2015 Big Night Out! Program Book

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ANNUAL BENEFIT supporting sliding-scale tuition

Saturday, May 2, 2015


Manhattan Country School AND

BIG NIGHT OUT! Manhattan Country School was founded in 1966 as a place where equality, social justice, diversity and the inspiration of Martin Luther King, Jr. would form the basis of children’s education. Today, we are a pre-K through eighth-grade progressive, independent, co-ed school with no racial majority and an economically balanced enrollment, fostered by our sliding-scale tuition program. Big Night Out! is Manhattan Country School’s spring benefit to support our sliding-scale tuition program. The event, which includes the Living the Dream Mentor Award ceremony, helps us raise the more than $1 million needed to sustain our sliding-scale tuition program each year.


Saturday, May 2, 2015 • 6:00 – 11:00 pm espace • 635 West 42nd Street • New York, NY Cocktail Reception Living the Dream Mentor Award Presentation Dinner Dancing Live entertainment provided by Nick Colt ’82 Ezra Gale ’85 and his band, The Get It! Silent Auction: Bids are accepted until 10:00 p.m.

Our Vision Manhattan Country School envisions its students as future leaders whose shared experiences in learning and activism inspire them to champion excellence and justice, compassion and peace and the rights of all people to racial, economic, gender, environmental and educational equity.

Our Mission Reflecting the vision of the Civil Rights Movement, Manhattan Country School teaches students in a community with no racial majority and broad economic diversity. Our goals for students are academic excellence, intellectual freedom, social awareness, self-confidence and firsthand knowledge of the natural world. MCS is unique among New York City independent schools in having a Catskills-based 180-acre working farm integral to the curriculum and a sliding scale for tuition.

Letter from Michèle Solá When Gus and Marty Trowbridge founded Manhattan Country School in 1966 it was with the belief that a quality education should be accessible to everyone— regardless of race, socioeconomic status or other defining characteristic. They also had the determination to find a system and language that embodied equality and respect. They actively recruited families from various backgrounds to build a diverse community. And to maintain that diversity, the school implemented a sliding-scale tuition program in which families pay according to their means. For nearly five decades, Manhattan Country School has been a viable educational option for families across the economic spectrum and all who attend benefit from the racial and socioeconomic diversity of our community and our rich academic program. As a private school with a public mission, it is imperative that the impact of our work reaches beyond our courtyard doors. Because of our commitment to economic diversity and equity, we are a model for institutions such as Metropolitan College of New York and MCS alumni and former teachers who have started their own schools. What’s more, as a leader in progressive education, we have trained hundreds of teachers who have gone on to work at more than 700 schools across the city and the world. Many have taken our approach to progressive education and our values of diversity, community, sustainability and activism into their classrooms and schools. In our work, the idea of “good for all” has been a constant focus. It is a constant in the work of this year’s Living the Dream Mentor Award honorees, as well. Our first honoree, New York City Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen ’80, has built a career in both the private sector and city government creating public-private partnerships that benefit a wide range of constituents. Her push to create mixed-income housing across the city is just one example. Including economic opportunity for women in her work is another. It’s perhaps of little surprise that Alicia has focused on creating projects, programs and policies that benefit people from a range of socioeconomic backgrounds, having spent her formative years at MCS. “I know that my commitment to fighting against racial and economic inequality in [New York] and other cities was nurtured at Manhattan Country School,” Alicia wrote in a 2014 letter to MCS seventh- and eighth-graders. Former Secretary of Labor Robert B. Reich has had a long-time commitment to standing up for those who are vulnerable, disenfranchised and disadvantaged. As a child, he was bullied, but he had a couple of older boys as protectors. One of those boys was Michael Schwerner, a civil rights activist who was brutally murdered in Mississippi in 1964. “When one of my protectors from my little bullies was killed by real bullies, I think something just kind of shifted in my brain,” Reich told “PBS Newshour.” “I thought…I have to make sure that in whatever way I can, that people have some degree of protection.” Through his work in three presidential administrations, and as a political economist, college professor, author and filmmaker, Robert has been a champion for the working and middle class and an advocate for an economic system that benefits everyone. Manhattan Country School is proud to honor these two individuals who share our commitment to justice, equality and access.

Michèle Solá Director Manhattan Country School

BNO! 2015

Living the Dream Mentor Award 2015

Each year, Manhattan Country School honors excellence and leadership in progressive education, arts and sciences, social and environmental justice and community activism with its Living the Dream Mentor Award. This year, we honor

Alicia Glen ’80

NEW YORK CIT Y DEPUT Y MAYOR FOR HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Manhattan Country School is proud to honor Alicia for her commitment to funding public works with private capital and developing programs and policies that benefit all. She is a stellar example of how MCS students bring our school’s mission and values to their professional work.

Robert B. Reich CHANCELLOR’ S PROFESSOR OF PUBLIC POLICY AT THE UNIVERSIT Y OF CALIFORNIA AT BERKELEY Manhattan Country School is proud to honor Robert for the courage and conviction he has demonstrated to uphold values we have come to associate with Manhattan Country School—treating every human being with respect and seeking social and economic justice for all.

Award Presenters

Renée Reynolds ’95


PRESENTING AWARD TO ALICIA GLEN Renée has worked in finance as an analyst and portfolio manager investing in global equities. She received a Fulbright scholarship to study the impact of the dual recognition of democratic and traditional leadership in local government on young voters in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. She is a graduate of Manhattan Country School (Class of 1995) and Yale University and a member of the MCS Board of Trustees.


PRESENTING AWARD TO ROBERT B . REICH Frank has been a committed supporter of Manhattan Country School since its infancy. He and his wife, Jinx, enrolled their three children—Phoebe, Nick and Amie—in the school in 1969. Frank joined the MCS Board of Trustees in 1970 and co-led the Tuition Reform Project, which resulted in the school’s sliding-scale tuition plan and a publication about it, “Tuition Reform for Private Schools: The Manhattan Country School Plan” (1981). He remained a trustee for 40 years, helped start the endowment and served as chair of the Board from 1995 to 1998. Frank earned a B.A. from Yale University, an M.A. from Columbia University and a Ph.D. from the New School for Social Research.

BNO! 2015


Alicia Glen ’80

Alicia Glen leads New York City administration’s efforts to grow and diversify the city’s economy, invest in emerging industries across the five boroughs, build a new generation of affordable housing and help New Yorkers secure good-paying jobs that can support a family. Alicia began her career as a junior aide to then-Manhattan Borough President David Dinkins. After completing law school, she worked for Brooklyn Legal Services, where she advocated on behalf of lowincome tenants and families in need of free legal counsel. Alicia served as the assistant commissioner for housing finance at the New York City Department of Housing, Preservation and Development (HPD) from 1998 to 2002, where she was responsible for financing the rehabilitation and construction of thousands of units of market, moderate and low-income units as well as overseeing the city’s supportive housing, tax credit and tax incentive programs. Prior to joining HPD, Alicia was an associate attorney at Fulbright & Jaworski and at Kalkines, Arky, Zall & Bernstein. Most recently, Alicia served as the head of the Urban Investment Group (UIG) at Goldman Sachs, which provides capital to underserved urban communities. Additionally, she was a member of the Diverse Business Engagement Committee and the GSBank USA Management Committee and co-led the 10,000 Small Businesses initiative. Under her leadership, UIG spurred more than $5 billion of development across dozens of residential, mixed-use and commercial projects in New York and other cities. UIG also structured and financed some of the most innovative public-private partnerships in the country, catalyzing job creation and neighborhood revitalization strategies like the $40 million New York Healthy Food and Healthy Communities Fund, New York City’s Citi Bike and the expansion of modern manufacturing in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Alicia was a 2010 David Rockefeller Fellow and served on the boards of the Fund for NYC Public Schools, Enterprise Community Partners, the Bowery Residents Committee, the Citizens Housing and Planning Council, the NYU Institute for Affordable Housing and was a trustee of the Citizens Budget Commission. Alicia has also been an adjunct professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Architecture, Planning and Design and the Columbia Business School. She is this year’s recipient of the Jack and Lewis Rudin Award for Service to New York City from New York Building Congress. Alicia is a graduate of Manhattan Country School (Class of 1980), Amherst College and Columbia Law School.


Robert B. Reich Robert B. Reich is one of the world’s leading thinkers about work and the economy. He is the chancellor’s professor of public policy at the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley. Robert has served in three national administrations. He was assistant to the solicitor general of the United States during the Ford administration and a member of the policy planning committee of the Federal Trade Commission during the Carter administration. In 1993, he headed up the transition team for newly elected President Clinton and served as the secretary of labor in Clinton’s first term. He also served on President-Elect Obama’s transition advisory board. As the nation’s 22nd secretary of labor, Robert implemented the Family and Medical Leave Act and led a national fight against sweatshops in the United States and illegal child labor around the world. In addition, he headed the administration’s successful effort to raise the minimum wage, secured worker’s pensions and launched job-training programs, one-stop career centers and school-to-work initiatives. Under his leadership, the Department of Labor won more than 30 awards for innovation. Robert has written 14 books, including The Work of Nations, which has been translated into 22 languages; the best-sellers The Future of Success and Locked in the Cabinet; Supercapitalism, Aftershock and Beyond Outrage. His articles have appeared in the New Yorker, Atlantic Monthly, The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal. Robert is a co-founding editor of The American Prospect magazine. His commentaries can be heard weekly on public radio’s “Marketplace.” He is also the cocreator and host of the widely acclaimed 2013 documentary, Inequality for All, in which he explains the underlying forces that are shaping our economy and lays out pragmatic solutions for broader prosperity. In 2003, Robert was awarded the prestigious Vaclav Havel Vision Foundation Prize, by the former Czech president, for his pioneering work in economic and social thought. In 2008, Time magazine named him one of the 10 most successful cabinet secretaries of the century. Robert holds a B.A. from Dartmouth College, an M.A. from Oxford University (where he was a Rhodes Scholar) and a J.D. from Yale Law School. Most importantly, he is the proud grandfather of Ella in MCS’ 5-6s class.

BNO! 2015

Manhattan Country School: A Private School with a Public Mission For nearly 50 years, Manhattan Country School has served as a model of progressive education and an example of what can be achieved by teaching children in a truly diverse environment. MCS graduates share a profound belief in the value of diverse perspectives, an instinctive urge to right injustice and a belief that activism is essential in a democratic society. More than 1,500 students have studied at MCS and they bring these values to their professional work in a host of fields including law, journalism, education, the arts, finance, social justice and medicine. Our work impacts more than just our own students. Through programs and partnerships with public schools and other organizations, we strive to address some of the most challenging educational issues of our time. As a result, people across New York City, the United States and the world are able to experience the benefit of a learning community dedicated to progressive education, diversity, sustainability and activism.

Academics Since developmental psychologist Erik Erikson began observing MCS classrooms in 1968, we have attracted the interest of educators, administrators and student teachers from public, charter and independent schools. Over the past 48 years, MCS has trained more than 900 teachers, a large majority who have gone on to teach in public schools. In addition, we’ve hosted more than 5,000 educational observers from across the country and the world who are applying our approach to education to their own schools in various ways. Our legacy of developing curriculum that addresses diversity, sustainability, social justice and partnerships with public schools has earned us designation of host of the Progressive Education Network’s national conference in October 2015. Our school’s director, Michèle Solá serves on the PEN Board.

Diversity A recent University of California, Los Angeles study found that New York has the most segregated schools in the country. Yet for nearly five decades, MCS has maintained a student community with no racial majority. Today, students of color make up 57 percent of our student body, compared to the national average of 27.5 percent for independent schools. The rich diversity of our student body is fostered by our sliding-scale tuition policy that makes it possible for families to pay tuition based on their means. Nationally, approximately 22 percent of independent school families receive financial aid. At Manhattan Country School, 78 percent of families pay tuition on a sliding scale,

while 100 percent benefit from an economically and culturally diverse learning community. Our faculty and administrative staff also are more diverse than the average independent school. Faculty of color represent 41 percent of MCS staff and administrators of color make up 56 percent, compared to the national average of 13.7 percent and 13.4 percent, respectively.

Sustainability MCS’ Farm program, provided at our 180-acre working farm in the Catskill Mountains, has been a part of the school since its inception. Goals of the program include offering students environmental education and exposure to rural living, teaching students the value of work and interdependence, creating an equalizing experience where diverse groups of children can come together as a community and tying the values of sustainability inherent in the Farm program to our long-held commitment to equality and activism. Since 1966, more than 7,600 students have learned how to live more sustainable lives at the MCS Farm. More than 6,700 of these students have been from public, charter and independent schools in New York City and the local Catskills area, as well as Indonesia and Brazil.

Activism Inspired by Martin Luther King, Jr.’s ideals of equality, nonviolence and justice, activism has been a core component of MCS curriculum since the school’s founding. Students from pre-K to eighth grade learn to understand multiple viewpoints while defending their own opinions and to value human rights and environmental justice. Annual activism projects raise awareness about issues that impact not only MCS students, but students and communities across the city and the nation. Our students have been active participants in efforts to speak out about topics such as the schoolto-prison pipeline, sexual violence, bullying, mountaintop removal and immigration. Our annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative March attracts hundreds of New Yorkers who support our eighth-graders as they give speeches on the pressing civil rights issues of our day.

BNO! 2015

The 4/5/6s send love and gratitude to all of their teachers:     

Sarah Paulo Claire Jay Jermaine

    

Maria-Tere Melissa Rasheeda Robert Susan

BNO! 2015

BNO! 2015

We, the 8-9s, do hereby declare that

our year with Debbie is AWESOME because … “We learn about encounters between Europeans and Native Americans.” “In social studies we learn about both sides, not just one.” “We are funny.”

“We get to go to gym !”

“Debbie is a nice teacher!”

“We go up the fire escape.”

“Everyone is so funny and cool – we rock!”

“I am learning to read music.”

“Finally we have two farm trips!”

“I miss Susan, but now we are in chorus.”

“I know serious math now.”

“Everyone cares about each other’s opinions.” “We write research papers.” “We get computer class.”

“Debbie is an amazing teacher.”

“I like my classmates.”

“Debbie teaches us cursive handwriting.”

“We are nice people!”

“La Tienda!!!”








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BNO! 2015

Shani is cool, fun and funny

I have never heard of a more funny, nicer, awesomer rapper who just happens to be my teacher!

She is different than any other teacher I've ever met and I'll be sad when I leave her to Shani is the 6th grade. the awesomest teacher!


Shani is the best rapper ever!

Shani is fun but serious

Shani is funny, nice, serious, and talented.


really knows

what's poppin

You are a great teacher and a great rapper!!

You are funny. I like gray!

and I love HER

Shani is funny, nice, interesting, and awesome.

Shani is nice to me by helping me when I need Shani is help and she is the best, also kind. funniest and most

She is the best rapper ever!

amazing teacher ever.

đ&#x;˜ƒđ&#x;˜ƒ Nico: You are funny and a good rapper.

Sugar, spice, and everything nice.

No words can explain her!

Silliest teacher; never seen a teacher wrestle before :)

If you were to eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be? Let me guess--Cheez-It

She is awesome and she can rap đ&#x;˜€đ&#x;˜€

Fifth graders and their parents say thanks!

I like how Shani jokes around.

Aaron: She is

the best teacher ever!

Thank you Karen, and all our dedicated teachers & MCS Staff for an expansive, wonderful year!

6th Grade 2015

BNO! 2015

U O Y K N THA e MCS and all th s r e h c a other to our te ity for an n u m m o c s year! wondrou

The 7th Grade



MCS CLASS OF 2015 "MCS has shaped who I am for the past ten years of my life. The community is something that will stick with me for every second of my life. Thank you." Roscoe Elings-Haynie

MCS has been my home away from home since I would like to thank all of MCS teachers are great I was four. I feel like I am able to express myself. my amazing teachers role models and really I think that this sense of community and caring is (including the farm staff) helped me grow as a what I will miss the most about the school. I feel for my wonderful learning learner and as a person. like I am among people who care for me beyond experiences at MCS. Lillian Bonner academics. Everyone has made me feel like my Jiji Kricorian-Salomon opinion matters and is valuable. Love, Asha Avery MCS, Thank you so much.This has been Dear MCS, Thank you for being such "Thank you for guiding me a unique experience, one that most children Thank you for this great through the majority of my will never receive but I received, and for that special people at such a school. This is a school special place. My time with life so far. You have supported I am grateful. Thank you. where the teachers do you all will be with me the me in ways close to my own Ian Evans not only teach the usual rest of my life. family. Thanks to you I have a classes, but also shows You are the BEST! lot of core beliefs that I will carry Dear 5th Floor teachers, Thank you for being the students community Love Benjamin Politzer with me for life. I will always such amazing teachers! I know you will miss and activism. I wouldn't think of my memories from school my wonderful behavior. be the same person I am Thank you Manhattan Country Sincerely, today if I had not attended fondly as the people I've met here have become my family and MCS School for teaching me how to Michael Patterson this school. So, thank you. is my home away from home and be socially aware. MCS has Willa Blair for that I am grateful." taught me so many valuable Thank y ou f or g rooming Leilani Sardinha lessons that I will take with me my artistic abilities, MCS has made my life wherever I go in life. I am very encouraging creative Thank you, MCS, for the farm and better in so many ways thinking, and for helping fortunate to go to such a great teaching us about farming, cooking, and have given me many me to structure a pathway school. Thank you for everything. and textiles. Thank you for teaching ways to educate myself. to success. us about activism. You taught us Zuri Campbell I love the constant Daniel Mintz how to petition and advocate for challenges and opportunities issues we believe in. MCS, you that teachers work so very Thank you to MCS for are one in a million and I will miss you! hard to create. Thank you, Akil Sullivan making me who I am I thank MCS for helping me MCS. today and shaping see the world's problems "Thank you, MCS, Samori Coates and to direct all that frustration who I will be tomorrow. forteaching me how to be Dear MCS, and sadness into trying to Zack Lee accepting of everyone, Thank you for giving me friendship, make a change. Knowing that regardless of race, ethnicity, love, support, and making me the no matter what gender or color person I am today. I've made I want to thank Manhattan Country I am, my voice is just as gender or religion. I am friends I can't thank you enough for, important as anyone else's. School for letting me grow up in an grateful for the 10 years I I mean they're my life. I've known MCS gave me friendships environment that I feel safe and have had here, and look teachers who have made my mind with my peers but also with protected in, where I know I will forward to spreading the grow in ways I could only fathom the teachers. Thank you MCS always have a second family and impossible. Thank you for everything. for shaping me into the strong MCS Dream." second home. Love, willed person I am today. Savannah Perez - Maya Barbosa Pilar Ortiz-Diaz Mia Galeano

BNO! 2015

She was always a problem solver. How lucky our city is to have her!

Congratulations to “our” Alicia and to MCS  Jeff & Rosina, Kris & Hal, Sam & Kate, Alex & Bennett

Grandpa, I really love how kind you are to me and how funny you are. And Perry, I really love when you save me from Grandpa's tickling! Love, Ella Reich-Sharpe MCS Class of 2023

Adam Reich (Ella’s dad) with his father Robert Reich

BNO! 2015

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BNO! 2015

“You really can change the world if you care enough” —Marian Wright Edelman

CBRE joins in congratulating the Manhattan Country School and its hardworking board members on its beautiful new home. We celebrate the 2015 “Living the Dream” honorees and applaud MCS’ commitment to providing children with the tools they need to change the world.


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Manhattan Country School and their 2015 Big Night Out! gala

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BNO! 2015

Winston and Jessica Fisher proudly support Manhattan Country School and applaud its inspirational learning environment.

Congratulations to this year’s Living the Dream Mentor Award recipients Alicia Glen and Robert Reich on your important work and achievements. Thank you for setting an example for our extraordinary MCS children.

BNO! 2015

Howard M. Lorber, The Lorber Charitable Fund and Douglas Elliman Real Estate are proud supporters of Manhattan Country School.   

We warmly congratulate Alicia Glen and Robert Reich on their hard work and achievements.

BNO! 2015

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BNO! 2015

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Ackman-Ziff is a proud supporter of Manhattan Country School. We congratulate the school on its new building and recognize the board members for all their hard work. B O S T O N N E W






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Davis Wright Tremaine salutes Manhattan Country School for its commitment to diversity and social justice, and we are proud to join them in honoring Alicia Glen and Robert Reich.

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• BNO! 2015 •

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Congratulations to all the MCS staff and parents for a BIG success on the 2015 Big Night Out. Robert Astle, Publisher (Leonardo 9-10s)

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BNO! 2015

The Class of 1980 is proud to have Living the Dream Mentor Award honoree Alicia Glen as a member of our class. We salute her and co-honoree Robert Reich for exemplifying the mission of our school.

The Class of 1995 congratulates

Alicia Glen

for continuing the MCS legacy of innovation in pursuit of a more equitable society.

We join MCS in celebrating the achievements of the 2015 Living the Dream Mentor Award Honorees Alicia Glen and Robert Reich.

BNO! 2015

The MCS Alumni Association thanks Alicia Glen and Robert Reich for their public service and steadfast commitment to social justice.   

Manhattan Country School's 5th Floor activists are proud to share a commitment to fighting for social justice and equality with this year's Living the Dream Award honorees.

2015 marks 10 years of Manhattan Country School activism projects: 2006 From Dream to Reality: Assisting elementary schools in the Mississippi Gulf Coast following the devastation of Hurricane Katrina 2007 “Speak-Out Against Hate” Raising awareness about hate speech with a speak out in Central Park 2008 M(CS): Collaborating with Camp Sunshine to improve camp facilities and raise awareness about health disparities 2009 Vamos Verde: Focusing on our ecological impact and using a walk-a-thon to raise funds for the MCS Farmʼs solar panel system 2010 MCS Loves Mountains: Calling for an end to Mountain Top Removal coal mining by working with grassroots activists in the Coal River Valley 2011 SAFE - Schools Are For Everyone: Taking a stand against bullying with a focus on making schools safe for LGBTQI students 2012 Letʼs Dream: Addressing youth immigration with activities including a trip to Washington, D.C. to lobby for the DREAM Act 2013 Get Real Environmental Equality Now: Drawing attention to the importance of including all people in conversations about climate change and a collaboration with the Ban the Bag movement 2014 Fund Books, Not Bars: Working to end the School-to-Prison Pipeline by lobbying for policy change in Albany, N.Y., and Washington, D.C. 2015 Object-Defy: Addressing sexual violence by building healthy relationships, critiquing the media and advocating for reform on college campuses

BNO! 2015

Alicia Glen and Robert Reich: You exemplify the passion and commitment that defines the MCS Community. Each day, you help make our city and our country more just, equitable, and peaceful. Thank you for “Living the Dream” together with us.  MCS Board of Trustees

BIG NIGHT OUT! 2015 Benefit Committee Risa Meyer, Co-Chair Amy Weinstein, Co-Chair

Amanda Hallowell Roxanne Elings and Tom Haynie Nancy Hsu Marika Hughes ’85 Adam Isler Judith Mason Alicia and Jason Moran MCS Farm Ivana Salander and Sean Neal ’95

Katie and Jean Avebe Maria Tere Tapias-Avery Sarah Beck Holly Boyd Shani Brignolle Caroline Cotter Molly Delano Jessica and Winston Fisher Claire Galya

Contributors* 4-5s Parents 5-6s Parents 6-7s Parents 7-8s Parents 8-9s Parents 9-10s Parents 5th Grade Parents 6th Grade Parents 7th Grade Parents 8th Grade Parents MCS Board of Trustees

Gloria Brown James E. Campbell Wendy and Daniel Charnas Eliza and Timothy Earle Robin and Robert Easton Laurie Newell and Mark Farnsworth Faye and Carl Flemister Katherine Gilmour Tanya Accone and Jay Huber Theresa Lamb

Katell Pleven ’76 Franklin Sirmans ’83 Julianna Trementozzi Erika Dilday and Olumide Wilkey Zulu Williams ’82 Joanna Harvey and Alex Wisnioski Priscilla Fields and Jeffrey Woods Karen Zaidberg

Ragnar Naess Edward Nichols Rachelle and Nathan Parker Elaine and Peter Pratt Shari Berman and Robert Pulcini Elizabeth Sackler Alexander Savits Sandra Schneiderman Daphne Sola Helen Mills and Gary Tannenbaum

*As of 4.20.2015

MCS Board of Trustees Brian Abell Debo Adegbile ’80, Honorary Alan Altschuler Michael Arons Sarah Beck Herman Bennett Mogolodi Bond Aiyoung Choi, Honorary Caroline Cotter

Roxanne Elings, Chair Carl Flemister, Honorary Tom Grattan Chauncy Lennon Caitlin Naidoff ’00 Michael Patterson Sharon Phillips Liam Pleven ’79 Renée Reynolds ’95

Frank Roosevelt, Honorary Michèle Solá, Director Stephanie So Gus Trowbridge Stephen Trowbridge ’74 Elsa Wentling Olumide Wilkey Paul Williams

BIG NIGHT OUT! 2015 Underwriters* Anonymous Susan Haskell and Debo Adegbile ’80 RoseMarie and Michael Arons Michèle Solá and Adrian Bennett Hope and Mogolodi Bond Canon Solutions America CBRE CCS Fundraising Caroline and Laurie Cotter Kristin Booth Glen and Harold Edgar Jessica and Winston Fisher Lucinda Eng-Garcia and Carlos Garcia ’80

Rosina Abramson and Jeffrey Glen Roxanne Elings and Tom Haynie Andrew Lance / Gibson, Dunn and Crutcher LLP Howard M. Lorber / Lorber Charitable Fund Renée Reynolds ’95 Jinx and Frank Roosevelt Peter Smith U3 Advisors Sarah Beck and Wojtek Uzdelewicz Walden Asset Management Erika Dilday and Olumide Wilkey The Ackman-Ziff Real Estate Group

*As of 4.20.2015

Special thanks to • Risa Meyer and Amy Weinstein for once again co-chairing the Big Night Out! Benefit Committee and for their décor and event planning expertise. • The Big Night Out! volunteers for their time, talent and creativity. • Everyone who donated an auction item or experience. • Holly Boyd, Claire Galya and Amanda Hallowell for the creative giveaway.

• Alumni Nick Colt ’82 and Ezra Gale ’85 for the music. • Debbie Guy-Christiansen for her graphic design expertise. • Tom Haynie for his help with the program book. • The young MCS alumni who volunteered to help with the fund-a-need. • And all MCS parents, trustees, alumni, former families and friends who helped make Big Night Out! a success.

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