MCSA Booklet

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$2,013,292 Total Direct Assistance Provided 92% of Total Financial Assistance Went to Long-Term Clients 44,042 Total Lives Impacted Fiscal Year 2022
“The Masonic Home of Missouri, in my opinion, is reason enough for the existence of the Masonic Fraternity.”
— Harry S. Truman, Grand Master’s Address 1941

The Masonic Home of Missouri is over 135 years old. The first 100 years of helping Missouri Masons, widows, Order of the Eastern Star members, and children was done by physically housing them in our facilities. The next 35+ years has been an evolution and transition away from bricks and mortar to statewide Outreach Programs. However, the core mission and Masonic Principles that founded the Masonic Home remain at the forefront of what we do today.

Some of the Masonic Home’s Outreach Programs are financial assistance specific to the membership. Other programs, such as the Partnership Programs, allow us to work with Lodges and Chapters to make a difference in their communities. For example, the Creating-APartnership (CAP) program was used by Lodges and Chapters to help an estimated 34,662 children statewide last fiscal year. Not every need or problem is a financial one. Sometimes it is about facilitating the right connections and saying thank you which inspired our Resource and Recognition programs.

The Masonic Home of Missouri’s Outreach Programs have enabled us to find new ways work with and meet the needs of Missouri’s members. We look forward to the future with optimism, as we continue to grow and evolve.

Financial Assistance Programs

Financial assistance is available to eligible Missouri Masons, their wives, honored widows, female, members of the order of the Eastern Star, and their dependent children.

Long-Term Financial Assistance

Short-Term Financial Assistance

Children’s Outreach

Partnership Programs

The Masonic Home’s Partnership Programs work with Missouri Lodges and Chapters to strengthen Masonic connections and provide funds for those in need.

"You have no idea the impact this made on our students. They felt a sense of pride of belonging.
I never realized how many students have never had a new pair of shoes. Thank you for your generosity."
— L. Williams, Counselor Richland R-IV Schools
Masonic Family Cares

Recognition & Resources

The Masonic Home’s Outreach Programs are more than financial assistance programs. Some are about recognizing and honoring special groups, such as our Masonic Widows and Veterans. Other programs help provide assistance through non-monetary means.

“As Masons we are banded together to make our communities better.”
— Richard W. Kaeser, Jr. Grand Master, 2022-2023
Social Services Program Veterans Program Widows Program Financial Education Program
6033 N Masonic Dr Ste A, Columbia, MO 65202 • (800) 434-9804 • Working together. Succeeding together. Get to know us. We would love to keep in touch. Scan the QR code to receive updates from the Masonic Home of Missouri.
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