Winter/Spring Newsletter

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HELPINGHands Winter/Spring 2021





Children’s Homes of mississippi


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OFFICE: 601-853-5000

FAX: 601-853-5010


4/12/21 12:08 PM


YOUTH UPDATE Our goal is to create an environment which helps introduce them to Christ who brings the ultimate hope and healing. and I mean those words, because you are the people who have built a 125 year legacy of bringing hope and healing to children and families in Mississippi.

What an honor it is to be CEO as Methodist Children’s Homes of MS celebrates 125 years of serving the children of MS. As a part of our 125 year celebration, I have looked back at our history and one of the items which stood out to me occurred just ten years after our opening. In 1906, MCH moved from Water Valley to Jackson with the hopes of securing more resources. According to records, after the move we experienced a lost connection with the community. When we were in Water Valley, we were a half mile away from town, near the train station and people were able to help. Then, when we moved to Woodrow Wilson (previously Northwest street), we were further away from town, further away from the community which gave the needed support to keep MCH going. When I look at my time at MCH, I see at every turn how community has always been integral. I often say this is YOUR Methodist Children’s Homes

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I have seen you at work when I revisit the success stories I’ve witnessed over the years. I think of Kristopher who is in the army and is happily married. Zachary who is now in college studying social work. Tristyn who has fought through health issues to be independent and in college. Scentrellis is graduating college at Jackson State in psychology this semester. Each one of these young people beat the odds because of you and the community you have built around them. I know that God has called me here, just as He’s called you to be a part of the MCH family. I’m reminded of this calling when I watch a new child go from hopeless to hopeful. On average a young person has 15 placements before arriving at MCH. Looking at them on paper they have high risk behaviors, a criminal record, even considered dangerous at times, and then they are provided with safety, care, and love at MCH. Suddenly, a shift happens. Hope starts to grow. Healing starts to happen. They build new relationships, begin to feel safe, and become stable. Ultimately, when we create a stable, loving culture, they start seeing the Lord which brings eternal hope. Our

goal is to create an environment which helps introduce them to Christ who brings the ultimate hope and healing. I cannot thank you enough for your continued support and love for MCH and the children served here. You definitely represent and epitomize MCH’s legacy of 125 years of hope and healing. Please continue to pray for our youth and staff as we work towards continuing the legacy of hope and healing for the next 125 years. Only by Grace,

Devon V. Loggins, LCSW-S President and CEO

andrea’s story

because I was a teenager. Older kids need a place to go, too. If we don’t find foster homes then we age out of the system. I remember when I first got into foster care and I was placed. All I wanted was a family that loved me. I wanted to be adopted. I wanted to have a family who cared about me, but that never happened because no one wanted me.”

Speaking with Andrea it is easy to see her personality from the beginning. She is wearing a flower patterned sundress with black boots. She laughs easily as we sit on the front porch in rocking chairs. As she starts to share, I’m struck with her maternity and her ability to look to the future rather than the past.

Andrea first came to MCH in December of 2020 but she came into foster care 6 years ago. During those six years she has moved 11 times. Moving from place to place she began to feel indifferent because “when you’re a foster kid you can’t get attached. The next day they might decide to ship you off and get another kid because no one wants a teenager,” she explained. When she found out she would be coming to MCH, she was, “really nervous and upset because I hear all these bad stories about group homes- how they don’t let you talk to your families; how the kids there get mistreated. I’ve been to a shelter and they mistreated me very badly. I was nervous and upset and we pulled up and I saw all this wide open space and I was like oh, wow!” Andrea is an animal lover and loves seeing deer and other animals on campus. She is currently in school online. She is originally from a town a few hours away. Being able to attend virtually has meant she can finish her senior year on time. She loves all things creative. “Painting, art, music are all my coping skills. I’ve lived in bad situations where I had to use my coping skills 24/7 in order to keep my sanity. I love to cook. I love to bake.”

Andrea loves to draw and this is her favorite piece she’s created since being at MCH.

She grew up in Georgia. Then, part of her family moved to Mississippi. “We lived on a farm with a family member. We lived in a shed on the property. During the colder months it was tough... there was no insulation either.” She has two brothers and two sisters, “but I don’t get to see them really. I haven’t seen my sister in six years.” A group home isn’t any child’s happy ending. But Andrea does have some favorite parts of being at MCH. “The fact that the staff actually takes us places and lets us do things. At all my other foster homes they wouldn’t take me out in public, they wouldn’t spend the time to do family activities or anything because they were like- oh she’s just a foster kid. We’re not going to waste our money on you. All the families I’ve been to were horrible to me.” Thinking back on her foster care experience she says, “They (CPS) had a really hard time finding me placements

Andrea wants MCH donors to know that “what you’re doing is making a difference. Personally, I self harm and I’m suicidal. I have PTSD and major depression issues and … since I’ve been in foster care this is the happiest I’ve ever been. I’m doing better. This place has actually helped me get over some of it. I’m not as anxious. I’m not as jumpy. Of course there are bad days but for the most part life here is pretty calm. I just want donors to know we appreciate what they do and they are making a difference in the lives of a lot of children.” To those thinking about fostering she says, “Consider teenagers. No one wants the teenagers, everyone wants the little kids. Not all teenagers in foster care are bad. Some just have some trauma they are working through. There’s no such thing as a bad kid. It’s how they were raised. If you show them you care, they will change.” Soon Andrea’s time in foster care will be over as she graduates high school. She wants, “to go live in Georgia with my sister. I want to study culinary arts and be a baker”. Thank you for giving hope and healing to Andrea! Please pray for her future as she navigates life after foster care.

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Jonathan first came into custody when he was five years old. He was originally taken to a temporary shelter. He was “lucky” enough to be with some of his siblings. Can you imagine the feeling of confusion and heartbreak as a five year old who has been striped away from everything they know; to have your whole world shift in a moment but you’re only five years old and don’t have the mental or emotional capacity to understand everything going on? He has since been in 8 different foster homes. He is now 14 and is doing really well with one of our MCH families. As much as possible, he is a normal teenage boy. He loves sports and listed off several of his favorite sports before quickly jumping into talking about video games. His favorite subject is world geography because it comes the most easily to him and he loves watching TV.

One of the reasons Jonathan was moved to his current home is because his sister has already been adopted by this family. He and his sister had been apart for nine years! His favorite part of being in his new home is “having family that loves me, knowing its a good place to be, and getting to be with my sister”. He goes on to say, “ It was a dream I had when I was a kid to be with one of my siblings”. He says the hardest part of being in foster care is the therapy. “It’s stressful… but it helps get things off your chest. It takes your mind off things.”

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Employee of the Year 2020 The “Children First” Employee of the Year is awarded to a team member who works directly with the children we serve. This year, Rev. Michael Williams, our Campus Life Minister, received this award. Pastor Mike oversees all campus life, spiritual life and independent living for our residents. He is an ordained United Methodist pastor who is also involved with We Are One Ministries in South Jackson. He has been a part of the MCH family for three years and always goes above and beyond for our kids and other staff members.



“If I could tell donors anything it would be, there’s always a kid that needs a home. If you have a chance to foster a child do it. If they (foster children) have a bad life, then they grow up to be a bad person. If you have a chance, give it to them.” Jonathan has been with his MCH family for 7 months. Because of you, his adoption will be final in just a few weeks! Your support has made his dream of living with one of his siblings come true! Thank you for providing a home, hope, and healing for Jonathan!

“If I could tell donors anything it would be, there’s always a kid that needs a home. . . If you have a chance, give it to them.” —Jonathan




EDUCATE If you are interested in becoming a foster family, please email


Employee of the Year 2020 The “Family Always” Employee of the Year for a team members who work in an administrative capacity. Nathan Brown, our Maintenance Supervisor, was chosen this year. He has been part of the MCH family for 10 years! He maintains the upkeep and repairs on all buildings and vehicles, as well as keeping the campus grounds looking well. He is dedicated to the safety and well being of all those who come on campus. His favorite part of his job is when a youth chooses to apprentice with his department and he can teach them tangible skills to help them with their future. Congratulations to you both!

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light How to Help After Abuse On page 3, you read part of Andrea’s story. She was abused by her father and lived in horrible conditions. At times they lived in sheds with no heat, or even insulation, during the winter months. She suffers from PTSD, depression, suicidal thoughts, self harm, and anxiety. These are the effects of trauma. Child abuse leaves more than bruises and bad memories. It sets a child up for a physically and mentally unhealthy life. An Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) is when a child experiences physical, sexual, or emotional abuse; physical or emotional neglect; or household challenges such as domestic violence. There are ten total categories which are considered an ACE. The children we serve at Methodist Children’s Homes typically have five or more ACEs. That’s why we need your help to bring hope and healing. This doesn’t mean hope is lost for these children. The negative impacts of ACEs are significantly mitigated by having a consistent, trusted adult. As you see in our impact report, the children we serve are moved around constantly. They are removed from their home because of abuse or neglect. Then, their trauma continues by being moved multiple times a year.

On average, when a child comes to MCH, they stay with us for a year and a half. They begin to achieve permanency and start to trust. While at MCH, each child receives individual and group therapy. They build healthy relationships with adults who are consistent and safe. This is how Andrea is able to heal and grow at MCH. You can’t go back and stop a child being abused, but you can support them getting the help they need to heal. When you donate to Methodist Children’s Homes, you are giving Andrea and all her friends at MCH a chance to be a healthy adult. Because of you, she can achieve her dream of going to culinary school.

“Adverse Childhood Experiences are the single greatest unaddressed public health threat facing our nation today.” —Dr. Robert Block, the former President of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Children who have suffered four or more adverse childhood experiences are:


as likely to be sexually promiscuous


more likely to use intravenous drugs


more likely to attempt suicide

On average, those with adverse childhood experiences die 20 years earlier than their peers.

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Thank you for choosing MCH to be your charity partner. Your generosity will help to bring hope and healing to the children of Methodist Children’s Homes.



$200,000 

TOY DRIVE Love Winks hosted a supply drive during Christmas of 2020 and donated hundreds of toys! We love when groups host supply drives. Thank you! KALALOU We were so blessed by Kalalou Interiors. They provided two completed Christmas wishlists! Thank you for caring about the children at Methodist Children’s Home!

$150,000  CHRIST UMC Christ UMC’s young adults ministry provided Christmas items from our online wishlist. Thank you for your generosity.

$15,000 

$12,000 

GREATER ST JAMES Thank you Greater St. James for donating 68 brand new suitcases for our children to be able to move their items with dignity instead of in trash bags! JUNIOR LEAGUE JUNIOR LEAGUE We are so thankful for the Junior League of Jackson! As one of their community partners, we are blessed year after year to have them mentor our girls. JLJ helps in tangible and practical ways and this was made so evident as they donated $5,000 to help with damages and supply needs from the recent ice storm. The Junior League of Jackson is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.

CHRISTMAS GIFT WRAPPING Thank you to the volunteers who spent hours and hours wrapping gifts in order to make sure each child had a special Christmas.

$2,500 8 MCH NewsletterWinterSpring21.indd 8-9

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The Methodist Conference appointed a committee composed of three ministers to look into developing a home for orphans.




Children’s Homes of mississippi

Name changed from “Mississippi Orphans Home” to “Mississippi Methodist Orphans Home.

A total of 102 children were in the Home.

1896 First board meeting took place on January 8, 1896


1902 1897


Served children through the COVID-19 pandemic with minimal disruption

2020 2018 Named one of Mississippi’s Top Non-Profits by the MS Business Journal

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The Clarksdale Home for Boys was sold and the boys were moved to the Jackson campus. Now all group homes are located on one campus in Jackson.



September, Purchase of the Baptist Children’s Village campus and the beginning of moving call the community cottages to the new Methodist Children’s Home campus located at 805 N. Flag Chapel Rd, Jackson.


On July 11, the Water Valley main building was destroyed by fire, moving all children to the vacant Hamilton College.

The Water Valley home was built and could house up to 125 children.

of serving children in Mississippi!

Community Mental Health Clinic (now rebranded as Magnolia Youth Services) was opened

The Great Depression greatly affected the Home, however heroic Methodists championed together to enable the Home to continue.

Began operating as community homes rather than a centralized children’s home.


The first social worker was hired by the Children’s Home.


Rev. J.H. Morrow, Jr, retired after 29 years of service as the Executive Director of the United Methodist Children’s Home.

1961 1963 The Home began allowing teenagers to date.

1938 After a two-year campaign to Children’s Home paid off its debt.

Name changed from “Mississippi Methodist Orphans Home” to “The Methodist Children’s Home”

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(Given 10/22/20- 3/13/21 ) 2020 Christmas Mr. Trent and Jennifer LaMastus Amelia W. Mockbee Mr. David W. Mockbee Ann Maranto Mrs. J W. Crawford Ava Pratt Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pratt Barbara Gibbons Mr. David Gibbons Betsy Perry Ms. Brenda Cobb Billie R. Marshall Mrs. J W. Crawford Bobbie Jean Walker Dr. Marjorie Walker Boyd and G. Randolph Ms. Debbie Holland Bruce Bartling Mr. Clayton Leech Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moody Mrs. Alice Quimby Mrs. Lauren Pearce Rev. and Mrs. Don Fortenberry Mr. and Mrs. john Lewis Carolyn Purvis Mr. and Mrs. Dale Purvis Charles Nicholson Mr. Lee Watt Chris Waterer Mr. Ronald Waterer Clarence Schiefer Rev. Matthew Hall Don Harrington Ms. Anne Harrington Donnie Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Cliff, Charlotte, Clifton & Evelyn Taylor Eddie Rester Mr. Phillip J. Bailey Fawn Keen Mrs. Jennie Mcdonald Floyd Williams Mrs. Danielle Hatfield Mrs. Cynthia Williams Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wright Fred Clark Mr. Mike & Penny Damico

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George Pickett Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cole Gertrude Luehlfing Ms. Rebecca Carruth Gibson and Mila S. Reid Ms. Debbie Holland Grace E. Smith Mrs. Diane Grubbs Harold & Lisa Newcomb Mrs. Lisa newcomb Jackie Pennington Mr. and Mrs. Elaine and Larry Lambert James Allison Ms. Brenda Cobb James Robertson Fidelis Sunday School Jane Leech Mr. Clayton Leech Janet Harris Mr. Philip Grisham Jeff Lawrence Bethlehem UMC/ JR High SSC Keith Gaughf Mr. Gary, Lee, Ann Collins and Bren Bailey Kris Dickson Dr. Jerry Rowzee Larry Maugh Ms. Brenda Cobb Laurel and Cade C. Ethan Ms. Debbie Holland Linda Harvey Ms. Gwen Ross Mae Mellon Mrs. Amye Halinski Mary Valda O. Brown Ms. Pamela Butalla Nancy Sargent Ms. Bettie Cummings Nic and S. Pendleton Mr. Robert Maugh Norma Fulcher Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Jackson Oliver Brown Fidelis Sunday School Patsy Harris Mrs. J W. Crawford Paul D. Darby Mrs. Patricia Triplett Phil Roberts Mr. John R. Roberts

Rob Grant Mr. Haldon Kittrell Ronnie Musgrove Mr. Scott E. Ortiz Rusty Keen Mrs. Jennie Mcdonald Steve Calvin Mrs. Frances Myers Susan Caffee Mrs. Meg King The John H. Tatum Family Mrs. Diane Goolsby Timothy Black Mrs. Frances Myers Vicky Webb Mrs. Amy Webb W. A. Vaughan Ms. Beth Ross Mrs. Sam Smith-yaniz

In Memory of

(Given 10/22/20- 3/13/21 ) Archie Baldwin Ms. Bonnie Baldwin Bessie Long Ms. Virginia Johnson Bill B. Lyle Mrs. and Mrs. Carol Homan Bobby L. Tarleton Mr. Donald Glessner Carolyn B. Hisaw Mr. William Hisaw Cecil Cilburn Lone Star United Methodist Church Diane Sanders Mr. David Morris Doris Batte Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kendall Eddie Loftin Mrs. Willie Bobo Elton E. Cummings Mr. Thomas A. Lampkin, Sr. Floyd Williams Mrs. Teresa Smith Friendship Sunday SSC, Carthage UMC Mrs. Martha Miley Mr. Julian Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Terry G. Thomas

Mr. Richard Webb Mr. Clavis Thorton Frances Burke Ms. Martha E. Cavin Fred Clark Ms. Sharon F. Grimley Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Watts Mrs. Laura Lemly Fred Waits Dr. and Mrs. James L. Waits Gertrude Luehlfing PMI Central Mississippi Chapter Mrs. Carrie deGruiter Mr. Pete J. Cajoleas Ms. Nancy Lockhart Mr. Harry Holliman Dr. Elizabeth Franklin Mrs. Laura J Malke Gregory Burse Mr. and Mrs. Ron Stephens Harmon E. Tillman Ms. Mona Tillman Harris C. Jones Mrs. Harris C. Jones III Henry C. Waterer Dr. Charles Moore J. C. Hubbard Ms. Sarah C. Hubbard James Reed Mrs. Bertie A. Holaday Jean Watts Mrs. Carol Walker Jerry Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Ross E. Henley Jim C. Moore Ms. Diana Rotenberry Jimmy Rayburn Mrs. and Mrs. Joanne & Lindsley Keeton JoAnn Rosemann Mrs. Frances Myers Joe Cleveland Mrs. Karen Wagner John C. Marshall Mrs. Brittney Baird Josephine Green Clay Pratt Memorial United Methodist Church Kelly T. Lankford Ms. Diana Rotenberry Lamar Puryear Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Puryear

Leta B. Sanders Ms. Jo Leta Carpenter Lonny L. Ray Mrs. Martha Harper M. J. Bryant Mrs. Lillian Dinkins Mary Liebenow Ms. Bettie Cummings Miles C. Mitchell Mrs. Mona Harrison Phoenix W. Ludlam Mrs. and Mrs. Joanne Lindsley Keeton Ralph B. Fairley Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Fairley Ruby Martin Mrs. Meg King Sue Baird Mr. and Mrs. Craig Baird T. W. Perrott Mrs. Hughlene Perrott Terry Varner Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Carr Tom Turner Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kendall Trudy Luehlfing Sitters LLC Vicky Jones Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hargett W. A. Vaughan Mrs. Amy DeLong Mr. Fred & Kathleen Van Hecke Mr. Toxey Hall III Mr. and Mrs. James Foy Mrs. Christine Jonwa Mr. John Strsky Mrs. Susan Edge Walker Sory Mr. Ramon Himel Will and F. Davis Mrs. Robbyn Johnson William Anderson V. Junior Mr. Sam Van Hecke Willie G. Lane Lone Star United Methodist Church Contact Trina McNair, if any changes need to be made.

“I consider it an honor to lead the amazing MCH board; this board is the most committed and engaged that I have ever experienced. I am so thankful for their service.”


We are excited to announce Dr. Janet Harris is our 2021 Chair of MCH’s Board of Managers. Dr. Harris has been a part of the MCH Family for several years. She has served on the Board since 2017 as well as chairing our Strategic Planning Committee. Her years of leadership experience along with her passion for children has made her a blessing to have as part of the MCH Team.

Dr. Harris states, “I got involved with MCH when I was on faculty at the UMMC School of Nursing and managing a clinic that was providing assessments for the children in the group home. I immediately bonded with the leadership team members and identified with the mission and the work. Then, when I learned that the kids at MCH have and average of 15 placements before landing at MCH, my heart broke. I believe it was then that my feet rooted to the grounds there, and I have been involved ever since. I consider it an honor to lead the amazing MCH board; this board is the most committed and engaged that I have ever experienced. I am so thankful for their service.” Thank you for your commitment to bringing hope and healing to hurting children!

“Our history is one of continuing and evolving service to meet the needs of hurting children and families in our state.”

Allen Wood, Jr. has served as MCH’s Board of Managers Chair for the past two years. He has been a dedicated member of the MCH family for over 35 years and we have been blessed to have his leadership and wisdom. Mr. Wood states, “I have been associated with MCH for over 35 years, serving in various board offices, most more than once; in fact, I was the interim CEO for around six months, several years ago. Our history is one of continuing and evolving service to meet the needs of hurting children and families in our state.

I can report that (a) my recent term on the board has seen dramatic changes, both in growing our managerial structure and procedures and in dealing with ever increasing levels of treatment to severely traumatized children and (b) our board talent and MCH management is unsurpassed; they are eminently equipped to meet the challenges of the future. Under the tutelage of our incoming Chair, Janet Harris, we have established accountability and monitoring standards that, in my opinion, are unparalleled in child care in Mississippi, and perhaps in the nation. Undergirding everything, of course, is the guidance of our Lord Jesus Christ, but He certainly has provided us the personnel with which to accomplish his mission. Your Methodist Children’s Home is in good hands, and I look forward to providing whatever small help that I might be as long as the Lord wills.” Thank you for your years of service!

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2021 ICE STORM When everything else stops, MCH keeps going! While the effects of the ice storm of 2021 has moved past most, we are still processing through all that happened that week. The ice storm shut down everything, but at MCH there are always precious children who need us. The MCH team showed their dedication to the youth they serve. So many went above and beyond in treacherous conditions! Our staff who work in the homes with our youth generally work in shifts. However, due to the road conditions some staff members stayed for a week! Two staff members tried to drive into work, had their vehicles stuck and started walking the rest of the way! When the water on campus turned off a staff member who lived nearby opened her home for people to take showers and for the MCH dishes to be washed at her house. Many others made the decision to brave the roads to make it in to their babies. One of these heroes said it like this, “We all have a duty that we are obliged to do every time we set foot on this campus. Anyone can say it’s easy, but we know the truth. We serve a precious community of youth whom we impact daily. We can not at any time turn our back on these youth. They need us. While I spent that entire week on this campus; I was reminded of my purpose here. It’s a little deeper than just being staff here. You

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“We all have a duty that we are obliged to do every time we set foot on this campus. Anyone can say it’s easy, but we know the truth. We serve a precious community of youth whom we impact daily. We can not at any time turn our back on these youth. They need us. FELISHA STRINGER, MCH STAFF MEMBER

have to have patience, compassion, dedication, and service for this community. I don’t believe there’s any other place I could’ve been other than MCH during that week... IT’S NOT EASY..BUT IT’S WORTH IT... (we were) making memories that these youth will remember twenty years from now.” Thank you to all of our team members who are so dedicated to serving the children of MCH. Children First, Family Always!

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Children’s Promise Act The Mississippi Legislature passed the Children’s Promise Tax Credit legislation for individuals and businesses who support organizations that work with Mississippi’s foster children. Methodist Children’s Homes is a Qualified Foster Care Charitable Organization (QFCCO) and donations to our organization are eligible for this dollar for dollar state tax credits. The allocation of the tax credit is done through the MS Department of Revenue and is on a first-come, first-served basis. Any amount of donation qualifies for this credit up to $1,000. Email Mandy at mbufkin@ if you would like to know more! You can also find more information on our website mchms. org under Ways to Give.

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Children’s Promise Tax Credit

Complete the Tax Credit form (found on our website) and send it to the Dept. of Revenue by email.

Make a financial contribution to Methodist Chidren’s Homes within 60 days.

Send your receipt and allocation notice to the Dept. of Revenue to receive your gift certification.

Send your gift certification form in with your 2021 Mississippi tax return.

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Foster Care 2020 update! 2020 was a wonderful year for our foster care families. In foster care, a successful discharge is when a child is reunified with birth family or is adopted. Last year we had 15 children who had a successful discharge! We started the year off with one of our little girls being reunified with her father in January. In March, one of our young me was reunified with his previous foster parents who were also fostering his siblings. By September a sibling group of two were reunified with their mom! We had several adoptions with 3 sets of sibling groups being adopted! Taylors, 9/24/20 Adopted Williams, 3/3/20 Adopted sibling group of 3 Grishams, 4/15/20 Adopted Harmons, 8/4/20 Adopted Jones 12/18/20 Adopted sibling group of two

Grishams, 4/15/20 Adopted

Jones 12/18/20 Adopted sibling group of two

Couch family 12/21/20 Adopted sibling group of three

Williams, 3/3/20 Adopted sibling group of 3

Harmons, 8/4/20 Adopted

Couch family 12/21/20 Adopted sibling group of three We also welcomed four new foster parents into the MCH family!

Taylors, 9/24/20 Adopted

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During 2021 we are celebrating our 125th year of serving the children of MS. WERE YOU AT METHODIST CHILDREN’S HOMES?

Were you or a family member one of the children we served? Let us know! Email us at or call 601.853.5000 ext 2202.

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