V8 N4 Winter 1980 Columbia River Pilot Schooner 'John Pulitzer'

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VOL. 8






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COLUMBIA RIVER PILOT SCHOONER JOSEPH PULITZER The Joseph Pulitzer was originally a yacht, built for ocean racing between the United States' East Coast and Bermuda. Her first owner was Joseph Pulitzer, publisher of the New York Times . The two-masted, gaff-rigged schooner was built at Essex, Massachusetts in 1894. She measured 77 gross tons, 78 feet long, 22 feet broad, and 9 feet in depth. She subsequently became a New York pilot schooner and was reputed to be the fastest pilot vessel on the East Coast. Captain Peter C. Cordiner, a Columbia Bar Pilot, purchased the schooner at New York in 1898 for the recently formed Columbia River Bar Pilots Association (which then consisted of only eight members). Captain H .A. Harvey and a crew of eight brought the vessel from the East Coast, arriving at Astoria in the summer of 1899.

In 1900 theJoseph Pulitzer was licensed by the Wash ington Board of Pilot Commissioners, in addition to holding an Oregon license, after the only Columbia pilot vessel based in Washington lost her license as unsafe. Thereafter, three or four Washington pilots worked from the Joseph Pulitzer along with the Oregon pilots. The Port of Portland bought the Joseph Pulitzer in 1909 and had her fitted with an SO-horsepower gasoline engine for continued bar pilot service. By 1920, however, she had been acquired by Dr. Andrew C. Smith of Portland and converted entirely to power propulsion . She was placed in service as a mail boat on the Seward, Alaska -Aleutian Islands run. The old vessel was wrecked at Aniakchak on December 18, 1920.





FROM THE QUARTERDECK It is with a good deal of satisfaction that we look back on the events and developments of 1980. In spite of trends elsewhere, Museum attendance increased over the previous year. The membership rolls continued to grow, and the average dues contribution increased markedly. Additions to the collections were numerous, including several acquisitions of major importance. The arrivals of Curator Larry Gilmore in September and Exhibit Designer Max Chance in November have sub stantially enhanced the professionalism of the staff. Literally thousands of school children throughout the Northwest have benefitted from the Museum's education programs during the year, under Education Coordinator Rich Fencsak and his loyal corps of volunteer docents. Every member of the staff has truly been a credit to the Museum. Perhaps the most gratifying aspect of the year has been the progress made towards completion of the new building. While our goal to have the interior ready for exhibit instal lation by the end of December has not been achieved, we are not far behind. The work is progressing well, albeit more slowly than we would have desired. It is now estimated that the interior will be finished in March, after which construction of exhibit panels, cases, and associated display work will begin. Though it is not yet possible to set an opening date, it seems safe to say that the Museum will definitely open in the new building during 1981. As gratifying as this outlook is, however, it must be stressed that additional funds are still needed for the final phase. A financial status report on the building project will be mailed to Museum members early in the year. Michael Naab

NEW TRUSTEES AND OFFICERS Mr. Maurie D. Clark, an investor from Portland and Cannon Beach, Oregon, and Captain Mark D. Nicholas, a Columbia River pilot who resides in Portland, have been elected to four-year terms on the Board of Trustees of the Columbia River Maritime Museum. Re-elected to the Board at the Museum's Annual Meeting, held in Astoria on Friday, November 7th, were Mr. Thomas E. Autzen of Portland, John M. McClelland of Bellevue and Longview, Washington, Mr. George Stadelman of The Dalles, Oregon, and Mr. John A. Warren of Eugene, Oregon. Mr. Ronald J. Honeyman of Seaside, Oregon was re elected to a one -year term as President of the Museum. Mr. J. W. Forrester, Jr. of Astoria was elected Vice President. Mr. Fred A. Lindstrom and Mrs. Edith A. Henningsgaard, both of Astoria, were re -elected Secretary and Treasurer, respectively.

Planning of exhibits for the Museum's new building is well under way, with the addition of Exhibit Designer Max Chance to the Museum staff. Mr. Chance came to the Maritime Museum from Fort Wayne, Indiana, where he was Curator of the Allen CountyFort Wayne Historical Society for two years. From 1975 to 1978, he was Exhibits Designer at the Calvert Marine Museum, in Solomons, Maryland, and before that he held the position of Exhibits Specialist at the National Museum of Natural History, in Washington, D.C. Chance holds a Master's Degree in Fine Arts from Arizona State University and a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Kansas. He has also studied design at the Maryland Institute, Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, and the Smithsonian Institution. During his tenure in Fort Wayne, Chance was responsible for the design and installation of more than 15,000 square feet of exhibits in a recently converted museum building. At the Calvert Marine Museum, he was one of the original staff members, and played an instrumental role in

the development of that institution. That broad experience in developing new exhibits on a large scale was a major factor in the selection of Chance for the Maritime Museum post. According to Associate Director Michael Naab, "We were highly impressed by Mr. Chance's previous work and by his common -sense approach to exhibit design." All members of the Museum's professional staff, as well as Founder Rolf Klep, are involved in the design process. The Exhibit Designer's responsibility is to create, within the framework of concepts developed by the staff and the physical characteristics of the artifacts that will be displayed and the building itself, a three-dimensional system of exhibits that will be both pleasing and informative to the Museum visitor. Exhibit construction in the new building is expected to begin in the early spring, or as soon as contractors have completed their work on the building interior. Though no opening date has yet been established, Mr. Chance and Mr. Naab agree that it will be sometime this year.


Passengers assemble aboard #604 at Tongue Point, Museum founder Rolf Klep in foreground.

Arrival at berth next to the new museum

The Museum's largest single artifact, Lightship #604, arrived at the pier at the foot of 17th Street, next to our new building, on the afternoon of December 9, 1980. The short passage from the Tongue Point Coast Guard Base was made under tow by the tug Julius Brusco, the services of which were generously donated by Knappton Corporation. Coast Guard personnel assisted at Tongue Point before getting underway and Lieutenant Thomas Stewart, commanding officer at Tongue Point, and BM2 Kip Kendrick made the trip aboard #604. The crew of the cutter Yocona also gave help in securing the lightship in her new berth. Some of the volunteer crew which brought Lightship

#88 to the Museum in 1963 were also on hand for this event. Eben Carruthers, Bob Chopping, Lloyd Halsan, Mel Hjorten, Del Larson, and Don Mitchell were aboard #604 during the trip from Tongue Point, while Rolf Klep saw her off from Tongue Point and Bill Gamon met her at this end. Lightship #604, the last lightship to serve off the Co lumbia's mouth, was decommissioned by the Coast Guard on December 12, 1979 after being replaced with an auto matic buoy. She was turned over to the State of Oregon as surplus property and the State, in turn, donated the ship to the Museum. She will be opened to the public upon completion of minor modifications for safety and security.


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Lightship and tug Julius Brusco get underway from Tongue Point

View of McEachern Ship Company from Youngs River

McEACHERN SHIP COMPANY, ASTORIA SHIPBUILDERS The outbreak of World War I soon resulted in a worldwide shortage of shipping, due both to war losses and an increased demand for transportation caused by the war. Existing facilities for steel shipbuilding were inadequate to meet the demand. One consequence was that a boom in wooden shipbuilding began on the Pacific Coast of the United States and Canada, taking advantage of the less complex technology required to build in wood and the re gion's abundant timber resources. Old yards prospered and expanded and new ones were hastily established. Astoria saw its share in this development. The existing Wilson Shipbuilding Company expanded and two new shipyards, the G.F. Rogers Shipbuilding Company and the McEachern Ship Company, were established. J.A. McEachern of Seattle had secured a contract to build eight fourmasted auxiliary schooners for A.O. Anderson and Company, Norwegian shipbrokers who subsequently purchased

controlling interest in the yard which McEachern founded in Astoria. Ground was broken at the foot of Seventh Street on Youngs Bay on April 1, 1916. Initially there were five slipways and about 300 employees. G.M. Standifer and James Clarkson, notable figures in other shipbuilding enterprises, became stockholders and the company was known briefly during 1916 as the McEachern Standifer-Clarkson Company. Those men soon sold their shares, however, and the company reverted to its original name. McEachern's yard was the first of the new facilities in Astoria to launch a major vessel. She was the four-masted, bald-headed schooner City of Astoria, later listed in the registers simply as the Astoria. The tonnage of the wooden vessel was 1,611 gross and 948 net and she measured 229 .4 x 44 x 18.8 feet. She was equipped with two auxiliary 240horsepower Scandia semi-diesel engines and twin screws.

Launching of the schooner City of Astoria, October 28, 1916

View inside the McEachern shipyard

Her maximum lumber capacity was 1,750,000 board feet. She cost approximately $200,000 complete. Many of the war-built wooden vessels proved shoddy affairs which were unprofitable and short lived. The City of Astoria, however, received Lloyd's highest insurance rating for wooden vessels and she survived at least until 1930. The launching of the City of Astoria was a great local event. The Astoria Evening Budget and The Morning Astorian hailed it as heralding a new era in which shipbuilding would become the West 's greatest industry and which would see Astoria become a large city and major port. The citizenry responded appropriately. The afternoon of October 28, 1916 was proclaimed a holiday by the Mayor and some 5,000 people turned out for ceremonies which in eluded a parade with professional band, the usual speeches, a testimonial banquet, and a street dance. At 1 :00 p.m. Gertrude McEachern, the builder's daughter, christened the schooner, followed immediately by the launching. Considerable additional excitement was occasioned when the line attached to a drag anchor parted and the schooner drifted towards the bridge across Youngs River, which was crowded with automobiles and spectators . A wild scramble ensued as motorists scurried for safety before the vessel struck. Fortunately, there were no injuries and the vessel had slowed sufficiently that damage was limited to a scratched stern and a demolished section of bridge railing and a telephone pole . The shipyard subsequently completed the other seven schooners on order: Margaret, Astri I, Madrugada, May, Pauline, Carmen, and Evelyn . Meanwhile , the United States entered World War I on April 6, 1917 and McEachern retired from management of the yard in June. It was then taken over by Max H . Houser. The United States merchant marine was much too small to meet the needs created by U.S. participation in the war. Consequently, the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation was charged with carrying out a huge government shipbuilding program. Simplified standard designs were employed to facilitate rapid mass production and wooden ships were included in the program . M.H. Houser secured contracts from the Emergency Fleet

Corporation for McEachern Ship Company to build twenty wooden steamers, ten each of the Hough design and the Ferris design. Houser also planned to expand the shipyard from five to seven slipways and to build a large outfitting dock. Ultimately, however, the expansion was limited to one additional slipway. The war ended on November 11, 1918-long before most of the emergency program ships were ready to enter service. Doubts had already arisen about the seaworthiness of the hastily built wooden ships and even more about their ever filling a useful role in a peacetime merchant marine. Soon, therefore, the government began cancelling contracts for ships which had not yet been laid down or which were not far advanced in construction. McEachern Ship Company completed four Hough -type steamers, Astoria, Salmon, Benvola, and Makanda, in 1918. Six more, the Cotteral, Klamath, Flavel, Mahanna, and Alleben, were launched in 1919, though the last one had been finished as a barge. Contracts were cancelled, however, for nine of the ten Ferris steamers and the one launched, the Cabria, also emerged as a barge. This was the last hull ever built at this shipyard. The massive emergency program, intended to meet war losses, produced a glut of tonnage which tl:.e peacetime merchant marine could not absorb. With demand for shipbuilding virtually halted, McEachern Ship Company, like most other yards founded during the war, ceased operation as quickly as it had sprung into existence.

Launching a Hough-type steamer

MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS, OCTOBER 10 - DECEMBER 31 FRANK BAY Mr. & Mrs.John P. Syvanen RICHARD C. BERGER Columbia Marine Lines, Inc. ELMER BLOMQUIST Mr. & Mrs. George Abrahamsen Mr. & Mrs. R.A. Mund DR. DONALD CLARKE Mr. Rolf Klep WILLIAM P. CRANE Mrs. Joseph M. Dyer Mr. & Mrs. A. J. L'Amie AXEL ENGLUND Mr. & Mrs. Donald Aase Mr. & Mrs. Earl Anderson Astoria Marine Construction Co. Astoria Yacht Club Mr. & Mrs. Cecil H. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Joe Bakkensen Mr. & Mrs. 0. K. Berg Mr. & Mrs. Deskin Bergey Mrs. Lila Bjork Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Blomquist Capt. & Mrs. H. T. Bohlman Mr. & Mrs. C. Delmer Boman Mr. & Mrs. Henry Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Boyington Mrs. Ellen]. Brach & Family Mr. & Mrs. Ernest E. Brown Mrs. Ragna M. Brown Brownell & Company, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Allan Bue Mrs. Nora Bue Mr. & Mrs. Ted Bugas Mrs. Agda Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cordiner Mr. Dave Corkill Mrs. Vera Craig Mr. & Mrs. Arnold B. Curtis Mrs. Bessie Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Alf E. Dahl Mr. & Mrs.Jalmer Dahl Mr. Ottar Dahl Mr. & Mrs. Clarence 0. Dreyer Ms. Judie Dreyer Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mrs. Joseph M. Dyer Mrs. Wilma Englund Mr. Ed Fearey Mr. Michael Foster Mrs. William Foster Mr. & Mrs. Fred Fremstad Mr. Fritz Fremstad Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mr. & Mrs. Howard Gerttula Mr. Elwyn Griffith Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Gustafson, Jr. Mrs. Alice Hagg Mrs. Marguerite R. Hall Mr. Jon Hissner Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Hissner

Mr. & Mrs. Mel Hjorten Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hoff Mr. & Mrs. Gwynn Holt Mr. & Mrs. Richard Huckestein Mrs. Joyce Hyde &Jay Mrs. Hanna Isaacson Mr. & Mrs. Irving B. Iverson Mr. & Mrs. Harold Jacob Mrs. AlmaJacobson Mr. & Mrs. Art Johansen & Family Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Gil Johnson Mrs. GraceJohnson Mrs. MarthaJohnson Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Johnson & Family Mr. & Mrs. John Kalander & Family Mr. & Mrs. Toivo A. Kari Mr. & Mrs. Jim Kelly Mr. Rolf Klep Mr. & Mrs. Gene Knutsen Mrs. Helen E. Koski Mrs. Madeline Kvistad Mr. & Mrs. Rod Kvistad Mr. & Mrs. Ed Lahti Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L'Amie Mr. & Mrs. Frank Larsen Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Larson Mr. & Mrs. William H. Larson Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Lee Mr. & Mrs. Sam H. Lee Lethin Building Mrs. Elsie I. Lindberg Mrs. Marge Lindberg & Mike Mr. & Mrs. William Lindgren Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lindstrom Mr. & Mrs. William Loukas Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Lovell Mr. & Mrs. Einar Lovvold Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Sven Lund Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Lyngstad Mrs. Betty Matson Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Loran Mattson & Family Mr. & Mrs. Don Mitchell MI -TOI Inc. Mr. & Mrs. R. A. Mund Capt. & Mrs. Kenneth McAlpin Mr. & Mrs. W. F. McGregor Mr. & Mrs. Armas Niskanen Mrs. A. T. Nordquist Mr. G. Wallis Ohler Mr. Arne Oja Mrs. Mildred Oja Mr. & Mrs. Sven Osterlund Mrs. Garda Page Mrs. Frances Paldanius Mr. & Mrs. William Palmberg Mr. & Mrs. Art Paquet Mr. & Mrs. John Paquet Mr. & Mrs. Robert Paschall Miss Solveig Pedersen Mrs. Ethel Povey Dr. & Mrs. Frank Rafferty & Family Mr. & Mrs. William C. Reuter Mrs. Hazel Riswick

Dr. Harvey C. Rones Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Ross Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Runde! Mr. & Mrs. William Schatzel Mr. & Mrs. Earl Schenk Miss Julie Ann Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Schwenk & Family Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Seeborg Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Seppa Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Shaner Mrs. Elsa Simonsen Skold Lodge #98 1.0. Vikings Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Harold H. Snow Mr. & Mrs. Albert Sorkki Mr. Arthur L. Speke Mrs. Ruth E. Strickland Miss Adaline Svenson Miss Leila Svenson Miss Medora Svenson Mrs. Marie Swanson Mrs. Jordis Tetli Mr. & Mrs. Dan Thiel Mr. & Mrs. Charles]. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Frank Thorsness Mr. & Mrs. Carl H. Tolonen Mr. & Mrs. CarlJ. Tolonen Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Trout Mrs. Eth Vaale Mr. & Mrs. L. F. Van Dusen Mr. & Mrs. John Van Horn Mr. & Mrs. Forrest Vaughn Mr. Phil Veek Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Viuhkola Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Wascher Mr. & Mrs. Ed White Mr. & Mrs. K. W. Winters Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Wolfgram Mr. & Mrs. Fred Wolleson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Yanagawa GRACE FOLK Mrs. Marie Gustafson Mr. & Mrs. Warren E. Skaggs, Sr. CLARK GRAHAM Mr. & Mrs. Graham]. Barbey Mrs. Mary B. Hoffman ARTHUR GUNNAR! Mr. & Mrs. Walfrid Saarni ERNEST GUSTIN Mr. & Mrs. David R. Brooks Mr. Roger Brooks Mrs. Shirley L. Cole Mr. & Mrs. Harold Dahlgren Mr. & Mrs. Ray Lerback Mr. & Mrs. Howard Lovvold Mrs. Gertrude M. Oja Mrs. Elsie Osterlund Mr. Henry E. Ramvick HARVEY HALONEN Mr. Rolf Klep

MEMORIALS CONTRIBUTIONS, CONTINUED BLAIR J. HENNINGSGAARD Mr. & Mrs. Graham Barbey Dr. Edwin E. Boysen Mr. & Mrs. G. A. Coover Ms. Maxine Henningsgaard Dr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Montgomery Mr. & Mrs. F. Warren Munro Dr. Max H. Parrott Dr. Frederick C. Smith JOHN P. HESELIUS Dr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Montgomery HAROLD H. HOKKANEN Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs. Al L'Amie CHUCK JOW Mrs. Marie Gustafson ALICE KLEP Mr. & Mrs. Karl R. Klep DORIS KLEP Mr. & Mrs. George J. Altstadt Mr. Thomas E. Autzen Mr. & Mrs. Graham Barbey Mr. & Mrs. Deskin Bergey Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Blomquist Dr. & Mrs. Charles Browning Mrs. J. B. Burnett Mr. & Mrs. Ben A. Callaway Mrs. Agda Carlson Capt. & Mrs. James T. Clune Mr. & Mrs. Andrew John Cook Mr. & Mrs. Alf E. Dahl Mrs. Joseph M. Dyer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Dyer Mr. Richard Fencsak Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Forrester, Jr. Mr. Michael Foster Mr. Sam G. Foster Mrs. William Foster Mrs. Virginia Haseltine Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Hayes Mrs. Heida Hermanns Mrs. Hedwig Holde Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Honeyman Mr. & Mrs. Ronald]. Honeyman Mrs. Margaret Hughes Brig. Gen. & Mrs. J. Wilson Johnston Mr. & Mrs.Jim Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Karl R. Klep Mr. & Mrs. Ford Knutsen Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L'Amie Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Lovell Mr. & Mrs. David C. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Miller Dr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Montgomery Mr. & Mrs. Orvo Nikula Mrs. Marjorie R. Norris Mrs. Mildred Ragan Mr. Lee Richardson Dr. Harvey C. Rones Mr. & Mrs. Tom Sandoz Mr. & Mrs. Harry Swanson, Jr.

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. R. D. Thorne & Mrs. L. F. Van Dusen Frank M. Warren & Mrs. Coleman Wheeler, Jr.

FRANCES Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs.

MAHONEY Graham Barbey George Fulton, Jr. William A. Martin Harry Steinbock Harry Swanson, Jr. C. Harold Weston, Jr.

HILDA MITTET Mr. & Mrs. George Abrahamsen Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Dr. Harvey C. Rones RUSSELL S. MC CLURE Mrs. Agda Carlson Mr. Michael Foster Mrs. William Foster JOSEPH W. NAAB, JR. Mr. F. Betre Mr. C. Bourgin Mr. C. DesBouvrie Capt. & Mrs. William F. Cass Mr. Frederick W. Danforth, Jr. Capt. & Mrs. Larry L. Davis Capt. & Mrs. R. W. Goode Ms. Kathleen Hammond Mr. & Mrs. William A. Hoke Mr. & Mrs. Neil E. Humphreville Mr. Rolf Klep Mr. & Mrs. A. J. L'Amie Dr. & Mrs. A. D. MacDougall Ms. Patricia Bryden Manning Mr. & Mrs. Robert McCarter Mr. & Mrs. George F. Nelson Mr. A. Ody Ms. Helen Pajor Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. Pritchard Mr. A. Ranganathan Mr. D. J. Risen Mr. A. Sarni Capt. & Mrs. Charles Sharp Mr. Y. Urakawa Mrs. Ethel N. Wetmore Ms. Karen Shite Capt. & Mrs. Maynard F. Young DONALD NIEMI Mr. & Mrs. Herman Haggren Mr. & Mrs. Al L'Amie JOHN PREPULA Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Paquet Mr. & Mrs. Larry Telen & Family KATIE SCHOESSLER Mr. & Mrs. Dan Thiel V. WILLIAM SEEBORG Dr. Harvey C. Rones

CLARA M. STEFANOWICZ Mrs. Marie Gustafson FRANK STEINER Mr. & Mrs. James E. O'Connor DAMON TROUT Mr. Rolf Klep VICTOR E. URELL Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos DECEASED CREW MEMBERS, U.S.S. KNAPP (DD -653) CDR & Mrs. Heinrich Heine USN (ret.) KAY WEED Mr. & Mrs. C. Harold Weston, Jr. RAYMOND E. WESTON Mr. & Mrs. C. Harold Weston, Jr. WILLIAM D. WILCOX Mr. Thomas E. Autzen Mr. & Mrs. Graham]. Barbey Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gadsby, Jr. Mrs. Mary B. Hoffman Mrs. Jane R. Kendall MABEL V. WILLIAMSON Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton OKE KARL ZATTERLOW Mrs. Joseph M. Dyer Mr. Rolf Klep Mr. & Mrs. Art Sandstrom Mr. & Mrs. F. Richard Schroeder

NEW MEMBERSHIPS, INCREASED SUPPORT (*) OCTOBER IO-DECEMBER 31 PILOT Mr. Steven P. Eudaly Capt. Doug Krueger , Portland Mrs. Darle A. Maveety, Palo Alto, CA* Capt. Mark Nichols, Portland Miss Solveig Pedersen * Mr. G. A. Randall* Capt. Geoffrey L. Stone Mr . Hall Templeton, Portland * Mr. Coleman Wheeler, Jr., Portland * Mrs . Jane Youell, Portland*

* -also Life Member

SUSTAINING Capt. & Mrs. RobertG. Braun, Nehalem* Mr. & Mrs. Fred A. Lindstrom * Mr. & Mrs . Tom Sandoz Mr. & Mrs. C. Harold Weston,Jr., Portland* SUPPORTING Capt. & Mrs.John P. Beale, Longview, WA * Mr. & Mrs. Victor W. Horgan* Ilwaco Fish Co., Ilwaco, WA Mr. Henry T . Swigert, Portland * CONTRIBUTING Mr. & Mrs. Wesley J. Anderson, Manila, Philippines Mr. & Mrs . John S. Baily, Portland* Mr. & Mrs . Andrew J. Cook, Portland* Mr. & Mrs . William C . Farrens, Portland* Mr. & Mrs. Peter Gearin, Portland* Mr. & Mrs . Clyde A . Hamstreet, Newport* Mr. OliverM . Knode,Jr., Brevard, NC* Mr. & Mrs . Jeffrey A. Lampa, Silverton Ms . Sally Mallory, Independence L TJG & Mrs. Michael A . Monteith Capt. & Mrs . Kenneth D . Reynard, Friday Harbor, WA Mr. Jon L. Robins, Portland* ANNUAL Mr. & Mrs. Glenn A . Baldwin, Sr., Vancouver, WA Mr. Michael Ballard, Bardstown, KY Mr. & Mrs . Harold Beal, Vancouver, WA Mr. & Mrs. Don Chalmers, Troutdale Capt . & Mrs. David E . Ciancaglini Mr. Ken P. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Alvin K. Dahlen Ms . Lynelle Eckels, Denver, CO Mr. & Mrs . Ross Fearey, Lake Oswego Mr. Larry D. Gilmore Mrs . Neil H. Gilmore, Milton-Freewater Mr. Cecil L. Herrington, Hoquiam, WA Mr. David Herrold, Ilwaco, WA Dr . Russel Hunter Mr. William C.Jefferies, Ilwaco, WA Mr. John L. MacDaniels, Portland Mr. Ian McCrea, Victoria, BC, Canada



Life* $1 ,000 single payment $500 per year Sponsor PILOT* $250 per year Sustaining $ I 00 per year


Supporting Contributing Annual Student *

$50 per year $25 per year $10 per year $7 . 50 per year

(Categories marked with • apply to individuals only)


ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ CITY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

STATE._ _ _ _ _ __ ZIP_ __ _ _

Miss Linda]. Ober, Seaside Mr. & Mrs.James Peil, Elkhart, IN Mr. Robert E. Potter, Jr., Claymont, DE Ms. Norma Reeder, Vancouver, WA Mr. Roy Takala Ms . Betsy Trick, Ilwaco, WA Mr.James Trick, Ilwaco, WA Mr. & Mrs . John C . Wallace, Warren, PA

BUILDING FUND GIFTS The Adams Foundation Capt. Terrill M. Aitkin The Autzen Foundation Mr. Emil R. Berg Mr. & Mrs . Ernest E. Brown The Collins Foundation Colonial Dames of America Mr. & Mrs. Alvin K. Dahlen Mr. & Mrs . David L. Davies East Oregonian Publishing Co. Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Hayes

Mrs. Heida Hermanns Mr. & Mrs . William A. Hoke Hood River Distillers, Inc . Mr. & Mrs . Robert E. Kelly Mrs. RolfKlep (dee .) Knappton Corporation Mrs. Evelyn L. Lambert Mr. & Mrs . Floyd H. Larson Mr. Carl F. List Mr. & Mrs . Patrick]. Maveety Mr. & Mrs. H. W. McCurdy Ocean Foods of Astoria Mr. Paul Ogden Oregon Pioneer Savings Mr. & Mrs. G . A . Randall Mrs. Ferne Morse Reynolds Telephone Pioneers of America Mr . & Mrs. John A. Warren The Westland Foundation The Wheeler Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Coleman Wheeler, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William E. Young Non-Profit Organization

U.S. POSTAGE PA ID Astoria, Oregon Permit No . 209

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