Winter/Spring 2020 Helping Hands

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HELPINGHands Winter/Spring 2020



MCH NewsletterWinter/Spring20.indd 1

CLINTON, MS 39060-0066

OFFICE: 601-853-5000

FAX: 601-853-5010


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A Transformation!

2020 Strategic Priorities A. Expand Services available on campus and community wide B. Strengthen Internal Communication C. Identify New and Increase Existing Income D. Achieve Accreditation through Council on Accreditation E. Expand and Strengthen Key Strategic Partnerships F. Create an Outcome-Driven Organization with clear metrics of success for each priority

This year is our 124th year bringing hope and healing to hurting children! What a legacy you are giving to the children in the state of Mississippi. You have given to and supported YOUR Methodist Children’s Homes and have blessed so many families in the process. After looking back at our history, I can’t help but lean forward towards our future. Martha Rogers, author and international thought leader, puts it this way, “When your headlights aren’t on, the best rearview mirror available isn’t likely to improve your driving.” We know Methodist Children’s Homes has been successful during our time serving the children of MS. But how can we guarantee more children served, more families healed, and more success stories? We can only guarantee this through being strategic in our plan, with our resources and in our the therapeutic approach.

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Last year, we began a new strategic plan. My team members did a great job during those first steps needed during 2019. Now, as we move into the thick of implementing strategies, we narrow our focus onto the above priorities. As you support the children of MCH, pray for God to continue to guide me and the MCH team to bring Him glory and to bring children healing. These strategies can’t be successful without God leading us each step of the way.

We hope and pray to continue to serve the children of Mississippi for the next 124 years! Only by Grace,

Devon V. Loggins, LCSW-S President and CEO

Amber arrived at MCH in the Waits Girls Home in May 2019. Her first few months were a difficult transition. Amber had numerous instances of property destruction, verbal and physical aggression. In an effort to maintain her placement at MCH, she was moved to McCarty Girls Home. Prior to her admission to MCH, she had missed many months of school due to various reasons. However, things started to change for this young lady in September 2019! Amber was enrolled in school, her behaviors dramatically improved, and she began to trust the staff at MCH. To begin with Amber was failing her classes and was extremely discouraged. She had missed so much school that there were huge chunks of curriculum she hadn’t learned. However, Amber worked very hard, attended tutoring, and accepted assistance with her work from MCH staff.


josey Age: 14

Tell me about yourself. I love to sing and hang out with friends. I’m really energetic and goofy. What is one thing other people might not know about you? Me and my little brother were taken from our parents at age 5 and 3 Think back to the first day you stepped on campus and describe how you felt. I felt like this was an opportunity to get a fresh start. How long have you lived here and how do you feel now about being at MCH? I have lived here for two months and I love it here. The staff and children here are like family. Who is one person that you look up to the most at MCH and why? Ms. Princess because she is very understanding and wise What are your goals for the future? I hope to go to college to become a singer or music teacher.

Since October 2019, Amber has had no instances of physical or verbal aggression or property destruction! She was able to move back to Waits Girls Home and is passing all of her classes with a C average or better!

What advice would you give to the “newer” youth on campus? Try not to get into any trouble or fights because this is a great place to be.

We are extremely proud of Amber and all of her hard work!

What part of being at MCH do you find difficult? Chores- I hate to clean!

What is your favorite part of being at MCH? The children and the staff, they are amazing and I wouldn’t trade them for the world.

How would you say “Thank You” to our donors? I really appreciate everything that you do for MCH. Thank you.

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The Journey through foster care to adoption We are so excited for the Forman family to have adopted right before Christmas! Adrienne Forman shared with us about her family’s journey through Therapeutic Foster Care.

With adoption: Are you adopting the first child you fostered? We adopted the 7th child we fostered. How long did it take from placement to adoption? Our daughter was with us for sixth months when we started the adoption process and were blessed with diligent workers who didn’t want the process to be dragged out any longer than absolutely necessary. The entire process took about 4-6 months. She had been with us a year and three weeks when her adoption was final.

What led you to foster care? We initially felt the call to foster after battling 4 years of infertility.

What made you choose to adopt? Something about our daughter was different than all of the other placements. She felt like ours from the start. We have watched her overcome so many obstacles that were thrown in front of her not by choice of her own. She has come so far and continues to amaze me every day. I love her so much and could not love her more if I had birthed her.

How long have you been a foster parent? We have been fostering for three and a half years, and have fostered 9 children during that time. What has been the hardest thing so far? For me personally, the hardest thing has been seeing the damaging effects that trauma has on these precious, innocent children. What has been the best thing so far? The best thing that has happened so far is being able to adopt our foster daughter this past Christmas. The most rewarding part about fostering is seeing the progress the children make after being in a stable environment for an extended period of time. It has been greatly rewarding watching the children grow and overcome their struggles and make healthy connections.

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Don’t be afraid to foster an older child. They are very sweet and want a family and stability just like any normal teen.

Your support and donations are what make it possible to give each child the love, affection, and consistency they need to heal. You have given Aria a new chapter to her life with her forever family!

Ways to Give Your support of Methodist Children's Homes makes it possible for us to fulfill our mission of providing hope and healing to hurting chidren in Mississippi. Please note all the ways you can give to the ministry of MCH. We ask you to consider each option listed. Mail your check or cash through the US Postal Service. Please note any key information on the check or in an enclosed note. Go online to and select the Donate Now button. Make your gift with credit card or bank account. Set up a regular payments using your bank's automatic draft service. You can set the frequency and date of the payments. Make a payment with your PayPal account. Gifts can be one-time or recurring. All fees are waived by PayPal. Link available at Sign up for Amazon Smile and a percentage of your regular purchases will be donated to MCH. There is no cost to you. Make a donation on Facebook or set up a Facebook Fundraiser. Invite others to join you in your support of our ministry. Include MCH in your estate plans. Even a small contribution can be a lasting legacy to the ministry of MCH. Enroll your Kroger Card for the Kroger Community Rewards program. MCH will receive a percentage of your regular purchases. There is no cost to you.

Why did you choose to foster with MCH and foster therapeutic children? The staff are so friendly that they feel like family, and the children are so precious. These children crave affection and are just looking for love, affection, and consistency like any other child. We feel this is the ministry/calling that has been placed on our lives. What advice would you give to someone thinking about becoming a foster parent? Make sure you are in it for the right reason and that your intentions are pure. Your priority has to be wanting to give a child in need a place to stay for whatever length of time that is. Also, don’t be afraid to foster an older child. They are very sweet and want a family and stability just like any normal teen.

Sign up for the RoundUp app and have your debit card purchases rounded up to the next full dollar amount...and donated to MCH. Make a donation in honor or memory of a loved one. They or their family will receive a written acknowledgement of your gift.

Through Jesus Christ, Methodist Children's Homes provides hope and healing to hurting children in Mississippi.

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MARVIN UMC Thank you to the youth group of Marvin UMC for coming out and helping to organize our Community Thrift Store. They were a great help!

COMMUNITY BANK INDEPENDENT LIVING Community Bank continues to support the children at MCH by providing classes on financial literacy as part of our Independent Living Program. We are so thankful for how they are helping to prepare these young people for a more successful future!


Your church can make a big impact on the lives of MCH children without ever leaving your community! Start a supply drive and provide items that are needed year round!

MISSION CINDERELLA Thank you Mary Emma Suggs, founder of Mission Cinderella. Mary brings together churches and community organizations to collect toiletry items for youth who have been trafficked. She brought us ten bags for youth in our programs. Thank you Mission Cinderella! CSPIRE

ST. MARKS UMC ILP We are happy to begin partnering with St. Marks United Methodist Church in a new way! They will be providing Independent Living classes to our Residential youth. They are covering a broad range of topics including self confidence, medical care, budgeting and much more! What a blessing!

PARKWAY HEIGHTS JEFFERSON STREET UMC A big thank you to Jefferson Street UMC in Natchez for their help during Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend. They were able to knock out several big projects for us during their time here!

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MS NURSES FOUNDATION Thank you to Rosalyn Howard, the Mississippi Nurses Association and the Mississippi Nurses Foundation for donating such cute and thoughtful Christmas gifts for the young ladies on our campus!

You can join Parkway Heights UMC and CSpire to create Welcome Bags (as pictured). Your group can also collect household goods, provide gift cards or give a family night basket to a foster family!

NOWELL AGENCY Thank you to The Nowell Agency for your generosity. During the first quarter of 2020, they donated $10 to MCH for every referral they received! What a creative way to help out

Visit our website to see a full list of what is needed for each type of supply drive.

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Trustmark National Bank supports new Permanency Assessment Center Thank you for choosing MCH to be your charity partner. Your generosity will help to bring hope and healing to the children of Methodist Children’s Homes!



The new Permanency Assessment Center will work with youth in emergency situations such as youth victims of human trafficking, mental health crisis, or other cases of extreme trauma. The program will allow youth to receive a full medical, psychosocial, and trauma assessment and will work with the youth to build a plan for their future. The plans will help determine the most fitting permanent home setting for the child once they leave the Permanency Assessment Center, hopefully creating a more stable future for the youth.



The vision of Methodist Children’s Homes is to be an innovative leader in providing for the most vulnerable youth in our state. The PAC is like no other program in Mississippi and fills a need identified by many community stakeholders including law enforcement, child protection, and victims advocacy groups. We hope to show youth who have experienced tremendous trauma that they are loved by the Lord and by those who love Him. No child is a lost cause!

“All children and youth deserve a safe and happy place to call home. Methodist Children’s Home is that place for so many. There are so many opportunities to help in so many different ways. If my small contribution helps in any way, it is my pleasure. Children First, Family Always!” —Diane Goolsby

Stay tuned for more information about this program set to open this fall.



The program will allow youth to receive a full medical, psychosocial, and trauma assessment and will work with the youth to build a plan for their future.

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Methodist Children’s Homes encourages you to join together as a community to help our cause. A fundraiser for MCH is the perfect event to hold with your church, office or community group.


If you can’t create your own fundraiser, join in the efforts of other groups who have events for MCH. Due to COVID-19, these events have been postponed for later in the year.

Watch for new dates on our website!

Through creative fundraisers, you can have a direct and positive impact on the lives of our children. Dedicate your birthday by creating an online fundraiser through facebook. Have a bake sale, host a dinner, BE CREATIVE! This past November and December, MCH was blessed to have three groups host a fundraiser for the children of MCH! Lindsey Claire Dance Company  Crossfit Charity Ball  Santa’s Soup Kitchen 

LINDSEY CLAIRE DANCE COMPANY “In 2017, I had…a representative from the Children’s Home come to our church and speak to us. And they gave a story about a young girl growing up through Methodist Children’s Home and…talked about how it made a difference in her life. And if it wasn’t for their services she wouldn’t be successful, she shouldn’t be where she was. God placed it on my heart to give back in my way, in my business. And so in 2017, I decided our holiday show ticket proceeds would go to Methodist Children’s Home and ever since, we’ve been doing that; the past three years.” —Lindsey Claire Hutchins, Owner/Director of Lindsey Claire Dance Company

CROSSFIT CHARITY BALL The annual Crossfit Charity Ball is always such a fun way for donors to contribute. What better excuse to get dressed up and attend a Christmas party than for the children of MCH!

 Put a team in the“Tee Off for Missions” Golf Tournament at Patrick Farms Golf Course in Pearl, MS.  Register your team or become a sponsor by contacting Gary Owens at 601.260.0473.

“I think, as Christians, it’s very important that we give back to further God’s Kingdom and just as people to give back to those fortunate.”



—Lindsey Claire Hutchins, Owner/Director of Lindsey Claire Dance Company

SANTA’S SOUP KITCHEN For many years, Brandon First United Methodist Church has provided a soup lunch for Brandon residents on each Monday in November. Attendees give a donation in return for their lunch and all donations go to MCH. What a clever way to give back!

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uy a ticket to the Exclusive Soiree Fashion B Show. Soiree Event Venue Canton 232 W Peace St., Canton Ms.  Buy your tickets by calling April Bigham at 601.896.5995. 

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honor HONOR MEMORIAL In Honor of

(Given 8/23/19- 3/2/20 )

Alana Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harmon Alden, Anisten, Easton, Tracy Howell Ms. Terrie Howell Alli S. Yoste Belinda B. Roark and Mrs B. Flowers Mrs. Lee Bailey Andy Pearson Ms. Elise Crabtree Ann Bartling Ms. Alice Quimby Ann Bartling Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moody Ann Bartling Mr. and Mrs. john Lewis Ann Henley Mr. and Mrs. Richard Henley Austin Bolen Ms. Mellie Bolen Barbara Adams Ms. Billie J. Wilhite Barbara Engman Ms. Sherry Surrette Becky Crawford Mr. Rick S. Tapp Beth Howe Ms. Stacy Everett Betty A. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins M. Crawford Betty Jane Chatham Ms. Catherine Chatham Big Oak Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wilkerson Bill Poole Mrs. Ruby R. Shelton Bill Sloop Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lyle Billy Perry Mr. and Mrs. Becky and Billy Nowell Bob Adams Ms. Billie J. Wilhite Bob Rambo Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Perkins Bobbie P. Rhodes Ms. Jesse and Nan Bingham Bradley Batson Mrs. Marjorie G. Batson Brian Roland Morton MS Homemakers Volunteer Club Bruce Bartling Mr. Clayton Leech

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Calvin Johnson Mrs. Judith Kilpatrick Carla Grant Ms. Iris Holloway Carleslie Jones Ms. Linda Schmitz Carolyn Purvis Mr. and Mrs. Dale Purvis Charles Diamond Ms. Norma P. Caviness Charlie Felder Mr. and Mrs. Richard Henley Charlie Simmons Mrs. Christine Fielder Chris Waterer Mr. Ronald Waterer Clay Lee Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bartling Dale Purvis Ms. Carolyn Purvis David Cox Mr. and Mrs. Guy G. Stephenson David Felder Mr. and Mrs. Richard Henley Dawn Flowers Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Musgrove Deborah Allen Mr. Sidney Allen Don Garforth Mr. and Mrs. David C. Langston Donnie Taylor Mrs. Charlotte Taylor Donnie Taylor Mr. Cliff & Charlotte Taylor Eddie Rester Dr. and Mrs. W A. Spencer Elaine Williamson Ms. Janie B. Harvey Ellenita Circle -UMW Picayune United Methodist Women Ellis Nasif Mrs. Dorothy Staer Emery Skelton Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Eastman Eric Sanford Dr. and Mrs. Ben Sanford Frances Simmons Mrs. Christine Fielder Frances W Savage Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lyle Francis Miksa Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jones Frank M. Patty Mrs. Barbara Pittman G. B. Cummings Ms. Bettie Cummings

Gabe Beukinga Mr. and Mrs. Jim Meyer Gary Havens Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stephenson Gladys Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Lee Glen Sowell Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lyle Glenn Harmon Ms. Alana Harmon Gloria Butler Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miller Grandchildren Mr. and Mrs. David Stotts Henry C. Waterer Dr. Chris Waterer Hugh Carr Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lyle Irene Smith Ms. Josie Guerry J B. Burns Mr. and Mrs. J. Carlos Smith Jack Alexander Mr. and Mrs. John D. Sadler James May Ms. Janie B. Harvey James Pearson Mr. Owen Warren Jason Robertson Mr. James Robertson Jennifer R. Folsom Ms. Jeannie Corbin Jeremy Cascio Mr. and Mrs. Richard Henley Jerry Grant Ms. Iris Holloway Jesse, Christopher, Gregory, Davis, and Michael G. Kathy Ms. Mellie Bolen Jim Lightsey Ms. Gail Fulton Jimmy Farris Mr. Lindsley & Joanne Keeton Jimmye Sweat Ms. Karen RedHead Joe Fox Ms. Rebecca Nassif John D. Sadler Mr. and Mrs. Jack Alexander John Shivers Mrs. Mary E. Edmond Julie Parker Ms. Stacy Everett Katherine Furr Dr. and Mrs. B. C. Wolverton Kelli Laicke Ms. Anne Harrington

Kim Davis Mr. and Mrs. David C. Langston Larry Brown Ms. Mary Cull Larry Finger Joy Sunday School Class Leonard and M. Smith Ms. Josie Guerry Lonette Cliburn Parkway Heights United Methodist Church Lucy Henley Mr. and Mrs. Richard Henley Lucy West Belinda B. Roark Lynn Williams Explorers Sunday School Mansel Guerry Ms. Josie Guerry Marie Wells Mr. and Ms. Jack Sistrunk Martha Jane & Jonathan G. Grover Mr. John & Stephanie Land Martha Wright Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Mitcham Matt Ms. Gail Derryberry Michael L. White Ms. Mellie Bolen Mike D. Bishop Ms. Mellie Bolen Missie Smith Ms. Josie Guerry Nancy Creel Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lyle Nell W. Green Dr. Stephen R. Green Oak Grove UMC Oak Grove United Methodist Church Pat Nelson Ms. Janie B. Harvey Patricia Fulcher Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Jackson Patrick Theriot Mr. and Mrs. Richard Henley Phil Roberts Mr. John Roberts Prentiss Mitchell Mrs. and Mr. Patricai Mitchell Ray Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Doug Beard Ric Grant Swartz-Ward Bible Class Richard B. (Papa) Mr. John Gourley

Rickey Gray Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lyle Rob, Tanner, Lily Grace W. Lori Ms. Mellie Bolen Robert L. Carter Mrs. Lee Wright Robert Watts Mr. Travis and Tory Watts Rose Cutrer Ms. Josie Guerry Ross E. Henley Rev. and Mrs. Jerry Mitchell Ruth Willis Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Musgrove Sam Dunaway Ms. Janie B. Harvey Sam McNulty Ms. Janie B. Harvey Sam N. Pitner Ms. Rebecca Nassif Sarah Love Ms. Evelyn B. Wofford Sheila Cumbest Mrs. and Mrs. Joanne & Lindsley Keeton Stephanie Morgan Ms. Imogene Duckett The Elementary Office Staff at H. Academy Ms. Stacy Everett Thomas Guerry Ms. Josie Guerry Timothy Black Mrs. Frances Myers Tom Hailes Ms. Carolyn Green Tommy and Elizabeth Lyle Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lyle Trace Howell Ms. Terrie Howell Trey Skaggs Aldersgate SSC Trey Skaggs Mr. and Mrs. Leslie R. Fletcher Tyler Warren Ms. Lea Ann Warren Vivian M Presley Ms. Evelyn B. Wofford Warren C. Black Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Bond Willie G. Myatt Ms. Laurie Myatt Woods Eastland Mrs. Ethel Davis Wood Nunnery Zach Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harmon

memorial In Memory of

(Given 8/23/19- 3/2/20 )

A. E. Sanders Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sanders, Sr. Alice Jennings Mrs. Willie Bobo Angela Schrieffer Mr. and Mrs. William R. Yordy Anita Parker Mr. and Mrs. Gene Livingston Ann King Rev. and Mrs. George Buell Anne Ramsay Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Holderer Ara M. Pratt Mr. and Mrs. W. Stan Pratt Archie Baldwin Ms. Bonnie Baldwin Barbara C. Burrow Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lambert Betty Russell Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kendall Betty W. Clarkson Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Perkins Billy Harrington Ms. Bettie Cummings Billy Jack Green Ms. Joyce Orr Billy McCall Ms. Billie Hughey Billy Stallings Mr. and Mrs. Mack Stallings Billy W. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBryde Bobby Morris Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ward Brenda Austin Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBryde Bruce Brumfield Fellowship Class, Inverness UMC Buffie Porter Mr. and Mrs. Kevin May C.D Lancaster Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kendall C.T Carley Mr. and Mrs. John Owens Calvin Waguespack Ms. Joyce Orr Charlene Cotton Mrs. Jane C. Hanes Charles Maurer Mr. and Mrs. John Clark Charles Ostrowski Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBryde

Charles Runyan Mrs. Deborah Runyan Charlie Ruffin New Augusta Presbyterian Church Chellie Ormon Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ormon Chistine Wilkins Mrs. Joyce Stallings Clinton C. Moore Ms. Miffy Woods Crews Reed Sanders Uniforms D. K. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Milton Johnson Dan McGrew Mr. Patrick M. Wagner Darie Chaney Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Langley Darrell Hendry Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Dennis, Jr. Dean Wilson Mrs. Warren Strickland Deanna Carrubba McGowan Chapel United Methodist Church Mrs. Janet Carrubba Pachuta United Methodist Church Dennis H. Perkins Ms. Norma Fulcher Denny Cagle Ms. Annette Cagle Diane Sanders J.O. and Jane Morris Dimple M. Clemmer Christ United Methodist Church Doris Ola Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBryde Dorothy Clark Rev. and Mrs. George Jackson Dorothy Lance Mr. and Mrs. William R. Yordy Drithia Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Woodruff Edwina Goodman Mr. William F. Goodman III Ercell Pickering Mr. and Mrs. Larry K. Robinson Ernie Crouch Mrs. Karen Barber Eva P. McEwen Ms. Frances McEwen Florence H. Good Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Good III

Frances Burke Ms. Martha E. Cavin Francis Miksa Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jones Fred Waits Dr. and Mrs. James L. Waits Gene Phillips Ms. Patricia Mitchell George D. Read Mrs. Judy Lacy George H. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Thomas Georgia Lane Mrs. Dimple G. Nicholson Ginger Bush Mr. and Mrs. David H. Cox Mr. Joe P. Cox, Jr. Gladys Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flynn Grady Ketchum Mrs. Nancy K. Ketchum Harris C. Jones Mrs. Myrtle M. Jones Harris Russell Mr. and Mrs. Turner Arant Harry P. Hoffman Ms. Marilyn Hoffman Helen McNeely Ms. Anita Thomas Helen Wilson Mrs. Alice H. Jordan Helen Yordy Mr. and Mrs. William R. Yordy Hembree Brandon informa Support Services Inc Henry D. Brock Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBryde Hilda Blackwell Mrs. Karen Barber Hollis Howell Mr. and Mrs. W. K. McCaskill Howard Chambers Dr. Janice Chambers Iris P. Boggan Nancy Gardner Dr. Esther B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tobelman Mr. Alton Boggan Mr. Richard Dodd Kemp, Williams, Steverson & Bernard Employees Flower Fund Mrs. Dianne O’Neill Mr. Clayton Barnett Mrs. Alice Pouncey

Mr. and Mrs. Burl Johnson Ms. Christy Savell Mrs. Julie Mangum Ms. Pat Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Clay Scoggin Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donovan Mrs. Valorie Westbrook Mr. and Mrs. Kent Ozborn Mr. Michael Hainsey Mr. and Mrs. David Oram J. C. Hubbard Mrs. Norma Hubbard J. D. Mayfield Ms. Mary Kathryn Mayfield J.M Owens Mr. and Mrs. John Owens Jackson Woodall Mr. Thomas M. Landrum Jake Drennan Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lundy James C. Moore Ms. Miffy Woods James D. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBryde James T. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Chapman Jane Floyd Mrs. Willie Bobo Jane Owens Mr. and Mrs. John Owens Jean Braden Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thompson Jean Mac Innis Mrs. Marjorie Marberry Jeanne Maguire Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBryde Jedn Hudson Mrs. Carol Miller Jennifer Rucker Mrs. Jimmie Cannon Jerry Grant Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hays, II Jewel Gentry Mr. and Mrs. David H. Cox Jim Brantley Mrs. Brenda Brantley Jim Pierce Ms. Frances McEwen Jimmie Mayfield Ms. Mary Kathryn Mayfield Jimmy White Mr. Michael Easterling Joann Browner Christ United Methodist Church

JoAnn Rosemann Mrs. Frances Myers Joe Milano Mrs. Kathleen Milano Joe Thurman Mr. and Mrs. Sam L. Presle , III John H. Morrow Dr. and Dr. Linda Harvey John Jackson Dr. and Mrs. Bill Burrow, Jr. John Owen Mr. and Mrs. John Owens Johnny D. Smith Mr. Michael Easterling Joshua Dillard Mrs. Marilyn M. Dillard Juanita Mitchell Mrs. Mona Harrison Julia Carter Mr. Raymond Carter Kathleen Ruffin Mrs. Martha Huckins Kathleen Ruffin Mr. and Mrs. Todd Bradley Kathleen Ruffin Ms. Martha McBee Kathryn L. kennedy Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kennedy Kathy Douglas Mr. Russell D. Healy Kay K. Valentine Galloway Memorial United Methodist Church L. R. Poole Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Perkins Latrelle Ashley Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mitchell Leif Ming Mrs. Dana M. Lyle Libby Lynch Ms. and Mr. Betty C. Davis Lola Enis Mr. and Mrs. Tom A. Lampkin, Jr. Lou W. Perritt Mr. John E. Perritt Marion Parham Morrow Dr. and Dr. Linda Harvey Marjorie A. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Donald Taylor Martha Logan Ms. Barbara Jackson Martha T. Hughes Mr. Wesley Hughes Mary A. Conner Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBryde

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memorial HONOR MEMORIAL Mary Dale Rodgers Ms. Elizabeth H. Lauderdale Mary Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBryde Mary H. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBryde Mary O. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. B;ackwell Mary Thompson Mr. Haldon Kittrell Mason Burns Rev. Michael-John Pope Mattie Potter Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Potter Michael Johnston Mrs. Martha Klaus Mildred E. Viner Mr. and Mrs. Stan J. Viner Mona R. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBryde Mrs. M. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Carr Nancy Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. John K. Vaughan Ms. Wanda Deloach

Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Zdenek Norwood King Rev. and Mrs. George Buell Orafine Vanderburg Mr. and Mrs. Turner Arant Mr. Vanderburg Patricia G. Meek Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Perkins Patricia L. Marsh Ms. Teresa Lomenick Patricia L. Marsh Mr. and Mrs. John R. Watson Patricia Murrell Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blackledge Patsy Marsh Mr. Harold Lomenick Patsy Marsh Mr. Dan Cranford Paul Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. Abner C. Young Phillip Worthy Ms. Joyce Orr Polly McIntosh Mrs. Katie Meador Rachel Chipley Mr. and Mrs. Curt Raymer

Raebeth Cooper New Augusta Presbyterian Church Ralph B. Fairley Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Fairley Richard S. Yordy Mr. and Mrs. William R. Yordy Robbie Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ingram Roger Miller Razmus Circle Ron Gala Mrs. Willie Bobo Ronnie Bales Ms. Joyce Orr Ruth Willis Ms. Margaret Cole Samantha Kalahar Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Graves Sharon B. Hutchins Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Perkins Sonny Latham Mrs. and Mrs. Joanne & Lindsley Keeton Stephen Christopher Albritton Mr. and Mrs. Chris Albritton

Steven Johnson Ms. Joyce Orr Susan Kay Ketchum Mrs. Nancy K. Ketchum Suzelle Weems Mrs. Mary Youngblood T. H. Landrum Mr. Thomas M. Landrum Tena Pellegrine Mr. Louis J. Pellegrine Thomas Holman Mrs. Rhonda H. Watson Todd Roberts Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stephenson Tom Lester Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Langley Travis Lindsey Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Lee Vada Reynolds McCondy Methodist Church Sunday School Van Fleming Pachuta United Methodist Church Vardaman Hudson Mrs. Carol Miller

Vernon Crotwell Mr. Lindsley & Joanne Keeton Violet Royals Ms. Judi McCaskey Virginia Bates Mrs. Judith Kilpatrick W. E. Blain Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Blain W. O. “Chet” Dillard Mrs. Marilyn M. Dillard Walter Lance Mr. and Mrs. William R. Yordy Wayne Hughes Ms. Sarah Helen Ellison Willa D. Freeny Mrs. Barbara Tynes William Hubbard Mrs. Sarah Hubbard Xzavion Hill Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBryde Contact Trina McNair, if any changes need to be made.



Fostering the Future Gala

A superhero soiree

Charlie’s story Charlie is a self professed sports nerd. He loves to eat, has a long term girlfriend and is 16. In just a few weeks, he will be going to the prom in his home town with his girlfriend and can not wait! He’s an average American teenager. The big difference? He lives in a therapeutic group home. When he first arrived at MCH, he said he felt like he had, “a new beginning”. Charlie’s now been with us almost two years. He says, “its difficult being away from home”. His future goals are to get out of custody but until then, he said, “I feel safe here. I like that I have a cell phone and staff are more involved”. To all of you, he would like to say, “Thank you for loving us and thinking of us. Thanks for caring.”

“I feel safe here. I like that I have a cell phone and staff are more involved”.

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Save the Da te!

Thursday, September 10, 2020 The Place at harbour crossing 7 pm

VBS TOOLKIT Our Vacation Bible School Toolkit is the perfect resource to educate your church’s children about children who are in foster care right here in Mississippi. Through using this kit, your children’s ministry will make an impact on local lives. We provide all the tools and resources to plug this in to your Vacation Bible School. Through downloading your kit you will receive a video, small group lesson and activity, ways to collect money, and supply drive projects you can do to give hope to the children at MCH. Make plans now to feature Methodist Children’s Homes of MS as your VBS mission project! Get your children’s ministry ready by downloading the kit at For questions email Samantha Kalahar at

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This past Christmas was a magical season at MCH. We hosted our First Annual Share the Light: Christmas Open House and loved every minute of it!




Thank you to each company and all the individual donors. Your light made a difference!

This Christmas event lit up our campus and hopefully brightened up our children’s lives as many struggle with being away from home during the holiday season. Thank you to everyone who attended, volunteered, and donated! It was great success and we can’t wait to do it again this year! This is a perfect event for your family, youth group, or children’s ministry to attend.







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Share the Light th

Saturday, Dec. 12 | Sunday, Dec. 13th


6 to 8 p.m.


te !


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of mine

The special offering for Methodist Children’s Homes is more than just making a donation. This offering supports the daily operations of MCH. Without your church’s support of the Little Light of Mine Special Offering, MCH would not be able to care for the hundreds of children we serve each year. Have your church ready by downloading the packet at

Special Offering Season

The Little Light of Mine Special Offering Season will be from October 13 - December 13. Just make sure to mark your envelope or check to designate it for the special offering!

has fully phased out of apportionments from the Mississippi Conference of the United Methodist Church. This gives MCH the opportunity to engage with each church in the Conference as part of the Little Light of Mine Special Offering. 100% of the money collected during the special offering will fund our programs helping foster children and families.

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." -John 1:5 NIV

Collect your Little Light of Mine offering anytime between October 13 and December 13, 2020.

Get your church ready by signing up to receive your Little Light of Mine special offering materials at BIT.LY/LLOMOFFERING.

18 MCH NewsletterWinter/Spring20.indd 18-19

Voted Top nonprofit organization in MS

Children's Promise Tax Credit The Mississippi Legislature passed “The Children’s Promise Act” which provides for a dollar for dollar TAX CREDIT to individuals that give to a qualified charity as referenced in the act. The Methodist Children’s Home is a qualified Charity!

Make a financial contribution up to $1000 to Methodist Children's Homes.

Complete the Tax Credit form. #ou can find it on our website or on the MS Dept of Revenue website.

Send your gift certification form in with your 2019 Mississippi tax return.

During 2019, we were honored to be selected as one the Top Non Profits in MS for the second year in a row! This award was given by the Mississippi Business Journal. Thank you for your recognition!

Make your charitable dollars go farther with the Childrens' Promise Tax Credit! To learn more about how your gift can benefit the ministry of Methodist Children's Homes of MS, contact: Samantha Kalahar at or call 601-853-5000, ext. 2201 Information shared is based on guidance from the MS Department of Revenue's Income Tax Technical Bulletin TB 80-501-19-1 Further information can be found at

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Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PA I D Jackson, MS Permit No. 450

Post Office Box 66 Clinton, MS 39060-0066

Our Ministry Does Not Stop During this difficult time with the COVID-19 outbreak, we pray you and your families are well. This is an uncertain time for our state, country, and global community, but we see the love of the Lord at work in many ways during these times. Our ministry of serving vulnerable youth must continue through the current Coronavirus concerns. Although we will continue to operate our core ministries, we are making needed adjustments and taking precautions for the sake of our youth, staff, foster families, and community partners. At this time we have 22 children on our Jackson campus and 16 children in our Therapeutic Foster Care program. MCH has developed a plan to ensure we can continue services to our children and families, but also follow the state and federal guidelines for social distancing and standard precautions. Many of our normal activities are on hold. However, we have been blessed with this beautiful campus, our new Arant Recreational Center (opened this past fall), and our spacious

gymnasium. Our Campus Life Minister has set up activities for our youth each day which include academics, independent living skills, and of course, recreation. He and our residential staff have a huge task of keeping 22 teenagers occupied and focused during this time. Pray for our staff and youth as they deal with the “cabin-fever’ that is sure to set in.

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