[ staying put ]
tel: (08) 9175 1020 | email: martumili@eastpilbara.wa.gov.au | web: www.martumili.com.au
About This is a story of artists painting at home, during periods of isolation and lockdowns from 2020 - 2022. During the COVID 19 pandemic Martumili Artists art facilities, and the remote Martu communities of Parnngurr, Punmu, Kunawarritji, Warralong and Jigalong have experienced lockdowns and restrictions, with access to visitors strictly prohibited to protect community members, and in particular the important elders that call Martu Country home. Martu Artists who found themselves at home or on Country during lockdown had the opportunity for reconnection with their daily art practice, undisturbed by busy contemporary life as Australia, and indeed the world, slowed down in the face of the global pandemic.
“We don’t want anyone in our communities getting sick - everyone gotta keep healthy. Artists, please look after yourselves, each other. Us mob at the art centre will look after the paintings, put them online, do the best we can. We gotta keep the art and culture strong for the future.” - Corban Clause Williams, artist and staff member, 2020.
22-183 | Bianca Simpson
Parnngurr Community 36 x 46 cm Acrylic on canvas $330
21-137 | Victor Burton
22-2 | Mayika Chapman
22-171 | Helen Samson
Warlawurru (Punmu Hill) 46 x 76 cm Acrylic on linen
Jamparri 46 x 76 cm Acrylic on canvas
Untitled 46 x 61 cm Acrylic on canvas
22-98 | Judith Anya Samson
22-168 | Muuki Taylor
Untitled 91 x 61 cm Acrylic on canvas
Kulyakartu 61 x 91 cm Acrylic on canvas
22-99 | Helen Samson
22-96 | Thelma Judson
Untitled 61 x 91 cm Acrylic on canvas
Tiyu Rockhole 91 x 61 cm Acrylic on canvas
About Nyina-ya ngurrangka ngampurrpa (stay in your home safely)
These artworks showcase the unstoppable determination of Martu Artists in their work, and demonstrates a deep and enduring commitment to art-making as an act of cultural preservation and social connection. Martu elders use paintings as a means to pass on stories of Country, jukurrpa (dreaming), family histories and traditional environmental knowledge to younger family members. To Martu Artists, painting is connection. And in times of isolation and lockdown, they have remained connected to eachother, and to their Country.
21-867 | Doreen Chapman
Untitled 76 x 152 cm Acrylic on canvas $2890
21-428 | Lorna Linmurra
Rockhole 76 x 152 cm Acrylic on canvas $2310
21-404 | Bugai Whyoulter
Wantili 152 x 152 cm Acrylic on linen $9420
21-691 | Nyanjilpayi Chapman
21-652 | May Chapman
Jarntinti 76 x 121 cm Acrylic on canvas
Untitled 76 x 122 cm Acrylic on canvas
21-173 | Debra Thomas
22-115 | Roxanne Newberry
Kunawarritji 76 x 122 cm Acrylic on canvas
Ngurra (home Country, camp) 121 x 76 cm Acrylic on linen
22-195 | Ngamaru Bidu
22-196 | Corban Williams
Parnngurr Rockhole 61 x 91 cm Acrylic on canvas
Kaalpa 61 x 91 cm Acrylic on canvas
22-192 | Derrick Butt
22-179 | Thelma Judson
Seasons 61 x 91 cm Acrylic on canvas
Ngalyawirltily 91 x 122 cm Acrylic on linen
21-477 | Pauline Williams
22-188 | Chloe Jadai
Kunawarritji Rockholes 91 x 122 cm Acrylic on canvas
Muuki 30 x 30 cm Acrylic on canvas
22-230 | Emily Bumba
61 x 91 cm Acrylic on canvas Untitled
22-84 | Judith Anya Samson
22-176 | Damien Kelly
Untitled 46 x 61 cm Acrylic on canvas
Untitled 36 x 46 cm Acrylic on canvas
21-1262 | Marianne Burton
Punmu waterholes 91 x 122 cm Acrylic on linen $2775
22-100 | Kathleen Sorensen
22-92 | Kathleen Sorensen
Tuwa (Sandhills) 61 x 91 cm Acrylic on canvas
Tali, Tuwa (Sandhills) 36 x 76 cm Acrylic on canvas
22-119 | Danielle Booth
22-121 | Marita Lubin
Nyayartakujarra 36 x 46 cm Acrylic on canvas
Nyayartakujarra 36 x 46 cm Acrylic on canvas
22-194 | Raylene Robinson
Untitled 36 x 46 cm Acrylic on canvas $230
21-1175 | Desmond Taylor
22-187 | Chloe Jadai
Karlamilyi 46 x 76 cm Acrylic on canvas
Sting Ray 30 x 30 cm Acrylic on canvas
22-190 | Gladys Kuru Bidu
Parnngurr Rockhole 30 x 30 cm Acrylic on canvas
22-157 | Marita Lubin
Nyayartakujarra 30 x 30 cm Acrylic on canvas
22-189 | Jenny Butt
22-186 | Montana Clause
Untitled 30 x 30 cm Acrylic on canvas
Untitled 30 x 30 cm Acrylic on canvas
22-197 | Marlene Anderson
22-78 | Danny Neach
22-193 | Yvonne Mandijalu
Waru (fire) 46 x 61 cm Acrylic on canvas
Untitled 36 x 46 cm Acrylic on canvas
Kulyakartu 36 x 46 cm Acrylic on canvas
22-116 | Beverley Rogers
22-74 | Christine Thomas
Untitled 91 x 91 cm Acrylic on canvas
Untitled 36 x 46 cm Acrylic on canvas
22-141 | Jeremy Lane
36 x 46 cm Acrylic on canvas $230.00
22-185 | Sarah Jones
22-184 | Debra Thomas
Untitled 30 x 30 cm Acrylic on canvas
Kunawarritji 46 x 61 cm Acrylic on canvas
22-155 | Roxanne Newberry
Ngurra (home Country, camp) 76 x 76 cm Acrylic on canvas $1040
22-88| Lynette Rowlands
Wantili 36 x 76 cm Acrylic on canvas $330