Sunshine Coast

In our ever busy daily lives sometimes it’seasytofocus on the endless to-do lists and overlook celebrating our ownsuccess.
Master Builders Housing &Construction Awards provide an opportunity forthe building and construction industry to takeamoment to pause and celebrate success and receiverecognition fortheir astounding work.
It also provides the opportunity forthe broader community to see the amazing work being produced in our Queensland communities.
It is with great honour that Iwelcome youtothe 2019 Sunshine Coast AwardWinners magazine.
The Awards cater forentrants ranging from apprentices to trade contractors and small family businessestothe biggest names in the industry.Eachyear the bar seems to be raised higher and this year wascertainly no exception.The excelling quality highlights the exceptional skills and craftsmanship of Sunshine Coast’sMaster Builders.
Over the past fewmonths, our panel of dedicated judges haveattended each project and made athorough assessment against the strict Awards criteria.The judges’ eagle eyes are honed in on workmanship, degree of construction difficulty,external appeal, siting and aspect along withamenities and aesthetics.
After reviewing entries, the judges returned to our Sunshine Coast headquarters to deliberate and after much passionate discussion and sometimes, debate –one winner wasselected foreachcategory
The feedback from our judges has noted the high calibre of entrants; both those we’ve not seen in the Awards before and those who continued their stellar work and made our judges’ job adifficult one.
Each of our entrants has put their business, product and workmanship under scrutiny as part of an extremely competitiveprocess.Their work, whether awinner this year or not, is acredit to theunwavering quality and craftsmanship of an authentic Master Builder
The Sunshine Coast Housing &Construction Awards carry along and distinguished history of showcasing theabsolute best in the industry,and the levelofcompetition among this year’sentrants is unsurpassed.
If youare considering anew build or renovation, please consider this book ashowcase of theincredible work that can be achievedwhen choosing aMasterBuilder
Get in touch with one of the award-winning builders featured here directly or utilise our Find aMasterBuilder search at search will populate alist of properly licensed contractors who match your unique criteria and building needs.
On behalf of Master Builders, thank youfor your remarkable work and congratulations on your deserving win. Ithank youfor supporting the 2019 Housing &Construction Awards program.
Master Builders congratulates this years's winners who have demonstrated excellence across awide range of categories.
President's Award
Aspect Homes Qld Pty Ltd
The Austen
Project of the Year
Lend Lease Building Pty Ltd Sunshine PlazaRedevelopment
House of the Year
Braeden Constructions Pty Ltd
CooroyMountain Residence
Health Facilities up to $20 million
Badge Constructions (Qld) Pty Ltd
CaloundraHealth Service Refurbishment
Education Facilities up to $10 million
Evans Built Pty Ltd
CaloundraChristian College Junior Learning Centre
Education Facilities over $10 million
Badge Constructions (Qld) Pty Ltd
Good Samaritan Catholic College Stage 1
Evans Built Pty Ltd
Sunshine Coast Grammar School Aquatic Centre
Ri-con Contractors Pty Ltd Mooloolaba Spit Boardwalk Upgrade
Retail Facilities up to $5 million
Fitsin Pty Ltd
Uptown Gastropub
Retail Facilities over $5 million
Lend Lease Building Pty Ltd Sunshine PlazaRedevelopment
Tourism and Leisure Facilities up to $10 million
JHutchinson Pty Ltd
T/A Hutchinson Builders Park Road Boardwalk
Tourism and Leisure Facilities over $10 million
Buildcorp Group Pty Limited
T/A Buildcorp Interiors
Kawana Shoppingworld Extension &Event Cinema
Commercial Building up to $5 million
Murphy Builders Qld Pty Ltd Daniel House
Commercial Building $5 million –$50 million
Adco Constructions Pty Limited
Stockland Birtinya Shopping Centre
Commercial Building over $50 million Buildcorp Group Pty Limited T/A Buildcorp Interiors
Kawana Shoppingworld Stage 5B Carpark &Cinema
Industrial Building up to $5 million BAMurphy Constructions Pty Ltd Bells Creek Business Park II
Residential Building (high-rise over 3 storeys) up to $20 million
Mosaic Construction Pty Ltd Cyan by Mosaic
Residential Building (high-rise over 3 storeys) over $20 million
Mosaic Construction Pty Ltd Solis by Mosaic
Community Accommodation for Aged Care and Nursing Homes McNab NQPty Ltd Shine Birtinya RetirementVillage
Refurbishment/Renovation up to $750,000 LYNP Projects &Constructions Pty Ltd AkaneTeppanyakiandWhiskey Bar Refurbishment/Renovation over $750,000 Lend Lease Building Pty Ltd Sunshine PlazaAmbience Upgrade Project
Excellence in Energy Efficiency and Environmental Management JHutchinson Pty Ltd T/A Hutchinson Builders Park Road Boardwalk
Excellence in Workplace Health and Safety BAMurphy Constructions Pty Ltd Managing Out DoorWork
Commercial Trade Contractor of the Year Bradley's Pty Limited T/A Honed +Polished Concrete Coles BirtinyaTrading Floor
Display Home $251,000 –$350,000 Aspect Homes Qld Pty Ltd The Austen
Display Home $351,000 –$450,000 McLachlan Special Projects Pty Ltd The Nadia
Display Home $451,000 –$550,000 Privium Homes Pty Ltd Shore 23
Display Home over $551,000
McDonald Jones Homes Pty Ltd T/A Brighton Homes Queensland Monterey40
Individual Home up to $250,000
Thompson Sustainable Homes (Qld) Pty Ltd The Soho Loft
Individual Home $251,000 –$350,000 Devcon Building Co Pty Ltd Sage Landing
Individual Home $351,000 –$450,000 SKLProjects (Aust) Pty Ltd T/A Lamper Constructions Sunshine Cove
Individual Home $451,000 –$550,000 Mint Design Homes Pty Ltd Black House
Individual Home $551,000 –$650,000 DJSommer Homes Pty Ltd Tallowwood
Individual Home $651,000 –$750,000 Grant McDonald Homes Pty Ltd Allan Residence
Individual Home $751,000 -$950,000 GTO Building Pty Ltd Bach House
Individual Home $951,000 –$1.25 million RatcliffeBuilders (Qld) Pty Ltd
T/A Pandanus Constructions Buderim AHaven in the Hinterland
Individual Home $1.26 million –$2million BAMurphy Constructions Pty Ltd CulbaraResidence
Individual Home over $2 million Braeden Constructions Pty Ltd CooroyMountain Residence
Best Use of Sloping Sites S&S Timmer Constructions Pty Ltd Benn Home
Best Use of Steel Frame Housing Halcyon Constructions Qld Pty Ltd Halcyon Lakeside
Home Renovation/Remodelling Project up to $275,000 Steele DMorrison T/A Southern Cross Builders FlameTrees
Home Renovation/Remodelling Project $276,000 –$575,000 Zerner Building Company Pty Ltd RainbowBeach
Home Renovation/Remodelling Project $576,000 –$1million RatcliffeBuilders (Qld) Pty Ltd
T/A Pandanus Constructions Buderim Single becomes Dual Occupancy
Home Renovation/Remodelling
Project over $1 million
Ty Style Pty Ltd
Residential Unit Renovation/Remodelling
Recom Building Services Pty Ltd
Syrenuse Apartment Mooloolaba
Medium Density up to 3Storeys 2to5Dwellings
Ryan Designer Homes (Qld) Pty Ltd
The Hampton Residences
Medium Density up to 3storeys over 5Dwellings
RCQ Projects Pty Ltd
Residential Trade Contractor of the Year Brendan MW O'Neill
Excellence in Sustainable Living Maroochy Building Contractors Pty Ltd LakeView
Best Residential Bathroom Braeden Constructions Pty Ltd CooroyMountain Residence
Best Residential Kitchen Braeden Constructions Pty Ltd CooroyMountain Residence
Best Residential Swimming Pool Ausmar Homes Pty Ltd Yandina Creek Residence
Alan Eichmann Memorial Award for Quality Workmanship
RatcliffeBuilders (Qld) Pty Ltd
T/A Pandanus Constructions Buderim AHaven in the Hinterland
Apprentice of the Year Galen Sek-Reid Community Solutions Group Ltd
Rising Star Dominic Tyacke Qld Built Pty Ltd
Women in Building Kristina Kucan BAMurphy Constructions Pty Ltd
Youare not prepared forthis. With Mount Cooroyasa backdrop and Mt Tinbeerwah to the north, this quality home by Braeden Constructions appears to be floating in the Noosa hinterland landscape.
The wayitinteracts with the environment takes youby surprise. Yetitislittle wonder that the project has taken out the 2019 Master Builders Sunshine Coast House of the Year
The challenges forthe builder came in understanding the client's vision forthis landmark property,and working with the designers to deliver aquality product.
Set on anortherly slope of the 50ha horse and grazing property,the home takes full advantage of the outlook sweeping views from Mt Cooroorainthe west, past Cooran Tablelands to MtTinbeerwah.
The welcoming entry area can be opened right up, providing a calming rural view. Acentral fish pond effectively divides the bedrooms and the main living zone.
This passiveseparation of living and sleeping areas is an example of howthat while being alarge house it is still homely
with ease of transition between the different zones.
An appreciation of the landscape is evident, capturing the outstanding sunny,northerly aspect and views. Protection from the cooler south-westerly weather is provided by sheltering in the lee of CooroyMountain.
"It’sabig house but has alightness of sitting above the landscape,'' Braeden Constructions' Mick Devlin said. “It has been designed to let the outside in.
“The corners float.The gutter lines provide asharp profile that gives it aborder,during the day and especially at night. It lights up beautifully.’’
The house is asuspended slab that cantilevers 3m to givea feel of floating above the land.
It is basically on one levelwith further garaging, an office and storage beneath it. Cleverly constructed into the slope is a wine cellar so as to maintain an even temperature.
There is an ionised pool and floodlit tennis court as well as dam with cabana and deck.
The bathrooms are stunning, offering foreverviews from the stand-alone tubs and spacious showers.The main bathroom features asteam room while amitre jointed stone slab serves as acentral wall of the shower.
Centrally located, the beautifully-appointed kitchen is a gathering point forfamily and friends.The colours and textures of the benches and cabinetry has an organic look to reflect the outdoors.
The functional design features acocktail cabinet conveniently located to one side, and awalk-in, walk-out butler’spantry leading to acountry-sized laundry that in turn connects to the garage.
Designed to embrace sustainability features, the finished product must bring the builder immense satisfaction to see it as such abeautiful home forthe client.
“Tosee it during construction meant continually identifying work that needed finishing,’’ he said. “Yet to see it as a functioning home, that’sthe reward forall the effort.’’
The truly green option -we recycle up to 85% of builders waste“Go on, Whack it in the WhaleBin”LocalSunshine Coast business, established 18 years Saving the environment as we recycle your waste Largest skip company on the Sunshine Coast, Bewith13trucks st Value for Money
The sizeand the scope of the Sunshine PlazaShopping Centre redevelopment at Maroochydore came with it an extraordinary number of challenges forthe builder.
The wayLendlease overcame those challenges, and provided afocus that the Sunshine Coast community could utilise and be proud of,has made it aworthy winner of the 2019 Master Builders Sunshine Coast Project of the Year
The redevelopment added about 34,000sq mofgross floor area to the existing 73,000sq m, elevating it to the first superregional shopping centre north of Brisbane.
Seen as akey asset forthe Lendlease portfolio, the eyes of management were on the construction team.
Not only wasthe project constrained by existing buildings and car parking that had been constructed as early as 1994, extreme care had to be taken of the environmentally-sensitiveCornmeal Creek that runs through the whole site.
Significant rain events during early 2018 created challenges to construction schedules.
High winds provided another set-back with three towercranes being unable to operate.
Instead, three mini cranes were brought in across the creek to operate from the decks and mitigate possible delays.
Yetanother issue wasfor construction to be staged to allow the existing shopping centre and its tenants to continue trading without interruption.
Logistics crews needed to come in of anight to erect scaffolding while trading continued in the existing malls.
Trade deliveries needed to be coordinated with traders stocking their tenancies so that all 58 shops would open on time.
Akey feature of Sunshine Plazatothis stage wasthe centre had no defined northern entry
So the development became very much acustomer journey. One that included the entry statement on the northern aspect to the pedestrian bridge across Cornmeal Creek.This structure takes customers to the creek-side boardwalk and promenade, giving pleasant break-out areas from the internal shopping malls.
At the same time excellent use wasmade of natural light and ventilation throughout the redevelopment.
Solar powerhas been installed forlighting in car parks as well as providing coveronthe rooftop areas. It wasalso important to seamlessly join the newand existing car parking, and get it back into the system as quickly as possible.
Highlighting the surrounding environment and being respectful to the indigenous culture and heritage.
Astrong indigenous engagement program wasincluded.The construction period highlighted the surrounding environment and at all times wasrespectful to the indigenous culture and heritage.
Overall, the project utilised 1.6million man hours and inducted more than 2900 people.
The degree of planning, the challenges faced, the coordination required the need to think outside the boxand the skill to carry it through are acredit to all involved.
Dominic Tyacke’scareer in construction began 11 years ago and, within that time, his natural leadership skills, determination to deliver the best and sharp business smarts haveled him on awinding journeytothe top.
After he spent many years building his knowledge and practical experience working forlarge construction companies. In 2015, he decided to followhis passion and go it alone, founding his owncompany Qld Built.
As arising star within the industry,his company is no different, winning twoawards at the 2018 Master Builders Sunshine Coast Housing &Construction Awards
Domhas built acompany reputation founded on a‘meticulous attention to detail’ and a mentality of ‘doing things right the first time. ’
His team is committed to delivering high-quality,custom built residential projects, with a luxurious edge.
Dom ensures that every project delivered by Qld Built is completed with creativity, communication and fine craftsmanship and it is this desire to push the boundaries of construction that makes himself and his company shine so bright.
Adesire to be the best he can be, seems to be an innate trait of Dom’swho graduated from the University of the Sunshine Coast with aBachelor’sDegree in Engineering achieving Honours and academic excellence awards along the way.
Dom’sachievements farexceed his success on paper and he is well-known forhis caring and attentiveattitude to both his clients and those he works with in the industry.Heensures all views are listened to and delivers flexible solutions.
Clients of Qld Built’sHideaway Project Sissy and Ryan said whilst building their dream home theydidn’t want to sacrifice quality design forthe functional practicalities their family needed.
“Paramount to the whole project foruswas building ahome that not only looked good but was also completely accessible -Ryan is in awheelchair and having ahome where he could do simple things that most people takefor granted, likeindependently getting in and out to the street and deck with our daughter on his lap, being able to easily use every bathroom and cooktop was massive,”Sissy said.
“Together with Dom’sopenness to listening to what we wanted and going out of his wayto resolvestructural limitations, we’vemanaged to create ahouse that any modern designer would be proud of,yet one that also enables our family to havecomplete freedom without the physical limitations that exist in most houses.”
Master Builders is proud to announce DomTyackeasthe 2019 recipient of the Master Builders Rising Star Award.
While Galen Asha Sek-Reid is only newtothe constructionindustry,itisclear he has apromising career ahead.
Always one of the first on site, Galen arrives enthusiastically each day ready and eager to learn. His understanding of the workplace environment and his professional maturity is immensely impressivefor someone his age. He has been repeatedly identified by supervisors and coworkers as someone who has a‘get the job done attitude’ but will ensure quality craftmanship is neversacrificed along the way.
No challenge thrown Galen’sway has proventoo difficult forthe young man, who so early into his apprenticeship has demonstrated the ability to successfully takeonall parts of aproject, from measuring and quoting to ordering the correct parts and materials.
Owner and director of Booher Constructions, Mark Piling, said the young apprentice had an eagerness to learn which is what sets him apart from many others in the early stages of a career in construction.
“Galen is one of the best apprentices Ihavehad work formeand Ilook forward to working with him in the future,”MrPiling said.
“He has demonstrated skills that produce quality work, showing that he is readyto handle any task that is given to him.”
Within just eight months working forBooher Constructions, Galen wasnominated twice to win an award at the Annual Apprentice andTrainee Awards Night. At the event held earlier this year,hewas awarded theTafe Queensland AdvancedTraining Award.
Recently Galen wasabletoadd theMasterBuilders 2019 Apprentice of the Year Award to his “tool” belt, due to this hard work and dedication.
Congratulations to Galen from the entire Master Builders community
Kristina Kucan understands that safety is the number one priority forall those who work in the construction industry
Which is exactly why she excels in her role as theWork, Health, Safety,Environment and Quality (WHSEQ) Manager forBAMurphy Constructions.
No detail is missed under the attentiveeyesofKristina, who is often described by thosewho work with her as a‘highly intelligent’ and ‘motivated’ individual.
Kristina's efforts in improving the company’sWHSEQ systems is what has earned her the 2019 Master BuildersWomeninBuilding Award.
Within her time at BA Murphy Constructions, Kristina has executed anew digitalsoftware program to assist with the management of the business’WHSEQ requirements, which she developed within just six months.
Her commitment to educating sub-contractors has adirect impact and positiveinfluence on the safety culture of the surrounding industry
Blessed with exceptional communication skills, Kristina’sapproach to dealing with OH&S issues in the workplace centre around common sense and relatability
Director of SEQWaterproofing,PatrickDennehy,said after working closely with Kristina her valuable skill set and rare attributes should not go unnoticed.
“I haveworked on commercial buildings in Australia since 1999 and Ican say from firsthand experience that Kristina’s attitude and approach in the workplace are of the highest standards,” Mr Dennehy said.
“I truly believe that alot of tier one safety advisors could adopt just half of Kristina’sapproach andstill better themselves as asafety advisor.”
Master Builders is proud to welcome Kristina into its hall of fame as the2019WomeninBuilding Award recipient.
From planning and design to construction and property sale, Privium Group is there through every stage of the homeowner experience.
Youmay not haveheard of Privium Group, but they’vebeen around forquite some time. Over 22 years in fact.When building with Privium, youcan rest easy knowing your home is being created by ateam of experts. However,theypromise much more than just the home of your dreams.
The team works to build communities, helping to empower Australians to realise their dreams of anew home and cater to those needs by offering solutions to suit the diverse needs of individuals, couples and families.
Since its inception, Privium Group has built 6,500 homes across Queensland,Victoria and NewSouthWales. However,
the company’sexpertise expands much further than this longterm construction experience.
Today the company exists as avertically integrated business offering services from civil development to home construction as well as design and property management.
Privium works hand in hand with clients, partnering with them at every stage of the homeowner adventure, offering alevel of personalised service that makes it atruly enjoyable ride.
It has come along waysince its beginnings in 1996, and the company looks forward to using its 22 years of experience to continue to deliver Queenslanders their ideal home for another 22 years and beyond.
Privium founding directors are still hands-on with the dayto-day operations of the company,and their knowledge and expertise lay at the heart of Privium Group’ssuccess.
Privium is proud to be one of the best builders in Queensland and wasrecently announced as the eighth best builder Australia-wide.They’re alsoVictoria’snumber one fastest growing builder,sowatchthis space!
The team continues to strivefor excellence as theywork with clients to realise their homeownership goals.
Privium Group strives to makethe path to homeownership as straightforward as possible. Its fixed-price contracts are atestimony to their promise of transparency and reliability covering all aspects of the project’sbuild, including the suppliers and products used.
From your first home to your foreverhome, Privium is proudly supporting Australian homeowner’sdreams.
To makethe possibilities of your dream home areality,call Privium Group on 1300 986 422.
When it comes to building your newhome, youneed to be assured your builder will offer the best value for money, quality inclusions and no hidden additional costs. Not to mention personalised service, astreamlined building process and high-quality workmanship.
Established in 1999 GrandviewHomes is alocally owned, family operated building company.When building with Grandview Homes, you can havepeace of mind that you are dealing with alocally owned, debt free company that has built over 1000 quality homes. Celebrating 20 years in operation, Grandview Homes has gained extensivelocal knowledge and expertise in the building industry maintaining its professional association with the Housing Industry Association (HIA) as well as holding its place as amember of the Queensland Master Builders Association.
It is GrandviewHomes’ approach to `building homes –not houses’ that has awarded the company with over70building industry awards at both local Sunshine Coast regional and Queensland state levels.Their endeavour to create quality homes has also resulted in ahigh levelofcustomer satisfaction, generating alarge proportion of loyal customers and repeat clients.
With ahighly qualified and experienced team, GrandviewHomes provide acomprehensiveand efficient service from sales to handover.The sales and design team will assist youtoselect from adiverse range of home designs that can be customised
to cater to your lifestyle and specific needs.The dedicated administration staff keep your project running smoothly,looking after countless tasks from building approvalsubmissions to handoverdocumentation. Not to mention, the commitment of their skilled onsite builders and tradespeople –all of whom understand the vital importance of ensuring each home is constructed with quality workmanship and attention to detail.
The changing demographic of the Sunshine Coast and recent design trends havecreated avast increase in medium density living. In response to these developments, GrandviewHomes has recently diversified in providing construction of multiresidential projects.Their commitment to providing `homes
not houses’ has GrandviewHomes addressing multi-residential projects with the same focus on providing residences that will cater to the lifestyle and needs of their individual future residents.
Whether youare building your first home, investment property or dream home, visit GrandviewHomes to turn your vision into reality
Recom Building specialises in
Theyhaveexcellent client engagement and astrong passion fordelivering
The expertise of the Recom
demonstrated through their
closely with designers and clients throughout the whole build from concept to construction.
The Recom team pride themselves on their attention to detail, professionalism, project coordination and communication.Theyhaveastrong passion forcreating your perfect lifestyle living whilst not compromising on functionality
Owner JasonTrinder has been in the building and construction industry forover18years. He prides himself on his workmanship to produce quality finishes as well as his organisational skills.
Jason is driven by the challenge to always strivefor better and guides trades to overcome anybuilding obstacles. His natural talent forbuilding really shines through his work today where he continues to fine-tune his skills and knowledge to better himself on each and every job.
When youengage Recom Building as your builder, youcan count on them forthe results youwant and the quality youdeserve.
Get in touch today and discoverthe advantage of working with Recom Building. GiveJason acall on 0417 474059.
Sophistication and consistency balanced with aunique twist.
Ryan Designer Homes set out to design the combined “Hampton Residences“ to appear as one big home from the road.To achieve this desired look the team constructed aconcealed entry with one grand front door presenting to the street via awide entry platform.
With the Hampton theme exterior,theystrived to achieve twoindividual interiors that would allowthe future residents to feel that their home wasunique on the inside but in sync on the exterior
As such the properties developed their twopersonalities,The Hampton theme 8A residence with aHampton contemporary twist, and 8B with amodern twist but sympathetic to the architectural landing point, achieving asubtle but important distinction.
Just afew of the appeal design elements incorporated into the project include:
•Stunning two-storeyvoids allowing northerly sun and light into living zones
•2700 x7000 large sliding stackers that hide into stone walls
•Beautiful oak timber floors with wide profile
•Smart home intelligence
•Led strip lighting formood enhancement
•Built-in sound system
•Whole of house water filter
•Electronic Security code pad coded front door lock
•Individual swimming pools with three-sided infinity edge and stone walls
One of the most exciting materials used in this project wasthe lowmaintenance Accoya cladding. It has high UVand termite resistance properties due to its genetically modified properties. Accoya is constructed from arenewable resource and is guaranteed for50years above ground with no maintenance/coating.
Designed by the owners, Patand Petrina Ryan, these townhomes are second to none when it comes to detailing that reflect ambience and ease of living.
McLachlan Homes, proudly bringing their clients dreams to lifefor over twodecades.
McLachlan Homes are proud once again to be part of the Master Builders Awards with along history of unique awardwinning designs.
This year’sentries are truly special with projects ranging from the waterfront award winner at NewportWaters, sloping sites of Kedron, acreage and small lots designs of North Harbour to the award winning coastal design at Palmview,The Nadia.
McLachlan Homes havebeen proudly designing and constructing, stunning liveable homes fortheir customers for more than 22 years, from Noosa to South Brisbane.
The national award-winning builder believesintailoring each project to reflect their client’sindividual lifestyle, taste and budget —Staying true to their motto“Built around lifestyle”
In line with amore personalised experience, this family owned company offers flexibility and high-quality workmanship that can only come through years of experience within the industry With the encouragement fortheir customers to be involved as much or as little as theylike, in every step of the planning stages and construction process.
The customer is keytothe dedicated team (many with more than 10 years of service) that bring passion and drivetoeach project.
Clients enjoyon-site meetings with experienced design and sales consultants and personalise their homes with awardwinning newhome’sdesigners.
Theycan maximise their block’strue potential and include any keylifestyle design elements.
McLachlan Homes offer each customer their owncustomer
service officer,who guide them through the project as well as the freedom to liaise regularly with their construction supervisor directly
McLachlan’shavealong-standing team of talented craftsmen whom are not only reliable but offer ahigh quality of workmanship and exceptional attention to detail that clients can depend upon.
Many repeat customers haveenjoyedinteractions with the same staff,trades and suppliers years later fortheir second and third projects, which is testimony to the high-quality skill and knowledge.
Once construction is under way, clients enjoyflexibility to meet with these trusted craftsmen including painters, electricians, plumbers and cabinetmakers.
McLachlan Homes also havemany speculativehomes forsale forcustomers looking foraquality investment already built, by the award-winning team.
If customers want to makeacontractual variation, it’sno problem. If achange is possible McLachlan’soffer customers, the flexibility to makeithappen.Whether it be asimple colour change or astructural item theysimply didn’t think about, McLachlan’soffer these variations to all customers with no administration cost.
Experience the difference with atrusted local, family owned builder
To find out more about McLachlan Homes call 07 5498 9866 or email
Out in the hinterland of CooroyMountain who would ever need to leavehome with aproperty this exquisite.
Braeden Constructions is aNoosa building company that specialises in custom-built homes on the Sunshine Coast.
With the priority always being client satisfaction, Braeden Constructions is committed to achieving high-quality outcomes whilst exceeding clients’ expectations.
There can be no bigger compliment than winning national building awards where judges reward quality of workmanship, value formoney, design and technical excellence and Braeden Constructions has acabinet full of awards to prove their excellence in the construction industry
When youbuild with Braeden Constructions youdeal directly with company owner Mick Devlin. Mick is athird-generation builder and the extensiveknowledge passed onto him throughout the years shows in the solutions achievedbyhis team.
“Wealways enjoyagreat working relationship with the people we work for. Most of our work comes from word-of-mouth referrals or repeat clients. Ithink our references reflect the successful outcomes we achieve,” Mick Devlin said.
“Wegothe extramile when quoting so there are no surprises during construction.”
If you're still not convinced, havealook at Braeden Constructions recent project at CooroyMountain which was awarded home of the Year,Bathroom of the Year and Kitchen
of the year at the 2019 Master Builders Awards night.This is the 3rd time Braeden Constructions havewon the prestigious overall Home of the Year Award.
The luxurious modern farmhouse floats above the landscape, through the use of cantilevered concrete slabs, exquisite sharp lines, bespokebrickwork patterns and adark exterior palette.
This modern Noosa farmhouse contrast beautifully with its surroundings –aworking cattle property at CooroyMountain. With French oak flooring flowing throughout this house, integrated home automation and acentral water feature with fish, this luxurious abode built by Braeden Constructions exudes class.
Feature lighting in the kitchen helps convey warmth and establish it as the heart of the home, while large windows ensure the superb hinterland views on offer to be enjoyedjust
as easily internally as on the large balcony that opens from the interior seamlessly
This acreage home construction project also included the use of natural stone wall panels in wetareas, asteam room that features mosaic tiles, agazebo near the property’sfeature dam, atennis court and acellar
Looking forabuilder to build your hinterland masterpiece in Noosa? Call Mick Devlin today on 0418 505 117,visit or followthem on facebook.
Originally established in 2004 by Brook Monahan and rebranded in 2012 with co-founder DaveHandley, the privately owned, Brisbane-based Mosaic Property Group has grown to become one of Queensland’smost awarded and respected residential developers.
Mosaic’sunique approach to controlling every aspect, from research, site acquisition, design, marketing and sales, to construction, settlement and property management ensures exceptional quality properties that deliver enduring value for customers.Their proventrack record for creating architecturally bespoke, lifestyle-driven developments in premium locations continues to set newbenchmarks in SouthEast Queensland’sresidential market.
The prolific developer,whose projects in Brisbane alone now number well over 40, most recently added to its enviable track record at the 2019 Master Builders Sunshine Coast awards, with its Caloundraprojects, Cyan by Mosaic and Solis by Mosaic, winning Best Residential Building up to $20m and Best Residential Building over $20m respectively
Mr Monahan said he and the team were extremely proud of the recognition, which he attributed to the Group’sattention to detail and passion for delivering benchmark developments.
“Careful consideration is put into absolutely every aspect of our projects to create homes that not only look great but feel great –that enhance the quality of lifefor our customers while
delivering real investment value.”MrMonahan said.
“Toreceivethese coveted awards forCyan and Solis is another milestone forMosaic and proof that we are achieving our goal of introducing anew levelofstyle and luxury to the Sunshine Coast market.”
Mosaic’sexpanding footprint of multi-residential developments in the region includes the sell-out Drift in Coolum (due to completion in late 2019), the sales record-breaking Avalon in Maroochydore (due forcompletion in early 2021), and the soon-to-be-released, boutique luxury First Bay in Coolum.
“Weare very excited about and haveaserious, long-term
commitment to the Sunshine Coast.The unprecedented infrastructure spending, coupled with the unbeatable lifestyle offering, is further cementing it as one of Australia’smost desirable locations” Mr Monahan said.
“Mosaic will continue to work hard to create legacy developments that contribute to the region’svision of being atrue, world-class destination while providing significant employment opportunity and driveeconomic growth forthe area."
Formore information, call 07 5329 7920,drop into the sales display at 48-50 Duporth Avenue Maroochydore or visit
We connect all the small and large pieces of the property puzzle. With multiple award-winning projects to our name, Mosaic has perfected the art of delivering superbly-craftedand exquisitely-finished residential properties across South-East Queensland. Experiencethe difference.
LYNP Projects &Constructions are very honoured to be awarded the Best Commercial Refurbishment/Renovation up to $750,000 in 2019 forits Akane Teppanyakiand Whisky Bar project. The Sunshine Coast Master Builders Construction Awardswas anight to remember and the directors are very proud of this achievement, especially considering hownew the company is to the Australian market.
It wasonly in 2014 when LevonYaghdjian decided to move to Australia with his family and opened LYNP Projects & Constructions on the Sunshine Coast. In 2016 his Australian cousin came on board as his business partner and the company became fully operational. Levonbrought with him his international degrees in Architecture and Civil Engineering and is licensed as aBuilder in Queensland.This levelof knowledge and experience is one of LYNP’sbest strengths. The Akane project wasahard and complexjob. It included four cooking stations fortwo chefs and seating for20people, fully equipped in awarmambient atmosphere. It wasachallenge to carry such big installation works regarding gas, plumbing, electricity and exhaust to fit out this space under comfort and functionality.The kitchen and bar were designed forperfect interconnection and were dimensioned to cater forafull
We bring over 30 yearsofexperience
house also supporting acomplete Izakaya menu and whisky bar
The design has followedtraditional teppanyakirestaurant concepts but in asophisticated and modern way.The dining space wasplanned to be the perfect stage forthe cooking show.This makes the difference to what is nowone of the best restaurants in Queensland.
LYNP’sexperience learnt overseas includes all sort of residential, commercial and industrial projects. Its range of work includes industrial areas, bridges, retail shops, pet shops, restaurants, cafes, spas, lighting showrooms, service stations, medical clinics, penthouses, housing, extensions and renovations.Theyoffer high quality service under an affordable price point.
LYNP is also representing CEUSAtiles from Brazil in Queensland, importing high quality and outstanding designed tiles to increase the quality of the finishing on all LYNP projects. Youcan visit LYNP Projects &Constructions in its office inWarana to talk about howtheycan makeyour next project happen!
high qualification
to Sunshine Coast, the home we chose! Whether you want to build or renovate,
projects to big developments,
canprovide you with the best solutions from firstconcept to final delivery.
Pacific Blue Developments can help youachieve your dream build in the
The Sunshine Coast is one of the most beautiful places in Australia to live, with its laid-back vibe and stunning beaches. It is the dream of many to haveabeautiful home by the water,to be able to takeaquick dip in the ocean or stroll along the beach at any time while enjoying amodern, comfortable house. But howtomakethat dream areality?
With very little available land in close proximity to the Coast, many people are turning to the “knockdown, rebuild” process.
Pacific Blue Developments has noticed this emerging trend early,and havediversified its offerings to accommodate this progressing demand.
Whether its families moving into the perfect spot and planning the dream home or those who already liveinthe ideal spot wanting to upgrade their house, rebuilding is an option for clients to get the best of both worlds.
Pacific Blue Developments has helped many clients through this process and takepride in transforming an ordinary property into adream home built forthe specific needs of the owners.
Working in partnership with the client, Pacific Blue Development create aone-off design which is customised to suit each client and their block.
The “knockdown, rebuild” option can actually be more cost-
effectivethan renovating an existing dwelling.
Quite often renovations can haveunexpected costs as old structures present unknown complications throughout the construction process.
With arebuild, clients can rest assured that everything within the house is brand newand working the wayitshould.
This also results in savings, as innovativetechnology such as insulation, improvedwindowand door design and smart lighting choices can often lowerthe costs associated with running the house.
Another obvious benefit of building anew home is being able to choose the design aspects that suit your personal tastes and lifestyle. Sitting down with adesigner and discussing how
youliveand what is important to youwill result in ahome which feels comfortable and right to you.
If you’re looking foryour dream home in your dream location, a“knockdown, rebuild” might be exactly what youneed, and no one knows the process likePacific Blue Developments, so work with the experts and book aconsultation today by calling (07) 5479 2087.
This renovation has successfully overcome many challenges to turn an old farm house into afamily home that merges the indoors with the outdoor.Inthis unique design, each family member has their ownspace but can also come together in alarge outdoor area to enjoythe property’ssurroundings. The backdrop of trees between the home and the road maintains the home’srural setting.
Alarge, north east facing, covered deck extension adjoining the kitchen dining area steps out to the pool looking out over the property.There is anew ensuite extension that is accessible from both the bedroom inside and externallyfrom the deck and pool area. Internal walls were movedtocreate more functional spaces while the bathrooms, toilet, laundry and kitchen were also renovated.
Rather than the hugely expensiveand inconvenient option of knock down and rebuild, and because the owner lovedthe old house, the builder worked with the existing structure, saving the owners thousands of dollars whilst also allowing them to continue living in their home during works. As the existing framing wassofar `out of whack’ this required alot of ingenuity and skill.
This beautiful end project is just one example of howSouthern Cross Builders can help youbuild, renovate or create the home of your dreams.
To get in contact call 0418 713 404.
Transforming an old brick house into amodern beachside family home.
With budget in mind, clients approached Zerner Building Company with the challenge of renovating an existing lowset brick house that had been rented out foryears.
The design established by DesignFolk architecture and Interiors aimed to retain as much of the existing house structurally utilising existing door and windowopenings, retaining the existing slab and masonry external walls, along with the roof structure. However,onthe inside everything wascompletely gutted and re-built, including reconfiguring the layout.
Twosmall extensions were added to the house creating adining room nook and an expansion of the outdoor room.The newroof of the extension flies over the northern elevation and has completely transformed both the scale and form of the house, making the original house almost unrecognisable.
While being mindful of cost, afew special details such as tiled windowhoods which reflect the light and control the sun, feature windowseats overlooking the garden, and the newgable ceiling all work to create abright space that feels much larger than it is.
The house has successfully been transformed into amodern beach house forayoung family, with acleveruse of indoor and outdoor space and durable, timeless material palette.
To find out howZerner Building Company can transform your neworexisting home call 0427 11 8864.
Honed and Polished Concrete is amulti-awarding winning concrete polishing company based on the Sunshine Coast. The company specialises in artisan, quality polished finishes and works with their clients to deliver tailored and unique looks, suited to their needs.
Honed and Polished Concrete director Christopher Bradley said the company wasQueensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) licensed and proud members of both the Queensland Master Builders and Master Concreters Association, so youcould depend on their service delivery and professionalism.
“In 2016 we were awarded the best trades contractor forthe Sunshine Coast by the Queensland Master Builders,”hesaid.
“Atthe awards night, four of the award-winning projects had our floors, including the house of the year.”
Honed and Polished Concrete work on residential, commercial and retail floors, specialising in mechanically polished concrete using their ownaward-winning DiAMONDFLOOR system.
Theycan help if youhaveaColes store (3000m2)oragarage conversion (30m2), aspecialist architect designed project, or if youwanttorenovate your family home.
Forcommercial builders and developers, theycan help with surface preparation work, epoxy coating systems, and external lowslip pedestrian and alfresco surfaces.
Christopher said polished concrete wasagreat choice forthose concerned with their health and forthe environment.
“Asyou aren’t importing floor coverings from manufacturers overseas youreduce the product miles and carbon foot print of your home, so youare doing good by the planet,”hesaid.
“Mechanically polished concrete uses the construction slab and turns it into your finished floor.It’seasy to clean, lasts longer than other types of flooring and does not build up toxins and harbour dust mites likecarpet.
“Laminate floors can trap moisture underneath them and be a hidden source of mould in your home, by contrast mechanically polished concrete using our DiAMONDFLOOR system exhales moisture so that mould has nowhere to live.”
Christopher said polished concrete also helped with regulating
temperature in your home as it created thermal mass, which helps keep your home warm in winter and cool in summer
“But the best thing about polished concrete is howitfeels when walking around in bare feet that youhavetoexperience for yourself,” he said.
To find out more call 0424 122 836.
No one builds likeHotondo Homes, so choose someone who will do it different.
Hotondo Gympie’snew Cooloola 208 display home has officially opened its doors and is the first of its kind in Australia. Directors Chris and Michelle Dodt are thrilled to be showcasing this brand-newdesign to home buyers in Gympie and the surrounding areas.
At approximately 22 squares, the Cooloola 208 is an ideal home foralarge family with four bedrooms, twobathrooms and plenty of living space forthe entire family.The master suite is complete with an ensuite and generous walk-in-robe.The kitchen and living areas wrap cleverly around the alfresco to create one, centralised entertainment hub forthe entire family
“It’shard to look past the master suite.The huge walk-in-robe and ensuite is enough to turn a normal bedroom into aprivate retreat forparents,”Chris said.
“The layout of the home itself is quite free-flowing, yetstill provides privacy foreach member of the family.The potential in the home is huge!”
While the beauty of the floor plan speaks foritself,Chris and Michelle havetruly elevated the design with Scandinavian styling that embraces natural lighting and bright whites that are contrasted perfectly with natural timber tones.
The gorgeous styling of the home combined with cleverdesign features inspires all those who enter the stunning display home. As the first Cooloola in Australia, local home buyers are also the first to havethe opportunity to walk through the design.
When building with Hotondo Gympie, youcan be sure you’re working with ahighly professional team. As experienced local home builders, theycan provide your perfect newhome solution, work within your budget and build adream home youcan truly be proud of Visit the team at the newCooloola 208 display home at 38 Heights Drive, North Park. Alternatively,you can contact the team by calling 0418 799 659 or visit
With over 25 years’ experience Aspect Homes Qld neverfails to impress.
Doug and Fiona Channells of Aspect Homes Qld havebeen providing exemplary service to their clients within the building and construction industry formany years.
Doug is aqualified builder with more than 25 years’ experience. Doug and Fiona movedto Gympie with their four children six-years-ago.
Since then, Doug has built more than 130 homes in the Gympie region.
Doug understand the importance of making himself available, which is why he offers a personalised, hands-on approach to every build.
Youwill havethe confidence and peace of mind knowing that youcan work directly with the builder while building your dream home.
Fiona has spent many years working alongside Doug in the building industry and understands when investing in abeautiful newhome, getting the right feel and look comes down to small details likecolour choices and decorating schemes.
She ensures the company is up to date with the latest products and trends in an ever-changing industry and that only the best quality products are used.
With expert knowledge, Fiona will be there to guide youthrough the colour/ product selection process, making it astress free and fun experience.
Building administrator Amy Brown has more than 15 years of experience in the industry and she plays an integral role to ensuring the success of the company.Amy’sgoal is to ensure your new home meets Aspect Homes Qld’shigh standards and expectations.
She understands that communication is the keyand youcan rest assured that when youbuild with Aspect Homes Qld, everything will be handled with the utmost expediency
From the lodgement of your building application, ordering of materials through to the scheduling of local tradespeople, Amy will keep youinformed every step of the way.
T/A Lamper Constructions is afocused and dynamic hands on builder with akeen eyefor detail and passion fordesign and
“Weshowcased our Sunshine Cove project in this year's awards, designed to provide an insight to who we are and what we have to offer and are thrilled to be rewarded by winning the Best Individual Home forour price category.”
Introducing ataste of architectural elements to the Sunshine Cove estate, this project produces afunctional home forthe modern family,with apoint of difference.
From the moment youarrive, the street appeal is present.
Sharp lines with acombination of complimentary feature elements havebeen executed throughout with astrong focus on flowoffinishes.
The custom tilt garage cladded inWestern Red Cedar brings the facade to life.
Araw and earthy material wasapplied to maintain the natural colourings of the timber and making this project unique.
The colorbond metal cladding in matt monument creates abold contrast to offset the second levelwith brushed stainless-steel downpipes throughout foranindustrial touch.
Polished concrete pillars lead waytothe front entry,set off by theWestern Red Cedar that continues to flowthrough the walkway to agrand custom door,cladded to match.
Stepping inside to burnished, polish concrete floors, the attention to detail continues to speak foritself
Entering alarge open plan kitchen, dining and lounge area to a cleverplacement of textures and colours defining each space, without over complicating.
Offering plenty of natural light through windows and bi- fold doors, this layout wasdesigned to feel spacious and well connected with the outdoors.
The black mono-stringer stair case with blackbutt timber treads and frameless glass balustrading is aprominent internal feature from the entry,tothe main living of this project.
White stone waterfall benches with matt monument cabinetry makefor amodern and fresh contrast in the kitchen.
TheTVniche cladded in recycled spotted gum timber flooring brings some imagination to alarge wall space and ties in with the kitchen island servery opposite, adding warmth to the home.
Down the hallway,white stone tops and monument cabinetry continue in the laundry with floor to ceiling storage opportunity
Apowder room is available on both levels incorporating a colour scheme of concrete grey, black and white. Complimented with matt black plumbing fora simple yetelegant style used throughout the wetareas of this project.
Timber decks extend from the covered alfresco to the plunge pool or the outdoor showerdesigned to accommodate forthe Sunshine Coast's tropical climate.
The versatility of this outdoor area is arareluxury forthis style of living, offering aback yard and afire pit to gather around in the cooler seasons.
Natural spotted gum timber floors introduce the second level
where the bedrooms, main bathroom and family room are located, or parents retreat being located just off the master suite.
Each bedroom fitted with customised built in robes, featuring aset of blackbutt laminate draws.
The master of this project, complete with an exclusive‘His and Hers’ blackbutt feature robe, giving this room character and forming apassage waytothe grand ensuite design.
Main bathroom and ensuite displaying black framed glass showerscreens, matt black plumbing accessories, floating monument cabinetry with blackbutt timber bench tops.
While the main bathroom offers aluxurious free-standing bath to relax and unwind, the ensuite is afeature itself,showcasing a floor to ceiling, ‘His and Hers’ showerasthe statement piece.
Atwo-time award-winning residence at the 2019 Sunshine Coast Master Builders Construction Awards
The owner of this stunning Mapleton home wanted to build a family home that would incorporate belovedfeatures from their past homes with added design elements to complement some cherished family antiques.
There wasnever adoubt where theywanted to build it, either it had to be in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland!”
The land wasaninteresting plateau site with exceptional views over the hinterland hills and valleys.
As the block wasonanarrowplateau that dropped steeply away to the back and twosides, attention had to be given to the house footprint and heights to meet the regulation limits.
The type of construction, including the floors that are cantilevered to each side, wasaddressed very early in the design stages, particularly given the soil type and budget.
Tania JCoward, the architect of the project, wanted to create aclassic and timeless home utilising apaletteofmaterials and bespokedetailing which Pandanus Constructions delivered through quality workmanship.The design incorporates a staircase that opens onto the front porch as well as aformal foyer which creates an impressiveentry toward the open plan living room, where it's all about the viewbeyond, enveloped in the luxurious, stylish surrounds.
High on the wishlist were Dorma-style upper windows and
interior spaces on the upper levelthat convey the feel of an attic forthe children’sbedrooms.Timber floors throughout were another necessity as were the arched doorways to frame the circulation openings.
The full height double-hung windows to the front and back of the property allowlight and natural ventilation to flood in.
While the high ceilings are an essential element to the design, acosy warmth is palpable throughout the interior.This is due to acareful selection of carpet colours, timber flooring, wall and trim paint, the detailed stone finish to the fireplace, the elegant light fittings and finish of the timber skirtings and architraves.
As the homeowners enjoycooking and entertaining, many hours were spent on the design of the kitchen, walk in pantry and dining room. Agalley-style kitchen wasdecided on, both forits classic style and forthe wayitallowedthe viewtotakecentre stage.
Pandanus Constructions waschosen forthis project due to its wealth of construction experience and were involved from the early stages of design to allowthe team to become familiar with the scope of the project.
Pandanus Constructions helped the owner manage the budget of the project, which wasparamount in moving forward with the development.
The Pandanus team's expert input and meticulous approach to the construction within this project wasformallyrecognised at the 2019 Master Builders Construction Awards whereitwon awards in twocategories, including an individual home award and the State Award forthe Alan Eichmann Memorial Award forQualityWorkmanship.
To realise the possibilities Pandanus Constructions can achieve foryour dream home call them today (07) 5479 0865.
Thompson Sustainable Homes award-winning NewYork SOHO Loft series design has come out on top at this year’sMaster Builders, Sunshine Coast Housing and Construction Awards
The design earned the title of Best Individual Home up to $250,000 on the Sunshine Coast.
Inspired by NewYork City’sconverted warehouses to create trendy,terrace style living while maintaining the industrial feel that makes the loft unique,Thompson Sustainable Homes are excited to bring this design to lifeacross multiple estates on the Sunshine Coast, Brisbane andPerth.
The NY-style loftsare surprisingly affordable and offer aunique sustainable approach to bringing urban living to the Sunny Coast.
Theyare perfect forthose looking foralow maintenance lifestyle without ongoing body cooperate or strata fees.
Available in four design styles starting at twobedrooms and twobathrooms; all designs come with semi enclosed carports maximising the use of the outdoor entertaining areas with the option to upgrade to afully enclosed garage.
Designed to maximise space, each loft features open-plan living, large windows to draw in the light, exposed features such as honed concrete flooring and high ceilings.
Each stylehas its ownunique features to create ahome designed to giveyou the ultimate urban lifestyle.
The minimalistic approach to the interiors of the designs are complimented by their urban style exteriors, with carefully selected materials and finishes.
Forthose looking to keep their coastal lifestyle, but wanting to embrace that NewYork City style, these modern terraces are the perfect combination.
Starting from $349,000 forcomplete home and land, come takeawalk through the SOHO andManhattan Lofts.
Formore information callThompson Sustainable Homes on 1300 90 40 40.
Shy away from the boring and start aproject fuelled by innovation.
Fits In Commercial Fitouts is afamily owned company delivering projects nationally since 2005. As acommercial builder,itspecialises in project management, design and construction of interior fit-outs and building refurbishments.
Offering extensiveexperience in the healthcare, office and hospitality sectors theylisten to their client’sneeds and approach each project with asolution driven attitude ensuring afully compliant project.
The team can provide alternativeideas to reduce costs, suggesting innovative materialsto avoid “cookie-cutter” fit-outs while finding smarter ways to build.
Fits In prioritise building positiverelationships that result in repeat business, which is aclear indicator of astrong culture focused on quality.
Fits In Commercial Fit-outs has aproud history of building fit-outs, people and community on the Sunshine Coast.
An innovative fitout company specialising in Healthcare, Office and Hospitality Fitouts on the Sunshine Coast, Northlakes and Gympie.
Half adecade ago twofriends came together with the idea of starting abusiness focussed on
Today,Dean Lythgo andTony Shadforth are the owners of amulti-award-winning company with over 20 years of experience in innovativedesign and construction all-over south-east Queensland.
The duo’sgoal wastobring their passion and expertise to the industry and to gain asolid reputation in the luxury housing and quality commercial buildings space.
Tony Shadforth said together theybrought their individual industry experience to the table as well as avery practical and hands-on approach to their work.
“Coordinating large scale projects requires plenty of multitasking including managing anumber of contractors which can be demanding at times,”hesaid.
“Wehaveasmall, highly-responsiveand dedicated team which works well managing projects and keeping our clients in touch and happy.”
Their company,Shadforth Lythgo, specialises in delivering high-end commercial/industrial buildings and luxury residential solutions across multiple industries including medical facilities, childcare centres, industrial parks, showrooms, gymnasiums, sports facilities and more.
Theyare also bespokehome-builders, creating luxury,customdesigned homes to suit their client’sneeds.
“Wehaveapersonal challenge, amoving target: every project needs to exceed the last in terms of building excellence,” Mr Lythgo said.
“Weplan meticulously,focus on solutions, deliver on time and budget, and strivetoexceed expectations.
“Our aim is to invokeawe.For over 25 years we have established areputation as Multi-Award-Winning Builders with acommitment to excellence and best practice.”
Mr Shadforth said personal service and great client relationships featured very highly in the Shadforth Lythgo
Theyhavestrived to consistently deliver quality builds over many years and haveaplethoraofsatisfied customers, as well as numerous industry awards.
“A fewofthe things that they’re particularly focussed on are quality,communication, sustainability,and problem-solving,” he said.
“Our mission is to always be excellent; to driveinnovation in building so that build environments inspire and uplift.”
Mr Shadforth said relationships were at the core of their
“Wetakethe journeywith our clients, adding an informative layer to their experience from concept development to the finishing touches.”
building ethos; strong communication and rapport with clients enable them to ‘get it’,and to turn dreams into beautiful homes.
“Wetakethe journeywith our clients, adding an informative layer to their experience from concept development to the finishing touches,”hesaid.
“Because of our extensiveexperience and passion for innovation, we are able to suggest cost-effectivealternatives that stay true to your intention when budget becomes an issue.”
Shadforth Lythgo havewon multiple awards in the residential building and commercial space and haveareputation for consistent innovation at the highest levelofdesign.
“Asproblem-solvers and lateral thinkers, we are excited at the possibility of transforming dated homes through renovations,” Mr Lythgo said.
“Wework to identify and thoroughly understand client expectations and provide site supervision to facilitate the successful execution of the project to timeframes.
“Time management is akey focus as is completion to bestquality standard.”
We are highly experienced in negotiating Approvals and Regulations forcommercial projects.
Our tendering management process ensures all bids are accurately specified and quoted on.
Identify goals, visual expectations and concept ideas and use this understanding to develop acomplete design, focussing on stakeholder needs and budget.
Provide one contact person (project manager) from start to finish, who will be across all aspects of the build from project feasibility,conceptual pricing, site selection, planning and approvals, design, and the construction process.
We offer comprehensivesite supervision that minimises disruptions to your business and neighbourhood and manages community liaison where needed.
Construct aproject from concept to plans through to final completion, on-time and on-budget.
Uncompromising safety standards with an impeccable track record.
Awin in the prestigious Master Builders Housing & Construction Awards program has become apinnacle those in the industry aspire to achieve
Why? Formore than 30 years, the Awards program has highlighted the movers and shakers in the industry.Those who stand out from the pack, whose craftsmanship, attention to details and innovation is second to none.
The high calibre of entries is compounded by increasing entries year on year across the state making the competition atough one.The Awards program is not a design showcase, rather abuilding competition and our judges are armed with astrict list of criteria that each entry must meet.
Originally known as the Housing Awards Competition, the first iteration of the awards washeld in 1987.The next year,the awards were expanded to include both residential housing and commercial industrial fields. The event wasrebranded as the Housing &Construction Awards.
The newprogram wasrun in conjunction with the Housing and Construction Conference in 1988, which formed part of the iconic Brisbane’sExpo ’88 event program.
Regional Queensland joined the party in 1993 when the awards were opened across the state at the first Master Builders Regional Housing &Construction Awards
The state-wide ceremonies havegrown from strength to strength over the years and Brisbane has blossomed from asmall ceremony with just ahandful of categories to 57 categories including construction, housing, trade contractor/specialty and individuals awards.
Now, as we continue to celebrate our industry more than 30 years on from those initial awards ceremonies, it is truly heart-warming to see original regional winners who are still activeMaster Builders’ members today Visit formore information.
From butler pantries and mud rooms to lifts, electric car charging stations and black and white colour schemes that’swhat’strending in newhomes this year
The insider insight comes courtesy of the judging panel in the Master Builders 2019 Housing &Construction Awards
Andtheyshould know, they’vejust spent the past fewmonths physically visiting each home entered into the awards to make athorough analysis of the build.
The judges noted other trends to be astrong continuation of the Hamptons style homes seen in 2018 including airy white interiors fit with shutters and neutral colour schemes.
Another trend –athrowback to the ‘90s –isfamily homes where parents allowtheir children to choose the colour for afeature wall in their bedroom.
“The butler’spantries are almost the norm. Foranything above $300,000 theydefinitely are, but even under that they’re increasingly incorporated,”the judges said.
“Homeowners love them so the kitchen looks neat and tidy when people are over.”
The judges said black and white had also clearly returned in a big way.
“It’satimeless look and it’scertainly back to the fore,”the judges said.
“All of asudden it makes an appearance, whereas fiveyears ago it wasall off-white and cream.
“Now, we see alot of crisp white with black trims and handles that almost aren’t visible.
“Everything’sgone really matteinline with this, the gloss finish is gone. As aresult, there’sagrowing market forfingerless mattesurfaces to avoid fingerprints with black finishes.”
The judges said the increase in Hamptons style and mudrooms came hand-in-hand.
“It’swhat the Americans have, it’sthe room between the inside and the outside of your home.The terminology has come through from America and Canada where there’ssnowand lots of water and amudroom is imperative.
The judges said the attraction forHamptons style was “homely.”
“It’swhat youenvisaged as achild, the architectural styling of the house has broad appeal,”the judges said.
“But the reason we don’t see it more is because of the cost. You’dprobably put 20 per cent onto the cost of the house to go forHamptons over rendered brick. Adding to this, in this style of home yousee the dark, charcoal carbonated wood floors area quite prevalent.”
Beyond this, the judges said agrowing trend in the higher end of the market waselectric car charging stations and liftsin multi-levelhomes.
“Charging stations are around and being incorporated into architecturally designed homes. People are putting them in with the solar system,”the judges said.
“With some homes nowthe height of amulti-levelunit development, liftsare an increasingly common inclusion in the higher end of the market.”
Here's ahandy guide foryou.
From where to buy or build, sourcing quotes, signing contracts to what to do before youmovein, we’vegot it all covered foryou.
Some of the first questions and considerations you’re going to haveoften lean toward where youwanttoliveand what you want your home to look like.
But what should also come into the equation is your budget howmuch haveyou got to spend?
The thought of owning anew home can seem almost out of reach formany Queenslanders. But with initiatives including the $15,000 First Home Owner’sGrant (FHOG) fornew builds and the proposed First Home Loan Deposit Scheme (FHLDS) assisting first home owners who’vebeen able to savefive per cent to achieve their 20 per cent deposit, there’sanarray of options to ease your entry
If you’re looking to buy,build or renovate, there are display villages in many parts of Queensland. Avisit to adisplay village is afantastic place to see what youlikeinahome, what options are available and what fits within your budget.There are consultants in each home who will be able to facilitate your every question and can arrange ameeting with abroker if you’dliketoexplorethat path.
When it comes to sourcing quotes, we recommend getting at least three quotes from licenced builders.Why? Because the cheapest quote isn’t necessarily the best option, so don’t feel youhaveto accept the first quote youget.
When sourcing quotes, the more specific youare about your plans and requirements, the more accurate the quote is likely to be. If youcreate ajob brief setting out exactly what youwant and supply it to every builder you're sourcing a quote from, it should makethe process of comparing quotes easier as it will ensure the quotes will be based on the same specifications.
Building work valued over $3,300, must legally be covered by awritten contract –though it’sagood idea to haveacontract regardless of the value of work.
Next,it’stime to compare. Reviewand compare each quote youreceive, but don’t makeyour decision off price alone.View previous work from abuilder –you might find afolio of work on their website –and speak with past clients if possible.
When you’vechosen who you’re going to go with, ensure you get your contract in writing.
The majority of building disputes occur when no written agreement exists or the agreement has been poorly documented, as this can lead to misunderstandings.
Having awritten contract in place between youand your builder clearly sets out what youboth agree to and helps to prevent disputes throughout the building process.
Building work valued over $3,300, must legally be covered by awritten contract –though it’sagood idea to haveacontract regardless of the value of work.
When your renovation or newhome is complete, there’sthree items that need to be ticked off
First, you’ll receivenotification of practical completion, then you’ll conduct afinal inspection and finally,pay the builder all outstanding moneyfor the work.
Your decision to buy,build or renovate should be an enjoyable one. Just be sure to choose an experienced builder who you can trust to deliver the levelofquality you’re after.For further information visit or contact 1300 30 50 10
There’sthousands of builders in Queensland but not all are Master Builders.
Did you catch our television ad recently? It featured aman at home, getting ready for the day,newspaper in one hand and fresh glass of orange juice in the other
Sitting at his kitchen counter,he sets his glass down. No sooner,itstarts sliding away down the bench. Frustrated, he grabs at the glass and firmly places it back down on the counter.Sure enough, it starts sliding away again.
We really wanted to get youthinking about who youuse for your renovations or newbuilds.Why? Because the television ad highlighted, finding out your builder is aMaster Builder sure beats finding out they’re not.
Making the choice to build or renovate ahome can be one of the biggest and most rewarding investments of your life. It’s important to get it right and set agood foundation foryour build.
And whilst there is no doubt alaundry list of decisions for you to makealong the way, doing your homework to find the right builder foryour needs should be your top priority
But we recognise it’snot always clear who is and isn’t a Master Builder.That’swhy our dedicated team at Master Builders havetaken the hard work and stress out of your search with our Find aMaster Builder search –it’san
incredible tool that’smade foryou.
We knowfrom feedback that when people are looking to build or renovate, theywantthe most up-to-date and reliable information at their fingertips but at times, that can be hard to find.
Through the promotion of our television campaign, the Find aMaster Builder search trafficincreased 200 per cent compared to this time last year as would-be home builders and renovators rejoiced in the knowledge there wasan easy to use tool to cut through the clutter and find the right builder fortheir needs.
The search is free and we urge youtotry it out foryourself If youhead to the Master Builders website ( au), you’ll see the Find aMaster Builder search handy on our homepage. Here, youenter afew details about what you’re looking for, where youliveand alist of relevant builders and trade contractors will be populated foryou.
By choosing aMaster Builder,you build with peace of mind that you’vechosen aquality,trusted and properly licensed contractor.Master Builders members complete more than 80 per cent of building work in Queensland so rest assured that whereveryou live, there’ll be aquality Master Builder there foryou and your home.
But let’sbereal. Building is acomplexprocess and problems
can and do arise, which can lead to disputes.The added benefit of using aMaster Builder is that if youfind yourself in one of these situations, Master Builders is on hand to assist.
After youtest out the search and find alist of builders, if you’re looking to build or renovate head to your nearest display village and meet with their home experts.
Youwill havethe opportunity to walk through afull-scale display home.This will giveyou the opportunity to check foryourself the quality of the build and get afeelfor what features, materials and colour youdoand don’t like.
If you’re looking to do arenovation, the display village showcases the latest trends and gives youendless inspiration forwhateverproject youare ready to takeon.
To test out the Master Builder search and find the right builder foryour home visit or call 1300 30 50 10 forfurther information.
By choosing aMaster Builder, youbuild with peace of mind that you’vechosen aquality,trusted and properly licensed contractor