MCH Summer/Fall 2021

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HELPINGHands Summer/Fall 2021





Children’s Homes of mississippi

The Fuller Family and the MCH Legacy, page 6-7 805 N FLAG CHAPEL ROAD


OFFICE: 601-853-5000

FAX: 601-853-5010



We have been blessed beyond measure and you are the ones who have served as the hands and feet of Jesus, pouring out blessings upon the children at our MCH. feet of Jesus, pouring out blessings upon the children at our MCH. As we pause to celebrate 125 years, I wonder what the initial conversations and prayers were for the three Methodist ministers and two lay people who formed the first Board of Managers. Would they have ever imagined that over 11,000 children would be a part of the Methodist Children’s Homes family? In their conversations, would they have believed that this organization would still be bringing hope and healing 125 years later?

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” -Colossians 3:20-21

I think they would stand in wonder at the ways God has provided and today, I do the same. As you will see on our website, MCH has faced fires, epidemics, economic depressions, world wars and more! Yet, God was at work in all the darkness and brought light. From the moments of darkness

across the world to the moments of darkness in a child’s life, God sees it all and He meets us in those moments. He is able to do “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine”. As we celebrate his provision though the crises of 2020 and 2021, we lean in and pray for God to continue to do “immeasurably more” in order to serve even more children who need His love. I ask you to join me in this prayer as we enter 2022. Thank you for your faithfulness to the children at your Methodist Children’s Homes. You continue to shine the light of the Lord! Only by Grace,

Devon V. Loggins, LCSW-S President and CEO

YOUTH SPOTLIGHT “I was happy and excited because it seemed like a better opportunity than I previously had.” That’s how Lawrence describes how he felt the first time he stepped foot on MCH’s campus. The 15-year-old says it felt as if he had made an improvement and he was ready for a new experience. Unbeknownst to him, it was an experience that would change his life. After just five and a half months on MCH’s 186-acre campus, Lawrence says he has gained so much. “I have learned that I am not the only person in the world. I am used to a one-onone setting and here [at MCH] I get to be more social. I’m not so alone.” Lawrence, as well as other youth at MCH, lean on the staff to guide them. But Lawrence says he looks up to one staff member in particular, Mr. McGhee. “He keepspushing me to do better and improve myself.”

lawrence’s story

Lawrence is just like any teenager. He enjoys spending time with friends and school and playing video games. But like many youths in foster care, one of his main goals is something other kids don’t have to worry about. Finding a loving home is at the top of his list of priorities. It’s the reality for thousands of youth across the country. But Lawrence isn’t letting that stop him from being successful and meeting many

friends along the way. Although he thinks about the future often, Lawrence tells other youth don’t let that make them miss out on the present. “I’m not saying not to prepare for your future but to take advantage of all the benefits and loving people here at MCH to assist you in preparing for your future.” Your support has made Lawrence a better version of himself to help others! Thank you for helping us provide a home so we can bring hope and healing to youth like him.

“We [the youth at MCH] appreciate all the things you do for us. Simply put, thank you!” —Lawrence

As a man of faith, I have seen God work in wonderful ways during my life. However, the last year has revealed the providence of God to me in a whole new light. As the world was being turned upside down, the hand of the Lord rested upon our Methodist Children’s Homes. When the economy became unstable, donations continued to be received. While COVID-19 case numbers soared, MCH remained healthy. Staff members experiencing turbulent times remained dedicated to the children they serve and continued their duties above and beyond. Time and again when a crisis hit the world, God held our MCH close. I can only attribute this to the power of your prayers. We have been blessed beyond measure and you are the ones who have served as the hands and






Former MCH Staff Adopts Teen Written by Tichina Wilson Tiara and Chris are redefining what it means to be a family. The former Resident Adviser for Methodist Children’ Homes is a new mom to an 18-year-old who spent much of his life in foster care. “He told me when I worked at Methodist that he was my child,” says Tiara. Chris recalls the moment he knew she was his mom. He described it as a bond that he never experienced with anyone else in his life. “There were so many other staff at MCH that I had a bond with but it was always me and Miss Tiara,” says Chris. Although Tiara has only officially been his mother for less than a month, Chris says she is already the best mother he will ever have. Finding his forever home did not happen overnight. At 5 years old, Chris was handed over to CPS custody where he was quickly adopted. But this adoption would not be the happy ending everyone expected. At the age of 10, Chris’ adoptive mother began seeking other homes for him. He then bounced from his adoptive mother to other placements, until he came to MCH in 2018. One year later, Tiara would start a new job at MCH as a Resident Adviser, where she worked with youth on campus at the therapeutic group homes. Tiara says she has worked with children her entire life. “It started as my passion after watching my granny for years teaching [and] making a


“I woke up and everything that happened the day before wasn’t a dream. I could just take a deep break, smile, and relax for the first time in a long time.” —Chris lings than they would with the older siblings almost all the time. Some of those teenagers can’t handle that at all. Maybe they look like they can but you can tell in their decisions and how they act.”

positive impact on a lot of kids’ lives. My granddad [influenced me] as well. He was a dorm manager.” Tiara had no idea this job would lead to her becoming a parent but then she met Chris. She says within the first few months of him knowing her he asked her if she would adopt him. “Adopting is something I said I wanted to do anyway but I didn’t think I would actually adopt a teenager,” says Tiara. But she believes teenagers need just as much love, support and care as any other child. Chris agrees. He says, “teenagers are overlooked. Parents devote more of their attention on the younger sib-

With the support of her family, Tiara decided adopting as a single parent was the best choice for her. It’s an act of love she says makes her feel like she is doing something right in life. Chris remembers waking up the next morning after his first night in his new home. “I woke up and everything that happened the day before wasn’t a dream. I could just take a deep break, smile, and relax for the first time in a long time.”

The Employee of the Quarter Award recognizes the accomplishments of individuals employed by MCH. The most important part of the nomination is the story of how the nominee is living out our Mission, Vision, Values and the Five Ways. Four individuals receive the award each year. For the first half of 2021, Debra Washington and Estella Finch were presented with the award. Debra is one of MCH’s longest serving employees. Since March of 2013, she has served in many roles including Resident Adviser. Debra says bringing hope and healing works both ways. “They [the kids] gave me hope. They healed me. They gave me a family. That’s why I’m at Methodist. I love these kids.” Debra is not alone in her love for the youth we serve. Estella has been part of the MCH family for over a year. She says she loves her job as Accounting Administrator. “What I enjoy most is making sure that I do my part to get the needs of our youth met, and taking care of our foster parents. I agree that they can be a handful at times and most kids are, but they are ours.”

Congratulations to you both!

Debra Washington,

Resident Adviser, Quarter 1

Estella Finch, Accounting Administrator, Quarter 2

After earning his certificate in welding and cutting technology, Chris is now on the job hunt and hoping to get his driver’s license soon. It’s something he doesn’t have to do alone because Tiara is guiding him every step of the way. “Children First, Family Always” — a motto that’s echoed throughout Methodist Children’s Homes is now the very thing that helped develop this mother’s love for her son. Donors like you are the reason why we’re MCH, a place where hope and healing lives. Thank you!


The Fuller Family and the MCH Legacy Written by Mandy Bufkin

She recalled many memories from the Home. “... I liked it out there. We always had plenty of friends to play with. They taught us lots of things.” –Martha Goodwin building with each floor being divided by age. Martha stated, “Eula Mae was also on the same floor as I was. Katherine ... was in the same building that we were in [but on a different floor].” Their baby brother, Thomas, went to the nursery until he was 12 and then went to work on the farm.

Martha Goodwin lived a full life. She had a loving husband, three kids and numerous grandchildren but no one would have ever imagined it started out in an orphanage in Mississippi. On January 8, 1934, Martha Fuller and her three siblings arrived at the Mississippi Methodist Orphan’s Home. After their mother was unable to care for them due to her mental health needs, their father brought them from Vicksburg to the Home in Jackson. When they arrived on campus the Fuller siblings were the following ages: Katherine, age 9; Eula Mae, age 8; Martha, age 6; and Thomas, age 3. Martha is the only one of the siblings still living and currently resides in El Paso, Texas. I had the privilege to speak with her and she recalled the “Home” with great fondness. Martha, along with her siblings, spent much of her childhood at the Home. The girls were all in the same


She recalled many memories from the Home. “... I liked it out there. We always had plenty of friends to play with. They taught us lots of things. They taught us to sew and to cook when we became 12 years old. [At that age] the girls would go down and work in the kitchen. I remember we would make great big pans of biscuits. One pan must have held 50 biscuits.” Beyond cooking, they all had chores around the Home. Hers, despite hating it, was to feed the chickens. She remembers small moments like her brother sitting on top of the piano, singing hymns on Sundays. Going into town and selling red, paper poppies. Now, at the age of 94, she reflects over her childhood with positivity and wistfulness in her voice. From the beginning, the United Methodist Church was involved in various ways to support the children of the Home. “There was a lady, Ms. Little, she chose me to make my clothes. They had people from the

different churches to clothe each child. This lady made me dresses and I can see now where they were beautiful little dresses. But she liked “checks” [checkered fabric] and she would make the same pattern which included a great big collar. They were really pretty but I didn’t think so [at the time] because they were all made just alike,” she said laughingly. Beyond developing life skills, the Home made sure all in their care were educated. “There was a school for 1st through 8th in the Home. After that, we walked two miles to Bailey Junior High School and there was the 9th grade. Then, 10th through 12th we went to Central High School and we really thought we were something in high school because we would get to catch the city bus,” Martha recalled. “I loved it out there,” Martha shared. As she turned 18, and began her new life, MCH helped. When leaving, “they try to get you a job and they got me a job at the U.S. Employment Service. It was a very slick job...” According to the files at MCH, Martha left on March 31, 1945. After eleven years living at Mississippi Methodist Orphan’s Home, Martha moved out of the Home and moved in with her sister, Katherine and Katherine’s husband, Jimmie Smith. “ Katherine, my oldest sister, loved shorthand and would take notes and write letters.” Katherine began working for the Home as a secretary.

The Fuller siblings, Katherine, Eula Mae , Thomas and Martha as children and later in life.

“They were wonderful to me. It was a great family and a Christian upbringing. I can’t imagine what his life would have been like without The Methodist Children’s Homes.” –Tommy Goodwin Katherine left to work for herself on September 12, 1942 and married Jimmie Smith of Jackson. At 19 years of age, Eula Mae left on October 29, 1944 to live in Jackson and work at Commercial Bank and Trust Co. She went on to marry a military man. The youngest, Thomas, or Tommy as most called him, was the only one of the siblings to be taken in by a family. The Boteler family took Tommy home with them on July 17, 1943. They wanted to adopt him but were not allowed to do so by Tommy’s biological father. Nonetheless, he was still treated as the Boteler’s son, even being left as the primary recipient of their will. Tommy attended Hinds Community College and then joined the Marine Corp. He was stationed in Oceanside, California where he met his bride, Wanda. As life continued for each of the siblings, Martha had three kids -Peggy, Sandra, and Jerry. After 13 years of

being married she went to El Paso to stay with her brother in law and sister as she tried to escape an abusive marriage. After their divorce, she remarried the “best man on this Earth, Alonzo “Al” Goodwin. We were married for 45 years before he passed away in 2008. He was such a good person.” Through the years, the siblings remained in touch even though they were in various locations across the U.S. While the other siblings have all passed, Tommy’s wife, Wanda, is still living. I was able to speak with her and she said Tommy had great memories of MCH. Wanda shared one of their conversations, “I would say to him, ‘I just can’t believe you had a happy childhood. An alcoholic father, because of your mother [going to the state hospital] you’re put in the orphanage and all during the Great Depression. He said, ‘It was [happy]. They

Martha and her children, Peggy, Sandra and Jerry

were wonderful to me. It was a great family and a Christian upbringing’.” Wanda went on to share, “I can’t imagine what his life would have been like without The Methodist Children’s Homes.” Looking back in the history of MCH, the story of the Fullers highlights how big an impact the Methodist Children’s Homes has had over the years. After serving over 11,000 children, MCH has changed thousands of family trees and positively impacted the lives of future generations. A special thank you to Peggy, Martha’s daughter, for her help with this project.




TICKET TO DREAM From donating face masks to protect youth from COVID-19 to sending backpacks for school, Ticket to Dream is always thinking of our youth. Thank you for caring about the children at Methodist Children’s Homes!


OPTIMIST CLUB Thank you to The Optimist Club of Jackson for thinking of the children of MCH. They recently donated $12,000 towards the area of greatest need. We are so blessed to have their support and thankful for them investing in their local community.


At the beginning of 2021, we welcomed Marcella McKay as the Strategic Planning and Programs Committee Chairperson. She has already been a blessing to our team as she leads us in looking to the future of MCH.

“It is an honor to join the MCH Managers Board as chairperson of the Strategic Planning and Programs

Committee. I am truly grateful to be able to contribute my skills and talents to bring hope and healing to hurting children in Mississippi.”

“I look forward to focusing on strategic priorities that serve as a roadmap for MCH’s provision of innovative therapeutic services today and in the future. I cannot think of a more meaningful organization with whom I could be affiliated.” –Marcella McKay

Charles Nicholson Mr. Charles Nicholson has been a blessing to the MCH family as a Board member and Development Committee member for several years. In 2021, he finished his time as the Development Committee Chair. Thank you for your service and dedication to the children of Mississippi.

CHICKFILA We were so blessed to have the support of Chick-fil-A’s location in Clinton. They provided several gift cards and meals for the youth of MCH. Thank you for your generosity. COMMUNITY BANK PRESENTATION

Thank you for choosing MCH to be your charity partner. Community Bank’s ongoing generosity helps to bring hope and healing to the youth of Methodist Children’s Homes


FIRST UMC CLINTON First UMC ClintonFirst United Methodist Church Clinton has always been dedicated to the children of MCH. These past few months they continue their service in innovative ways. For one of their Vacation Bible School projects, their kids wrote notes of encouragement for everyone at MCH as well as collecting a special offering for MCH through their VBS. Then at the end of summer, the church provided their buses for a summer trip to Gulf Shores, Alabama. Thank you for being a reflection of Christ’s love!


We are so grateful for the Junior Auxiliary of Clinton. They have dedicated their time to teach our youth skills they need to be successful. Over the summer, they taught them the basics of grilling. Most importantly, they provided information on healthy relationships, STD’s, and sexual education. They are also a key part of celebrating our youth’s birthdays. They even donated towards a field trip for all youth celebrating a summer birthday.

“Nearly five years ago, I was asked by a friend and former MCH Board member to consider volunteering at MCH. As a Result, my wife and I took a tour of the campus and saw first-hand the impact the MCH mission was having on their children. From that point forward, my heart was with MCH. Soon after this visit, I was elected to the Board and a few years later was asked to Chair the Development Committee. It has been an honor to

work with all those on that committee, Board, staff, and the many volunteers on a mission to improve the current circumstances of our MCH Children and more importantly equipping them for a better life. As the committee responsible for raising the needed funds to support the MCH mission, I have found it easy to ask others to contribute their time and their money because all of us who are associated with MCH so passionately believe in our mission.

“When I ask for support, I always offer to host them on campus with a visit with our CEO and some of the Staff –but I always warn them –“Don’t agree to the visit unless you are prepared to have MCH and our mission capture your heart” –Charles Nicholson



This summer was truly one of the best summers for the youth at MCH. Because of your generosity, they were able to travel out of state, journey all over Mississippi, attend summer camp, and make memories to last a lifetime! Thank you to everyone who made this possible. MEMPHIS We kicked off summer with a day in the Bluff City! We couldn’t leave Memphis without a stop at the zoo and Rock ‘n’ Soul Museum.

TRAMPOLINE PARK From the freestyle jump tothe sky slam and the ultimate dodgeball, we enjoyed some fun indoors at Sky Zone Trampoline Park

PULSE MISSION CAMP Our youth experienced love, joy, and adventure at PULSE Mission Camp at Camp Wesley Pines. A special thanks to Camp Wesley Pines, who provided additional scholarship funds for our youth to attend.

GRAMMY MUSEUM We had the opportunity to spend time in the birthplace of blues, the Mississippi Delta. During a visit to the GRAMMY Museum, the kids of MCH had the opportunity to learn how blues shaped music around the world.

GEYSER FALLS No summer is complete without the gushing geysers and roaring waterfalls that Geyser Falls has to offer!


GULF SHORES We ended our summer with relaxation and adventure in Gulf Shores, Alabama. For many kids at MCH, this was their first time traveling out of the state or going to the beach. Donors like you are the reason why this is possible.


HONOR MEMORIAL In Honor of (Given 3/14/21-9/8/2021) Andrew Young Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jones Ann Hopper Dr. and Mrs. W A. Spencer Ashley Mr. and Mrs. Paul C Savage, Sr Baby Scivicque Mrs. Kyle Scivicque Beth Sumrall Mr. Clifford E. Barnett Betty A. Crawford Mr. Wix & Bobbie Crawford Betty Jane J. Chatham Wesley SSC Betty K. Smith Ms. Michelle Goza Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Smith Caroline Griffin Dr. and Mrs. Tom Powell, Jr. Catherine Butts Wesley Sunday School Class Charlotte Griffin Dr. and Mrs. Tom Powell, Jr. Clint Ware Mrs. Cynthia E. Ware Denise Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Michael Adcock Devon Loggins St Luke’s United Methodist Church Rev. Dr. Connie Shelton Don Garforth Mr. Ezra Garforth Ella Burdine Mr. and Mrs. William Clark Frances McEwen Mr. Ancel Tipton, Jr. Helen Iles Mr. Joseph S. Rambo J B. Burns Mr. and Mrs. J. Carlos Smith J. T. Turner Mrs. J. T. Turner Jackie Bailey Ms. Jane Alexander James “. McCool Mr. Danny Arnold James Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grisham Jane Leech Mrs. Jane Leech Janet Harris Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Dallas Jason and L. McMaster Mrs. Emily Shafer Jean Braden Ms. Presley Flowers


John W. W. Anderson Ms. Sandra Shelton Josh Miller Ms. Norma P. Caviness Larry Broadhead Mr. and Mrs. Larry Broadhead Leslie Hester Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gaughf Leslie Hester Dr. and Mrs. Wallace Killcreas Marcus and Hazel Martin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Crout Marjorie G. Batson Ms. Melanie B. Hinson Marvin Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heath Michael Williams Ms. Frances McEwen Morgan Tullos Ms. Dorothy King Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell, House Parents, M. Cottage Mr. Richard Crout Norma Fulcher Dr. and Mrs. W. Lamar Weems Pat Noble Mr. and Mrs. James F. Noble III Patricia Fulcher Dr. and Mrs. W. Lamar Weems Patti Sacha’s Dr. Stephen R. Green Patty Socha Mr. James Brian Gomillion Nona Harrison Circle Piney Grove United Methodist Church Lowndes Farm Supply Inc. Ryan and B. Akers Mrs. Amanda Edwards Shea S. Terrell Mr. Mitch W. Terrell Trey Jones Explorers Sunday School Vida G. Beasley Mr. Adam Horn Will H. Dowling Ms. Norma P. Caviness William L. Burdine Mr. and Mrs. William Clark In Memory of (Given 3/14/21-9/8/2021) Alice Sherrard Mrs. Nancy Roberts Angela Schrieffer Mr. and Mrs. William R. Yordy

HONOR MEMORIAL Ann Nelson Belinda B. Roark Arthur McAlpin Mrs. Willie Bobo B. C. Smith Mrs. Dorothy Phillips B. F. Lewis Mrs. and Mrs. Joanne Keeton Betsy P. Smith Ms. Amelia W. Mockbee Billy I. Ware Mrs. Cynthia E. Ware Billy Orr Mrs. Cynthia E. Ware Braden Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thompson C. L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ward Caleb Luckey Mr. Ross & Wendi Steadham Carl Brannan Mrs. Anne Cuevas Carol Hyde Ms. Barbara M. Branscome Catherine L. Thornton Ms. Carolyn Hale Charlene Cotton Mrs. Jane C. Hanes Charles Weems Mr. and Mrs. Hal Davison Charlie Mohler Mrs. Cynthia E. Ware Chris Coward Mrs. Willie Bobo Cindy Price Mrs. J. O. Wood Clinton C. Moore Ms. Miffy Woods Curtis S. Camp Ms. Billie Hughey Dallas Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Perkins David C. Barton Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kendall David Rector Mrs. and Mrs. Susan L. Craig Dorothy Lance Mr. and Mrs. William R. Yordy E. L. Ballard Mr. Donald D. Gee Earl Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Greer Edwin W. Hooker Mrs. and Mr. Stephanie Hodges

Elizabeth Ball Mr. Donald D. Gee Emily McAdams Mr. Jim Brantley Emmett Randolph Ms. Catherine B. Hill Ercell Pickering Mr. and Mrs. Larry K. Robinson F. Wilson Ray Mr. David Ray Florence McGee Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wood, Jr. George H. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Thomas Gerald W. Gentry Mr. and Mrs. David H. Cox Gertrude B. Luehlfing Mr. and Mrs. Monte Luehlfing Gladys Mae Morris Mr. James F. Freeman, Jr Hal Mardis Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chambers Helen Allison Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kendall Helen Young Mr. and Mrs. Abner C. Young I. Jerry Hlass Mr. and Mrs. I. Jerry Hlass Iris P. Boggan Mr. and Mrs. David Byars J C L. Murphree Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ward J W Fielder Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kendall J. D. Hollingsworth Mrs. and Mrs. Joanne Keeton J. M. Davis Mrs. Madeline Strahan James C. Moore Ms. Miffy Woods James Peden Mrs. Willie Bobo Jane Sides Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frank Caraway Jean Braden Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thompson Jerry Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Perkins Jewel Weldon Mr. Joe P. Cox, Jr. Jim O”Quinn Mrs. Mary Youngblood Jo and Bill Holladay Mr. Robert Lawson Joe Jones Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Moore

Julia Barkley Mrs. Falba L. Hill Julie Gaither Ms. Debra M. McCaffrey Katherine Wilhite Mrs. Rebecca Vanzytveld Kelly B. Hutchison Mrs. Hutchison Kenneth Ray Pate Dr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Pate L. R. Poole Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Perkins Lamar Puryear Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Puryear Leshi R. Hester Ms. Rebecca Jackson Leslie Hester Mr. Felix Pitts Lou W. Perritt Mr. John E. Perritt Louise McCaskill Mrs. Alice H. Jordan Lucian A. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kendall Lynne Long Mr. and Mrs. Jim Meyer M. J. Bryant Ms. Lillian Dinkins Majorie Beard Mr. and Mrs. Dwright McRaney Mark McLendon Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Garner Mary Cannon Mrs. Robin Jeffcoat Mary H. Young Mr. and Mrs. Abner C. Young Mary Stamm Mr. and Mrs. Abner C. Young Maurine Parker Ms. Joyce Orr Maybline Farner Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Perkins Michele Reed Mr. and Mrs. Jim Meyer Mr. James E. Holmes ASSET Engineering Mr. Mike & Rosella Glenn Mr. Joe Lutz Mrs. Alice Spaudling Mr. Clifford Mosby Ms Katherine Raye Wilhite Mr. Charles James Nathan Griffith Mrs. Cynthia E. Ware Nell Randolph Ms. Debbie Holland

Neva Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Heyward C. Green Mr. and Mrs. Milton Johnson Mrs. Charlene Guynes Mr. William R. Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Steel Mrs. Sylvia Carraway Mr. Robert Jones Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Lilly Ms. Marie Barksdale Patsy Johnson Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bryant Paul Rivers Ms. Hazel Rivers Philip Warren Mrs. Cynthia E. Ware Polly Hemphill Mr. and Mrs. Florence Box


Ralph James Mrs. Judith Kilpatrick Ramona Boughan Mrs. J. O. Wood Randy Landrum Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Dennis, Jr. Rayford Woodrick Ms. Gwen Ross Richard H. Purvis Ms. Deborah A. Bennett Richard Yordy Mr. and Mrs. William R. Yordy Robert Mitchell Mr. Joe P. Cox, Jr. Roger Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. Jim Meyer Ron D. Veazey Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Perkins Ron Veazey Mrs. Mary Youngblood

Sally Buntin Ms. Marie Barksdale Sheila Puryear Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Puryear Stann Smith Mr. and Mrs. Dwright McRaney Steve Myers Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Perkins Steven Taylor Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hennessey Sullivan Miller Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Perkins Thomas W. young Mr. and Mrs. Abner C. Young Tom Crocket Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kendall

Trudy Luehlfing Ms. Frances McEwen Mr. and Mrs. Scotty Ball Turner Arant Mr. and Mrs. Greg Bennett Vida G. Beasley Ms. Amy Jones Mr. Jack Green Mrs. Lacy Telkain Mrs. Karen Collier Mrs. Mary Fulkerson Wally Bennett Ms. Valerie Sullivan Walter Lance Mr. and Mrs. William R. Yordy Walter Williams Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Perkins Wanda Lundy Mrs. Margaret Niuen

William Hubbard Ms. Sarah C. Hubbard William Stevens Ms. Marie Barksdale Winnioara Kremer Mr. Henry Kremer Contact Trina McNair, if any changes need to be made.

updates Demario lived at MCH from 2014 to 2018. During those four years, he was always a hard worker and even had an on-campus car washing business. He now works for Riverwoods Behavioral Health in Clayton county, GA.

Rebecca I’m Rebecca, I am now married and have a little 2 year old boy, and another boy on the way. My husband and I have our own apartment. I’m currently a Stay at Home momma and looking to go back to school. MCH helped us in so many ways! If it wasn’t for the people who loved and cared about me I would never be here today!

Tristyn was a resident at MCH from 2016 to 2019. After graduating high school, she went on to attend college. She currently resides in Petal, MS and provides in home care as a Senior Caregiver for elderly clients.




Turner and Sybil Arant

Throughout the years, MCH has been honored by the service and dedication of many individuals. Turner and Sybil Arant were two such people. Our hearts were saddened to hear of the passing of Turner Arant on March 17th, 2021. His wife, Sybil, followed him just a few months later on July 3, 2021. Turner has been a huge part of Methodist Children’s Homes for 40 years, including serving as a Board member for 25 years from 1993 to 2018. He and Sybil have been an extremely generous donor as well as children advocates at MCH and across the state. In 2012, one of our current buildings was renovated due to their generosity and renamed the Turner and Sybil Arant recreation building. We are thankful to have a physical place on our campus which his name and legacy can continue on for years to come. Thank you for your years of service. Your legacy lives on through the children of MCH!

Becoming a National Leader Methodist Children’s Homes of Mississippi is one step closer to reaching our vision of becoming the national leader in providing innovative therapeutic services to children and families. We’re proud to announce that our therapeutic residential program is nationally accredited through the Council on Accreditation! MCH was expedited through the pre-commission review process due to “not receiving any out of compliance ratings in any of the fundamental practice standards.” This would not be possible without the hard work and dedication of our staff and most of all, your support. As we mark 125 years, join us in celebrating this important milestone.


Due to rising COVID-19 numbers, MCH’s November Gala is now a virtual Give-a-thon. Join us on November 9th, for entertainment, a silent auction featuring our children’s artwork, and alumni success stories! We will still be celebrating in-person on April 7, 2022.

Mark your calendars


Healing for Melissa As a therapeutic group home, our mission is for our children and teens to have hope and healing through Jesus Christ. Recently one of our therapists was overjoyed to see this mission come to fruition. Allyson has been a therapist at MCH for almost three years. During this time, she has worked with clients from our group homes and community clients. She was overjoyed to share Melissa’s progress. “I have been working with this particular youth for about 2 and a half years. The youth had been here about 6 months before I came in. When I took over the case she was still very aggressive, having outbursts, a lot of trauma and things like that. Since then she’s no longer in our group homes. [She continued receiving therapy through our Magnolia Youth Services program.] Recently, in the last couple of weeks, she’s been placed with her family and today she was talking about a situation with a family member. That she got upset, got frustrated and she was talking about how she was able to control it and manage it. She said, ‘I didn’t throw anything, I didn’t get upset. I’ve learned how to control myself’ and that’s just super cool to hear her progress. She’s learned how to manage her emotions better and be successful and be proud of herself. [As a therapist] to get to be a tiny, tiny part of that is amazing. God is good! How lucky am I that I get to be a part of that and witness that [growth] and know that He’s not done yet. There’s so much more that He has for her life. Her past and trauma doesn’t determine her future and her hope.” Through your giving to Little Light of Mine and all the fundraising programs you support over the years, Melissa has been able to return home to her family. She has learned how to manage her emotions and has truly felt hope and healing. Her future is brighter now because of your generosity. Thank you!



special offering

Sign up to participate in our “Little Light of Mine” offering. This offering supports the daily operations of MCH. Without your church’s support, MCH would not be able to care for the hundreds of children we serve each year. Here are five steps to make a difference: Step

Choose a Sunday between October 17 and December 12 to collect your special offering.


Let us know which date you’re collecting your offering and sign up to receive your toolkit, graphics, and llomsignup.


Using the resources we provide, promote the special offering in your church and prepare your congregation to give.


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Show the Little Light of Mine Special Offering video in your church’s worship service. Pray for the children and staff of MCH. Collect a special offering for your children at Methodist Children’s Homes. Your church sends in your donation and lives are changed by the resources you provided!

Contact Mandy Bufkin at or 767.792.2027 if you have any questions.


Forever Families! Forman Family Because of your ongoing support, dreams are coming true! Josh is officially part of the Forman family, after being adopted. Not only has he found his forever home, he is now forever reunified with his sister Aria. We spoke with him earlier this year and he said, “It’s always been oneof my dreams to be reunited with one of my siblings.” Thank you for all the ways you support MCH!

Harmon Family We’re happy to announce that the Harmons are now a family of six! The happy couple adopted their fourth child, Declan. He is now forever reunified with his sister Aimee, who the Harmons adopted in 2020. If you’re interested in fostering, we would love to tell you more! Children of all ages need a loving home. Contact Charity at crobinson@mchms.orgto learn more.



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