North Star Update- Vol. II, Iss. 12

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North Star Update A PUBLICATION OF THE MINNESOTA BAPTIST ASSOCIATION Inside This Issue: Fellowship Foundation


Westbrook’s 100th


Notice on MBA Men’s Fellowship


Stepping Forward


Granite City Calendar for December


Betty Siefkes With the Lord


Calendar December 4-5: Christmas at Pillsbury December 6: PBBC Basketball January 12: MBA Executive Committee, 10 am; Full Board, 12 pm.

Volume II, Issue 12

December 2008

Merry Christmas! By: Dr. Julian Suarez, Pastor of Faith Baptist, St. Paul These two simple words reverberate with profound truth. The phrase, from the lips of the world, is a wish for a happy holiday season. For the Christian, it is an aspiration of joy in Christ. It is once again time to celebrate the birth of our Savior. We who believe in Jesus do so with intense gratitude for the unfolding plan of redemption that His birth announces. The humble shepherds were allowed the heavenly honor of viewing a profoundly humble birth. I am certain that their limited knowledge of the plan of God did not allow them to fully ascertain the Father’s full glory in Christ’s redemptive work. Nonetheless God, in choosing the lowly shepherds, exemplified the thematic contrasts the life and death of Christ evokes. The great king of the entire universe was encased in the form of humanity. The gateway to eternal life for mankind would be fully realized in a baby who was born to die. All the ironic truths of the life and ministry of Jesus reveal the irrational wisdom of man and the immeasurable wisdom of God. God’s methods of extracting His glory, while at times confusing to the earth-bound believer, is

never in jeopardy within His preparations. Most believers recognize the crass commercialization of this time of year and intrinsically shy away from such revels. That is not to say that we do not use the traditional trappings that come with the season from brightly colored lights to gift wrapped presents. Rather, the believer manifests recognition that Christmas can and must mean more than flying reindeer and other such oddities. To Christians, Christmas is a time of spiritual celebration. It is a time for godly reflection as we approach a new year and to enjoy the bond of family and friends, of church and our God. That brings us back to Merry Christmas. Perhaps this season finds you less than merry. Perhaps events both within and beyond your control have brought you to a place of downheartedness. Perhaps, just perhaps, you may not quite feel like “counting your blessings.” If that be your mindset this season, I am certain you are not alone. Recent events both locally and nationally vie for pulling down our happiness. Job losses, failed political aspirations, and school closings go

“For unto you is born this day … a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11 a long way to casting down ones countenance. But do not be discouraged my fellow Baptist Minnesotans. God has never failed His people and He will never fail those who wait on Him. His ways at times are complicated, perhaps even confusing to the earth-bound child of God. Yet God has always delighted in taking that which is weak and manifesting His strength. God has never felt compelled to apologize for His ways. We, likewise, should never feel so obliged. God reminded us of such in Romans 5:3-5, when He states, “And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.” Merry Christmas.

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North Star Update

Fellowship Foundations By: Rev. Robert Fuller, Sr., Interim State Missionary Well, now, Thanksgiving Day is past -- But THANKSGIVING goes on and on! We all are learning that God is in control of all things, what we want, what we think we need, and also what we do not want but maybe get anyway! As your Interim State Missionary (ISM), I enjoyed some great fellowship times with pastors and congregations during November. Friday the 7th – We attended the Pillsbury Choral Festival event hosted by Pillsbury Baptist Bible College. Everyone appreciated the young people very much. What an outstanding blessing that was!

Saturday the 8th – We were at our home church, Coon Rapids Baptist, with Pastor Will Peterson (Sharon). I spoke to the Men's Prayer breakfast for our meetings with Evangelist Joe Mark, Sunday the 9th through Friday the 14th. Monday the 10th – We appreciated greatly the invitation from the Southeastern Pastors and Wives Fellowship Supper at the Old Country Buffet in Rochester, hosted by Pastor Ron Hanson (Rachel). We were allowed to present an update on the Minnesota Baptist Association. Sunday the 16th – I appreciated the opportunity of pulpit supply at Coon Rapids Baptist as Pastor Peterson participated in the 100th Anniversary Commemoration at Immanuel Baptist, Westbrook, Pastor Rob Adams (Debbie).

Sunday the 23rd – We visited the Sunday School and Morning Service at Rockford Baptist Church. The church is enjoying exciting growth, and has welcomed their new Pastor, Roger Louks (Sherrie). Members of Pastor Louks’ family from Michigan were also in the services. Monday the 24th – As an ex-officio member, I attended the Pillsbury Executive Committee and Full Board Meetings. The School served a delicious Thanksgiving noon meal to all Pillsbury family. They invited the Board of Trustees as well. This was a great opportunity to experience the mutual love between the staff and students. If I can be of service or help in any way to your church and ministry, please contact me.

Immanuel Baptist, Westbrook Celebrates 100 Years On November 15-16 friends and former members of Immanuel Baptist church helped the congregation celebrate its 100 years of ministry in the Westbrook area. Following a light supper Saturday evening, former pastor Rodney Benson (1963-1975) did a chalk drawing. After he completed the picture, former members shared how their training at Immanuel Baptist prepared

them for life. Marisue Lewis, who has taught missionary children in West Africa and Brazil, thanked the church for its 45 years of support. Current pastor, Rob Adams, presided over the Sunday activities. Rodney Benson led one of the Sunday worship service alumni choirs. Will Peterson (19801996) brought the morning message, and Jim Odens (1975-1980) spoke during

Sunday school. After a catered dinner Dean Fitzsimmons (1997-2003) brought the closing message. He summarized the 2-day celebration by reminding the congregation, “It’s all about giving God the glory….We can look back on fond memories, but as Christians we don’t live in the past; we look to our future in heaven.”

Volume II, Issue 12

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STEPPING FORWARD WHEN EVERYONE ELSE STEPS BACKWARD (The following article was written by Dr. Greg Huffman, President of Pillsbury Baptist Bible College as an encouragement to the students of the college.)

No one knew his name. His voice just seemed to irritate everyone who heard it. “Who did this kid think he was?” Tension was in the air and fear gripped every heart. All of the future of these children of God hung in the balance. But God had been preparing a young man for “such a time as this.” He had sent a lion and bear against him, and he was victorious over them. He had taught him who God really was during his quiet times in the fields. So now he’s ready for the biggest challenge of his life. David will face Goliath in the valley . . . and only one of them will walk away at the end of the day. FOR DAVID WAS STEPPING FORWARD WHEN EVERYONE ELSE WAS STEPPING BACKWARD. We are concluding a chapter in our lives which we will never forget.

But neither will our Lord. He has challenged us to “step forward” and accept the challenge to really get to know our God and to live for Him from now on. After the battle was over, King Saul asked, “Whose son the stripling is” (I Samuel 17:56). STRIPLING! What a slap in the face! Do you know what that really means? “One who has been kept out of sight.” That’s exactly what his father did when the prophet Samuel was looking for one of his sons to anoint as the next king. David wasn’t even called to the service, for he wasn’t considered important enough to be there. Yet, God had chosen him as the next king (I Samuel 16:11). Now, the same idea is presented. This “stripling” has been someone “kept out of sight” as being of little value for leadership. Have you felt that way in the past? Do you feel that you’ve been kept out of sight, for no one would ever consider you as a potential

leader? Well, never again do you need to think that. For now, this semester has given you the knowledge of the great God we serve and what He wants to do in you and through you. Igniting the fire of revival on another college campus? YES, You Can. God’s love for you is still unchanging; His purpose for you is still Christ-likeness; His Word to you has the final right answer; and His grace is still sufficient. So -- Step Forward when everybody else is Stepping Backward. Let God use something that has possibly been kept out of sight before now and is ready to be brought front and center. God never wastes a test. So pass it well and remember: THERE IS NOT A TESTIMONY WITHOUT A TEST. Because It’s All About Knowing God, Dr. Greg Huffman President

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MBA Contacts Minnesota Baptist Association Dr. Julian Suarez, President Faith Baptist Church 1365 Westminster St. St. Paul, MN 55130 (651) 771-5567

December Events at Granite City Baptist, St. Cloud The following is the December schedule for Granite City Baptist Church & Academy in St. Cloud.

Interim State Missionary Rev. Robert Fuller, Sr. 1549 118th Lane NW Coon Rapids, MN 55448 (763) 568-4078

Sunday, December 14th 6 p.m. ACADEMY FALL PROGRAM:Vocal/

Instrumental music, kindergarten & elementary student skits, and the senior learning center play, “Mourning at Moorcroft” Sunday, December 21st, 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Christmas Program

Sunday, December 28th 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. “Rejoice Believers” Cantata Sunday, December 31st, 6 p.m. Family Specials, Film, & Fellowship MBA Office Minnesota Baptist Association PO Box 527 Willmar, MN 56201-0527 Send Contributions to: Mr. Brian Veth, MBA Treasurer c/o Coon Rapids Baptist Church 11164 Hanson Blvd. Coon Rapids, MN 55433 Send Update Articles and Pictures to: North Star Update Editor 315 S. Payne St. New Ulm, MN 56073 (507) 354-3323

Mrs. Betty Siefkes With The Lord Mrs. Betty Siefkes went to be with the Lord on October 20, 2008. Her husband, Rev. Cecil Siefkes, pastored the First Baptist Church of Garden City, MN, as well as

the Lincoln Baptist Church, rural Lake Crystal, MN, from May 1961 until his death in January of 1970. The Siefkes were also well-known by many of the

people in the local MBA churches because of their involvement in Camp Victory on Bass Lake, Winnebago, MN.

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