High Notes #4 - 25 March 2013

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Vol. 49

Issue #4

25th March 2013


FROM THE HEADMASTER Dear Parents, The MCC Swimming Carnival held last Thursday evening was a really good night for our team. The group of swimmers involved displayed excellent team spirit. The Year 7 and Year 12 students who attend the Carnival each provided the cheering support to lift the efforts of our swim team.

Marist North Shore in full voice

The most important part of the Catholic and other Christian groups Liturgical year is Easter, when we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus. We all experience suffering and hurt in our lives at times and going to the Holy Thursday and Good Friday services is a good way of remembering not only the sacrifices that have been made for us but also to place in the context the suffering that we have experienced.

11 focus first on what the teacher isn’t doing and last on why they need to do themselves to make it work. The College Immersion Dinner will take place at the La Valla Hall here at the College Friday 5 April at 6.30pm. I strongly recommend that all families do consider attending this event as it one of our largest charitable events at the College for the benefit of the organisation the boys visit on their Immersion journeys. The night is a chance for all to be educated on the issues faced by these communities and what impact our students are having through their efforts. For further information, refer to page 9. I remind families that the last day of term is Friday 12 April. Unlike most recent years the holiday break is not around the Easter break. All students will be conducting syllabus work up until the end of term and families should not succumb to pressure from their son to be missing school during any of the nine schools days between Easter Monday and the last day of term. In general, if you wish to have your son take an absence of leave, you are required to fill out an Application for Exemption of Leave form which can be found on our College website.

And of course, after death comes new life and the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus gives us a sense of a new beginning always following the tough times. In the modern media it is easier to find examples of people who have given up on life because they could not see any hope. It is important for all of us to be hopeful people because it will bring us the best outcomes, always. Year 12 are back at school after mid-year exams. It is important for all students in the senior group to be focused on their work and to maintain a sense of urgency about their preparation for the HSC. Performing to the level of your ability at this level requires being organised and consistent. Year 11 students on the other hand are at the usual stage of reassessing their subject choices and their work load. I encourage Year 11 to concentrate on what they need to do to improve. Sometimes, when overwhelmed, Year

I extend to you every prayer and blessing for the Easter Break.

Br Peter Corr, fms Headmaster

FROM THE DEPUTY HEADMASTER PASTORAL CARE LESSONS An important element of Pastoral Care that occurs within Marist College are the pastoral lessons that we conduct with each year group. It is a part of the holistic education in nurturing students to reach their potential and build capacity to live within our world. Each year group is presented a relevant topic that looks to challenge, inform and affirm our students about a variety of issues. Last Wednesday students in Years 7, 8, 10 and 11 were engaged in a pastoral lesson. These year groups explored the following topics with their teachers. Year 7: The Heart Of Marist - An introduction to the meaning of being a Marist student. Year 7 watched the video presentation from 2012 on “The Heart of Marist”. As a further development in their orientation to a Marist education, the students explored this theme and discussed with their teacher what they have witnessed and felt as Marist students in their first seven weeks. Year 8: The focus for Year 8 was the topic of Bullying. The following concepts were examined and discussed: • What is bullying? Discussion on the effects of Bullying (short and long term) • Strategies to stop bullying. What assertive behaviour can you take if you are being bullied? • Why is it so important to stand up for someone who is being bullied? Year 10: Year 10 examined the theme of “Making a Difference”. The stimulus for this theme was a youtube clip on the story of the Panyee Football Club. A wonderful real life story displaying the values of persistence, working together and influencing community. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n90uKuFh9Go

From this story, the students of Year 10 were challenged to think outside the square and look to see how they can make a difference within their communities.

Year 11: Learning Styles. Year 11 focused on reviewing goals that were established at the end of 2012 in order to examine their approach and commitment to their senior studies. An online test was completed that provided each student with an understanding of their specific learning style. Strategies were provided from the resource as a guide for students in knowing and understanding effective means of study in conjunction with knowing their learning style. Furthermore, examples of study timetables were issued and discussed along with some information on practical study skills. As always, I encourage parents to talk to their sons about the issues, ideas and strategies that were discussed within their pastoral lessons. Essentially we hope to build a deeper understanding of the topic for our young men, thus keeping them informed to a degree that fosters their intellectual, spiritual, and physical development. EASTER BLESSING/PRAYER I hope that this Easter season brings Marist families a sense of joy, holiness and togetherness. Our students during the Lenten Season have been focusing on the importance of sacrifice and alms giving. The importance of service to others using Jesus as our perfect example has been our guiding light. I hope that families look to attend Easter celebrations and see and feel the blessings and spirit that the Easter Season brings.

God of Promise and God of Hope who through your great mercy have granted us new birth through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we praise your Wonderful name! God of Glory and God of Might who through your great power have granted us new strength to endure all things through faith in Christ our risen King, we praise your Wonderful name. Amen.

Mr David Forrester Deputy Headmaster

FAITH FORMATION EASTER REFLECTION Over the next few weeks, we put an end to our Lenten journeys and begin celebrating our most significant event in our Christian Calendar, Easter. Easter is the time when we celebrate Christs’ passion, death and resurrection. The holiest three days of this season are called the Triduum (Latin for three days), which begins on Holy Thursday evening and continues through the evening of Easter Sunday. Through the centuries, Christians have set these days aside – free of social engagements, entertainment, and work if possible. It is a time of prayer, special fasting, and expectation. The Triduum is “all one piece,” one single celebration of the dying and rising of Christ (the Paschal Mystery). On Holy Thursday evening, we are drawn into the whole event of Christ’s dying and rising. Then on Good Friday, the Passion according to John is read. In the night of Holy Saturday and through to Easter Sunday, the Spirit hovers over the water of Baptism as over the tomb of Christ and we experience the “Passover” of death to life. We celebrate God’s triumph over death and our promise of everlasting life in Him through our baptism. For the next fifty days after Easter until Pentecost, in the Sunday Gospels, we’ll find the Risen Christ by a lakeshore...on a mountain top...coming through closed doors. The Paschal Candle will burn brightly in our church as we, like the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, feel our hearts burning within us and experience the fire of his love. I hope this Easter season will be a time of renewal and rebirth for you and your families. In doing a little research on Easter traditions I found the following traditions interesting: Who doesn’t like to have a new outfit at Easter New clothes at Easter remind us of our baptismal garments and new beginnings. One time, Dorothy Day planned her Easter outfit. She only had a little change in her pocket, but it was sufficient. She said it would buy her a new pair of shoelaces. Chocolate is always the order of the day: The Easter egg is a religious symbol representing the tomb from which Jesus’ new life came forth. An eggshell is like Christ’s tomb, harbouring new life within.

People dye Easter eggs to remember the sign of God’s covenant with Noah (the rainbow). People in Greece dye eggs red to honour Christ’s blood. From the red shells emerged the white and gold of resurrection. They place the painted eggs on the graves of their relatives. As many of you know I’m expecting my own little Easter bundle in early April. Hopefully baby McKinley will have an easy and safe arrival into the world. Thank you for all your well wishes and for the support you have given me so far here at the College, I look forward to returning back to you at MCNS after my maternity leave. Finally I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very safe, happy and holy Easter. With every good wish, Mrs Marian McKinley Director of Faith Formation


(St Mary’s North Sydney, St Francis Xavier Lavender Bay and Star of the Sea Kirribilli)

Our Lady of the Way Parish hosts a Youth Group every second week after the 6pm Youth Mass for students in Years 6 - 12 at the Ron Dyer Centre. The Group has been active two months now and our mission is to provide a safe and fun environment where young adults can come and join in fellowship through prayer, games, food, discussions and activities. Pick up takes place at approximately 8.40pm. Next Gatherings: 24th March 7th April 21st April

5th May 19th May

Contact: James Neville 0431 122 580 or jamesn@sjparishnsw.org.au

SOLIDARITY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY BREAKFAST Did you know that only 1% of land ownership in the world is held by women? And that 1 in 3 women around the world will be the subject to domestic abuse? I am sure these statistics may have surprised you, just like many of the students attending the International Women’s Day breakfast on Friday 15th March in the Faith Formation room.

However after moving in, the team at the UN found she had returned to her old home and was using the new one for rental income. Many of the students in the room were perturbed as to why she would do that, however the mother was more concerned about putting food on the table for her children than having a contemporary and secure home. Rebecca continued to shock the young students in the room with more statistics: 1 in 4 women around the world are physically or sexually abused whilst pregnant and in Australia almost one woman every week is murdered by a male partner or ex-partner. In the light of statistics such as these, many were wondering what we can do as teenagers living in Sydney to change these issues?

Students enjoying a wonderful breakfast prepared by MCNS

Forty Marist College students were joined by twenty girls from Marist Sisters Woolwich and Monte Sant’ Angelo College and along with their teachers to enjoy a delicious breakfast put on generously by the school. Following this, it was time to face the facts and issues at hand.

Students from Monte Sant’ Angelo, Marist Sisters Woolwich & Marist North Shore all participated in the event

We were shown a humorous campaign demonstrating the importance of just making your presence known if you know a neighbour who is being abused domestically, whilst small things like donating to UN Women or just making a post on Facebook can all empower us to make change in our communities and around the world. Guest speaker Rebecca Bromhead, Deputy Director of United Nations Women Australia

Rebecca Bromhead, Deputy Director of United Nations Women Australia, spoke to the students about gender inequality for women worldwide. She shared inspirational stories - one about a single mother whose husband was an abusive alcoholic, lived with her three kids a small, dirty and insecure shack, who was offered a brand new housing opportunity to cater for their needs.

The breakfast hopefully has inspired many of the students attending to go out and make a difference in the world through our many forms of social media or by just telling someone who is willing to listen. This event hopefully will be on the Marist calendar for years to come. Samuel How 10 Chanel



Students are invited to enter the Ryde Eisteddfod which is taking place on Saturday 13 July - Saturday 7 September. The Competition for all ages, solo or group performances in the following categories:

Students from the College have had their work entered in various art competitions across this term. Its my pleasure to congratulate three students who are currently have their artwork on display at the Australian Catholic University, Strathfield in the Sydney Catholic Schools Clancy Prize:

Vocal Dance Speech & Drama Instrumental Music Entries close Monday 23 April or online Monday 30 April. On offer are generous money and trophy prizes. To view the syllabus: www.re.org.au For any enquiries contact Dawn 9869 0451 or dawn@bigpond.net.au I highly encourage students to participate to extend their performance skills and seek opportunities beyond the College.

Dominic West (8 Kelly) Joshua Hortinela (10 Kelly) Jack Freeman (10 Moore) These boys have each created outstanding paintings in both realistic and abstract forms based on a religious theme, “There, where you are you will find God” - Saint Mary MacKillop. Their artwork will be on display until Friday 12 April. A special congratulations goes to Dominic West with his first prize in the Sydney Easter Show in the Under 13 - 17 years youth category for his painting ‘My grandmother Mimi’. So when you go to the Show you might see Dominic’s work on display.


Assistance required! “Promises, Promises” is a musical set in New York City during the swinging 60’s showcasing the fantastic design and fashion of the era. We are asking for parents who are interested to assist with initial costuming and later help with makeup and hair before each performance. We may also need to ‘borrow’ some prop items for the performance (see future High Notes for further details). Performance dates: Thursday 13 June - Saturday 15 June If you are interested, contact Ms Carolyn O’Brien at the College: carolyn.obrien@syd.catholic. edu.au

The Mosman Youth Art Prize is returning this year and I invite all talented art students to enter this prestigious competition. Details and online entry can be found at: www.mosmanartgallery.org.au Ms Carolyn O’Brien Head of Creative Arts





In the last few weeks on Friday evenings the CSDA Public Speaking Competition has been under way. In public speaking, students are given a choice of five topics to write a speech on. The topics are often very generic and allow the students a certain amount of freedom in creating an interesting and at times provocative speech that demonstrates a passion where they attempt to entertain and inform the audience.

Students in Year 7 are currently studying Solids, Liquids and Gases as a part of the Stage 4 Science Syllabus. Many of the students are familiar with the fact that, with the addition of some heat, solids can be changed into liquids and liquids changed into gas.

The College entered several students from Years 7 - 12. We were successful with two of our students, Darcy Bowers (9 Kelly) and Samuel How (10 Chanel) making it through to the semifinals and finals which were held at St Mary’s Cathedral School and St Ignatius Riverview respectively. Sam spoke about the abuse of freedom of speech in the Western world and Darcy spoke about the Internet and its pervasive power into our lives. At the end of the night, both Darcy and Sam were awarded third place in their respective year groups. The competition was tough and choosing winners was not an easy feat.

However, in a process called sublimation, some substances move directly from a solid to a gas without going through the liquid state. One substance that sublimates is Carbon Dioxide.

In watching both students speak, I was impressed by their content and delivery. Standing in front of an audience speaking from memory is not an easy task and both boys did it with aplomb and confidence. It is clear that in future years we will be hearing more about the successes of these two very fine public speakers. Congratulations to both Darcy and Sam and I further extend my congratulations and thanks to all of the other students who competed and represented the College with pride.

Ms Janette Durand Head of English

On Tuesday 19 March, two groups of Year 7 students got the opportunity to get first hand experience with solid Carbon Dioxide (-78 degrees Celsius) changing straight into a gas. It is hoped that through this experience students will have a better understanding of Solids, Liquids and Gases. It is also hoped that they had fun!

Mr Russell Kam Head of Science



MARIST CHESS BOOM! The excitement of being enrolled at Marist comes from being in the company of engaged students in co-curricular activities such as Chess. While Chess has been a popular co-curricular activity since it was introduced here at Marist, we have noticed a ‘Chess Boom’ in the last two years.

Chess Club students demonstrating their strategies on Expo Day with prospective students

There are very few who would disagree that Chess is a great game for keeping the mind sharp. Chess allows a student to grow cognitively while also having a lot of fun.

Sorry Mr Quinn, but you have no chance against Hugo Douglas!

It helps the developing brain in pattern recognition, analytical processing, and even patience. It is well suited to the young and old alike.

Ms Vicky Drivilas Chess Coordinator


Click here f or all the latest C areer information and events !





A special thank you to to the Calabrisello Family for providing the coffee stations, Harris Farm Meats, Willoughby for the Sausages and M&T Enterprises Pty Limited for the Bacon. We thanked Parents and Students last week but a special thanks must also go to the P&F Committee who worked tirelessly manage the BBQ, Cake Stall, Marist CafÊ and the Raffle. Thank you to all the families who sold raffle tickets for the school. Br. Peter has drawn the Raffle and congratulations goes to the following winners: 1st Prize (Central Coast Weekend Escape) The Keen Family (Lachlan Keen 9 Salta) 2nd Prize (iPad) The Pereira Family (Matthew Pereira 7 Moore) 3rd Prize (Gallagher's Dinner Voucher) The Elbayeh Family The student winner was Alex Fraser (10 Salta) who has won at $250 MTA Travel Voucher Please email pnf@maristns.catholic.edu.au if you have any questions about your prize collection. TRIVIA NIGHT – SATURDAY 1 JUNE We are continuing to receive donations for Trivia Night items, sincere thanks to these Parents. This is the major fundraising event of the school year so any offers of help on the day or prize donations will be gratefully received. Please email the P&F on pnf@maristns.catholic.edu. au if you can assist. It's a fun evening and a great opportunity to meet other parents so get together and organise a table. More details will be published shortly on how to purchase tickets. We look forward to seeing you there on the night. VOLUNTEERING We are always looking for volunteers to help with our events. We are creating a volunteer database for those who would like to be contacted so please email pnf@maristns.catholic.edu.au if you would like to be included and contacted when we need help with events for the school. P&F Committee



As previously featured this year in High Notes, Year 11 Chanel student Tom Schramko has again reached great heights in his rowing having competed at the recent Australian Rowing Championships which held across 18 24 March at the Sydney International Regatta Centre, Penrith.

Across the 12 - 17 March, five of our Marist North Shore students competed individually at the National Athletics Champiionships in Perth. We congratulate these boys on this amazing achievement and their results:

The Championship proved another successful milestone for Tom seeing him win every race he competed in. Tom achieved a Gold Medals in the Under 19 Men’s Quadruple Scull National Championship and the Schoolboy Single Scull Australian Championship. Marist North Shore are enormously proud of Tom’s achievements.

A ‘bronzed’ Joshua Phillips


Sydney Brothers Junior League Football Club


We are still looking for players in the 13 years and 16 years age group. We have great coaches & provide excellent training skills.

It only costs $80.00 per player which includes socks, shorts, jersey, 2013 NRL Season Pass & player insurance.

If you would like to join a great family orientated club & have lots of fun, please register by calling Annette Hema on: 0404 610 048 or email: nsbros@hotmail.com or visit our website: www.nsbrothers.com.au

U/15 Joshua Phillips (8 Chanel) 3000m 3rd Steeplechase 3rd U/17 Matthew Crowe (11 Kelly) 400m Hurdles 6th 400m 9th U/18 Simon Cox (11 Chanel) 200m 20th 400m Hurdles 6th Joshua Swan (10 Moore) 200m 3rd 4 x 400 Relay NSW 2nd

VOLUNTEER ROSTERS CANTEEN 25 Mar: Donalda Brown, Rosalind Elliot, Bernadette English, Andrea Morgan, Theodora Manos, Annette Bradford 26 Mar: Cathie Bladen, Julie Bourgeat, Louise Frith, Nola Xenakis 27 Mar: Joyce Aimond, Elizabeth Byrne, Dianne Pastuszak, Sandra Robinson, Cindy Van Kampen 28 Mar: Lynda Challenger, Sally Engeman, Margaret Weller, Karen Whitehead, Marg Mitchell 29 Mar: GOOD FRIDAY 1 Apr: EASTER MONDAY 2 Apr: Martina Anderson, Heather Cook, Sandra Fitzgerald 3 Apr: Amanda Gallen, Meg Neuhaus, Sarah Panozzo, Ruth Scholes, Sue Van Twest 4 Apr: Rosina Aloe, Barbara Doll, Catherine Dovgan, Sonya Schofield, Liz Parr 5 Apr: ATHLETICS CARNIVAL UNIFORM 27 Mar: Narelle James, Karen Whitehead, Gemma Metzker, Talin Boghossian 3 Apr: Helen Briggs, Megan Sturrock, Tracy Pitts, Tracey Cummins

LOOKING AHEAD 25 Mar: 27 Mar: 29 Mar: 1 Apr: 3 Apr: 4 Apr: 5 Apr: 8 Apr: 9 Apr: 10 Apr: 11 Apr: 12 Apr:

Year 7 Vaccinations (dTpa) Kelly & Salta Solidarity Meeting Night Patrol - Chanel Uniform Shop open Solidarity - Matthew Talbot GOOD FRIDAY Kelly Sandwich Making Moore Solidarity EASTER MONDAY Uniform Shop open Solidarity - Matthew Talbot MCC Cross Country College Athletics Carnival CSDA Debating - Round 1 Immersion Fundraising Dinner Year 7 Reflection Day Night Patrol - Kelly Year 10 Reflection Day Parish Connection Uniform Shop open Solidarity - Matthew Talbot Summer Sports Photos MCC Winter Trials LAST DAY OF TERM CSDA Debating - Round 2 Salta Solidarity


A reminder to all Parents/Guardians/Fee Payers: Your first fee installment was due on Friday 8 March. If parents have not received a Statement either by Post or email to contact the Office immediately. Mr Mark Brooks Business Manager

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