V9 N1 Spring 1981 The Battleship 'Oregon'

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roR1A·o VOL. 9


NO. 1

THE BATTLESHIP OREGON The Union Iron Works of San Francisco laid down a new warship on November 19, 1891. She was the Oregon, an Indiana-class battleship destined to become one of the most famous ships of the U.S. Navy. Her construction was part of an effort to build a modem fleet after years of neglect of the Navy, due to preoccupation with internal development . The Oregon was launched October 26, 1893, but not commissioned until July 15, 1896. The Oregon displaced 10,288 tons and she measured 351 feet 2 inches long by 69 feet 3 inches broad. She drew 24 feet of water. Triple-expansion steam engines drove her at speeds up to 16 knots. The maximum thickness of her

steel armor was 18 inches and the main battery consisted of four rifled, breech-loading guns with 13-inch bores. There was also a secondary battery of eight 8-inch guns, supplemented by numerous smaller guns and six torpedo tubes. The crew numbered 473. In 1898 American diplomatic relations with Spain were strained over the Cuban insurrection against Spanish rule. When the U.S.S. Maine was destroyed by an explosion in Havana harbor in February, the American press blamed Spain and war was clearly impending. On March 12th Captain Charles E. Clark was ordered to take the Oregon to the East Coast. (cont., page 2)




FROM THE QUARTERDECK Late fall, 1981. That is our target for the long-awaited opening of the new building. At this writing, as finishing touches are being put on the building itself, plans for exhibit panels, cases, and other display fixtures that will constitute a "framework" for the collections are nearing completion. That work will soon begin. The new Columbia River Maritime Museum will be worth waiting for. Vastly improved and enlarged space for education, curatorial functions, public and membership programs, collections storage, and administration will substantially broaden our capabilities. It is the exhibits, however, that will have the greatest impact on the average Museum visitor, and it is here that change will be most apparent. Dramatic, informative, and attractive displays will tell the story of the Northwest's great maritime heritage. From the massive rudder of the Somali, a 19th century 4-masted bark, to delicate China Trade porcelains; from miniature ship models to the entire top of a lighthouse or the reconstructed pilot house of a Columbia River stemwheelerthe new exhibits will be unsurpassed. Michael Naab

which completely destroyed the Spanish squadron with negligible loss to the Americans. The rest of the Oregon's career was spent back in the Pacific where she cooperated with the Army during the Philippine insurrection and, at the end of World War I, served as escort for troop transports of the Siberian expedition against the Bolsheviks. Her final decommissioning was in 1919 after serving as President Wilson's reviewing ship for the arrival of the Pacific Fleet at Seattle. In accordance with provisions of the Washington Naval Treaty, the Oregon was rendered incapable of further fighting service in 1924, but she was retained on the Navy List as a naval relic. In 1925 she was lent to the State of Oregon, which restored the ship and moored her in Portland as a museum ship. Unfortunately, the Navy reclaimed the Oregon during World War II as scrap for the war effort. Her superstructure was cut down to the main deck and her interior was stripped. Her hull was then loaded with explosives and she was towed to Guam in 1944 to serve as a storage hulk. In 1956 the hulk was sold and scrapped at Kawasaki, Japan.


• THE BATTLESHIP OREGON, CONTINUED The Oregon left San Francisco on March 19th and proceeded around South America, weathering a dangerous gale in the Straits of Magellan. When she arrived at Jupiter Inlet, Florida on May 24th, her epic voyage had covered over 14,000 miles in 66 days. On May 28th the Oregon joined Rear Admiral William Sampson's squadron, which sailed for Santiago, Cuba to blockade Admiral Cervera's Spanish squadron. American troops were landed to attack this port and, on July 3, 1898, Cervera led his ships in a desperate attempt to escape. The Oregon played a distinguished role in the resulting battle,

Volunteers preparing membership mailing

A contingent of volunteers from the Columbia River Maritime Museum Auxiliary, consisting of Ebba Brown, Lila Collman, Paula Morrow, Margaret Mund, and Helen Webster, devoted a morning to preparing this year's membership lists for mailing. Their gracious assistance freed a good many hours of professional staff time for other duties and the Museum greatly appreciates their efforts. The present officers of the Auxiliary are: Helen Webster, President; Paula Morrow, Vice President; Betty Farmer, Secretary; Margaret Mund, Treasurer; and Sus Fulton, Historian. The standing committee chairmen are: Bea Bergey, Programs; Ottie Dreeszen, Publicity; Ebba Brown and Lynn Glynn, Membership; Nadine Oswald, Calling; and Ruth Pruzynski, Kitchen.

8th ANNUAL SHIP MODEL COMPETITION The Eighth Annual Ship Model Competition will take place at the Museum on Saturday, May 16, 1981. Any model of any type of vessel may be entered, provided that it is entered by the builder. Categories in which awards will be offered are: plastic kit models, wooden kit models, plan-built models, ships in bottles, fanciful models, and radiocontrolled models. Two sets of awards will be given in each category, one to adult entrants and one to modellers under age 15. For further information , write to the Museum or call (503) 325 -2323.

MARITIME WEEK May 16 to May 22 will be Maritime Week in Astoria, a period of observances intended to in crease public awareness of our maritime heritage. The Museum will participate with a number of special events. Our annual model competition is described above. An exhibition of lighthouse photographs by local photographer Andrew Cier will be on display in the Museum all week. We will be one of the sponsors of the 2nd Annual Salmon Run, a foot race starting at Hauke's Sentry Market at 1 :00 p.m. on May 17. The slide/tape presenta.tion "A History of Knappton Corporation" will be shown on May 19 in the Astor Library Flag Room at 7:30 p.m. The film "Ghosts of Cape Horn" will be run at the Clatsop Community College Perform - · ing Arts Center at 8:00 p.m·. on May 21. For more information about events, call Richard Fencsak at (503) 325-2323.

THE LOST LIGHTHOUSE The Cape Meares Lighthouse was supposed to be the Cape Lookout Lighthouse. The story began on July 6, 1788 ,when Captain John Meares of the Felice Adventurer was sailing southwards along the coast of present day Tillamook County, Oregon. He sighted a feature which he named Cape Lookout and made a description and illustration of it. Decades later, the U.S. Coast Survey somehow mistakenly placed the name Cape Lookout on its charts of 1850 and 1853 at another prominent cape some ten miles south of Meares' original location. This error was later realized, but George Davidson of the Coast Survey decided in 1857 that the mistake could not be corrected because the name Cape Lookout had already become too widely associated with the position given on the previous Coast Survey charts. Therefore, he made the change permanent by giving the name Cape Meares to the original Cape Lookout. This was, however, only the beginning of the confusion. The site of the presen~ Cape Lookout, the most prominent location of the vicinity from a naviga-

tion standpoint, was selected for a lighthouse and the land was duly surveyed and recorded. In 1889 the U.S. Lighthouse Establishment was ready to undertake actual construction, but through an inexplicable blunder, work began at Cape Meares, the original Cape Lookout, instead of the intended place. Access to Cape Meares was by a dangerous trail which was frequently rendered impassable by heavy rains. It was determined, therefore, that materials would be obtained at the site, so far as possible. A blacksmith shop was set up to produce necessary iron work, timbers were cut in neighbor ing forests, and bricks were made on the spot of clay from a nearby deposit. The incredible mistake in the location of the lighthouse was not learned until around the time of its completion in 1890. Moving the lighthouse was out of the question. Building another one at the intended spot on Cape Lookout, a mere ten miles away, was equally improbable, due to the costs involved. Ultimately, the government made a virtue of necessity and the Cape Meares Lighthouse was officially sanctioned. The lighthouse structure was only a small one, some forty feet high, since the lofty site placed the focal plane of the lens over 200 feet above the Pacific. The original illumination was by a fivewick kerosene lamp. This was replaced in 1910 by an incan_d escent oil vapor lamp. Electric power was installed in 1934, both for the light and the lens rotating mechanism, previously turned by weightdriven clockwork. Cape Meares was easily distinguished by its fixed white, alternating red flashing beacon, which was visible up to 21 miles out at _sea. No fog signals or radio beacons were installed at this station. An automated flashing white beacon replaced the original light in 1963 and the lighthouse is no longer a manned station.

Cape Meares Lighthouse

MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS, DECEMBER 31 - FEBRUARY 28 IRENE BEJAUL Mr. & Mrs . George Fulton Mr. & Mrs . Eugene Knutsen MARGARET BIELENBERG Mr. & Mrs . Eugene Knutsen RALPH BRYANT Mr. & Mrs . Allan Bue Mrs. Nora Bue Mr. & Mrs . Cecil Green The Herman Haggren Family Mr. & Mrs . Eric Hauke, Sr. Mrs . Olga Henningsen Mr. & Mrs . Marv Irby Mr. W. I.Josephson Mr. Elson Korpela JOHN W . CALKINS Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Bakkensen Mrs. Helen B. Tucker TOM A. D. CONLEY Capt. & Mrs.John P . Beale CHARLES H. DA VIS, III Mr. Thomas E. Autzen Mr. & Mrs . Graham Barbey Mr. William F. Blitz Mr. & Mrs. Wm. B. Feldenheimer Mr. Rolf Klep Mr. & Mrs . David C. Meyer FRANK DICKSON Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Catlin AXEL ENGLUND Mr. & Mrs. George T. Olsen LYDIA GARRETT Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mr. & Mrs . Eugene Knutsen JACK GREGG Mr. & Mrs . Robert T. Catlin EINER J. JEPPESEN Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos JOY KALLER Mr. & Mrs . George Fulton Mr. & Mrs . Wilbur Hissner Mrs. Jordis Tetli DORIS KLEP Mr. & Mrs . Lauren H . Conley Mr. & Mrs . Eugene Knutsen ADA LANDIS Dr. & Mrs. David I. Williams WILLIAM C . LARSEN Mr. Martin M. Bue Mrs . Nora Bue Ms. Sharon Bue Mr. & Mrs. Bill Monson Mr. & Mrs . David Palmberg

EINAR C. LAURU Mr. & Mrs . Andrew Olsen RALPH LESLIE Mr. Nick Stefanowicz Mr. & Mrs.John P. Syvanen ESTHER S. LUND Mr. & Mrs . Max E. Blumenthal Mr. & Mrs . Sven Lund Mr. & Mrs. Jon Lund Mr. & Mrs. John Nelson Ms. J. Hope Moberg HILDRETH LUPTON Mr. & Mrs. Graham]. Barbey FRANCES MAHONEY Capt. & Mrs. Kenneth McAlpin JOHN MORGAN McCLELLAND Mr. Rolf Klep Mr. & Mrs . Michael Naab TED MEYER Mr. & Mrs. A. J. L'Amie NELSON McCOOK, JR. Mr. & Mrs. Lauren H. Conley HAROLD A. MILLER Mrs. Emmett D. Anderson The Autzen Foundation Mr . Thomas E. Autzen Mr. & Mrs . John S. Baily Mr. & Mrs. William D. Ballard Mr. & Mrs. Graham]. Barbey Beverly J. Bergee Mr. Maurie D. Clark Mr. J. J. Davis Mr. & Mrs. John Dierdorff Mr. & Mrs. Franz B. Drinker Mr. & Mrs. Bill P. Duerfeldt Mr. Tim Ellis & Mr. Kenneth J. Carl Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Hayes Mr. John Blake Hering Mrs. Jane Hinsdale Mrs. Mary B. Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. Donald R . Holman Mr. & Mrs. Ronald]. Honeyman Mr. & Mrs. Lester M. John Mr. Lowell E. Kem Mrs . Lyle B. Kingery Mr. Rolf Klep Sir James and Lady McDonald Marsh & McLennan, Inc. Margaret M. Mayer Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm McCulloch Mr. & Mrs. Roger S. Meier Mr. & Mrs . Earl Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Theodore H. Miller Mrs . Ralph D . Moores Mr. F. Warren Munro Mr. & Mrs. Michael Naab Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Nordlund

Mr. John F. O'Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Wayne L. Ooley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rogers Mr. Ernest G. Swigert Mr. & Mrs. J. D. Manley Treece Mr. & Mrs . Thomas Vaughan Mrs. Jane Youell Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Zerbe JOSEPH W . NAAB, JR . Mr. & Mrs . Martin Adler Capt. & Mrs. Blish C. Hills Mr. & Mrs. John T . MacDougall Capt. & Mrs. Albert F. Wayne,Jr. Capt. James N. Schrader Mr . & Mrs. John M . Wigglesworth CARL J. PETERSON Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur F. Hissner Mr. & Mrs . Ragnor O.Johnson HELEN A. RAFFERTY Mr. & Mrs. George Abrahamsen Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Gunnari Mr. & Mrs. Herman Haggrcn Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur F. Hissner Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Hyde Mr. & Mrs. Ford Knutsen Mr. & Mrs. A. J. L'Amie Mr. & Mrs. William H. Larson Mr. & Mrs . Art Paquet WALTER TRUMAN RIDENOUR Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Bakkensen Capt. & Mrs. Joseph L. Bruneau Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Clark Mrs. B. E. Enlund Capt. & Mrs. A. P. Hammon Capt. & Mrs. Kenneth McAlpin Capt. Roger E. Nelson Mrs. Mary Risto la Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Swanson, Jr. U.S. National Bank of Oregon , Astoria Branch Dr. & Mrs . David I. Williams V. WILLIAM SEEBORG Mr. & Mrs. John A. Warren A . R. SMITH Dr. & Mrs. David I. Williams PETER V. T ADEi Aune E. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Arnold B. Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. Henry M . Gjovik Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Gunnari Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Johanson Mr. & Mrs. Ragnor O. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. A. J. L'Amie Mr. & Mrs. Larry W . Lindgren

ADVANCES IN THE NEW BUILDING Work is also going forward in preparation for the in stallation of displays . A metal overhead grid is now being installed in the main exhibit area to support the panels which will divide the space into thematic galleries . This system provides for future flexibility in exhibits by readily allowing changes in the allocation of space. Preliminary lists of artifacts available for inclusion in the various galleries have been prepared by Curator Larry Gilmore . The entire professional staff has been meeting to determine the themes to be dealt with in the exhibits. Mean while, Exhibit Designer Max Chance has laid out the basic floor plan of the galleries, based on drawings and a model which he prepared, and is now engaged in refining specific display concepts. The Museum has been fortunate in securing the services of four workers paid through the CET A Program of the .Federal Government. They are now being employed in preparing large artifacts, which require cleaning and painting, for display. Later they will assist in moving arti facts to the new building and installing exhibits. Completion of the exhibit research, design, and instal lation is estimated to require several months, but it is hoped that the new building can be opened around November of this year.

Installation of speakers in great hall

Gratifying progress has been made on the Museum's new building in recent months. Landscaping and planting have taken place on the grounds and much has been accom plished towards completion of the structure's interior. Finish carpentry, electrical work, painting, and installation of heating/ventilating ducts, light fixtures, and acoustic ceilings are presently well advanced. Cabinets have already been installed in the gift shop, kitchen, and da.r k room. Installation of unistrut grid in main exhibit area of new building

Designer's model showing floor plan of exhibits

Boats being prepared for display



Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. William Lindgren & Mrs. George A. Niemi & Mrs . George T. Olsen, Sr. Gus E. Peterson & Mrs. Frank E. Ross & Mrs. John P. Syvanen & Mrs. Richard F. Van Winkle

NATHAN VAN THIEL Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Knutsen Dr. & Mrs. David I. Williams



$1 ,000 single payment

Sponsor PILOT*

$500 per year


$100 per year

$250 per year

□ □ □ □


$50 per year


$25 per year

Annual Student *

$10 per year $7.50peryear

(Categories marked with• apply to individuals only)

NAME ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

PAUL VINES, JR. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Bakkensen Dr. & Mrs. David I. Williams

CITY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

KAY WEED Oregon Prospectors Raleigh Hills Athletic & Social Club GLADYS WIDEN Mrs. Ellen]. Brach

STATE _ _ _ _ _ __ ZIP_ _ _ __

HELMI WILKINSON Mr. & Mrs. George Joyce Mr. & Mrs . Patrick]. Maveety Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Morrow Mr. & Mrs. Ruben A. Mund Mr. & Mrs. Vincent M. Zankich

MABEL WILLIAMSON Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Knutsen DO NOV AN ZUNDEL Mrs. Marjorie R. Norris

NEW MEMBERSHIPS, INCREASED SUPPORT (*) DECEMBER 31 - FEBRUARY 28 PILOT Mr. Thomas R. Dyer, Seattle* SUSTAINING Mr. Paul Stenzel, Depoe Bay SUPPORTING Mrs. Berenice I. Baker* Coast Beverage Company * Mr. & Mrs. George C. Fulton* Captain James G. Purcell* Mr. & Mrs. James W. Spencer, Fair Oaks, CA * Thiel's Music Center * Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Tinker, Nehalem* Mr. & Mrs. Glen 0. Yates* Mr. William Zimmerman, Portland* CONTRIBUTING Anderson Jewelers * Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Anderson* Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Christian, Portland* The Compleat Photographer * Mr. & Mrs. James Henderson, Bainbridge Island, WA Mr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Jensen * Miss Christine Kammer, Lakewood, OH* National Society of Colonial Dames in Oregon One-Hour Martinizing, Astoria Mr. Arthur L. Smith, Warrenton* Mr. & Mrs. Harold H. Snow * Mr. & Mrs. Arnold C. Swanson

ANNUAL Mr. Steven]. Aamodt, Portland Mrs. Harry G. Beckwith Mrs. Evelyn D. Bredleau Mrs. Bianca Buccalari, Reno, Nevada Mr. Michael]. Cockerham, Portland Miss Sara E. Fulton, New York, NY Mr. & Mrs. David W. Hantke, Tillamook Mr. & Mrs. Frank K. Jones, Longview, WA



Mr. & Mrs. George Joyce, Laguna Hills, CA Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lorsung, Portland Mr. & Mrs . Wallace E. Martin, Eureka, CA Mrs. Susan O'Neal Capt. & Mrs.John C. Porter, Alameda, CA Mr. EarlJ. Smith, Portland Mr. & Mrs. Sheridan L. Stone, Seaside

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