Methodist Children's Homes of MS Winter 2015

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HELPING HANDS winter 2015

your donor newsletter

Inspiring Role Model – Jasmine Watson Because of you and your generous support we have been able to watch one of our former youth mature into a delightful young lady. For over a year Jasmine Watson and her beautiful daughter Eliyah were residents of the Two of Us home. There she learned the joys and hardships of motherhood. “I am more independent and a better mother thanks to the staff at Two of Us,” Jasmine stated. Today, Jasmine is working during the day and attending school at night. She is a fighter, and will do anything it takes to be the best mother to her daughter. Jasmine’s advice to our young mothers at the Two of Us home is “Please know that you can never give up. A mother’s job is never done. When you leave here, you have to do everything for yourself. So take the advice the staff gives you, and learn all you can while someone is helping.”

POST OFFICE BOX 66 • CLINTON, MS 39060-0066 • OFFICE: 601-853-5000 • FAX: 601-853-5010 • WWW.MCHMS.ORG

Letter from CEO Dear Friends and Family, More than 119 years ago a dedicated group of church leaders saw a pressing need to provide safe loving homes for orphans throughout our state. Today, we continue to change and adapt to ensure that MCH will continue to serve hurting children and troubled families. Last year was productive, yet challenging. While overcoming obstacles and struggles MCH has made the necessary adjustments to become the provider of choice in the state of Mississippi. This year we are called to pray fervently and work diligently on behalf of the children and families we serve. Staying ahead and adapting in these changing times is vital. In 2014, 163 children were served in our residential and foster care programs (an increase of 17% from the previous year), we placed three youth in college, helped 30 youth take a step closer to permanent homes, and witnessed 15 youth commit their lives to Jesus. Our services are more in demand than ever before, and this need shows no sign of decreasing. I truly appreciate all of the people and organizations that help us achieve our goals; board members, Methodist Churches, corporate sponsors, state organizations, foundations, and individuals have each provided us with unique input and support that help us accomplish our mission. Thank you again for loving our kids. Your involvement, dedication and support will change lives today and for eternity. May the Lord bless you all. Because of Christ,

Imagine being taken from your home… It is a normal morning; you wake up and leave for school like any other day. Like most teenagers you love to laugh and you tell your best friend everything… your deepest, darkest secrets. However, today is different. During 4th period your name is called over the intercom. As you approach the office you see two men dressed in black with guns hanging from their belts. There is also a strange lady, holding papers and she introduces herself as your DHS worker. Next thing you know you are put in the back of a police car and taken to your home. They inform you that it is no longer safe for you to live there, and you have only a few minutes to gather some of your belongings. Your mom is there crying and obviously upset. You feel guilty and wonder if your mom hates you or if she will ever forgive you. You can’t help but blame yourself. You think, “Why did I tell my friend.” The DHS worker tells you it’s time to go, and you wonder if you will ever see your mom again. Next thing you know your DHS worker is dropping you off at a stranger’s house where you will have a new mom and new dad that you will call your foster parents. This is what actually happened to one of our sweet girls at MCH. She says it was the worst day of her life. “My best friend noticed the bruises and marks and finally figured out what I was going through. Because she loved me, she reported the incident to our teacher.” Now, safe with us at MCH, she is in the process of healing. “I am healing each day from that experience and turning my life around. I am a senior, and only a few months from graduation! I cannot believe that I have come so far. I am proving to my mom and everyone else that I am making it. I am proud to say that I am the first female in my family not to become a teenage mother, and I will be the first one with a high school diploma. I have dreams of attending Mississippi State to major in Veterinary medicine. And…I know I can… because if I have learned anything, it is that God loves me, MCH loves me, and I know deep down that my mom loves me and is so proud of me too!” Can you imagine, being taken away from everything you know; your mom, dad, sister and brother and told you have a new family?

Mike Duggar, President and CEO


Christmas Gifts For some of our youth, this year was the first time they were able to experience the excitement and happiness that is wrapped up in Christmas morning. Providing Christmas for 53 youth takes a lot of individuals and churches working together. The generosity and kindness of our donors was inspiring to all the staff at MCH. On Christmas morning our youth woke up to Daniel and Meagan Wilson delivering Christmas gifts dressed as Santa Clause and his Elf. They were overjoyed to open up their bag filled with wrapped gifts specially picked out just for them. After playing with their gifts and eating a late breakfast, our local bowling alley opened up just for them.

Thanks to everyone who helped to make this an unforgettable Christmas! Alexis Butler Alta Woods UMC Alta Woods UMC Disciples Sunday School Anita Johnson Beth Ann Wann Betty Jane Chatham Bolgard UMC Bolton UMC Bued UMC Christ UMC Clinton Noon Lions Club Coopers Chapel UMC Crossgates UMW Danny McCollum David Matusiak Diane Lewis Dianne Butler Eric and Krystina Sanford First UMC Brandon

First UMC Clinton Flag Chapel Baptist Church George and Zoella Huffman Gumtree Wholesale Insurance Brokers, Inc. Holly Bluff UMC Independence UMC Iuka UMC Jan and Mike Corbon Jeff and Phillis Waller Joel and Krista Renfroe JSU Pan Council Lib Hoke Lyons UMC Madison UMC - Fellowship Sunday School Madison UMC - Friends in Faith Bible Study Marvin UMC

Marvin UMC - Good News Sunday School Mary Bess Boyd Mary Beth Pearce McIntosh Sunday School Class McLauren Heights UMC Memorial UMC - UMW Mike McGuffie Mt. Olive UMC Mt. Vernon UMC Neel-Schaffer, Inc. Employees New York Life Insurance Employees Nissan North America Canton Employees Oak Grove UMC Parkway Hills UMC Pearl UMC

Richard and Lucy Henley Richard Starkey Robin Creel Rosedale UMC Roundtree Investments Sarah Boggan Sherry Boyd St. Matthews UMC St. Paul UMC Foxworth Starkville UMC Starkville UMW Susan Matusiak Three Lions Crossfit Club Tom Cosgrave Tunica UMC - Prayerful Hearts Sunday School Urtis Purvis Vertical Church Winborn Chapel UMC Women’s Group


Youth Spotlight Keshuna Meet Keshuna, one of MCH’s pride and joy. She has graduated from high school and now enrolled at a local college where she lives in the dorm and is making straight A’s. She is the reason why we work so hard everyday to reach out to our youth. She has become a role model to our younger youth. She has respect for herself, has forgiven others, and has moved on from her past to become a beautiful and smart young lady who is ready to tackle the world. We are so proud of her! Because of a generous endowment that was given solely for the purpose of higher education, every youth who graduates high school while in our care is given an opportunity to have their entire college education paid for. Age: 18

Birthday: May 31, 1996

Think back to the first day you stepped on campus and describe how you felt. I arrived at MCH with 9 other girls on the same day. Our last home had been closed and MCH opened their doors to all 10 girls. When we drove on campus I knew this place was different, and it would be better than our last home. I felt loved and cared for immediately.

What is your most vivid memory at MCH? I have always written poems and MCH gave me the opportunity to share one of my poems at their board meeting. That moment helped me to know that I definitely wanted to major in Creative Writing. What are the values you picked up while living at MCH? I most definitely learned RESPECT. I learned that you don’t get anywhere, without first respecting others. Who has helped you the most? Every single staff member in the administration building has loved on me, pushed me to be better and encouraged me. Ms. Williams always shows me love and makes me feel welcomed. Mr. Wilson and Mr. Loggins have pushed me to be better in school and behavior. I could go on and on about each person in the administration building. Where are you today? I am living at college majoring in Creative Writing. MCH is paying for my room, board and tuition and so far I am making straight A’s in all of my classes. In my free time I play intramural flag football with my friends and just hang out. What would you say to our loyal donors? Keep giving to MCH and make sure they are always open. It made a difference for me. What would you tell the youth currently living at MCH? Don’t be another DHS number. Finish high school and go to college. Beat the system, respect others and do something with your life.

Giving Back Our girls at the McCarty home volunteer at CARA, the local animal rescue shelter. While there they feed the animals, clean out their cages and exercise the dogs. One of the McCarty girls recently said, “My favorite thing about volunteering is being able to give back. At MCH we have people who give us a lot, and I really appreciate it. Now, I can do something to help others. I feel that by just giving the cats or dogs some attention, I am making a difference.” The McCarty staff believes that giving back to their community teaches responsibility, and allows the girls to discover their individual strengths and weaknesses. 4

“Do small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa

Christmas Prayer Ornaments

Guys attend JROTC

This year you were part of something wonderful. We asked you to write a prayer for a specific youth on an ornament. This ornament became a visible reminder that they are loved and prayed for. We received more than 280 ornaments with some of the most inspiring prayers for our youth. Each youth’s ornament hung on the Christmas tree in their home. After Christmas they were able to keep them. Here are a few of our ornaments.

We are proud of two of our young men who are actively involved in Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC) at their high school. JROTC is a high school program which offers a military setting to teach students a variety of character traits and life skills. Javarrea and Twyain are considered Cadets and are striving to rise through the ranks. “My instructor told me that I showed characteristics of becoming a leader in JROTC,” Javarrea said proudly. This year Javarrea and Twyain were able to attend the military ball. When asked about the Ball Javarrea eagerly stated, “It was awesome and amazing! We wore our Cadet uniform and added a bow tie. The food and reception was great, and then we moved to the dance floor. It was such a fun night. I am already looking forward to the Ball next year!” “JROTC is important to get involved in. Not only will JROTC give me a scholarship to college, but it has made me become more mature and has taught me responsibility. I think it prepares me for the world.” It is a privilege to watch our young men become involved and successful in something they are passionate about. We love watching our children grow and excel!


Making a difference Jackson State University Student Alexis Butler, JSU Pan Council and JSU Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority have gone above and beyond. Ms. Butler and the Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority volunteered renovating the Owens home, and the JSU Pan Council provided one of our group home’s entire Christmas wish list.

Brandon UMC hosted their second annual Santa Soup Kitchen in order to purchase a much needed golf cart for MCH. Every Monday in November their fellowship hall was filled with six or seven steaming pots of soup. Not only was the fellowship with church and community members great but also the soup was delicious.

Winborn Chapel UMC blessed MCH with fulfilling a group home Christmas wish list. The youth were beyond excited to receive all their new items. Thank you. Your generosity is inspiring.

New York Life Insurance employees out of the Ridgeland office have blown us away with their generosity. The group adopted a group home Christmas wish list and purchased everything on it. They also donated a big screen TV and two computers. In addition, they applied for two grants on our behalf. Words do not fully describe how humbled and grateful we are to each agent and staff member who gave. New York Life employees inspire us to give more and do more each day. Thank you!


Regions Bank staff volunteered at our home by setting up our amazing Christmas Village that was donated by Lynn Dertucci Thank you for brining Christmas spirit to our campus.

Ladies in Fellowship Together (L.I.F.T) hosted the Children’s Winter Gala benefiting the children’s home. All of the money raised went towards providing a Christmas Eve feast for our youth.

Starkville UMC is always faithful to MCH. This year a group of women loaded the church van with Christmas decorations and spent the entire day decorating two of our homes for Christmas. I can honestly say the Rowell home and the Seal home have never looked so festive.

McLaurin Heights UMC congregation blessed our youth by fulfilling one of our group homes’ entire Christmas wish list. A huge thank you to all the youth that picked out each item.

Byhalia UMW recently invited our CEO Mike Duggar to speak to their group. Mike had a great time visiting with the wonderful ladies of Byhalia and updating them on MCH. Byhalia has been a wonderful supporter of our children.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Jackson Alumni Chapter hosted Caring Cases, which was one of the most thoughtful supply drives. Their group set up at Belk during the holidays and collected new and used suitcases. Many of our kids arrive at our home with all of their belongings in a single trash bag. Now each youth will be given their own suitcase.

First Baptist Jackson every year gives all of our youth tickets to attend their Carols by Candlelight Christmas program. They never fail to do an amazing job of presenting the gospel. Thank you FBCJ for inviting our youth and sharing the gospel so beautifully.

Madison UMC members came to tour our homes. After touring these ladies went back to their church and raised money to help provide Christmas gifts for our youth. Thank you for seeing the need and spreading the word. 7

Get Involved Heal with your prayers Pray for our children and staff. Heal with your resources Donate monetary gifts. Your financial support allows our children to be raised in a safe and spiritually grounded home. Join our Circle of Protection by giving as little as $1.00 per day or $30.42 per month. Remember the children in your Will. After taking care of your family, please consider making our children part of your legacy. Bequest may be made to “The Methodist Children’s Home, Inc.” Donate Assests. Some of our donors find that giving stock is easy and best for them. When you give a donation of stock, you do not have to pay capital gains tax on the stock. Give items from our Wish List Heal with your time Volunteer to serve at events Share the story of the Methodist Children’s Homes with someone you know. For more information contact Kate Williams at 601-853-5000 ext. 1222 or


Reunification: Tears Flowing Everyone in the room had tears flowing down their cheeks. They were not tears of sorrow, anguish, or hurt. This time they were happy tears because children were reunited with family! Marge and George Thompson were in love with their grandchildren. Their daughter had a son named Miles, a daughter named Alex and twins named Hayden and Haley. They feared for the lives of these precious children because they knew that their daughter was not capable of taking care of them. Eventually their worst nightmares came true; the children were taken into DHS custody because the mother’s boyfriend “smashed” the twins’ heads together repeatedly. Because of this abuse, Hayden at only three months is now paraplegic, blind, deaf in one ear, and only able to eat through a feeding tube. Haley experienced less head trauma but still suffers with developmental delays. By the grace of God, DHS placed them in two loving MCH homes. These special foster parents were able to give the children the medical attention that was needed. Finally, Marge and George were approved for adoption of Miles and Alex. We thank God for allowing Miles and Alex the opportunity to be reunited with their grandparents. We pray that many more “Happy Tears” flow from our cheeks! * Until Hayden’s health improves both twins will remain in custody of DHS. We are praying that they will be able to be reunited with their family soon. *Names have been changed for the protection of the family involved.

Honor/Memorial In Honor of

(Given 4/25/2014–1/8/2015) Bob Adams By Billie J. Wilhite Clay Adcock By Scott Harris Roger Alford By Ted Kendall Judy Allison By Jamie Lou Erwin Sylvia Anderson By W. K. McCaskill Robert E. Anding By Wesley Bible Class Ray Archer By Dorothy Langhofer Joy Arnold By H. V. Pittman Nyssa E. Ashworth By Carolyn B. Kilgore Joyce C. Aycock By McCondy Methodist Church Eugene Bailey By J. W. Cantrell Bruce Bartling By Alice Quimby Bradley Batson By Marjorie G. Batson Alvin Beck By Lucy Inkster Letty Bidenharn By Samuel Bryan Owen Bob Billingsley By Sam Billingsley Warren C. Black By Gerald M. Bond Rachael P. Boleware By Jimmy Boleware Marilyn Bounds By M. A. Weaver Ray Boyd By Ted Kendall Claire Brantley By Stephanie Brantley Nancy Breland By Jennifer C. McCollough Bobby Brock By Bob Kyzar Kendall Brown By Frances K. Stringer Michelle Brown By Frances K. Stringer Wade Brown By Bob Kyzar Billy Browne By Ted Kendall James A. Bryant By Jean M. Webb Bettye C. Bryant By Brad Womack David Buchholtz By Ted Kendall Larry Buckles By John Thomason William L. Burdine By Larry Clark Walter M. Burnett By Scott Harris Lamar Burrow By Bob Kyzar Dawson Calcote By Chris Calcote Travis Calcote By Chris Calcote Steve Carr By Scott Harris Jim Carraway By Jim Carraway Robert L. Carter By W. Major Wright Jeremy Cascio By Richard Henley

Betty Jane Chatham By Anne Sanford By Jim Ormon B. J. Chaton By Jim Akers Mike Childers By Gene Ward Maugh Children By Robert Maugh Gene Clark By Neta Brand Leigh Clements By Mary Frances Caldwell Brenda Cobb By James Allison By Jamie Lou Erwin Gregory Cole By Joyce H. Kennedy Kathleen Cooper By Bobby Greer Coworkers By Emily Smith Dan Cranford By Clarence M. Shannon Becky Crawford By Fellowship Sunday School Class Carol Crawford By Louise United Methodist Church Margaret Crook By Ronnie Crook Dalllas Crosby By Jennifer Ramsey Annabelle Crowther By Auvergne Williams Carl Crowther By Auvergne Williams Whitney S. Cummins By Beth Jacks Jim Curtis By Ron Stephens Shannon Cutts By Don Conger Margaret Davis By William T. McMahon Margaret Davis By Katy Hall Frances Dent By Ted Kendall Claire Dobbs By Phillip J. Bailey David Dooley By Scott Harris Becky H. Dotson By William O. Moore Stacy Douglas By Billy D. Fielder By Mary B. Aycock Darian Duckworth By Jack Cox By Beth Jacks Jean Dunn By Michael Lightsey Pat Dunn By Michael Lightsey Sadie Dunn By Carole Rucker Charlie Durbin By Judith Kilpatrick Richard Edgerton By Auvergne Williams Marilyn Epperson By Bill Broyles Early and Kay Ewing By Lester Stephens Jean Farmer By Sarah Saucier Milton Farr By Ted Kendall Charles B. Felder By Richard Henley

David Felder By Richard Henley Roberta Fell By Genevieve Harris Bob Flowers By Steve Leech Becky E. Foster By Beth Jacks Dot Fox By Annie Pearl Triplett & Patricia Mary Gail Freeman By Steve Leech Norman French By Ted Kendall Jack Fry By Ted Kendall Donald Gant By Ted Kendall Joaquin Garcia By Dorothy Phillips Kendall Garraway By Ted Kendall Rick Garraway By Ted Kendall Louise Ginn By Fannie C. Taylor Robert Godbold By Judy Godbold Dick Gookin

By Wesley Bible Class

Prentiss M. Gordon By Mary Howard Nell W. Green By Stephen R. Green Ryan Green By Leonard Jones Bea Greer By Bob Kyzar Robyn P. Griffin By Tom Powell Tom Hailes By Heyward Carter Green Iva Nell Hammett By Barry Hammett John Hand By Ted Kendall Alana Harmon By Glenn Harmon Dianne Harms By Paul E. Edmond Don Harrington By Neta Brand Craig Haskins By Bob Kyzar Ernestine G. Haskins By Bob Kyzar Bryce Hatch By Larry Albert By Kyle Birdwell By M. E. Thomas By Charles T. Smith By Robert Heath By Rod Entrekin By Billy B. Slay By L. Conrad Welker Frank Hegman By Auvergne Williams Ann Henley By Richard Henley Ross E. Henley By Jerry Mitchell Melanie B. Hinson By Marjorie G. Batson Briley Holder By B. T. Holder Trent Holder By B. T. Holder John Sharp Howie By Scott Harris Lucy Hull By L. W. Eldridge

V. G. Hurt By Ted Kendall Mary Hutson By Kathryn C. Arant Indianola First United Methodist Church By Jackie Rogers Arthur Ray Inkster By Lucy Inkster Carolyn Inkster By Lucy Inkster Gladys Jackson By Edward J. Lee Mary L. James By Bob Kyzar Ricky James By Sherri G. Mancil Bryan Jameson By Ted Kendall Braxton Jenkins By Dorothy Jenkins Brooks Jenkins By Dorothy Jenkins Kim Johnson By Samuel Bryan Owen George Jones By Oscar C. Dauenhauer Janet Jones By J. P. Hamilton Zerrick Jones By Bob Kyzar Nelda Jordan By Paul Wright Bill Kientz By Gwen Ross Betty Kilgore By Ted Kendall Randy L. Knight By Ted Kendall Charles Koskie By Toni Woodruff Charles Koskie By Toni Woodruff Madaline Lago By Ted Kendall Faith Langford By Jack Langford John Lee By Wesley Bible Class Bill Leech By Steve Leech Eloise Leech By Steve Leech Steve Leech By Bruce Bartling John Leech By Steve Leech Di Ann Lewis By Harvey S. Lewis Lynette Lewis By Richard Henley Pauline Lipps By Virginia Richardson Balfour Lipscomb By Bob Kyzar Jeff Livesay By Mary Young Aubrey K. Lucas By Carol L. Pittman John Lundy By Ted Kendall Reggie Magee By Ted Kendall Daniel T. Mashburn By Ted Kendall Dennis Mason By Ted Kendall Nell T. Mason By Lucy Inkster Robert Maugh By Jamie Lou Erwin Carlton Mayfield By Carl L. Grubb

Chris McAlilly By Phillip J. Bailey Billy Q McCord By Shady Grove Methodist Church Mike McCormick By Ted Kendall Robin McCormick By J. W. Cantrell Frances McEwen By Bill Tramel Odell McGee By Gary E. Brock David McGraw By Charles Kennedy Maggie McKee By Wesley Bible Class Russ McLellan By Phillip J. Bailey Shirley McMillin By Friendship Sunday School Class Bill McQuinn By Charles A. Lott William C. McQuinn By Charles A. Lott Joe Milano By Ted Kendall Roger Miller By Jimmie Lee Whitt Roger Miller By M. I. Brown Betty Mills By Ted Kendall Jerry Mitchell By Ross E. Henley Amelia W. Mockbee By David W. Mockbee Michael Moore By Leonard Jones Kendall Moore By Steve Leech Jack Murihead By Ted Kendall Jay Nichols By Scott Harris Art Nichols By Scott Harris Buddy Noblin By Phillip R. Webster Bob Norsworthy By Wesley Bible Class Michael A. Nowell By The Nowell Agency John Oakes By Dale R. Green Tom Ott By Bob Kyzar Outlaw By Anita L. Johnson Emily A. Owen By Mrs. Ray Luke Keith Parker By Stan Smythe Lily and Jack Parsons By John M. Watson Frank Patty By H. V. Pittman Andrew and Sally Pearson By Franklin E. Crabtree Jackie Pedon By Robert O. Phillips Dave Perkins By Phillip R. Webster Georgia Kate Perkins By Dennis H. Perkins Tripp Perkins By Dennis H. Perkins Jack Perry By Brenda Cobb William E. Phillips By Robert O. Phillips


Honor/Memorial Jacqueline Pierce By Frances McEwen James Pierce By Frances McEwen Arlan Pigg By Friendship Sunday School Class Bill Poole By Ruby Shelton Lynne Posey By J. W. Cantrell Roy Povall By Steve Leech Kerry Powell By Donnie Brown Vivian Powell By Wesley Bible Class Anne Preus By Beth Jacks Tom Price By Lucy Inkster Marian Quinn By Betty Rigby Ed L. Redding By Phillip R. Webster Patricia Reese By H. V. Pittman Eddie Rester By W. A. Spencer Eddie Rester By Phillip J. Bailey Merlin and Lanetia Richardson By Mary Flynn Jim Ricks By Phillip R. Webster Bonnie Riley By Gene Ward Lee Roberts By Wesley Bible Class Phil Roberts By John Roberts Ronnie Robertson By Mary Ann Stevens Greg Robinson By Steve Leech Catherine E. Ross By Annie Will Fulgham Veronica Ross By Phillip R. Webster Suzanne Rutledge By Donnie Brown William W. Ryals By Jamie Lou Erwin John D. Sadler By Jack Alexander Bob Shearer By Frances McEwen David Shipp By Scott Harris Cathy Sibley By Mernette Sibley Albert Simmons By Jerry Rowzee Carl Smith By George Huffman Marge Smith By Bob Kyzar Indianola First United Methodist Church By Jackie Rogers Stephen Sparks By Leslie R. Fletcher By Aldersgate Sunday School Class Steve Spohrer By Leonard Jones St. Matthew’s UMC C. Staff By David Carroll Caitlyn Stewart By Frank L. Quinn Mike Summerford By Carloyn Reeves


Joshua Swanson By Delphine R. Swanson Cleo Taylor By Donna Taylor Clifton Taylor By Donna Taylor Donnie Taylor By Clifton Taylor Patrick Theriot By Richard Henley Harmon E. Tillman By Carol Leggett Jerry W. Torrence By Andrea McPhail Andrew R. Townes By Ted Kendall Tad Trowbridge By Phillip R. Webster Bill Voss By Bob Kyzar Elizabeth Walker By Mrs. Ray Luke Jeff Waller By Lamar L. Stokes Billy I. Ware By L. Edwin Alford Matthew Waters By Joy Brown Barbara Watson By Carole Rucker Emily and Ashely Watson By John M. Watson Helen Webb By Annie Pearl Triplett & Patricia Oleta Webb By Steve Leech Wesley Sunday School Class By Wesley Sunday School Class Barry White By Razmus Circle Daniel Wilson By Jane L. Wilson Joseph Wilson By Jane L. Wilson Betty Woodard By Frank Spires Clay T. Wright By Paul Wright Martha Wright By Emmett Mitcham Jimmy Young By Gwen Ross Mal Young By Glenn Young

In Memory of

(Given 4/25/2014–1/8/2015) Bill Aaron By Oscar C. Dauenhauer By Rosemary McInnis Boyd Allen By Annie Pearl Triplett & Patricia Abigail Allred By Amity Class Ronnie Anderson By Pearl United Methodist Church Doris Andrews By Sarah P. Dantin Wendell Anglin By Virginia Anglin Dolores Antley By Eugene B. Antley Carolyn Armistead By Michael Davis Catherine M. Ashley By David M. Ferriss Robert Austin By Grace M. Ackle Tony Bagley By Becky Saulters Mildred P. Bailey By Allen Wood

L. A. Baker By Jack Womack H. E. Baran By Shirley Baran Mark Aden Barber By Patsy Barber Jim Barnes By Lamar Bolton William Barnwell Barnett By Martha Louise Barnett Tommy Beasley By Mallard Beasley Ernest J. Becker By Joan F. Becker Margarette Berry By Amity Class Louie Bevill By Jimmy Langley Earl Blackwell By Marcia Barrow Micky Box By Tommy Box Ventrice Box By Tommy Box Martha H. Bradley By Ralph Bradley Daniel Branton Marion L. Towery Charles Brewer By Cynthia Brewer Zettie V. Brewer By Larry Gandy Cecil Brown By Donnie Brown Howard A. Brown By Joan C. Brown Frances Burke By Martha Calvin Pascal Burnley By Kelly B. Hutchison Gina Burns By Walter M. Burns Lester Busby By Larry Gandy Hazel Carlisle By Martha McRaney Lucille Caruthers By Laurene Eakin Donavan Cascio By Keith Lundy Jane B. Chambers By Thomas M. Mitchell Knox Chamblin By Kirk A. Graves Rachel Chipley By Curt Raymer Roy Clark By Dennis H. Perkins Ruth Clark By Wiley G. Strahan Watts Clark By Kirk A. Graves Dorothy Claunch By Michael Filgo Autis Clements By James Weeks Becky Coleman By Allen Wood Doris Cooper By Treves H. Cooper Earl Cooper By Bobby Greer By Cecil Grisham Charlene Cotton By Jane C. Hanes Henry A. Crain By Johanna V. Ragsdale Thomas H. Cranch By Allen Wood William E. Crenshaw By Joe R. Moore

Adele R. Crisler By Jerry W. Torrence Kent Michael Curtis By Nell T. Mason By W. Edwin Curtis A. B. Curtis By William P. Thomas Madison M. Dale By T. J. Lindsey By Allen Wood Jerry Daniel By William Rex Patterson Mr & Mrs W. W. Dannenberg By William L. Dannenberg Adrian Davis By Linda Smith Carole M. Davis By Larry and Florence Box Charlotte Davis By Nancy K. Ketchum Noll Davis By Allen Wood Richard Davis By John L. Calcote Ola Mae Dawson By Jamie H. Bray Ann Day By F. R. Clark Andrew Dickie By Kirk A. Graves Christian Dickson By Martha McRaney Kinnie Divine By F. R. Clark Don Doggett By Betty Davis C.M. Dorrough By Ruleville United Methodist Church David T. Dotson By Joe R. Moore Greg Dotson By Susanna D. Travis By William O. Moore By Lida Starks By Wanda DeLee By Ross E. Henley By Henry Wood By David Dunn By Leslie Graham By Deborah Walker Dottie By Kirk A. Graves Martha Dotzheimer By Janice Middleton George Eaton By Billy I. Ware Jack Edwards By Charles H. McClatchy Janet T. Edwards By Basil King Jessie Mae Ellis By Henry Drake By Tina Strittman Mike Ellis By Karen Barber Kathy Eslaza By Johnny and Carol Ann Franklin Helen Featherston By Donald G. Young Inez Flowers By Rebecca Garner Joe C. Floyd By Robert McBryde Rosalyn Folks By B. C. Wolverton Eddie France By Susan McCracken Helen Franklin By Walter N. Jones Howard Frederick By Patricia Frederick

Christine Freeman By Ann Brumfield Herman Freeman By Mary Gail Freeman Josephine Frey By Ethel Davis Wood Nunnery Aaron Fruechtenicht By Janice Middleton Dan Fulton By D. W. Holaday By Nancy K. Ketchum Leona Fulton By Gail Fulton Edward Ellis Gandy By Larry Gandy Bernice Gann By William Burdine Ellen Mary K. Garrotto By Robert McBryde Keith Gatlin By Betsy P. Smith D. M. Gean By Judith Mills Ruby Gean By Judith Mills Henry George By Betty Jo Phillips Sharon Gilder By Mathiston United Methodist Church Mariena E. Gilley By John A. Hammack Frances D. Gilliland By Robert N. Gilliland Alice Goff By John N. Goff Jimmy Goff By Jack Bailey Shelia Gomillion By Dennis H. Perkins Ed Gregory By Donna Banks By Oscar C. Dauenhauer Nelda Grimsley By F. R. Clark Gene A. Grubbs By Allison Smith Jet Hailey By Robert Hailey Harold B. Hall By Jason C. Jordan Luther E. Hall By Dan Young David Hannon By Lillie Hannon Gene Hannon By Lillie Hannon Raymond D. Hardin By William T. McMahon Nellie Jean Harned By Larry and Florence Box Mildred Harrell By Melvin T. Roland Elmer J. Harris By Janice Middleton William B. Harvey By John A. Noel Harry Hawkins By Sale T. Lilly Joseph C. Hendrix By Janice Middleton Harris B. Henley By Ross E. Henley Christine Herring By Kirk A. Graves Margaret Hester By Stephen H. Williams By Jesse H. Oswalt By Clinton H. Graves By Carrie B. Hawkins By Emily W. Ward By Carl M. Hildreth By Richard W. Venturini

Honor/Memorial By Patrick Smith By Paul Sellars By Sara Noble By Frank T. Bonner By Kim D. Handy By Jan Wofford By Deborah Minor By Aerospace Testing Alliance By Warren S. Thompson By Kenny Banks By Brant Seay By Harry C. Bell By Ila R. Millsaps By Ann D. Millsaps By Bank First By First United Methodist Church By John Owens By Robert W. Gunn Russell Hobgood By Janice Middleton Jo and Bill Holladay By Robert Lawson Holladay Thomas Holloway By Becky Saulters Tommy Holloway By Pearl United Methodist Church Thomas Holman By Rhonda H. Watson Miller P. Holmes By Janice Middleton William Hoover By George Buell Bobbye M. Horne By Jo Ann Smith Miriam Houp By Rebecca S. Carter Carl Hoverton By J O Wood Maudie Hudson By Annie Pearl Triplett & Patricia Mildred Jeffers By Joyce Craig Aust J. Howard Jenkins By Dennis H. Perkins Howard Jenkins By Rosalind B. Ross Bobby Jolly By Robert Howington Dallye Jackson Jones By E. G. Jackson Harris C. Jones By Harris C. Jones Luke Jones By Sam Burton Cole Jordan By Robert E. Green Greg Kassel By Russell D. Healy James T. Kennedy By Timothy P. Chapman Grady Ketchum By Nancy K. Ketchum Susan Kay Ketchum By Nancy K. Ketchum Russell King By Abner C. Young Billy Lack By Pearl United Methodist Church Beverly Lacombe By Robert McBryde Pete Land By John W. Land Amanda H. Latham By Bettye Holland Kathleen Lawson By John L. Calcote Alma Bell Leach By Jim Elam

Elizabeth Lee By Nancy K. Ketchum Jim Leist By Leonard Jones Thomas Lester By Carloyn Reeves Tom Lester By Jimmy Langley Robert Harold Lightsey By Carol Anne Lightsey By John Asa Tucker Jack Lilley By Emelyn W. Lilley Dick Livingston By Lee Anne Palmer Mary B. Loftin By Carolyn McRaney Helen T. Lott By Yancy M. Lott Monty Lott By Nellie Lott Paul Lott By Grace M. Ackle Frances Love By Carloyn Reeves Elizabeth Luckett By John Tanner Joe Lusteck By Dennis H. Perkins Gayle Lyman By Linda M. Gee Elizabeth Mallette By Carol A. Bond Marion Mandell By Carol A. Bond Billy E. Martin By James (Ila M.) Pace Faye B. Martin By Jack B. Martin Lucille Matta By Curtis Woker By Ellanat Matta By Denise Ross Tom May By Wiley G. Strahan J. D. Mayfield By Mary Kathryn Mayfield Evelyn McBroom By Margaret F. Johnson By Sara Ferguson By Willie Bobo Charles McClatchey By Charles H. McClatchy Sammy McClellan By Sarah Helen Ellison Eva P. McEwen By Frances McEwen Patsy McGee By Larry and Florence Box Letrice McIngvale By K. A. Thomson Mary R. McKinney By Janice Middleton Billy McMullen By Jim Stewart Helen McNeely By Anita Thomas Ardath Sue H. McQuirter By Sellers Cole Robert D. McQuirter By Sellers Cole Ethlene Meeks By Jason C. Jordan Fred Meine By Gaylord Long Joann Melton By Steven Fowler Othel Mendrop By Johnny and Carol Ann Franklin Emma Lee Milner By Grace M. Ackle

Ellis Q. Mitchell By June H. Mitchell Janet Mitchell By Edrel Coleman George Monsen By Paul C. Cole Milton Montz By Gaylord Long Clinton C. Moore By Miffy Woods Gene Moore By Mrs. Ray Luke James C. Moore By Miffy Woods Louise Moore By Joyce H. Kennedy Virginia Leavell Morris By Fred Morris John H. Morrow By Ira Harvey Marie Mosley By Jamie H. Bray Annie F. Nabers By Janice Middleton Sylvia Nolley By Gene Ward Jacob L. Null By James M. Ferguson Spencer O’Brien By Open Doors Sunday School Class Chellie Ormon By Jim Ormon Shane Ortis By David H. Cox Bobby J. Oswalt By Jerry Breakfield Dean Owen By Glenn Harmon Harry D. Owen By Russell D. Healy By Edward J. Lee Billy Owens By Joyce Craig Aust Stacy Page By Keith Lundy E. l. Parker By Maggie Parker Glen A. Parker By Glen A. Parker Imogene Parker By Dixie O. Bourke E.O. Passon By Janice Middleton Mary Evelyn Pate By Thomas G. Clark Richard Patterson By W. E. Patterson Thad Pearson By Mary Bozeman Sunday School Class Tena Pellegrine By Louis J. Pellegrine Dallas Perkins By Norma Fulcher Peggy Perkins By Betty Perkins Lou W. Perritt By John E. Perritt Babs Phelps By Russell D. Healy Jackie Phillips By Tommie Phillips James Pierce By Robert Ward By Louie Little By William McManus By P. N. Smith By Frances McEwen L. R. Poole By Dennis H. Perkins By Norma Fulcher Velma Porter

By Ruth M. De La Cruz By Larry and Florence Box Tish Powers By Donnie Brock Ara M. Pratt By W. Stan Pratt Catherine Prewitt By Janice Middleton Michael Pruett By Danny Mooney Ruby Quattlebaum By Michael Easterling Odell Ratliff By Robert McBryde Janet Roberson By Bess Darby Nellie L. Robertson By R. B. Robertson Elsie Robinson By Mary Bozeman Sunday School Class Curtis M. Roffins By Billie Hughey Charlotte Rose By Darrell S. Spivey Virginia Runnels By Kimberly Draga Sandy Hook Elementary By Tippo United Methodist Church Ellen Saunders By Russell D. Healy Jean Saunders By Nancy K. Ketchum Keith Scarborough By Mildred Scarborough By Leon Scarborough Leon Scarborough By Mildred Scarborough By Leon Scarborough Mary Claire Schilling By Waldo Hitt Helen R. Scott By Gerald A. Scott William R. Scott By Billye Frances Scott Sue Scott By Allen Wood Maefred Shackelford By George Shackelford Jimmy R. Shelton By Nellie Lott Joe Skinner By Betty Skinner Edna D. Smith By Robert M. Freeny Mary H. Smith By Elbert (Buddy) Smith Minnie Smith By Patricia Fulcher Virginia Spain By Abner C. Young Elizabeth M. Sparks By Charles McClatchey Richard Spatzer By Maxine D. Spalding Billy Stallings By Mack Stallings Tom Stewart By Ross E. Henley Evelyn Bostick Stokes By Charlene Stokes Will M. Strange By Amy Smith Tiffany Summers By First United Methodist Church Inc. Opal A. Tackett By Albert Britt Leo Taylor By Hoyte and Sherry Carothers Margie B. Thomas By George Buell

Gene Still Kirk Thornton By Carolyn Hale Harmon E. Tillman By Camp & Joan King Harmon E. Tillman By Carl McFarland John R. Toland By Jerry Breakfield Mama Lou Tonkle By Laura F. Tucker Polly Townsend By Joyce Craig Aust Henry Triplett By Robert Hailey Kathy Jo Trippe By Joyce Hull Albert John Turnage By Virginia Turnage Mark VanDevender By Edward P. Van Devender Mildred E. Viner By Stanley L. Viner Tom Vinson By Delores Hammons Brett Walker By Roger Graeber Dorothy Walker By Doris Ellison Michelle Dunaway Walker By Arthur C. Dalton Shelley Walker By Arthur C. Dalton Ava Ervin Wall By Everette M. Winters Bill Wallace By William D. Fitts Coy Waller By Jim Carnathan D. P. Waring By Martha Klaus By Gene Warren Benjamin Wax By James Friend Jim Westbrook By Diane Tanksley Vivian Whiteside By Annie Pearl Triplett & Patricia Elijah Whitson By Lauren Whitson Hugo Whitten By Rosemary McInnis R. J. Whittington By Blythe Whittington Henry J. Wilhite By Marion L. Wilhite Marcus D. Williams By Allen Wood Betty Williford By Thomas WIlliford David Witson By Lauren Whitson Jan Woods By Tommy Woods Sue Worthy By Becky Saulters Pat Yarber By Mabeline H. Yarber Robert Yeager By Don Conger Frances Zumbro By Oak Grove United Methodist Norma Laird By Betty Rigby Harmon E. Tillman By Carol Leggett Beverly Waller By Jim Carnathan Contact Robyn Burchfield, if any changes need to be made.


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MCH Spring Events

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April 25, 2015 May 14, 2015

Day of Hope Methodist Children’s Homes of Mississippi Spend a day with our youth, tour our homes, enjoy lunch and have a good time. Individuals and Church Groups welcomed. RSVP: Kate Williams, or call 601-853-5000 ext. 1222 Methodist Children’s Homes Golf Classic Patrick Farms Golf Club Call Kate Williams, 601-853-5000 ext. 1222 for more information on the four person scramble.

May 16, 2015 Foster Care Appreciation Dinner MCH Campus

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