V15 N1 Winter 1987-88 The 'Galena' Stranded on Clatsop Beach, 1906

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VOL. 15


NO . 1

THE GALENA STRANDED ON CLATSOP BEACH, 1906 Only a couple of weeks after the loss of the Peter Iredale on Clatsop Spit, another large British square-rigger, the Galena, was stranded, in similar circumstances, to the south on Clatsop Beach. The remains of this vessel are said to now lie buried in the dunes about 600 feet from the sea. We are reprinting below the official report on the wreck of the Galena. A photocopy of this document was supplied to us a few years ago, via Bill Wagner, from Dr. John Naylon at the University of Keele in England. No attempt has been made to correct the spelling or punctuation of the original document.

Finding and order of a Naval Court held at the British Vice Consulate at Astoria, Oregon, on the sixth, seventh, and eighth days of December, 1906, to investigate the circumstances attending the stranding of the British sailing ship Galena of the port of Liverpool, official number 96417, on Clatsop Beach, near Astoria, Oregon, when on a voyage from Junin, Chile to Portland, Oregon, and the cause of such stranding, and to enquire into the conduct of the master, certificated first mate, and crew of the said vessel. (continued on page 3}





FROM THE QUARTERDECK Many museums in Oregon receive a substantial portion of their annual operating expenses from government sources. Some museums are directly connected to local government, or if they are privately controlled, they receive some form of tax dollars. The Columbia River Maritime Museum is unique in that we receive very little government funds-perhaps onefourth of one percent of our annual operating budget. Instead, we depend almost entirely on the generosity of our members and friends. Without your steadfast, ongoing support, we could not operate our museum, or undertake the preservation of the Pacific Northwest's maritime heritage . Your help will be essential to meet the challenges of the years to come. In addition to private support, systematic planning is also critical for our future. Our president, Peter J. Brix, has appointed two special trustee committees to help chart our course. The Planning Committee, under the leadership of our vice-president, Admiral Jack Williams, will formulate the Museum's facility goals for the next ten years. With the recent acquisition of the Astoria railroad depot and adjacent property from Burlington Northern, the work of the Planning Committee is particularly timely. The Committee will also survey our present Museum building to determine what measures are required to operate it most efficiently and to uphold our distinguished reputation for exhibits. Lastly, the Committee will analyze our future needs for dock space to accommodate vessels of special interest. The second trustee committee will plan the Museum's celebration to commemorate Captain Robert Gray's epic voyages, including the 1792 entry into the Columbia River. Long-time Trustee and past President J.W. Forrester, Jr., is chairman of the group to plan the bicentennial activities. Our involvement in this project was mandated by the Oregon Legislature in House Joint Resolution 15 which specified that the Museum assume a leading role in the regional activities. The years leading up to, and including 1992, will be a marvelous opportunity to share the story of Captain Gray and the resulting maritime development of the Columbia River. We shall be grateful for the work of these two committees as the Museum grows and develops. Stephen L. Recken, Director

The Museum will display several of its miniature models by the noted ship modeller Lloyd McCaffery (a former Oregonian) in the Model Ship Exhibition and Competition in Portland on February 27th and 28th. This is an annual event of the Nautical Society of Oregon, an organization primarily for ship modellers, which kindly invited the Museum to participate. Mr. McCaffery, who has established an international reputation for the excellence of his work, is also to attend the show as a special guest of the Society. The exhibition will take place Saturday and Sunday, February 27-28 at the World Forestry Center, located at 4033 S.W. Canyon Road in Portland. Public hours will be 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

OREGON JAZZ BAND A benefit extravaganza for the Museum will be held at the Astoria Moose Lodge on Saturday, March 26. A prime rib dinner at 6:30 p.m. will be followed by dancing from 9:00 until midnight or after, with music by the Oregon Jazz Band. Tickets are $15 per person or $25 per couple, but a discount will be offered to members of the Museum or the Moose Lodge. Reservations are required, and advance tickets can be purchased either at the Museum or the Lodge (420 - 17th St., 325-0881).

"LOWER COLUMBIA SHIPPING" A public forum discussion entitled "Lower Columbia River Shipping: Past, Present and Future'' will be offered in the Museum at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 2nd as part of Rich Fencsak's maritime history course. The forum, however, is open to the general public and admittance is free .

EARLY GILLNET BOAT ACQUIRED We obtained what may be the last surviving Columbia River gillnet boat to have been built for propulsion by sail last November. It was used by Harold Oblad on Willapa Bay from 1930 until 1981. He does not know who built the boat, but says it came from the Columbia. It had already been motorized and was again rebuilt in 1937 to install a more modern engine. In spite of the modifications and replacement of much of the original material, the boat still shows many features of the sailing gillnetter. This is important because so little data has been preserved on the design of these boats on the Columbia. Many later sailing gillnetters from Alaska, where motorized gillnetting was prohibited until the 1950's, still exist, but their design was not identical to earlier boats on the Columbia, where conversion to motor power was completed by 1915 or so. The boat will eventually be refurbished for display, but conversion back to sailing configuration is not contemplated, since the modification, representative of the transitional era in gillnetting on the Columbia, is interesting in itself. The Museum is grateful to Wayne Morris of Coast Oyster Co. and to Nick Claterbos for providing equipment and help to load and transport the boat at minimal cost to the Museum.

WRECK OF THE GALENA (cont.) The Galena is a steel sailing ship, rigged as a four-masted barque of 2169 tons registered tonnage, built at Dundee in 1890. It appears from the evidence before the Court that she sailed from Junin, Chile, on the fifteenth day of September, 1906, bound for Portland, Oregon, with about 1150 tons ballast, consisting of refuse from the nitrate of soda works, and a crew of thirty hands, all told. She was drawing 12 ft . 10 ins., her loaded draught being 21 ft . The ballast was secured with shifting boards lashed fore and aft. According to the evidence before the Court, about 6 p .m ., November 5th, 1906, Tillamook Light was first sighted, a strong S.S.W . gale then blowing, with rain and thick weather. After standing off and on the coast, on the 6th North Head Light was sighted, bearing N.E. by E. During the night blue lights were shown for a pilot, but no response was made. North Head Light was last sighted at midnight of the 7th. On the 11th, the weather being thick, the rnasler stood in until, on sounding, he first got 40 and then 36 fathoms . Tillamook Light was again sighted on the 12th about 10:30 p.m ., distant about 5 miles, wind blowing moderately from the S.S.E. magnetic, when the ship was put on the port tack with her head to the W.S.W., the hand log being hove every hour, and the speed recorded by the officers of the watch, which was said to be about 4½ knots per hour through the water, Tillamook Light not being seen after 12:30 a.m . of the 13th. From three to four o'clock the wind was moderating, and at 4 a.m . the ship was put on the starboard tack bearing E. by S. to E.S.E. magnetic, weather being hazy, and wind being light until 5 a.m. when it gradually freshened . At 6 a.rn. the first mate reported to the master that the wind was increasing and weather clearing a little. The master immediately went on deck and took in the spanker preparatory to wearing ship; at this time he saw breakers on the lee bow and immediately gave orders to put the helm up and wear ship. All hands were at once ordered on deck, the crossjack yard was squared in and the ship paid off to N.W . when she took ground, seas commenced to break over her, topsails were immediately lowered and foresail hauled up, ship's head gradually working to the wind when she steadied, heading to W. by S. The ship was pounding very heavily, and the master fearing the masts and yards would come on deck decided to leave the ship. The life boat was ordered and lowered and all hands left her for the shore, which they reached in safety. The master then got in communication with the British Vice Consul at Astoria, and sent in the greater part of his crew under charge of the first mate, the master remaining at the scene of the wreck with the remainder of the crew, being sheltered at a farm house. On the 14th the master came up to Astoria to consult with his agent and cable, and returned immediately to the ship . After having made the best possible arrangements for the care of the seamen, he took back with him on the 17th to the scene of the wreck the carpenter, boatswain, sailmaker, and 13 seamen for the purpose of dismantling the vessel and saving the property, but these all refused to remain and returned to Astoria without leave and refused to return, the master in consequence was compelled to employ shore labour.

The men who returned to Astoria were Thomas Gibson, sailmaker, J. Brown, B. Lehane, Thomas McGuire, James McCulloch, Erik Rasmussen, Torston Nilsson, Edward K. Jensen, F. Sorenzen, James Riley, Joseph Burdell, J. Morris, Arthur Griffith, C. Christensen, Johan Anderson, and W. Rosendale . These men were charged with omitting to do lawful acts proper and required to be done by them for preserving the ship from immediate loss, destruction, and serious damage . The Court having regard to the circumstances above stated finds as follows: I1) That the ship Galena stranded on Clatsop Beach, coast of Oregon, about one mile south of Warrenton, on the 13th day of November, 1906, about 6:30 a .m. through the error of the master, John Howell, in not making due allowance for the northeasterly current that was evidently setting in towards the coast at the time, causing him to overestimate the distance run before he wore ship towards the land and being over confident of his position he neglected to use the lead which would have warned him of his danger. In the opinion of the Court the lookout was defective. (2) That when the casualty was inevitable the master appears to have done everything in his power to avert it and was justified in temporarily leaving the ship to save life. (3) The ship appears to have been sufficiently ballasted and in all respects well found, manned, and equipped. (4) That the mate, Edmond Peter Thompson, does not appear to have taken sufficient interest in the navigation of the ship, was careless and neglectful of his duties, and the log kept by him was written up in such a slovenly manner that it proved to be absolutely of no value in this investigation, and the Court censures him severely but does not deal with his certificate. (5) That the crew appear to have conducted themselves properly at the time of the casualty, and Rowland Harcourt Tepper, acting second mate, the apprentices and other members of the crew, except those names in the 10th finding, deserve commendation for good conduct and discipline during the work of dismantling the ship. (6) That the master was supplied with a proper and sufficient chart of the locality, corrected up to 1904. (7) The Court while recording a severe censure against the master, in that he failed to take the precaution of using the lead, does not consider the exigencies of the case require it to



deal with his certificate, but warns him to be more careful in this respect in the future . (8) That J. Brown is fully acquitted of the charge of omitting to do lawful acts proper and required to be done for preserving the ship from immediate loss, destruction or serious damage . (9) That a like charge against F. Sanderson (or Sorenzen) having been withdrawn by the master as having been made in error, he is fully acquitted . (10) That after a careful consideration of all the evidence given before the Court touching the circumstances under which W . Rosenfeld (or Rosendale), Thomas Gibson, B. Lehane, J. McCulloch, E. Rasmussen, E. Jensen, A. Griffith, C. Christensen, F. Nilsson, J. Morris, Johan Anderson, J. Hurdell, J. Riley, T . McGuire, all members of the crew, are charged with omitting to do lawful acts proper and required to be done for preserving the ship from immediate loss, destruction, or serious damage, and full opportunity having been given them for defence, the Court finds they are guilty of not exerting themselves to the utmost to save the ship, cargo, and stores after the vessel stranded, but that they have been misled and, in some cases, misunderstood their duties, and under the circumstances the Court is disposed to deal leniently with them.

The Columbia returned to the Museum on January 29th after a couple of weeks at Portland for dry-docking at Sundial Marine Tug & Barge Works, where she was thoroughly inspected, cleaned, and repainted below the water line, as well as receiving other necessary maintenance and inspection requiring shipyard facilities. Although this was the lightship's first dry-docking since being decommissioned by the Coast Guard in 1979, she was found to be in generally excellent condition. Captain Ken McAlpin was present at the yard, as a volunteer, throughout the work as the Museum's technical expert. He is a marine surveyor who was formerly a Columbia bar pilot and served several terms on the Museum Board of Trustees . Hampton Scudder from our staff was also present to help coordinate the work. The Knappton Corporation provided free towing for the trip, which was more efficient and cost effective for this purpose than running the ship under her own power. Gene Sause & Company donated consultation on insurance matters. While the ship was away, divers of the Clatsop County Search & Rescue Unit secured a line to a snag which has been lying beneath the ship, and Bergerson Enterprises pulled it up. Other services and materials were provided on a cost-only basis as follows: Sundial dry-docked the ship and managed the project; Blasco, Inc. did sandblasting and painting; Clean Blast provided sand for the blasting; International Paint provided priming and anti-fouling paint; Electrical Construction, Inc. overhauled a windlass; and Ronald Nisbit & Associates did audio gauging of the hull plates. We heartily thank all of these firms and people for their cooperation and generosity, which saved the Museum thousands of dollars in fees . With required maintenance well in hand and the ship found to be in excellent shape, our trustees and staff hope to make periodic cruises to visit other ports along the Columbia. This would dramatically help to promote a wider awareness of the Museum's mission to preserve and interpret the maritime heritage of the entire Columbia River system.

The Court in pursuance of the powers vested in it by section 483 of 57 & 58 Viet. cap. 60, orders that W . Rosenfeld (or Rosendale), Thomas Gibson, B. Lehane, J. McCulloch, E. Rasmussen, E. Jensen, A. Griffith, C. Christensen, F. Nilsson, J. Morris, Johan Anderson, J. Hurdell, J. Riley, and T. McGuire be discharged from the ship with wages to the 18th November, and that each of them pay out of his wages any expense for subsistence after that date, and further that they each pay out of their wages the sum of 26 dollars 69 cents expenses incurred through their conduct and in addition, as the sittings of the Court have been prolonged through their default, the sum of £1 ls. 6d. each, being a portion of the costs of the Court, which costs amounting to £15 ls. in all the master, Mr. John Howell, is hereby ordered to pay; but he is hereby empowered to deduct the several sums named from the wages of the parties in default. The expenses of the Court, fixed at £30 6s. 6d. are approved. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 8th day of December, 1906.

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JAMES LAIDLAW, H.B .M. Consul President of Naval Court. C.M. BURCHELL Master of the British Merchant Ship Oweenee, of London, Members E.L. TINDALL, Master of the British Merchant Ship Invernessshire, of Glasgow. (Issued in London by the Board of Trade on the 15th day ofJanuary, 1907.j

NEW MEMBERS, INCREASED SUPPORT(*), OCTOBER 1 - DECEMBER 31, 1987 CORPORATE STEWARD Chevron Shipping Company* Riedel International* SPONSOR Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Carruthers* SUSTAINING Anderson Jewelers* Mr. Richard T. Charlton* The Dutch Cup* Mrs. Walter H. Evans* Mr. & Mrs. Peyton Hawes* Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Kessler* Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Larsen* Mr. & Mrs. Richard H . Leonard* Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lucas* Mr. John A. Sprouse* Mr. William F. White SUPPORTING Dr. & Mrs. Peter L. Beal* Dr. & Mrs. Michael Buchman* Mrs. Helen Copeland* Mr. & Mrs. F.C. Delbrueck* Mr. Tim Fastabend * Mr. Oliver M. Knode, Jr.* Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Maddocks*

Barry Sears & Ann Goldeen * Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wilhelm* CONTRIBUTING Mr. & Mrs. Sam Absher* Mr. & Mrs. Max Bigby, Jr.* Mr. & Mrs. Len Braarud Mr. Thomas J. Clune* Mr. & Mrs. Steve Forrester Mr. Michael J. Harris* Mr . & Mrs. Larry Johnson* Ms . Charlotte Langsey Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Leslie Mr. Allen B. Litwiller* Mr. M.W. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Moore Mr. & Mrs. Clifford McCrosky* Mr. & Mrs. Michael McGonigle Mr. & Mrs. George Raemer Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Rosenberger* Mr. & Mrs. Doug Ross* Mr. Brian D. Slocum Mr. Brian D. Wake* Ms. Roberta Jo Williams* Mr. J.A. Zimmerman

Mr. & Mrs. George W. Blinco Mr. Robert M. Bryant Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Cole Mr. George W. DeStafano Ms. Susan Fountain Mrs. Ronald Funk Mrs. Sharyn Hedbloom Ms. Fran Lonberg Mrs. Charleen Maxwell Mr. & Mrs. Peter Nelson A.V. Normand Dr. Marie Oesting Mrs. Carla Oja Mr. & Mrs . Norman Paulson Mr. & Mrs. Orv Piippo Brian Rogers & Lolly Polk Ms. Florence Sage Mr. & Mrs. Curt Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Randy Severson Mrs. Jacqueline Taylor Father Waddill Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Young Ms. Marie Anne Yost Mr. & Mrs. Jack Zimmerman STUDENT Mr. Mark Jenkins

ANNUAL Mr. & Mrs. Jack Badewitz Ms. Donna Bauer




MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS, OCTOBER 1 - DECEMBER 31, 1987 GEORGE ANDRESEN Mrs. Helen Caspell Mrs. Shirley Brooks Cole Mrs. Gertrude M. Oja Mr. & Mrs. Kerry Hoyer Mrs. Ruth Lager Mr. & Mrs. Albert Sorkki

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Lowe Ms. Melissa Monsen Mrs. Ralph Morrow Mr. & Mrs. Ruben A. Mund Mr. & Mrs. Carl Paronen Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Renney Mrs. Jordis Tetli

GARDA M. ANGEVINE Mr. Peter A. Johnson

KENNETH BACKMAN Ms. Georgena Calhoun Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Fogel Ms. Carol Frank Mr. & Mrs . Lawrence Jacobson Mrs. M. Louise Johnson Ms. Esther Payne Ms. Mary Esther Smith

MARY AUTIO Mr. & Mrs. Ernest E. Brown Mrs. Ragna Brown Mrs. Freda Englund Ms. Jean Estoos Mrs. Virginia M. Estoos Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fick Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mr. Charles Haddix Mr. & Mrs. Irving Iverson Mrs. Elsie Jarvinen Mrs. Helen Johnson Mrs. Nora Johnson Mrs . Anita Kankkonen Mr. & Mrs. Sigurd Lebeck Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lovell

HARLEY R. BASEL Ms. Ellie Stenholm SIRE HELEN BELL Knappton Corporation CAPT. H.T. "TED" BOHLMAN Mr. & Mrs. Ernest E. Brown J. GORDON BOYCE Mrs. Marguerite S. Moyer

RUSSELL BRISTOW Mr. Larry Carlson Mrs. Virginia Estoos Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Hansen Historical Tours of Astoria ETHEL BRUNNER Mr. & Mrs. Jack Brunner Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Classen S.E. "GENE" BURNETT Knappton Corporation CAPT. PETER F. BUTLER Mrs. Dorothy G. Butler Ms. Joan Butler Ms. Jocelyn A. Butler Mr. & Mrs. Martin Butler Mr. & Mrs . Patrick Butler Mr. & Mrs. Peter Butler, Jr. VAL CAIN Mr. James V. McCallister OTTAR M. DAHL Mr. & Mrs. A. Ahola Mrs. Hilda Andersen Mr. Richard D. Anderson Mrs. Ethel Berry

MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS, CONTINUED Ms. Ellen Brach & Family Mr. & Mrs . Don Brunner Mrs. Nora S. Bue Mr. & Mrs . George F. Cahill, III Mrs. Nancy T. Carruthers Mr. Gilbert G. Cheney Mr. & Mrs. Arnold B. Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Alf Dahl Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Dreyer Mr. & Mrs . Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs . Tom Edison Mr. Gordon Elliott Mrs. Axel Englund Mr. & Mrs. E. Forseth Ms. Marna Forseth Ms. Margaret Foster Mr. Michael Foster Mr. Fritz Fremstad Ms. Louise Fremstad Mr. & Mrs . Herman Haggren Mr. & Mrs . Michael J. Haggren Mr. & Mrs. Eric H . Hauke Mrs. Olga Henningsen Mr. & Mrs. David Hoyer Ms. Hanna Isaacson & Family Mrs. Arnold H. Johnson Mrs. Grace P. Johnson Mrs. Helen Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Kent Johnson Mrs. Nora Johnson Mr. Peter A. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Ragnor Johnson Mrs. Viola M. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Kearney Mr. & Mrs. Dick Keller Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Knutsen Mrs. Madeline Kvistad Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Lowe Mrs. Gertrude Maki Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Martin Mr. & Mrs. Loran Mathews Miss Jessie Miller Dr. & Mrs. R.P . Moore Mrs. Paula Morrow Mr. & Mrs. John S. McGowan Mr. & Mrs. Ragnar Norgaard Mrs. Carol Nygaard Mr. & Mrs. George Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Grant Orr Mrs. Elsie Osterlund Mr. & Mrs. A.W . Ostrom Mr. & Mrs. Robert Paschall Mr. & Mrs. Richard Paulsen Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Peterson Mr. Gus E. Peterson Mrs. Ruth Pruzynski Mr. & Mrs. Doug Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Ross Ms. Helen Ryan Mr. & Mrs . Hugh Seppa & Family Mr. & Mrs. Harry Steinbock Mr. & Mrs. Lawson Stevenson Mr. & Mrs. Dick Thompson Mr. & Mrs . Frank Thorsness Mr. & Mrs. Carvel Tinner Mrs. Rosanna Tuveng Mrs. Petra Vincent Mr. & Mrs. Ed White

Mr. & Mrs. Fleming Wilson Mrs . Astrid Wooley CAPT. "JACK" JOHN H. DART Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Graham MARJORIE DOUGAN Mr . & Mrs. Andrew Rosenberger ERLING TOMMY FITCHA Mrs . Hilda Anderson Mrs. Pearl Cornwell Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mr. & Mrs . Gil Gramson Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hansen Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie Mrs . Lois Searle Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stangeland HAROLD GJOVIK Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Bue GEORGE GREBE Mr. & Mrs . Ray Peterson JACK GRIDLEY Mr. & Mrs. Wesley J. Anderson MARY ANN GRIMSON Mr. & Mrs. Howard Anderson ANNA GROVE Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Abrahamson Ms . Jean Estoos Mrs. Virginia Estoos Mrs . Mabel Herold Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie Mr. & Mrs. William A. Maki Mr. & Mrs. Dewey Maxson Mr. & Mrs. Alan Takalo Mr. & Mrs. Carl Tolonen EDWARD E. HALE Mr. & Mrs. James O'Connor RAGNHILD HISSNER Mrs. Hilda Andersen Mrs. Ragna M. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Alf Dahl Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mr. & Mrs. Herb Hansen Mr. Peter A. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie Mr. & Mrs. R.E. "Dodo" Larson Mr. & Mrs . Cecil Moberg Ms. Melissa Monsen Mrs. Jordis Tetli KEITH JENSEN Mr. & Mrs. William Finucane Ms. Sally Higginbotham RAGNOR 0. JOHNSON Mr. & Mrs . Donald Aase Mrs. Hilda Anderson Mrs . Gertrude E. Bailey Mr. & Mrs . Warren Bechtolt Mrs. Wilma Berg Mrs . Ethel Berry

Ms. Ragna M. Brown Mrs. Pearl F. Cornwell Mr. & Mrs. Arnold B. Curtis Mr . & Mrs. Clarence Dreyer Ms. Judie Dreyer Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. Gordon Elliott Mr. Donald Fastabend Mr. Fritz Fremstad Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Haddix Mrs. Alice M. Harvey Mr. & Mrs. James Henderson Mrs. Hanna Isaacson Mr. & Mrs. Irving Iverson Mrs. Clara B. Johnson Mr. Peter A. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Dick Keller Mr. & Mrs. James H. Kelly Miss Helen Koski Mr. & Mrs. R.E . "Dodo" Larson Mrs. Evelyn Lazarus Mr. Samuel H. Lee Mr. & Mrs . Eugene Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Loran E. Mattson Mr. & Mrs . Donovan Mitchell Ms. Melissa Monsen Ms. Nancy E. McEleney Mrs. J.E. Niemi Mr. & Mrs. Ragnar Norgaard Col. & Mrs. Victor Nunenkamp Mrs. Elsie Osterlund Mrs. Frances Paldanius Mr. & Mrs . Bob Parnell Mr. Harvey C. Rones Mrs . Eda H . Ross Mr. & Mrs . Hugh Seppa & Family Mrs. Elsa Simonsen Mr. & Mrs . James S. Stacy Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stangeland Mrs. J ordis Tetli Ms. Carolyn J. Thelin Mr. & Mrs. Dan Thiel Mr. & Mrs. Carl Tolonen Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Trout Mrs. Petra M. Vincent L.R. Washer Miss Ethel Wicks Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Wolfgram Mrs . Astrid Wooley Mrs . Pearl L. Young LOWELL KERN Mr. David M. Myers INEZ LAVERNE KESTI Mr. & Mrs . Roy Aspen Mr. & Mrs. Herb Hansen Mr. & Mrs . Darlow Jarvi Miss Helen Koski Mrs . Dorothy R. Mickelson Mr. & Mrs. Ruben A. Mund Mr. & Mrs . A.W . Ostrom Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Pitkanen Mr. Harvey C. Rones Mrs. Ellen K. Sanford Mrs. Marie Sarampaa Mrs. Blanche West

MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS, CONTINUED REGINA KILLION Mr. & Mrs . Gerald Black The Daily Astorian Mr. & Mrs. Bill Heaton Mr. James Pilgreen CHARLES WALTER KINDRED Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hansen Mr. Arnold Petersen Mr. Butch Petersen LAVONNA MARIE LAHTI Mr. & Mrs. Robert Palmrose HENRY LEINENWEBER Mrs. Ethel Berry Mr. & Mrs. Donald Doran Mr. & Mrs. A.J . L'Amie Mr. Arnold C. Petersen Mr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Peterson Mr. Gus E. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Art Sandstrom Mr. & Mrs. George Siverson Mr. & Mrs. Carl H . Tolonen Mr. & Mrs. Carl J. Tolonen Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Trout FRED MACRAE Mr. Joseph E. Bakkensen PHILIPPA MARDESICH Ms. Barbara S. Doyle Mrs. Eda Hauke Ross NICK J . "BARNEY" MARINCOVICH Columbia River Fishermen's Protective Union Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fick Ms. Julia George Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Hjorten Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. Bud Johnson Ms. Dee Newcomb Mrs. Elsa Simonsen Mr. & Mrs. George Siverson Mr. & Mrs. Hank Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Wolfgram LAURENCE D. MATHAE Mr. James T. Clune KONSTA MIKKOLA Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Koskelo JOHN HARDIE MITCHELL Mr. & Mrs . Louis J. Kennedy, Jr. BLANCHE MJELDE Median Driskell RALPH MORROW Mr. & Mrs. Alf Dahl Mr. Peter A. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Clint Renney ANNA NESBIT Mrs . Marguerite S. Moyer JOHN J. O'BRIEN Yergen & Meyer

GLADYS OSBORN Mr. Andrew Young & Family OSMO E. PARHANIEMI Mrs. Fannie Lampi Mrs. Anna Normand ROGER RIUTTA Mrs. Dorothea J . Handran Mr . Buddy Hoell Mrs. Elsie Jarvinen Mr. & Mrs . David Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Korpela Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie Mr. & Mrs. George Siverson FRANK EDWIN "ED" ROSS Mr. & Mrs. Alan Ahola Allen Creek Teachers Assn. Mrs. Aagit Anderson & Family Astoria High School Faculty Astoria Marine Construction Mr. & Mrs. Warren Bechtolt Mr. & Mrs. John Beckman Mrs. Beatrice W . Bergey Mrs. Ethel Berry Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Brown Dr. & Mrs. Charles Browning Mr. & Mrs. Ted Bugas Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Cale£ Mrs. Helen C. Carter Ms. Carol Kamara Chase Mrs. Nedra Christensen Mrs. Jeanne Clifford Mr . & Mrs. R. Dale Collins Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Cox Mr. Jeff Craig & Family Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Craig Mrs. Vera Craig Mr. & Mrs. Dale Curry Mr. & Mrs. Gene Cutlip Mr. & Mrs. Roy Duoos Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr . & Mrs. Don Edy Mr. & Mrs. Bill Eitner Ms. Darlene F. Falleur Mr. & Mrs. Ed Fearey Mr. & Mrs. Don Fisher & Family Mr. & Mrs. Ray Fleetwood Mr. & Mrs. Dick Ford Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Forseth Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mr. & Mrs. Joe Funari Mr. & Mrs . Harvey Gerwien Mrs. Frances Gustafson Mrs. Ruth N. Harvey Haskell & Perrin Mr. David Ross Haskell Mr. & Mrs. Donald Haskell Mr. & Mrs. Eric Hauke Mr. & Mrs. Eric Hauke, III Mr. Robert Hauke Mrs. Olga Henningsen Mr. & Mrs. Palmer Henningsen Mrs. Edith Henningsgaard Mr. & Mrs. John Hill Mrs. Louise Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. Pat Howard Mr. & Mrs. William Jarvi

Mr. & Mrs. Dick Keller Ms. Jennie Kelm Mr. Rupert Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. O .A. Kiminki Mr. & Mrs. Ron Klein Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Korpela Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Larson Mrs. Irma Lokappa Mr. & Mrs. Robert Macdonald Mr. & Mrs. Terry Mahon Mrs. Rosemary L. Malen Mr. & Mrs . Vernon Malen Mr. & Mrs. Don Mathews Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Dan Merzke Mrs. Clara E. Miles Miss Jessie Miller Mr. & Mrs. Paul Minnamon Mr. & Mrs. Donovan Mitchell Capt. & Mrs. Kenneth McAlpin & Family Mr. & Mrs. John S. McGowan Mr. & Mrs. W .F. McGregor Dr. & Mrs . Robert Neikes Mr. & Mrs. Tom Nelson Mrs. J.E . Niemi Mrs. Frances Paldanius Mr. & Mrs . Lloyd Pogue Mr. & Mrs. Eino Puusti Mr. & Mrs. James A. Rainey Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Rinell Mr. & Mrs. Lennart Ross Mr. & Mrs. Charles Simpson Mr. & Mrs. George Siverson Mr. & Mrs. George Sjolund Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stykemain Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Swanson Mr. & Mrs. Merlin Untiet Mr. & Mrs. J. Dan Webster Mr. & Mrs . Sion Wentworth Mrs. Astrid Wooley Yergen & Meyer ENOCH B. ROTH Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos LILLIAN RUTLEDGE Mr. & Mrs. Bill Whitten DONALD I. SPROAT Mr. & Mrs. George Blinco BOB MIKE STRULOEFF Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Knudsen MONTIE TRASK The Caspell Family MARY VAN OSDOL Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Abrahamson Mr. & Mrs. Dewey Maxson WILLARD WALO Mr. & Mrs. Clint Renney EARL F. WEISS Mr. & Mrs. Louis Kennedy, Jr.

SPECIAL GIFTS OCT. 1 - DEC. 31, 1987


Astoria Lioness Club Bank of Astoria Bergerson Enterprises Mr. & Mrs. Ernest E. Brown U .S. Lighthouse Society The Wheeler Foundations Mr. Tom White


$5000 - Single Payment or Cumulative since 1962 LIFE MEMBER $1,000 per year □ SUPPORTING $50 per year STEWARD $500 per year □ CONTRIBUTING $25 per year SPONSOR $250 per year □ ANNUAL $15 per year PILOT $100 per year □ STUDENT $7. 50 per year SUSTAINING


□ □ □

HONEYMAN FAMILY MEMORIAL Mrs. A.A. Honeyman Mrs. Barbara Honeyman Roll Mrs. Catharine E. Engmark



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Effective at the beginning of the year, the Board of Trustees revised our admission fees, which had remained unchanged since 1982, as listed below.

Richard A. Fencsak has announced that he will be leaving the Museum at the end of March to start his own retail business and pursue a career in writing. Mr. Fencsak joined the staff in 1978 to fill the newly created post of education co-ordinator, with the mission of expanding our capability to provide guided tours and of developing outreach programs for regional school classes. He has also become heavily involved in the Museum's publicity efforts and community affairs. Through the years, he recruited and trained a skilled corps of volunteer docents, and last year they provided guided tours for some 4,000 school children, as well as many adult groups. There have also been numerous innovative collaborations with educators at all levels. Rich Fencsak has played an important role in the Museum's development, and we wish him well in his new career.

Adults Seniors (65 & up) Youths (6-18) Family Rate CRMM members

$3.00 $2.00 $1 .50 $10.00 free

All admissions include both the Museum and our lightship. The family rate offers a price break for sizeable nuclear families; it applies, however, only to parents with their own dependent children (eighteen years of age or younger).




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