Youth Enterprise And Micro Business Newsletter Edition 9

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@MCFCin Hull

MakingChange @MC4Cinhull sForCareers

News & Events

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01482 616219

Hull Global Entrepreneurship Week

We are delighted that Global Entrepreneurship Week will be taking place online from 8th - 12th November. It’s an exciting week with different events taking place every day, including BIPC’s Start-up Day and Cracking Ideas and MC4C patron and former BBC Apprentice, Adam Corbally will be re-issuing his challenge to businesspeople aged 16 to 29. To keep up to date with all the activities, visit our website or follow us on Instagram and Twitter @GEW_Hull. A great week of enterprising events for all.

Hull Global Entrepreneurship Annual Awards Evening Following our highly successful Virtual Awards Evening during Global Entrepreneurship Week in 2020, we have decided again to hold this year’s event virtually (hopefully for the last time before we hope to return to our live event) The 2021 virtual Annual Awards Evening this year will be kindly hosted by C4DI on Friday 12th November 2021 via Zoom. The event will start 7.30pm and is due to finish sometime between 9pm and 9.30pm and no doubt there will be an after-party online as well. The event will again be jointly hosted by former BBC Apprentice Star and Motivational Speaker Adam Corbally and the founder of Engaging Education Ross Bennett - what could possibly go wrong? The event will feature a quiz with cash prizes, the result of the Adam Corbally Challenge, and of course food and booze (well if you bring your own) and maybe a few outtakes from previous videos. There are 12 Youth Enterprise Awards this year and they are a great way to recognise the work that goes on in Hull and the East Riding in supporting our enterprising young people. The deadline for the completed full entry forms will be 1st November 2021. If you would like a nomination form and or attend the online celebration, please contact Charles Cracknell Charles Cracknell, Youth Enterprise and Microbusiness Manager said " We are very grateful to C4DI for offering to host this year’s Awards Evening and I hope that if you want to attend or make a nomination you will get in touch, last year's event had 160 participants and we are hoping for even more this year, so come and find out more"











@MCFCinH ull

MakingChange sForCareers





01482 616219

News & Events

New Champion! Yuguo Liu of LEAN - AP Solutions has become an Honorary Vice President of the John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank that supports young entrepreneurs as well as supporting enterprise education activities in Hull, East Riding and Ryedale. Yuguo is a Chinese businessman based in Hull. He spends his time working on projects in China and the UK and his son, who went to school in Hull, is at University in London. He has an exceptional commitment to supporting young entrepreneurs and currently sponsors Hull City Council's Young Persons Youth Enterprise Champion Judith Meza, and has previously made a significant donation to the Youth Enterprise Bank to support #ExcludedUK & enterprising young people in the City

Tony Robinson OBE, Patron of the John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank said "I am delighted that Yuguo is to become our latest Honorary Vice President, he brings wide ranging experience in practical support for enterprising young people and is our third overseas Vice President. We are extremely lucky to have his support as he can champion Hull in general and the Youth Enterprise Bank in particular, not only locally but also in China." Yuguo Liu said "I am extremely honoured to become an Honorary Vice President of the John Cracknell Enterprise Bank. I think it’s brilliant what the John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank does, and I am looking forward to working with them to support young entrepreneurs in Hull, East Riding and Ryedale."


The Adam Corbally Challenge! Every November it is Global Entrepreneurship Week, and this year there are a lot more activities which can be found at If you are interested in getting support for your business idea, why not consider making a video pitch to secure support from former BBC Apprentice Star Adam Corbally with your business idea. This Competition is open to young people aged 16-29 that live in Hull, East Riding or Ryedale. In order to enter please submit a two minute video pitch to Adam via by Wednesday 10th November. The winner of the pitch will get mentoring support for at least up to one year from Adam and the John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank will give a grant of up to £1000 that will be handed over by Adam. Adam Corbally said “Last year was the first time we ran this competition and we had a great deal of entries, and I was pleased that I could award 3 of those with a prize. This year I am hoping to see more entries so have a go, you have to enter to be in with a chance to win it.”

Micro Business Support I.M.M.E Media Ltd Craig Chaytor

My name is Craig Chaytor, the owner of I.M.M.E Media Ltd. A business that was created and built from the ground up from the inspiration of my daughter. My daughter's name is Imogen but her nickname is Imme, so I named the business after my daughter because she inspired me to go above and beyond to help her and others. I.M.M.E Imagine Making Memories Everywhere.

Imogen suffers with a disability called Williams Syndrome which affects her sensory and mental health. So, I created a product that combines Books and Technology together so any child or individual can use it. To help them in difficult situations by creating a virtual reality world with calming music and sensory friendly environments, all powered through a book and a smartphone. On the back of developing my video skills, we’ve gone on to create the I.M.M.E wedding package that delivers a whole new experience to bring your special day memories in virtual reality. With the help and support I've gained from my business advisor I have taken my ideas further; I would be lost without my advisor. I can’t thank her enough. Truly an amazing woman. For more information you can visit our website or follow all our social media platforms, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. For Micro Biz Support contact


Judith’s Journey

The search for appropriate premises continues. I knew it would be difficult to find premises, but I did not anticipate it to be this problematic. To find a property that is in the right location, condition, and within my budget has been very hard. I came across a property that that I was interested in, however, I was not accepted for it, I was disappointed as this was a perfect match to the type of property I am looking for. This has made it difficult to keep to my timeline as I am having to keep postponing it. If you know of a property that would be suitable for a café in Hull please get in touch with me at However, in the meantime I have been applying for funding such as the Hull City Council, Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG). If I receive this funding it will go towards buying some equipment I need. I recently attended the Mental Health First Aid training and I continue to acquire more training that will become beneficial in the future. I found the training to be very interesting as this was my first time attending. I took a lot from the training such as tips on how to manage my stress and generally how to manage my mental health better, and how I can help others too.

I also got to speak with Yuguo Liu who is sponsoring my post, it was great to get advice from someone who has a wealth of experience of being an entrepreneur.


The Big 13!

The ‘Big 13’ Enterprise Skills training programme is designed to improve and develop the young people’s understanding of the skills needed to be successful in business and/or employment. We offer a variety of training sessions which encourage young people to think about the skills they already possess and how these can be beneficial in the world of work. Activities and plans around the ‘Big 13’ Enterprise Skills are engaging, challenging and enjoyable. Developing a clear understanding of the ‘Big 13’ Enterprise Skills will help young people develop their confidence and communication, challenge them, and encourage them to have aspirations that could potentially lead to becoming a more enterprising person in employment or as an entrepreneur. All group skills sessions are to be continued virtually for the safety of young people and colleagues for the foreseeable future but face to face interactions are now permitted on a one-to-one basis, this is monitored frequently through government and local authority guidance. So far, the face to face meetings have been successful because this has helped to speed up the process of supporting the young people through some of the barriers to access our help. The barriers some learners have faced are a lack of suitable home equipment, internet connection, anxiety of joining zoom or teams meetings. With the face to face meetings, learners feel more reassured.

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