V12 N2 Spring 1985 Wreck of the S.S. 'Laurel, Peacock Spit, June 1929

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VOL. 12


NO. 2

WRECK OF THE S.S. LAUREL, PEACOCK SPIT, JUNE 1929 The following article by Dr. Bernard Berenson is a firsthand account of the wreck of the S.S. Laurel on Peacock Spit at the mouth of the Columbia in 1929. It was written back in 1936 when memory of the event was still fresh . The author, now a retired physician living in Portland, was a seaman in the Laurel's crew at the time of the wreck, having signed on for a voyage during his summer vacation from college. In spite of his brush with disaster, Dr. Berenson has maintained a lifelong passion for maritime history and the sea. This version of his tale has been slightly edited for the sake of clarity, in the light of subsequent events. The Editor

The S.S. Laurel was registered at Portland, Oregon under the ownership of the Quaker Line (so called because its ships touched at Philadelphia, the "Quaker City"), a subsidiary of the States Steamship Company. She was a staunchly built steel freighter of 8,800 tons full load displacement; 5,800 tons gross; 3,400 tons net; 410 feet length; 54 feet beam; 27 feet load draft. Christened as the West Jessup, she was launched in Seattle by the Ames Shipbuilding Company in 1919, being one of the hundreds of ships built during the World War I marine construction program. She was later acquired by the States Steamship Company of Portland and placed on the inter-coastal run

under her new name of Laurel. Incidentally, if she had not met her end when she did, she would have had her name changed a second time, for her fleetmates on the inter-coastal run all had their names changed to San Angelo, San Anselmo, San . .. , etc. For some reason or another, much forecastle superstition seems to have been brought up to "forecast in retrospect" the doom of this ship. One of the engineers was said to have committed suicide on the previous voyage, and the present voyage was said to have been her thirteenth. Of course, one might also mention that it is bad luck to change a ship's name. On the thirteenth of June, 1929, the crew of 32 men was signed on. The next day, Friday, while building the deckload of lumber and cleaned logs (pilings) higher and higher, the ship suddenly listed about thirty degrees to port and leaned heavily against the wharf. Running on deck, we found the deckload to be of enormous proportions- it was said to be eighteen feet high. An AB. about 32 years old declared quite emphatically that he had been married less than a week and was not going to leave a widow so soon. He demanded and received his wages for two days of work and left the ship, being replaced by another man. (continued on page 3)





FROM THE QUARTERDECK Spring has arrived, and with it has come the seemingly endless annual procession of busses carrying school classes on field trips. One can almost feel the quickening of the Museum's pulse. During the winter months, particularly on weekdays when attendance is light, the galleries of the Museum are generally quiet, and the admissions attendants have ample opportunity to catch up on their reading. It is easy to understand how observers might have the impression that empty spaces in the parking lot equate with inactivity inside the Museum. But behind the scenes, in the offices and workshops, the endless tasks of maintenance, exhibit construction, cataloguing, public relations, research, program planning, administration, etc . go on all year long, regardless of the number of visitors coming through the doors . There never seems to be enough time to complete it all. Even though much of the staff's work is not directly related to the Museum's day-to-day attendance, however, all of us are affected by it. The hum and buzz of visitors in the Museumparticularly after a "slow" perioJ-enlivens our outlook. Slaff members seem to be more cheerful, more energetic. Comments such as, "Now this is more like it!" are heard from employees as they go about their work. And so every spring, with batteries recharged, we look forward to the arrival of the first of the yellow busses with their youthful cargoes, signalling the start of a busy new season. After all, the Museum is here for people to enjoy and appreciate. And we are at our best when there are plenty of visitors in the Museum doing just that. Michael Naab, Director

12th ANNUAL MODEL COMPETITION The Museum's Annual Ship Model Competition will be held in the Kern Room on Saturday, May 25th. The entry deadline is 10:30 a.m., and the event will be open for public viewing from 12:30 to 4:00 p.m. The contest is open to amateur models of all types of watercraft, with awards offered in adult and junior divisions for all categories: scratch-built display models, wooden kit models, plastic kit models, radio-controlled models, ships-in-bottles, and decorative or fanciful models. There is no charge for the junior division (model builders up to and including age fourteen). A fee of $2.00 will be charged for each adult entry. Last year's competition drew 27 models from around the Northwest, and was viewed by hundreds of Museum visitors. Take the opportunity to display your prized models to an admiring public! Entry forms and information can be obtained from the Curator (tel. 503-325-2323).

Jim Gibbs' book Pacific Square-Riggers, published in 1960, has hitherto been of limited usefulness for ready reference, due to a lack of an index. Carol Moore, an energetic volunteer at the Museum in several capacities, has remedied that situation by completing the painstaking task of indexing it. Although the task was carried out primarily for the benefit of the Museum's own library, we feel that it would be a shame not to make the results of Mrs. Moore's hard work available to others. Therefore, photocopies of the twelve-page index may be ordered at cost ($1.80) from the Curator. Other indexing projects are presently under way and we hope to make this an ongoing program.

MARITIME WEEK IN ASTORIA Astoria's 1985 Maritime Week will run from May 18th through May 25th. The annual event will, as usual, feature a busy and varied schedule of public events. The Museum will hold daily demonstrations recreating the old Coast Guard beach apparatus drill, including the firing of a line-throwing gun and use of a breeches buoy rigged between our flag mast and the lightship. Additional events listed below will be held at the Museum, unless noted otherwise. Saturday, May 18th (National Museum Day). Sunday, May 19th, 1:00 p.m. - "The Salmon Run," a marathon foot race, starts at the Astoria Yacht Club. Monday, May 20th, 7:00 p.m. - Awards ceremony for a student art contest (with the theme of "The Coast Guard in Action"), followed by a "Kids Program" Tuesday, May 21st, 8:00 p.m. - Free symphonic band concert (location not yet finalized) Wednesday, May 22nd (National Maritime Day) 11:30-1:30 p.m. - Museum Auxiliary's annual fundraising luncheon, featuring homemade bread, salad, etc. Evening - Reception for participants in the "Waterfront Symposium'' Thursday, May 23rd, 7:30 p.m. - Public report on the conclusions of the "Waterfront Symposium" concerning waterfront enhancement and development Friday, May 24th, 7:30 p.m. - Silent movie with live music Saturday, May 25th 10:00 a.m . - Pulling boat race starts at Museum. 12:30-4:00 p.m. - Public exhibition of the Museum's Annual Ship Model Competition (see entry information elsewhere in this issue) 1:00 p.m. - U .S. Coast Guard demonstration of boat and helicopter rescue operation in the Columbia River 1:00-4:00 p.m. - Open house aboard the Coast Guard cutter Resolute

VOLUNTEER TRANSCRIBES ATAHUALPA LOG Phyllis Anderson, a volunteer from Cannon Beach with extensive secretarial experience, has made an important contribution to the Museum by transcribing a logbook from the fur trade era. Ralph Haskins was the supercargo of the Boston trading ship Atahualpa during her voyage to the Northwest Coast and China in 1800-1803. We reported in our winter issue of 1983-84 (Vol. 11, No. 1) the Museum's purchase of Haskins' logs and other papers, which was generously underwritten by Mr. Edmund Hayes. The fragile, old documents are not suitable for photocopying, so Mrs. Anderson had to laboriously copy one of the logbooks out by hand, preparatory to typing up the 110-page transcript. A second volume of the log and most of the other papers still need to be copied, but Mrs. Anderson has gotten the project off to a great start. Many fascinating events and details are revealed in the Haskins papers and the collection should prove invaluable to scholars, now that copies of the most important part can be made available.

• THE WRECK OF THE LAUREL (Continued) The next day she completed her cargo of five million feet of lumber and steamed down the Willamette River, still listing slightly to port. She was brought on an even keel when oil fuel was taken in at Linnton. Steaming down the river and into the Columbia that Saturday evening, we had but four feet of freeboard between the main deck and the water, according to the word of one man. At any rate, I recall but one person that mentioned any misgivings for the future. The weather was cloudy, and the breeze was not strong. With thirty-two souls on board, the ship passed Astoria at midnight, the Columbia River being whipped by a moderate breeze at that time. Storm warnings had been issued by the U .S. Weather Bureau.

View forward from bridge of S.S. West Jessup (later renamed Laurel), 1924

After well deck and poop of the wrecked Laurel

A strong southwest gale was encountered near the Columbia bar. A young Russian A.B. was at the wheel and he afterwards declared that the ship absolutely would not answer her helm at that time. The force of the wind on the high deckload, and the grip of the current on the deeply laden hull allowed no other force to come into play, with the result that the ship was driven off her course and pushed northward onto the dreaded Peacock Spit. She grounded with a bump at about 2:00 a.m. Sunday morning and very soon afterwards Second Mate Kenneth McNaught came below and told all the men to get on deck, " And don't take anything with you,"-ominous words. Going on deck, one could see a few dim shore lights on the port side. The seas were running high and were both fearful and impressive to see. We made our way from the poop deck along the high, slippery after deckload to the bridge deck, thence to the boat deck, where two boats were considered for launching. However, Captain Louie Johnson, a capable and fearless officer, forbade putting off, due to the severity of the storm. The crew then made their way to the bridge, where some distress rockets were sent up.

• The ship was drifting and bumping deeper into the sand, so at about 5:00 a.m., just after she listed considerably to port, Chief Mate Wilde and a big Norwegian A.B. went forward, at imminent risk of their lives, and let go both anchors. Soon after that, a big sea came along and, rising to the height of the bridge, it swept two men (the second cook and a "workaway") right through the weather boarding and down onto the bridge deck, leaving a gaping hole in the after side of the bridge. The same sea did other damage to the starboard wing of the bridge, drenched the men in the chartroom, washed away the captain's gig, and pulled the bow of the starboard, forward lifeboat out of its gripings. The second cook landed on the deck and suffered severe back injuries, but managed to make his way up to the bridge again. The unfortunate "workaway," a young man named Smith, was never seen again. He was working for his passage in order to get home to his lonely mother, who lived in Dorchester, Massachusetts. The storm intensified, causing the ship to pitch slightly, even though she was held by the sand all along the hull. This pitching could not continue long without severe structural damage. Soon the foremast went over the side, taking with it the radio antenna. Then, looking down from the bridge, we could see the deck beginning to separate along jagged steel

THE WRECK OF THE LAUREL (Continued) edges at the juncture of the forward well deck with the superstructure. So loud was the storm that all this rending of steel could not be heard . In a very short time (by about 7:00 a.m.) the whole forward third of the ship had been separated and was held by the anchors. The crew made their way back to the boat deck, where as many as could crowd into it took shelter in the radio shack. This larger portion of the ship began to drift closer inshore until it was half a mile away from the forward remnant of the ship (which kept rolling over and over, like one in agony) and about one mile from the beach. There the mainmast went by the board and, sticking into the sand, it held the hull firmly in that place. The sea now began to wreak its vengeance on the defenseless, broken hulk. The deckload of lumber and pilings was torn out of the chain bindings and was strewn over the sea, being ground and tossed about in a fearful manner. Some of the lumber in the hold even came up through the No. 4 and No . 5 hatches. A more desolate scene of shipwreck could scarcely be imagined. Since we were too far from shore to have a line shot to us, and since the seas were too high to allow the boats to be launched, the ends of some light lines were attached to pieces of timber and allowed to drift towards the shore in the hope that they would be seen and provide a means of drawing lifesaving lines back to the ship. This was done twice, but without success- when drawn back to the ship after an hour or two, the timbers alone were attached to the ends of the lines. A motor surfboat from one of the Coast Guard stations circled the ship, but could neither approach very close nor communicate with us. Soon after that, an airplane came out and a thin line could be seen trailing shoreward from it. Flying low over us, they dropped the line, but the wind blew it away from our reach before it dropped into the sea. The plane returned with the same result. A third try met with success, but on hauling in the line, the other end proved to be tied to nothing. A torrent of profanity was directed against another plane that came out to take pictures of us in our misery- cold, wet, and with the seas washing about our feet, we could hardly be expected to be pleased at the aspect of our affairs. The seas were pounding against the exposed bulkhead and sent their spray high above the funnel, but the bulkhead held firmly and, as long as I was aboard, the engine room did not fill with water. Soon the funnel began to tremble and threatened to come tumbling down on our heads, but fortunately it did not do so while anyone was aboard. We just stood about and

Wreck of the Laurel seen from shore after storm (note broken off bow at extreme left)

waited for outside help. Finally, at 6:30 p.m., two motor surfboats came out. They made as pretty a picture (and a welcome one, too!) as one could see, tossing and dipping in the high, close seas that raced towards the shore. One of the Coast Guardsmen shouted through a megaphone that they could not approach us any nearer, so we were to lower ourselves into the sea, one by one, and they would gather us up as best they could -not a very inviting situation, but the only possible solution at the time. We made our way carefully aft over the jumbled mass of lumber filling the after well deck. Arriving on the poop deck, we made ready to descend into the big, racing waves. I well remember tightening up the lifebelt and removing my boots; one I threw into the water and the other at the remnants of the deckload . I was angry at having the passage terminated so soon . I was the fourth one to go over the rail and down the thin line. When I had gone about one-third of the way down, a big sea came along and, reaching up, tore me away from the line and tumbled me about before I could rise and gasp for air. I kicked off my trousers and struck out for the line. The sea was covered with thick, nauseous fuel oil from our tanks, which were torn open during the breaking up of the hull. Reaching the line and grasping it, I looked up and was terrified to see a huge, long "granddaddy" of a wave. I hurriedly took a couple of turns around my right hand before it was upon me, rolling me under and pulling me so hard that I couldn't let go of the line. A dull pain made itself felt in my hand, so I abandoned the line when I rose again. I drifted down to the tossing Coast Guard boats and was pulled over the side and into one. I could not use my injured hand to help pull myself on board. Sliding under the thwarts, I was in a relatively safe place, although the boat was on her beam ends half the time. This was the boat from the Cape Disappointment Station. Her crew of six picked up eighteen men before the boat's gasoline engine failed. Strangely enough, the engine of the other boat, which was from the Point Adams Station and which had picked up six men, failed at the same moment. The boats were out of control and, for about five minutes, they several times came very close to crashing together. I believe the Point Adams boat drifted ashore without loss of life. The crew of our surfboat shipped the oars and, assisted by some of us, rowed out to the open ocean. About two hours later the engine gave a sputter and chugged back into operation. The sound was welcomed by a weak cheer. Cruising about in the dark, the men rigged the canvas hood to keep off the driving rain until the cutter Redwing arrived. We were tossed, one by one, over her rail as the little surfboat rose to the level of the larger vessel's deck- after being down at the level of her bilges just a moment before. Once aboard the Redwing, we cut away the lifebelts and shirts that we were wearing and tried to scrub off some of the heavy oil which covered our bodies. We learned that, due to the simultaneous failure of the engines of the surfboats, seven men, including Captain Johnson, had to stay aboard the wreck of the Laurel until the next day. They were then rescued without getting wet, except Captain Johnson, who stayed on board until the 19th of June, presumably to protect the owners' interests.

Kenneth McNaught, Second Mate of the Laurel and a capable young officer, subsequently died in another shipwreck, that of the Nevada on the Aleutian Islands, September 28, 1932; thirty-four lives were lost in that tragedy. At least 36 sizeable vessels have become total losses on Peacock Spit, several of them after the wreck of the Laurel, but no major seagoing ships have been lost there since 1941.

Dr. Bernard Berenson

• NEW MEMBERS, INCREASED SUPPORT(*), JANUARY 1 - MARCH 31, 1985 LIFE Mr. & Mrs. Don Haskell , Winnetka, IL Mr. & Mrs. Roger S. Meier, Portland Miss Ethel M . Wicks* PILOT Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Dyer, Seattle, WA* Mr. & Mrs. J.P. Gotshall, Longview, WA* Mr. & Mrs. Frank Prince, Eugene* SUSTAINING Mrs. R.T. Carruthers, Sr., Hammond* Mrs . Frances M. Keerins, Lake Oswego* SUPPORTING Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Bakkensen* Mr. & Mrs. Holt W. Berni, Portland* Mr. P.S. DeBeaumont, Manchester, MA* Mr. & Mrs. Jean Hallaux* Mr. & Mrs. Roland E. Larson* Mr. & Mrs. Robert Macdonald* Power Transmission Products* Mr. Edward Riutta* CONTRIBUTING Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr.

& Mrs. Hal Allen & Mrs. Robert C. Anderson* & Mrs. Donald Bates, Lake Oswego*

Emil R. Berg, Portland* Margaret I. Bruun, Corbett* J.E. "Bud" Clark, Portland

Mr. & Mrs. John Ferrelly, Longview, WA* Mr. F.C. "Fritz" Funk, Juneau, AK The Gift Galleon, Inc.* Col. C.R. Harris, Warrenton Hughes Ransom Mortuary* Kaufman's Sport Center, Inc .* Dr. Malcolm MacDougall, Portland* Mr. David L. Malaby, Sacramento, CA* Mr. & Mrs. John A. Mazur, Aloha* Mr. & Mrs. Albert H . Mott* Dr. & Mrs . Robert D. Neikes* Mr. & Mrs. John R. Newton, Warrenton Mr. & Mrs. Bruce C. North Mr. & Mrs. Claude Palmer, Portland* Mr. & Mrs. F. Richard Schroeder, Gearhart* Mr. & Mrs. Denny Thompson* Mr. & Mrs. Dick Thompson* Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Tomberg* ANNUAL Ms. Joan L. Battuello, Phoenix, AZ Mr. Jack H. Berglund, Kelso, WA Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Brockey Mr. Eugene E. Buell, Beaverton Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Cardinell, Milwaukie Mr. & Mrs . Jay Thomas Cox, Rhododendron Ms. Barbara Dolph Mr. & Mrs. A.D. " David" Dowrie , Philomath

Ms . Vicki L. Durst Mr. Will Galloway, Ilwaco, WA Mr. & Mrs. Del Gant, Portland Mr. & Mrs. Gary Horgen, Portland Mr. & Mrs. Don V. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Pete W. Johnson, Clatskanie Mr. Roger E. Jolma, Clatskanie Mrs. Herb Kottler, Sequim, WA Mr. Richard A. Kvehner, Tigard Mr. Kenneth Lawrenson, Warrenton Mr. & Mrs. Jim Lowe Mr. David Lucas Mr. C.A. Lund, Portland Dr. Robert C. McLean Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Nelson, Longview, WA Mr. Robert L. Nelson , Longview, WA Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. Niska Mr. David B. Owen Mr. Harold L. Parks Mr. Darell C. Phillips, Longview, WA Mr. & Mrs . Stephen C. Putman Dr. & Mrs. Jerry A. Riehl , Seattle, WA Ms. Patricia Roberts, Salem Mr. Jerome P. Russell , Portland Mr. Doug Sweet, Cannon Beach Mr. John J. Tachovet , Lake Oswego Mr. & Mrs. Franklin C. Walker Mr. David W. Whittlesey, Tolovana Park Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Woodbury, Ilwaco, WA Mr. & Mrs. Richard Zaharko, Clatskanie

MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS, JANUARY 1 - MARCH 31, 1985 IRENE BRIX ALTSTADT Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bakkensen Mr. & Mrs. Graham J. Barbey Mr. Richard T. Charlton Mr. & Mrs. Don Edy Mrs. Margaret E. Green Mr. & Mrs. Ed Harvey Mr. & Mrs . Lyle Janz, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kaegi Mr. Lyle B. Kingery Dr. John V. Krippaehne Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Labadie Ms. Reta Maddocks Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Maddocks

Mrs. Herbert Malarkey Mr. & Mrs . Brian Rice & Family Mr. & Mrs. F.E. Ross Mr. Donald Strand Mr. & Mrs. Harry Swanson, Jr. Mrs. Margaret H . Watzek Mr. & Mrs. Ted Zell NEIL ATWOOD Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Halsan Mr. & Mrs. Frank LaPay Mr. & Mrs. Ruben A. Mund

GEARHART BACKLUND Andrew & Steve's Mr. & Mrs. Harley Basel Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs. Herb Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Johanson Mr. & Mrs. Carl Henry Labiske Mr. & Mrs. Ruben A. Mund Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Stangeland Mrs. Jordis Tetli

MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS, CONTINUED RAY ARNOLD BASEL Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Abrahamsen Mr. & Mrs. Roy Aspen Mr. & Mrs. Kay A. Baker Ms. Laurene Blackburn & Family Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Dreyer Mr. Vieno H. Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Mel Hjorten Ms . Inga Mary Jacoveth Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Johnson Mr. & Mrs. John Kemmerer Mr. & Mrs. Bill King Ms. Eleanor Lambertson Mr. & Mrs. Sigurd Lebeck Mr. & Mrs. William Lindgren Mr. & Mrs. Earl A. Malinen Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Moberg Mrs . Mary S. Montgomery Mr. & Mrs. Frank Parker Ms. Minette Pietarila Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Pitkanen Mrs. Marie Sarampaa Mr. & Mrs. Onnie Silver Ms. Elsa Simonsen Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Trout Mr. & Mrs . John Warila Mr. & Mrs. Leland Westley Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Wolfgram WALLY BURKE Mrs . Lolly Rytsala Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Seabold SHIRLEY BURNSIDE Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hansen HELEN HONEYMAN BURT Mrs. Harriet B. Bishop Mr. Robert T. Brown Mr. & Mrs . Robert T. Catlin Mr . & Mrs. Bruce Honeyman Ms. Margaret M. Knapp Mr. & Mrs. Ruben Kuratli Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tevis DONALD CAPLES Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos CARL E. CARLSON Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Brady Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hansen CLIFFORD L. CARLSON Puget Sound Tug & Barge SYLVIA CARLSON Ms. Laila Bjork Ms. Barbara Doyle Ms. Ida Hubbard Ms. Lillian Niemi Ms. Gertrude Osterlund Mr. & Mrs. A.W. Ostrom Ms. Laila Ostrom Ms. Patty Westerlund and The Pinochle Card Gang

DANIEL CARY, SR. Mr. & Mrs. J.R. Thompson


JAMES H. CLAWSON Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie

MARTHA HEILMAN Mr. & Mrs. Carl Tolonen

DAN CLIFFORD Mr. & Mrs. F.E. Ross


JAMES E. CUMMINGS, JR. Mrs. Edna Asula Mr. & Mrs. Brian Borton Mr. & Mrs. Dale Dickinson Ms. Eleanor Ewenson Mr. & Mrs. Scott Forsythe Fernhill Stockmen 4-H Club Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Flues, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Merrill Ginn Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Green Mr. & Mrs . Charles Hansen Hauke' s Sentry Market Mr. & Mrs. John Jensen & Eric Mr. & Mrs. Brian Mart & Family Capt. & Mrs. Kenneth McA!pin Ms. Arlene O'Bryan

MILDRED HEISTAND Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mr. & Mrs. Fleming Wilson

WESLEY FAHLSTROM Mr. & Mrs. Harley Basel Mr. & Mrs. Don Brunner Pat Brunner Ms. Dorothea Handran Mr. & Mrs. Howard Lovvold Mr. & Mrs. John Lum Mr. Edwin K. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ramsdell Mr. & Mrs. William Rindell MRS. HENRY FELDMAN Mr. & Mrs. Arnold B. Curtis LAVERNE FRYE Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cameron MORRIS GERMAN Mr. & Mrs . Ronald E. Trout LETITIA C. GUNDERSON Mr. LeRoy Adolphson Astoria IL WU Pensioniers Ms. Emelia Bohm Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Farris Ms. Lillian J. Hreha Mr. & Mrs. Albin Ihander Mr. Wayne Ihander Mr. Irv Josephson Mr . & Mrs. Eldon Korpela Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Lahti Mr. & Mrs. George T. Olsen, Jr. Ms . Ne! M. Reed Mr. & Mrs . Frank Royston Mr. & Mrs. Rod Sarpola Mr. & Mrs. Ted Sarpola Mrs. Hannah Seeborg Mrs. Jennie Sutkowski Mr. & Mrs. John P. Syvanen Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Thompson

EDGAR HERMANSON Mr. & Mrs. Don Brunner Mr. & Mrs . Allan Bue Mr. & Mrs . Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs . Paul Stangeland HERBERT BADOLLET HOWELL Astoria Rotary Club Ms. Mary E. Ausnehmer Mrs. Deskin Bergey Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Brown Clatsop Property Management Mr. Robert J. Cowan Mr. & Mrs. James Elliott Mr. & Mrs. J.W. Forrester, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mrs. Margaret Green Mr. & Mrs. Palmer Henningsen Ms. Gertrude M. Johnson Mr. & Mrs . A.J. L' Amie Mr. & Mrs. Donovan Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. A.J. Mittett Dr. & Mrs. R.P. Moore Capt. & Mrs. Kenneth McAlpin Mr. & Mrs. Michael Naab Ms . Carolyn Green Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Fred Rudat, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Sandoz Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Seppa Mr. & Mrs. Charles Simpson Ms . Frances M. Straumford Mr. & Mrs. A.D. Stuart Mr. & Mrs. Carl Swensen Mr. & Mrs. John Warila Mr. & Mrs. Dan Webster Mr. & Mrs. Mark Youtsler SYLVIA E. JOHNSON Mr. & Mrs . George Fulton CAPT. HOWARD C. JONES P.L. Nock RICHARD JONES Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Seabold HELMI KUJALA Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mrs. Marie Sarampaa ITELYNE KYLE Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Morrow


SULO RINNE Mr. & Mrs. Roland Hendrickson

WILLET R. LAKE Mr . & Mrs. Allen V. Cellars

RACHEL E. ROBERTS Mr. & Mrs. Don Brunner Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos

VERTIS LANGLEY Astor School Faculty ERNEST H . LUND Mr. & Mrs . Chris Thompson COILA A. MORFITT Mr. & Mrs. Graham Barbey Mr. & Mrs. Henry Brewersdorff Mr. & Mrs. Tony Bubnick Ms . Zandra Lynne Cook Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Holmes Mrs. Elsie Jarvinen Mr . & Mrs. Donald Kessler Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie Mr. & Mrs. Marius Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Lovell Mr. & Mrs. Larry Petersen Ferne Morse Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. F.E. Ross Ms. Ethel Mae Winters CAROL NOLAN Mr . & Mrs. Ralph Morrow Mr. & Mrs. Ruben A. Mund JENNIE B. OLSON Ms. Dorothea J. Handran Mrs. Clara B. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L'Amie OKIE "GUS" PAAVOLA Ahti Hayrynen Mr. & Mrs. Louis Kosztics Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie Mr. & Mrs. Walt Larson Mr. & Mrs. Gary Mogenson Mr. & Mrs . John Niskala Mr. & Mrs. Keith T. Ranta Arvo V. Savonen PHOEBE A. PATRICK Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bakkensen Mr . & Mrs. F.E. Ross GEORGE & IRENE PEARSON, SR. GEORGE PEARSON, JR. Mrs. Helen Blomquist Mrs. Hannah Seeborg Mrs. Hugo Seeborg ARTHUR W. PREPULA Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stangeland WARD 0 . QUARLES Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mr. & Mrs. F.E. Ross ADOLPH RIERSEN Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hansen

CHRISTINE T. SAGEN Mr. & Mrs. A.J . L'Amie Mr. & Mrs. Robert Saarheim FERRIS L. SAUNDERS Mr. & Mrs. Howard Gerttula Ms. Gloria Keithley Mr. & Mrs. Dale Kohler & Family Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L'Amie Mr. & Mrs. Mike Mowrey THOMAS J. SMITH Mr. Allan J. Bernhoff Mr. Art Paquet HERMIE STOOKEY Mr. & Mrs. John McGowan CURTIS SWAIM Puget Sound Tug & Barge HARRY SWANSON, JR. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. C. Abraham Ms. Irene Alderman Mrs. Berenice Baker Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Barrows Mr. & Mrs. Warren Bechtolt Capt. Joseph Bruneau Mr. & Mrs. Bob Chopping Clatsop County Board of Realtors Mrs. Morgan Coe D .C. Thompson & Co., Realtors Mr. & Mrs. Roy Duoos Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs. Don Edy Ms. Eleanor Ewenson Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Gasper Mr. & Mrs. Tom Georges, Jr. Mrs. Edith Henningsgaard Mr. & Mrs. Mel Hjorten Mr. & Mrs. M.B. Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Jensen Mr. & Mrs. Sigfred Jensen Mr. Clarence Johnson Mrs. Helen V. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. H. Ruben Kuratli Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie Mr. & Mrs. Howard Lovvold Mr. & Mrs. Albert Luukinen Capt. & Mrs. Kenneth McAlpin Mr. & Mrs. John McGowan Mr. & Mrs. Michael Naab Mr. & Mrs. Bob Phillips Ferne Morse Reynolds RADM. D.L. Roscoe, Jr. Mr. & Mrs . F.E. Ross Mr. & Mrs. Albert Sorkki Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stangeland Miss Adaline Svenson Miss Leila Svenson Mr. & Mrs . Arnold Swanson

Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Ms. Janeice Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Agnes Mr. & Mrs.

Carl Tolonen William Turner Uhl Gordon Wolfgram Wolleson Arvid Wuonola

RUTH MARIE SWIMM Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Trout GRANT BENSON TUBBS Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hansen Frances Hoare Mr. & Mrs. A.J . L'Amie RICHARD WADE Mrs. Rae Goforth Mr. & Mrs. Buddy Hoell CARROL WILKINS Puget Sound Tug & Barge JALMAR WILSON Mr. & Mrs. C.W. Angbert Mr. & Mrs. Edsel! Asp mo Mrs. Helen Blomquist Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cameron & Family Mr. & Mrs. Willard Caspell Ms . Grace Dixon Mr. & Mrs. Dave Drake Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs. Oren Freerksen Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Haddix Mr. Leonard Haga Ms . Dorothea J. Handran Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Haskins Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hellberg Mr. & Mrs. John Hill Mr. & Mrs. Buddy Hoell Mr. & Mrs. George Holt Mr. William Holt Ms. Belinda Hugill Mr. & Mrs. John Hugill Mr. & Mrs. H . Robert Johnson Mrs. Anita Kankkonen Mr. & Mrs . Vincent Kearney Mr. & Mrs. Ed Lundholm Ms. Lillian Niemi Mr. Robert Nikka Mr . Wayne Nikka Ms. Bertha K. Lee Ms. Virginia Lee Mr . & Mrs. Clyde McIntyre Mr. & Mrs. A.W . Ostrom Mr. Wayne Ostrom Mr. Alex Sarpola Mrs . Hannah Seeborg Ms . J. Marlene Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Dick Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wilson Ms . Theresa Wilson CAROL WOOLDRIDGE Mr. & Mrs. Graham J. Barbey HERMES H. WRIGHTSON Portland Steamship Operators Association



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THE TONQUIN SYMPOSIUM The symposium on the Tonquin, announced in our last issue, was duly hosted by the Museum on March 9th and 10th. It was organized by Amos Wood, an author and retired engineer from Mercer Island, Washington, to pool the expertise amassed by numerous researchers involved in the fourteen separate searches for her wreck conducted since 1957. About 25 people attended the meeting, which featured a movie, slides, and nine speakers. Many of those present were both researchers and divers, from a variety of professional backgrounds, and the volume of knowledge represented was truly impressive. The discussions covered the previous expeditions' work, written evidence about the Tonquin, various theories about what happened to her, recommendations on the




conduct of future efforts, and how to identify the wreck if found . The participants seemed universally pleased and excited with the results. No consensus emerged as to where the Tonquin's remains actually lie and there was considerable disagreement about her likely state of preservation. But valuable ideas were presented concerning a systematic search for information in unpublished logs of other fur trading ships, and about the true location of the place the Tonquin was bound for when she left Astoria. It is certain that, despite their great individual learning, all present were exposed to new information and ideas from the work of others. The resulting re-examination of assumptions will surely lead to much new work and enhanced chances that the Tonquin will one day be found.

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