V25 N4 The Year in Review: 1998-1999, Sailing into the Next Millennium at CRMM

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at the Columbia River Maritime Museum

The Year in Into Next Millenium

A review and newsletter from the Columbia River Maritime Museum at 1792 Marine Drive in Astoria, Oregon


Review: 1998-1999 Sailing

Alan C Goudy

Richard T Carruthers *

Jerry L. Ostermiller, Executive Director

Thomas F. Martin

Senator Sid Snyder

Duane McDougall

Jo h n McGowan *

Ted Zell

From the Wheelhouse

* Trustee Emeritus

Graham Barbey

Ronald Collman

Ted Natt in memoriam

Jim McClaskey, Vice Pres.

W. Louis Larson, Secretary

J.W. 'Bud' Forrester, Jr. *

Ken M. Novack


D o n M . H a skell



Chris Maletis

WardV. Cook

Charles Shea

June Spence


Endeavour departs the Columbia River after a fantastic 10-day port of call at the Columbia River Maritime Museum. Cover shot courtesy of Linda Dean.

This has been a year for a great deal of work behind the scenes. We made trips to Portland each week for meetings with architects, exhibit designers, donors, and corporate leaders. We hosted over 200 meetings in our Kem room in support of many diverse community organizations.

Dan Dutton

Cheri Folk

Larry Perkins

Samuel C. Wheeler

Joseph Tennant

When I review this year in perspective, what really stands out in my mind is that this is the year Board leadership really excelled. The pride and commitment demonstrated on every front has been nothing short of outstanding. I am sure that all of us are proud that we have ended yet another fiscal year solidly in the black. Finally, I want to say that I am very impressed, as I am sure we all are, by the amount of time personally contributed to the Museum by our board president Robley Mangold. His wise counsel and great wisdom has kept us on target.

This has been a whirlwind year for fundraising success with our Capital Campaign for the Museum's expansion project. We received a $1,200,000 challenge grant from the Meyer Memorial Trust, an endorsement which represents one of the largest single grants ever given to a non-profit in this part of the state and was exceeded only by the donations of our own board members, who have pledged a total of $1,300,000.

We also reroofed the first half of the main building without shutting down our operations. We achieved this by working hand-in-hand with the contractors 24 hours a day for two and a half weeks. This challenging project also resulted in upgrading our thermal insulation and bringing our roof up to current codes for fire safety.

Willis Van Dusen

Walter Gadsby, Jr

Peter Brix*

This is the year that the Astoria Trolley came online with the assistance of our staff serving as volunteers on the painting committee; and this is the year that the Astoria Waterfront walkway was extended from the Maritime Museum upriver to the East Mooring Basin.

So perhaps it is fitting that this year went by like a whirlwind, as all of our great progress and success has been accomplished in the blink of an eye.

E.H. (Ted) Halton, Jr

The QuarterDe ck , Vol. 25 No. 4

Jack Schiffer

Someone once told me that the greatest irony in life is how our sense of time increasingly compresses each year. Finding myself writing my 11 th Annual Director's Report covering our 37th year of Museum activity amazes me. It seems like just yesterday when I began writing my first Director's Report. And it seems like this last year has passed without even experiencing Spring, or for that matter, Summer.

Executive Director


Fred Fields

Captain Rod Leland

Senator Mark Hatfield

S. Kenneth Kirn

Hugh Seppa

Harold Wilde

Bruce Ward

Jack R. Dant in memoriam

Don Magnusen, Treasurer

Jon Englund

This was a banner year for our public interpretation program. We brought in not just one, but three large sailing ships to dock at the Museum. It has been one of the most productive years ever for outstanding educational achievements, as our programs received both national and international recognition.

Robley Mangold, President

Dennis Bjork

After guard

Board of Trustees:

Perhaps the most daunting aspect was the recruitment and training of the volunteers. Endeavourrequired three watches of 20 volunteers per watch for each of the nine days she was open to the public. Recruitment notices were placed in The Quarterdeck and in local , papers. 140 brave and intrepid volunteers signed on for the task of serving as Endeavour guides Training included a three-week lecture series on the life of Jarnes Cook presented by Museum Volunteer Byron Ruppel, Endeavour videos, and an onboard orientation. When all was said and done, over 1,676 volunteer hours were donated to the effort.

1999 in Review



Endeavour to the libraries of our local public schools. In the spring, a Building of Endeavour photographic exhibit was displayed in the KemRoom.

The highlight of the past summer was the visit to the Museum of three unique sailing ships In May the replica Lady Washington stopped at the Museum for a few days as part of her West Coast voyage. In June the USCG Barque Eagle made her first-ever stop in Astoria, Oregon. This special visit to the Columbia River Maritime Museum was an incredible honor. America's world class sailing ship moored for a day at the Museum before continuing upriver to Portland as part of a cadet training cruise. Free deck tours allowed over 3,700 people to walk the teak decks of this magnificent vessel while she was in Astoria.

The visit that produced the greatest opportunity for the Museum was that of Endeavour a replica of Captain James Cook's vessel ho~eported in Australia. Touted as the finest replica vessel afloat, the Endeavour was on the western leg of a world tour. Preparations for her visit began a full year before her scheduled arrival. To educate students and teachers about Endeavour and Captain Cook, an on-line curriculum was developed and in-classroom prograrns were presented The Museum donated books on

Endeavour's visit garnered much media attention. Her arrival was greeted by local and Portland area media including the ABC, CBS, NBC, and independent television affiliates. This coverage brought people from throughout the North Coast and Portland area to tour the vessel. At the end of the nine days Endeavour was open to the public 9,412 visitors had toured the vessel, making her stop in Astoria one of the most successful on her North American tour.

For the first time this summer visitors to the Museum were able to arrive by trolley. #300 is a welcome and charming addition to the waterfront.

As members and friends of our Museum, you can help with this effort. Your g ifts will en s ure our success and will help our Museum expand and grow in the coming century.

As you know, our Museum has been working to raise $5,000,000 to support this effort, and our success to date has been impressive. Our board of trustees has contributed over $1,000,000 toward our campaign. We have passed the $2,800,000 mark, and we are working now to complete the campaign by this coming summer

Cordially, Robley Mangold President and Campaign Chair

Charting a New Course

1999 has been a year of sea change for our Museum. We have all been busy with the visits of three tall ships, the addition of new traveling education programs, and the cataloging of our Museum Library.

The QuarterDeck, Vol. 25 No. 4

Just as important, our Museum has embarked on a new course, one that will create new exhibits, a new theater, an expanded library and classroom space, a new gift shop, and a stunning new entrance and waterfront plaza. These changes will create a new Museum ready to enter a new millenium with promise and strength.


I invite all of you to 'sign on' as supporters of this exciting project.


The Columbia River Maritime Museum thanks the following individuals for their service as trustees and for their loyal dedication to the Museum.

As members and friends of our Museum, you can help with this effort. Your gifts will ensure our success and will help our Museum expand and grow in the coming century. I invite all of you to 'sign on' as supporters of this exciting project.

Dear Friends and Members:

James Gilbaugh Chet Makinster Scott Palmquist Herbert N. Steinmeyer

Dr. & Mrs . James Gilbaugh showing off Jim's trustee service award at the 1999 Annual Meeting.


There are also many ways to recognize your support or to remember or honor a family member or friend. You can adopt a bench, sponsor an exhibit or underwrite a children's activity. There are many other ways to be recognized. To find out about recognition items at all levels of support, call the Museum at (503) 325-2323.

The Columbia River Maritime Museum has been fortunate to receive a $1,200,000 challenge grant from the Meyer Memorial Trust. This grant must be matched dollar-/or-dollar by donations from individuals.

Senator and Mrs. Mark 0. Hatfield

Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Brix

Mr. and Mrs. James McClaskey Mr. and Mrs. John S. McGowan

The Swigert Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tennant

The Columbia River Maritime Museum thanks and recognizes the following donors for their generous contributions to the Charting a New Course campaign. To date, the Museum

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Natt Jerry Ostermiller and Lynne Johnson Bob and Sandy Patterson

Mr. and Mrs. Ward V. Cook

The QuarterD eck, Vol. 25 No. 4

The Shea Foundation Mrs. June Spence


The Lorene Sails Higgins Trust Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kim

has raised over $2,800,000 toward its $5,000,000 goal. We hope that with the help of all of our members, we will reach our final goal during the summer of 2000.

Mr. Samuel C. Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Ted Zell

Don and Carol Haskell

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Perkins Rob Rudd and Kathryn Bourn Bob and Grace Rudd Mr. Jack Schiffer

The Clark Foundation

You can help the Museum reach its goal by making a gift to the Charting a New Course campaign today. Gifts may be made with cash, appreciated stock, real property, or through other ways. You can make your pledge payable over up to three years and the Meyer Memorial Trust will match all of your gift.

The Wessinger Foundation Mrs. Coleman Wheeler

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Collman

Mr. and Mrs. W. Louis Larson Captain and Mrs. Rod Leland Mr. and Mrs. Don Magnusen Mr. and Mrs. Robley L. Mangold

Del and Cheri Folk

The Columbia River Maritime Museum has been fortunate to receive a $1,200,000 challenge grant from the Meyer Memorial Trust. This grant must be matched dollarfor-dollar by donations from individuals. To date, the Museum has raised $200,000 toward this match. Now, we must raise an additional $1,000,000 from our friends and members to qualify for the Meyer Memorial Trust's grant.

Meeting the Challenge

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. DeArmond

Meyer Memorial Trust David Myers


Van Dusen Beverages Mrs. Margo Grant Walsh

Mr. James F. Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Goudy Mrs. Donna M. Gustafson

$$ Double Your Dollars $$

Mr. and Mrs. JonA. Englund

The Jordan and Mina Schnitzer Foundation Mr. and Mrs. HughA. Seppa

Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Carruthers Capt. James Clune The Collins Foundation

Fiscal Year 1998-1999



Program 63% The QuarterDeck, Vol. 25 No. 4

specified by the Trust. This fund began the year with a market value of $450,000 and ended withamarketvalueof$495,000.

Memberships 16% , V ,,.,. Admissions Endowmen1 Capital Expansion 15%,

Museum Income Sources

Rolf & Alice Klep Charitable Trust: Although this trust is not owned by the Museum, we are the beneficiary of earnings which are transferred to the Museum Income Fund quarterly. This portfolio has a current market value of $2,403,000 plus a real estate portfolio. These latter two funds are managed with an emphasis on growth and earnings by the Trust Department of US Bank as overseen by trustees. During 1999 trustees conducted a thorough evaluation of portfolio performance and agreed to add two new money managers for the new fiscal year.

Special Projects Fund: This fund reflects gifts & grants given to the Museum for education, new exhibits and specific programs including the CRPA Photo Cataloging and Molly Watkins and the Secret of the South Jettyeducationbook.Thebeginningfund balance was $84,000, which represents a number of projects spanning multiple years. Gifts, grants, and interest payments for this fiscal year were $42,000 and expenditures were $80,000, leaving an ending balance of $46,000. Expenditures for these funds will continue through the next fiscal year as the projects are completed.

CRMM Endowment: This endowment was created with funds received from a Charitable Remainder Trust in 1998. The fund had a market value of $181,000 at the beginning of the year, and ended the year with a market value of$182,000. $9,000 of income was used to support the Museum's general operations as specified by the donor. These funds are managed by Union Bank of California's Trust Department as overseen by the trustees of the Museum.

The following is the report of financial condition for the Columbia River Maritime Museum's fiscal year, which ended September 30, 1999.

Capital Campaign: This fund has been established for a major building renovation and new exhibits with a goal of $5 million. As of September 30, $2,801,000 had been received and pledged for the project.

Museum Income Fund: This fund ' created in 1993 by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, is used to hold the earnings from the Rolf & Alice Klep Charitable Trust, and mirrors that portfolio asset composition. Earnings from the Klep Trust and the Income Fund are used for general operating as

General Operating Fund: This fund experienced revenues of $759,000. Expenditures were $731,000, resulting in a positive balance of $28,000.

Treasurer's Report

Museum Expenditures Fiscal Year 1998-1999

Donald W. Magnusen Treasurer

dollars in lieu of paying a professional agency.

Therefore, Endeavour's economic impact on tourism for the Astoria business community was $257,000.

Approximately 30,000 pieces were placed along the North Coast from the Long Beach peninsula iiiiii;;:::~;:;,::;:===~!'!1111~n to Tillamook. The department is gaining more support from radio and TV stations. With the visit from three tall ships and the excitement of the capital campaign, the Marketing Department maximizedits media placement.

Marketing and Public Relations

70% of (9,412)= 6,588 people toured from out of town.

70 % of the visitors were from over 50 miles away as per Endeavour surveys.

The QuarterDeck, Vol. 25 No. 4

The Economic Impact of Endeavour to the Astoria Business Community


9,412 people paid to tour Endeavour.


The Oregon Tourism Commission reports that on the average, pleasure travelers spend $122 per day for a group of 3.1 people. Thus, $122/ 3.1= $39/per person per day spent.

With the addition of our full-time Media Relations Manager, Mary Davis, the Marketing and Public Relations Department made a media splash this summer. We started the season with a volunteer marketing distribution of Museum information including rack cards, membership brochures, and summer event information

$39 per person x 6588 people= $257,000.

The media outreach program allows the Museum to place information about Museum events at a minimal cost in a variety of publications and news centers around the Northwest. This outreach program where we contact individuals in the media increases the effect of our paid advertising.

The Museum's involvement in the Oregon Tourism Commission's Attractions Group, the Portland Oregon Visitors Association and the Astoria/Warrenton Chamber of Commerce's Lower Columbia Tourism Council gives the ability to participate in cooperative advertising and benefit from networking opportunities . These partnerships provide the Museum the ability to participate in advertising that otherwise would be cost prohibitive.

This summer season alone, the department assisted in the development of more than 85 free newsprint articles worth over $45,000 (the cost to purchase the same amount of publication). This conservative number is only a percentage of the actual articles that ran , and we owe many thanks to our volunteers who clip newspaper articles that highlight the Columbia River Maritime Museum; we couldn't track these statistics without their watchful eyes The service that they provide saves us thousands of

We anticipate continuing our strong media relations as well as building more partnerships to provide the Columbia River Maritime Museum with future success .

We made "house calls" to the media in Portland for the visit from Endeavour, and that launched stories on each of the network news affiliates and news broadcast stations. Although these values are more difficult to track, what this means is ... We had some great placement!!

This summer season alone, the Department assisted in the development of more than 85 free newsprint articles worth over $45,000.

The history of the Coast Guard and its predecessors was the theme for new school outreach programs developed during the year. The Museum's Coast Guard-related programs were awarded the 1999 Certificate of Commendation from the American Association of State and Local History (AASLH). The

Molly Watkins and the Secret of the South

The emphasis of the department was to continue to improve and expand school programming and to increase adult educational opportunities at the Museum. As a result, in 1999 the Education Department produced award winning programs! Semper Paratus: The Coast Guard in the Northwest

Molly Watkins is a fictional story written and designed by education and curatorial staff. The book serves as a multi-disciplinary curriculum resource for use by 5t h and 6th grade teachers and students. The story is about a young girl and the mysterious object she finds while beachcombing. Through Molly's research at the Columbia River Maritime Museum and correspondence with her kindly old Uncle Jasper, a former lighthouse keeper, she discovers what the item is and where it came from. Along the way Molly, and the reader, are introduced to Coast Guard and Northwest maritime history, science, and the role and importance of museums. Over


• The Adopt-A-Ship/Adopt-A-Class Program received a letter of commendation from USCG Commandant Admiral Loy, and is used as a model for educational programs Coast Guard-wide.

Educational Awards Received 1998-99


• The In Their Footsteps documentary film was featured as the opening presentation at the 1999 International Conference of Maritime Museums (ICMM) as an example of educational partnerships.

ThefirstyearoftheMuseum'sAdopt-AShip/Adopt-A Class Program received a letter of commendation from USCG Commandant Admiral Loy, and is being used as a model for educational programs Coast Guard-wide. This program paired local elementary classes with the USCG Cutters Steadfast and Alert. The cutters served as learning laboratories to supplement and enrich classroom education.

Through visits to the cutter and Museum, classroom visits by the crew, "at sea" updates, and a study guide prepared by the Museum, students sharpened their math, science, social studies, and critical-thinking skills. The program came to an exciting end with the classes spending a day aboard their adopted cutters.


AASLHAwardsProgramis the nation's most prestigious competition for recognition of achievement in local, state, and regional history.

• The Museum's Coast Guardrelated programs received 1999 Certificate of Commendation from the American Association of State & Local History (AASLH).

adventures of C.G. Bear, a "crewman" aboard the Steadfast. C.G. posts patrol updates, photos, and answers maritime history questions. He has received questions from throughout the country and is used by local elementary students learning how to send messages and do research over the internet.

Meet the Museum's Education Dept. mascots-CG Bear & Scuttlebutt.

The QuarterDeck, Vol. 25 No. 4

A spin off to the Adopt-A-Ship Program is the C.G. Bear web page. Housed on the Museum's web domain, the pages follow the


This graph illustrates the figures of Museum visitation. It highlights the effect that special events have on attendance. Although overall visitation to the coast has declined , the Museum continued to boost attendance by sponsoring premiere events that drew visitors from throughout the Northwest.

Lifelong Learning


300 schools throughout the Northwest currently are using this resource in their classrooms. Molly Watkins and the Secret of the South Jetty was made possible through a generous grant from the Rose E. Tucker Charitable Trust.


In Their Footsteps has garnered national attention as an example of the use of computer technology in museums and creative collaborations. It was featured in an opening presentation at the 1999 International Conference of Maritime Museums (ICMM) in Philadelphia, PA as an example of partnerships. The Education and Curatorial Departments partnered with Astoria High School in a year-long project that turned the Museum into a classroom. Two or three mornings each week students spent a portion of their school day at the Museum researching, creating, and assembling a multi-media presentation about Astoria's history.Using the latest in computer technology, Museum artifacts and photo collection, the students produced a 20minute program entitled In Their Footsteps. Shown throughout the summer, the program introduced Museum visitors to the rich stories behind the artifacts.

New this year is the family-oriented guide to the Museum, Scuttlebutt. The guide includes a discovery tour of the Museum and activities for children to complete at home. Scuttlebutt encourages families to actively explore the Museum together, and has proven to be a great success.

Visitation Museum Attendance for 1997 - 1998 and 1998 - 1999 14000 ENDE AVO UR 12000 USS MC " · .---10000 \ .· .. 8000 2% 10% 6000 2%; 44% .•·· · 4000 .· .. 13% 98-99 •. 2000 -16% -26% 5% -•- 97-98 -7% if:' ~0 -,:s"" o/ .,, -,-s f:>.,.:; #'?-.;; ,._e, c:,°"' The QuarterDeck, Vol. 25 No 4

High School Partners

With a commitment to lifelong learning, the Museum presented a series of adult education classes. A five-weekNavigationfor NonMariners class instructed participants on celestial navigation, chart reading, and course plotting. Richard Fencsak reprised his always popular 10-week Columbia River History course. International maritime photographer Thad Koza presented two tall ship slide shows to packed Kem Room audiences. Coast Guard historian Dennis Noble talked about the life and times of Captain Mike Healy. Indian storyteller Ed Edmo presented his one man show, Celilo Falls: A Place, A Memory. FamilyFun

Our librarian, Arline Schmidt, and curatorial volunteers are now re-housing and cataloging the Museum's extensive photo collection This is a collection of over 10,000 photos that will be made more accessible to researchers while allowing better protection of the photos.


Some of the most interesting collections include artifacts from the New Carissa, a spectacular model of the sailing vessel Emily Whitney, which was a first prize winner in the Museum's Annual Ship Model Competition in 1980, and even a full Officer's uniform and awards from a crewman of USS Knapp.

The Library has continued to grow in its use. The completion of the computer cataloging of the Library collection has allowed for a more user friendly library and has made research much more approachable. An entirely new audience has found an interest in the Museum through our web site. This year we received over 100 research questions and donation queries via email. This is a 100% increase from the previous year The internet has increased our exposure to an international level, with research queries on the Columbia River and the Pacific Northwest arriving from all over the world.

In the past year four new exhibits were displayed at the Museum, both in the Kem Room and the Great Hall. Highlights included a photo show on the building of Endeavour and the very popular exhibit and video presentation of the wreck of the New Carissa. The video follows the story from the first calls made to the floundering ship from the Coos Bay Coast Guard to the final sinking of the forward section by the US Navy. A day does not go by when a crowd is not watching and discussing this exhibit in the Museum's Great Hall.


The Museum now has its own monthly column in The Daily Astorian The Curator's Comer runs every fourth Thursday in the Coast Weekend section of the paper. We have received much positive feedback from the community and are grateful to The Daily Astorian for this opportunity.

This has been an especially busy year for the Museum, and the Curatorial Department was no exception. With all the visiting ships and the great exposure of the Museum in the media, donations continue to rise. This year over 80 artifact collections were accepted into the Museum's archives. This is the largest number of donations since 1995.

The coming year will present some exciting challenges for the curatorial team as we prepare for the Museum expansion. The collections storage and library will be relocated this winter, to prepare for the expansion project, and then the exhibit design for the Great Hall will begin this coming fall

The QuarterDeck, Vol 25 No. 4

It is amazing in this time of information overload that our recorded images and knowledge of the world actually, in a way, are slowly diminishing. Photographic negatives from the early days of photography are all succumbing to the ravages of time. But now new technology has allowed Museums and Libraries around the world a way to slow this progress, by creating a digital copy of that historic image.

Preserving the Past: the web or CD-ROM. The Museum Launches Digitization Project The Columbia River Maritime Mu-


seum is taking an active role to preserve and to share its collection of over 2000 negatives and photographs from the Columbia River Packers Association, Bumble Bee Seafood, and Union Fish archives' documented collection. These images from the 1940s and 1950s document all aspects of the salmon fishing business, its workers, boats, and history. All of these images currently exist only in negative form which are very fragile and difficult to view.

CRPA Project

These digital versions are not intended to replace the originals. They serve an important role in helping preserve the original photos by allowing researchers an alternative version to study, plus allow worldwide access to a photograph or document collection through


Each 4" x 5" negative will be captured by a high resolution scanner and entered into a searchable computer database. It is estimated that this will take most of the next two months to accomplish. After the scanning has been completed the next step in the project is to produce a publicly available CD-ROM of the best of this collection. This is the first major step in the Museum's efforts to make our entire collection of photos even more accessible.

The QuarterDeck, Vol 25 No. 4


The QuarterDeck, Vol. 25 No. 4

From the Membership Desk


Photo courtesy of the Longview Daily News.

What an exciting time to be a member! We are embarking on a fantastic voyage of change here at the Museum. With expansion plans for the Museum starting to become a reality, there will be more activities to offer our members. The planning is underway, so be watching for some new and exciting events coming your way. Of course, without the support of you, our members, through your annual membership contributions, we would be unable to provide these fun and educational events, fulfilling our larger mission of relating our maritime heritage to the greatest possible audience. Thanks to all of you!

Ted was enthusiastic about all museum activities. For example,the day Endeavour arrived at our dock on July 24th , Ted was there. He pointed to this exquisite replica ship and said, "Now that dog hunts!" He had that wonderful big grin and was clearly having fun welcoming this ship to Astoria on behalf of what he considered the finest maritime museum in the world. We will all miss Ted, but his memory lives on at the Museum. There is so much here that will remind us of him and all that he has helped us to accomplish.

In Memoriam

Looking for a Holulay Gift? Museum memberships are the perfect gift for everyone on your holiday gift list.

We would like to take this opportunity to remember one of our most respected trustees. Ted Natt was killed in a helicopter crash this summer. He was a past board president and one of our most active members. Ted felt strongly that the future of the Columbia River Maritime Museum would be determined by the decisions and sacrifices each of us would make.

Memberships make great holiday gifts!

Ted was clever, bold, and forceful in his leadership. Ted worked hard to geographically widen the board and persuade big businesses to financially support the Museum. Ted believed we needed to drive harder to expand our remodeling plans. Ted always reminded us that we had better have fun while we are at this or we are all missing the boat.

Looking for a holiday gift? Museum memberships are the perfect gifts for everyone on your holiday gift list, especially for those friends or family members who seem to have everything. We will be happy to send the gift packet to you for your personal note, or we can send it with your best wishes. It's as easy as picking up the phone. If you'd like to order a gift membership or if you need further information, please call the Membership Department Monday through Friday at (503)325-2323.


Join us on December 19th for the Museum's annual W interfe st Program. This year in a welcome addition to the festive activities and entertainment, we are honored to include a special book signing event. James P. Delgado, Executive Director of the Vancouver Maritime Museum of British Columbia will be here to autograph his latest book, Across the Top of the World. Mr. Delgado is the past Maritime Historian for the National Park Service and head of the U.S. Maritime Preservation Program. He is the author or editor of 20 books, including Dauntless St. Roch:The Mounties' Arctic Schooner, Ghost Fleet: The Sunken Ships of Bikini Atoll, Great American Ships, and Encyclopedia of Underwater and Maritime Archaeology.

Gross sales for fiscal year 98/99 were $182,400. Merchandise expense for the 98/99 fiscal year was $95,000. General Fund transfers throughout the year total $36,752 with a year-end transfer of $33,000, bringing the total General Fund transfers to $69,750, up 5.6%.

Each year your Museum Store tries to produce at least two new products carrying our name and logo. This year a new shoulder patch and a three-season Columbia Sportswear jacket join the ranks.

The Museum Store enjoyed the fair winds and profitable sailing brought by the three visiting tall ships, the Lady Washington, the USCG Barque Eagle and the replica of Captain Cook's H.M. Bark Endeavour.

The QuarterDeck, Vol. 25 No. 4

Join us on December 19th for the Museum's annual Winterfest Program. This year in a welcome addition to the festive activities and entertainment, we are honored to include a special book signing by James P. Delgado.


Wintry Tale at Winterfest

tions from stark firsthand accounts and using 200 dramatic images to bring the cold Arctic world to life. Across the Top of the World, by James P. Delgado $35 .00/$31.50 hb

Across the Top of the World covers nearly four centuries of brave and bold adventurers hoping to find the fabled Northwest Passage. In an epic tale of tragedy, determination, and human struggle to best nature in one of history's greatest enterprises, Delgado takes us on the icy trail. Across the Top of the World re-creates this spellbinding saga, drawing on quota-


Museum Store

What a Wonderful Year!

• We also say goodbye to Elaine Rusinovich, Museum Education Assistant. During her three years at the Museum, Elaine developed the Museum in the Schools program into a highly successful Museum offering that reaches over 3,000 local students annually. We wish Elaine the best ofluck in her new endeavors.

Longtime Museum volunteer DianaMcAlpin passed away in October. Diana was a Museum supporter since it's earliest days. She volunteered in the Museum Store and served as a docent. Most recently Diana was an active member of

The Quarterdeck is published four times a year by the Columbia River Maritime Museum, 1792 Marine Drive, Astoria, Oregon 97103

Printed at : Printing Arts Center, Longview, Washington 14

• We bid farewell to John Davis, Museum custodian. John retired in August after 17 years of service. We wish John the long, happy, and relaxing retirement that he deserves!

• We welcome four additions to our staff. Jackie Gilde has joined the crew as our Development Assistant. She will work to expand Museum membership and member opportunities.

• Bonnie Bergstrom has signed aboard as Museum Education Assistant. Bonnie and her family have recently moved to the coast from Hagerman, Idaho where she was in charge of special education for the school district. Bonnie

The Quarterdeck

• The new face in the Museum Store is Museum Store Assistant Frances Burham. Frances brings to the Museum an avid interest in books and history and an enthusiasm to share these interests with our visitors.

Editor: Mary Davis

• Jeff Smith has joined the crew as Collections Manager to help during the Museum expansion. A native of North Dakota, Jeff moved to Oregon during his middle school years. A graduate of Portland State University with a degree in history, Jeff began his museum career at Oregon Historical Society before moving to the Clatsop County Historical Society.


will develop and present Museum in the Schools programs.

• We are sad to report the passing of two members of our Museum family. John Gaw, Museum volunteer, passed away at the end of September. John had volunteered at the Museum since 1995, and in that time had donated over 1,100 hoursofhistimeto the Museum. As a keeper on the lightship Columbia, John could be found each Friday sharing his knowledge with Museum visitors. His love for all things maritime led him to be involved in many Museum activities including maintaining exhibits, serving as a guide on Endeavour and Missouri, inventorying collections, building ship models to be used in education programs, and writing a lightship handbook. John's warm smile and presence will be sorely missed and fondly remembered by all who had the privilege to knowhim.

• In October, a lecture series by Byron D. Ruppel, Lewis and Clark Revisited, explored the lesser discussed aspects of the Lewis and Clark journey of discovery. 50 people attended the four-week course, the first in a series of programs the Museum will offer in preparation for the Lewis and Clark bicentennial.

News and Notes

Editorial Staff: David Pearson, Jerry Ostermiller, Gail Rogers, Patricia Turner Custard, Nikki Bryan

• Congratulations to David Pearson for his promotion to Curator. After a nation-wide search it was determined that Dave was the right candidate to help take the Museum through the expansion process. Dave had been serving as acting Curator during the interim as well as continuing his duties as Associate Curator of Exhibits.

The QuarterDeck, Vol. 25 No. 4

Telephone: (503)325 2323 Fax: (503)325 2331 E mail us at : columbia@seasurf.com www.crmm org

Volume 25, No 4

• When members, friends, supporters and trustees of the Columbia River Maritime Museum met at the Seaside Convention Center for this year's annual membership meeting and banquet, they were greeted with a first-hand glimpse of the Museum's planned renovations and improvements. Exhibit designs as well as architectural models and drawings were on display. The engaging dinner featured guest speaker Bill Milwee, a member of the Unified Command for the New Carissa casualty. As the Responsible Party's On-Scene Coordinator for the New Carissa salvage operation, Mr. Milwee gave an in depth analysis of the predicaments and peril associated with the modem-day shipwreck.

Patricia Turner Custard

Museum Staff: Russ Bean

Jeff Smith

Celerino Bebeloni Chris Bennett

the Museum'sAuxilliary. The Museum extends deepest sympathy to Diana's family and friends.

(www.crmm.org) is Scuttlebutt's Maritime Museum Mystery Tour. This interactive story allows young readers to solve mysteries while going on a virtual tour of the Museum.

Rachel Wynne Christina Young

Charlotte Jackson

Bonnie Bergstrom

• Thanks to a grant from Trust Management Services, LLC the Museum has begun the Footsteps Oral History Program. Eight ninthgrade students are spending their study hall class period this semester collecting oral histories of community members. Each student selected a lower Columbia River history topic that interested them, did research on the topic, and with the help of Museum volunteers serving as mentors, selected people to interview. So far 20 oral histories have been collected covering the subjects of bar pilots, Coast Guard, Astoria during World War II, canneries, horse seining, and the building of the Astoria-Megler Bridge. The students will combine the histories with photos from the Museum's archives to create web-pages. Read more about this in the next Quarterdeck.

• On May 4, 1999, 76 young photographers from six area high schools were sent out to capture the life and character of the ColumbiaPacific community. Supplied with a camera and given only 24 hours, the students' goal was to tell the story of the region its people, economy, recreation, and environment- through pictures. 26 of the photos captured that day are on display in the Kem Room as the exhibit, "A Day In The Life." The program was developed and coordinated by Jon Graves, PSU Community Outreach at MERTS and Ed Hunt, editor at tidepool.org. The exhibit will run through December 10th

Jerry Ostermiller

The QuarterDeck, Vol. 25 No. 4

Mary Davis

Sheila Radich

• Sealore: Seafarers, Sirens, and Serpents will be the topic of the program to be presented February 26th at 2:00 in the Kem Room. FolkloristTwilo Scofield will present an eclectic collection of sea lore from ancient legends to tall tales to the beliefs of modem day sailors and fishermen. The program is sponsored by a grant from the Oregon Council of the Humanities.

• A capacity crowd filled the Kem Room September 11 th to see Ed Edmo' s one man show, Celilo Falls: A Place, A Memory. Ed portrayed a Columbia River Indian fisherman remembering Celilo Falls and the upheaval caused by the building of the Dalles Dam. The performance was co-sponsored by the Center for Columbia River History as a part of their Castles Lecture series.

Hampton Scudder

Nikki Bryan

David Pearson

Gail Rogers

Jackie Gilde

Rob Rudd

• The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) awarded the Museum a $112,500 General Operating Support Grant in September. IMLS is a federal grant-making agency located in Washington, D.C. that fosters leadership, innovation, and a lifetime oflearning by supporting museums and libraries. Museums that qualify for a General Operating Support Grant demonstrate outstanding performance in all areas of museum operations. The Museum received the largest amount of money that is given to any institution for this particular grant program.



Frances Burham

Jim Nyberg

Arline Schmidt

• Anew addition to the Museum's web-site

Ed Luoma

James Gilbaugh KennyGinn

Betty Farmer

Carol Moore


John Carlson

Sasha Rappaport

Harold Wilde

Hugh McKenna

Bob Chamberlin

Irene Drage

William MacLean

Walt McManis

Lauren Arena

Hugh Seppa

Jim Colee

John Gaw

Jim Servino

Samuel Wheeler Nancy Wilcox

Don Magnusen

Bill Williams

Jim Lanzarotta

Byron Ruppel

Alan Goudy

Richard Fencsak

Ryan Holmstedt Scott Holmstedt

Kirk Wintermute Anne Witty

Jim Bergeron

Margie Cochrane

Lynne Johnson

Peggy Roeser

Jack Schiffer

Willis Van Dusen, Jr. Willis Van Dusen Matt Weidman

Gurie O'Connor

Ted Zell

Britta Lundin

Lori Peterson

Peter Brix

Bob Chopping Jeanne Clifford 16

Robert Neikes

Rob Mangold Joan Mann

Pat Samuelson

Jon Englund

Ted Natt

Freddy Sennhauser

Beatrice Bergey

Graham Barbey

Laura Martin

Donna Gustafson

June Spence

Dan Townsend

Dr. R. P. Moore Anne Morden

Lila Collman

Brian Puhl

Erica Johnson

Jim Holtz Paul Jackson

Bill King

Louis Larson

Frankye Thompson

Katherine Bourn

Don Morden Jennifer Mortensen

Ryan Snyder

Roma Bigby

Dick Olsen

Georgia Maki

Thorne Hilts

Bud Brant

Dr. Bud McKinney Jean McKinney

Dave Bennett

Byron Cochrane

Jim McClaskey

The QuarterDeck , Vol 25 No. 4

Buddy Custard Linda Dean

Jonathan Harms

Amor Estandian

Annabell Miller Dorothy Millikan

Kristy Ann Chamberlain

Don Marshall

Scott Palmquist

Fred Schott

Evelyn Hankel Judy Hansen

Don Haskell

Tom Wilcox

Lucille Easley

Charlotte Childs Gordon Childs

Rich Hoffman

Aaron Campbell Wilma Caplan

Irene Martin

Vera Steiner-Blore Herbert Steinmeyer

Rod Leland

Ricardo Perez

Harvey Black

Senator Mark Hatfield Anna Henningsgaard

Larry Perkins

Cheri Folk

Chris Holmstedt John Holmstedt

Barbara Engbretson

Helen King

Bob Peterson


Lorraine Berg

Dorothy Comstock Ward Cook

Florence Jacobson Alicia Johnson

John L. Goodenberger Peggy Goodenberger

Jim Maher

Orabelle Bruneau Ben Cadman

Yvonne Starr

Faith Harris

Ken Kirn

John Mann

John McGowan

Carol Ray Charles Ray

James Benoit

Jennifer Stanton

Richard Carruthers

Al Gabel

The QuarterDeck, Vol. 25 No. 4

Mike Carlson John Mann

Phoebe Daniels Helen King

Sheryl Ohler

Kay Higdon

Marilyn Gilcher

Beverly Rolfe

James Tompkins

Edith Miller

Bob Chamberlin

Jake Bowser Craig Harmel Beth Salsen

Howard Walters

Thorne Hilts William Wells

Richard Powers

Jane Smith

Jenn Smith

Terry Clifford

Lois Sheker

Herman Tisalona Byron Cochrane

Linda Frahm

Endeavour Guides

James Proctor

Anne Morden

Doug Barker

Don Morden

Lydia Morisette

Bob Moyer

Susan Carter

Barbara Engbretson

Jeanine Goss

Tom Robinson

Sharon Matzen

Julie Werner

Bob Petersen

Toby Dyal

Peggy Goodenberger

Ben Cadman Jim Mack

Jim Sharp

Lori Peterson

Emery Carrick

Dr. Bud McKinney Jay Speakman

Malcolm McNeill Glen Swift

Joan Mann

Charles Ray

Preston Lau

Donna Bitner

Sheila Readman

Yvonne Starr Ken Charters

Helen Crichton



Lorraine Berg Hal Day Al Olson Jack Bergland Linda Dean Kaipo Peiler Fred Delbrueck Ricardo Perez

Rick Hopkins

Joyce Mack

Lucille Easley

Doris Dolaptchieff

Bob Lennon

Dave Dockerty

Scott Carpenter

Dave Nelson

Bill Farr Carol Ray

Donna Gustafson

Margie Cochrane

C.S. Wetherell

Rick Coulombe Rosemary Johnson Jarick Crawford KenKaighin

Charles Canfield

Bob Chopping

John Goodenberger

Carole Robinson

George Dolaptchieff

Paul Bernick

Donna Harto

Kathy Bowser Jean Harrison Richard Scheideman Stew Branson John Hart Fred Schott

Dolores Sharp

Rich Hoffman Bill Williams

Sherri Hohl Melissa Yowell

Judy Carlson

John Kustura

John Gaw Brie Reed Harmel

Pam Roberson

Phoebe Reed

Shelley Lucas

Larry Roberson

Walt McManis

Rod Leland

Jenay Ferguson

Tony Pierro

Norman Davis Larry Ohler

Terri Shields

Bonnie Kozowski

Nancy McAllister

Ben Taylor

Bev Meehan

Linda Hartung

Kevin Violette

Calvin Hobbs

Barbara Kaighin Arnold Curtis Jay Kiddle

Frankye Thompson

Jim Colee Marge Huddleston

Nathan N elson

Tim Hippensteel

Ella Hill

Mrs. Jane R. Kendall Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Lowe June8-0ctober31 , 1999 Memberships

Mrs. Nancy L. Grimberg Steve Felkins Captain & Mrs. Raymond Mrs. Mary B. Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. Louis Kennedy Collins

Mestrich Mr. & Mrs. G. Joseph Chapman Mr. Robert Drucker LTC & Mrs. Victor L. Gregory Mr. & Mrs. David Crawford Mr. & Mrs. John C. Hart Nunenkamp Mr. Charles Holboke Mr. Norman D. Davis Mr. & Mrs. 0rvo Piippo Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Nofield Mr. 0. David Dickson Welcome Back Mr. & Mrs. Harold H. Snow Ms. Jan Severson & Mr. William Einzig Memberships

Mr. & Mrs. Ron Westerlund Mr. Bob McClung Mrs. Aneta Englund June 8, 1999-0ctober31, 1999 Fran Billingsley Mr. & Mrs. John M. Mr. Keith R. Franson Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Smith Sandstrom Mrs. Kay McGowan Garvin Statesman Mary_ann Boman Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Stephan Ms. Susie Goldsmith/Mr. Bill Mr. Lou Evans

Mr. & Mrs. Dave Lum Dr. & Mrs. Edward Vien Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Reiser Memorial Donations

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Moberg Robert McCall

Mr. Robert W. Blake Barbara Claterbos Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mr. & Mrs. Art Huebner Deborah & Ben Hamlin Mr. Donald V. Riswick Brownlee Mr. & Mr. Clyde Johnson Ken & Kip Luthe Dawn Clune Prudence Ducich Mr. Edward J. Johnson Helmsman

Mr. & Mrs. Dick Keller Jr. Hughes-Ransom Mortuary Mr. & Mrs. Don W. .l. Marlene Franz. Inc. Landwehr

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Petersen Boatswain Mr. & Mrs. William A. June 8, 1999-0ctober31 , 1999 Ms. Carol Smith Mr. Ronald Bline Rouzie

Mr. Charles M. Cartwright Mr & Mrs. Robert E. Frame Mr. & Mrs. Norman Benke Captain & Mrs Dale A. Mr & Mrs. Charles Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Dickinson Mestrich Bishop III

Captain & Mrs. Joseph Mr. Vernon E. Fowler Patrick Kearney & Lori Mr. & Mrs. Burr Allegaert Bruneau Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Leonard-Kearney Piwt Ms. Janice Eckman Mestrich, Jr.

18 Th e Qu a rte rD eck, Vo l 25 N o 4

New Members Increased

Mr. & Mrs. Howard Lovvold Nunenkamp Ensign/Individual Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mr. & Mrs. Larry Perkins Mr. Bruce Conner Crew/Family Murray Mrs. Ruth Pruzynski Mr. Bill DeWitt Ms. Ruth Evans Dr. & Mrs. Jukka Perkiomak:i Mr. & Mrs. Roger Shannon Ms. Susan M. Hoffman Mr. William Meriwether Mr. & Mrs. Glenn 0. Mr & Mrs. Sion Wentworth Ms. Audrey Pricher Captain Niels Nielsen Riddervold Ms. Florence Wrenn Crew/Family Mr. & Mrs. R.W. Stevens Mr. & Mrs. John W. Schiffer Les Beuchel Janet & Louis Bilancia Helmsman Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mr. Harry Phillips Mrs. June Christensen Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Allen Soderberg Max Bigby Ms. Elisabeth Kuehl and Ms. Mr. & Mrs. John McKenna

Norb & Shenna Wenner Bruce & Jane Hindman Mr. & Mrs. Harry L. Shaver George Abrahamsen Edward L. Coleman Piwt Boatswain Mrs. Anna Basel Ms. Borghild Coleman Mr. Christopher Graeff Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Mrs. Roma Bigby

.Tudy Dean Barrows


Mr. & Mrs. Richard Laurion LTC & Mrs. Victor L. June 8-0ctober31, 1999

Ms. Trina Gerlack Mr. David Rockwood Mr. & Mrs. Ward Paldanius

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Strandberg Capt. & Mrs. Joseph Sharon Dillon Bosch Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wells Bruneau Mr. & Mrs. Tom Engle Mr. & Mrs. Byron Broms Piwt Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Hjorten Mr. Matthew Farrenkopf Mr. & Mrs. Andrew D. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Knutsen Mr. & Mrs. William R. King Ms. Paula Gjovik Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ms. Jeannine Grafton Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Navigator

Mr. Harry Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Joe Thomas Verner Mrs. Carol Povey William Chester TVBS Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Crew/Family

Mr. & Mrs. Don E. Link Helmsman Grotjahn, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Dichter

.lohn Gaw Walter E. Larson


Mr. & Mrs. Graham J. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Mr & Mrs Sion Wentworth Mr. & Mrs. Donald Helligso Barbey Magnusen Diana McAlp_in Carl Pierson Paul Weber Margaret I. Hughes Captain & Mrs. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Jon W Mr Berger Rorvik & Mrs. Mr. Lars Gjovik Bruneau Westerholm Kathleen Kulland Mr. Melvin H. Iverson Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Forrester Edith & Sydney Po.or E. Fred Westman Buddy Jacobson Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence 0. Mr. & Mrs. David Hallin Mr. David Seeberg & Ms. Mr. & Mrs. Don M. Haskell Dreyer Oscar Wheatley Janelle Bond Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Lowe Mr. Elmer Raitanen Mr. Gorgon Wolfgram Mr. & Mrs. Don Fisher Jerry Ostermiller & Lynne Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Blair In honor of Tom & Molly Belva Girard Johnson Ms. Millie Cammack Edison Mr & Mrs. Henry N. .Tohn Moore Fishhawk Fisheries, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Dichter Heilmann Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Story Mr. & Mrs. Harold C. Vern & Emiko Jacobson Ted Natt Hendriksen Mr. & Mrs. Eldon E Korpela Robert & Barrie Altenhof Mr. & Mrs Howard B. Mr. & Mrs. Carl Seaberg

Mr & Mrs. Nicholas Richard Gotting Mr. & Mrs. George Mr. W illiam Mainwaring Zafiratos Mrs. Margarie Larson Mosko vita Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J . William H. Schlauch Sidona Gustafson Ms Tiffany Phebus Mattson Mr. & Mrs Louis Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Don Gustafson Mr Donald V. Riswick Mr. & Mrs. Michael McGee Jr. Mr. & Mrs . Gilbert V. Dick Leback Mr. & Mrs . C. Greg Richard H. Slotte Kamara Mr & Mrs. Melvin Hjorten Myklebust

Mr. & Mrs. John Arbini Johnson Mr. & Mrs. William Privatsky Jean Morse Berwind Mrs. Florence Kelly Nora Johnson Ms Julia Buchner

Dr. & Mrs. David I. Williams Mr. Donald V. Riswick Mr. & Mrs . Charles Wei Wu & Huali Xiong Roger Tetlow Marjorie Hendricksen Mestrich Pete Petersen

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald H. Rod Grinder Margaret Lee Dr & Mrs. Douglas M Carlson Captain & Mrs. Joseph Captain James Clune O'Connor Mary, SulJll.le Bruneau Dr. & Mrs. David I. Williams Jerry Ostermiller & Lynne Ms Cheri Folk Einar Hansen Hildreth Lindstrom Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Oja Mr. & Mrs Richard D. Mr. & Mrs. Scott Campbell Mr. & Mrs Joseph L. Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Ward V. Cook Thompson Carl Johnson Mr. & Mrs . Edward Forbes Ms . Margery Warila Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Knutsen Mr. Steve Forrester Mrs. Marie Wuori Lloy__d Westley Kraetch Mr. & Mrs . Alan C. Goudy Richard Rodgers Mr. Donald V. Riswick Mr. & Mrs . Ray Green Mr. & Mrs . Arthur R. Mr. E Kenneth Henderson Johnson Mr. & Mrs. David Hollod

19 The QuarterDeck, Vol. 25 No 4

Mr. & Mrs George Houska RADM David L. Roscoe, The Staff of the Columbia Mrs. Anna Basel The U .O . Foundation lL. River Maritime Museum Wally Larson School of Journalism & Ms Joan App Mr & Mrs Ralph Page, Sr Mrs. Freda Englund Communication Lee & Matthew Heidorf Ms. Eleanor True Ham L. Larson Mr. & Mrs . Eugene Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Knutsen .Toe Goehl Mr. Howard Landon RA. Long Class of 1959 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mestrich Mrs. Irene Ochal Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Miles Mr & Mrs. James Madison

Mr & Mrs. Robert P. Mr. Donald V. Riswick Mr. & Mrs. James Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Kearney Walter Helmersen Mr. & Mrs Arvid North Pollock Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Knutsen Mr & Mrs Clarence 0. .lean MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Mr. & Mrs. John S Dreyer Mr. Michael E . Lynch Rasmussen McGowan Mr & Mrs Melvin Hjorten Mr & Mrs. William R. Orr Mr & Mrs H.C. Robison, Jr San[ord Swain Mr. & Mrs Grant Orr Mr & Mrs. Jon A. Englund Mrs June Spence

WiMerfed a:c~ CDtumb~ R.wer Mar~Mareum, Sunday, D~er 19, 1999 NOOf[/tO 5PM Jom, arfor thirfrU; MluiAy 0~ Hoar~. There!; ro~ for eueryo~tltk rea&Of[/: • Lwe-• du/dreH}; actwiti.es • A- book ri:9HUtj • HowiAy SM~ Bring this coupon to the Museum Store during Winterfest for an additional 10 % off purchases. COLUMBIA RIVER MARITIME MUSEUM 1792 MARINE DRIVE ASTORIA, OREGON 97103 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Come to Winterfest and meet PBS television star Theodore Tugboat!! Non-profit Organization U.S POSTAGE PAID Astoria, Oregon Permit No. 328

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