Proverbs Chapter 15

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PROVERBS CHAPTER 15 A Soft Answer 15:1 “A harsh word is rightly singular: a single word that hurts (the Heb. implies this) is enough to make anger rise up” (Kidner p. 112). Note that an answer should be given when someone is angry with you, “the injured person should not wrap himself in sullen silence” (P.P. Comm. p. 290). But many people in our society feel that if someone verbally attacks them, they are justified to respond in like manner. Just because we have been wronged, unjustly criticized, or our feelings hurt, doesn’t mean that we are justified in sinning with our tongue. A “gentle answer” is an answer that calms the other person down and appeals to reason (compare with 2 Timothy 2:24-25). For an example of harsh words stirring up strife see 1 Kings 12:13-16.

Knowledge Made Acceptable 15:2 “makes knowledge acceptable”-Which means that the wise person carefully considers what they are going to say and when. The wise man not only has knowledge, but can give it appropriate expression (Proverbs 16:23). The wise man presents the truth in the best possible light, with convincing and winsome arguments. See Ephesians 6:20; Colossians 4:4,5; 1 Peter 3:15. “spouts folly”-just says things without any forethought. “We feel compelled to offer an opinion or give a personal illustration on every subject. We should resist that temptation and force ourselves to listen rather than speak” (Alden p. 117).

The Eyes Of The Lord 15:3 This is what is meant by the expression “Divine Omniscience”. God is able to be everywhere at the same time, and He sees everything. God knows everyone completely. To the righteous man, such is a great comfort, for he knows that he isn’t alone, for the hypocrite and the wicked, such means they


cannot escape condemnation if they refuse to change. See also 2 Chron. 16:9; Psalm 11:4; 139:1-12; Hebrews 4:13.

Life-giving Or Death-dealing Words 15:4 “soothing tongue”-words which edify, build one up spiritually, encourage and motivate one to serve God. “Speech from such a source refreshes and vivifies (activates, enlivens, energizes) all who come under its influence” (P.P. Comm. p. 291). Compare with Ephesians 4:29. “perversion in it crushes the spirit”-twisted, deceitful and false speech. “tongue undisciplined can break hearts” (Knox). So let us be careful about what we say to our spouses, parents, children and brethren. Cruel language can break a person’s spirit and that is the last thing that we should ever want to do.

Impatience Of Criticism 15:5 How well one responds to discipline and correction reveals his or her character. But the fool is constantly rejecting and rebelling against every form of punishment. The wise man values the truth enough to pay the price of having it, and he is teachable to the end. In contrast, the fool thinks he has arrived, thinks he is smarter than his or her parents, and considers any correction or criticism as unfair.

What Are You Storing Up? 15:6 Such wealth not only includes material possessions (because one has worked hard, honestly and has been a good steward), but it also includes a loving mate, and obedient children (Psalm 127:1-5). “trouble is in the income of the wicked”-“the Lord has ways of leveling things out, redistributing ill-gotten wealth, and interrupting a sinner’s economic progress with unexpected and expensive crises” (Alden p. 118). “the earnings of the wicked are fraught with anxiety” (Jerus); “the gains of the wicked bring trouble” (NEB). Achan is a good example of a man who brought trouble upon himself and his family through dishonest gains (Joshua 7).

What Are You Spreading? 15:7 Note the comparison between “lips” and “heart”. “to make the point that if you take care of your outlook, your influence will take care of itself (4:23)” (Kidner p. 113). We need to make an application to personal evangelism here. 2

Wise men and women spread the truth, but the heart of the fool doesn’t see any need to spread such saving knowledge, i.e., the fool is simply wrapped up in his or her own life. When you speak are you spreading knowledge or misconceptions? Valuable truths or nonsense? Salvation or trivia?

Divine Disgust, Divine Delight 15:8-9 The passage stresses how intensely our regular behavior matters to God. Worship can be dangerous to your health! God is offended when wicked people attempt to worship Him, without first correcting their lives. God hates the hypocrite. “Yet so many of us find it easier to tear our garments rather than mend our hearts. Being right inside is so much harder than saying what is right” (Alden p. 118). Compare with 1 Samuel 15:22; Psalm 40:6-8; 51:16-17; Prov. 21:3; Isaiah 1:11-17; Amos 5:21-24. From this passage is it clear that we aren’t doing those who attend services any favors by ignoring their sins. When we refuse to withdraw from an unrepentant member, we are only allowing them to bring additional condemnation upon themselves. Before you worship, make sure that your life is right with God! “the prayer of the upright is His delight”-God is never bothered by the prayers of godly people! God takes extreme pleasure in listening to the prayers, requests, etc…of His children. So what is our excuse for not praying more often? 15:9 “pursues”- signifying persistent pursuit, righteousness must be a goal or lifestyle and not a mere hobby (Matthew 6:33; Galatians 2:20). “implying that a strong purposefulness is God’s special joy” (Kidner p. 114). “the way of the wicked”-which means that I cannot be right with God until I give up my evil ways. But how many people think that God will save a wicked person, in spite of their wicked deeds? God is no respector of persons, if our ways our evil, then we will find ourselves condemned. This verse should make it clear that we can’t get away with a little more sin than the next person, because somehow God loves us a little bit more than the next person.

Life-Saving Reproof 15:10 There seems to be a progression of thought in this verse. “To be wayward is asking for a lesson; to be unteachable is asking for death”…it implies that the first state threatens to harden into the second, since those who most need criticism are most impatient of it, and most in danger” (Kidner p. 114). “The sinner is annoyed by discipline, correction, or true teaching, because they curb the indulgence of his passions, make him uneasy in conscience, and force him to look to future issues” (P.P. Comm. p. 292). Hence, be grateful when you


suffer some physical consequences because of your sins (at least you are still live!). Rebelling against such punishment is a sure way to end up lost. The good thing about being rebuked is that you are still alive to receive it!

Naked And Open 15:11 “Sheol”-the OT equivalent of the NT, “hades”. “Abaddon”-(ah BAD uh) (destruction). Probably refers to the portion of Hades known as torment, or the lowest depth of hell, like the term “abyss” in Luke 8:31. This is a “how-muchmore” proverb. If God can see perfectly into the realm of the dead, even realms removed from His blessings, then how much more can God see into the heart of every human being on this planet! “If God knows the secrets of the world beyond the grave, much more does he know the secret thoughts of men on earth” (P.P. Comm. p. 292). Compare with Psalm 139:7. The verse also infers that God reigns supreme in the spiritual realm. Even the devil can’t keep God from seeing everything he is doing. If God knows our thoughts, then it is very foolish to remain a hypocrite or a half-hearted and lukewarm member.

Speak To Us Smooth Things 15:12 The scoffer is not as fearless as he pretends! The unbeliever who claims that they aren’t afraid of the truth, who claims to have an open mind, is actually refusing to learn. “How much do we resent the slightest attempts of others to give us advice? How often do we rationalize it away by thinking, ‘He doesn’t know what he’s talking about’, or ‘If she’s so smart why isn’t she doing any better?’” (Alden p. 119). Compare with Amos 5:20; John 3:19-20. Those who claim that they aren’t afraid of anything are typically people who are very afraid of the truth. Character is demonstrated by continuing to appreciate and love those who give you constructive criticism.

Morale 15:13 The circumstances in life aren’t the important thing, rather far more important is one’s attitude. Therefore, spending time developing the right attitude and absolute trust in God will be far more beneficial than spending your time trying to insulate yourself from the problems of life. Depression and unhappiness will be the lot faced by the person who doesn’t have the right perspective. “Happiness and depression are issues of the heart. What a person is inwardly has more lasting impact on his emotional state than do his circumstances” (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 938).


What Did You Eat Today? 15:14 “seeks”-denotes effort, diligence and a devotion to the truth. People feed on folly for various reasons. Laziness, self-protection, peer pressure, fear of facing the truth about themselves, etc… “The fool is always gaping and devouring every silly, or slanderous, or wicked word that comes in his way” (P.P. Comm. p. 293). Just look in our society at all the foolish ideas which many people just seem to shallow and disgest without any moral qualms. How many people in our society are just content to feed on every human idea that comes down the pike?

Attitude 15:15 Our prevailing attitude colors our whole existence and personally. The comparison between “the afflicted” and the “cheerful heart” makes it clear that God is taking about someone who is inwardly afflicted. The contrast isn’t between poor people and happy people, rather, the verse can apply to an unhappy person in difficult circumstances and a happy person in a similar condition. “Wealth doesn’t bring happiness, in fact, according to an old friend, ‘Wealth only makes misery more comfortable’” (Alden p. 120). “has a continual feast”-compare with Hab. 3:17-18; Philippians 4:10-13. Which person are you in this proverb?

Poor But Rich 15:16-17 Circumstances are not as important as character and attitude. “The finest meat is found on the tables of the rich while vegetables are normal fare for the poor. Yet the menu is inconsequential…What is important is who you eat with; those you love or those you hate” (Alden p. 120). Hence, sacrificing all your principles to climb the social ladder is a foolish decision. Nice things and a beautiful environment cannot make up for a lack of character in the guests or the family. “Many people have found that a home where material possessions are few but love for each other is present is far better than a house of great opulence where people hate each other….hatred undoes all the enjoyments that good food might otherwise bring” (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 938). Verse 16 suggests that a family is in trouble when respect for God is missing. Standing in awe of God is a great preventative against worry, anxiety, distrust, hate, strife and so on.



15:18 The point is clear, “quarrels depend on people far more than on subjectmatter” (Kidner p. 115). “There is a kind of person who thrives on acrimony (anger) and who seeks a pretext to transform every difference or disagreement into a bitter legal contest, and there is his opposite who will do everything in his power to minimize contention” (Gaebelein p. 997). Do you thrive on contention, or do you seek to make peace?

Working Hard At Not Working 15:19 “The way of the sluggard is as a hedge of thorns”-“blocked with thorns or strewn with thorns”. Note that the sluggard or the lazy person is contrasted with the upright or honest person. “a reminder that there is an element of dishonesty in laziness” (Kidner p. 115). Trying to get around our responsibilities will only make our lives harder in the long run. The ironic thing is that, in the long run the sluggard will have to work harder to merely survive, than the diligent man for all this possessions. Laziness will naturally produce many obstacles which could have been avoided. Just look at the daily struggle which plagues the vagrant or runaway. Look at all the effort that must be put forth by a person who is trying to live off the system.

Only Hurting Myself? 15:20 The verse really captures the callousness and selfishness of the rebellious child. Such a child doesn’t love their parents. “Here rather than stating that folly in a son grieves his mother (as in 10:1) that reaction on her part is implied and the fool’s attitude toward her is stated” (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 938). But how often does our society make excuses for the rebellious child? How often do relatives and friends say, “But they are a good kid, and I think that they do love their parents”? How can you love your parents and be breaking their hearts at the same time?

What Do You Enjoy? 15:21 “Folly is joy to him who lacks sense”-“This saying brings out the element of choice in the career of the fool” (Kidner p. 116). But how many people argue, “This can’t be wrong, because I am enjoying it so much!” “The fool follows any whim of fancy” (Gaebelein p. 998). Worldly people often claim that if the “righteous” person will just let his hair down, he would learn to enjoy sin and would stopping preaching against it. But God says that people enjoy sin because they lack sense, i.e. only an ignorant and narrow-minded (a mind preoccupied only with their own immediate pleasure) person could enjoy what is 6

evil. Sin starts to lose its attractiveness when we understand reality. A wise man doesn’t see the pleasure in evil that others see, because he understands the cost to himself, others and God. He walks straight, not because he doesn’t want to have any fun, but rather, because he “understands”.

Get All The Advice You Can 15:22 The verse reinforces the idea that feelings and intuition are not the best advisors. Success requires getting some good advice. Compare with 11:14; 20:18; 24:6. Here is a warning for people who think that they don’t need anybody and try to make themselves an island. Life will be very frustrating for the person who tries to do everything their own way, or who thinks that everybody else is an idiot.

Verbal Craftsmanship 15:23 “A truth that makes no impression as a generalization may be indelibly fixed in the mind when it is matched to its occasion and shaped to its task” (Kidner p. 48). Timely words include words of encouragement, rebuke, or peacemaking. It is very satisfying to be able to give timely and fitting advice. And the Scriptures will give us the information and attitude we need to become such verbal craftsman (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

Few There Be That Find It 15:24 Only two paths exist. This is a common theme, we have the choice of choosing between two paths in life. One ascends and leads to life, the other results in death.

God’s Cause 15:25 “Widows, like the poor and fatherless, were especially vulnerable to the abuses of crafty and cruel men” (Alden p. 122). The inference, seems to be that it is the proud and arrogant who often try to take advantage of people who appear to be defenseless. The man who enriches himself by taking advantage of others (ripping them off), will find that everything he has built, his family, home, assets, etc….is built on a very insecure foundation. “suggests that these (the proud) are the highhanded, and the widow is their natural prey” (Kidner p. 116). “Land, a precious commodity to the Israelites, was marked by boundaries to preserve its original parameters (Deut. 19:14). Land was kept in 7

the family and its boundaries were important (Prov. 22:28; 23:10-11)” (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 939). God is the natural enemy of those who attempt to exploit the vulnerable members in any society.

Troublemaking And Peacemaking 15:26 Evil plans are hateful to God even before they issue forth in words or deeds. God’s laws have always taken a good look at the heart. But how many people will argue that they are good people, in spite of the fact that they are filled with anger, jealousy, spiteful, vengeful, and lustful thoughts?

Wealth That Is Cursed 15:27 The person in a hurry to get rich and who is not particular concerning how it happens, is about to bring ruin to himself and his family. This proverb reminds us of the trouble that Achan brought on his family, because he was greedy (Joshua 7). One can never really “get ahead” by compromising what is right and just. Compare with 1 Timothy 6:9-10.

Responsible Utterance 15:28 “ponders how to answer”-The idea of musing, meditating, carefully thinking about what would be the right thing to say. How would God want me to respond, what type of answer would glorify Him and magnify His truth? (James 1:19). “pours out evil things”- (15:2). Such a person just can’t say one cuss word and stop, rather they go on and on.

God, Near And Far 15:29 “far from the wicked”-in the sense that God doesn’t respond to the cries of the unrepentant (Isaiah 59:1-2). What a horrible condition to allow yourself to be in, to be in a state of mind and life where God won’t listen to you!

A Tonic 15:30 The bright eyes here may refer to the smile or radiant face of a friend or loved one. Never underestimate the value of a smile, cheerful face, or encouraging word. “People who trust instead of fret, who pray instead of worry, who thank God rather than complain, etc. are bound to have better health than those who do otherwise” (Hunt p. 194). “the man who is truly happy is affected


clear down to his bones” (Alden p. 123). And what better news could any of us have heard than the good news that is found in the gospel message! Our bones should be really fat!

Teachability 15:31-33 “life-giving reproof”-the schooling that wisdom offers is often very unflattering. 15:32 The person who rejects needed correction, actually doesn’t love themselves as they should. Refusing to listen to advice is a very slow form of spiritual and moral suicide. He is like the sick man who refuses to take his medicine. 15:33 See 1:7. The fear of God is not merely the gateway, but it is also the entire path to wisdom. At the moment that a person no longer holds God or His word in awe, that is the moment that they have departed from wisdom. Humility first, then honor, or in other words, God exalts those who humble themselves and humbles those who exalt themselves (Matthew 23:12; James 4:6)


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