2016 Christmas Catalog

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t f i g e h t e Giv ! g n i v i g n o that keeps

Imagine giving a gift that keeps on giving. Honor someone special by giving a life-changing gift in his or her name.

1. Choose a gift to donate in someone’s honor. 2. Fill out and return the envelope or go online to mchms.org. 3. We will send each honoree a Christmas card, sharing with them the thoughtful gift you gave in their honor.

Many of our youth arrive at our home with a couple of outfits or with only the clothes they are wearing. With the Gift of Hospitality, you will be making sure that our children receive a welcome basket with all the necessities they will need. We want every child to know they are cared for and loved when they arrive at MCH.

The Gift of Love - Special Clothing The Gift of Learning - Books



I wish you could see the excitement in our youth as they search the racks of clothes for the perfect dress or suit for their first job interview, prom or church. Our youth desire a chance to feel beautiful and special. You can give them the Gift of Love, so that they can go shopping for a new outfit. Put a bright smile on a child’s face by providing an opportunity to make their day!



Make a difference in the life of a child like Malika. Most days you can find her sitting in the front yard captivated by a book. Provide the Gift of Learning by giving books to kids!

The Gift of Exploring - Field Trips and Camp The Gift of Memories - School Pictures



Do you remember the excitement of receiving your school pictures? You couldn’t wait to cut and share each picture with your friends and family. You can help our boys and girls by giving the Gift of Memories, where they can proudly pass out their school pictures and cherish the memories.

The Gift of Talents - Art, Music, or Dance Lessons $35 Did you experience the excitement of performing in a dance recital, displaying your completed masterpiece, or the simple joy of learning a particular song? Our kids have a passion for dancing, music, and art. You can offer them the Gift of Talents - by providing classes.



The Gift of Hospitality - Welcome Basket



Most everyone has fond memories of attending field trips. However, many youth have never had that opportunity. You can give our youth the Gift of Exploring, which will offer them the chance to learn and experience new places and things all throughout the year.

The Gift of Traditions - Holiday Meal for a Cottage $150 Holidays are all about family, and it is no secret that everyone looks forward to the incredible meals! By giving the Gift of Traditions, you can help our youth carry on the same traditions as you on Christmas day, celebrating Jesus’ birth with their peers, who are in fact, their family.

The Gift of Family - Find a Child a Home



Every child deserves a family. Someone who will never give up on them, that will love them unconditionally and cheer them on to success. Give the Gift of Family to help find and support a local foster family who will open their hearts and homes to our children.

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But the greatest gift of all is The Gift of Jesus Christ!

Tell your friends that yo u want the ultimate gift this Christ mas; the gift of giving to others. Ask your friends to download our catalo g on mchms.org. Contact: Kate Williams at Kwillia ms@mchms.org or call (601) 853-5000 ext. 1222 Purchase one or more of our 10 Christmas gifts for those special people in your life. We will send them a Christmas card designed by one of our youth to let them know of the life-changing gift you gave in their honor. * Once a gift is fully covered, your gift will be used to sponsor one of our children.

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