13.09 Last Requests, August 20, 2009, Volume 13, Issue 9, MauiTime

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Maui’s Laser Hair Removal Specialist


LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22)

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Extreme diets don’t generally work out. Making choices like beer vs. cake are usually more sustainable—then, you are limiting your pleasure (along with your calorie-intake) rather than eliminating it. It’s not healthy for Leos to practice any serious self-deprivation; it runs contrary to your nature. However, it’s perfectly okay—and in fact, a good exercise to strengthen your willpower, resolve, and character—to go without some things while you indulge in others. What small sacrifices could or should you make this week? Ideally they’ll be ones that’ll enhance your appreciation of the pleasures you’ve got left.

VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22) I counseled Leos not to go too hardcore on the self-deprivation front this week, as there’s simply no significant benefit for them. You Virgos, however, appear to thrive when you do without stuff. Sometimes it seems like the less you let yourself have, the more vibrant, vital, and joyful you are (perhaps because you have more space to enjoy the pleasures you’ve left yourself). Perhaps you haven’t noticed, but an awful lot of extraneous clutter has crept into your life. It might be time for a big, stress-relieving, glorious purge—and this is a great week to do just that.

LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22) While arguments are stressful and aggravating, they’re actually a wonderful blessing. What the hell am I talking about? Having an argument with another person isn’t necessarily a demonstration of how incompatible you are—it’s actually a powerful indication of how much you both care. Ironically, the more you argue with someone, the more you probably matter to each other. It may seem strange to feel pleased when you have a disagreement with someone, but I’m pretty sure it ought to be included somewhere in the mix of feelings you experience at that time. Can you see your fights as a blessing in disguise, and as you wade through them take some small pleasure in that?

Less is More

SCORPIO (OCT. 23-NOV. 21) Strengths can double as weaknesses, remember? Your ability to cut through the bullshit and really look at people as they are is no exception—especially when it doesn’t work. Every so often, you fool yourself into thinking that, as usual, you’re the only one viewing the situation without thick distortive lenses. The problem is, your lenses (in this particular case) are the thickest and most misleading of all. Don’t beat yourself up too much about it, but do question what you see—and don’t act on it unless someone else can confirm that what you’re looking at is real. Chances are, it’s not.

SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22-DEC. 21) Just when you think you’ve evolved beyond your bases instincts, something or someone triggers that weird animal impulse we all have to protect what’s “ours.” Suddenly, your figurative hackles are up. There’s no reason to freak out—we feel what we feel, and there’s probably a good reason for it. Luckily, you still have a conscious mind and free will. I wouldn’t recommend using those to ignore these impulses—heeding your gut has gotten you this far But you can avoid (literally or figuratively) pissing in the corners and growling at intruders, in favor of a more sophisticated approach. Here’s a hint: if you can make people laugh while getting what you want, you’re on the right track.

CAPRICORN (DEC. 22-JAN. 19) Get in touch with your inner prankster this week. When was the last time silly, playful, or fun made the cut into a top ten list of words to describe you? I’m sure responsible, reliable and stubborn are up there, among other very adult adjectives. Can you dredge up some of the words that might have been used to describe you in sillier times (perhaps when you were four)? It’s a great week to try them on for size again. Chances are, they won’t fit all that well at first—but they’ve got a lot of stretch. The more you play around in them, the more comfortable they’ll begin to feel. Hopefully, once those particular pajamas fit right again, you’ll be much more reluctant to ever take them off again.

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I saw a child lose her favorite doll at the beach. I don’t think she could have cried more if it was her very own sister who’d been swept away by the waves. While most of us outgrow our childish attachments to stuffed animals or toys, it’s still quite common for adults to get perversely clingy with relationships, concepts, and dreams that are just as imaginary. That, my dear, is probably what’s happened here. You may be mourning something that was never particularly real in the first place. All that’s been pulled out to sea is an idea—an illusory one at that. It may hurt, but trust me: you’re better off without it.

Laser Facial

Everyone picks their nose; most people, however, make an effort to do it discreetly. What you’re up to is something similar; it’s part of your nature, but people might freak out if you rub it in their faces. There’s probably a part of you that wants to do it anyway, just to mess with them, and you should—just not right now. This isn’t a great week to rock that particular boat. You’ve got to pick your battles, remember. This one isn’t worth fighting right now, because you’ll just lose. Let it go and live to fight again another day.




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Don’t try to pretend that this sheet of unbreakable glass between you and your desires isn’t frustrating. To be so close, and see your dreams so clearly, and yet be unable to touch them is surely a perverse and powerful torture. However, beating on the glass won’t get you anywhere—it really is beyond your power (at least right now) to penetrate it. However, that doesn’t mean this particular dream is out of your reach (although to be realistic, it may be). The thing about this particular sheet of glass is that it’s only unbreakable from your side. If you can get your dream to come to you, the wall between you will shatter at the merest touch.

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You’re an expert at bending or skirting the rules, but that’s not going to fly this week. If you try, you’re so likely to get caught (or trip up) that it’s pretty much a foregone conclusion. If I were you, I wouldn’t try that kind of thing right now. Don’t run the tremendous risk of getting called out for not doing things by the book. It’s not worth the hassle and humiliation, not to mention the severe handicap that would put on future rule-bending. I’m afraid it’s the straight and narrow path for you, my friend. It won’t get you where you’re going with nearly as much fun and flair as the route you’re used to taking, but it’ll get you there.


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Shave your head. It’s actually a very liberating experience. Not only will you feel lighter, more vulnerable, and open, but it’ll be a chance to lose a truckload of useless emotional baggage. While you’re at it, you can cast off some outdated ideas about yourself that you were still hanging onto. Surely all that lame stuff couldn’t possibly belong to that bold baldy in the mirror! Okay, going deliberately bald isn’t for everyone—but this is nevertheless a great week to at least do something very like it. Can you think of something you could lose that would help you to reinvent yourself in such a way? Please come up with something fast—and ditch it faster.

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CANCER (JUNE 21-JULY 22) Sure, if you want, you can make cleaning someone’s toilet and washing their socks a slightly degrading act, in your own head. But really, there’s no actual need to associate those feelings with those activities except a weird bit of societal programming. It’s just as easy to let them go and get stuff done without imbuing it with any deeper meaning. That’d be a good exercise for you. You tend to read too much into ordinary situations, and that, consequently causes more drama and hassle for you then it’s ever really worth. This week, when feelings like that crop up, do your best to let them go; you’ve got more important stuff to think about it.

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AUGUST 20, 2009


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