Joshua Chapters 1-3

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Joshua Chapters 1-3

Introduction 


Appropriately enough, this book is named after its principal character, Joshua. The name “Joshua”, means either “Save, Yahweh!” or “Yahweh saves”. The Grecized form of Joshua is “Jesus”. Joshua 24:26 reveals that Joshua himself recorded the information in this book. In addition: 1. Earlier in the book (5:1,6), there are passages in the first person plural (“we”). Such language clearly infers that the writer was a participant and eyewitness of these events. 2. Information given in the book demands that the book be dated prior to the time of Saul or David. “According to 9:27 the Gibeonites ‘unto this day’ were still ‘hewers of word and drawers of water’ around the tabernacle….This could no longer have been said in the reign of Saul (2 Samuel 21:1-9)….Certainly the references to Jerusalem (18:16, 28) show very clearly that at the time of writing it was inhabited by the Jebusites and had not yet been captured by the Hebrews under King David” 1 3. And according to 6:25, Rahab was still alive when the book was written. 


With the Exodus taking place around 1446 B.C., this means that the Conquest described in Joshua started around 1406 B.C. According to Caleb’s statement in Joshua 14:10, the major battles recorded in Joshua 1:1-14:1 lasted for a period of about seven years. From Joshua 24:29, we learn that Joshua was 110 years old when he died. If we assume that Joshua was about 30 years younger than Moses, i.e. 50 at the Exodus, 90 at the beginning of this book, then this book covers about 20 years. Some believe that Joshua was about the same age as Caleb. If this is


A Survey Of Old Testament Introduction, Gleason L. Archer, Jr., p. 264. 1

true, then Joshua would have been around 78 at the beginning of the book (Joshua 14:10). 


“The Book of Joshua directly continues the history found in the book of Deuteronomy. While the latter ends by reporting the death of Moses, the former begins by recalling this same event….The Book of Joshua can accordingly be divided into two main sections. The first section (chs. 1-12) describes Israel’s crossing the Jordan and, led by Joshua and aided by the Lord’s miraculous support, crushing the resistance of the Canaanites, thereby controlling the greatest part of the land west of the Jordan. The second section (chs. 13-24) mainly details the division of the Promised Land, where a particular territory was assigned by lot to each tribe (also to a few individuals, 14:13-14; 19:49-50)” 2 “The Book of Joshua portrays the nation of Israel at a high point but simultaneously at a crossroads in its life. It contains the glad report that Israel continued to serve the Lord faithfully, even when some time had pass after Joshua’s death (24:31); but it also does not hide the fact that the people’s heart basically remained the same (7:1-26; 18:3). It makes a veiled prediction that a remnant of the Canaanites would become a snare to Israel (23:13) and that Israel would be unable to maintain herself on the pinnacle where the Lord had placed her (23:15-16; 24:19-20). The Book of Judges vividly reveals how lamentable true this prophecy proved to be. The sermon contained in the Book of Joshua—viz., that God’s people, though having been blessed by His beneficent deeds, were nevertheless obligated to keep His covenant, to hold on to what they had (Revelation 3:11), and to guard against falling backward…..Here we encounter the people of the covenant at one of those relatively rare moments when they are allowed to enjoy the favor and fellowship of their God almost without interruption, when strong in faith they are able to perform bold deeds---one of those rare moments in sacred history when the ideal seems to be achieved for a time” (Goslinga p. 6).


Bible Students Commentary, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, C.J. Goslinga, p. 5. 2

Outline of the Book

I. CONQUEST OF THE LAND: 1:1-12:24 A. Joshua’s Divine Commission: 1:1-9 B. Preparations To Cross The Jordan: 1:10-2:24 C. The Crossing: 3:1-4:24 D. Circumcision At Gilgal: 5:1-5 E. Capture of Jericho: 6:1-27 F. Failure At Ai: 7:1-8:29 G. Reading Of The Law: 8:30-35 H. The Alliance With Gibeon: 9:1-27 I. Conquest Of Southern Canaan: 10:1-43 J. Conquest Of Northern Canaan: 11:1-15 K. Summary Of Joshua’s Campaigns: 11:16-12:24 II. DIVIDING THE LAND: 13:1-22:34 A. Joshua’s Instructions: 13:1-7 B. Land To Eastern Tribes: 13:8-33 C. Land To Western Tribes: 14:1-19:51 D. Cities Of Refuge: 20:1-9 E. Cities For The Levites: 21:1-45 F. Eastern Tribes Dismissed To Their Homes: 22:1-34 III. JOSHUA’S FINAL CHARGE TO ISRAEL: 23:1-24:33

Important Lessons for Us

1. God’s people can keep His Law! This generation faithfully served God, following God and being doctrinally sound is possible. In modern terms, we can be the Church that Jesus purchased with His blood, we can faithfully serve God! 2. Refuse To Get Side-tracked: In spite of Achan’s sin (Joshua 7) and some other momentary setbacks, this generation refuses to allow such things to be the final chapter in their history. When mistakes were made, such mistakes were


immediately corrected. This generation didn’t dwell on the mishaps of the past. 3. Success is only found when God is obeyed (1:8). Bad things happen when God’s truth is not consulted (9:14). 4. I must determine to remain faithful, regardless of what anyone else does (24:15). 5. Any compromise with evil with end up undermining God’s own people. 6. God will deliver on all His promises, so unbelief is inexcusable. God is never to be questioned, rather, the only question mark that exists is the one that is connected to our own determination to be obedient (21:43-45). 7. God is not wishing for any to perish---anyone, regardless of their past is welcomed by God—if such a person will humble themselves and submit themselves completely to God (the example of Rahab, chap. 2). 

Historical Information

In 1887 AD, an accidental discovery led to the unearthing of an entire file of ancient diplomatic correspondence at the site of the ancient Akhetaton (Tell elAmarna), the ancient capital of King Amenhotep IV. Such correspondence was written on clay tablets in Babylonian cuneiform which was the accepted language for international correspondence during the Egyptian Eighteenth Dynasty. The tablets are letters sent to Egypt from the kings in Canaan, which are urgent appeals for help. Foreign invaders have entered Canaan, which the Canaanite kings called the “Habiri”. The letters date from around 1400 BC to the later part of the reign of Amenhotep. They give the very distinct impression that the Habiri have come into the land in great force and are subjugating large tracts of land at a time. A portion of one letter reads, “Lost are the lands of the king! Do you not hearken unto me? All the governors are lost; the king, my lord, does not have a single governor left!” Many feel that these letters are secular confirmation of Joshua’s invasion.


Chapter 1 1:1 Joshua is a sequel to Deuteronomy, this book starts where Deuteronomy ends (31:1-8; 34:6-9). Once again, be impressed that the Bible is not a collection of books which really have nothing in common with one another. Rather, there is a definite beginning, theme, purpose and conclusion. This is real history! 1:2 Moses is dead (and Moses was a great man, Deut. 34:10-12), but God’s promise lives on. In contrast to discouragement, or a weak faith that might say, “Moses is dead, how will we ever survive?” God says, “Moses is dead; now therefore arise, cross this Jordan”. “But though Moses was dead, God’s purpose was quite alive” (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 328). Let us be impressed that the success of God’s purposes does not depend upon living legends. The apostles are dead, and yet we can still spread the gospel. All the inspired men of the past are dead, but we can still preach the word (2 Timothy 4:2). “Yahweh’s fidelity does not hinge on the achievements of men, however gifted they may be, nor does it evaporate in the face of funerals or rivers” (Joshua, No Falling Words, Dale Ralph Davis p. 18). Observe that Genesis ends with the death of Joseph, Deuteronomy ends with the death of Moses and Joshua ends with the death of Joshua. Here we are seeing the sting of sin amid God’s faithfulness. 1:3-4 Israel was on the verge of obtaining the land promised to Abraham (Genesis 12:7; 15:18-21). “Their territory would stretch from the wilderness (i.e. desert lying south of Canaan) to the Lebanon mountain range and the Euphrates river in the north, and from the territory they already occupied in the east to the Great (Mediterranean) Sea in the west. The Lord specifically indicates that ‘all the land of the Hittites’ would be theirs. The Hittites had in recent years been an international power which controlled territory in Syria and northern Palestine” 3 Remember, some 38 years earlier, Joshua had explored this good and fruitful land (Numbers 13:1-16). “The memory of its beauty and fertility had not dimmed. Now he was to lead the armies of Israel to conquer that territory” (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 328). 1:5 Moses had died, but God had not changed. Just as God had sent plagues on Egypt, parted the Red Sea, cared for and guided the Israelites in the wilderness— God would likewise be with Joshua. “I will not fail you or forsake you”: “Joshua is not told to grit his teeth and screw up his courage on his own; he is to be strong only because Yahweh is with him (9) and not because Yahweh prefers 3

The Books Of History, James E. Smith, p. 53. 5

leaders who are positive thinkers…A contemporary Christian reader might see this and say that’s all very nice for Joshua, but he was a noteworthy character….What about the plain Christian like me?” 4 But God also applies the above statement to every Christian (Hebrews 13:5). 1:6-7 “Be strong and courageous”: Because God would be with him. “Joshua is not told to grit his teeth and screw up his courage on his own; he is to be strongly only because Yahweh is with him and not because Yahweh prefers leaders who are positive thinkers…There is nothing more essential for the people of God to hear their God repeating to them amid all their changing circumstances, ‘I will be with you’ or ‘I will not forsake you’ (Hebrews 13:5-6)” (Dale Ralph Davis pp. 18,19). God does not encourage hype or overconfidence. Truly, a person can only be strong and courageous when they know that God is on their side. In like manner, we know that God wants people saved (2 Peter 3:9), so why are we timid when it comes to spreading the gospel? Why do we think that every attempt will end in failure? Why do we believe that false religions and the attractions of this world present too much competition? Where is our faith? “Many people think that prosperity and success come from having power, influential personal contacts, and a relentless desire to get ahead. But the strategy for gaining success that God taught Joshua goes against such criteria. He said that to succeed Joshua must (1) be strong and courageous because the task ahead would not be easy, (2) obey God’s law, and (3) constantly read and study the book of the Law. To be successful, follow God’s words…You may not succeed by the world’s standards, but you will be a success in God’s eyes—and His opinion is most important” (Life Application Bible). “To all the law”: The land could only be taken and retained, if the people were obedient to God’s instructions. God is only with us if we are respecting His authority (2 John 9). “I would be very dense indeed not to see the emphasis of chapter 1, as it is command four times: ‘Be strong and courageous’ (1:6,7,9,18). I say ‘commanded’ as a reminder to myself that this is an order, not a sweet nothing in my ear, as I am prone to make it. I have done this same injustice to many an imperative in Scripture…How do you ‘make yourself strong’ in a scary situation? Well, you can always ‘Whistle a Happy Tune’, like the song says. Or you can lie to yourself. Or you can speak truth to yourself…A lie is still a lie, even if you’ve been believing it for 40 years; and the truth is still the truth, even if you’ve been 4

No Falling Words, Expositions Of The Book Of Joshua, Dale Ralph Davis, p. 19. 6

believing it for only two weeks” (Andree Seu, “Joshua—Just one thing: chapter 1, 113-2009, Here is some truth that on this occasion Joshua could have spoken to himself to make himself strong: 1. “I have given (the land) to you” (1:3). That is, it’s a done deal in heaven; now just bring it forth on earth. 2. “The Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (1:9). “When God goes ‘with’ you, it’s not like your friend Harry going ‘with’ you on a trip. Harry is just company; God is power and protection” (Andree Seu). Even today, it is still, just like in Joshua’s time, all about “territory”. Joshua was commanded to take Canaan for God, and we are commanded to take the world for Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). In both cases we are dealing with repossession of territory from the enemy. “The convicting question is: Are we of the new army really up to it? Do we get up in the morning bent on warfare, determined to ‘take captive every thought’ and ‘put to death’ every unholy desire? Or is Ephesians 6 just talk?” (Andree Seu). 1:8 “This book of the law”: “Many critics argue that the Scriptures did not appear in written form until several centuries later but here is a clear reference to an authoritative Book of the Law” (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 329). Here we learn that Scripture was being written as soon as the events took place. “You shall meditate”: God offers the formula that leads of such obedience. “Constant, careful absorbing of the word of God leads to obedience to it…Joshua 1 and Psalm 1 alike tell us that a life pleasing to God does not arise from mystical experiences or warm feelings or from a new gimmick advocated in a current release from one of our evangelical publishers; no, it comes from the word God has already spoken and from obedience to that word” (Davis pp. 19,20). Joshua did not stand above God’s law, but rather even he had to be very careful concerning his obedience to it. “Constant, careful absorbing of the word of God leads to obedience to it. Lack of study results in lack of obedience” (Davis p. 19). 1:9 “Joshua was never to rely on his own wisdom or on the great size of the Israelite army, for no support could be found there” (Goslinga p. 39). Joshua is to be like the righteous man who is described in Psalm 1. “Have I not commanded you”: If God believes in something, then we need to believe in it, if God says that something can we done, or that we have the ability to live a certain way, then what greater proof or assurance could we ever have that such is completely 7

possible! The general assumption in the Old Testament is that the Law can be kept. “Is with you”: “God commanded fearless confidence because that is the only appropriate disposition for one who has God as a traveling companion” (Smith p. 54). 1:10-15 Without delay Joshua spoke to the commanding officers, who in turn spoke to the people. The words of Joshua have a ring of certainty, as he had taken charge with confidence. Two matters of business needed to be taken care of. 1. Provisions had to be gathered. Even though the daily manna had not ceased, the people were to gather some of the fruit and grain from the plains of Moab for themselves and their cattle. 2. Joshua reminded the tribes of Reuben, Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh, that though they had already received their inheritance east of the Jordan, they were committed to fight with their brothers (Num. 32:16-32; Deut. 3:12-20). “All your valiant warriors”: The other men in these tribes stayed behind to protect the women and children and insure that their inheritance wasn’t taken by outside forces. 1:16-18 Joshua’s words were well received. We must realize how important a good attitude is for seeing that God’s purposes are achieved. “Only” (1:17), such men realized that victory could only be realized if the Lord was on their side. “Joshua must have been encouraged when he heard these tribes acknowledge the importance of order, discipline, and submission to divinely ordained authority” (Goslinga p. 41). “Unity among God’s people is not idle luxury. This does not mean that we have to feel all sticky and gooey about each other, but it does mean that we must care enough that we don’t want any of the Lord’s children to get discouraged (Hebrews 10:25)” (Davis p. 21).

Chapter 2 2:1 In contrast to the original spy mission some 38 years previous (Num. 13:1ff), Joshua only sent two spies this time. “Joshua rightly knew that God’s promises (3-6) did not excuse him from his duty as general to make practical preparations for the conquest. From Shittim, a site northeast of the Dead Sea where Israel was encamped (Num. 33:49). Joshua sent two men to scout the terrain on the west bank of the Jordan” (Goslinga p. 42). “Jericho”: Lay in an oasis which had an almost tropical climate. The city stood two hours west of the Jordan. Date palms growing in the area gave it the name, “City of Palms” (Deut. 34:3). “The job given to the spies was not an easy one.


Jericho was located in an open valley. It was a walled city, and the people in the city were keenly aware of the danger from without. In addition to these problems we are informed that the Jordan was in the flood stage, overflowing its banks (3:15; 4:18; 1 Chron. 12:15)” 5 “Looming in the middle of the path the invaders must take the walled city of Jericho, the key citadel of the Jordan Valley which commanded the passes into the central highlands” (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 330). Jericho was not that large but it did have formidable fortifications. From a military perspective, everything here makes sense: “the Jordan formed less of a barrier here than elsewhere….The width of the valley here was a five hour’s walk, and a caravan route led past Jericho to the pass of Micmash, which gave access to the hill country. Anyone who managed to seize control of Gilgal and Jericho had gained a firm ‘bridgehead’ from which he could renew his attack even after an initial defeat” (Goslinga p. 42). “A harlot whose name was Rahab”: A woman that the New Testament views as a real historical person (James 2:25). Perhaps the spies chose this house of ill repute because they thought that fewer questions might be asked of them there. 2:2-3 But the spies were detected. “If Rahab was a sacred prostitute connected with one of the temples of the city that might explain why the authorities did not simply barge into the house and seize the strangers” (Smith p. 56). 2:4-7 “After flax stalks were pulled up at harvest time, they were soaked in water for three or four weeks to separate the fibers. Then, after drying in the sun, the flax was made into linen cloth” (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 331). Some have tried to argue that this is an example of where lying or deception is the right thing to do, and that a lie that saves the life of another is not wrong, rather it is the lesser of two evils. The problem with this is that God condemns both lying and murder (Revelation 21:8), and God has struck people dead for little white lies (Acts 5:1ff). The New Testament commends Rahab for her faith (Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25). Nowhere does the New Testament commend her for being deceptive, and nowhere does a biblical writer argue situation ethics from Rahab’s actions. Davis notes, “Bible readers must always be careful to distinguish between what the Bible reports and what it recommends, between what it records and what it requires. The Bible reports that Jacob had four wives; 5

Conquest And Crisis, John J. Davis, p. 33. 9

it is hardly encouraging us to do the same” (p. 27). Rahab was also endangering her own life. “Rahab’s intention was good, but the end does not justify the means. Nevertheless, the most important thing is that Rahab, who previously had been a heathen woman of ill repute, in principle aligned herself with Israel. This was a choice of faith” (Goslinga pp. 44-45). I really like what Davis says on this point, “it is clear from Scripture that God regards all lies as evil and sinful. For one to lie in this manner is for one to assume that he knows the outcome of a situation, which in fact, he does not. God has control of every situation and therefore it might well be the will of God that the spies should die. It is the job of the believer to represent the truth and allow the Lord to care for that situation” (p. 35). 4. In addition, there is a difference between Rahab telling a lie---- a woman trying to break from heathenism and doing her best to side with God, and someone lying who has been a Christian for many years. “It is tragic when people snag their pants on the nail of Rahab’s lie, quibble endlessly about the matter, and never get around to hearing Rahab’s truth (8-13) …That is like a wife who proudly opens the refrigerator door to show her husband the scrumptious salad and dessert she has prepared for their dinner guests; but her husband, scarcely glancing at those delicacies, instead rubs his finger across the top of the fridge and goes off muttering that ‘there seems to be a good bit of dust on the top of the refrigerator’. He missed the whole point!....Naturally, the New Testament does not fall into this trap. It consistently stresses the faith of Rahab (Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25)” (Dale Ralph Davis p. 26). 2:9-13 Reports about the Israelites had reached Jericho. In fact news that had taken place 40 years previous was still fresh in the mind of Rahab. This woman didn’t have the Scriptures, but she knew enough to place her trust in the true God! (11) The example of Rahab makes one realize that believing in God is not a matter of having an ideal environment, upbringing or a mountain of evidence, rather it is more a matter of a honest and good heart. Her example also condemns those who try to excuse people in “far-off’ lands that just couldn’t have enough evidence to believe in God. If Rahab can believe in God, then why can’t the person in India, Africa, China, etc..? Carefully note, contrary to the claims of Calvinism, the Holy Spirit did not overwhelm Rahab. She did not need the miraculous intervention of the Spirit to believe, and yet she was quite the sinner. Compare Rahab’s reaction to the information in Exodus 15:15-16; 23:27; Deut. 2:25. “Genuine faith never rests content with being convinced of the reality of God but presses on to take refuge in God….Amazingly, Rahab not only trembles before the terror of the Lord but also senses that there might be mercy in this fearful 10

God” (Davis p. 28). When it comes to salvation, we need to be like Rahab. Quick thinking, clear-minded, see the danger and flee to God for refuge (Acts 2:40). Faith comes from hearing (Romans 10:17), it is always based on some knowledge, data, or evidence. “Even couples who ‘fall’ in love don’t come to love each other merely by sighing or groaning or oohing or ahhing; rather they talk, communicate, find out about each other---their past, their likes, their dislikes, their character, and so on. Even romance has some basis in knowledge. So is the case with faith. Faith is not just warm, cozy feeling about God. Faith grows, if at all, out of hearing what God has done for His people” (Dale Ralph Davis p. 27). 2:15 “For her house was on the city wall”: “Houses, such as Rahab’s, constructed within the wall have been discovered by archaeologists in the ruins of ancient Jericho” (Gaebelein p. 263). 2:16 The mountains west of Jericho are honeycombed with caves. After three days the coast would be clear and the search parties from Jericho which were all around the Jordan would probably have been called off. Scarcely a half-mile west of Jericho are limestone cliffs about 1500 feet high. 2:17-24 The scarlet cord was made of bright material and it would be easily recognizable in the day of battle. 2:24 How different from the report of the majority of the spies at Kadesh Barnea who said, “We can’t attack those people; they are stronger that we are” (Numbers 13:31). Even though Rahab was a Canaanite, she and her family were spared. The exception to such passages as Deut. 7:1ff, seems to be that if an inhabitant of Canaan was willing to forsake their idolatry and align themselves with God that they could live. Be impressed that everyone in Canaan had basically the same information as that available to Rahab. People do not remain unbelievers solely on the basis of a lack of sufficient information. In view of God’s reality and His tremendous power, the vast majority of the Canaanites continued to rebel against Him.

Chapter 3 3:1 “Rose early in the morning”: Joshua was a man of action. Even though the Jordan was overflowing, and Joshua did not know how they were to cross, he 11

still believed that God would somehow make it possible. He proceeded to move the entire camp to the banks of the Jordan. “Having arrived at the river they stopped for three days. Time was no doubt needed for the leaders to organize the people. The delay also gave everyone an opportunity to get close and see the river, now a strong and rapid current due to the melting of the winter snows of Mount Hermon in the north” (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 334). 3:2-4 No army scouts would advance into the land, rather the priests with the ark were to proceed first. The people were to keep at least 3000 feet from the ark. “They were to have no casual or careless intimacy with God but a profound spirit of respect and reverence. God was to be considered not ‘the Man upstairs’ but the sovereign and holy God of all the earth” (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 334). 3:5-7 “Consecrate yourselves”: Inheriting the land was a matter of faithfulness and not human will-power. Spiritual, not military preparation was needed. Compare with Exodus 19:10-13. “As a person would prepare scrupulously to meet someone of earthly fame so it was appropriate for the Israelites to prepare for a manifestation of the God of all the earth” (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 334). The miracle that would follow would prove to the people that God was with Joshua just as God has been with Moses. Their leader was first-rate. On a side note, do we adequately prepare ourselves to worship God? “God’s people must be rightly prepared for God’s ‘show’ if they are going to appreciate it, if they are going to be fortified in faith. And, although Yahweh may not cut a path through rivers for His people every month or so, the principle remains. Do you prepare yourself for the practice of public worship of God? If we are not impressed with the grandeur of the living God in public worship, is it because we have not prepared ourselves to see Him as such?” (Dale Ralph Davis p. 34). 3:8-11 Joshua realized that God was the Lord of all the earth. 3:15 We need a little detail to appreciate what the river looked like at this time. The Jordan Valley between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea varies in width from 3 to 14 miles. Within this valley, the flood plain of the Jordan River varies from 200 yards to 1 mile. The flood plain is packed with tangled brush and jungle growth. The river channel is from 90-100 feet across, with a depth of 3 to 12 feet. The current is strong because of the drop in elevation, the Jordan on average drops 9 feet every mile. This means that the river Israel faced in spring time was no placid stream but a raging torrent, probably a mile wide and covering a mass of tangled brush and jungle growth. And yet, nothing is impossible with God. Be impressed that when Joshua saw the river at flood stage 12

that he didn’t request an extension of time in order to let the Jordan subside. Neither did he plea for a different route. “Now the Jordan is at flood stage all during the harvest”: Here the Holy Spirit tells the reader, “By the way, don’t let anyone try to convince you that this wasn’t a miracle, or that Jordan is only a little stream, or mere natural event, like a landslide could have easily stopped it. Don’t let people diminish God’s glory! God stopped a river at flood stage!” The Holy Spirit is informing the reader that He has already been to the future and heard the various arguments against this text in the Old Testament History class at the university! C.S. Lewis noted, “Do not attempt to water Christianity down. There must be no pretense that you can have it with the Supernatural left out. So far as I can see, Christianity is precisely the one religion from which the miraculous cannot be separated” (God in the Dock). 3:16 “Adam, the city that is beside Zarethan”: This location is usually identified with Tell ed-Damiyeth, about 16 miles north of the ford opposite Jericho. Clearly, this event was a miracle and cannot be explained away as some kind of freak earthquake or landslide. 1. The timing was exact (3:15). 2. The event was predicted (3:13). 3. The event took place when the river was at flood stage. 4. The wall of water was held in place for many hours, possibly an entire day. 5. The soft, wet river bottom became dry at once (17). 6. The water returned immediately as soon as the people had crossed over and the priests came up out of the river. The world is filled with teachers who have attempted to remove the miracles from the Bible and claim that events such as these were merely some strange natural occurrence, yet. The best explanation for an occurrence is the simplest and most straightforward. Or, if you are going to tell me that I can see believe in God and still believe that the river did stop, then “let me keep the miracle the way the Bible narrator told it” (Andree Seu).


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