Learning From Medellin

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L E A R N I N G F R O M M E D E L L Í N L E A R N I N G FROMM E D E L L Í N MariaRubert_ÀlexGiménez_professors_ed.

Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona


Estudiantes de la assignatura Edición

Maria Rubert de Ventós Àlex Giménez Imirizaldu

Maquetación Jaume Escandell Bagués Fotografía Josep Maria Solé Àlex Giménez Esta publicación tiene por fin la transferencia de conocimiento académico, sin finalidades comerciales Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona


Inés Aguiriano Mireia Aguirre Aina Alemany Claudia Amias Joan Batlle Lluís Bellera Ana Bermejo Andrea Capilla Beatriz Cases Juan Cequera Ciera Crowell Gijs de Haan Koen de Veth José Pedro Dias Nathalie Díaz Turid Draugedalen Hiba El Youssoufi Jaume Escandell Maria Garcia Jacob Gerlach Gemma Villa Mitchell Hagedorn

Lucie Hlavsova Tamara Horova Carlota Laucírica Altair Lopez Sarah Leuchtenmüller Joan Martí Elias Manuel Martinez Maria Moragas Meritxell Perello Yessica Ramajo Nolberto Ramirez Irene Rivera Ana Sevillano Carlota Siverio Kate Spata Maria del Pilar Tarramera Romain Thijsen Marta trilla Filip Vejin Dorine Verbaan Clara Simoes Joan Wildemberg



MEDELLÍN MariaRubert_ÀlexGiménez_professors_ed.


PROGRAM OF THE SUBJECT: Learning from X “Learning from Medellín” is part of a monographical program that has been studying cities since 2009. This program combines thorough work in a specific project with theoretical lectures and wide research of the city’s cultural themes. Previous editions: New York and Sao Paulo. The attempt is to explore architecture’s role and urban planning from different points of view: How they both can and must act in order to influence the city’s evolution in a positive way. Instead of analyzing spontaneous growths as an autonomic urban reality, which is the classical interpretation of slum labs, in Medellin where the “comuna” belongs to the urban reality of the city, we will aim for an approximate integration, one of continuity and cohabitation with other shapes and city spaces. This course takes advantage of Colombia’s energy and concentrates on Medellin city, which is leading the transformation of the informal city with some of the most advanced infrastructures in Latin America. This workshop also attempts to contribute from another point of view: the initiative of “Racons Públics” which is part of the recent experience in experimental urbanism in Barcelona. This double approach reclaims some of Barcelona’s preolimpic urban strategy, with the intervention in the informal neighborhoods and the creation of central public spaces by working on existing nodal spaces. The dynamics of opportunity, the urban project and the quality of public spaces are different ways of expressing human collectivity. The main objective is to create a think tank using the experience with the informal city and urban micro surgery in Barcelona and the urban reality of Medellin, including their conflicts and current potential.

a) Detecting the city’s key places where an acupuncture action would improve its operation and its landscape. Also generating a proposal that generates public opinion about possible solutions to improve these key points. b) Presenting the recuperation of a few representative city fragments or spaces. c) Researching and explaining the project as part of an international academic action. This would lead to a reflection about informal neighborhoods and the urban interest and lessons which can be learnt from them. Its intention is to be an academic exchange between the Urban Municipal Architects and agencies in Medellin and ETSAB.

b.Plantejar la Recuperació d’un nombre d’indrets de la ciutat per a l’ús públic. c.Documentar i explicar el projecte com a part d’una acció acadèmica internacional. El curs vol explorar des de diferents aproximacions el paper que l’arquitectura i el planejament poden i han de jugar per tal d’incidir positivament en l’evolució de la ciutat.

PROGRAMA DE L’ASSIGNATURA: Learning from X ”Learning from Medellín” forma part d’un programa de monogràfics sobre grans ciutats del món que s’imparteix des de l’any 2009. Aquest programa combina la immersió en un projecte concret amb lliçons teòriques i treballs d’abast més ampli sobre qüestions culturals de la ciutat. Edicions prèvies: New York i Sao Paulo. El curs vol aprofitar l’enorme energia de la ciutat de Medellín a Colòmbia, que ha protagonitzat una de les transformacions urbanes més radicals de la història recent, en un esforç sense precedents per superar un passat de mort i misèria, amb projectes d’equipaments i espais públics que l’enmirallan amb la nostra cultura urbanística, i aportar-hi l’experiència més recent i experimental de l’urbanisme de Barcelona, i en particular la iniciativa Racons Públics. Racons recupera des de l’any 2000 part de l’estratègia urbanística preolímpica dels anys 80’ amb la intervenció sobre els barris de barraques i la multiplicació dels espais de centralitat a través de l’actuació sobre espais nodals, la dinàmica de la oportunitat i el projecte urbà i la qualitat de l’espai públic com a lloc d’expressió de la col·lectivitat. En lloc d’analitzar la ciutat informal com una realitat urbana autònoma, que es la aproximació clàssica dels slum labs, es planteja una aproximació integradora, en la qual la barraca forma part de la realitat urbana de Medellín en continuïtat i cohabitació amb altres formes i espais de ciutat. Conseqüentment: a.Detectar els llocs clau de la ciutat on una acció d’acupuntura podria millorar el seu funcionament i el seu paisatge i generar un debat públic propositiu sobre les possibles solucions de millora d’aquests punts clau.

El curs voldria també ser una reflexió sobre l’interès urbanístic i els valors i lliçons que podem aprendre de molts dels creixements urbans espontanis. L’objectiu és promoure un intercanvi entre les agències i arquitectes de l’urbanisme de Medellín i l’ETSAB.

Bibliography / Bibliografia. General: La ciudad no es una hoja en Blanco. Santiago de Chile 2000 J.Parcerisa, M .Rubert. Medelín, Guía de laTransformación Ciudadana. 2004-2011 Alcaldía de Medellín. Medellín, Transformación de una Ciudad. Alcaldía de Medellín 2008-2011 Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo ,BID A Cidade Informal no Século 21. Violêta Saldanha, Marisa Barda, Elisabete França et al. Prefeitura de Sao Paulo 2010. Mitgeres Barcelona, de l’oblit al Projecte, Alex Giménez. Institut Municipal de Paisatge Urbà i Qualitat de vida, Barcelona 2007. Racons Públics, primera y segunda edición, Alex Giménez Y Sara Dauge, eds. Ajuntament de Barcelona 2004 / FAD 2011 Terrats i Soterranis, http://issuu.com/mariarubert/docs/terrats/1 http://issuu.com/mariarubert/docs/soterranis_red/1 Learning from New York: http://issuu.com/mariarubert/docs/learningfromsaopaulo/1?e=5510858/2423743 Learning from Sao Paulo: http://issuu.com/mariarubert/docs/learningfromny?e=0

Guest speakers / Professors convidats Josep Maria Solé Josep Parcerisa Beth Galí Ferran Sagarra David Bravo Guillen Augé

Analysis Projects Cartography_Mireia Aguirre + Clàudia Amías + Joan Batlle + Jaume Escandell Public space in slums_Sarah Leuchtenmüller + Nolberto Ramirez Facilities: libraries education_ Joan Wildemberg Sociology and data_Hiba El Youssoufi + Ines Aguiriano + Carlota Siverio Old city and Villages_Andrea Capilla + Joan Martí Elias Orography and Greenzones_Irene Rivera + Yessica Ramajo + Altair Lopez Infrastructures_Carlota Laucírica + Lluis Bellera + Maria Moragas Water_Ciera Crowell + Jacob Gerlach The green_Lucie Hlavsová + Tamara Horová Slums_Aina Alemany + Ana Bermejo Education_Nathalie Díaz

Proposal Projects

IN-BETWEEN SPACES_Joan Martí + Andrea Capilla LEVEL 1750_Joan Batlle + Clàudia Amías INTERVENTION IN QUEBRADA MALPASO_Mireia Aguirre + Jaume Escandell MEDELLÍN RING_Luis Bellera + Carlota Laucirica + María Moragas COMUNA “X“ IN MEDELLÍN_Yessica Ramajo + Altaïr López + Manuel Martínez MICRO-FACILITIES_Hiba El Youssufi + Inés Aguiriano + Carlota Siverio CONVERSION OF RAILROAD WAREHOUSES OF ANTIOQUIA_Tamara Horová INTERVENTIONS IN THE INFORMAL_Romain Thijsen + Dorine Verbaan LA HONDA_Aina Alemany + Ana Bermejo BELLO_Lucie Hlavsova, Ciera Crowell PROPOSAL FOR PLAZA DE FERIAS_Clara Simoes + Jose Pedro Cardoso REMOVING BARRIERS BETWEEN MORAVIA AND ITS CONTEXT_Nathalie Díaz POBLADO_Joan Wildenberg+Juan Cequera+Maria García Llop+Sarah Leuchtenmueller 130TH STREET. THE END OF A STREET_Irene Rivera WHITE POINT_Ana Sevillano + María Tarramera

Josep Mª Solé Gras©

Josep Mª Solé Gras©

Josep Mª Solé Gras©

Josep Mª Solé Gras©

Estrategias de microcirugía y conectividad en Medellín A continuación se muestran algunos proyectos desarrollados en la Escuela de Arquitectura de Barcelona sobre la ciudad de Medellín. La mirada borrosa de la distancia ha permitido sustraerse al ruido del día a día y dar lugar a un ánimo de libertad analítica y propositiva. Así, cada grupo de estudiantes se ha centrado en una dimensión específica de la ciudad y ha intentado descubrir sus particularidades, lo que le es propio, para hacer de ello el desencadenante de un proyecto de transformación urbana. Esos temas se desarrollan en una variedad de escalas que van desde la estructura territorial y sus problemas de encaje y conectividad hasta la redefinición de la piel de la vivienda. Y se han materializado en distintos lugares de la ciudad, desde las periferias más espontáneas hasta las posiciones de mayor centralidad.

Espacios de transición entre lo público y lo privado El clima de Medellín, la ciudad de la eterna primavera, favorece una expresión constante de la energía de su paisaje humano. La vida de la ciudad se produce entre la casa y la calle. No siempre está claro dónde empieza una y dónde termina la otra. Medellín ofrece una lección de intensidad urbana en el uso de los espacios de intercambio entre lo doméstico y lo público: porches, verandas, aceras, balcones, soportales, atrios, patios, umbrales y zaguanes son utilizados en todo tipo de actividades por la población de sus casas autoconstruídas: se come, se charla, se limpia, se canta, se cocina, se baña, se trabaja, se juega...

Conectividad es democracia (del árbol a la malla) Lo explicaba Christopher Alexander en el 65: Cuando las redes viarias se muestran fragmentadas o excesivamente jerarquizadas no conectan bien. Es posible entonces que barrios enteros queden marginados. La ciudad reacciona como un organismo a cuyos miembros no llegan los vasos sanguíneos y, por consiguiente, puede enfermar y necrosarse. Convertir los sistemas viarios incompletos de las cotas superiores de Medellín en mallas más isótropas no es sencillo pero es posible. Algunos de los ejercicios del curso han tratado de coser tejidos urbanos, de zurcir discontinuidades que obstaculizan los flujos urbanos. Conectar: la apertura de una calle aquí y la superación de una quebrada allá favorecen el tránsito libre de bienes y personas por la ciudad.

Proyecto de Jaume Escandell + Mireia Aguirre



La ciudad espontánea La aproximación tradicional a la ciudad informal tiende a considerarla como un subproducto, una especie de tumoración de la ciudad en los peores casos, o una arquitectura menor en comparación con las formas urbanas proyectadas, en los mejores. Pero cuando la dimensión de esa ciudad adquiere un peso importante en la estructura territorial, en la distribución demográfica, en el patrimonio cultural, en el potencial económico y de trabajo y en la representatividad política de una ciudad es hora de afrontarla de otras maneras. La ciudad informal es ciudad. No puede tratarse como un error con el que hay que hacer borrón y cuenta nueva. Las políticas de substitución de chabolas por tipologías de la modernidad, que generan grandes aparatos verticales de vivienda seriada, deslocalizados, ajenos al contexto y lejanos de los lugares centrales, se muestran más y más equivocados (desde las banlieues parisinas, a los polígonos de sustitución de las favelas brasileñas). Está claro que el criterio de sustitución debe aplicarse en casos en que el riesgo geológico está presente. Donde no sea así, es preferible realizar ejercicios de reforma, densificación puntual y reconstrucción de la vivienda existente. El delicado tejido social y económico de los barrios marginales sale fortalecido de esa manera. Más artroscopia, menos amputaciones. Trabajar en las franjas intermedias permite mejorar los flujos entre los sectores más favorecidos del llano y los más desfavorecidos de lo alto. Densificar moderadamente en esos lugares intermedios permite aproximar la población a la riqueza y contener desde dentro el impulso de expansión descontrolada de la ciudad.

Remontas e inserciones del curso Learning from S達o Paulo:

Estrato X: mix is more Se trata de una apuesta por la promiscuidad funcional y de rentas. Es conveniente que se mezclen estratos y funciones en los barrios. La mezcla de estratos puede conseguirse con una promociĂłn de vivienda que combine tipologĂ­as. La mezcla de funciones, igual. Esas combinaciones de estratos y funciones pueden hacerse dentro del barrio y tambiĂŠn dentro del edificio, en vertical, en las posiciones centrales de mayor densidad.

Movilidad. Los ejercicios se han centrado en mejorar la relación del automóvil y el peatón favoreciendo el transporte colectivo y el ciclismo urbano. Actualmente se destina al automóvil un carril de 3.40m en la mayoría de manuales de ingeniería y de las calles de Medellín. Esa práctica puede constituir un error en contextos de compacidad urbana. La envergadura máxima de un automóvil es de 2.55m (autobús), con una dimensión media del turismo de entre 140 y 190 cm. El automovilista percibe la anchura del carril como una licencia para la velocidad. Cada centímetro extra que se concede en anchura al carril genera un exceso de velocidad de 1km/h. Por consiguiente, si utilizamos en el centro de la ciudad carriles de 3.40m, estamos implícitamente autorizando al autobús a circular a 90km/h y, al turismo, ¡a más de 180! Por eso los proyectos de la asignatura proponen contener en cintas lo más ajustadas posibles, y con los radios de curvatura mínimos al automóvil. Hay que atar corto al carro si queremos un centro urbano cívico y de calidad donde puedan convivir autos y viandantes. No es necesario construir nuevas aceras ni hacer grandes gastos en urbanización. Sólo señalizando podrían conseguirse grandes avances en la pacificación del tráfico de algunos sectores.

Accesibilidad. Otro tema de ensayo ha sido el diseño de un espacio público contínuo con algunas exigencias: Aceras y bordillos: Las calles deben tener aceras. Deben ser contínuas, sin escalones ni saltos. Su anchura no debe ser menor de 180cm. Los bordillos de más de 15cm de altura no están justificados. Y deben existir vados para peatones en todos los cruces y en todas las direcciones, así como rampas de acceso a todo edificio, público o privado. Se parte de la idea de que la accesibilidad es una condición de urbanidad a la que no se puede renunciar, una exigencia básica de civilización. No se trata de un ejercicio de compasión hacia una minoría que se desplaza en silla de ruedas. El curso asume que todos somos potenciales usuarios de un espacio público accesible: los padres con cochecitos de niños, los ancianos con movilidad reducida, cualquier persona que arrastre un carrito o las bolsas de la compra, comerciantes ambulantes, repartidores y personal de mantenimiento del viario, personas lesionadas o con minusvalías, invidentes y cualquiera de nosotros que en cualquier moment, si tenemos la fortuna de vivir lo suficiente, nos moveremos en el futuro con ayuda de ruedas. El espacio público debería prepararse para esos desplazamientos asistidos.

Avenida de Andalucía

Limitar la dimensión de la calzada, ajustando la cinta de rodadura y los radios de curvatura en las esquinas conseguiría un doble propósito: pacificar el tráfico y reducir las velocidades al tiempo que se produciría un espacio cívico en las aceras con dimensión suficiente para resolver la accesibilidad a la vivienda y dotarla de filtros que mejoren la relación entre el espacio público y el privado: porches, verandas, balcones, etc. La Avenida Andalucía, Carabobo y otros espacios públicos de nueva generación en Medellín han servido de modelo para el estudio de estos temas.

Usos como el de este aparcamiento en superficie en la Avenida de la Playa podrían reubicarse para dar lugar a proyectos de inserción o empaste de este tipo de caries urbana. La eliminación de aparcamiento en superficie en el centro de Medellín favorecería la pacificación del tráfico y la revitalización del pequeño comercio. El programa de la inserción podría ser vivienda de estrato mixto.

Un proyecto de ordenación del aparcamiento en superficie y la plantación de dos hileras de árboles daría a algunas calles del centro un impulso hacia regeneraciones más profundas, estimulando la inversión privada. La colaboración de las empresas de suministro energético, telefonía, agua y saneamiento es necesaria para la mejora y ordenación de las redes existentes.

Estrato X El sistema fiscal de distribución de la renta por estratos no está exento de controversia. En algunos argumentarios se muestra sencillo y efectivo pero para otros es demasiado impreciso, resulta vulnerable al fraude y favorece la estanqueidad de las clases sociales. En cualquier caso puede someter a determinados sectores urbanos a una doble presión: Por un lado, el estigma de los barrios más desfavorecidos. Por otro lado, la codicia a la que se ven sometidos los barrios más ricos, que acaban perdiendo su forma original y su identidad por el afán especulativo de los promotores inmobiliarios. Es necesario favorecer la promiscuidad social en Medellín. Proponemos que la nueva vivienda sea de “estrato X”, sometida a una fiscalidad directa sobre las rentas de sus ocupantes y no sujeta a la posición del barrio en el territorio de la ciudad. El estrato X es un lugar de encuentro e intercambio económico y social.

Una normativa de volumetría específica para la edificación del centro de la ciudad podría poner fin a desencuentros que se producen en posiciones centrales como la que muestra la fotografía.

Las medianeras evidencian un divorcio urbano, una insuficiencia normativa de la ciudad, una desafección del promotor privado hacia el paisaje público y un desprecio del derroche energético que suponen los cerramientos desnudos. El esfuerzo artístico de la instalación luminosa de la plaza se pmanifiesta insuficiente frente a esos grandes telones desnudos.

Si en los vaciados urbanos se atiende al plano del suelo pero no se prevé la fachada resultante puede aparecer un paisaje incompleto.

Los ejercicios apuntan a formas de generar vivienda intersticial, que coloniza lugares de oportunidad, vinculada al espacio pĂşblico, en relaciĂłn intensa con la calle y la plaza y que combine distintas tipologĂ­as y niveles de renta.

Microcirugía urbana Nadie pondría en cuestión que la ciudad necesita de grandes proyectos de mejora y renovación de sus infraestructuras, monumentos y paisajes, pero el día a día de Medellín está lleno de lugares de oportunidad para un urbanismo de proximidad, para una mejora inmediata de la calidad de vida de sus habitantes.

Vivienda: Operaciones integrales en los intersticios. De la misma manera que el espacio público es intenso cuando su dimensión está ajustada, la vivienda funciona cuando puede responder de forma elástica a realidades sociales cambiantes Se plantea la tesis de que el alojamiento no debe producirse con los mecanismos de repetición sistemática e indiscriminada de los postulados de la modernidad. Pueden superarse los ejercicios de sustitución con bloques repetidos de ocho o más plantas formando enormes grupos vacíos de identidad. Puede irse más allá del barraquismo vertical. Los ejercicios que se muestran en este capítulo toman como referencia los Proyectos Urbanos Integrales de la Alcaldía de Medellín para reproducirlos en distintos emplazamientos.

Proyecto de Tamara Horová Reducir, Reutilizar, Reciclar La transformación de tejidos obsoletos es un reto y una necesidad en una ciudad del presente y pasado industrial de Medellín. Llenar antiguas construcciones con nuevos usos es recuperar su peso patrimonial que está presente en el imaginario colectivo y darles nuevo valor y nuevo significado. ¿Por qué edificar algo nuevo cuando podemos reciclar una construcción con solera? Cuando toda Europa se lamenta de la destrucción reciente de su patrimonio industrial, Medellín tiene la oportunidad de recuperar sus fábricas y tinglados en desuso como memoria y ejemplo de una ciudad trabajadora.

Sobre los monocultivos funcionales en vivienda. La vivienda de promocion pública de Medellín podría ser un mecanismo intersticial, de pequeña escala, de intervención artroscópica en el tejido existente, que se acompañe sobretodo de la rehabilitación de lo existente, de la densificación, la pequeña remonta, la agrupación y el respeto por las cualidades sensibles de los modelos urbanos en los que se inserta. Se trataría de una vivienda que se proyecta en coherencia y formando parte de un proyecto único con el espacio urbano, la plaza y la calle, el patio y el callejón. La casa y la calle son uno.

Proyecto de Marika Dumkova, Linda Emdal and Henrik Poulsson

Plan Piloto Medell铆n, Sert-Wiener. Map from: Arquitecturas BIS, Marzo 1985, Cinco esquemas de ciudad funcionalista. Maria Rubert de Vent贸s.

Water plan, Plan Bio 2030 Map from: BIO 2030 PLAN DIRECTOR MEDELLÍN, VALLE DE ABURRÁ, Alcaldía de Medellín

Water and Green plan, Plan Bio 2030 Map from: BIO 2030 PLAN DIRECTOR MEDELLÍN, VALLE DE ABURRÁ, Alcaldía de Medellín

Roads Total

Roads plan, Plan Bio 2030

Roads Horizontal



Analysis Projects Cartography_Mireia Aguirre + Clàudia Amías + Joan Batlle + Jaume Escandell Public space in slums_Sarah Leuchtenmüller + Nolberto Ramirez Facilities: libraries education_ Joan Wildemberg Sociology and data_Hiba El Youssoufi + Ines Aguiriano + Carlota Siverio Old city and Villages_Andrea Capilla + Joan Martí Elias Orography and Greenzones_Irene Rivera + Yessica Ramajo + Altair Lopez Infrastructures_Carlota Laucírica + Lluis Bellera + Maria Moragas Water_Ciera Crowell + Jacob Gerlach The green_Lucie Hlavsová + Tamara Horová Slums_Aina Alemany + Ana Bermejo Education_Nathalie Díaz

CARTOGRAPHY Mireia Aguirre + Claudia Amias + Joan Batlle + Jaume Escandell This project shows the historical evolution of the city of MedellĂ­n trough different cartographic documents. From the first urban concept plan in 1671, through the Pilot Plan of J.LL. Sert and Wiener P. 1948 to 1950, until the BIO 2013 plan.


1675 Medellin: Una ciudad que se piensa y se transforma. Autor mapa: José María Giraldo, Maestro Pintor (1790)

1671, First Theoric urban plan


Maps drawn by: Mireia Aguirre, Claudia AmĂ­as, Joan Batlle and Jaume Escandell








Present days




Maps drawn by: Mireia Aguirre, Claudia Amías, Joan Batlle and Jaume Escandell

Medellín: Una ciudad que se piensa y se transforma. Alcaldía de Medellín


SERT, 1928-1979 Obra completa, Josep M. Rovira Medellin: Una ciudad que se piensa y se transforma. Alcaldía de Medellín Sert. Arquitecto en Nueva York. MACBA.

Ciudades en América Latina, Maria Rubert de Ventós


1.- Axis communications around the river 2.- On one side of the city Sert places the industrial area whereas the Main Station and the market are placed in the other side of the city 3.- In the centre of the city we can find the civic centre (2) and the most important residential area. High-rise and lower apartment blocks (3) 4.- Construction of new residential areas. Set of individual housing which can work independently from the city (4 and 5) 5.- Lineal Parks which use the canalization of the river by the drainage (1) 6.- Road grid that expands to the city a complex crossroads which makes impossible the continuity of different parts of the city

URBAN PLAN 2004-2007 C3, Medellín @Colombia, Grupo TALCA

_Development of new public buildings _Implementation of new high-quality public spaces which are places of encounter and socialization _Implementation of the Integral Urban Projects in the poorest and most violent areas in the city

“The transformation of a city is a way of finding the accurate equilibrium for living in a society. The most important thing is public space, which enables all citizens to live under the same conditions”.

URBAN PLAN 2008-2015 1932


Present days

_Connect decentralized transportation systems and thus to improve efficiency in the road _Develop the park library and education programs for the local community _The plan of walks emblematic streets will be put together. To realize the basic idea of city for residents, the roads and streets in the city will be improved _Six natural parks including Montecarlo Park and Rodeo Park and eight linear parks like Rosa and Santa Elena will be established _The entrance road to the mountain will be improved and trails and observation deck will be built in seven areas



PDF Plan Bio 2030, Alcaldía de Medellín

Main problems before the plan: Social and funcional segregation / City growth / Public transport / Fragmentation and underutilization of the river / Water system degradation / Air quality deterioration / Protective areas without connections / Traffic jams

Plan: _River Medellín (1) Protection of water (make the river a landscape input) _Mobility (2) Improve regional mobility / Promote public transport and bring it up to the hills / Promote cycling routes _Landscape and public space (3) Articulate public space and ambient conservation / Occupy the hillsides safely / Ecological connectivity

PUBLIC SPACE IN SLUMS Sarah Leuchtenm端ller + Nolberto Ramirez This is an analisis about the public spaces in slums, the dangers of building in this area and the projects the city has already iniciated: the PUI and the PMIB.



Map of Informal Settlemts Image from: informalsettlements.blogspot.com.es/2011/01/vbehaviorurldefaultvmlo.html

Images of typical Landslides Images from: Study: Estabilidad de las laderas en el Valle de Aburrá Medellín – ladera Suroriental

Parque Explora. Alejando Echeverri ©

Biblioteca España. AImage from: http://openarchitecturenetwork.org/projects/puimedellin

Parque el Mirador. Image from: http://

Metrocable. Image from: http://openarchitecturenetwork.org/



Puente de la Paz y la cultura. Alejando Echeverri ©





Image 1 from: http://wearethecityheroes.wordpress. com/2013/01/31/estrategias-urbanasmedellin/ Image 2 from: http://www.elcolombiano.com/ BancoConocimiento/M/medellin_

Image 1 from: http://www.acimedellin.




Images from: http://www.aurbanistica.com. br/2012/11/dia-mundial-do-urbanismoexperiencia-em.html

NewsViewMode/full/NewsItemID/773/Default. aspx Image 2 from: S. Bestraten Š Image 3 from: Martha Viviana Villada


FACILITIES: LIBRARIES EDUCATION Joan Wildenberg This is an analys of the excisting facilities concerning education in MedellĂ­n, Colombia. It gives a brief overview of the distribution of the public buildings in certain areas, their age of existence and what functions the buildings fulfill.


Image from: https://maps.google.nl search: Biblioteca+medelin+colombia

Image from: https://maps.google.nl search: Biblioteca+medelin+colombia


SOCIOLOGY & DATA Hiba El Youssoufi + Ines Aguiriano + Carlota Siverio This part aims to explain Medellin’s social system, based on this idea of strict estratos and its impact on the architecural and urban production in the city.


Drawn by the students

“Estratos” map: Departamento Administrativo de Planeación Secretaria de Hacienda

“Estratos” map: Departamento Administrativo de Planeación Secretaria de Hacienda

“Estratos” map: Departamento Administrativo de Planeación Secretaria de Hacienda



OLD CITY AND VILLAGES Andrea Capilla + Joan Martí Elias This project shows the evolution of the old city of Medellín and the relation with the other villages.


Image from: Margarita Maria Gil, 1995

Medellín was born related to the Candelaria’s Church and developed following the Spanish urban patterns in South America. The growth very slow, in its first’s years the city expanded following the river and the North-South axis. Since the 50’s that growth increased dramatically, and that greed couldn’t accept the sudden expansion, so the informal city started climbing up to the hills.

Maps drawn by: Andrea Capilla and Joan Martí Elías


Urban planned grids and its boundaries The Bio 2030 project plan is presented as a process of metropolization beyond administrative boundaries, aparently, strategic scenarios considered are the river and the hillside. But the most effort focus in the relationship between the city and it’s river, and does not deepen in the boundaries.

Maps drawn by: Andrea Capilla and Joan Martí Elías

OROGRAPHY AND GREENZONES Irene Rivera + Yessica Ramajo + Altair Lopez + Lucie Hlavsová + Tamara Horová This project tries to explain the importance of the orography and the green in the city of Medellín. First, we will see the big problems of the power of the orography in the city. Second we will observe the characteristics and the difference between two big groups of parks. Whose location, limits, activities and the relationship with the urban territory.




Public transport system

Important roads

Recreational areas and meeting points

Ecological corridors and “quebradas”


Ecological corridors longitudinals and transversals



Actual degradation and undervaluation of the water system Map from: PDF, BIO 2030 PLAN DIRECTOR MEDELLÍN, VALLE DE ABURRÁ

Images from: University of civil engineering of Medellin

Many catastrophic situations in Medellin were caused because of the overflow.

The quebradas became dirty spaces. The water was contaminated.

“Parques lineales” are green areas near the ‘quebradas’. Them are canalized in many differents sections. All of the different projects mantain the native vegetation.


Fragmentation, deficit and disarticulation in natural ecosystems and in natural green public spaces Map from: PDF, BIO 2030 PLAN DIRECTOR MEDELLÍN, VALLE DE ABURRÁ

TEMATIC PARKS There are several kinds of green in the city of Medellin. We can devide them by their position, scale or density. The biggest and most dense is the city surroundings. There is a great vegetation mass full of different animal species. The mass is a city limit, as well as the hill-tops, that guard the valley. On north-east, there is a huge metropolitan park called Parque Ecoturístico Arvi. It’s area is 16 000 square meters. It is accessible by cable car, that is connected to metro line. The park is public and provides many leisure activities.

Cerro el Volador

Maps drawn by: Lucie Hlavsová + Tamara Horová

Botanic Park of Medellín


PARQUE ECOTURÍSTICO ARVÍ - 16.000 ha public park, open all year, without walls - Piedras Blancas: metrocable from Medellin - 14 min, car - 1 hour - Metropolitan park: its own metrocable.

Represa Piedras Blancas Photo by: jarcilah, Paronimo

Metrocable Arví

Photo by: Mauricio Cruz, Flickr

Núcleo de Comfama

ECOPARQUE CERRO EL VOLADOR - 106 ha, public park, open all year, without walls. - for sportsmen and also nature lovers.

Cerro el Volador, Aerial

Photo by:

Jaime Salazar Alzate, Flickr

Cerro el Volador, Aerial Photo by:

Fundaci贸n Viztaz


Jardín Botánico de Medellín -The Garden has the status of being a center of culture and environmental education and botany . - 14 hectares and a large collection of orchids preserved in a stage called Orquideorama, an architectural place for the flower show. -It have a perimetral wall well integrated with a continuos bench in some parts

Aerial photo

Photo from: http://reddeperiodismocultural.fnpi.org/2012/08/29/maestros-de-la-fnpi-en-la-fiesta-del-libro-de-medellin/

Location plan Image from: Arquitectura Viva, 138, 2011

Section Plaza del Bosque, shop-Bar

Section of all of the Botanic Park

Image from: Arquitectura Viva, 138, 2011

Image from: Arquitectura Viva, 138, 2011

Plaza del Bosque, shop-Bar


Image from: Arquitectura Viva, 138, 2011

Image from: Oris, 62, 2010

URBAN PARKS Another important green city space are urban parks. old or recently created, usually using water elements, city furniture, large scale paving, sculptures... There are some recently created, such as Parque de los Deseos and Parque de los Pies Descalzos. Both of them are public and very well connected with the city transportation. Parque de los Pies Descalzos is in administrative zone of Medellin, very close to Plaza Mayor, Metropolitan thatre and Iglesia del Sagrado Coraz贸n de Jes煤s. The idea of the park was to create a space, where visitors would experience the urban space barefoot. The place is playful and educative. Paque de los Deseos is norhern from Parque de los Pies Descalzos. It is close to educative facilities such as the Botanical garden, University or Parque Explora. There is a planetarium situated in the park and Casa de Musica. We can find there beautiful urban furniture that corresponds with the place perfectly by its form, material and position.


PARQUE DE LOS DESEOS -12 431 m², public park, open all year, without walls -Main square of events, hard wooded areas, outdoor film screenings, beach area, wetlands, mirror and water fountains, information and guides, nursing.

Water of the Park

General view

Image from: http://vivemedellincolombia.blogspot.com.es/2012/11/parque-de-los-deseos.html

Image from: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-IMV-Gv4xChk/T2eOiEtYyDI/AAAAAAAAALs/7Zj9mE2dTto/s1600/ parque+de+los+deseos.jpg


PARQUE BOLÍVAR - 10 395 m², public park, open all year, without walls

Structuring system of environment, landscape and public space Map from: PDF, BIO 2030 PLAN DIRECTOR MEDELLÍN, VALLE DE ABURRÁ



The World Health Organization fixed that every person must have at least nine meters of green zones but in Medellin barely reaches six meters. For this reason are carrying out numerous improvements: -Declaring the hills green lungs

a protected area because they were building more and more and they are the major

-Fixing all ‘quebradas’, adding green areas and cleaning it up. There will be many projects such as the ‘Bicentenario area’ and ‘Las Estancias’ in the ‘Santa Elena quebrada’ -Arví Park: Intervention of 2,400 hectares, ecological restoration, strengthening MIRS and education for the conservation -Maintenance of

the trees and gardens and numerous tree transplants

-Research and education in forestry and social awareness projectes -Project green belt: creating green areas around the city (limits) An ambitious project to build a 75 kilometers long park on the slopes of the Aburra Valley surrounding the city. Apart from providing citizens with new recreation, education, sport and community-meeting facilities, the park will also be strategic in restricting the city’s sprawl. It will not be easy because the government will have to relocate homes which are now in the slopes.There are projected pedestrian paths, bikeways and electric-public-transport-only streets, the Cinturon Verde’s cost is estimated in 500 thousand million Colombian pesos (283 billion US dollars), and will require cooperation between the state government and various mayor offices.

INFRAESTRUCTURES Luis Bellera + Carlota Laucirica + Maria Moragas We are going to show the public transport impact in the city. Four out of ten citizens take the bus to moving through Medellin. 59% of the population uses the public transport as the way of mobility.



Based on data from: www.trasporteenlinea.com


Based on data from: www.trasporteenlinea.com


Based on data from: www.trasporteenlinea.com


Based on data from: www.trasporteenlinea.com


RELATION BETWEEN ESTRATOS AND METRO INFRASTRUCTURE Based on data from: www.medellin.gov.co and www.transporteenlinea.com

RELATION BETWEEN ESTRATOS AND METRO INFRASTRUCTURE Based on data from: www.medellin.gov.co and www.transporteenlinea.com



Based on data from: www.medellin.gov.co and www.transporteenlinea.com


WATER Ciera Crowell The importance of water in shaping the city of Medellin over the last century, in particular the roles of the Medellin River and drainage.


Water Sources The variety of natural sources of water in and around Medellin that compose the geological character of the area. River Medellin -Basin 1152m² -Water from the mountains -Rainwater -Melting water -12 siderivers flow into river Medellin



-98% of the valley is connected to Aqueducts ~3000 km of drinking water pipelines

-Siderivers are very straight -Sediment is beeing washed away -Danger because of mud lawins

Map drawn by the student

MedellĂ­n River Sanitation Program -approved in the 1980s (i) partial sanitization of the river and its tributaries; (ii) partial treatment of 23 percent of the wastewater (iii) extension of the drinkable water networks and sewer system to all areas lacking these services to reach 100 percent coverage; (iv) optimization of the water distribution system, management of consumption and reduction of unaccounted-for water losses (v) preparation of phase two of the sanitation program; and (vi) institutional strengthening of EPM's management system for aqueducts and the sewer system.

Negative Results: -High cost of constructing the treatment plant -Volume of unaccounted water: 38% to 32% Goal was 30% Water Sanitation Results -San Fernando treatment plant (WWTP) 23% -270 kilometers of wastewater collectors and 11.000 new connections -80 km new aqueducts and 26.000 new homeconnections -Preparing for 2nd phase - since 2008 -Courses for EPM professionals

Second Phase -581.5 million dollar WWTP in Bello will open in 2012 -Increases WWT to 95%

WATER Integrated Urban Water Management Integrated Urban Water Management is a process used in Medellin that considers the co-ordination of development and management of water, land and related resources to enhance economic and social welfare without jeopardizing the sustainability of the ecosystem (Global Water Partnership) . -Carried out by Empresas Publicas de Medellin (EPM) -Organize and manage systems of natural gas, energy, and water



SLUMS Aina Alemany + Ana Bermejo

Maps drawn by the student



EDUCATION Nathalie Díaz



Proposal Projects

IN-BETWEEN SPACES IN THE VERTICAL PLANE_Joan Martí + Andrea Capilla LEVEL 1750_Joan Batlle + Clàudia Amías INTERVENTION IN QUEBRADA MALPASO_Mireia Aguirre + Jaume Escandell EL ANILLO DE MEDELLÍN_Luis Bellera + Carlota Laucirica + María Moragas COMUNA “X“ IN MEDELLÍN_Yessica Ramajo + Altaïr López + Manuel Martínez MICRO-FACILITIES_Hiba El Youssufi + Inés Aguiriano + Carlota Siverio CONVERSION OF RAILROAD WORKSHOPS OF ANTIOQUIA_Tamara Horová INTERVENTIONS IN THE INFORMAL PART_Romain Thijsen + Dorine Verbaan LA HONDA_Aina Alemany + Ana Bermejo BELLO STUDY_Lucie Hlavsova, Ciera Crowell PROPOSAL FOR PLAZA DE FERIAS_Clara Simoes + Jose Pedro Cardoso REMOVING BARRIERS BETWEEN MORAVIA AND ITS CONTEXT_Nathalie Díaz POBLADO MEDELLIN COLOMBIA_Joan Wildenberg+Juan Cequera+Maria García Llop+Sarah Leuchtenmueller 130TH STREET. THE END OF A STREET_Irene Rivera WHITE POINT_Ana Sevillano + María Tarramera

Appears New housing, public space and fragmented facilities linked to the new main road, whose section has been modified. Cross connections are strengthened along the hillside such as the direct connection to the Vallejuelos station that is placed on the other side of the creek. The intervention consists in strengthen the infrastructure, so that street is dignified. Settlement in difficult terrain is solved with sills foundation. The intersection between the main street and cross connections are consolidated with housing, while along the street in voids appear punctually facilities linked to a public space.


House grows beyond its boundaries creating new spaces that work as a filter between the community and the home. The research initially was focused in the study of San Javier. We were working with the undefined boundaries along the transition from formal to informal city. Once focused on this sphere we decided to take as a subject of study a defining element of the creek, the line J Metrocable which has 4 stations (San Javier, Juan XXIII, Vallejuelos and La Aurora). After that we focused on what happens below, a lack of communication. The implementation of the station helped to consolidate the area but there are other zones which are not directly connected to the metrocable station in which the conditions of the dwellings are worse. That’s why we decided to work with this communication so as to improve the citizen’s quality of life as well as their housing. This area is a difficult construction zone because of the slope, which is very pronounced. It is full of dead end street and consolidated tissues dissolve when they approach the quebrada. Due to the difficulty of consolidating transverse paths we’ve decided to work horizontally along the contour helping the infrastructure improvement. So the main point is to develop a principal road that links the two existing consolidated tissues.

In the transition from formal to informal city public space disappears, the tissue becomes denser and housing is compressed. In this situation we need to recover those in-between spaces as a filter between the community and the home. The horizontal plane is saturated, so we propose to act in the vertical plane, in the dividing walls that arise because of the topography and due to its location perpendicular to the street they become the view that the hill offers to the city. Self-construction, local materials and simplicity are the main points that are considered, light-weight structures that can adapt to different situations and provide new surfaces, new spaces for communication and relation with the city and the neighbors.


San Javier

Metrocable linea J

Intervention on the southern slopes of Quedrada La Iguana. Appears new housing, public space and fragmented facility linked to the new main road, whose section has been modifed. Cross connections are strengthened along the hillside; and the direct connection to the station of Line JVallejuelos Metrocable that is placed on the other side of the creek.


The intervention consists in strengthen the infrastructure, the street is dignified. Settlement in difficult terrain is solved by sills foundation. The intersections of the main street with cross-connection are consolidated with housing, while along the street in voids appear punctually equipment linked to a public space

Quebrada la Iguana

In the transition from formal to informal city public space disappears, the tissue becomes dense and housing is compressed. In this situation we need to recover those in-between spaces as a filter between the community and the home. The horizontal plane is saturated, so we propose to act in the vertical plane, in the dividing walls that arise because of the topography and due to its location perpendicular to the street they become the view that the hill offers to the city. The self construction, local materials and simplicity are the main points that are considered, lightweight structures that can adapt t different situations and provide new surfaces, new spaces for communication and relation with the city and it’s neighbors.


Image from: http://medellinilustrada.cc/. Emanuele Caporrella



After Photomontage

we would build new centralities of dwellings to be a reference as the Parques – Bibliotecas have already done. In these new areas people arriving from the country would have a place to settle. The importance of public transport increases in lower “estratos”. It is important that people living in the further points of the city could reach these new facilities. To build these new connections we have studied the projects that the Alcaldía de Medellín has already build, such as escalators or the recuperation of the “quebradas” to improve the mobility between the centre and the periphery. The accessibility in small neighborhoods is important to improve their day life. Finally, these three points have been materialized in different projects that propose small scale of interventions but might have a huge impact in the neighborhood that would provide connectivity,

LEVEL 1750

J o a n B a t lle + Claudia Amías

Initially we have been studying the city of Medellín with different strategies, like the geography, urban plants, transport and infrastructures, green zones, art, culture and the different neighborhoods. This has been an approach to the city where we had to work. Each group of students has studied the different “quebradas” (water courses that define the city) to find opportunity spots to work on. During these three months of work we have identified different problems of the city, such as mobility, stratification of the society, boundaries between neighborhoods, degradation of slopes where informal buildings are settled which are destroyed by landslides each year due to deforestation and massive construction. In the workshop we have developed three points to solve these problems: The first is based in the connectivity between different points of the city that are near but are not easy to reach. We have to keep in mind that Medellín is based with an axial system of infrastructures, parallel to the river, with lines that arrive to the higher points. The projects want to solve the connectivity between higher levels. Another important point is the huge amount of dwellings that are affected by landslides. Moving the families to safer parts of the city that are not built yet could be a solution to the problem. Moreover,

density and accessibility.

LEVEL 1750

LEVEL 1750

Main project

LEVEL 1750

LEVEL 1750

Plan of the new hillside

Sao Paulo, Brasil Artist: Boa Mistura

View of the new hillside

LEVEL 1750


LEVEL 1750


affected by this limit are moved in a new terrain that we urbanize too, very close to the quebrada. In the limit area there is a retaining wall per band that protects the ground in case of a high level of the water. The retaining wall is not in the middle of the quebrada’s section because that would destroy all the nature next to the water. Actually, this nature creates a filter making the water go more slowly and can be absorbed by the earth. Secondly, this area is reconverted in a lineal green park. We redraw the existing footpath with a pavement and some pedestrians’ bridges in better conditions. 2)

There is a very low connectivity between the two neighborhoods,

Aures1, and Aures 2. The quebrada, in this zone, is a natural limit that impedes their connection. This area has only 1 bridge for traffic

REGAINING AURES CONNECTIVITY J a u m e E s c a n d e ll + Mireia Aguirre

and a few pedestrians’ bridges, and they are in very bad conditions. The closest traffic bridge, going down the quebrada, is 700 meters away, in another neighborhood.


After analyzing this problem we decided to project 3 bridges in the

After analyzing the whole Malpaso’s Quebrada, from the river to the

neighborhoods (Aures 1 and Aures 2) that are now divided by the quebrada. Moreover, we redefine the trace of the street by a coherent section, and by asphalting it in the worst areas.

undefined boundaries of the last part, we decided to make our intervention on this final area, because it is where the worst problems are, like: 1)

There are many houses in risk of being destroyed in case of a

strong storm. The power of the water that has increased a lot, mixed with the coherent ground (muddy ground) turns that into a high risk. The houses are practically in the middle of it and they don’t respect the 15 meter security limit per side that prevents any damage in case of a high level of the water and the currents. Moreover, this area belongs to estrato number 2, different from the estrato number 4 (La Pilarica, Bosques de San Pablo), that has better infrastructures/connections/ housing than the higher part of the quebrada. So, we decided to define a security limit of 6 meters per side (using a retaining wall) from the middle point of the quebrada. In that section any kind of construction is going to be forbidden. The 39 houses

3 most important streets that can give a better continuity from booth

3) The slopes are extremely high on the area, and many streets have more than a 50% of slope. This causes problems of accessibility to the houses/facilities of the area. We project escalators close to the quebrada so it’s easier going up from the lowest height part of the quebrada to the streets in the upper side. 4) The consolidated tissues are dissolved when they are near to the quebrada. There are lots of dead end streets located in front of the quebrada in very bad conditions. With the Project, the quebrada is going to be a lineal park and a good place to stay. So, all the dead end streets will be intrinsically connected with the quebrada. These streets will turn into Malpaso quebrada’s doors and also a prolongation of the lineal park that will join the parallel streets to the river: Calle 80, calle 79 and calle 78B.


Plan of the actuation















But the action with which we wanted to work on is the implantation of a tram that annexes the extreme parts of the city. The goal is the organization of a road network that communicates the whole city getting through all the estratos and connecting them in the most directly way. Although the pronounced topography it will be a project that will aid the city to reach the welfare state. After analysing all the aspects of propose we have taken the decision of closing the tram network already thought by the Bio 2030 in the west zone of the river. It will consist in another semicircle lane of tram located in the east zone of the river and create a unique ring that goes through the entire city.


Lluís Bellera + Carlota Laucírica + María Moragas

In this context is important to use the new project to improve some disadvantaged parts of the city as La Moravia. The tram will be im-

Medellín, located in a Colombian valley, is a city completely dependent of the topography, the river and the quebradas. Being one of the poorest cities and the most violent Colombian region there are proposed different social and urban actions to improve the quality of citizen’s life. It is also wanted to develop a city whose living conditions are so precarious. The Bio 2030 plan has been an initiative that has taken an exhaustive study of every part of the city. It puts forward distinct actions in the most needy parts of the city and in those where a cul-

planted as the main public transport that will aid the zone to ameliorate the connections between the numerous cultural buildings, schools and high schools with the building housing. It will be an important process to create a more secure place that was used to be a traffic zone and a container of the city. It is also important to articulate this principal edge of transportation with some buses lanes to reach to every part of the neighbourhood.

tural and economically impact could help the city to mend.

To summarize, using a ring lane of tram to involve the whole city of

One of these proposes is the construction of corredores verdes that in-

to improve the citizens life quality.

volves the whole city to achieve green urban avenues trying to decrease at the same time the environmental impact. Another interesting proposes is the public transportation network that is being projected for the city. This is based on the implantation of a metroplús (articulated buses for 250 users that takes an orthogonal route throw the city in a reserved lane). It is also being studied the construction of a wider metrocable network to join the poorest and higher points of the city with the plain centre and the economical zone.

Medellín is a project that will aid not only the road connection but


Diagram of urban mobility

RIVER LINE conect along the course of the river

CORRIDOR LINE EAST-WEST axe, paralel of the Quebradas

CARRERA LINE NORTH-SOUTH paralel to the river

Diagram existing/future bus lines

Medellín NET PLAN


Diagram of the actuation



Another important road in this area is the Guayabal Avenue. It comes from the east of the river and it’s got many traffic. In our project, we decide to join this route with the Autopista Sur under the hill. Actualy, both are bareers for pedestrians and public transport because all the vehicles pass through so fast. This action liberates a big area and it allow us to connect many streets and to rest traffic to the faster routes. We have planned 6 bridges on the river. All of them can cross at the same level as the streets are. To reactive the traffic in these streets we placed many facilities by the roads.


Yessica Ramajo + Altaïr López + Manuel Martínez

Our project is located in the “Barrio Belén” near the airport. This area has got a lot of facilities and many interesting strategic places in the city. In the actual situation the neighborhood is plenty of old industries, empty plots, streets non connected... Our idea becomes thinking on these imputs: we want to settle a new comuna with all the good things the area has and trying to improve the bad ones. As well, we connect all the streets, continue the network of the neighborhood, mantain the same type of plots. We saw that 30th street is the most important route to connect the city across the river in this area. Because of that, we provide this street with many different characteristics: the road is more wide, the buildings are taller, there is a bus rail all along, cars can park and cycles can ride. Obviously, this street passes through the river.



Actuation plan

neighborhood. Second intervention: El Pinal vs El Vergel El Pinal and El Vergel are two parts of the city divided by the Quebrada and there is a lack of connections and not enough facilities. In this part, there are two important streets, parallel to the Quebrada, but there is no connection between them. As a result of that, we propose to unify them, and place micro-facilities that will generate movement through the new connection. Third intervention: Connections and micro-facilities This part of the Quebrada SANTA HELENA is surrounding a hill and is in need of some new facilities for the people to have a decent daily life. These facilities are situated in the informal part, and adapt themselves to the topography, being in the ground floor or higher, depending on the surrounding height.


Hiba El Youssufi + Inés Aguiriano + Carlota Siverio Our urban strategy is inspired by the configuration of the old Medina of Marrakech, and of the Mediterranean Arabic countries in a bigger scale. In the Medina, the neighbourhoods are defined by their five facilities: An oven, a mosque, a public bath, a fountain and a school. These facilities respond to the daily needs of the inhabitants and allow them to have a decent life in poor and informal areas of the city. It is also inspired by the urban strategy used in Barcelona before the Olympic Games in 1992, consisting in “healing” in a more reduced scale, in the poorest neighbourhoods, to have an immediate improvement of the living quality, and therefore of the city. First intervention: Barrio Villatina Villatina is a neighborhood located in the end of the Quebrada. On one side of the Quebrada there are some formal settlements but on the other side they are all informal. One of the biggest problems is the lack of connections among the Quebrada in this part of the city. We propose one connection in a strategic point where two important streets collide. It provides access to an existing facilities zone and improves the informal part connecting it with a more structured one. We also propose some micro-facilities located in the ground floors of some existing buildings with hygienic, technological and cultural functions. These facilities don´t need a big investment and make a noticeable difference in the

But most of all, we needed to create connections between both sides of the hill. The streets created allow the people from both sides of the hill to travel faster. They also manage to connect some dead-end streets to the main avenues, improving the connectivity of this part of the city. As a conclusion, we may say that this idea of micro-facilities is more affordable than a big general plan, for a city that is that informal, with a really poor quality of life in the low estratos. The private houses in these areas cannot offer the inhabitants enough comfort because of their size, density and configuration. The idea is to transform the idea of the house into a pure sleeping/shelter cell and provide the people with proper facilities to practice their daily activities, such as taking a shower, cooking, practicing some sports, reading, having access to the internet, etc. The facilities we want to implement are different from the ones that are usually found in the Medina, and are supposedly more appropriate to the Columbian society, such as: - Public kitchens: Spaces with all the equipment needed in a kitchen, for the neighbours to come and cook their meals in a communal environment. - Public hygiene centres: Spaces where people can train and therefore take a shower. - Public Wi-Fi: A kind of locutorio with a free internet access and public phones. - Public micro-library : Spaces where people have access to some books, that can be loaned; and brought by people from the neighbourhood. It would be based on the trust in other people. A way of sharing the knowledge in order to create a social link.


Study of the city

Intervention section


Intervention places





After Photomontage









tre, literature, music, painting, dance or art of any kind is a pillar of stable society and is necessary in daily life. With minimal intervention this complex could be changed into a lively place with many distinctive cultural uses: a concert hall, art workshop, dance hall or a cafĂŠ in an almost open space. The climate allows for some of the halls to remain open, without doors or windows. A heavy curtain can provide shielding from wind, factory roof from rain. The security steps are taken in range of interior furnishing. A convertible box serves as a bar during the day. At night it locks itself, chairs and tables. At the other side of the river, there are housing areas: Las Vegas,


Tamara HorovĂĄ

Municipality of Bello lies north of Medellin and when looking at the map we would easily assume it is a part of the city. However, it is divided from it by a quebrada and a strap of industrial halls. Bello is the last stop before leaving Medellin and entering the Antioquia countryside. The river Medellin flows around Bello’s perimeter and leaves it heading eastwards. The major traffic routes follow similar direction, but get deeper into the town. In between the river and highway I found a complex of factory buildings surrounded by empty space, the Railroad Workshops of Antioquia. These buildings, abandoned for almost 80 years, are today only a reminder of the industrialization of the early 20th century and the incredible devotion of mankind to construct railways in severe terrain conditions. In its most splendid times the railway used to unite provinces of Antioquia, Caldas and Valle del Cauca, 700 kilometers apart. Bello today with its 370 000 citizens is a mixture of 4 estratos; the largest being estrato 2 (low income) attributing for 40% of population, followed by estrato 3 (mid income) attributing for 36%, and estrato 1 (the poorest) attributing for 20%. The remainder of population is composed of the high income estrato. There are no spaces for cultural activities, or public buildings dedicated to fine arts. I believe thea-

Alcada and Machado. The proximity of these places to the Workshops is intense and needs to be utilized. I decided to connect them by a bridge and a route that follows the river.











Romain Thijsen +Dorine Verbaan

A barrier must be created in order to stop the informal part from growing. The boundaries of this barrier will contain different facilities destinations. Uphill alongside the reservoir a waterpark and sports center will be created. This center will provide a leisure center for the inhabitants of the informal part which is situated next to this leisure area. Stairs will be going from this park downhill to the formal dwellings. Not only the leisure area but also agricultural terraces will be added on the slope to create an even stronger boundary. Inside the informal part the existing football field with tribune will be improved. As part the small interventions a tribune will be added to this football field in order to create a better value for the neighbourhood.



Section INTERVENTION B road connections and busline

connection streets in the informal part

busline through the informal part

INTERVENTION C growth boundaries and leisure


vertical connection | stairs

agriculture field | swimming pools

LA HONDA Aina Alemany + Ana Bermejo At first, our study in Medellin was focused on the quebrada la Honda and how the city grows from them on, how the quebradas are capable to get out on the surface even in the different apples or how the urban planning can be adapted to them. Once we get fascinated we tried to discover how the houses are hold on the top the quebradas and which strategies are used to avoid their fall on the raining season. A poor structure based on slim pillars is used to maintain the stability of the houses located there; however we found out that this system is absolutely insufficient to guarantee their perpetuity when the level of water increases so loads of houses are razed during the floods. On top of that we analysed the surrounding houses and determined that almost all of them are under the healthy limit so our proposal is to improve the living quality of the houses we guessed they are about to fall and to generate a public pedestrian space between the two lines of houses on

A light sheet structure is added to the houses guaranteeing their stability and provides an extra outdoor space which can be used for several uation plants things. The pedestrian walkway absorbs the height difference and provides a promenade between nature which with the help of addition of new equipments can link its beginning and the end. The facilities are all related to water as it is obtained from the quebradas. Washing-machines, showers or a simply wc are incorporated to different spaces so we generate movement and communication between neighbours and we can free space from the surrounding houses.


Medellin analysis


Medellin analysis


Medellin analysis


Secction analysis



Existing dwelling




Housing intevention



BELLO STUDY Lucie Hlavsova, Ciera Crowell Our urban investigation was based on Bello, a municipality to the northwest of Medellin, Colombia. Bello is situated on the west side of Medellin River and has an approximate population of 40,000 inhabitants. on greenspaces and the role of water in the community.

We chose this area to work because our original studies of Medellin were focused

We found that Bello has a new water treatment plant, and also a new pedestrian bridge

connecting residential areas with greenspace areas on the opposite bank. In our early stages of research, we found an action plan created by the municipality of Bello, which detailed changes to be made in the community during the years 2012-2015.

There was one section which related to infrastructure of the city, and we found the following goals which

could relate to a project study: –Construction and maintenance of bridges. ( –Expansion and upgrade of the public lighting ( –Paving, rehabilitation of the urban road mesh ( –Opening and construction of roads. ( •Source: City space: Planning, harmony, and livability (http://bello.areadigital.gov.co/SalaPrensa/Paginas/GUIA_PLAN_ACCION_2012_2015.aspx) We looked at the existing city plan and found areas of discontinuity within the city street grid, as well as areas of the city which lacked connection over the quebrada.

In particular, the residential areas in the north of the city, such as Niquia and Bellavista, had severe issues with

connection to the facilities found in the southern part of the city.

We found that the residents of these regions could not access greenspaces

or important churches/universities. From this evaluation, we defined the following objectives for our research study: •Landscape/Territory –Facilitate communication across the quedabra •Equipment/Strategic –Make existing utilities available to remote areas of the city –Increase access to public space –Increase fluidity of traffic flow •Habitat Issues





PROPOSAL FOR PLAZA DE FERIAS Clara Simoes + Jose Pedro Cardoso


Medellin analysis


Medellin analysis



Section project


REMOVING BARRIERS BETWEEN MORAVIA AND ITS CONTEXT Nathalie Díaz Removing barriers between Moravia and its context Moravia interaction with its surroundings through the urban fabric link How was Moravia formed?: “It it a closed urban system configuration that facilitates the inward development: has a rambling and poorly permeable mesh

from and to the city.”

Moravia is a neighborhood that grew from the illegal settlement of communities that came to Medellin (Colombia) in the sixties. The landfill (El Morro), located in the same area in 1977,

offered to new residents a chance to survive through the recovery and recycling of materials, trans-

forming Moravia into a slum with an economy based and supported in the trash. Bearing in mind the previous backgrounds I propose the following strategy of intervention: 1.- Housing relocation. Altogether wont relocate about 450 homes. Given that there are on average 2 houses by lot located in 213 lots. This houses are in extreme danger due to pollution from the former landfill. (This information is based on formal studies taken from the website “desarrollo humano”) 2.- They will be relocated in buildings of 6 floors

in lots of about 200 and 300m2, which are placed at points where the streets are widened.

3.- New sports facilities, which are related to the green areas of the slopes of the river. 4.- New public dining. (as part of the social helps already begun by Medellín government, since in this slum it exist an extense cultural program supported by buildings as Centro de desarrollo cultural Moravia, but I feel there is a lack of help in this especific area) 5.-To continue

bike lanes, as part of public transportation.

6.- To continue urban plots. Which means giving continuity to some streets and some sidewalks. 7.- Reinforce two of the streets as pedestrian / comercial axes. While investigating the Moravia slum i found being in charge of

a really quite striking datum, most families are only represented by the mother figure, so besides

the children they also have to get the support of the family. So the best way of helping this women is providing them of





Section 1

Section 2

Section 3

Intevention plan









POBLADO MEDELLIN COLOMBIA Joan Wildenberg + Juan Cequera + Maria GarcĂ­a Llop + Sarah Leuchtenmueller The analysis of a general plan shows clearly that mean connections follow the direction of the river as it is the heart of the city and due to the sharp slope. It si proposed the continuity of an already existing way from the river to the main transversal road up on the hill, all way long.



Intevention plan


Intevention plan


Intevention plan





30TH STREET. THE END OF A STREET Irene Rivera OBJECTIVES: -Connectivity of the Universidad of MedellĂ­n: Through a series of roads that are joing the different parts of the university: -vehicular roads -paths -lighting lines -Improve and equip the end of the 30th street: In this part I add two facilities, a green zone and a sports area. The green area is related to the Metrobus station located just at the end of the 30th Street where I open a road to connect both.




Intevention plan


Interventions marked in red


WHITE POINT Ana Sevillano + MarĂ­a Tarramera


Medellin plan


Medellin’s section


Intervention area





de Josep Lluís Sert en América Latina

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