2024 Marbleseed Organic Farming Conference Program

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Welcome to the 35th Anniversary of the Organic Farming Conference! We are glad you are here! The conference is always a unique opportunity to have a full picture of organic as a movement, a production method, and a value system. There is also a sense of history and future in this gathering. In 1989 the farmers that initiated this event were in need of information on certification and the implications of a new national organic standard. Many of the farmers from those early conferences are here with us still. They have become our board members, teachers, mentors, scholarship donors, and advocates for the next generation. In the 35-year history of this conference, Marbleseed as an organization has gone from being a “conference and publication” to offering a full complement of programs and resources for beginning farmers, experienced growers looking to manage or certify organic, and those farmers who have been marginalized or historically excluded from the benefits of many of the federal agricultural programs. As we come together this year, we are making history in many ways. Demand for organic is greater than those first national organic standard farmer advocates would ever have dreamed. Investment in organic through various USDA agencies and programs is also at an all-time high. And in this moment, we need to rely on those past voices, as well as those whose knowledge of organic and regenerative farming were silenced, to find the way forward. You will hear from them across this year’s content and networking opportunities! In 2022 we changed our name to Marbleseed. It was meant to be a name that harkened deep roots in the Midwest. It was meant to be more inclusive than ‘certified’ organic, welcoming those farmer-leaders who know the many indigenous practices that we rely on as organic farmers. Yet, we wanted to uplift our history as an organization that is farmer-led and affirm our commitment to an organic agricultural system that is better for farmers, farm workers, animals, consumers, and the planet.

In that spirit, Marbleseed Conference 2024 has increased the opportunity for farmers to emerge as peer leaders and learners. We kick off the conference on Thursday with the Farmer Summits, facilitated as an “Unconference” with topics and sessions identified in real time. Friday we have extended the lunch period and made space for a Farmer Café. Look for the round tables in the dining room, pick a topic or join a conversation! And on Saturday we will close the conference with sessions led by farmer researchers, or join the Convergence to talk with other attendees about what you learned, and deepen connections with each other and the knowledge gained. Beyond high quality production and business content, we know how important social networking opportunities are as well. There is more time in the agenda that is unstructured. Go hang out in the exhibit hall where you can chat with vendors returning and new, pop upstairs to the Wellness room, gather around for a musical jam session, or have that hallway conversation. We will still have various “farmer meet-ups” on Friday night. And a band and dance on-site are back this year as well! The Ag Solidarity Network is our commitment to the collective community in the form of a social networking app (We are all sick of those Facebook pop up ads!). Be sure to sign up and download the app to your phone to share messages and get updates on various conference happenings while you are here. And then keep those conversations going when you get back to your farm. The Marbleseed staff has grown over the last year as well. Be sure to stop down at our booth in the exhibit hall and say ‘hello’. There is so much we can learn and do together for a more fair and just organic food and farming system for us all. In the spirit of continuous improvement,

Lori Stern, Executive Director

Contents Keynotes


Organic Meals & Interpretation Info


About Marbleseed


Conference Information


Facilities Map


Thursday Schedule-at-a-Glance


Thursday Schedule & Descriptions


Friday Schedule-at-a-Glance


Friday Schedule & Descriptions


Please wear your name badge daily at the conference—don’t leave it at your hotel! It’s your pass to workshops, the Exhibit Hall, and meals.

Saturday Schedule-at-a-Glance


Saturday Schedule & Descriptions


2024 Changemaker


Hang your coat

2024 Farmer of the Year


Farmer-led Programming


Health and Wellness Room


35th Anniversary Celebration


Evening Entertainment


Organic Research Forum


Exhibit Hall Map


Sponsor & Exhibitor Directory


Farmer led. Rooted in Organic. Wear your name badge

Coat racks are in the North Hall lobby and South Hall Upper Level. Follow the signs.

Join the conversation

Use #Marbleseed2024. We’ll post photos on Facebook and Instagram @marbleseedorg!


Find snack stations on the map. Fill your own water bottle or get a Marbleseed Conference glass mug with lid for $5 in the Marbleseed Bookstore or at the Help Desk in North Hall. It’s a great souvenir of your Marbleseed 2024 experience!

Stash your trash

Help us reduce landfill trash by using the recycling and compost bins. Signs posted above each bin list items accepted.

Let the world know you were here

Get your Marbleseed Conference T-shirt before they sell out! These printed-in-the-USA, 100% organic cotton shirts are sold in the Marbleseed x ACRES Bookstore in North Hall.

Cover photo credit: Melissa Mahon Stein BearStone Acres Soldiers Grove, Wis.

Wi-Fi: Marbleseed Password: marbleseed

Take the 2024 Organic Farming Conference evaluation and tell us how we did!


Keynotes Join us on Friday from 9-11 a.m. for our keynote “Waste is Not Waste Until We Waste It.” Presented by Anna Hammond, Ben Hartman, and Jim Kleinschmit, this keynote will tackle waste and offer insights on how to view it as a potential opportunity.

“Waste is Not Waste Until We Waste It”

Friday, 9-11 a.m Room J From time, physical labor, to hides and misshapen veggies, this year’s general session will focus on things we waste. The speakers have used imagination and entrepreneurship to reframe waste as an opportunity that benefits the planet and small- to medium-scale farms. Their stories show the ingenuity of problem-solving within human-scale systems based on values of climate healing, work-life balance, and truly honoring the land, animals, and humans that make up our food and farming systems. Anna Hammond, Matriark Foods Anna Hammond is the founder of Matriark Foods, a circular economy food business working to solve the dire effects of wasted food while supporting human scale farms. Matriark upcycles farm surplus and vegetable trim from fresh-cut facilities into healthy products for food service: schools, hospitals, corporate cafeterias, food banks—simultaneously diverting waste from landfills while creating greater access to healthy food. Ben Hartman, Farmer and Author Ben and his wife, Rachel Hershberger, own and operate Clay Bottom Farm in Goshen, Ind., where they make their living growing and selling specialty crops on less than one acre. Clay Bottom Farm, recognized for lean production, practices kaizen, or continuous improvement, cutting out waste—of time, labor, space, money, and more—every year and aligning their organic production tightly with customer demand. Ben has authored three books. Jim Kleinschmit, Other Half Processing Jim is CEO and co-founder of Other Half Processing SBC, producer of identity-preserved byproducts from the “other half” of regenerative, organic, and other more sustainably raised livestock. Other Half Processing’s mission is to create high value and highquality products in ways that are ethical and respectful to the animal and support regenerative farmers, ranchers and agricultural systems. Other Half Processing’s goal is whole animal valuation and zero waste.


Organic Meals & Interpretation Info Lunch is included with full-day registration Thursday through Saturday, and breakfast is included on Friday and Saturday. Refreshments will be available each day for all conference attendees. Supper tickets can be purchased at Check-In. Have dietary restrictions? Meal options are available for attendees with dietary restrictions. All items will be labeled, and ingredients will be listed to accommodate people with mild food allergies or who are vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, and/or dairy free. Please note that meals are served “buffet style,” and severe food allergies cannot be accommodated.




Vegan Entree: Vegan chili

Hard boiled eggs; whole fruit; granola; dairy and soy yogurt; hot oatmeal with toppings Corn chips; salsa; corn relish; whole fruit; cheese; snack bars


Pork loin; garden greens; quinoa, butternut squash, and cranberry salad; honey-glazed beet and carrot medley; roasted sweet potatoes; dinner rolls; chocolate cake; brownies Vegan Entree: Roasted cauliflower


Swedish meatballs with mushrooms; garden salad; pea salad; soycutash; mashed potatoes; dinner rolls; berry cobbler Vegan Entree: Mushroom and lentil stroganoff

Ham and potato soup; garden greens; brown rice and kale salad; hearty breads; ice cream treats


White fish, garden greens; chickpea salad; green beans; rice pilaf; dinner rolls/bread; apple crisp Vegan Entree: Curry


Meatloaf; garden greens; coleslaw; mashed potatoes; corn; dinner rolls/bread; pumpkin bars Vegan Entree: Lentil loaf


Thanks to our generous food donors for providing hearty and healthy meals for Marbleseed 2024!

Interpretation services are offered Thursday through Saturday at this year’s conference. Languages offered include Spanish, HMoob, and other languages as requested at the time of registration. Come to Check-In in the South Hall lobby to learn more. Los servicios de interpretación se ofrecen de jueves a sábado en la conferencia de este año. Los idiomas que se ofrecen incluyen español, HMoob y otros idiomas solicitados en el momento de la inscripción. Pase por la mesa de check-in en el vestíbulo del South Hall para obtener más información. Lub rooj sib tham xyoo no muaj neeg txhais lus hnub Thursday txog Saturday. Muaj neeg txhais ua lus Mev, lus Hmoob, thiab lwm hov lus ua thaum tib neeg cuv npe rau lub rooj sib tham no qhia rau peb ua ntej lawm. Nyob rau hauv lub tsev sib tham, mus rau qhov chaw hu ua South Hall, mus ntawd lub rooj Check-In los yog lub rooj txheeb npe.


About Marbleseed Marbleseed is committed to maximizing an organic, regenerative farming ecosystem across the Midwest to provide right-livelihoods for human scale farmers, food justice for eaters, and environmental protection. This is our 35th Organic Farming Conference, and while planning the conference is a big part of what we do, we are busy throughout the year with a variety of programs related to our mission.


Our programs are shaped and often led by farmers who know best what they need for information and resilience.


A new and collectively launched social network and organizing platform for production and farmer affinity groups. Check out the features and make connections with farmers across the Midwest at the Marbleseed booth or visit agsolidaritynetwork. com to learn more!


Farmer and rural mental health services are a critical need. This project trains farmers to be supportive peers.


We have an amazing group of farmers ready to answer your questions about production and farm business. Get answers to your questions about farming and organic rules by calling the Organic Answer Line at 888-906-6737 or online at marbleseed. org/resources.


This year-long program pairs experienced and new organic farmers to encourage successful organic farms.


Farmer-led circles where farmers connect to define challenges, share knowledge, and identify solutions to the most pressing needs of their communities. Production-focused groups meet quarterly online and in-person.



These on-farm events showcase what works, giving farmers ideas to put in practice on their own farms.


This annual educational retreat covers farm financial and business management for intermediate beginning farmers or anyone who is ready to plan for future success. Stay up to date at www.newfarmeru.org.


A partnership between Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, Marbleseed, Wisconsin Food Hub Cooperative, and Wisconsin Farmers Union to strengthen local and regional food systems.


FARMLAND ACCESS PROGRAM & THE WISCONSIN LAND ACCESS HUB Finding quality, affordable land is challenging. Wisconsin Farmland Access Navigators are trained to guide beginning farmers through the process of finding property and securing land tenure. The Wisconsin Land Access Hub is a group of professionals that assist in land acquisition and are aware of the challenges and needs of beginning farmer land seekers.


With a focus on advanced beginning farmers and socially disadvantaged farmers, this program is enhancing mentorship and support, creating a holistic approach to building a more just system of agriculture and agricultural funding.


Find information about organic farming practices and organic certification at marbleseed.org. The Farming by Topic section has how-to articles and related resources like our Organic Broadcaster Magazine and much, much more! Keep up to date on upcoming events like our organic field days.


This project, in collaboration with Michael Fields Agricultural Institute, acknowledges that 35% of all producers are women, many of whom have been and still are underserved by conservation funding and support agencies. This project works with women conservation coaches to change that.



Marbleseed is a represented member in both the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition and the National Organic Coalition. We are working with these organizations to amplify the voices of organic farmers in the Midwest and support farmers in organizing in advance of the 2023 Farm Bill.


Visit marbleseed.org to learn more about our upcoming events!

Conference Information Childcare & Teen Space Childcare (ages 3-12)

Thursday, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. | Friday, 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. | Saturday, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. We offer adult-supervised childcare that provides individualized activities for children ages 3-12. Located through the skyway in the Radisson.

Teen Space (ages 12+)

Friday, 8:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. | Saturday, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. The staff of Wisconsin Farmers Union’s Kamp Kenwood will again be joining us to lead educational activities and fun in our Teen Space for kids ages 12 & up. Find Teen Space on the map on page 8.

Green Initiatives

Compost and Recycling stations are located throughout the conference center. We contract with Hilltopper Refuse and Recycling to ensure our compostables and recyclables stay out of the wastestream. Please help us maintain this environmental commitment by placing waste in the appropriate containers. Reduce plastic waste by bringing your own reusable container to refill at a drinking station or pick up a conference commemorative glass mug or reusable bamboo utensils — both available for purchase in the Marbleseed x ACRES Bookstore. At the end of the conference, you can also return your name badge holder in the North Hall Lobby for reuse in future years.

Children in Workshops

To ensure that other conference attendees can hear the presenters, please make sure your children are quiet and supervised during workshops. If they need attention, please leave the workshop room.

Gender-Neutral Restrooms

Several restrooms are designated as gender neutral. See the map on page 8.

Lost and Found & First-Aid

See staff at Check-In if you need help.


A great crew of volunteers helps make the Marbleseed Conference run smoothly. If you need help navigating the conference center, just look for someone wearing a green “Volunteer” ribbon or yellow “Staff” ribbon—we’re happy to help you find your way!

Scholarship Funds

Giving to the Marbleseed Conference Scholarship Fund is a great way to encourage the success of organic and sustainable farmers. In addition to the main Conference Scholarship Fund, we also manage two funds that honor our friends and organic pioneers: The David J. Engel Memorial Scholarship Fund and the Chris Blanchard Scholarship Fund. Help others attend the conference by donating to our scholarship fund at marbleseed.org/donate.



Connect with and learn from a diverse network of farmers, farmer-workers, homesteaders, and food system professionals. Join groups that match with your expertise & interests. Post and search for job opportunities, events, and classifieds. Sign up at agsolidaritynetwork.com.

The City of La Crosse has made free parking available in several nearby ramps and lots. View these parking locations online at https://cvent.me/NwwMzB or get a print copy at Check-In.

Hotel Shuttles

Explore La Crosse has arranged with many area hotels to shuttle guests to and from the Marbleseed Conference. See the schedule online at https://cvent.me/NwwMzB or get a print copy at Check-In.


Facilities Map

Green Room

Health & Wellness Room



Down to A, B, C, D, Dining Hall Orange Room


Purple Room

Teen Space

Free Resource Area


Research Poster Gallery


MAP KEY Restrooms



Gender-Neutral Restroom Mother’s Room Elevator Escalator Stairs Coat Racks Beverages

Farmer Cafe


Map is not to scale.



Thursday Schedule-at-a-Glance South Hall Lower Room:


9 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Organic University: Medicinal and Culinary Herbs

See session details and descriptions on following pages.

South Hall Upper

North Hall Upper







9 a.m-1 p.m.

9 a.m.-1 p.m.

9 a.m.-1 p.m.

9 a.m.-1 p.m.

9 a.m.-12 p.m.

Organic University: How to Go from Surviving to Thriving

Organic University: The Lean Farm

Organic University: Putting Down Roots: Agroforestry Planning

Organic University: Organic Raw Milk Quality

PRIVATE: WI LFPA Farm to Food Access Wholesale Readiness Training

J 9 a.m.-1:15 p.m. Organic University: Help Wanted: Organic Farmers


1:30-5:30 p.m.

11:15 a.m.-1 p.m. | Lunch in the Dining Hall

1:30-5:30 p.m.

1:30-5:30 p.m.

1:30-5:30 p.m.

1:30-5:30 p.m.

Farmer Summit: Livestock

Farmer Summit: Wellness

Farmer Summit: Farm Hacks

Farmer Summit: Growing Organic

6-7:30 p.m. | Supper in the Dining Hall (purchase tickets at Check-In) 6-7:30 p.m. | WI LFPA Supper in Room D

Evening Events

6-8 p.m. PRIVATE: Mentor Meeting

5-8 p.m. | Tasting Event in the Exhibit Hall 7 p.m. | 35th Anniversary Celebration in Exhibit Hall 8-11:00 p.m. | Music with Miss Meaghan Owens in Exhibit Hall


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North Hall Upper K

Exhibit Hall


9 a.m.-1 p.m. Organic University: Climate Adaptation for Vegetable Growers


1:30-5:30 p.m.


Farmer Summit: Climate and Conservation OUR FARMER GRANT PROGRAM



5 p.m. Exhibit Hall Opens 4-8 p.m.

Film: Children of the Vine

HMoob Professional Ag Providers

5:30-6:30 p.m. Research Poster Presenters Q&A





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6:30-8 p.m.


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Thursday Schedule & Descriptions Climate Adaptation for Midwest Organic Help Wanted: Organic Farmers Organic University Vegetable Growers: Current Research 9-1:15 p.m. and Future Priorities Organic University 9-1 p.m. Room K Ajay Nair, Dylan Bruce, Katie Black, Kent Boyd, Kristine Lang, Laura Brosius, Natalie Hoidal, Rue Genger, Sandy Dietz

Extreme weather events such as flooding, heat, and drought are becoming more common in the Midwest. Organic vegetable growers face many challenges adapting to these changes. Effective research to address these challenges must include farmers at all stages. In this session we will hear an overview of climate predictions for our region; research updates on climate resilience strategies including conservation tillage, high tunnel management, and adaptations for physical resilience of farmers and farm workers; and climate adaptation strategies from a panel of farmers. Attendees can participate in facilitated small-group discussions to identify existing efforts, gaps, and priorities related to climate resilience research for organic vegetable growers.

Growing, Processing, and Marketing Organic, Medicinal, and Culinary Herbs Organic University 9-1:30 p.m. Room A Harriet Behar, Jane Hawley Stevens

Either as a stand-alone enterprise or an addition to other activities on your farm, organic culinary and medicinal herbs can fit in nicely as a value-added enterprise with a minimum of capital investment. All aspects of a successful herb business will be covered, including seed starting, field production and drying, value-added products, regulatory issues, and wholesale and retail sales. Jane Hawley Stevens of Four Elements and Harriet Behar of Sweet Springs Farm bring decades of experience in growing, using, and marketing herbs.

Room J Alan Lewis, Allison Walent, Dave Bishop, Harold Wilken, Tom Manley

Organic agriculture is a fast-growing sector in U.S. agriculture, creating jobs and promoting economic growth and opportunities across rural America. The USDA has invested heavily to increase the number of certified organic operations through the cooperation of several agencies, providing transitioning organic farmers with educational resources, mentorship, and financial assistance through conservation and farm safety net programs. This session will explain HOW to start your organic transition and WHERE to find the resources you need. We will also hear from organic farmers who have done it successfully and continue to find new markets for their organic farm products.

How to Go from Surviving to Thriving Organic University 9-1 p.m. Room B Ryan Erisman

Farming can be a tough business and lifestyle even in the best of times. Changes in weather, markets, and individual circumstances can multiply the challenges and psychological burdens. Understanding how our brains work and how we can shift our thinking can help us thrive, even when circumstances seem to conspire against us. Thriving isn’t about superficial happiness or false optimism but finding fulfillment and inner peace in the presence of stress, pain, and ongoing challenges. Join this interactive workshop to learn neuroscience-based concepts behind well-being and discover practices that not only get you through tough times but help you thrive.

Organic University 9-1 p.m. Room G Guy Jodarski, Kevin Jahnke, Nicole Martin

Raw milk quality is measured using a number of different parameters that are all tied to farm practices. In this workshop, participants will learn about a) the physical, chemical, microbial, and sensorial aspects of raw milk quality, b) how handling practices impact testing results, and c) how practices and factors at the farm influence the different raw milk quality parameters. Although the main focus will be on factors influencing milk somatic cell count and bacterial counts, we’ll also touch on management practices such as grazing, organic livestock production, and dairy animal nutrition that affect milk quality from both human nutritional and sensory standpoints.

PRIVATE: WI LFPA Farm to Food Access Wholesale Readiness Training Organic University 9-12 p.m. Room I

Award ceremony for 2024 WI LFPA recipients.

Putting Down Roots: Agroforestry Planning

Organic University 9-1 p.m. Room F Caleb Langworthy, Matt Wilson, Meredith Stamberger, Mitch Harkenrider Join the Savanna Institute in this extended session to dive into the details of what it takes to integrate trees into your farm or landscape. We’ll cover how to match agroforestry practices with your goals, tree selection based on site characteristics, choosing planting and harvest methods, protecting trees from livestock and wildlife, and maintenance options for caring for young trees during establishment.

RYAN EVANS Organic Floral Design

Building a Resilient Local Food System www.minnesotacooks.org

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Organic Raw Milk Quality

The Lean Farm

and learn from those who have taken the leap into organic farming. Regardless of the practicing path you are on, all attendees will benefit from the collective knowledge at this Farmer Summit!

In this training session, Ben Hartman will explain tools from the Japanese lean system that can be used to identify and cut out waste from a farm operation to increase profits and sustainability with less work. Specifically, Ben will explain the 7 mudas (wastes) and the 5S organizing system, as well as the German principle of weniger aber besser (less but better) and ideas from E.F. Schumacher’s “Small is Beautiful.” Attendees will learn from one another and leave with knowledge they can apply right away. The session is for all sizes and types of farms, though there will be an emphasis on techniques for micro-scale vegetable farms.


Organic University 9-1 p.m. Room E Ben Hartman

Climate and Conservation Farmer Summit 1:30-5:30 p.m. Room K

Join this Farmer Summit on Climate and Conservation to share your experiences, concerns, and plans to adapt your farm to climate change and conserve the natural environment. If you’re still wondering how you can adapt to these challenges, this will be a great opportunity to listen, learn, ask questions, and connect with others.

Farm Hacks

Farmer Summit 1:30-5:30 p.m. Room G

Are you building regenerative agriculture by centering your operations around animals you care for? If yes, then come share your stories with others. Listen and share how livestock can sustain the cycle to diversify your farm. Bring success stories on how this addition has connected animals to humans and can grow your business in more ways than one.


Farmer Summit 1:30-5:30 p.m. Room H

Just as the soil breathes, farmers must also take time to focus on what keeps us alive and thriving. Find your reminder, shelter, and support with others as we navigate important wellness maintenance practices and experiences together.

PRIVATE: Mentor and Mentee Meeting Meeting 6-8 p.m. Room B

Meet with your Marbleseed mentor/mentee!

Farmer Summit 1:30-5:30 p.m. Room I

Children of the Vine

Come discuss ways the lean system might apply to your farm with author of “The Lean Farm” and farm operator, Ben Hartman. How do you increase value and profits with less work and waste?

Growing Organic Farmer Summit 1:30-5:30 p.m. Room J

Film Screening 6:30-8 p.m. Room K

“Children of the Vine” is a deeply unsettling investigation into the controversial herbicide Roundup and its impact on public health. Why are countries banning Roundup while the United States uses more of it than any other country in the world?

Come to share your insights, challenges, and successes related to organic farming practices. If you aren’t quite there yet, listen THERE’S N E VE R B E E N A B E T TE R TI M E TO

SUPPORT LOCAL Get every issue of

mailed right to your door!


Friday Schedule-at-a-Glance

See session details and descriptions on following pages.

South Hall Lower C





1:30-2:15 p.m.

1:30-2:15 p.m.

Certified Organic Market Protection and Development

Cultural ChangeEnergy Towards a Small Farm Future

2:30-3:15 p.m.

2:30-3:15 p.m.

2:30-3:15 p.m.

Dairy Calf Management: Rethinking Housing

Building Solidarity: Farmers and Farm Workers

Expanding Your Market Share to Add Revenue Streams

9-11 a.m. | Keynote + Farmer of the Year and Changemaker Recognition in Room J 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. | Lunch and Farmer Cafés (see page 38) in the Dining Hall


4-6 p.m.

1:30-3:30 p.m.

7:30-9 a.m. | Health and Wellness Room Scheduled Activities (see page 39) 7:30-9 a.m. | Continental Breakfast in the Dining Hall

1:30-2:45 p.m.

1:30-2:45 p.m.

1:30-2:45 p.m.

Supporting Beneficial Birds with Habitat on the Farm

Covers That Pay: Perennial and Winter Annual Crops

Real Organic Tomato Production in a Greenhouse

Evening Events

1:30-2:15 p.m. Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Dairy Cattle

1:30-2:45 p.m.

1:30-2:45 p.m.

Soil Health in Vegetable Fields and High Tunnels

Farmers Market Food Hubs: An Innovative Way to Connect

4-5:15 p.m.

4-5:15 p.m.

4-5:15 p.m.

4-5:15 p.m.

4-5:30 p.m.

4-4:45 p.m.

4-4:45 p.m.

Navigating Turbulent Organic Grain Markets

Animal Welfare For Organic Livestock Owners

Agroforestry Primer: What Can Trees Do for Your Farm?

Managing Manure for the Climate

Land Access & Impacts on Indigenous Peoples

Software for DirectMarketing Farmers

Encouraging Change in Food System Laws and Policy

5-5:45 p.m.

5-5:45 p.m.

5-5:45 p.m.

Animal Health Updates with Open-Forum Q&A

Opportunities for Upcycled: Farmers and Manufacturers

Activating Capital for ClimateFriendly Agiculture

6-7:30 p.m. | Supper in the Dining Hall (purchase tickets at Check-In) 6-7:30 p.m. | Shabbat Dinner in Orange Room (see page 21) 6:30-8:30 p.m. Grafting and Scionwood Exchange

6:30-8 p.m.

6:30-8 p.m.

6:30-8 p.m.

Young and Beginning Farmer Mixer

Queers in the Field

Tribal Food Producers Gathering

5-6 p.m. | Happy Hour at Patagonia Booth, Farmer of the Year and Changemaker Celebration 7:30 p.m. | Organic Research Poster Awards Announcement in Exhibit Hall 8-11 p.m. | Barn Dance with Frog Slough String Band in Exhibit Hall


North Hall Upper F

7:30-9 a.m.


9-11 a.m.




South Hall Upper

North Hall Upper I



Exhibit Hall Blue


8 a.m.-6:30 p.m.

10:30-11:30 a.m. Advancing Eco Agriculture 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Book Signing: Ben Hartman 1:30-2:45 p.m. Management Decisions for Season-Long Grazing

1:30-3 p.m.

1:30-3 p.m.

Wills, Trusts, & Business Structures: Farm Succession

Farm Food Safety on Your Mind?

1:30-2:30 p.m.

1:30-3:30 p.m.

Ask a Lender

Hmong Farmer Resources

2:30-3:30 p.m.

4-5:30 p.m.

4-5:15 p.m.

Help Shape the Future of Organic Agriculture

Understanding Techniques and Tools for Farm Transfers

Our Journey to Organic: Building an Organic Farm

4:30-5:30 p.m. Ask a Solar Energy Specialist

5:30-6:30 p.m. Ask Legal Advice

Financial Tools for Organic Recordkeeping with Ambrook

2:30-3:30 p.m. Empowering Organic Growers with Seed Technologies

Ask an Agronomist

4-5:15 p.m.

1:30-2:30 p.m.

4-5:30 p.m.

3:30-4:30 p.m.

Confused About Federal Resources? Find the Right Fit

Iowa Organic Association

4:30-5:30 p.m. Book Signing: Jane Hawley Stevens Kemin’s Botanical Oil-Based Biopesticides 5:30-7:30 p.m. Seed Swap

6:30-8 p.m. Film: Greener Pastures

6:30-7:30 p.m. Ask About Biodynamics

6-7 p.m. Research Poster Presenters Q&A


Friday Schedule & Descriptions Keynote: Waste is Not Waste Until We Waste It Keynotes & More 9-11 a.m. Room J Anna Hammond, Ben Hartman, Jim Kleinschmit

From time and physical labor to hides and misshapen veggies, this year’s general session will focus on things we waste. The speakers have used imagination and entrepreneurship to reframe waste as an opportunity that benefits the planet and small- to medium-scale farms. Their stories show the ingenuity of problem-solving within human-scale systems based on values of climate healing, work-life balance, and truly honoring the land, animals, and humans that make up our food and farming systems.

Advancing Eco Agriculture

Exhibit Hall Presentation 10:30-11:30 a.m. Exhibit Hall Stage

Book Signing: Ben Hartman Meeting 11:30-12:30 p.m. Bookstore Ben Hartman

Find your favorite Ben Hartman book at the Conference bookstore and then mosey on over to have him sign your copy!

Farmer Cafés

Conversations 11:30-1:30 p.m. Dining Hall Roundtables

Visit with other attendees over lunch to continue conversations or start new ones around the themes from the previous day’s Farmer Summits. These discussions will take place in the Dining Hall where roundtables will be sectioned off by topic.

PRIVATE: UMN Focus Group on Trials of Cover Crops in High Tunnels 11:30-12:30 p.m. Orange Room

Closed to invited participants only.

Financial Tools for Organic Recordkeeping with Ambrook Exhibit Hall Presentation 1:30-2:30 p.m. Exhibit Hall Stage

Discover how Ambrook streamlines financial management, increases productivity, and empowers organic farming businesses through enterprise accounting and simplified recordkeeping. Ambrook’s mission is to make sustainability profitable for agriculture. Their team is building simple, collaborative financial management software for farms and ranches, supporting grant discovery, bookkeeping, budgeting, accounting, payments, and more in an all-in-one platform. By giving organic producers a clear view of where they are making and losing money, they can improve margins, spend more time in the field, and gain easier access to credit – all of the scarce resources necessary to successfully invest in organic agriculture.

Certified Organic Market Protection and Development Roundtable 1:30-2:15 p.m. Room G Jared Clark

The USDA National Organic Program can present on recent updates to the Organic Regulations including the implementation and enforcement of the Strengthening Organic Enforcement final rule taking place in March 2024. The USDA is balancing this

organic market protection with market development with the Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP). This workshop may include the TOPP regional lead organization in Wisconsin (MOSA) along with their local partners to provide program success stories and explain how producers can access TOPP resources in their area. TOPP provides farmer-to-farmer mentoring, workshops and field days, and technical assistance to transitioning and organic producers.

Channeling Cultural Change-Energy Towards a Small Farm Future

Roundtable 1:30-2:15 p.m. Room H Alice Melendez, John Ikerd, Laura Freeman

For decades, careful thinkers have identified the need and worked locally on the nuts and bolts of a transition to a regional food system organized around family-sized farms. Currently, there is appetite among a growing population to break up the monopolies in the protein industry as various plagues lead to massive kill-offs of cattle, hogs, and poultry. Meanwhile grains, tubers, greens, fruits, and vegetables are needed at a scale that meets substantial caloric and nutritional demands of the people in a place. How can this be best done at a human rather than industrial scale? Let’s talk strategy, leverage, collaboration, and working examples.

Connecting Good Food, Good People & Good Opportunities

Ask Your Plants




Covers that Pay: Perennial and Winter Annual Crops for Economic and Environmental Benefit Workshop 1:30-2:45 p.m. Room B Matt Leavitt, Whilden Hughes

The University of Minnesota Forever Green Initiative will highlight six crops that are on the pathway to wider commercialization. True perennial grains (e.g., Kernza), woody perennial crops (e.g., hazelnuts and elderberry), and winter annual grain crops (e.g., winter barley, winter camelina, and hybrid rye) protect our vulnerable crop landscape, provide numerous ecosystem benefits, and offer real economic returns to growers. These types of crops bridge the coverage gap in our annual cropping systems in the Upper Midwest and provide unique adaptations such as winter hardiness and annual coverage. Learn from experienced researchers and farmers about adopting these crops, fitting them into Upper Midwest rotations, and ongoing commercialization efforts nationwide.

Farm Food Safety on Your Mind? Get Started on Your Farm’s Plan Today

Workshop 1:30-3 p.m. Room K Annalisa Hultberg, Jill Cholewa, Rodrigo Cala

This session will be co-led by experienced farmers and provide new systems for building a food safety culture toward growing, harvesting, and packing safe produce on your farm. This interactive workshop outlines components of a farm food safety plan, including how to start your own and how to identify and reduce risks on your farm, and provides recordkeeping examples of how to document safety practices that meet FSMA and GAP requirements. If you are considering selling to wholesale markets or schools, a farm food safety plan might be required, so let’s get started!

Farmers Market Food Hubs: An Innovative Way to Connect

Workshop 1:30-2:45 p.m. Room F Allison Rian, Sara George, Tina Moen

in a Virtual Food Hub, aka the Farmers Market Food Hub, can add dollars to your pocket and help you gain wholesale relationships and sales.

Hmong Farmer Resources Meeting 1:30-3:30 p.m. Green Room

Management Decisions for SeasonLong Grazing Workshop 1:30-2:45 p.m. Room I Jason Cavadini, Laura Paine

Grazing is not a practice unfamiliar to many livestock producers. It boasts a long list of environmental and economic benefits, but many operations employ management decisions that hold back the full potential of grazing on their farm. This presentation will lay out the management decisions that can be made throughout the year to maximize the extent of the grazing season and lead to the economic and environmental success of your farm.

Ask a Lender

Farming is complicated enough, and marketing to schools, hospitals, and restaurants on your own adds an additional layer of stress. Come learn how participating

Office Hours 1:30-2:30 p.m. Blue Room

Bring your lending and financing questions to Compeer staff.



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Friday Schedule & Descriptions Real Organic Tomato Production in a Greenhouse Workshop 1:30-2:45 p.m. Room C Dave Chapman

Long Wind Farm has a 40-year history of producing awesome soil-grown tomatoes in their Vermont greenhouses. Famous across New England, they have provided top-quality tomatoes to many chain stores and co-ops. Many small vegetable farms use a greenhouse tomato crop to anchor their business. This workshop will go into ways to improve the production of organic tomatoes and take them to a higher level. Presenter Dave Chapman will focus on production in a poly tunnel, applying the technical expertise and discipline developed by Dutch glasshouse horticulture. We will look at evaluating the plants, reducing labor, and planning to prevent insect and disease problems.

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Organic Dairy Cattle Roundtable 1:30-2:15 p.m. Purple Room Brad Heins

Decreasing the emissions of enteric methane from organic dairy cattle is strategic in reducing the carbon footprint of dairy production systems. This project evaluated Holstein and crossbred dairy cattle from the West Central Research and Outreach Center’s (WCROC) organic dairy in Morris, Minn. for methane emissions with the goal of developing novel nutritional strategies to reduce enteric methane emissions of conventional and grazing dairy cattle. We will discuss a project that fed red seaweed to organic dairy cows and evaluated methane emissions, production, milk components, and rumen microbiome for reducing methane emissions. Methane emissions of alternative dairy crossbreeds and Holstein cows will also be discussed.

Soil Health in Vegetable Fields and High Tunnels: Lessons from 100 Farms Workshop 1:30-2:45 p.m. Room E Lauren Barry, Natalie Hoidal, Skyler Hawkins

Small-scale (<50 acre) vegetable farms are an increasingly important part of the Upper Midwest food system, but little is documented about the soils on these farms, particularly in high tunnels. To develop a better understanding of soil health and nutrient management trends in these


systems, a team of Extension educators in Minnesota conducted soil tests and soil health assessments in fields and high tunnels at 100 vegetable farms, accompanied by a survey about management practices. In this session, we’ll highlight what we learned, and two farmer participants will share how they are planning to move forward with soil management after participating in the trial.

Supporting Beneficial Birds with Habitat on the Farm to Increase Ecosystem Benefits

Workshop 1:30-2:45 p.m. Room A Joy Miller, Rufus Haucke, Shelly Connor

In this session we’ll discuss how to look at the farm through the eyes of birds. We will outline ways to identify opportunities, prioritize and quantify practices and management strategies, and hone native plant selections that provide the best conditions for birds on the farm. We will focus on keystone native plants that birds prefer and that are commonly used in field borders and other farmscaping. Participants will a) learn about research that shows the importance of birds on farms, b) hear a farmer’s journey in implementing conservation practices that support birds, c) identify ways to implement practices in the field, and d) share experiences with the group.

Wills, Trusts, and Business Structures: Understanding Legal Tools for Farm Succession Workshop 1:30-3 p.m. Room J Rachel Armstrong

Passing on the farm involves several moving parts and pieces. Trusts, wills, and business structures (such as LLCs) may all be a part of a farmer’s succession plan. We will explain in plain language what each of these mechanisms can best achieve for the outgoing farm business owner. We’ll discuss the different goals farmers have and why they might choose a will, trust, and/or business entity. Case studies will help folks apply the information to their own situations, and guided reflection exercises will help farmers identify the right paths forward for them. Lastly, we’ll discuss the roles of attorneys and other professionals in helping farmers create solid plans.

Building Solidarity Between Family Farmers and Farm Workers Through Agroecology and Food Sovereignty Roundtable 2:30-3:15 p.m. Room G John Peck

Organic does not (yet) require justice in farming. This roundtable will discuss the importance of parity prices, living wages, and a just transition in our agriculture system to not only benefit family farmers but also food and farm workers, consumers, and the planet itself. The principles of food sovereignty and agroecology will help guide this brainstorm as well as the overriding context of climate chaos that requires praxis outside the conventional paradigm. We will explore the opportunities and challenges faced in this grassroots effort as well as actual examples of coalition building across sectors and communities to create a better, healthier, and more just food and farm system.

Empowering Organic Growers with Seed Technologies Exhibit Hall Presentation 2:30-3:30 p.m. Exhibit Hall Stage

Are you ready to take your organic farming practices to new heights? Join us for an exploration of organic seed treatments that maximize crop productivity, improve quality, and promote sustainability. Our journey begins with the history, current challenges, and opportunities of the organic seed treatment landscape. Learn about an array of organic seed treatment options, their proven benefits, and how they can contribute to your success as an organic grower. We will focus on enhancing crop health and resilience with organic seed treatments. By the end of the session, you will understand how organic seed treatments can contribute to healthier, more resilient plants with improved vitality and yield.

Expanding Your Market Share to Add Additional Revenue Streams to Your Farming Economy Roundtable 2:30-3:15 p.m. Room H April Parms Jones

Add additional revenue streams to diversify your market share and grow your farming economy to be more resilient, strong, and adaptable in changing markets.

Ask an Agronomist

Office Hours 2:30-3:30 p.m. Blue Room Nicholas Podoll, Sandy Syburg

Join Nic Podoll of Rodale Institute and Sandy Syburg to have one-on-one time with agronomists who specialize in developing successful organic rotations. Bring any questions you may have!

The Future of Organic Dairy Calf Management: Rethinking Individual Housing

Roundtable 2:30-3:15 p.m. Purple Room Bianca Goncalvez da Costa, Marcia Endres

There is some pressure from consumers about providing a more natural environment and care to animals. During this session, we will have a discussion on how organic dairy farms are currently housing their pre-weaned calves and how participants envision farms will be housing calves in the future. We will also share some research results from our project at the University of Minnesota where we compared calves individually housed with calves housed in pairs, small groups, or with their moms.

Iowa Organic Association Exhibit Hall Presentation 3:30-4:30 p.m. Exhibit Hall Stage

Animal Welfare for Organic Livestock Owners Workshop 4-5:15 p.m. Room B Meggan Hain

Animal welfare audits: what to expect, how to get ready, and how they can actually benefit you and your business. Gain an understanding of what consumers and buyer expect of us as animal caretakers and learn about research updates from animal welfare studies. We can also cover some hot topics in dairy animal welfare: raising calves in groups & delaying cow-calf separation.

farmers: They offer experience, expertise, and advice to support those who are new to farm programs. A free Connector can be your personal guide, coach, and ally to access available farm programs and resources. The Go Farm Connect program prioritizes support for historically underserved farmers, which includes beginning farmers and members of groups that have historically faced and may continue to face systemic discrimination in the process of accessing USDA programs and services.

Confused About Federal Resources? Need Help Finding the Right Fit for You? Workshop 4-5:30 p.m. Green Room Hannah Lewis, Katie Kubovcik, Sara George

Many USDA and other farm assistance programs can be daunting and hard to navigate with so many details, forms, and acronyms, often in USDA-centric language. Our trained Connectors are farmers helping


Friday Schedule & Descriptions CSA and Order Management Software for Direct-Marketing Farmers Roundtable 4-4:45 p.m. Room G Joel Barr

The pioneers in our fields struggled to get specialized tools and equipment for their operations. Many of those tools are now commercially manufactured. What is still lacking is robust order management software designed specifically for small farmers, but that is starting to change. There are now more than a few options for managing customers, orders, inventory, and deliveries. In this roundtable discussion, you will hear from several farmers about their experiences using different software solutions. Learn about the pros and cons of each and ask questions before committing to the solution that is right for your farm.

Encouraging Change in Food System Laws and Policy Roundtable 4-4:45 p.m. Room H Alexia Kulwiec

The laws and regulations governing the U.S. food system are largely motivated by the need to regulate large, industrial agriculture. Yet this often puts smaller, independent farms and food producers in the position of being highly regulated at federal, state, and local levels, and compliance with these regulations is challenging to insurmountable. This presentation will discuss a variety of regulations impacting small producers of produce, meat, poultry, and cottage foods, particularly in the Midwest. We will discuss how certain policies conflict with the increased consumer demand for healthy, locally, and sustainably produced food and potential resolutions to this dilemma.

Help Shape the Future of Organic Agriculture Workshop 4-5:15 p.m. Room I Harriet Behar, Kate Mendenhall

Organic started as a grassroots movement. Now it is a federal regulatory program that has been in existence for more than 20 years. We need your help to keep the organic program strong! In this participatory workshop, we will discuss some of the ways farmers and consumers can become active participants in the regulatory and legislative process to protect the integrity of the organic program.


Managing Manure for the Climate Workshop 4-5:15 p.m. Room E Dr. Nesli Akdeniz, Rebecca Larson

Manure management is critical for fertility in organic systems and for protecting the environment. Recent research highlights practices to reduce greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions from organic dairy systems. In this session we will discuss what manure management practices can be implemented on livestock farms to reduce emissions and store carbon from the barn to the pasture. Researchers will quantify emissions reductions by sharing data on practices ranging from composting to digestion and discuss tradeoffs, practicalities of implementation, and economics. We encourage you to attend and participate in the discussions to further all our knowledge on this critical topic.

Navigating Turbulent Organic Grain Markets

Workshop 4-5:15 p.m. Room A Carmen Fernholz, Mike Schulist, Paul Drake, Steve Boyda, Tom Wanquist, Will Ortman

You put in money, a lot of time, possibly prayers too, and now you have a crop. Nice work! But, now what? Do you know if you’re getting a fair price for your beloved hard work? Are you certain that it will be transported out as promised? Do you have the time to find your buyer and then also the trucker? Do you have faith that you will be paid as promised? Attend this workshop panel and learn how marketers from the Organic Farmers Agency for Relationship Marketing read the turbulent markets and guide their members to success.

Our Journey to Organic: Navigating the Challenges and Rewards of Building an Organic Farm Workshop 4-5:15 p.m. Room K Dave Bishop, Harold Wilken

Two former Marbleseed Farmers of the Year discuss the challenges, successes, and failures they experienced in building their organic farms. This workshop is designed for beginning farmers, experienced farmers considering making substantial changes to a conventional farm operation, and educators and advisors who work with farmers.

The Agroforestry Primer: What Can Trees Do for Your Farm?

Workshop 4-5:15 p.m. Room C Caleb Langworthy, Matt Wilson, Meredith Stamberger, Mitch Harkenrider

Agroforestry can bring many benefits to the land and those who manage it, including helping to meet organic standards. In this session, Savanna Institute staff will share examples of farms that are implementing agroforestry practices such as alley cropping, silvopasture, and windbreaks. We’ll explore opportunities for getting help with planning and funding, as well as some of the complexities and challenges of adding trees to an agricultural operation.

The Historical Context of Land Access in the United States and Modern Impacts on Indigenous Peoples Workshop 4-5:30 p.m. Room F Alex “Bagwaj” Kmett

In this presentation, Bagwaj will briefly describe the relationship between Indigenous nations and settler-colonial states that set up the legal basis for continued occupation, treaties, and actions impacting Indigenous land access and intergenerational wealth. As an individual entwined in that history, he will describe his own story about how the cascading effects of historical events have impacted him.

Understanding Techniques and Tools for Successful Farm Transfers

Workshop 4-5:30 p.m. Room J Aaron Blythe, Alison Volk, Bonnie Warndahl, Jan Joannides, Katie Kubovcik

As a means to solve some of the financial issues around farmland access, this workshop hosted by Renewing the Countryside will focus on five methods of executing farm transfers outside the realm of conventional financing. Designed to enhance understanding for both land-seeking farmers and exiting farm owners, presenters will break down the details of each of the following: land contracts (contract for deed or “Rent to Own”); contract with buyout assistance; FSA financing; buy, protect, sell; and long-term sweat equity transfer.

Book Signing: Jane Hawley Stevens Meeting 4:30-5:30 p.m. Bookstore Jane Hawley Stevens

Find your favorite Jane Hawley Stevens’ book at the Bookstore and then mosey on over to have her sign your copy!

Discover the Potential of Kemin’s Botanical Oil-Based Biopesticides Line for Organic Production Exhibit Hall Presentation 4:30-5:30 p.m. Exhibit Hall Stage

The demand for sustainable and effective pest management solutions has never been greater. Kemin is dedicated to empowering commercial organic growers with premium technologies and expert guidance to optimize crop health, productivity, and yield. Central to our presentation will be the spotlight on our botanical oil-based biopesticides. When used as directed, these proprietary formulations offer safe and effective pest control year-round without disrupting labor activity or causing phytotoxicity. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the science behind Kemin’s biopesticides, their modes of action, practical applications across various crops, and compatibility with integrated pest management strategies. We will also highlight field trials showcasing product performance and the benefits experienced by growers.

Ask a Solar Energy Specialist Office Hours 4:30-5:30 p.m. Blue Room

Come find out how you may be eligible to save 80% or more on a solar installation with Olson Solar Energy. Bring any further questions you may have about this renewable resource, too!

Activating (or Integrating) Capital for Climate-Friendly Agriculture Roundtable 5-5:45 p.m. Room H Andrew Larson, Sarah Larson

We will discuss the best practices around climate-friendly agriculture. What is moving the needle for you? How do we elevate water as an objective or concern in our management practices in the Midwest compared with other regions? How are the costs of implementing these practices being planned for and incorporated into your farm business and management practices? What capital needs do we have to support climate-friendly ag?

Animal Health Updates with OpenForum Q&A Roundtable 5-5:45 p.m. Purple Room Guy Jodarski, Nicole Martin

We’ll cover the latest in animal health issues related to organic livestock production with insights into health promotion using holistic, adaptive management and building healthy

systems that enhance environmental, animal, and human health. This will be followed by an open-forum Q&A session covering the participants’ animal health and veterinary questions.

Opportunities for Upcycled: Calling All Farmers and Manufacturers Roundtable 5-5:45 p.m. Room G Anna Hammond

Anna Hammond, one of Marbleseed’s 2024 keynote speakers, will lead a seminar-style Q&A session to explore opportunities for using farm surplus and fresh-cut remnants for value-added products. Bring questions, thoughts, and challenges!

Ask Legal Advice Office Hours 5:30-6:30 p.m. Blue Room

Bring your legal questions to Alexia Kulweic, the Executive Director of Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund and an Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Seed Swap

Schedule Item 5:30-7:30 p.m. Exhibit Hall Dusty Hinz, Dylan Bruce, Natalie Aird

Calling all seed enthusiasts: Bring your favorite organic, open-pollinated seeds for a seed swap hosted by Seed Savers with Driftless Seed Company and Experimental Farm Network. Participants are strongly encouraged to come with seeds to swap and a bag or container to carry their seeds home in. Engage with others about their seeds and see what you can grow!

Shabbat Dinner Meeting 6-7:30 p.m. Orange Room Shani Mink

Join the Jewish Farmer Network for a special Shabbat dinner. If you have paid for supper, fill a plate in the dining hall and come join us in the Orange Room. If you have not paid for supper and would like to be a guest of the Jewish Farmer Network, there are limited supper tickets available. Visit the Jewish Farmer Network booth in the Exhibit Hall to get your ticket.

Grafting and Scionwood Exchange Workshop 6:30-8:30 p.m. Room B Chris McGuire

The Organic Fruit Growers Association hosts this grafting workshop and scionwood exchange. Learn the techniques of whip and tongue grafting, a great method for propagating your own fruit trees at little cost.

Experienced instructors will demonstrate the techniques and help you make your own grafts. Optionally, bring scionwood cuttings from your orchard to use or to share with other growers. We will have rootstock available to purchase and extra scionwood available for you to graft your very own apple tree to take home. Come ready to learn! Other necessary supplies will be available for you to use.

Greener Pastures Film Screening 6:30-8 p.m. Room K

There is a mental health crisis happening for many American farmers. A combination of climate change, the pandemic, and the domination of megafarms have contributed to increasing economic uncertainty and isolation. Following four family farms in the Midwest over several years, the documentary Greener Pastures is a story of perseverance and survival within the farming industry in the heartland.

Ask About Biodynamics Office Hours 6:30-7:30 p.m. Blue Room

Attend this Q&A session on biodynamic practices, myths, and Demeter Biodynamic Certification to learn everything you wanted to know but did not know who to ask. We’ll have certified farmers, a farmer trainer, and a certifier available for your inquiries.

Tribal Food Producers Gathering Meeting 6:30-8 p.m. Room F

All Tribal growers, staff, and community members are invited to attend this Great Lakes Intertribal Food Coalition meeting to connect with others before learning about and discussing new opportunities.

Young and Beginning Farmer Mixer Meeting 6:30-8 p.m. Room C

Are you a beginning farmer? Want to connect with other farmers and folks who work in local foods and/or sustainable farming? Hosted by Renewing the Countryside and the National Young Farmers Coalition, the mixer will be a good opportunity to unwind and connect with other conference-goers. Grab dinner and bring it our way. Collect a drink ticket from us and be engaged with trivia to kickstart some solid conversations.

Queers in the Field Meeting 6:30-8 p.m. Room E

LGBTQ+ farmers and friends are invited to network at this annual social.




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Saturday Schedule-at-a-Glance

See session details and descriptions on following pages.

South Hall Lower A






9-10:15 a.m.

9-10:15 a.m.

9-9:45 a.m.

9-10:15 a.m.

9-10:30 a.m.

9-9:45 a.m.

Organic Grain Rotation

Financial Readiness For ClimateFriendly Agriculture

What’s Up Under a Soil Tarp?

PFAS & Pollutants in Farm Soils and the Solution

Overcoming Barriers for Beginning & Immigrant Farmers

Building Your Own Seed Sovereignty

Right to Repair: Do Farmers Have Access to Fix Equipment?

10-10:45 a.m.

10-10:45 a.m.

Theologies of the Foodshed: Food, Farming, and Faith

Organic Fraud and Building Consumer Confidence

Evening Events

10-10:45 a.m. Nurturing Connections: Soil, Plant, Animal, & Human Health

11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. | Lunch in the Dining Hall 1:30-3 p.m.

1:30-3 p.m.

Soil Is Our Ancestor: We’re Not Going Deep Enough

Farm Bill Update: How to Engage

1:30-2:15 p.m. Religious and Cultural Diversity on the Farm

1:30-3 p.m. Building Fairness and Cooperation at Your Farm

1:30-2:45 p.m.

1:30-2:15 p.m.

Grow Your Own Fertilizer

Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP)

1:30-2:15 p.m. Establishing Plant Breeding Goals for Intercropping

2:45-3:30 p.m.

2:30-3:15 p.m.

2:30-3:15 p.m.

Forage Quality of Wildflowers and Shrubs

Ag Solidarity Network: Virtual Organizing

From Paper to iPhones: Tools for Managing

3:30-4:45 p.m. Heating the Winter Tunnel: Is It Worth It?

3:30-5 p.m. Ducks as Allies in the Midwestern Vineyard

3:30-4:45 p.m. Small-Scale Staple Crop Production

3:30-5 p.m. Keeping Veg. Farmers Growing: Peer Coaching

3:30-5:30 p.m. Conference Finale: Convergence in the Dining Hall (see page 38)



9-10:30 a.m.

Grazing for a Community 1:30-3:30 p.m.


7:30-9 a.m. | Continental Breakfast in the Dining Hall

1:30-2:45 p.m.

3:30-5:30 p.m.


North Hall Upper

7:30-9 a.m. | Health and Wellness Room Scheduled Activities (see page 39)

9 a.m.-11 a.m.

7:30-9 a.m.


South Hall Upper

Thanks for being a part of the 35th Marbleseed Organic Farming Conference! Head out into La Crosse for dinner and then meet us for an after-party at Pearl Street Brewery (6-10 p.m.)

North Hall Upper I




Exhibit Hall Green


8 a.m.-3 p.m.

7:30-9 a.m. Grower Focus Group: Pollinators 9-10:15 a.m. Putting the Soil MicroLivestock to Work for You

9-10:30 a.m.

9-10:30 a.m.

9-10 a.m.

9-10:15 a.m.

9-10:30 a.m.

9-10 a.m.

Saving Real Organic

Organic Field Crops & Climate Change Mitigation

Ask a Solar Designer

Intertribal Agriculture Council Overview

Wisconsin Women in Conservation (WiWiC)

Sea-90 Ocean Minerals: A Wave of Nutrition

1:30-5:30 p.m.

10-11 a.m.

10-11 a.m.

Ask an Organic Certifier

UW-Madison Division of Extension

Farmer Summit: Climate and Conservation

1:30-2:45 p.m.

1:30-2:45 p.m.

Introduction to Growing Heirloom Beans

A Farmer on the Front Lines of Climate Change

1:30-3 p.m.

2-3 p.m.

Conservation Planning and Financial Assistance

Ask a Beekeeper

12:30-2:30 p.m. Hmong Farmer Resources

1:30-3 p.m. Trends in Agricultural Tourism

3-4 p.m. Ask Agricultural Tourism Specialists


Saturday Schedule & Descriptions Grower Focus Group: Let’s Talk About Pollinators Meeting 7:30-9 a.m. Red Room

Interested in attracting or supporting pollinators on your farm? Do you grow crops that require pollinators (e.g., squash, pumpkins, cucurbits, berries, pumpkins)? Grab your coffee and join educators from the University of Minnesota for a discussion about pollinator benefits, pollinator management strategies, and grower resource needs. There’s no previous experience with pollinator management needed!

Building Your Own Seed Sovereignty to Boost Economic Growth and Production on Your Farm Workshop 9-10:30 a.m. Room F April Parms Jones

Financial Readiness for ClimateFriendly Agriculture Workshop 9-10:15 a.m. Room B Andrew Larson, Sarah Larson

The costs to implement conservation practices are often up front, high, and take time to provide financial return. This requires that the farmer has a long-term plan to manage cash to both integrate and implement conservation practices on the farm. This session will discuss how to prioritize and cash flow conservation investments that support climate-friendly ag. We will explore projecting costs of implementing practices and strategies for financing. You will leave this session with knowledge and tools to help you invest in things beyond production (in particular, conservation practices) and with real-world examples of how to leverage financing to improve the regenerative practices on your farm.

In Her Boots with Wisconsin Women in Conservation (WiWiC) In Her Boots 9-10:30 a.m. Red Room Esther Durairaj, Sara George

Join this event hosted by Wisconsin Women in Conservation (WiWiC) to network with women landowners, farmers, farmworkers, and urban growers who value conservation practices and the professionals who help them achieve their stewardship dreams. Share stories and struggles, learn how to expand your network, and see how a


professionally prepared Conservation Plan (provided for free through WiWiC) can create both a roadmap AND open opportunities for funding. Bring ideas of what you would like to learn more about in regards to conservation and soil health.

Intertribal Agriculture Council Overview Workshop 9-10:15 a.m. Green Room Joey Tallier, Mackenize Martinez, Sha’Teal Pearman

realistically do on their farms to build climate resilience and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Organic Grain Rotation Workshop 9-10:30 a.m. Room A Nicholas Podoll

Explore strategies for diversifying organic grain rotations that increase resiliency in organic systems. This includes how to properly sequence crops to manage for Join staff from Intertribal Agriculture Council’s fertility, weed control, and diseases; protecting and building soil; as well as (IAC) Technical Assistance Network and marketing and other economic Natural Resources and Regenerative considerations. Collaborate with the other Agriculture Program to learn how IAC farmers in the room by building and working promotes the Indian use of Indian resources through real crop rotation scenarios, and contracts with federal agencies to discussing the pros and cons, and refining maximize resources for Tribal members. them. During this presentation, special emphasis will be placed on IAC’s commitment to youth Overcoming Entry Barriers for professional development in agriculture by Emerging, Beginning, and Immigrant highlighting opportunities available to Farmers up-and-coming ag professionals, including Workshop youth internships, youth summits, and IAC’s 9-10:15 a.m. National Youth Advisory Council.

Ask a Solar Designer Office Hours 9-10 a.m. Blue Room Rolf Sholtz

Do you want to find out how you can install solar and utilize new government and utility incentives to pay for it? Here’s your chance to talk to Rolf Scholtz, a solar designer who has installed over 100 solar PV systems. Sholtz has also been highly successful at tapping the many different utility and government incentives and grants to fund his projects. Bring your project ideas to this meeting, and he can give you an estimate of production, costs, and what incentives you can use to pay for it.

Organic Field Crop Production and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Workshop 9-10:30 a.m. Room K Christina Anderson, Will Fulwider

How does field crop agriculture in the Upper Midwest affect climate change? What can organic farmers do to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase resilience to weather extremes? When it comes to addressing climate change, the devil is in the details. This workshop will analyze soil carbon storage on two farms in Wisconsin (one organic and one conventional) using the COMET Farm Tool and follow with a discussion and interactive exercise to explore what farmers can

Room E Vitalis Tita

This workshop will address some of the challenges that beginning farmers, particularly immigrant farmers in minority communities, face as they try to gain traction and carve spaces for themselves within the larger farming community.

PFAS & Pollutants in Farm Soils and the Solution Roundtable 9-9:45 a.m. Purple Room Ryan Lacovacci

Regenerative agriculture is at the heart of bioremediation: How can farmers leverage microbes and plants to help us clean soil and water? This is a group discussion about the notorious ‘Forever Chemicals’ (known as PFAS), how they are affecting our food system from farm soils to animal feed, water contamination, and emerging regulations, and opportunities to do something about it.

Putting the Soil Micro-Livestock to Work for You Workshop 9-10:15 a.m. Room I Michael Borucke

There are more soil microbes in a teaspoon of healthy soil than there are people on the planet, so whose farm plan is accounting for them properly? A functioning soil ecosystem made up of aerobic bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and nematodes in the correct proportions

can provide plant nutrients, reduce pathogen and pest pressure, and increase yields without synthetic inputs. Part presentation and part demonstration, this lecture will introduce you to the microbes that created soil fertility, soil structure, and disease resistance. Let’s get a closer look into our soils to see what’s growing!

Right to Repair: Do Farmers Truly Have the Access to Tools to Fix Their Equipment? Roundtable 9-9:45 a.m. Room H Willie Cade

Recent articles by some farm organizations claim a breakthrough in protecting farmers’ access to tools and code to repair their own equipment. What is the actual status of farm right-to-repair, and does a monopoly on repair still exist with equipment dealers and manufacturers?

Saving Real Organic

Workshop 9-10:30 a.m. Room J Dave Chapman, Francis Thicke

Organic farmers are struggling with the challenges of the eroding integrity of the National Organic Program. Rather than throw up their hands and turn away, many of the pioneers of the American organic movement came together to create the Real Organic Project and reunite the American and global movements for organic, but our work is far from finished. Learn why the Real Organic Project exists and how it can re-energize the organic movement. Organic farmers and eaters together can create our solutions.

Sea-90 Ocean Minerals: A Wave of Nutrition Exhibit Hall Presentation 9-10 a.m. Exhibit Hall Stage

Join Sea-90 Ocean Minerals to learn more about the power of the ocean. Sea-90 offers industry-leading mineral and trace element nutrients through ocean minerals sourced from the same location used by Dr. Maynard Murray. The original ‘ocean mineral,’ Sea-90 offers complete mineral nutrition for soil mineralization, plant nutrient density, and animal health and vitality. Our team of experts will provide the history of Sea-90 and Dr. Murray, an overview of our product offerings, and nutritionist-backed information and testimonials on product benefits. Learn why Sea-90 is the clear choice over stocking salts, earth salts, rock salts, and more!

What’s Up Under a Soil Tarp?

Workshop 9-10:15 a.m. Room C Carly Strauser, Hannah Voye, Kristine Lang, Mark Quee

Hopefully not weeds! Soil tarping is a weed suppression technique used by vegetable growers throughout the Midwest and beyond. Tarping can not only reduce weeds, but it can also impact the soil in which weeds grow (or don’t grow). Join farmers and researchers from Iowa and South Dakota as they share research that explores how early-season tarping affects not only weeds but also soil quality characteristics including microbes, moisture, and temperature. Participants will have the opportunity to share their experiences, both good and bad, with soil tarping so everyone can walk away with new ideas to try on their farm.

Nurturing Connections Between Soil, Plant, Animal, and Human Health Roundtable 10-10:45 a.m. Room H Bernadette Clevenger

Speak with a family physician who practices functional medicine, an emerging field that treats patients holistically and looks for the root cause of chronic disease. When tracing back the connections required for optimal health, one finds it leads to our food supply, including animals, plants, and, ultimately, the ecology of our soil. This roundtable will invite creative discussion on ways that farmers can partner with healthcare professionals to nurture and grow these connections and increase awareness in the medical community and beyond.

Ask an Organic Certifier Office Hours 10-11 a.m. Blue Room

Talk shop with staff from Midwest Organic Services Association (MOSA), Nature’s International Certification Service (NICS), Accredited Certifiers Association (ACA), the International Organic Inspectors Association (IOIA), and the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA) to learn more about certification or just ask about an allowable input.

Organic Fraud and Building Consumer Confidence Roundtable 10-10:45 a.m. Room G Joe Rouleau, Amy Hess

Dive into the various organic certifications, consumer perceptions, and how the industry can work together to improve consumer

awareness and understanding around these certifications, their value, and the shelf prices they reflect.

Theologies of the Local Foodshed: Integrating Food, Farming, and Faith Roundtable 10-10:45 a.m. Purple Room Kerri Meyer

How does our experience of the Holy shape our commitment to feeding our neighbors in ways that are regenerative, loving, and just? Is it helpful to articulate the values that guide organic farming in language that is expressly reverent and even theological? How are religious practices and communities important threads in a robust, resilient foodshed? While this conversation will be facilitated by a Christian clergyperson, ample space will be held for participants of all faiths and none.

UW-Madison Division of Extension Exhibit Hall Presentation 10-11 a.m. Exhibit Hall Stage

Hmong Farmer Resources Meeting 12:30-2:30 p.m. Green Room

A Farmer on the Front Lines of Climate Change Workshop 1:30-2:45 p.m. Room J Wendy Johnson

Wendy Johnson has one boot in the conventional row crop world and the other in the world of regenerative food farming. Hear her personal account of the flooding, drought, derechos, and tornadoes that have hit her Iowan farm in the past five years and how her operations are part of the climate problem and the solution. She’ll discuss her efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide ecosystem services, public and private efforts to compensate farmers for ecosystem services, the need to couple climate change work with building local and regional food systems, and the importance of community and hope to thrive during climate disruption.

Building Fairness and Cooperation at Your Farm Workshop 1:30-3 p.m. Room E Jon Magee

Small farms thrive on healthy, fair relationships among farmers, workers, and customers. When everyone is treated with respect and care, they make the farm more productive, safe, and resilient in the face of


Saturday Schedule & Descriptions challenges. We’ll touch on the legal requirements of employing workers and then spend the bulk of the time on fair labor practices and ways to build a fairer and more collaborative workplace based on the standards of the Agricultural Justice Project. We’ll also touch on opportunities to earn preferred status as a wholesale vendor with institutions that pursue values-based sourcing (e.g., Good Food Purchasing Program, Healthcare Without Harm, Real Food Challenge).

Farm Bill Update: Where We Are At, What’s at Stake, and How to Engage Workshop 1:30-3 p.m. Room C Eowyn Corral, Margaret Krome

The Farm Bill is the largest piece of federal legislation impacting our food and farming system. Over the last year, Congress has been preparing to reauthorize this important legislation, which provides sustainable farmers and advocates across the country the chance to ask for improvements to the Bill. Come learn the up-to-date status of the Farm Bill reauthorization process, the changes to Farm Bill programs that are likely to pass in the final Bill (and those that aren’t), and how you can plug in and help ensure we get the best Farm Bill possible for farmers and the environment.

Grazing for a Community: Plants, Pollinators, Cattle, and People

Workshop 1:30-2:45 p.m. Room A Micah Kloppenburg, Ryan Heinen, Skye Bruce

Cool-season grass pastures provide some habitat for a number of animals, from birds to bugs. What can we do to ensure our pasturelands support high-quality habitat for pollinators and still maintain healthy forage for cows? We’ll share recent research and grazier experience on the benefits, challenges, and opportunities to graze for plants, pollinators, cattle, and people. In this presentation, we’ll compare how grazing management practices in cool-season pastures influence butterfly presence, explore planted prairie as pasture through the eyes of both bees and beef, and end with concrete recommendations for farmers interested in grazing planted prairie.

Grow Your Own Fertilizer Workshop 1:30-2:45 p.m. Room F Sandy Syburg

For those experiencing unprecedented financial volatility and scarcity of resources, discover some real-scale challenges and solutions with data-backed research to learn the possibilities of using nitrogen-rich fertilizer sourced from your own production.

Intercropping Roundtable with Growers: Establishing Plant Breeding Goals for Intercropping with USDA Roundtable 1:30-2:15 p.m. Room H Emily Fratz

Join us for a focus group-style session for growers to discuss plant breeding goals for intercropping, particularly in an organic field crop setting. Come ready to share answers to questions such as: What’s your interest in and experience with intercropping? Which crops are you interested in intercropping, and what’s their end use? What traits do you look for in variety selection? Your feedback and insights will be used to help guide targeted plant breeding research for intercrops. By participating, you’ll receive a Visa prepaid gift card. This meeting is part of a project funded by the USDA Organic Research & Extension Initiative.

Meet the Heirlooms: Introduction to Growing Heirloom Beans Workshop 1:30-2:45 p.m. Room I Paula Foreman

Mention “beans” and what comes to mind is often navy, kidney, or pinto. In this workshop, meet Lina Cisco’s Bird Egg, Kenearly Yellow Eye, Peregion, and Christmas Lima. With names as fantastic as their taste, heirloom dry beans can be a locally-grown, shelfstable, climate-resistant, high-quality, and plant-based protein addition to your farm. This workshop is geared toward aspiring bean growers as well as the bean curious.

Religious and Cultural Diversity on the Farm Roundtable 1:30-2:15 p.m. Purple Room Shani Mink

Workplaces that lack sensitivity to religious and cultural diversity take a significant toll on the mental health, sense of belonging, and job security of farmers of diverse backgrounds. Join this roundtable to explore


the complex dynamics at play, learn how to self-advocate, and gain tools to support fellow workers on the farm!

Soil Is Our Ancestor: We’re Not Going Deep Enough (Pun Intended) Workshop 1:30-3 p.m. Room B Aiyana Sol Machado, Chrystal Odin (Johnson)

How we treat the soil is how we treat ourselves. Colonial capitalist accumulation culture has harmed all people through separation from our lineages as culturebearers, seed-keepers, and land stewards, and this wound is rooted in the liberation of all beings. Is it possible to heal the soil if we are not also healing ourselves? Participants will have the opportunity to begin the inquiries necessary to rebuild our relationship with soil in a way that reframes ancestry, consider the idea of engaging in one’s own process of decolonizing, and learn new strategies and tools to engage in challenging discourse.

Conservation Planning and Financial Assistance for Organic and Transitioning Farms through NRCS Workshop 1:30-3 p.m. Room K Tom Manley

Organic farming has always been rooted in working with natural systems and protecting soil and water resources for future farmers. This idea is very clearly stated in the organic standards. Well-managed organic production and conservation belong together. Learn about the opportunities that exist right now to improve conservation outcomes on your farm and, in many cases, access financial assistance to do so. With the support for organic transition though the USDA in the form of the Organic Transition Initiative, there has never been a better time to transition your operation to certified organic production. We will discuss in detail the new Organic Management Practice Standard (CPS 823) and the Conservation Plan Supporting Organic Transition (CPA 138).

Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) Roundtable 1:30-2:15 p.m. Room G Allison Walent

Are you interested in transitioning your operation to certified organic production? Are you in the midst of the organic transition period? Would you like to support farmers who are new to organic production? During this session we will discuss the unprecedented assistance that is currently available to producers interested in

transitioning to organic. Come learn about local market access, certification paperwork and the certification process, and the resources available to producers as they pursue organic certification. If you are an existing certified organic producer interested in supporting the growing organic community, we will provide information on how to get involved and the resources that are available to you.

Trends in Agricultural Tourism: World, National, State, and Local Perspectives Workshop 1:30-3 p.m. Red Room Sheila Everhart, Sylvia Burgos Toftness

Learn why agricultural tourism is a valueadded revenue stream for farmers and why Wisconsin is recognized as America’s Agricultural Tourism Destination. The Wisconsin Agricultural Tourism Association celebrates 31 years of growth. Learn what is new in 2024 and what is trending globally and nationally.

Ask a Beekeeper Office Hours 2-3 p.m. Blue Room

Marbleseed specialist Beatrice Kamau will be available to take all questions bee related, from health to terrain and more, for those looking to learn.

From Paper to iPhones: Tools for Managing Teams, Records, and Workload at Scale

Forage Quality of Wildflowers and Shrubs: Diverse Rangelands Benefit Livestock and Pollinators

This session will build on the 2022 presentation from Abraham’s Table on managing teams. In 2022, our farm used data analytics to discover the biggest impact on yields. From these results we have built an app and analogue whiteboard systems for recordkeeping, assigning tasks, and managing the chaos of a 2,500-acre organic grain farm in June.

Wildflowers and shrubs are an important component of healthy, resilient native rangelands and help to support wildlife like bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. Wildflowers and shrubs also have much to offer cattle and other livestock, though their value as forage is often overlooked in favor of native grasses. We will share our findings from nutritional analyses of 75 common native rangeland wildflowers and shrubs across the northern and central Great Plains, highlighting a number of wildflowers and shrubs that can provide key nutrients and minerals to livestock. We will also discuss strategies to sustain pollinators alongside livestock production on rangelands.

Roundtable 2:30-3:15 p.m. Room H Matthew Fitzgerald

The Ag Solidarity Network: Building Power through Virtual Organizing Roundtable 2:30-3:15 p.m. Room G Victoria Ostenso

The Ag Solidarity Network (ASN) is a free online platform for the organic and regenerative agriculture community. Come learn about the ASN and how you can get involved with and use the site as an organization, farm entity, or individual.

Workshop 2:45-3:30 p.m. Room A RaeAnn Powers

Ask Agricultural Tourism Specialists

Office Hours 3-4 p.m. Blue Room Sheila Everhart, Sylvia Burgos Toftness Bring any questions you may have about agricultural tourism to the Wisconsin Agricultural Tourism Association.


Saturday Schedule & Descriptions Ducks as Allies in the Midwestern Vineyard NCR-Sare Farmer Forum 3:30-5 p.m. Room C Kerri Meyer

This SARE grant-funded project shares two years of on-the-ground learning from our work with ducks for pest and weed management as well as for improved soil fertility. Come discuss the costs and benefits of integrating ducks into cold-climate vineyards.

Heating the Winter Tunnel: Is It Worth It? NCR-Sare Farmer Forum 3:30-4:45 p.m. Room B Dana Hilfinger

Is it worth it to use supplemental heat in a winter tunnel? In a project funded by North Central SARE, I looked at the costs vs. benefits of using heat in tunnels during the winter at my own farm in central Ohio. Does the added cost pay off and for what crops? This workshop will look at scenarios where it makes sense to heat and share practical information that farmers can use to make decisions about infrastructure investment.

Keeping Vegetable Farmers Growing through One-on-One Professional Peer Coaching NCR-Sare Farmer Forum 3:30-5 p.m. Room F Doug Wubben, Joann Sustachek, Katie Bishop, Morgan Snedden, Sarah Janes Ugoretz

From climate change and labor shortages to narrow profit margins and poor quality of life, more and more producers are struggling to envision a future for themselves in farming. In this session, we will explore how peer-topeer farm coaching can help farmers build key skills that in turn help them make

decisions that support their business and life goals. We’ll hear first-hand experiences from a certified coach and a farmer who have gone through the coaching process together.

Small-Scale Staple Crop Production Using Common Homestead Equipment and Minimal Inputs

the grasstops. This convergent session will serve as an opportunity to grow together and learn from one another as a community of farmers, academics, collectives, business owners, and policymakers working toward a holistic and sustainable future.

NCR-Sare Farmer Forum 3:30-4:45 p.m. Room E Eleanor Hucker, Scott Hucker

In a time of COVID and escalating social turmoil, strengthening food security at the personal and local levels is a priority for many families and communities. This includes growing heritage grains and cereals (e.g., barley, wheat, rye, maize) and other previously underrepresented staples (e.g., amaranth, millet, milo, oats, sunflowers, triticale) on small-scale plots. Staple crops commonly available to North Central small-scale producers are field grown, harvested, and processed on our southeastern Michigan homestead to generate and analyze relevant agronomic data to better enable growers to more confidently and successfully meet their goal of strengthening their personal or community food security.

Conference Finale: Convergence Convergence 3:30-5:30 p.m. Dining Hall Roundtables Alex Kmett, Justine Bursoni

The rhizomatic conversation threads that grew throughout the previous two days will come together at the Convergence’s finale event. This two-hour session will be facilitated in a ‘Knowledge Café’ format, inviting all attendees to convene discussions as we further develop and share ideas together. Together, our experiences and perspectives have the power to influence positive changes throughout various facets of the agricultural sector, from the grassroots to

NCR-SARE Farmer Forum

The North Central Region-Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (NCR-Sare) Farmers Forum is a traveling annual event giving farmers, ranchers, researchers, and others the chance to share information about sustainable agriculture practices with a national audience. These presentations focus on research, demonstration, and education projects that promote profitable practices that are good for the environment and community. The projects highlighted by the Farmer Forum are funded by grants from NCR-SARE, a USDA-funded program that supports and promotes sustainable farming and ranching by offering competitive grants and educational opportunities. For more information about NCR-SARE, visit: www.NorthCentral.Sare.Org or contact NCR-SARE via email: NCRSARE@umn.edu, or phone (612) 626-3113.



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2024 Changemaker

Great Lakes Intertribal Food Coalition For the 2024 Conference Changemakers of the Year, we are pleased to honor the Great Lakes Intertribal Food Coalition (GLIFC), with Gary Besaw and colleagues representing the network, which is composed of all Wisconsin Tribes along with Lac View Desert. Their vision is to rebuild a vibrant food system that will provide nutritious and culturally appropriate foods for people that need it and to support the economic development of Indigenous and local food producers in the Great Lakes region. For the last several years they have built a network of local producers to provide food for elder boxes. By 2022, their project had expanded to all eleven tribes in Wisconsin. Their work is a model for any community rebuilding a local food system and food access. Gary says, “The Great Lakes Intertribal Food Coalition is one of the steps necessary for Indigenous agriculturalists to come together not only find a ready market for their sustainably-grown and harvested foods, it also is intended to feed healthy foods to tribal populations that truly need this quality food. It also is part of our response to combating climate change and preparing our communities for food chain disruptions. Validating our efforts with this recognition means exposure to like minds willing to join our efforts in some way. I humbly accept this but know the award belongs to generations of indigenous agriculturalists and dreamers who passed this knowledge down.” “Our collective indigenous efforts are a great start towards rebuilding our tribal and intertribal economies, in the ways our ancestors knew was right, meaning through environmentally sound, green economies. The concepts of “food as medicine” and “indigenous trade routes” are important threads in the survival stories of our Nations. As we now move to re-establish old trade routes and redevelop our agricultural independence, one of the stark realities we find is that there are not nearly enough indigenous ranchers and producers, for various reasons. By providing a ready buyer these revived systems can allow producers, ranchers, fishers, and gatherers the capital to improve and grow their lands. Giving them access to markets formerly controlled by high-volume, chemically-manipulated row crops, that small scale indigenous producers couldn’t compete with pricewise is starting to open eyes. I am humbled to accept this award for GLIFC, a great team working for the right reasons.”

Recognition Ceremony Friday, 9:45-11 a.m. Room J


2024 Organic Farmer of the Year

Full Circle Community Farm The 2024 “Organic Farmer of the Year” award goes to a team of five farmers who are the owner/operators of Full Circle Community Farm: Rick Adamski, Valerie Dantoin, Andrew Adamski, Heather Toman and Scott Rosenberg. Rick certified the 125-year-old family farm as organic in 2003. He is a managed grazing pioneer who does the day-to-day work, whether dairy or beef. Valerie Dantoin, Andrew and Heather his wife and ‘co-farmer’ also teaches Sustainable & Organic Agriculture full-time at Northeast Wisconsin Technical College. Together they have promoted principles and practices in organic/grazing agriculture with many statewide organizations throughout their 40-year farming career. They are pleased to transition the farm to the next generation. Andrew and Heather met during their master’s studies and moved back to the farm in 2017. They draw on their experience living in a housing cooperative focused on sustainability (and rock climbing) and share passions in regenerative ecology. Andrew said “feeding people while regenerating the ecosystem is the most important thing I can do”. He runs the machinery side of the veggie operation and oversees the pastured pork operation. Heather (a New Mexico transplant) is the administrative mastermind of the business and also coordinates a local farmer cooperative food hub. Scott Rosenberg, the newest team member, joined with Heather and Andrew to form Full Circle Community Farm LLC after leaving a well-paying corporate job. As co-owner-manager he oversees the farm’s work force and daily operations on this 40-acre intensive vegetable enterprise. Scott shared, “My reaction to receiving the award is gratitude and happiness. Also, a weird sense of relief, like I’m not just doing what I do in a vacuum people notice the good we do and feel that it’s making a positive impact.” “It takes a village to operate a farm” says Valerie, “and that’s why this ‘farmer’ of the year is really a team effort of farmers, plural. We are truly grateful and honored to be chosen. So many other well-respected farmers have received this award and its awesome to join their company.” Rick explained, “it is really fulfilling to be recognized by Marbleseed as a representative, good example, of organic farming.” And humbly, he says he is just like many other many other farmers out there in the organic community. He reflected “We all struggle, we all have bumps and bruises from trying to move farming forward toward more organic and sustainable practices….so my message is this… ’Just keep trying’. We are getting closer to solutions that value the work of farmers who feed the world without destroying it.” The Farm is located on land originally occupied by people of the Menomonie Nation who moved lightly through, harvesting what the land offered. The Adamski family started farming here 125 years ago. As Farmers of the Year, we stand on the shoulders of these ancestors who came before us, both native and settlers, who enable us to be the current stewards of this land.

Recognition Ceremony Friday, 9:45-11 a.m. Room J

Rick (left), Valerie (center), and Scott.


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Farmer-led Programming Come together with your farmer peers for the ultimate networking and knowledge sharing processes. Last year, Marbleseed hosted the Farm Viability Convergence at the 34th Annual Organic Farming Conference in La Crosse, Wis. Embracing the success of this event and integrating feedback to improve and expand upon it, we are excited to announce that an expansion of the Convergence will return in 2024! There are some changes to expect in 2024, as sessions will be spread across three days, coalescing together on the last day for a grand exchange of ideas.


We will kick off Thursday afternoon with Farmer Summits, taking an “unconference” approach. Centering self-organizing, there is no strict pre-defined agenda, instead farmers will suggest topics according to their interests and needs around five key themes of Wellness, Organic Production, Farm Hacks + DIY, Livestock, and Climate and Conservation. Using the same foundational Open Space Technology as last year’s convergence, attendees will create a shared agenda in real time and move freely between topics and themes based on their curiosity, needs, and expertise.


On Friday, there will be opportunities to continue these discussions over lunch in a format we are calling the Farmer Café. We have expanded the lunch hour on Friday to include Farmer Cafés, literal “round tables” with designated topics chosen by those present. Find your farmer peers who want to discuss grazing livestock, organic pest & weed management, implementing conservation, farmland access, or? The topics are up to you! Paper-covered tables and ample markers will be provided for attendees to make notes and drawings on the discussions held, these will be photographed for the 2024 Convergence’s Book of Proceedings.


Because great learning environments give us time to reflect on new content and plan for how to use it, we will wrap up Saturday afternoon with another Convergence. The rhizomatic conversation threads that grew throughout the previous two days will come together at our finale event, the Farmer Convergence. This will be facilitated using a World Café method inviting all to convene discussions as we further develop and share ideas together as a diverse community. This session will be discussion-based and shorter in format than last year. Together, our experiences and perspectives have the power to influence positive changes throughout various facets of the agricultural sector, from the grassroots to the grass-tops. This event will serve as an opportunity to grow together and learn from one another as a community of farmers, academics, collectives, business owners, and policymakers. Leave La Crosse feeling energized to utilize new knowledge and connections with other farmers.

Climate and Conservation


Farm Hacks

Farmer Cafés

Growing Organic

Conference Finale: Convergence

Farmer Summit Thursday, 1:30-5:30 p.m. Room K Farmer Summit Thursday, 1:30-5:30 p.m. Room I Farmer Summit Thursday, 1:30-5:30 p.m. Room J


Farmer Summit Thursday, 1:30-5:30 p.m. Room G


Farmer Summit Thursday, 1:30-5:30 p.m. Room H Conversations Friday, 11:30-1:30 p.m. Dining Hall Roundtables Convergence Saturday, 3:30-5:30 p.m. Dining Hall Roundtables Alex Kmett, Justine Bursoni

Health and Wellness Room Welcome to the Health and Wellness Room, generously sponsored by Kollath CPA and SustainableHR — an oasis of well-being exclusively tailored for farmers. This sanctuary awaits you all day on Friday and Saturday during the Organic Farming Conference, offering a unique space to connect, reflect, and recharge. Whether you seek nutrition tips or mental health information, the Health and Wellness Room has you covered. It is a destination for holistic well-being. Here, you can engage in discussions where you can share stories, exchange ideas, and enjoy a lighthearted joke with your fellow conference attendees. The room is designed to foster a sense of community, recognizing that farmers can benefit from collective wisdom and camaraderie. The Health and Wellness Room serves as your Zen area, a quiet retreat where you can pause, reflect, and rejuvenate. It is a space dedicated to your mental and emotional well-being. In this haven, the emphasis is not only on agricultural practices but on the holistic wellness of the farmer—the heart and soul of the farming community. This space encapsulates the belief that a thriving, resilient agricultural sector begins with the well-being of those who nurture the land. So, take a step into the Health and Wellness Room, embrace the sense of community, and be a catalyst for your holistic well-being — making every moment count in your pursuit of a healthier and happier life. Scheduled activities are 7:30-9 a.m. Friday: Guided mediation followed by coloring and collage. Saturday at 7:30 am Lori Stern will lead a yoga class, and 7:30-9 a.m. learn self-care techniques including self massage with Laura. Outside of the Health and Wellness Room: Tom’s Morning Run Each morning at 6:30 am in front of the Radisson (unless there is heavy snow). Tom is ready to lead you on a run — all paces welcome. Expected run time 40 minutes. Bring your running shoes!

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LOCAL FARMERS since 1973. 39

35th Anniversary Celebration 35th Anniversary Celebration

Thursday 7 p.m. Exhibit Hall Stage Join us around the Exhibit Hall stage for a toast and organic carrot cake! Let’s celebrate the farmer leaders past and present, as we continue to build a movement for the new challenges of organic with integrity in the face of a changing climate. Speakers include Lori Stern, Randy Romanski and Kattia Jimenez.

Prize Drawing for our 35th Anniversary!

Everyone loves a prize. For our 35th conference year, we have some of our amazing sponsors and exhibitors offer prizes for a drawing that will take place on Saturday prior to lunch. Watch the big screen in the lunchroom to see if you have won! Tickets for the drawing are available throughout the conference, starting on Thursday. Visit the Exhibit Hall! Our exhibitors have tickets to give out. Supplies are limited. The Exhibit Hall opens at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday. Visit the Marbleseed Booth in the Exhibit Hall! We have free tickets available for attendees willing to fill out a short survey. Tickets are also available for sale at the Marbleseed Booth and the Acres Bookstore in the Exhibit Hall.

Prizes available in this year’s drawing include: Naturepedic - Queen Organic Mattress with pad and sheets Johnny’s Selected Seeds - Connecta Cultivation Kit Blain’s Farm & Fleet - Earthquake Tiller CoolBot - CoolBot Pro Gordy Miller Wookworks - Cherry/Maple/Walnut Characuterie Board Patagonia Work Wear - Work Wear Jacket & Pants Marbleseed - 2025 Marbleseed Conference Reg Frey Vineyards - Case of Biodynamic Field Blend Wines LuSa Organics - Gift Basket of LuSa Organic Products Farm Artwork & FarmHer Hand Tools - Artwork and Handtools Driftless Tannery - $100 Gift Certificate ART GPS Drone (2 available)

SPecial thanks to our generous Prize donors!


Evening Entertainment

35th Anniversary Celebration - Happy Hour

Thursday, 5:30-11 p.m. Exhibit Hall Stage Let the festivities begin with a happy hour from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.! Music takes place from 8 - 11 p.m., featuring Miss Meagan Owens Duo and a cash bar.

Tasting Event

Thursday, 5-8 p.m. Exhibit Hall Stage Join us for a tasting event! Special thanks to our generous drink & snack donors: American Hazelnut Company snacks, Clover Meadow wine, Fizzeology Fermented Foods, Frey Vineyard wine. Gist Prebiotic Herbal soda, Hoch Orchard hard cider & fruit wines, La Crosse Distilling cocktails, Organic Valley chocolate milk & string cheese, Pearl Street Brewing beer, River Hills elderberry juice, Sacred Blossom Farm tea, and Rude Brew Kombucha!

Happy Hour at Patagonia Booth, Farmer of the Year and Changemaker Celebration

Friday, 5-6 p.m. Exhibit Hall, Patagonia Booth Friday evening starts with a happy hour and cash car. Come celebrate our Farmer of the Year and Changemaker at this lively event! The bar will showcase Hoch’s Organic Hard Cider, beers from Pearl Street Brewery, organic wines from Frey Vineyards, and special cocktails from La Crosse Distilling Company.

Barn Dance

Friday, 8-11 p.m. Exhibit Hall Stage Get ready to dance the night away with the Frog Slough String Band at our Barn Dance event! Sue Hulsether will be calling the dances, and the Frog Slough String Band will provide Appalachian-style music to keep you moving. Whether you’re a seasoned dancer or a beginner, Sue’s expert tutelage will have you dancing with your farmer friends in no time.

Carrie Sue & The Wood Burners

Saturday, 5:30 p.m. Pearl Street Brewery Don’t miss the live music on Saturday night at Pearl Street Brewery featuring Carrie Sue & The Wood Burners. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.. As a special treat, find a free beer ticket included with your name badge to use at Pearl Street! Join us for a fantastic night of music, drinks, and celebration.


Organic Research Forum The Organic Research Forum Forum showcases research studies on organic farming practices and brings together researchers and farmers to discuss goals and future research needs. The Organic Research Forum is a project of Marbleseed.

Advisory Committee

Brad Heins, University of Minnesota Esther Shekinah, Michael Fields Agricultural Institute David Hougen-Eitzman, Carleton College Kathleen Delate, Iowa State University Rue Genger, University of Wisconsin-Madison William Tracy, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research Poster Gallery

Thursday, 5 - 8 p.m. | Friday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. | Saturday: 8 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Poster Presenters Q&A: Thursday: 5:30 - 6:30 p.m., Friday: 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Poster Awards Announcement: 7:30 p.m., Exhibit Hall Stage

Research Posters

Waqas Ahmad, North Dakota State University, Hydromulch as a Weed Control Alternative to Plastic Mulches for Organic Horticulture Madison Bacon, University of Minnesota, Behavior and Stress of Primiparous Horned and Dehorned Dairy Cattle in the Milking Parlor Alexis Barnes, South Dakota State University, Integrating Early Season Clover Cover Crops as a Living Mulch in Broccoli and Organic Winter Squash Production Caleb Besson, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Evaluation of Stakeholder Tools; COMET-Farm and Cool Farm Tool, to Estimate Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions from Organic Dairy Systems Kathryn Bosley, University of Minnesota, Milk Fatty Acid Profiles of Holstein, ProCROSS, and Grazecross Cows Anne Carey, Iowa State University, Evaluating the Soil Block Method and Growing Media in Organic Vegetable Transplant Production Lilianna de Jong, University of Wisconsin ¬– Madison, Varietal Performance of Organic Dry Beans in Wisconsin Dr. James DeDecker, Michigan State University – Upper Peninsula, The Seed to Kitchen Collaborative and SeedLinked: Identifying Improved Winter Squash Varieties for Organic DirectMarket Growers

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Walter Goldstein, Mandaamin Institute, How Bacterial Partnerships Help Organic Corn and are Affected by Selection and Breeding Mary Rogers (Matthew Gullickson), University of Minnesota, Assessing Spotted-Wing Drosophila Organic Control Methods and Economic Viability in Day-Neutral Strawberry Production Gabriela Hidrobo, University of Minnesota, Nourishing the Soil: Decoding Microbial Responses to Warm-Season Cover Crops in the US Upper Midwest Michael Lordon, Organic Seed Alliance, Participatory Vegetable Breeding for Organic Systems in the Upper Midwest Sara Major, Rodale Institute, Relating Hog Management Practices to Parasite Infection on Organic and Pastured Pig Farms Olivia Maynard, Northern Michigan University, Tarping for the Future: Evaluating Soil Temperature and Soil Greenhouse Gas Fluxes Among Cover Crop Termination Methods for Organic Vegetable Crop Production Courtney C Meeks, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Efficacy of Organic Fungicides for Disease Management in ‘Petite Pearl’ Vineyards in Wisconsin Sai Prakash Naroju, Tennessee State University, Evaluation of Canopy Cover, Biomass of Cover Crops and Weeds in Organic Cropping Systems Katarina Rothhorn, Northern Michigan University, What the Tarp: Assessing Influence of Cover Crop Termination Practices on Soil Health and Fertility in Organic Vegetable Crop Production Claire Stedden, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Assessing Knowledge Gaps and Learning Preferences Among Grain Farmers and Professionals: The Experience of the University of Wisconsin - Madison’s Organic Grain Outreach Program Clare Tallamy, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Root Exudation and Rhizosphere Microbial Recruitment are Influenced by Novel Cultivar Development in Organic Carrot Production Emma Terris, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Characterizing Resistance and Cross-Resistance to Insecticides on Wisconsin Organic Potato Farms

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Hannah Walsh, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, Increasing Organic High Tunnel Vegetable Productivity through Improved Soil Health Amanda Yoo, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Identification of Swiss Chard Varieties and Fertility Management for Organic Meat-Curing Powders Gabriella Lima, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Impact of Hybrid Rye on Quality and Consumer Acceptance of Pork from Pigs Raised Organically Calli Tomasoski, Northern Michigan University, To Tarp or Not to Tarp: Evaluating Effectiveness of Cover Crop Termination Methods and Weed Management Outcomes for Organic Vegetable Crop Production in the U.S. Midwest

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Ben Brockmueller, Living Mulch Organic Corn Systems: Lessons Learned in Closing the Yield Gap. Jennifer Felton, University of Minnesota, Effects of Asparagopsis taxiformis on Enteric Methane Emissions and Production Parameters in an Organic Dairy Herd Megan Kavanagh, University of Minnesota, Growing Hybrid Rye to Reduce Feed and Bedding Costs in Organic Pig Production Jarret Miles-Kroening, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Evaluation of Film-Based Mulches to promote Day-Neutral Strawberry Production System in the Upper Midwest Connor Ruen, South Dakota State University, Clover Living Mulch’s Effect on Weed Suppression and Broccolini Yield Tatiane Severo Silva, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Advancing Sustainable Agriculture: Standard vs. Ecointensive Organic Cropping Systems in Wisconsin

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Exhibit Hall Map




Truck Door #3



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103 104 105 23



Marbleseed 125 124 123


122 121 120

To south hall & dining



































































107 108 109 110




Exhibit Hall Presentation Stage

Research Poster Gallery

Seed Swap (Friday night)










ACRES x Marbleseed Bookstore

Up to North Hall & Lobby







Sponsor & Exhibitor Directory Accredited Certifiers Association (613) Ensures consistent implementation of USDA Organic Regulations through collaboration and education of accredited certification agencies. www.accreditedcertifiers.org admin@accreditedcertifiers.org 844-783-7974 AcresUSA (BOOKSTORE) Connects farmers, ranchers, and growers with modern economical and ecological farming methods through magazine, books, websites, and events. www.acresusa.com info@acresusa.com 970-392-4464 Advancing Eco Agriculture (704) Develop products and systems for largescale Regenerative Agriculture. www.advancingecoag.com hello@advancingecoag.com 800-495-6603


Ag Resource, Inc (123) Irrigation systems, fruit & vegetable production supplies & equipment, food safety items, Imants Spader, organic crop inputs, oil press. www.agresourceincmn.com dgbari@tekstar.com 218-847-9351 Agri Life LLC (304) Committed to promote eco-friendly and sustainable agricultural practices. agrilifeusa.com karthik@agrilifeusa.com 855-527-7508 Agricultural Flaming Innovations


Flame weeding equipment for weed and pest control: increased safety, increased energy efficiency, and higher quality treatments. www.agflame.com info@agflame.com 402-326-8086

Albert Lea Seed House (608/609) Organic & non-GMO farm seed—corn, soybeans, alfalfa, cover crops, small grains, forage—from locally-owned & independent company since 1923. www.alseed.com denise@alseed.com 800-370-7979 All Energy Solar (502) Easy and affordable solar for homeowners & businesses. www.allenergysolar.com jane.shayer@allenergysolar.com 763-344-0731 Ambrook (804) An all-in-one finance platform that gives you confidence in the health of your operation. www.ambrook.com hello@ambrook.com 303‑554‑6845

American Farmland Trust (2) Save the land that sustains us by protecting farmland, promoting sound farming practices, and keeping farmers on the land. farmland.org midwest@farmland.org 815-748-1538 American Hazelnut Company, LLC (713) Focused on making delicious hazelnut products - oil, gluten-free flour, roasted kernel and snacks. www.americanhazelnutcompany.com americanhazelnutcompany@gmail.com 608-637-3928 Ariel Botanical Company (13) Ariel Botanical creates herbal remedies for health conditions affecting ruminants, dogs and cats. arielbotanical.com arielbotanical@gmail.com 218-343-2543 Arlene Resource Management (114) A farm labor contractor (FLC) that utilize the H2A visa program to bring migrant workers in to meet seasonal labor needs in agriculture. arleneresourcemanagement.com beth@arleneresourcemanagement.com 989-390-3620

Asmus Egg Farms/High Island Organics (101) Creator of high quality organic fertilizer. Family owned and operated. Based in southern Minnesota. www.highislandorganics.com info@highislandorganics.com 507-614-7060 BCS Two-Wheel Tractors (802) BCS Two-Wheel Tractors: Designed & Built in Italy for Over 80 Years. Reversible Handlebars & Gear-Driven Transmissions. www.bcsamerica.com info@bcsamerica.com 800-543-1040 Biodynamic Demeter Alliance (605) Advancing the adoption of biodynamic practices among growers and bringing together producers, distributors, advocates, consumers, and policymakers. biodynamics.com info@biodynamics.com 262-649-9212 Blain’s Farm & Fleet of La Crosse Discount retail stores offering home improvement, apparel, footwear, lawn & garden and household items as well as automotive and small engine parts. www.farmandfleet.com jschindler@blainsupply.com 608-781-3130


Blue Farm Locally owned, organically grown tortilla chips produced and distributed by Randy and Judy Hughes. bluefarmchips.com nico@bluefarmchips.com 907-317-6426 Bushman Organic Farms (302) Buyer and seller of organic grains, meal, and oil. www.bushmanorganics.com todd@bushmanorganics.com 563-534-7300 Canopy Farm Management (905) Canopy provides tree planting and management services to farmers and landowners in the Midwest. canopyfm.com carolyn@canopyfm.com 217-919-8733 Cashton Farm Supply Ltd (506/607) Quality ag products made with organic & non-GMO grains: feed, fertilizer, soybean meal and oil processing; organic-approved & Non-GMO Project Verified. cfspecial.com organic@cfspecial.com 608-654-5123

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CGB Organics (710) Provide an efficient supply chain for organic commodities from farm to end user through CGB locations across the Midwest. www.cgborganicgrain.com organicgrain@cgb.com 812-218-9331 Ciranda We supply the natural products industry with organic, non-GMO and fair trade ingredients. ciranda.com sales@ciranda.com 888-329-3577 CobraHead LLC (805) Wisconsin-made high-quality hand tools for gardeners and growers. www.cobrahead.com info@cobrahead.com 608-423-9119 Compeer Financial (109/110) Member-owned Farm Credit cooperative serving rural communities with loans, leases, and other financial services in Illinois, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. www.compeer.com paul.dietmann@compeer.com 844-426-6733 Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC) (139) Promotes, supports, and provides information on conservation technologies & sustainable agricultural systems. www.ctic.org coffman@ctic.org 765-494-9555 Cowsmo Inc (703) Cowsmo makes and sells the finest compost and potting soil in the Midwest www.cowsmocompost.com jrosenow@mwt.net 608-626-2571 Cutler Fence LLC (504) Supply materials, consulting, and installation of livestock fence and portable water systems for graziers. 715-305-5670 Doudlah Farms Organics, LLC A biological organic farm focused on sustainable production of non-GMO/organic nutrient-dense food grown on regenerative soil. www.doudlahfarms.com lucy@doudlahfarms.com 877-600-6160


Dr. Paul’s Lab (511) Organically approved tinctures, salves, and botanicals for livestock. www.drpaulslab.net drpaulslabllc@gmail.com 608-370-7638 Dr. Sarah’s Essentials (511) Holistic veterinarian offering natural solutions for people, pets, & livestock. www.drsarahsessentials.com drsarahsessentials@gmail.com 608-323-3005 Dramm Corporation (202/203) Family run company focused on producing high quality tools and fertilizers to aid in growers’ success for over 80 years. www.dramm.com information@dramm.com 920-684-0227 Driftless Blooms (606) A very diversified small farm that produces & direct markets grassfed meats, produce, flowers, soaps, skincare, wool, yarn and more. www.driftlessblooms.com driftlessbloomsviroqua@gmail.com 608-606-2369 Driftless Tannery Small, women-owned and operated company offering environmentally friendly, natural tanning services for sheepskin, goat, deer and rabbit hides. driftlesstannery.com driftlesstannery@gmail.com 608-630-2960 Earth and Turf (807) Compact compost spreaders and top dressers for your lawn or business. earthandturf.com johnb@earthandturf.com 717-368-4058 Edible Madison (705) Dedicated to celebrating the local food and agriculture of southern Wisconsin, Edible Madison is published quarterly with the seasons. Come to our booth to sample Wisconsin honeys from across the season. ediblemadison.com hello@ediblemadison.com 608-347-9300 eOrganic (303) Free online resource offering information on organic farming and research that is compliant with organic regulations. eorganic.org alice.formiga@oregonstate.edu

Ewetopia (513) Family-run business providing natural fibers, community outreach and education, high quality local yarn lines, and custom wool processing and dying. www.ewetopiafibershop.com info@ewetopiafibershop.com 608-637-3443 Experimental Farm Network (17) EFN is an open network aimed at reversing climate change by collaboratively developing the crops & agricultural systems of the future. www.EFNseeds.com dusty.hinz@alumni.augsburg.edu 612-834-7502 FairShare CSA Coalition (412) Connects farmers and eaters through CSA for access to locally produced, organic food from small family farms. csacoalition.org info@csacoalition.org 608-226-0300 Family Farm Defenders (404) Supports sustainable agriculture, farm worker rights, animal welfare, consumer safety, fair trade, & food sovereignty. familyfarmers.org familyfarmdefenders@yahoo.com 608-260-0900 Farm Aid (305) Helping farmers connect with resources, including experts in farm advocacy, technical assistance, business and finance, counseling, and hotline support. www.farmaid.org/our-work/resources-forfarmers alexandria@farmaid.org 800-FARM-AID Farm Power Implements (133) USA distributor for Einbock, Falc, and Meneguzzo. Organic weed control is our specialty. farmpowerimplements.com ljohnson@farmpower.us 815-355-5177 Farmer Veteran Coalition of Wisconsin (FVC-WI) (134) A nonprofit organization focused on cultivating a new generation of farmers and food leaders by developing viable employment and meaningful careers through the collaboration of the farming and military communities. farmvetco.org fvcwisconsin@gmail.com 608-960-8291

Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (803) Membership-Based Legal and Policy Representation for Independent Farmers, Homesteaders, and Artisanal Food Producers www.farmtoconsumer.org outreach@farmtoconsumer.org 703-208-3276

Fizzeology/Gist (14) Ferments local and regional produce, creating nutrient dense and delicious krauts, kimchis, ginger carrots, and a fermented hot sauce. fizzeology.com erin@fizzeology.com 608 632 4733

Fedco Seeds (403) Fedco Seeds is a Maine-based memberowned cooperative specializing in garden, farm and orchard supplies. www.fedcoseeds.com questions@fedcoseeds.com 207-426-9900 Financial Wealth Solutions (712) Our WealthKeeper® Plan helps provide our farmers and small business owners with options, lifetime income, protection and the ability to set themselves apart from their competition through income tax reduction, estate and retirement benefits, and capital conservation. financialwealthsolutions.com madievans7@gmail.com 385-685-3537

Flame Engineering, Inc. (505) Flaming equipment for row crops, vegetable beds, orchards, & sanitizing poultry houses. www.flameengineering.com darren@flameengineering.com 800-255-2469 Food Finance Institute (313) A digital resource hub providing people with actionable insights, training, & resources. foodfinanceinstitute.org info@foodfinanceinstitute.org 608-263-0398 Foundation Direct Seeds, LLC (103) Providing quality organic and non-gmo corn, alfalfa, and grasses for over 25 years. Steve and Scott Mohr, owners. www.foundationorganicseed.com smohr5@charter.net 608-780-5460

Foundation Organic Bagging, LLC (102) Certified organic grain bagging facility. scottmohrfdfeed@gmail.com 608-769-2764 Four Elements Organic Herbals (117) Handmade herbal body products & teas www.fourelementsherbals.com 608-522-4492 Frey Vineyards (607) America’s first organic and biodynamic winery. www.freywine.com info@freywine.com 707-485-5177 Full Sircle Products (310) Helps farmers support the plant to reach its maximum potential as nature intended. We build cutting edge recommendations for soil-applied or foliar-based programs for the plant and soil needs. info.fullsircle@gmail.com 314-843-1433




Gallagher North America (504) Electric fencing, weighing and electronic identification (EID), data collection, and wireless water monitoring systems. am.gallagher.com 800-531-5908 Garford/Zurn USA (913) Technologically advanced mechanical weed control products for inter-row and in the row hoeing in a broad range of crops. garford.com bryan.saylor@garford.com 435-994-4228 General Mills General Mills has partnered with Rodale Institute and the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation to provide eligible farmers with free technical assistance from Rodale Institute’s Organic Consultancy and Xerces Society’s pollinator and biodiversity specialists. rodaleinstitute.org/general-mills 800-248-7310 Germains Seed Technology (901/914) Value-added seed technology solutions for the seed industry and the growers. germains.com/us sdavis@germains.com 408-848-8120


Glacier Valley Enterprises, LLC (911) Provide fruit and vegetable packaging, tools, and signage to produce growers across the U.S and Canada. www.glacierv.com shannongve@gmail.com 608-356-2244 Good Agriculture (808) Helps farmers and ranchers with grants and other funding applications, bookkeeping and financial management, marketing, and other “indoor activities” so they have more time and energy for the farm. goodagriculture.com alex@goodagriculture.com 404-981-3981 Gordon Miller Woodworks, LLC (7) Gordon Miller Woodworks is a small furniture shop located in Evansville, Wisconsin. Gordy Miller the owner and maker builds bespoke furniture and other items. gordonmillerwoodworks.com gordy@gordonmillerwoodworks.com 608-669-3469 Grain Millers, Inc. (301/314) For over 37 years, we have been offering production contracts for organic oats and small grains, corn and soybeans. www.grainmillers.com 800-318-5188

GrassWorks, Inc. (100) Grassroots organization providing education to farmers and consumers for the advancement of managed grass-based agriculture. grassworks.org outreach@grassworks.org 224-875-0049 Henke Buffalo (Global Equipment Company, Inc.) (308/309) Henke Buffalo high residue cultivator and roller mills and Apache Palco equipment designed specifically for efficient and profitable cattle handling and feeding. www.apacheequipment.com drew@apacheequipment.com 402-371-1400 High Mowing Organic Seeds (702) Independently owned, farm-based seed company providing 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Seed. www.highmowingseeds.com questions@highmowingseeds.com 866-735-4454 Hiwassee Products (701/714) High-quality equipment solutions to support soil biological regeneration. hiwasseeproducts.com info@hiwasseeproducts.com 423-436-0502

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International Organic Inspectors Association (IOIA) (402) We provide organic inspector training and networking services worldwide. ioia.net bizdev@ioia.net 406-436-2031 Intertribal Ag Council (21) Conducts programming designed to further the goal of improving Indian Agriculture, promoting the Indian use of Indian resources and contracts with federal agencies to maximize resources for tribal members. www.indianag.org 406-259-3525 Iowa Organic Association (213) Advancing organic through education, research, promotion, and market development and policy. www.iowaorganic.org info@iowaorganic.org 515-608-8622

Kreher Family Farms (410) Over four generations, our family has raised layer hens and proudly farmed in upstate New York. www.krehereggs.com 716-759-6802 Kuhn North America (910) KUHN offers a wide range of innovative equipment for hay, forage, livestock, crop production, and more. www.kuhn.com La Crosse Distilling (407) La Crosse Wisconsin’s first distillery, producing handcrafted spirits using top quality ingredients from family farmers. www.lacrossedistilling.co 608-881-8800

Lake Pepin Legacy Alliance (812) Grassroots organization whose mission is to protect and restore Lake Pepin’s water quality, wildlife habitat, public accessibility, and recreational opportunities for everyone along the Upper Mississippi River. Iroquois Valley Farmland REIT, PBC lakepepinlegacyalliance.org alex@lakepepinlegacyalliance.org (108) Organic farmland finance company providing 651-327-0854 farmer-friendly leases & mortgages to organic and transitioning farmers. Lakewinds Food Co-op (212) www.iroquoisvalley.com Community-owned grocery store promoting info@iroquoisvalleyfarms.com sustainable agriculture and local makers. 847-589-6645 lakewinds.com jenniferd@lakewinds.com J&L Hoof Gel (806) 952-512-2137 We have both conventional and organic gels and sprays for cows, sheep, goats and horses. jandlhoofgel.com Info@jandlhoofgel.com 208-539-4394 Jewish Farmer Network (3) Mobilizes Jewish agricultural wisdom to build a more just and regenerative food system for all. www.jewishfarmernetwork.org shani@jewishfarmernetwork.org 973-885-5391 Johnny’s Selected Seeds (306/307) Helping growers succeed with superior seeds, tools, and service since 1973. www.johnnyseeds.com djokela@johnnyseeds.com 207-660-4337 Kemin Industries (909) Biological solutions for specialty crop & greenhouse growers. www.kemin.com/na/en-us/markets/ crop-tech tatiana.giacinti@kemin.com 515-559-4607


Land Stewardship Project (211) Membership organization working to enhance the health of the land, foster thriving farms, and create prosperous and just communities. www.landstewardshipproject.org megans@landstewardshipproject.org 612-722-6377 Local Line (801/814) Local Line is the all-in-one sales platform for farmers and food hubs. site.localline.ca info@localline.ca 855-699-1026 LüSa Organics (15) Premier manufacturer of naturally-sourced handmade body care products for adults, babies, and children. www.lusaorganics.com shipping@lusaorganics.com 608-356-SOAP(7627)

Mad Capital (501/514) Easy-to-access financing for farmers at all stages of their regenerative organic journey. madcapital.com howdy@madcapital.com 866-FARM-MAD Marbleseed (4) Education, resources, and practical advice to help farmers grow; specialists to answer questions about organic practices and certification. marbleseed.org info@marbleseed.org 888-906-6737 McKnight Foundation McKnight advances climate solutions in the Midwest; builds an equitable and inclusive Minnesota; and supports the arts, global food systems, and neuroscience. www.mcknight.org mroberts@mcknight.org 612-333-4220 Meadowlark Farm And Mill (9) Family owned and operated farm and flour mill in Wisconsin’s Driftless Region. Through diverse crop rotation, cover crops, cattle grazing, and organic production methods, we are regenerating the land while providing high quality food to our community. www.meadowlarkorganics.com 608-574-4796 Meadowlark Hearth Biodynamic Seed Initiative (602) We are proud of our efforts to offer quality vegetable seed from a Midwest whole farm fabric. meadowlarkhearth.org meadowlarkhearth@gmail.com 308-631-5877 Merge Organics (907) Merge empowers producers to measure their impact, integrate ecosystem services, and monetize verified positive outcomes by producing food crops using regenerative strategies. mergeorganics.com 323-493-0622 Michael Fields Agricultural Institute


Addressing the challenges of soil fertility, water quality, climate resilience, food security, and farm success through research, education, and policy. www.michaelfields.org web@michaelfields.org 262-642-3303

Minnesota Crop Improvement Association/ MCIA (128) USDA NOP-accredited certification agency, serving organic producers, handlers, and processors in Minnesota and the Upper Midwest. www.mncia.org mncia@mncia.org 855-213-4461 Minnesota Farmers Union (115) Works to protect and enhance the economic interests and quality of life of family farmers, ranchers, and rural communities through legislation, cooperation, and education. www.mfu.org info@mfu.org 651-639-1223 MOSA Certified Organic (601/614) USDA accredited nonprofit organic certification agency. Protecting organic integrity since 1999. We certify farmers, processors, brokers, distributors, retailers, and restaurants. Your partner in organic success! mosaorganic.org mosa@mosaorganic.org 844-637-2526

Neversink Farm Tools (906) We are manufacturers of farm tools. Our company is run by farmers and all tools are designed by farmers. neversinktools.com sales@neversinktools.com 931-803-3444 NICS - Nature’s International Certification Services (406) Accredited USDA organic certification agency and part of the Ecocert Group, focused on sustainability and excellence in organic certification. www.naturesinternational.com nics.inbox@ecocert.com 608-637-7080 Nifty Hoops (104/105) The turn-key solution for hoophouses and high tunnels. Fastest installation time in the industry. Manufactured by our small team in southeast Michigan. Built or delivered anywhere in the US niftyhoops.com info@niftyhoops.com 734-845-0079

North Central Region SARE (210) A nationwide grants and education program Myconaut (8) to advance sustainable innovation to Grow fungi & save humanity. Mushroom grow American agriculture. bags, biological research, customizable northcentral.sare.org permaculture. ncrsare@umn.edu www.myconaut.space 612-626-3113 myconaut.mi@gmail.com North Circle Seeds (912) 906-869-9228 A certified organic vegetable seed company. National Audubon Society (18) www.northcircleseeds.com Audubon’s Conservation Ranching program 631-807-5163 takes a market-based approach to conservation and offers incentives for good No-Till Growers Network grassland stewardship through a certification Videos, podcasts and forum for ecologicallylabel on beef products. minded growers. www.audubon.org/conservation/ranching www.notillgrowers.com krysten.zummo@audubon.org farmermichelle@notillgrowers.com 631-813-0045 917-626-0213 National Center for Appropriate Technology (124) Helping people build resilient communities through local and sustainable solutions that reduce poverty, strengthen self-reliance, and protect natural resources. www.ncat.org ncat@ncat.org 800-275-6228 Naturepedic Handcrafted organic mattresses and accessories for adults and children. www.naturepedic.com cs@naturepedic.com 800-917-3342

Olson Solar Energy LLC (708) Solar installation throughout Wisconsin, Easter Minnesota, & Northern Iowa. olsonsolarenergy.com mike.palen@olsonsolarenergy.com 608-780-2347 Oppen Works LLC (113) Partner with Luterra Enterprises to produce the Winnow Wizard Seed cleaning machine. We are a manufacturer of specialized OEM agricultural equipment. oppenworks.com sales@oppenworks.com 608-479-1496 Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) (411) Over 35 years of providing organic certification to producers and processors across the globe. www.ocia.org info@ocia.org 402-477-2323 Organic Farmers Agency for Relationship Marketing (OFARM) (208/209) Empowering Organic Grain Farmers through Cooperative Marketing www.ofarm.org marketing@ofarm.org 785-337-2442 Organic Farmers Association (125) Provides a strong and unified national voice for domestic certified organic producers. www.organicfarmersassociation.org info@organicfarmersassociation.org 202-643-5363 Organic Valley - CROPP Cooperative


Farmer-owned organic cooperative offering certified organic dairy, egg, and produce products. organicvalley.coop holly.mahan@organicvalley.coop 608-625-3449

Ohio Earth Food (612) Delivering seed starting soil, liquid and granular fertilizers and disease and insect control for organic production since 1972. www.ohioearthfood.com info@ohioearthfood.com 608-489-3600

Organic Waste Connections (811) Helps businesses and individuals that are responsible for large animals with removal after the animals have passed on. www.organicwasteconnections.com schroedertodd99@gmail.com 715-773-0713

Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA) (312) Organic certification, technical assistance, and education on organic farming practices and profitability since 1981. certification.oeffa.org organic@oeffa.org 614-421-2022

Ozark Organics LLC (136) Dedicated Organic Feed Mill ozarkorganicrandy@gmail.com 417-345-4300


Patagonia (Patagonia Booth) There’s food to grow, shelters to build, rivers to restore and renewable energy to scale. Our durable industrial hemp workwear has your back for the long haul. www.patagonia.com/workwear damien.etchaubard@patagonia.com

Plant Products - A member of Biobest Group (809) Distributor of fertilizers, synthetic, and biological pesticides, Biobest® biological controls, substrates, seeds, and more to US and Canadian markets. www.plantproducts.com 248 661-4378

Peace Coffee 100% Fair Trade, organic, shade-grown coffee, bike-delivered locally and by biodiesel van. peacecoffee.com 612-870-3440

Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School//Paper Scissors Stone (12) A vibrant, thriving school community that serves families from early childhood through grade 8. pleasantridgewaldorf.org enrollment@pleasantridgewaldorf.org 608-637-7828

People’s Food Co-op Community-owned natural food store with locations in La Crosse, WI and Rochester, MN, promoting local farmers and producers through an emphasis on fresh, healthy, sustainable food. www.pfc.coop pfclacrosse@pfc.coop 608-784-5798

Practical Farmers of Iowa (405) Practical Farmers of Iowa’s mission is equipping farmers to build resilient farms and communities. practicalfarmers.org info@practicalfarmers.org 515-232-5661 Regenerative Agriculture Alliance (706) Ecosystem of people and organizations committed to regenerative agriculture. www.regenagalliance.org info@regenagalliance.org 507-664-1088

Renewing the Countryside (205/206) Champions and supports rural communities, farmers, artists, entrepreneurs, educators, and activists who renew the countryside through innovative solutions. www.renewingthecountryside.org 507-291-3663 River Hills Harvest (207) Provider of all things elderberry from cuttings, education, equipment, market, and elderberry products. riverhillsharvest.com 573-999-3034 Rodale Institute (1) Rodale Institute is growing the organic movement through research, farmer training, and consumer education. rodaleinstitute.org/consulting consulting@rodaleInstitute.org 610-683-1416 Sacred Blossom Farm (10) Herbal Teas grown on our Wisconsin farm. Blended to support health and taste delicious. SacredBlossomFarm.com tony@sacredblossomfarm.com 715-946-3604


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Safe Wisconsin Produce, DATCP (201/214) DATCP protects food, fair business practices, ag resources, consumers, plants, & animals in Wisconsin. safeproduce.wi.gov safeproduce@wi.gov 608-224-4511 Savanna Institute (512) The Savanna Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization working to lay the groundwork for widespread agroforestry adoption in the Midwest US. www.savannainstitute.org info@savannainstitute.org 608-448-6432 Schafer Fisheries (311) One of the largest fresh and frozen fish stores. Family owned And operated Since 1955. schaferfish.com fish@schaferfish.com 815-589-3368 Sea-90 Ocean Minerals (903) Natural ocean minerals, or sea solids, contain a comprehensive macro and trace element nutrient profile to improve the health and vitality of soil, plants, and animals. www.sea-90.com hello@sea-90.com 770-361-6092 Seed Savers Exchange (503) Conserving and promoting America’s culturally diverse garden and food crop heritage through education and a network of gardeners, farmers, and seed savers who collect, conserve, and share heirloom seeds. www.seedsavers.org marketing@seedsavers.org 563-382-5990 Shining Hills Farm and Gardens (16) Organic cut flower farming for 28 years, selling to florists and landscaper designers in the Twin Cities. A Master Floral Designer installing beautiful local, organic flowers for weddings, corporate events, and more. flowerman1111@yahoo.com 608-632-0750 Small Farm Works (509) Paper pot transplanting systems and more. www.smallfarmworks.com paperchainpots@gmail.com 608-226-5804

Sno Pac Foods (204) Growers and processors of organic vegetables and fruits since 1943. snopac.com snopac@snopac.com 507-725-5281 SoilBeat SoilBeat is the app for Agronomists & (their) Farmers translating data into actionable insights and feedback loops. www.soilbeat.com venetia@soilbeat.com St Francis Hermitage (11) Organic farm and orchard in the Driftless area, along the Kickapoo River. Restaurant, coffee & gift shop. www.StFrancisHermitage.org stmickael@aol.com 608-735-4015 Stonebridge Ltd (131) Purchaser and supplier of food/feed grade non-GMO/organic soybeans, corn, and seed to foreign and domestic markets. stonebridgeltd.org pamela@stonebridgeltd.org 319-277-4277 Store It Cold - CoolBot Transforms any well-insulated room into a walk-in cooler by harnessing the cooling power of a standard air conditioner. www.storeitcold.com hello@storeitcold.com 888-871-5723 Stormy Kromer (508) The iconic winter cap, based in Ironwood, MI. www.stormykromer.com ldoubrava@stormykromer.com 901-210-9545 Sunrise Foods International (813) Sourcing high-quality organic feed and food grade grains with fast, reliable, and efficient transportation of grain across the US and Canada. www.sunrisefoods.com info@sunrisefoods.com 833-657-5790 Superior Poultry Products LLC (902) Superior Poultry Products LLC is the manufacturer & wholesale supplier of Alumi-Coop chicken tractors superiorpoultry@ibyfax.com 260-463-2919

SureSource Commodities (904) Provides a better experience, built on trust, high standards, and fairness, for growers and buyers of organic and non-GMO food and ingredients. www.suresourcecommodities.com info@suresourcecommodities.com 866-697-5960 SustainableHR and Kollath CPA SustainableHR PEO is a culmination of all our years of providing HR services (SustainableHR), payroll (Organic Payroll), and accounting (Kollath CPA) to small and mid-sized companies. www.sustainablehrpeo.com 608-824-3002 Sustane Natural Fertilizer, Inc. (106/107) Granular slow release and new water-soluble powder liquid fertilizer products for the professional organic grower and home gardener, based on 30 years of applied research. www.sustane.com sales@sustane.com 507-263-3003 Tend (401/414) Tend is a software platform with tools to manage your small-scale, regenerative farm. www.tend.com/marbleseed hello@tend.com TerraMax, Inc. (610) Through scientifically developed technologies we create and produce unique natural products that enhance productivity and benefit producers, consumers, and our environment. www.terramaxag.com doug.kremer@terramaxag.com 952-657-5592 TH Fabrication LLC (135) Professional metal fabrication company focusing on custom projects, manufacturing/ welding, and development of agricultural products. www.th-fabrication.com jonathan@th-fabrication.com The Cornucopia Institute (403) Nonprofit provider of educational resources to family farmers, consumers, and other stakeholders in the good food movement. www.cornucopia.org 608-637-8278


The FarmHand Tractor (810) The FarmHand tractor is made for today’s regenerative, sustainable, no-till, and organic small to medium sized farms. www.theFarmHandTractor.com farmerdaveslc@gmail.com 801-548-4334

Tilmor (137) Offering a wide range of tools for small to medium size farms. We specialize in precision cultivation and customizable tooling options. www.tilmor.com/en-us emily.horst@tilmor.com 330-985-0002

The Good Acre (711) As the largest food hub in Minnesota, it is our mission to unlock economic opportunity for farmers in our region through a unique combination of personalized support and market development. www.thegoodacre.org nikki@thegoodacre.org 651-493-7158

Treffler-Man@Machine (132) Exclusive importer of Treffler precision tools and new generation weeders, cultivators, and mills. organicmachinery.net treffler@manatmachine.com 515-971-9707

The Land Connection (707) Agricultural nonprofit organization offering training, resources, and support to farmers, food businesses, and eaters. www.thelandconnection.org 217-840-2128 The Organic & Non-GMO Report (611) Publications focused on health & environmental risks of GMO foods and The Non-GMO Sourcebook, the world’s only “farm to fork” directory of non-GMO seeds, grains, ingredients, feed, and food products. non-gmoreport.com 641-209-3426 Thoreau College/Driftless Folk School (603) A single grassroots educational nonprofit with two branches offering immersive opportunities for learning and personal development for adults of all ages. www.driftlessfolkschool.org admin@thoreaucollege.org 608-632-3829

University of Minnesota Forever Green Initiative (20) Forever Green is a research & commercialization platform at University of MN focusing on Continous Living Cover Crops. forevergreen.umn.edu leav0046@umn.edu 612-381-6199 USDA Farm Service Agency (USDA Booth) Provides farmers with a strong safety net through farm commodity, loss coverage, conservation, disaster, and farm loan programs. usda.fsa.gov 608-662-4422 USDA National Organic Program (USDA Booth) Develops and enforces uniform national standards for organically-produced agricultural products sold in the U.S. www.ams.usda.gov/organic nop.guidance@usda.gov

USDA NRCS (USDA Booth) Works one-on-one with farmers to provide technical expertise and financial assistance to make conservation work on private lands. www.nrcs.usda.gov/wi 608-662-4422 USDA Risk Management Agency (USDA Booth) Provides crop insurance to farmers and ranchers and helps producers manage business risks through effective, marketbased risk management solutions. www.rma.usda.gov rma.media.requests@rma.usda.gov 866-632-9999 UW-Madison (OGRAIN, CIAS, UW Organic Collaborative) (408/409) Faculty, staff, and partners committed to increasing the health and resilience of the organic industry through world-class research, academic opportunity, and impactful outreach. uworganic.wisc.edu agurda@wisc.edu 612-868-1208 UW-Madison Extension Agriculture Institute (23) The Extension Agriculture Institute is your connection to the latest University of Wisconsin-Madison research. extension.wisc.edu/agriculture info@extension.wisc.edu 608-263-5110 Valmetal (908) Manufactures farm equipment to mechanize and automate the chore of feeding dairy animals. www.valmetal.com info@valmetal.com 819-395-4282


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Vermont Compost Company Makers of living soil—composts and compost-based potting soil and soil amendments for organic use. vermontcompost.com 802-223-6049 Viroqua Biodynamic Group (604) Education and training of using Biodynamic methods. viroquabiodynamicsupplies.com bwickert@mwt.net 608-606-1275 Welter Seed and Honey Company


Family-owned company offering organic farm seed, including alfalfa, clover, corn, soybeans, peas, grasses, small grains, and cover crops welterseed.com info@welterseed.com 800-470-3325 Weston A. Price Foundation (510) We focus on how to nourish ourselves and our children, how to farm and how to heal with natural remedies. www.westonaprice.org info@westonaprice.org 703-820-3333

Whole Foods Co-op A thriving consumer-owned cooperative that supports, invests, and partners to create a healthy community. wholefoods.coop marcistrack@gmail.com 218-728-0884 Wisconsin Agricultural Tourism Association (22) A non-profit organization open to ag-tourism related businesses in Wisconsin. wiagtourism.com info@wiagtourism.com 608-774-1354 Wisconsin Conservation Voters (413) Engaging voters to protect Wisconsin’s environment. conservationvoters.org maxwell@conservationvoters.org 608-661-0845 Wisconsin Farmers Union (116) Enhances the quality of life for family farmers, rural communities, and all people through educational opportunities, cooperative endeavors, and civic engagement. wisconsinfarmersunion.com 715-723-5561

Wisconsin Grass-fed Beef Cooperative Focused on production, processing, marketing, and distribution of 100% grass-fed beef and pastured pork products as well as selling to customers online. wisconsingrassfed.coop josh@wisconsingrassfed.coop 800-745-9093 Wisconsin Monarch Collaborative (138) A dedicated initiative with a mission to facilitate conservation and recovery of monarch butterflies and their habitat in Wisconsin. wimonarchs.org coordinator@wimonarchs.org Women, Food, and Agriculture Network (709) Networking, information, and leadership development for women engaged in all aspects of healthy food and farming. wfan.org info@wfan.org 515-635-3276 Xerces Society (19) Science-based nonprofit organization that protects wildlife through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitats. xerces.org pollinators@xerces.org 503-232-6639


STRONG SEED FOR A STRONG AND DIVERSE ROTATION Diversity has been important to us since our beginning in 1923, and we continue that tradition proudly. Our wide range of farm-proven seed includes Blue River organic corn, soybeans, and alfalfa; Viking non-GMO corn, soybeans, and alfalfa; and a strong lineup of organic and conventional small grains, cover crops, and forages. Work with your local Albert Lea Seed dealer for the expertise and solutions you need for a successful organic crop rotation. Visit alseed.com or call 800.352.5247.






Thank you to our generous sponsors for supporting Marbleseed 2024! Blazing Star



Daisy American Farmland Trust Edible Madison High Mowing Organic Seeds Kreher Family Farms Merge Organics Minnesota Farmers Union Savanna Institute Shining Hills Farm and Gardens

SoilBeat Sunrise Foods International The Good Acre The Organic & Non-GMO Report Vermont Compost Company Weston A. Price Foundation Whole Foods Co-op Wisconsin Grass-fed Beef Cooperative


Photo: Andrew Burr © 2024 Patagonia, Inc.

Work for Change Forget Mars. We’ve got a lot of work to do here, on Earth. There’s food to grow, shelters to build, rivers to restore and renewable energy to scale. Our durable industrial hemp workwear has your back for the long haul.

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