V10 N3 Summer 1983 The 'Star of Finland' (ex 'Kaiulani')

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<1sit;~~:i~~ 1792 MARINE DRIVE, ASTORIA, OREGON 97103

VOL. 10

THE STAR OF FINLAND (EX-KAIULANI) A large, steel barque slid down the launching ways in December of 1899 at the shipyard of Arthur Sewall and Company in Bath, Maine. She bore the name Kaiulani, that of the Polynesian princess who was the last heir to the Hawaiian throne, because the vessel was destined for use in the sugar trade between the Hawaiian Islands and San Francisco. Of 1,570 gross tons, she measured 225. 7 feet long by 42.3 feet broad, with a depth in hold of 20 feet. Captain Richard Dabel commanded on her maiden voyage, by way of Cape Horn, to the Pacific. Owned by a group of investors, she was originally operated on their behalf by Williams, Dimond and Company of San Francisco, but H. Hackfeld and Company of Honolulu later took over her management. She not only carried cargo, but also provided passenger accommodations at a cost of $40 for a one-way voyage. Captain T.H. Griffiths, then the Kaiulani's master, died aboard her at age seventy during a voyage fromSeattle to Kaapali, Hawaii in 1902. Steamers soon began replacing sailing vessels in the sugar trade and the Kaiulani was sold to the Alaska Packers Association of San Francisco in 1910. Renamed the Star of Finland, each spring she carried supplies and workers north to the company's salmon canneries in Alaska. She would then lie at anchor until fall, when she transported fishermen, cannery crews, and the season's pack home to San Francisco. The Alaska Packers Association owned the last large group of square-riggers to fly the U.S. flag and all of these ships bore names beginning "Star of ... " {continued on page 2J


NO. 3

KAIULANI (continued)

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FROM THE QUARTERDECK Not long ago I received from a Museum volunteer a memorandum in which a number of suggestions were made regarding certain operational procedures. The memo was notable for having been written at all (things are not usually so formal around here!) . Moreover, its suggestions were both valid and useful. But what impressed me most about the note was a sentence that seems to explain the dedication and commitment shared by so many who have contributed, and who continue to contribute, to the success of this institution. "To be privileged to help preserve our great heritage,'' the volunteer wrote, "is an honor that we can really respect." That that view is almost universally held by supporters and staff members alike is perhaps the most gratifying aspect of being associated with the Columbia River Maritime Museum. There is a sense that every individual effort on behalf of the Museum, whether it be performance of some routine administrative or maintenance task, or sending in one's annual membership dues, is an important contribution to achievement of our common goal. No group makes a greater contribution than the loyal and able corps of Museum volunteers. Collectively they donate thousands of hours of their time every year. On any day of the week individual volunteers might be found staffing the gift shop, conducting guided tours of the galleries, providing interpretation on board the lightship, or carrying out any number of other tasks around the Museum. Additionally, the ladies of the Museum Auxiliary help with mailings, social and fund raising events, etc. Put quite simply, the Museum could not have achieved what it has, nor could it carry on, without the involvement of volunteers. They are a vital resource. Michael Naab , Director

During World War I, the Star of Finland returned to the sugar trade after the U .S. Shipping Board chartered her and four other ships from the Alaska Packers Association in 1917. They were used as temporary replacements in Hawaiian service for steamers which were needed in the Atlantic. The Star of Finland was retired in 1927 and laid up at the Alaska Packers' moorings in Alameda, California, except for a period in 1936-37 when she was chartered to play the role of a packet ship of the 1840's in the Gary Cooper movie "Souls at Sea.'' Although the company's other sailing vessels were sold off to foreign buyers, the Alaska Packers Association intended at one time to preserve the Star of Finland as a sentimental relic of the days of sail. Nonetheless, she was finally sold in 1939. Donald H. Bates of Portland projected using the Star of Finland as a floating depot for fishing boats on the Columbia River, but the plan was never carried through and she was resold in 1941 to a group of investors. The old barque was overhauled and registered in Panama under her original name of Kaiulani. Under the command of Captain Hjalmar G. Wigsten, she was sent to Grays Harbor, Washington to load timber for a voyage to South Africa under charter to the Danish East Asiatic Company. She sailed on September 25, 1941 and reached Durban on January 29, 1942. It was the last cargo voyage by an American square-rigger ever to round Cape Horn . At Durban the Kaiulani took on a cargo of cordite explosive for Australia. Due to reports of Japanese submarines near her destination, she put into Hobart, Tasmania and discharged the cordite there . She was then requisitioned by the U.S. Army Transportation Corps and, with her masts removed, served through World War II as a coal barge. In 1948 the U.S. Government sold her to Philippine shipowner Vincent Madrigal for a lumber barge. In 1962 a group seeking a sailing vessel to become a museum ship at Washington, D.C. learned about the Kaiulani from Karl Kortum, Director of the San Francisco Maritime Museum, who had been in her crew during her last voyage under sail. A committee was formed to attempt her preservation and the owners were persuaded to present the Kaiulani, through Philippine President Macapagal, as a gift to the American people in 1964. President Lyndon B. Johnson accepted, on behalf of the National Maritime Historical Society, which had evolved from the preservation committee. Fund-raising began, but the Kaiulani was found to be too sadly deteriorated to permit restoration with any amount that could be realistically expected. She was ultimately scrapped, but certain significant portions of her hull were saved for possible future use in an exhibit about shipbuilding and were stored by the San Francisco Maritime Museum (now the National Maritime Museum) .


* The Kaiulani




ANNA C. ANDERSON Ms. Gladys Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Carl Labiske Mr. & Mrs. R.A. Mund

FRANCES J. JOHNSON Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L'Amie

EMMA BACH! Mr. & Mrs. Curt Allen Mr. & Mrs. Warren Bechtolt Ms. Shirley Cole Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Ms. Wilma Englund Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Hauke Mr. & Mrs . Reuben Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Eino S. Juola Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Koskelo Ms. Helen Koski Mr. & Mrs. Bill Larson Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Martin Mrs. Ed Niemi Ms. Ruth Niemi & Family Mr. & Mrs. Arvi Ostrom Mr. & Mrs. Robert Palmrose Mr. Walter A. Palmrose Mr. W.A. Palmrose, Sr. GEORGE FRANKLIN BEALL Mr. John Waldum MARIE BLATCHLEY Mr. Glen Yates JOSEPH C. BOYINGTON Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos N. ROBERT BRANDENBURG Mr. & Mrs. Delmer C. Boman Mr. & Mrs. Don Brunner Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos HUGH CONNER Mr. P.L. Nock GENEVIEVE DYER Mrs. Natalie C. Cellars Mr. & Mrs. James E. O'Connor Ms. Cheryl E. Wilhelm ARCHIE GEORGE Mr. & Mrs. David Corkill GEORGE GREBE MEMORIAL Employees of Northwest Marine Iron Works MARIANNE GRIFFIN Mr. Allan Bernhoff Mr. Clarence Johnson THOMAS H. HINDMAN Mr. & Mrs. Duane Autzen Dr. Don Kilgard LaGrand Chain Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Dale Morrison GLENN HOKKANEN Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie

HERBERT JUE Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie KAARLO HENRY KOKKO Mr. Lloyd M. Halsan Mr. & Mrs. Osmo Perkiomaki Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Pitkanen Mr. & Mrs. Chris Thompson MARION KUGLER Mr. & Mrs. Robert Palmrose ALICE M. KUSSMAN Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Knutsen Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie W.C. "RED" KYLE Capt. & Mrs. H.T. Bohlman FLOYD HENRY LARSON Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Bidema Mr. Roy Duoos Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie Mr. Rudy Ranta LOIS K. LAWRENCE Mr. & Mrs. George W. Blinco Portland Steamship Operator's Assn. MINNIE LUM Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie Miss Adelaine Svenson Miss Leila Svenson Miss Medora Svenson JAMES LUMIJARVI Mr. & Mrs. Ted Sarpola AMANDA M. LUOMA Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Ms. Anita Kankkonen Mrs. Randi Salo Mr. & Mrs. Dan A. Thiel Mr. & Mrs. William R. Zillman JOHN EDWARD NIEMI Mr. & Mrs. Henry Bartolini Mr. & Mrs. Alf E. Dahl Mr. & Mrs. D.M. Effinger Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mowrey Mr. John Niemi Miss Ruth Niemi Mr. James S. Stacy Mr. & Mrs. Vincent M. Zankich WILLIAM G. NIVA Mr. & Mrs. Delmer Boman IDA E. PARKER Mr. & Mrs. Don Brunner Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos

JOHN D. PETERSON Mr. & Mrs. O .K. Berg Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Blue Mr. & Mrs . Richard Cameron Mr. & Mrs. Eden Carlson Furn E. Coe Mr. & Mrs. Arnold B. Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Dundas Mr. & Mrs. Roy Duoos Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Ms. Grace Eliassen Mr. & Mrs. Gene Freese Mr. Henry M. Gjovik Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Grove Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Hartill Mr. & Mrs. James Henderson Mr. & Mrs. J.H. Holland Mr. & Mrs. Gwynn Holt Mr. Herb Hyvari Mr. & Mrs . Willard Ivanoff Ms. Agnes M. Jeppesen Mr. & Mrs. Fred Jermann Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Johnson Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L'Amie Mr. & Mrs. Frank La Pay Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Larson Mrs. Margaret Lervick Mr. & Mrs. William Lindgren Mr. & Mrs. Albert Luukinen Mr. & Mrs. William Maki Ms. Mary Marquart The Miles Family Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Moberg Mr. David Moberg & Family Ms. Lila A. Olsen & Family Mrs. Bernice M. Olson Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Olson Mr. & Mrs. Eldred Olson Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Olsvik Ms. Elsie Osterlund Mrs. Florence Paaso Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pesch! Mr. & Mrs. A.C. Petersen Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Peterson Mr. Rudolph E. Ranta Mr. & Mrs. William Rehufss Mrs. Elsa Simonsen Mr. & Mrs. George E. Siverson Mr. & Mrs. Sam Snell Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stangeland Mr. Richard H. Trojan Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Trout Mr. & Mrs. Ray Utter Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Wait & Family Mr. & Mrs. John Warila Ms. Karen Whitman Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Wolfgram POWELL PLANT Mrs. Frances Hoare SISTER DOLORES ROBINSON Mr. & Mrs. Francis Robinson Sister Marian Dolores Robinson Ms. Cheryl E. Wilhelm

MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS, CONTINUED ROY H . TAKALO Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Aarnio Mr. & Mrs. Kjartan Ask Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Autio Ms. Caroline Barendse Mr. & Mrs. Delwin Barendse Mr. & Mrs. Darryl Bergeson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Berkert Ms. Joy R. Black Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Blair Mr. & Mrs. Arne Bohm Ms. Nora S. Bue Ms. Lawrence E. Carlson Mr. & Mrs. John Cheuvront Columbia River Fisherman's Protective Union Columbia-Wards Fisheries Mr. & Mrs. George Emken Mr. & Mrs. Bob Engblom Mr. & Mrs. Gene M. Engblom Englund Marine Supply Mr. Edward Erickson Ms. Minnie Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Dale Estoos Mr. & Mrs. I. John Estoos Ms. Nora Jean Estoos Mr. & Mrs. Allen Fish Mr. & Mrs. Dale Fish Mr. & Mrs. Walter Grove

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Haglund Ms. Emma J. Holm Ms. Elizabeth J. Holm Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Holm Mr. & Mrs. A.E . Huhta Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hunter Mr. Clifford Johnson Mrs. Dick Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Johnson Mr. & Mrs. John Lahti Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Lahti Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Lasich Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Leslie Ms. Audrey J. Leslie Mr. & Mrs. William Maki Ms. Alice Nielsen & Family Northwest Fishermen's Wives Assn. Mr. & Mrs. Arne Oja Mr. & Mrs. Richard Oja Mr. Romer Owen Oja Mr. & Mrs. Carl Paronen Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Peitsch Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Peterson Mr. & Mrs. William Raihala Mr. & Mrs. Donald Riswick Mrs. Gordon Roberts Ms. Anna Sarkie Mr. Emery Showalter Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sorensen

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Westerholm Mr. & Mrs. Jay Westerholm Mr. & Mrs. Robert Williamson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wing Mrs. Kate Ziak Mr. Robert Ziak LISA WEBB Mrs. Kate Ziak Mr. Robert Ziak MRS. WHETSTONE Mrs. Kate Ziak Mr. Robert Ziak ADOLPH WILSON Mrs. Elmer Blomquist Mr. & Mrs. David Drake Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. Leonard Haga Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Haskins Mrs. John Jeffers Mr. & Mrs. J. Vincent Kearney Mr. & Mrs. Ed Lundholm Mr. & Mrs. A.W. Ostrom Ms. Hannah Seeborg Ms. J. Marlene Taylor Ms. Theresa Wilson

NEW MEMBERS, INCREASED SUPPORT(*) APRIL 1 - JUNE 30, 1983 Mrs. E.S. Cobb* Mr. & Mrs. William A. Comrie, Portland Mr. V.J. Davidson, Moscow, ID PILOT Mr. & Mrs. Clarence 0 . Dreyer Mr. Gary D. Larsen* Mr. & Mrs. C.S. Emmons, Albany Mr. Joseph M. Fought* SUSTAINING Rev. & Mrs. Theodore Johnstone Dr. & Mrs. Marlene S. Carlson, Mr. & Mrs. Warren Leitch, Coeur D'Alene, ID . Issaquah, WA Mrs. Mary B. Hoffman* Mr. Philip D. Lively* Mr. Bruce W. Nelson* Mr. & Mrs. E.E. Ludeman* U.F.C.W., Local 143A * Capt. Dave Lyman, Honolulu, HI Mrs. George K. Voss* Mr. & Mrs. Leys McCarter, Seaside Dr. & Mrs. R.P. Moore* SUPPORTING Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Nilsen, Eugene Anderson Jewelers* Ms. Ann Parks, Rockaway Mr. & Mrs. Peter Anderson, Seaside Mr. Peter G. Quinn* Mrs. Frances Hoara * Mrs. Mildred Ragan* Mrs. Jason James, Lake Oswego Mr. Bruce W. Weir* Mr. Samuel S. Johnson* Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Keeler* Mr. Bill Kundel * ANNUAL Mr. & Mrs. W. Louis Larson* Mrs. Lydia Alpenfels, Warrenton Mr. & Mrs. Harold W. Snow* Mr. Phil R. Anderson Trail's End Resorts, Inc., Seaside Mr. James W. Bayless, Portland Mr. John T. Bohlman, Carmel, CA CONTRIBUTING Mrs. Mary E. Chamberlain, Warrenton Mr. & Mrs. Rick Culver Mrs. J. Lester Albertson* Mr. Ronald Day, Seaside Mr. & Mrs. Barry Barrett* Mr. Daniel Dicello, Ilwaco, WA Mr. & Mrs. Roland W. Bennetts, Mrs. Ruth Dixon, Raymond, WA Portland Miss Trudy Enke, Hammond Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Borton* Mr. & Mrs. Val Escobar Buckman Amusement Company

LIFE Dr. & Mrs. Charles W. Browning*

Mr. & Mrs Walter Fransen Mr. & Mrs. Joel Haggard, Seattle, WA BMCM & Mrs. Larry Haydon, Ilwaco, WA Mr. Dudley C. Humphreys, Lynwood, WA Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Kerr, Bend Mr. James A. Knutsen, Clackamas Mr. & Mrs. Burnett H. Komm, Seaside Mr. M.V. Maher Mr. & Mrs. James P. Marenakos, Stonington, CT Mr. David H. Martinez, Gladstone Mr. & Mrs. David Miehe Mr. John Niemi, San Francisco, CA Mr. Stephen L. Recken Mr. & Mrs. James Sanford Mrs. Elizabeth A. Savage, Medford Mr. James Sayce/Ms. Noelle Congdon, Ocean Park, WA Mr. & Mrs. Mayer D. Schwartz, Beaverton Mr. Mark P. Siegel, Salem Ms. Marie Skei Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Steele Mr. & Mrs. Frank Weissenfluh Mr. Gene E. Wilkins, Vancouver, WA Ms. Ruth Wirth Mr. & Mrs. Jack H . Wood, Albany Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Wood, Portland Mr. Gavin Young, Cannon Beach Ms. Janet Young

STAR OF OREGON WINS GRAND PRIZE For the second year in a row, Dr. Niclaus H. Marineau of Portland won the grand prize in our ship model competition. His entry was a finely detailed, scratch-built model of the Liberty ship Star of Oregon. Subsequently, Dr. Marineau very generously donated the model to our collection. The Star of Oregon was the second Liberty ship launched in the massive emergency shipbuilding program which produced 2,742 standardized freighters of the ECZ-S-Cl design during World War II. She was also the first of 330 Liberties constructed at Portland by the Oregon Shipbuilding Corporation. The German submarine U-162 sank the Star of Oregon off Trinidad on August 30, 1942. One of her crew was killed in the attack, but the rest were rescued.

Model of Star of Oregon

The model contest is held as part of the Museum's observance of Astoria's annual Maritime Week. This year we drew 39 entries from as far as Idaho and British Columbia. The event was judged by the Curator, Larry Gilmore, and two experienced modellers, Dr. Robert S. Norgren of Beaverton and Edward K. Neubauer of Milwaukie, Oregon. A total of 22 awards were made in several categories and two age divisions. ADULT DIVISION: Scratch-built models: (1st) N.H. Marineau, Portland - Star of Oregon; (2nd) V.J. Davidson, Moscow, Idaho - colonial schooner; (3rd) Ole Schmidt, North Vancouver, B.C. - revenue cutter. Wooden kits: (1st) Maurice Mitchell, Spokane - cross-section of H.M.S. Victory; (2nd) C.J. Bartley, Kelso, Washington - whaleboat; (3rd) William Cornell, Hillsboro - fishing schooner. Plastic kits: (1st) Lloyd Bowler, Astoria - aircraft carrier; (2nd) Downey Cunningham, Renton, Washington - galleon; (3rd) Brian Grissom, Astoria - aircraft carrier. Radio-controlled models: (1st) William 0. Witte, Medford - steam launch; (2nd) William 0. Witte - tugboat; (3rd) William 0. Witte - freighter. Ships-in-bottles: (1st) Russell Rowley, Seattle - square-rigger; (2nd) Richard Clark, Portland -sidewheeler Beaver; (3rd) James Herr, Marysville, Washington - schooner. Decorative & fanciful models: (1st) Alan Farmer, Astoria - paper brig. JUNIOR DIVISION: Plastic kits: (1st) Ken Frost, Warrenton, Oregon - German torpedo boat; (2nd) Rich Prouse, Vancouver, Washington - PT 109; (3rd) Jeff Prouse, Vancouver -U.S. cruiser. Decorative & fanciful models: (1st) Clint Patterson, Astoria - shipwreck diorama; (2nd) Clifford Linehan, Astoria - imaginary warship.

BALTIMORE CLIPPER VISITS ASTORIA The Pride of Baltimore, a replica of a Baltimore clipper schooner of 1812, called at Astoria in July, hosted by the Museum, where she docked. The vessel was open to the public, free of charge, on the 16th and 17th. The ninety-foot schooner displays the typical features of a type which evolved on the Chesapeake Bay for uses demanding speed. The Baltimore clippers achieved fame as privateers during the War of 1812, but were also widely used for warships, slavers, smugglers, revenue cutters, and pilot boats. The Pride of Baltimore is owned by the City of Baltimore. She serves as a roving ambassador to promote tourism and economic development in her home port and has been cruising the West Coast for several months. The Pride of Baltimore and the sail training vessels Adventuress and Odyssey were featured attractions of the 1983 Portland Maritime Festival, in which the Museum also participated by setting up a special exhibit, "Shipwrecks and Lifesavers." This exhibit, which ran from July 1 through the 4th, was viewed by thousands of the festival's visitors.

100,000th VISITOR The one-hundred-thousandth visitor to the Museum's new building passed through the door on the morning of May 19th, only eight days after the first anniversary of its opening. After entering together, Frank and Dolores Kelly of Butte, Montana were pleasantly surprised to find themselves the center of a great deal of attention as the event was honored by the Museum and covered by the press. Edith Henningsgaard, Mayor of Astoria and a Trustee of the Museum, was on hand to present a complimentary membership and a framed poster to the couple. The Kellys were making a side trip while visiting their son in Portland.



$1,000 single payment

D Supporting

$50 per year

D Sponsor

$500 per year

D Contributing

$25 per year


$250 per year

D Annual

$15 per year

D Sustaining

$100 per year

D Student

$7.50 per year

NAME _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ADDRESS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ - - - - - - - - - - - The Regulator

CITY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

STATE _ _ _ __

ZIP _ _ _ __

THE REGULATOR LINE The Dalles, Portland, and Astoria Navigation Company was formed in 1891 and became popularly known as the Regulator Line, taking the name from one of its two original boats, the Regulator and the Dalles City. The new company was in competition with the monopolistic Oregon Railway and Navigation Company. In 1893, a few years after completing its railroad connections to the east, the O.R.&N. suspended its steamboat service on the Columbia above the Cascades. However, the Regulator Line soon began cutting into the railroad's grain shipments so badly that the O.R.&N. was eventually forced to again operate steamers on the middle Columbia in competition with its own trains, as well as the Regulator Line. The Regulator Line was greatly expanded in 1903 by a merger with Captain U.B. Scott's White Collar Line (the Columbia River and Puget Sound Navigation Company), which operated the fast, popular sternwheel packets Telephone and Bailey Gatzert. In the ensuing period, the Columbia River saw its most spectacular era of steamboat rivalry, as the strengthen-



ed Regulator Line competed vigorously with the independent steamers Charles R. Spencer and lone, as well as the O.R.&N.'s T.j. Potter and Hassalo. Races between the boats were frequent and sometimes reckless. Additional heat was added to the rivalry when James J. Hill gained control of the Regulator Line, since he also competed with the O.R.&N. through his Great Northern and Northern Pacific railroads. The Regulator Line gained a near monopoly of packet service in 1915, when it took over the boats previously operated by the Open River Transportation Company and the Dalles-Columbia Line. At this time it was offering round-trip excursions from Portland to The Dalles for as little as $ 1.00. The days of river packet service were numbered, however, as highway construction presented new transportation alternatives and deprived the steamboats of more and more freight and passengers. By 1920 the Regulator Line boats were transferred elsewhere or converted to towboats.

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