North Star Update- Vol. II, Iss. 8

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North Star Update A PUBLICATION OF THE MINNESOTA BAPTIST ASSOCIATION Inside This Issue: Sand Creek Recognition


MBA Annual Meeting, 1st Person, Timothy Barr


MBA Annual Meeting, 1st Person, Carolyn Van Loh


Lakeview Baptist Invite


First Baptist, Preston, 60th Anniversary


Berean, Brooklyn Park, 40th Anniversary


Ruth Matteson Notice


Berean, DL, New Address


Volume II, Issue 8

August 1, 2008

Churches Affiliate with the MBA This past June, two churches affiliated with the Minnesota Baptist Association. Those churches, First Baptist of Adrian, MN and Bible Baptist Church of Elk River were received into the fellowship of the MBA at the annual meeting of the Minnesota Baptist Association at Cornerstone Baptist church in Willmar, Minnesota. First Baptist of Adrian was founded in 1948. Brother Tim Barr pastors the church. The church as a membership of around 35. Adrian has a population of 1,234. Pastor Barr and his wife Elayna have 4 children.

Bible Baptist Church of Elk River was founded just last year as a church plant of Fourth Baptist Church, Plymouth. Brother Doug Roman pastors Bible the church. BBC has about 35 members, 50 attend. The population of the area is around 30,000. Pastor Roman and his wife Julie have 3 children. The MBA is excited about these new churches that seek to serve God with us in the state of Minnesota. There is another article in this issue that reports on the recognition council for Sand Creek Baptist Church of Jordan, Minnesota, pastored by Daniel

Lowe. Such a council is a requirement for churches seeking affiliation with the MBA.

Calendar September 28: Inauguration Ceremony for President Dr. Greg Huffman, Pillsbury Baptist Bible College September 28-29: PBBC, Harvest Home

Fellowship Foundations By: Rev. Robert Like many of you, my wife and I spent a part of July on a mini-vacation which included the Fuller Family Reunion (held every two years). A wonderful State Park in Indiana was the scene of our gathering MBA business contacts coupled with needed office work filled in areas of responsibilities. In addition, on July 22, as an exofficio member of the Pillsbury Baptist Bible College Board of Trustees, I was privileged to sit in on the important proceedings of the Board. Each Board Member, along with the responsibilities of his local church activities, faced each important decision with spiritual integrity. I encourage all who read the UPDATE to pray diligently for the College,

J. Fuller, Sr. Interim State Missionary

the Board of Trustees, the Administration, and the Student Body as the new school year approaches. On Saturday, July 26, I participated as Interim State Missionary, with Pastor Groschel of Prior Lake, Pastor Fuller, Jr. from New Ulm, Pastor Jerry Stephens and Deacon White of New Prague, in a recognition council called by Sand Creek Baptist Church, pastored by Brother Daniel Lowe. They called the council in response to their desire to affiliate with the Minnesota Baptist Association. The council was greatly impressed with the documents of the church, and Pastor Lowe's humility and integrity. He and his wife Debbie, are a great

blessing. Part of my ministry is to visit MBA churches as time permits. On July 27 my wife and I visited the Sunday School and Morning Service of First Baptist Church, St. Francis. Recently retired Pastor Jim Snow and his wife Bev and members built a great church. Following his retirement the church called Pastor Steve Brower as their Senior Pastor. Pastor Brower and his wife Heather are having a great ministry there in St. Francis. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit, and thank the Lord for the fellowship of that church. If I can be of any service to you, please do not hesitate to contact me. My contact information is on the back page.

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North Star Update

Recognition Council for Sand Creek Baptist, Jordan On Saturday, July 26 at 10:00 a.m., a recognition council convened to consider the propriety of recognizing Sand Creek Baptist Church of Jordan, Minnesota as a Baptist church. Bible Baptist is a church plant from Prior Lake Baptist Church of Prior Lake, Minnesota. The recognition council was comprised of pastors and individuals from churches of like faith and practice. The council selected Pastor Ron Groschel, pastor of Prior Lake Baptist Church, to serve as the moderator and Pastor Bob Fuller, Jr. pastor of First Baptist Church,

New Ulm, Minnesota to serve as the clerk. The MBA requires such a council for a church seeking affiliation with the MBA that has not had a recognition council, or does not have records of such a council. Following a lengthy review and an executive session, the finding of the council was: "Upon careful examination of the documents, and interaction with Pastor Daniel Lowe, the council found that Sand Creek Baptist Church of Jordan, MN is an independent fundamental Baptist church of like faith and order to the churches repre-

sented on the council." This finding was communicated to Pastor Lowe of Sand Creek Baptist. The church was commended for their effort and spirit to submit their documents to a council of churches of like faith and practice. Finally, a motion was made and carried that the council dissolve. For more information, you may email Sand Creek Baptist Church at or call at (952) 492-3652. The church’s website is can be found at

MBA Annual Meeting, 1st Person: Pastor Timothy Barr “I was reminded of the quality of the ministers that are leading our MBA congregations.”

On June 23, 2008 our church officially associated with the MBA and I am exited about the benefits that our congregation now receives. The MBA annual meeting provided a microcosm of these benefits. At the meeting I was reminded of the quality of the ministers that are leading our MBA congregations. I appreciated the unified diversity that I observed within the association. Each of the speakers evidenced marked differences in preaching

styles, vocabulary choices, and educational backgrounds. I left the preaching sessions with the distinct impression that while these men were not clones of each other, they shared a strong love for the preaching of Scripture and for the development of fundamentalism. After fellowshipping with many of the pastors at the meeting, I found that similar threads weave throughout the association and hold it together. To be associated with these men is a wonderful bene-

fit for our congregation. I found a second benefit for our church in the most unlikely of places, an association business session. Having never attended a state wide business session, I was not certain what I might encounter. After all, fundamentalist business sessions are infamous for being places of strong disagreement. I was pleasantly surprised by the Christian charity that pervaded these meetings. I still do not fully understand all the Continued on page 4

“...the new pastors introduced at the meeting were all “young” men who were eager to participate in MBA activities as well as lead their local churches.”

MBA Annual Meeting, 1st Person: Carolyn Van Loh Attending the Minnesota Baptist Association annual meeting in June took on new meaning for me this year after I researched the MBA last winter and presented a brief history of our fellowship of churches at our state ladies meeting in March. Through that research I discovered two unchanging goals of the men who led Baptists beginning in the mid 19th century. The first goal of our forefathers was evangelizing the infant state and then establish-

ing local churches. That goal is still central to the MBA, and this year messengers voted to admit two churches to our association. Bible Baptist Church in Elk River is a new work established under the supervision of Fourth Baptist Church. First Baptist in Adrian has been a lighthouse in southwestern Minnesota for many years and recently voted to join the MBA. It was exciting to see that the new pastors introduced at the meeting were all “young” men who were eager to partici-

pate in MBA activities as well as lead their local churches. The second goal of Minnesota Baptists has always been educating its young people. That’s why an important part of each annual meeting is electing Pillsbury College’s board of directors. This year we learned that not only is the board responsible to oversee the college, but it also is the owner of the college. Dr. Greg Huffman, PBBC’s new president, gave an encouraging report about Pillsbury.

Volume II, Issue 8

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A Special Invitation from Lakeview Baptist, Orr “Dear family and friends of Lakeview Baptist Church, “On August 31, 1983, Myrtle Lake Baptist Church was reorganized and established as the Lakeview Baptist Church of Orr, as we currently know it. “We would be honored if you could join us in a celebration of these 25 years of service to God and His great faithfulness. As former members and visitors, you already are aware of some of the wonderful blessings that have happened to this church.

“Our church will be having a special celebration on Labor Day weekend and will have a Sunday morning worship service that will include a message from a former pastor, and special music, as well as testimony and reminiscences from anyone who cares to share with us. “The service will be followed by a fellowship diner, with an afternoon testimony and special music praise time. “If you are not able to be with us at this time, we would like to have you write and tell

us some of any memories or blessings you have received from your time with us. “We are looking forward to seeing you August 31, 2008. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Pastor Rockensock at (218) 4449045 (Sunday p.m. through Thursday a.m.) or church at 218-757-3608 (Thursday p.m. through Sunday a.m.). “Sincerely, Your brothers and sisters in Christ, Lakeview Baptist Church”

First Baptist, Preston Celebrates 60th Anniversary By: Ron On January 23, 1948 a small group of believers gathered together for the purpose of organizing the First Baptist Church of Preston, at that time known as The Chapel on the Hill. Sixty years later The Chapel on the Hill is still going strong! The 60th Anniversary of First Baptist Church was celebrated on June 22 with over 100 people in attendance, including one charter member, Edna Cutler Ferris, who came all the way from Dallas, Texas. Pastor Mark Abernathy could not attend but sent his personal

greetings. Mrs. Marie Odens and Pastor Don Odens also sent written greetings to the congregation. Two former pastors spoke in the morning: Dan Rued in the Sunday School hour, and Frank Moore for the morning message. The Ladies prepared and served a delicious ham dinner at noon and some of the recipes used that day may be found in a cookbook they compiled for the event. Over 500 recipes were submitted and put into the Chapel on the Hill cookbook that was available that day for a

Hanson, pastor

donation to cover printing costs. Pastor Hanson closed the celebration with a short afternoon service that gave God the glory for how He has so richly blessed the church in recent years, and also looked ahead to the future of the church, should the Lord tarry another 60 years. To God be the glory!

Berean, Brooklyn Park 40th and Mortgage Burning By: Dr. Cary

Berean Baptist Church celebrated its 40th Anniversary on June 21-22 with a cookout on Saturday and a special anniversary service on Sunday morning. Many former members were present along with

the two former pastors and their wives, Rev. Duane Gray and his wife, Kay, from Bella Vista, AR, were present as well as Rev. Don Odens and his wife, Gloria, from Eden Prairie, MN. A special appreciation gift was presented to the Grays during the appreciation service for their role in the founding of the church in 1968. Rev. Gerald Stephens was the special speaker for the morning service and Dr. Richard Paige was the speaker for the 2 p.m.

Flinck, pastor

For the Mortgage Burning Service, Mr. Larry Mickelson from the Wells Fargo Bank was on hand to present to the church the mortgage papers and the loan satisfaction. Miss Sheri Veenstra was given the privilege of "striking the match" to burn the mortgage. This was a special weekend of memories and thankfulness to the Lord for His faithfulness.


We’re on the web!

MBA Contacts Minnesota Baptist Association

1st Person: Tim Barr (continued from page 2)

Dr. Julian Suarez, President Faith Baptist Church 1365 Westminster St. St. Paul, MN 55130 (651) 771-5567 Interim State Missionary Rev. Robert Fuller, St. 1549 118th Lane NW Coon Rapids, MN 55448 (763) 568-4078 MBA Office

machinations of these meetings but I am certain that I will learn more about them as the years progress. A special highlight for me and the third benefit for our church came when I met Dr. Huffman, the new president at Pillsbury College. I find that it is far easier to pray for him and his wife now that I have met them and heard him cast his

vision for Pillsbury. I was also encouraged by the conservative musical choices of Singing His Praise and the quality of their performance. In a world where I regularly read of “fundamentalist” colleges which are turning toward conservative evangelicalism, I rejoiced at Pillsbury’s public commitment to separatist fundamentalism.

For any church presently considering association with the MBA, let me heartily commend you to the task. I understand the labor and teaching that the endeavor requires, but our church has experienced many benefits that are available for your church as well. Minnesota Baptist Association

Ruth Matteson with the Lord

Detroit Lakes Data

PO Box 527 Willmar, MN 56201-0527 Send Contributions to: Mr. Brian Veth, MBA Treasurer c/o Coon Rapids Baptist Church 11164 Hanson Blvd. Coon Rapids, MN 55433 Send Update Articles and Pictures to: North Star Update Editor 315 S. Payne St. New Ulm, MN 56073 (507) 354-3323

The following is from an email from Dr. Richard Paige, National Representative for the New Testament Association of Independent Baptist Churches. "We received word from Rich Matteson that Mrs. Ruth Matteson, wife of Dr. Earle Matteson, joined her husband in glory on June 21, 2008. She was a loving, devoted, faithful help meet of Dr. Matteson throughout their lives of service

together for their Lord. The family had actually delayed having Dr. Matteson’s Memorial service for a time thinking that Ruth might be close to joining him and contemplated a joint service for them. That was not in God’s plan. However, she is now rejoicing in Glory. We truly praise God for the Mattesons and their impact on the churches of the NTAIBC."

Berean Baptist Church in Detroit Lakes recently moved to newer facilities. We hope to get a more complete article in the future. For now, here is the new address. Berean Baptist Church 24995 County Hwy #6 Detroit Lakes, MN 56501

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