervous system complaints (mild paresis); gynaecological complaints (ovarian insufficiency, chronic cervicitis).

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