Methodist Children's Homes Spring Newsletter

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HELPING HANDS spring 2014

your donor newsletter

POST OFFICE BOX 66 • CLINTON, MS 39060-0066 • OFFICE: 601-853-5000 • FAX: 601-853-5010 • WWW.MCHMS.ORG

Letter from CEO Oscar Wilde wrote, “Memories are the diary that we all carry about with us.” Our memories are powerful reminders, tangible in some sense, affecting us well beyond the moments they were created. While many of us have positive childhood experiences, most of the children in our care remember pain, neglect, loss and fear. When I listen to their stories my heart breaks each time. One of our young people recounted being prostituted by her parents when she was 12 years old. Another told me about taking care of her younger siblings when she was only six years old herself. Her heart still aches because she feels like she failed them when the state removed the younger children from the home. These are only two of many accounts that represent the types of memories our children have experienced. Recently, four of our young people had the opportunity to attend their Junior/Senior prom. The kids were so excited and I was so proud. I know that each of the young people will look back on that night as a time in their life that was memorable. These are memories that will last a lifetime. Your generous support makes memories like this possible. In the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy, God calls His people to remember our state before He redeemed us. Specifically, He desires us to provide for those in our society that are in need. Our kids desperately need your prayers and financial support. Help us provide opportunities to create positive memories in the lives of the children and families we serve in His name. Because of Christ,

Mike Duggar, President and CEO


A Lasting Legacy Methodist Children’s Homes has been providing care and love for children and families in Mississippi since 1896. Originally an orphanage, MCH has cared for more than 11,000 children for over a century. We have grown from our original location in Water Valley to multiple homes across the state, and now back to having one campus located in Jackson. The legacy of Methodist Children’s Homes has always been that of Christ-centered, generous love.

Could you fit all your belongings into a garbage bag? You are helping change more lives Could you fit all your belongings into a garbage bag? During March we moved in nine girls from another agency that were no longer able to care for these girls. We had only a few days to prepare for the big move. Every staff member was on hand to clean and decorate each room. As soon as they entered the campus we helped them settle into their rooms and held a welcome party. As some of them walked in carrying everything that they owned in garbage bags, we were reminded how blessed we are to be able to provide for them. They were truly appreciative of their new room that you provided them. One of the girls mentioned, “No one has ever given us nice things, we only get things that people don’t want.” Mark 9:37 tells us that, “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me.” Because of your kind and generous donations, we were able to welcome these nine girls into our home. These girls matter, they are precious to us, and because of your generous donations, we are able to provide them with a home. Thank You!

Two of Us Program Bursting at the Seams Garrison Home Renovations

The Methodist Children’s Homes is bursting at the seams. We desperately need to renovate three of our homes to prepare for more children that need a place to call home. One of our devoted supporters, who would like to remain anonymous, heard our need and stepped up. He made a gift to start the renovations of the Garrison Home. After this incredible act of generosity, we called Kim & Margaret Davis to start the renovations. Since then another remarkable lady, Sherry Boyd contacted us about wanting to involve the East Jackson District in the renovation process. The Garrison Home is making progress, but we still need donations to complete the renovation. We have faith that individuals will give. Please make a gift towards the renovations and you can be a part of providing a home for a child!

Thank You for Caring for our Babies The Methodist Children’s Homes is proud to be the only therapeutic maternity home licensed by the MS Department of Human Services to support pregnant teens and teen mothers. We are blessed to be able to provide a nurturing environment for our teen mothers through our “Two of Us” home. While at the “Two of Us,” teen mothers and their children are given round the clock care and support. The girls are able to continue working towards high school graduation, earning their GED, and/or vocational /post-secondary education. These mothers are able to focus on their education while knowing that their babies are in a safe, loving environment. After school, they take on full responsibility to bond and take care of their child. Because of your support and donations, these precious teens and their babies are in a safe and loving environment where they can grow and experience the maternal bond between mother and child. Motherhood is not easy, but with your continued help, we can make the journey a little easier.


Day of Hope Community Day on Campus Loyal friends of the Children’s Home visited our campus on Saturday, April 12, 2014. They spent the day with our youth, toured the homes, enjoyed lunch and honored our remarkable volunteers. Because of their loyalty they were given the opportunity to see first hand how they are restoring hope in our youth and our campus. Our youth enjoyed meeting our friends and showing off their rooms. Two of our girls even gave an impromptu dance performance that they proudly showed off.

Our Thrift Store is Open

During the day Central Mississippi Archery and Crossgates United Methodist Church members were also on hand to teach archery and golf skills to our youth and visitors. The Day of Hope is our way of saying thank you for your generous support of the home. If you were not able to attend this year, please make plans to bring a group from your church next year.


special to our sponsors

PROTECTOR Bancorpsouth Insurance Services Montgomery Auto Sales GUARDIAN Mississippi Discount Drugs Mullen Family 36 Foundation FRIEND C.J. Stewart Community Bank The Nowell Agency Regions Bank Wilson Tire & Auto Care


In April, we launched our new Thrift Store on our campus. Through the store we are able to reach out with compassion and assistance to our community and youth. The store will benefit our children, and build relationships that will allow us to minister to our community. The thrift store is already a success. One of our girls eagerly showed off her basket of art supplies as she expressed her love of drawing. Another lady expressed her excitement to find items for her family, as they started fresh from an abusive relationship. We are blessed to have the women of Anderson United Methodist Church in Jackson volunteering their time to run the store. Come by and shop or bring us your donations and help fill the store. All proceeds from the sale of your items will go directly to benefiting the children at our home. We are looking for gently used items such as home dĂŠcor, kitchen items, furniture, sporting equipment, and toys. The store will be opened the 2nd Friday and Saturday of every month from 8:00 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Youth Now Know Their Heavenly Father

A Family for Christmas

Thanks to you, this year nine young ladies and one young man accepted the love of Christ as their Savior. These ten youth now know the unbreakable love of their heavenly father. We are reminded of Psalm 68:5 “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.” The room erupted in applause as each one of these youth were prayed over, committed to follow Christ and were baptized. You could feel His presence in the room as these youth were worshiping Christ with excitement. One of our girls said, “Before I accepted God I thought of him sometimes, but now I think about him all the time.” Thank you for giving us the opportunity to minister to our youth.

Theresa* is a 9-year-old girl with a heartbreaking background of abuse and neglect. No child should know the type of pain this young girl has endured. Theresa is a beautiful little girl, with a round face and sweet personality. During her first visit with us she simply said, “I would like to have a family.” Because of the generosity of others, we were able to train and license a foster family just in time for them to have her in their home on Christmas morning. Even better, this extraordinary family also requested her older brother and they are now reunited in the same home. Please continue to keep them both in your prayers. *Theresa’s name was changed for her safety.


Making a difference

The Pointe UMC in Jackson has faithfully supported our children through “Change for Children.� They have collected $70.00 in quarters to benefit our children.

Mathiston UMC Women enlisted the aid of the Clarksdale Baptist Church Sewing Ministry to help make at least 12 quilts for our youth. Each time a youth moves in they are given the opportunity to select their favorite quilt. Many of our youth will wrap up in quilts made by the loving hands of these women. In this picture are Mike Duggar, Jo Avent, Ivy Joy Earley, Bonnie Burton, Jean Bingham, Ann Cole, Ruth Perkins and Hazel Avent.

An Anonymous Donor gave us a zero turn lawnmower. This was put into use right away. We have two maintenance men and 177 acres, now we can cut the grass in half the time. Thank you for this thoughtful and useful gift.


First UMC in Brookhaven held a wonderful dinner benefiting the home. Mike Duggar thoroughly enjoyed visiting with their amazing congregation.

Easter Basket, Inc. donated 65 Easter baskets filled with goodies for our youth. Our youth were ecstatic to receive their baskets.

Galloway UMC in Jackson graciously gave us their church bus. This will be a HUGE benefit to our staff and kids. Instead of having a caravan of mini vans for outings we can take one bus. Thank you Galloway UMC.

2013 Outstanding Volunteer Awards

Crossgates’ United Methodist Church’s Annual Tee Off for Missions Golf Tournament committee presented us with a check for $9,500 from the 2013 tournament. In this picture is Phil Hannon, Gregg weaver, Mike Duggar and Carol Tudor. Thank you Crossgates UMC for your hard work and passion for caring for our children. St. Matthews UMC in Jackson spent their Saturday cleaning up our campus. Ms. Ruth Stewart and Mr. John Gist take a break from raking leaves. Thank you for your hard work!

Mount Zion Church hosted a supply drive for our campus.

Crossgates UMC Pathfinders Sunday School Class donated quilts for our youth. Mr. and Mrs. Ward delivered all the quilts to our campus.

During our Day of Hope, we presented the 2013 Outstanding Volunteer Awards. The first award went to Lisa Garforth, a paramedic and community educator. For the past seven years, Lisa has volunteered her time to train our staff in CPR.

The second award went to Kim & Margaret Davis for their outstanding work on our homes. They are currently working on their third children’s home renovation. Kim, a master woodworker, has done much of the carpentry on the houses while Margaret paints, decorates, and organizes volunteers who work on the homes. The Methodist Children’s Homes’ staff thanks Kim, Margaret and Lisa for their dedication to our children.


A Week of First Spring Break Creating Memories During spring break our youth enjoyed a variety of activities designed to create lasting memories and strong bonds. For many of our youth this week was a week of first time experiences. The first-time they had the opportunity to go to the MS Museum of Science and Planetarium, play miniature golf and laser tag, and ride go-karts. At the end of the week they were bubbling over with excitement and had deepened their relationships with each other and the staff.

Ministering Through Dance Belhaven University Gives Back

For the second year in a row, Belhaven University has ministered to our youth through dance classes. Belhaven works with our girls once a week, and teaches movements to express their feelings and past experiences through dance. Ten of our girls performed their piece entitled “Give, Let Go, Received”. One of our girls explained the importance of their dance practices as, “I learn how to emotionally connect and spiritual connect with people, it makes me feel like I am a part of something and then people seeing it and noticing the hard work I put into it.” When asked what they wanted others to see in their performance, one of our girls said, “I think what I really want most is for people to understand what we are going through, that moment where, we are in a group home. We have to understand, we do go through things and we do let go of things and we do receive other things.” Another one of our girls said, “I hope everyone will see my story and what I have been through and how far I have come.” Thank you Belhaven University for ministering to our girls through dance!


Youth Spotlight Sheniqua Eatman

Get Involved Heal with your prayers

“Thank You for taking care of me!” Sheniqua Eatman, MCH Youth

Age: 21 Birthday: December 22, 1993 How long have you lived at our home? 8 years Think back to the first day you stepped on campus and describe how you felt? I was so upset. I didn’t want to be here. I wanted to be home, but I began to like it. What has been your most vivid memories? I have a lot of favorite memories here (MCH). I love helping cook meals and spending time with the staff. What are the values you picked up while living at MCH? I am grown up now, much more mature then I was when I first came. I have my moments but I have definitely matured a lot. Who has helped you the most? Ms. Ursula she helped get me through a lot of struggles. She listened to me and helped me make good decisions. What do you want to do after you leave MCH? I want to study culinary arts and open my own restaurant. I love cooking meals! What would you say to our loyal donors? Thank You for volunteering, thank you for sponsoring me, and thank you for giving! You didn’t have to but you did. I am thankful! If you could have or do anything in the world what would it be? I would build a home and get all the homeless people off the streets so they won’t be homeless anymore. So that they can get out of the rain! Update – For some months now Sheniqua has worked towards reuniting with family members. We are excited to say she is now in the process of moving to North Carolina to live close to her family. We will all miss Sheniqua, and will continue to pray for this next stage in her life.

Pray for our children and staff. Heal with your resources Donate monetary gifts. Your financial support allows our children to be raised in a safe and spiritually grounded home. Join our Circle of Protection by giving as little as $1.00 per day or $30.42 per month. Remember the children in your Will. After taking care of your family, please consider making our children part of your legacy. Bequest may be made to “The Methodist Children’s Home, Inc.” Donate Assests. Some of our donors find that giving stock is easy and best for them. When you give a donation of stock, you do not have to pay capital gains tax on the stock. Give items from our Wish List Heal with your time Volunteer to serve at events Share the story of the Methodist Children’s Homes with someone you know.


Youth Spotlight Host a Supply Drive

Fifteen of our youth participated in our Campus Wide Talent Show. Numerous volunteers from the community pretended to be paparazzi and judges for our show. All of the youth really got into the performances and cheered for all of their friend’s performance. The American Idol like judges were hilarious making the performers and the youth in the crowd belly over in laughter. Gift cards were given out to the top winners and

This past Christmas one of our churches fulfilled a Christmas wish for Courtney. She was overjoyed when she received her violin. To make this gift even better, a local violin teacher is volunteering her time to give Courtney violin lessons once a week.

A Mission of Hope Because of Christ, the Methodist Children’s Homes exists to promote healing in traumatized children, provide hope to troubled families and prepare the next generation of servant leaders in Mississippi.


Our Needs Paper Products Paper Towels Cleaning Products Laundry Detergent Pine Sol Windex Lysol Disinfectant Spray Baby Items Diapers Baby Wipes Enfamil Baby Formula Gift Cards Walmart Lowe’s McDonalds Target Teen Books Games UNO Phase 10 Family Feud DVD Cranium Quelf Apples to Apples

Honor/Memorial In Honor of (Given 3/3/2014-4/24/2014)

Brynlee Gurrard By Paige S. Kennedy Mitchell B. Hedgepeth By Brandon First United Methodist Church John Loper By P. W. Case Ruth Powell By Tom Powell Raleigh Richter By China Prewitt Ruby Tate By Frances S. Hill Walley & Evelyn Wesley By Cecelia Burks

In Memory of (Given 3/3/2014-4/24/2014)

Sela M. Anderson By Mary D. Hartford Wade Aycock By Joyce C. Aycock Douglas Barber By Karen Barber Edward Baroni Tyler Brumfield By Catherine B. Hill George H. Crawford By George Crawford, Jr. James L. Curtis By Lloyd Edwards J. Donald Duggar By Emily L. Burrows Christine M. Freeman By Gary Freeman By C.D. Mathis By James Freeman

David Hannon Gene Hannon By Lillie Hannon Nancy Holt By Mack Stallings Evelyn McBroom By Ed Carter By Gaylord Long By George Lee By Kimberly-Clark By Joe W. Walker Althea Murphy By John G. Jackson Mildred Nasif By Dennis Staer By Emma Crisler By L. N. Johnson Lou W. Perritt By John E. Perritt Spencer & Sis Powers By Betty Cox & David Powers Cliff Schaffer P By Paige S. Kennedy

John Shackelford By Judy Lacy Martha Smith By Norman A. Mott Joe Stoner By Joe Woodard Karen Squires By Dawn Holly James Teague By Carole Rucker Pauline N. Thornton By Danny Jackson Cleste Truitt By Robert N. Gilliland James Tutte By Kathryn C. Arant John D. Whaley By Hembree Brandon Charlie & Victoria White By Wonso Hayes Frances Zumbro By Oak Grove United Methodist

Consider giving a gift to the Methodist Children’s Homes of Mississippi in your will. A gift in your will to MCH will continue to transform lives for years to come.


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Post Office Box 66 Clinton, MS 39060-0066


MCH Spring Events

FACEBOOK & TWITTER Keep in Touch with the Methodist Children’s Homes on Facebook and Twitter Find the MCH on Facebook and “like” our page to receive frequent updates. Methodist-Childrens-Homes-ofMississippi/272796689457795 Follow us on Twitter. Our Twitter handle is #MCH1896

May 12, 2014

Foster Care Information Meeting MCH Campus (2nd Monday of every month)

May 17, 2014

Club Archery Shoot MCH Campus

June 6-8, 2014

MS Annual Conference Jackson Convention Complex

June 13-14, 2014 Thrift Store MCH Campus (Open 2nd Friday and Saturday of every month)

Check Out our New Website


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