I. Outline: I. In Praise Of Wisdom: 8:1-36 A. Wisdom As A Guide For Every man: 8:1-5 B. Wisdom And Morality: 8:6-13 C. The Rewards Of Wisdom: 8:14-21 D. Wisdom’s Role In Creation: 8:22-31 E. The Final Appeal: 8:32-36
II. Commentary: 8:1-3 Again we see that wisdom is accessible to everyone and that wisdom is crying out everywhere. This isn’t something reserved only for the elite, and neither is it found in some secret and far off place. But how many people have been told that a correct interpretation of the Scriptures is impossible, or that years of advanced human education is needed? “Wisdom stations herself in public places such as hilltops, intersections, and city gates” (Alden p. 70). “She takes her stand….in the most open and elevated parts of the city where she may be best seen and heard by all who pass by” (Hunt p. 92). “She is like a merchant hawking her wares. This would not seem to be a dignified posture for one so exalted as she, but the important point is that wisdom is for ordinary people---she is not confined to the academic classroom or to sacred precincts of the temple. Nor is she high atop some mountain where only the hardiest and most determined will find her….The attainment of Wisdom is not a quest but a response” (Garrett p. 106). Compare this section to chapter 1:20ff. Alden notes, “Crossroads represent places of decision where you can take a new direction, follow another signpost, or even get confused or lost” (p. 70). The idea could be that wisdom will confront you at various times in your life, over a lifetime people are given many opportunities to embrace God’s truths, to be honest, to look for God, to find the answers to questions about eternity.
Point To Note: Since wisdom is referred to in Proverbs as a “she”, some have attempted to argue that there is a female deity in the Godhead, or that there is a female deity who is distinct from God. A deity which some liberal denominational individuals today actually worship as “Sophia”. But wisdom isn’t a God (god), rather wisdom is an attribute that God possesses in a unlimited measure (8:22). In addition, every believer can possess this same wisdom. One writer notes, “Poetic expression often takes an abstract idea and talks about it as if it were a person. This is called personification. The wisdom referred to here…is a personification of the virtue or character of wisdom” 1 8:4 Wisdom is available to everyone! Her appeal is universal. This means: 1. No man or woman can live without such godly wisdom. 2. Even in societies in which the Bible might not be as prevalent as ours, this wisdom still can be found! (Romans 1:20; Psalm 19:1). 8:5 Pulpit Comm., notes that the “naïve” (simple) are those not yet perverted, but easily influenced for good or evil (p. 161). Far from being reserved only for some special or predestined class, wisdom is offered, and can be recognized even by fools and naïve individuals. Even hardhearted people can understand what the Bible is telling them (Matthew 21:45). This verse also infers that one doesn’t have to remain a fool, the fool isn’t a hopeless case! “Attainment of biblical wisdom is not so much a matter of intellect as it is faith and obedience” (Garrett p. 107). 8:6-7 There is nothing twisted, sinister or perverse about the teaching that wisdom has to offer. There aren’t any hidden or negative side effects. Wisdom is never wrong, it will never lead you astray. But how many people have been convinced that Christianity is to blame for all the problems in the past? How many people feel that one cannot follow the bible without becoming some sort of religious pervert or fanatic. No, you won’t go insane if you become a Christian! What wisdom has to offer is reliable (truth), and one won’t end up looking like a fool for basing their lives on such teachings (Matthew 7:24ff; 1 Peter 2:6 “and he who believes in Him shall not be disappointed”). 8:8-9 There is no hidden agenda and no deception in wisdom’s teachings (1 John 1:5; James 1:17). “Straightforward”-“Wisdom’s moral rightness is best appreciated by those who have made some progress in her paths” (Kidner p. 77). The person who gives wisdom a chance will find the teachings in the Bible plain and to the point. “there is nothing crafty or calculating in her teaching. She 1
When Critics Ask, Norman Geisler, Thomas Howe, pp. 245-256 2
has nothing to hide. Also her words are vindicated in the lives of those who know her” (Garrett p. 107). (Luke 7:35). 8:10-11 Before you set out to make your fortune—find wisdom first! Without such wisdom, material wealth can be wasted, and without such wisdom, even with a tremendous amount of wealth, happiness will still elude you. “knowledge and wisdom equip the user to make good use of what he has” (Kidner p. 77). “When you think of all the hard work, long hours, and years of intrigue, risk, and even crime people engage in to acquire wealth, you begin to realize the price-tag wisdom puts on herself in these verses” (Alden p. 71). Compare with 3:14; 8:19 and Psalm 19:10. 8:12 “prudence”-or shrewdness (in a good sense). True wisdom is canny and resourceful, and clearly isn’t naïve or gullible (Matthew 10:16). So much for the idea that Christians are ignorant or dupes. “I find”-wisdom will enable you to grow in knowledge, it will instruct you concerning how to be a good boss, employee, husband, wife, etc… 8:13 “The fear of the Lord is to hate evil”-in contrast, the wisdom of this world tries to justify and rationalize evil. The next thing that godly wisdom is opposed to is pride. Hence, don’t confuse wisdom and arrogance, or wisdom and selfreliance. “What is repugnant to godliness is repugnant to wisdom: there is no conflict of interest” (Kidner p. 77). Point To Note: Arrogant people who use immoral language, however intelligent they may be, are fools in the fullest sense that they are without wisdom. Hence, the atheist (theoretical or practical) is the biggest fool of all (Psalm 14:1). 8:14-16 The value of wisdom is seen in the fact that she enables rulers to stay in power and administer justice over multitudes. “Counsel, judgment, and understanding belong to wisdom; and that is power” (Gaebelein p. 945). “Political acumen (insight) and international statesmanship depend on wisdom” (Alden p. 72). “If men in authority need wisdom, it is for justice, not advantage” (Kidner p. 78). But how many people think that Christianity is of little use in the real world? Wow! Just think, the same wisdom that enables people to rule and administer justice on the national and international level---is the same wisdom that I have access to! Note, this wisdom isn’t restricted to a private school or some military academy, it is accessible to every man. “Wisdom makes a person courageous like a soldier of valor…The fact that many of Israel’s and Judah’s kings and her neighbors did not make fair laws shows that they lacked God’s wisdom” (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 922). 3
8:17-18 The emphasis in Proverbs is that wisdom is accessible only to those who seek it. Wisdom isn’t found by the apathetic or the scoffer (James 1:6-8). “Wisdom must be actively sought after; she is not hard to find but she can be missed if you constantly avoid her” (Alden p. 73). “Riches and honor…enduring wealth and righteousness”-The wealth that wisdom offers is coupled with dignity and godliness. The person who just wants to get rich quick won’t find wisdom. “The riches that come to the possessor of wisdom are genuine, not artificial substitutes” (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 922). Wisdom will prevent you from squandering wealth, hoarding it, flaunting it, or having wealth but at the same time poor taste and judgment. 8:19 “The word ‘yield’ is a term used in the marketplace; the verb focuses attention on wisdom’s ability to produce benefits far superior to what fine gold and silver provide” (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 922). Wisdom will enable one to enjoy material prosperity—a rare gift indeed (Ecc. 4:8; 5:10-11). 8:20-21 Many people want wisdom, but they don’t what godliness at the same time. But true wisdom and morality cannot be separated “Wisdom offers the way to prosperity, but it is a way completely devoid of any cynical manipulation of the world. It is based on principles that are woven into the fabric of creation (22-31), and thus those who follow her avoid self-destructive patterns. Refraining from both self-indulgence and schemes for quick money gradually but surely leads to a life that is healthy in every way” (Garrett p. 108).
Wisdom’s Role In Creation “Wisdom’s many claims are credible because of her association with the Lord in Creation” (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 922). What a promise! The believer can have access to the same type of wisdom as used by God in planning the universe! 8:22 “The Lord possessed me”-which makes it clear that wisdom isn’t a god or female deity. Rather, wisdom is an attribute of Deity. “at the beginning of His way”-Since wisdom is an attribute of God, wisdom is older than the physical creation. Wisdom isn’t something new, it isn’t the latest fad, and neither is it something that is yet untried or tested. We can look at the track-record of such wisdom. “Wisdom is claiming to be the first principle of the world and the pattern by which it was created” (Garrett p. 108). “wisdom is both older than the universe, and fundamental to it” (Kidner p. 78). “Beginning” can mean what is first in importance or first in sequence. 4
Point To Note: There is nothing strange about the believer being able to possess a quality that God possesses, for we are to love as God loves (Matthew 5:48). In fact, the moral character that we are to possess, is the same character that God possesses (Ephesians 5:1ff). We will never become Deity (not even close), but we can possess and manifest some of the moral attributes of God. 8:23 Is repeating or restating the thoughts of verse 22. 8:24-25 “brought forth”-“To say that at first He (God) lacked it and had to create or learn it, is both alien to this passage and absurd. It comes forth from Him; the nearest metaphor is that of birth” (Kidner p. 80). 8:26 Note the order of elements in these verses which parallels the creation account: World (23) and day one (Genesis 1:1-5); Water (24) and day two (Genesis 1:6-8); Land (25-26) and day three (Genesis 1:9-11). 8:27 “inscribed a circle on the face of the deep”- The Bible makes it clear that the earth is a sphere (Isaiah 40:22). “if Wisdom had a part in these two most awesome works of God (making the heavens and designing the oceans), surely she should be present if human endeavors are to succeed. Second, if the very universe is made in accordance with the principles of Wisdom, it is folly for anyone to live contrary to those principles” (Garrett p. 109). 8:28-29 So much for the idea that “the sky is falling”. The springs of the sea are also mentioned in Job 38:16. “Their strength mentioned here was manifested in the days of Noah when they burst forth (Genesis 7:11,19)” (Hunt pp. 100-101). “Sea its boundary”-(Job 38:8,10,11). “foundations of the earth”-(Job 38:4). Note, this doesn’t mean that the earth rests upon the backs of elephants, etc…, rather the Bible makes it clear that the earth hangs upon nothing (Job 26:7). 8:30-31 Wisdom is pictured as a master craftsman, which God used to create, design, order and beautify the universe. The verse is making it clear that the relationship between such wisdom and God is a harmonious one, i.e. in order to possess such wisdom you must have a relationship with God, it is a package deal. But how many people in the world have believed the myth that true science can be found apart from God? Or that godliness and Christianity stands in the way of acquiring wisdom? “Having my delight in the sons of men”-Man (Genesis 1:26-27), the pinnacle of Creation. From this verse it seems clear to me that wisdom is “user5
friendly”! God isn’t trying to keep people from acquiring wisdom, rather, human beings and wisdom can be perfectly matched! “If God involved wisdom in His creative work, then certainly people need wisdom!” (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 923). Point To Note: Now, what does all of this say about the person who can’t see any design or “wisdom” in the creation of the universe? Once again, let us be impressed that the physical universe was designed by godly wisdom and such wisdom is found in every aspect of how this world is created and ordered. The person who rejects God, will find himself going against the grain!
Her Plea And Promises 8:32 “If wisdom is that ancient; if wisdom is an eternal attribute of God; if wisdom was back there with God when everything was being created, then people should listen when wisdom speaks” (Hunt p. 101). Note that true blessedness or happiness is found with such wisdom. Contrary to what the world says, happiness isn’t found in foolishness, or being irresponsible and sinfully “care free”. But such happiness is only found by those who “keep” her ways. It just isn’t enough to think about wisdom or admire it from afar, one must practice what she teaches. 8:33 Note the freewill in this verse. 8:34 A person who wants wisdom must become a disciple or lover of wisdom. His or her life must be dedicated to her teachings. One cannot simply dabble in wisdom. One must order and prioritize his or her life around her. 8:35-36 Once again in Scripture we find only two possible paths in life. “One can sin against wisdom in several ways: by not desiring it, by not seeking after it, by not listening when it speaks, by not believing what it says, by not doing what it commands, by not desiring what it promises, and by not heeding its warnings” (Hunt p. 102). Note the graphic statement at the end, those who hate wisdom, in reality love death. But how often are we told that Christianity means the end of fun, happiness and joy? In reality, the sinner is choosing misery and hardship when her or she rejects God and His wisdom. The alternatives could not be more striking—it is a choice between life and favor and harm and death. There is no middle ground. 6
“the Gospel of John echoes the point of this life that life belongs to those who belong to God (3:15,16,36; 4:14,36; 5:24,40; 6:40,47,54; 8:12; 10:28; 12:25,50; 17:2,3; 20:31)” (Alden p. 75).