Hymers College PSHE Newsletter - Summer Term 2024

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What will pupils be studying in PSHE?

The themes for the term, along with information about some of the topics we will be exploring are below.

Year 7 : Relationships

Year 7 will explore healthy relationships, getting on and falling out with friends and factors that may influence our relationships.

Year 8 : Relationships

Year 8 will explore being in control of personal space and relationships as well as staying safe online and offline.

Where to seek extra guidance/support on PSHE topics

At the start of every PSHE lesson, we reiterate the importance of everyone’s rights and responsibilities. We remind everyone in the classroom that:

Everyone has the right to:

n Participate or pass

n Listen and speak

n Privacy

n An opinion

n Learn

Everyone has the responsibility to:

n Allow others to participate or pass

n Listen and allow others to speak

n Maintain privacy

n Respect difference of opinion

n Allow others to learn

If any students need to seek extra support and guidance on PSHE, or the session raises worries or concerns for them, we would encourage them to speak in the first instance to their form tutor. Other people they can speak to are their Heads of Year, Head of PSHE, Form Prefects and buddies as well as trusted adults at home.

At the end of every session students are signposted to websites or leaflets that can provide extra information or support on the topic they have covered.

Year 9 :

Changing Me

Year 9 will explore mental health, changing emotions and resilience.

Year 10 :

Changing Me

Year 10 will explore managing change, stereotypes and physical and emotional changes.

Year 11 :

Study Skills

Year 11 will be working on their study skills in preparation for their upcoming external examinations.


All parents will be aware of the nationwide concern around vaping and the way vaping products are being advertised and targeted at young people under the age of 18, despite the fact that this is illegal. As well as the ‘Parents’ Guide to WhatsApp’, I have also included a parents’ guide on vaping in this term’s newsletter. I would also recommend the recent BBC documentary, ‘Jordan North: The Truth about Vaping’ if you have not already seen it.

Years 12 & 13 :

Years 12 and 13 will cover a range of topics in their PSHE lessons including vaping, personal safety, study skills and preparing for life after Sixth Form. As we do in every half term, we will also be using whole-school and year group assemblies to explore a wider range of PSHE topics such as stress, community and online safety. If you would like more information about the PSHE curriculum and the topics that will be covered please do not hesitate to get in touch with Mrs Makey (memakey@hymers.org).

It is available on the BBC iPlayer (https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001xj1p) and the half hour documentary explores why people vape, the laws around vaping and why it can be harmful to health.

Hymers College

End of Year Examinations

As we move towards the May half term, our Year 11 and Year 13 students will be preparing for their external GCSE and A Level examinations.

Also, our students in Years 7-10 and Year 12 will begin to prepare for their internal end of year examinations. As well as assemblies and resources on ‘Study Skills’ delivered by Dr Pickles and Mr Simpson, all staff will be reiterating the following messages about the internal end of year examinations.

These internal exams are an opportunity for:

→ Students to learn about how examinations work – timings, seating arrangements, planning time effectively, the silence of an exam room.

→ Students to show to their teachers what they have learnt over the year and how much effort they have put into that learning.

Online Safety

Every half term in this newsletter we will share some tips and guidance on online safety and ways that our students can keep themselves safe online. Many of these resources are provided to us by National Online Safety (https://nationalonlinesafety. com/). Their website has a wealth of advice and guidance, not only for schools but for parents and carers as well, on how to keep children safe online. We would highly recommend paying this website a visit if you are concerned about anything from online gaming, social media websites or internet safety.

You may have seen in the national news recently concerns about children being added to WhatsApp groups by strangers and that some of these groups contain distressing and harmful content. I have included a Parents’ Guide to WhatsApp in this edition of the newsletter should it be helpful for you. We would remind parents and carers that the school policy is that mobile phones are turned off between 8.30am and 4pm. If you need to get a message to your child, please contact them through the General Office.

Students will of course want to make sure that they are revising well and putting effort into ensuring they achieve their best in the examinations. Staff across the school, including our School Nurses, will be supporting them in doing so. In an assembly on the 16th of April, I will be reiterating the following messages to the Senior School about the best way to prepare for and perform in these examinations:

n Plan a revision timetable – extra activities you do e.g. sport, music, drama, rock climbing, crochet, reading should not be stopped because of end of year exams. Plan revision around them. In fact it’s vital that they keep going as they will help you to maintain a healthy mindset!

n Don’t isolate yourself - it’s important to have a well-organised and focused revision space but don’t spend all your time there. Still meet up with friends, walk the dog with your family, watch TV, read a book.

n Engage well with your lessons –lots of your teachers will be helping you to revise in class, so engage with these and do your best work.

n Talk to someone if you need to – if you are feeling stressed, don’t let it overwhelm you. Talk to your friends, form tutor, Head of Year, your Buddy, any member of staff. Mrs Picton has emailed you all with advice about wellbeing as well.

n Get plenty of sleep – sleep is vital for your mental and physical health, not just during exams! Turn your screens off an hour before bed, read a book, use YouTube, Calm or Headspace for meditation and mindfulness as you switch off for the night.

If students need extra support with stress during the examination season, I would recommend the following website which contains useful guides for both young people and parents: https://www.youngminds.org.uk/youngperson/coping-with-life/exam-stress/

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