Marmo Macchine International n. 103

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NEWS_103.qxp 05/09/18 11:48 Pagina 122


Rapporto Ice: 2017 anno record per l’export italiano (448 mld, +7,4% sul 2016)

ICE-Italian Trade Agency Report: 2017 a record year for Italian exports (448 billion euros, up 7.4% from 2016)

Nel 2017 le esportazioni italiane di merci sono cresciute del 7,4%, raggiungendo il valore record di 448 mld di euro e registrando un saldo positivo di oltre 47 mld. Sono i dati confortanti che emergono dal Rapporto Ice 2017-2018 "L'Italia nell'economia internazionale" presentato lo scorso 12 luglio a Milano, che sottolinea come a livello globale l'Italia si confermi al nono posto nella classifica dei principali Paesi esportatori (con una quota del 2,9%), con una crescita superiore alla media mondiale - superata solo da Corea del Sud e Paesi Bassi - e, per la prima volta dopo sei anni, anche a quella dell’Eurozona. Nel 2017 è risultato in forte aumento anche il valore delle merci importate dal nostro Paese (+9%), in ragione di un sensibile aumento dei prezzi delle materie prime. "Queste dinamiche - si legge nell'annuario hanno determinato una riduzione dell'avanzo commerciale (2,2 mld in meno rispetto al 2016), che nel 2017 ha raggiunto i 47,4 mld di euro. Al netto dei prodotti energetici, l'attivo commerciale è stato pari a

In 2017 Italy’s exports of goods grew by 7.4%, reaching record value of 448 billion euros and registering a surplus of more than 47 billion. These are the comforting figures emerging from the 2017-2018 ICE Report “Italy in the Global Economy” presented in Milan on July 12, emphasizing how, on the global level, Italy ranks ninth among major exporter countries (with a 2.9% share) with growth higher than the world average - surpassed only by South Korea and the Netherlands - and, for the first time in six years, higher than the Eurozone’s. Also heavily increasing in 2017 was the worth of the goods that Italy imported (+9%) due to a perceptible increase in raw materials prices. “These dynamics, the report states, “led to a reduction in the balance of trade (2.2 billion less than in 2016, which in 2017 reached 47.4 million euros. Excluding energy products, the trade surplus was of 81 billion euros, with an ample increase (of 4.5 billion) from 2016”. In 2017, in fact, there was a deficit in energy product trading (-33.5 billion from -26.8 billion in 2016) while there was a consolidation in the balance for non-durable consumer goods (+5.3 billion), instrumental goods (+2.3 billion) and durable consumer goods (+0.2 billion). The manufacturing surplus in general grew by 8.5%, reaching 97 billion, with contributions from all the main sectors except metalworking products, which were negatively affected by the higher prices of imported products. As for sector performance, in first place among Italian exports were pharmaceuticals (+16%) followed by metalworking products (up 9.9%) and chemical products (+9%). Among the traditional sectors of the Made in Italy there was growth in food industry exports (up 7.5%) while fashion grew less (clothing items up 4.7% and leather apparel up 5.9%). Among the products in which Italy in 2017 had the largest share of world exports were also finished stone materials, which despite a slight downturn in the past year retained a 13.48% share. Where export destinations were concerned, Ger-

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