Wise Times Fall 2021

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Fall 2021 | Volume 14, No. 1

Words for the Wise

I have always felt lucky and blessed to experience and be a part of the Camp Wise culture, which is so rich in history and tradition. My 19 summers here are just a small slice of our 115 years of Camp Wise magic and memories.

Over the last few months I have been trying to quantify just how much time I have spent at the Home of Happiness. I have determined that I have celebrated around 150 Shabbatot at camp, sitting under the canopy of trees in the Camp Wise Chapel (and for those rainy days, in the covered gym or chadar), at least 300 times. I have had at least 35 first days where more than 175 busloads of excited campers have rushed off the bus and under the arm bridge of eager camp staff ready to meet and embrace their campers. As the Camp Director, I have celebrated milestone moments where we have handed out more than 100 ten-year crazy creeks, 250 seven-year shirts, and 325 five-year bags. I have watched more than 750 first-time campers and 300 first-time staff experience the rumbling of the chadar at dinner on the first night of camp each session; and I have sung at least 150 songs through tears while looking out at our camp community on CW Night.

Within those 150 Shabbatot, one of my most favorite and time-honored traditions at Camp is the opportunity to either read a favorite passage from our siddur (prayer book) at Shabbat services or to share our own words through a creative writing. Though it’s not Shabbat when I’ll be sharing this, I’d like to do just a little bit of both.

Each week during the summer we read several Shel Silverstein poems (I have even shared some here in the past!), and one of the most coveted readings we have is “Where the Sidewalk Ends.” For our younger campers, this is probably just another silly thing we do at camp. However, whoever reads it, understands that the path they are following was walked by previous campers and staff that have made an indelible mark on their time at the Home of Happiness. By the time campers reach their Solel summer, they often share this idea with their buddies in Chalutzim, another rite of passage. And, as we go through our years at camp we come to understand that Camp Wise is where the sidewalk ends. Camp Wise is before the street begins, and in between is where the magic happens.

The sidewalk ends, and we are able to open our hearts to a special space where we can become our true selves – the best versions of ourselves. Camp Wise creates a space that fosters growth and self-exploration. Unlike

real sidewalks, where we can see beginnings and endings, the freedom we find at Camp Wise teaches us to take the idea of this place wherever we go. The end of the sidewalk is part of us during the months when we are not at camp, and follows us into adulthood, and it is here where we can see value in the space where the sidewalk ends.

We do not have to be physically at camp to find this magic in our lives because Camp Wise becomes a part of who we are. This is, by definition, the Camp Wise Magic. I will carry the edge of the sidewalk and the Camp Wise Magic with me wherever I go.

camp wise news | fall 2021

Continued on page 5 Summer Program Highlights 2 Staff Scholarship Honorees 3 Shana Says 4 Winter Programs 5 Impact Report 6-7 Chanukah Activities 8 Milestones 9 Milestone Summers 10 Donors.......................................... 11 Thank You Volunteers 11 Table of Contents

Summer Program Highlights

After over 680 days, Camp Wise welcomed campers back to the Home of Happiness. While things looked different this summer, the energy was stronger than ever! Wearing masks did not stop us from standing on our benches and cheering with all the ruach (spirit) in the world.

We feel so lucky that we were able to have a completely COVID free summer. While it took a lot of reading, planning, learning, mask wearing, and hand washing – we did it! And we could not have done it without your support. In our Chardon, Ohio bubble, we brought back the magic that is Camp Wise.

We had two amazing Maccabiahs, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (Session I) and Seasons (Session II). We held our first ever Rainy Day Olympics and were even found cheering during breakfast! Our outdoor dining tent was quickly renamed “Flavortown” and was the epicenter of camp. And with over 20 Israel Shlichim (ambassadors), lots of ruach and Israeli spirit was felt throughout camp.


Chalutzim campers and staff brought so much energy and silliness to the village this summer! While they may be our youngest campers, they stepped up to the plate and competed against Ohalim in a lip sync battle. From screaming their heads off while on the giant swing, to bonding with their Solel buddies, their days were filled with fun, friendships, and lots of laughter.


Our Ohalim campers were out and about in the village more than ever this summer. From hanging out in hammocks, playing baseball on the Ohalim rec field, to roof ball in the village, there was never a dull moment! Ohalim campers had a blast at their Blue Man Group paint party and loved caring for their “pod-babies.” Our Ohalim campers were also master pranksters, pulling lighthearted pranks on other cabins in the village.


Noar was sure on fire this summer! From paint parties, to funerals for Johnny Big Boots (a fictional character) the fun never stopped! Our Noar campers loved hanging out in their hammock area and played lots of spike ball.

In Noar our campers reached new heights on the high ropes course and bonded during late night cabin talks.


This year’s Solel was one to remember! While they didn’t have the typical Solel experience of travel and trips, the Solel campers truly made this summer their own. Session I loved star gazing on the deck listening to Pluto Projector. Session II worked to solve a murder mystery which ended with a sleepover on the deck. Both sessions got a chance to experience some fun never-before-done programing: a raging silent disco, a crazy foam party,

experience was the Solel-Chalutzim buddy program where they became role models for our youngest campers. Playing gaga with them during free time and leading services together made this even more special.


Here for “one summer and one summer only,” Tosafot left their mark on camp! While they were a small group, they were very mighty! Filling memory jars each evening and bonding over nightly campfires in the forest, Tosafot made this summer one to remember. Tosafot campers were able to explore local parks and danced their feet off at Silent Disco.



This summer, 43 teens across two grades participated in our Israel Leadership Summer program. From surfing the sand dunes in the Negev, spending time with K’far Rupin teens, hiking up Masada, to rafting in the Jordan River, the fun never stopped! The group got to split and participate in two specialty tracks. One group hiked across Israel from the Mediterranean to the Kineret and the other spent some time volunteering on a farm in Modi’in. This group spent three amazing weeks bringing Camp Wise to Israel and taking the camp spirit with them everywhere they went. They bonded over a once in a lifetime experience and a love of both Israel and Camp Wise.


Our mighty SIT crew did it all this summer. From planning the Winter in July Carnival to the Hollywood end of session banquet, this small group of SITs made a big impression on camp! They truly went above and beyond for our campers: getting dressed up in funky costumes, cheering with their cabins, and always available to lend a hand. Their SIT Project, a new swing by the pool, provides

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2021 Staff Scholarship Honorees

We are grateful to all of our 2021 staff for all their hard work in order to create an amazing summer experience for our campers! Staff scholarship is the highest honor a Camp Wise staff member can receive. Staff members are able to nominate their peers who have gone above and beyond to make The Home of Happiness a special place each summer. Staff scholarship honorees receive an additional bonus at the end of the summer, from funds raised through staff contributions. Additionally, a portion of these funds are donated to the future camper scholarship! The staff members that have been nominated for this honor this year are known across camp to be supportive, compassionate, enthusiastic, and positive role models even in the most difficult times. Our 2021 honorees were: Noah Appel, Jenna Cahn, Shayna Kling, Gabe Perla and Rachel Weisman.

NOAH APPLE is a Junior at Kent State University studying Human Development and Family Studies. “All my summers at camp are the best, but this summer was truly special! It was my 10th summer, I was a Cornerstone Fellow, I was a Maccabiah Judge, and I was a counselor in Solel!” Noah is known for bringing positivity, fun, and energy into everything he does! When asked how he felt about camp, Noah shared, “Camp is the Truly Most Amazing Place on Earth! The welcoming and incredible atmosphere allows me to be fully myself and I wouldn’t be the person that I am today without camp! These past 10 summers have been The Greatest Summers Ever, full of wonderful memories that I will never forget! and I hope to come back and continue on these memories in the years to come!”

JENNA CAHN is a Junior at The Ohio State University studying Early Childhood Education. She began going to camp in 2011 and immediately fell in love with the place. This summer, Jenna was the Ohalim Programmer and put her heart and soul into programing for the village! Jenna loves camp because of the community and the friends she’s made over the years. Camp is a place where she can unwind and truly be herself. “It makes The Home of Happiness my Home of Happiness. I am so grateful for all of the amazing memories and opportunities Camp Wise has given me!”

SHAYNA KLING is a Junior at The Ohio State University studying Psychology with minors in Spanish and Business. She celebrated her 11th summer at camp this year as the Noar Programmer and Head Songleader! According to Shayna, “My little Chalutzim self would never have expected how much of an impact Camp Wise would have on me. I am the person I am today because of camp in all realms of life: confidence, my love for Judaism, my ability to live in the moment, leadership skills, my continued relationships with camp friends as well as my staff members, my love for a Crazy Go Nuts evening program, and so much more!” On campus, Shayna is involved in The MeshugaNotes Jewish a cappella group, College Mentors for Kids, an OSU Tour Guide, Hillel, and Alpha Chi Omega. She’s also a big fan of cricut-ing and crafting! “I am so thankful for the opportunities camp has given me as a staff member and how much I’ve grown and learned and grown every summer. I am so honored to have received the staff scholarship and to have been able to impact my campers as well as other staff this summer.“

GABE PERLA is a junior at Vanderbilt University studying Mathematics and Environment and Sustainability. At school, he is a tour guide, Service and Philanthropy chair for Sigma Nu, and a member of the club tennis team. This summer, Gabe celebrated his 12th summer at camp. He took on a completely new role this summer

as a counselor for the brand-new village of Tosafot (our 11th grade campers). Gabe provided this group of campers the special summer they deserved. He created inside jokes, fun and engaging programming that geared towards every type of person, while also caring for his campers who needed some extra support. Gabe can always be found up on his bench cheering his head off or busy brainstorming creative programs to wow both campers and staff. “Camp will always have a special place in my heart as a true home of happiness.”

RACHEL WEISMAN is a junior at the University of Michigan (GO BLUE!) studying Biology, Health and Society with a minor in Intergroup Relations. In addition to academics, she plays club soccer, acts as the social chair for her hip-hop dance team, works as both a student tour guide, and a cycle instructor. This summer was her 11th summer at Camp Wise. “Camp has always been on my list of cherished places for the atmosphere, crazy wacky activities, and most importantly the friends I have made throughout the years. Camp has helped me to learn a great deal about the environments that make me happiest and allow me to be my best self. I do my best to perpetuate those feelings and connections into my, slightly less chicken tender and mud-filled, everyday life.” Camp Wise will always hold a special place in her heart and she thanks her campers and co-staff who made the past few summers such a blast!

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L-R: Shayna, Rachel, Gabe, Jenna and Noah

Shana Says: Shining Our Light

afforded the same rights and opportunities no matter their gender identity, race, nationality, socioeconomic status, or their abilities.

Chanukah takes place at the darkest time of the year, when there is the least amount of daylight. We are told that we are to light our menorahs and put them in our windows for all to see. I believe this is not only a symbol that we are proud of our Judaism

and unafraid to let everyone know, but it is also a symbol of our commitment to end the darkness with our light.

As we share our menorahs in our windows, we join together as a Camp Wise community. A community in summer and throughout the year, rededicated in gratitude and in the commitment to work together towards a brighter future.

This week Jews around the world will celebrate Chanukah, the Festival of Lights. It is a holiday that celebrates religious freedom. The small Jewish Maccabean army was victorious over the much larger Syrian army as they fought for the right to remain Jewish. When the battle was over, the Israelites rededicated their temple, which had been desecrated. This is what Chanukah means – to dedicate. Each year as we celebrate our Festival of Lights, we rededicate ourselves to our pride in being Jewish, to our gratitude for our freedom to worship as we choose, to celebrating how far we have come in our work towards justice and equality for all people. We also rededicate ourselves to our commitment to continue the work until everyone has the right to worship in whatever way they choose or to not worship at all, until everyone has the right to love whomever they choose, until everyone is

Alumni Spotlight

As Felber said, even after you leave Camp Wise, the Camp Wise Magic never fades. That couldn’t be truer of our dedicated alumni community who keep the Camp Wise Magic burning bright well after their last summers at camp.

Our alumni support camp in so many ways. This summer so many of our incredible alumni went above and beyond to ensure that Summer 2021 was filled with the same traditions and memories as the ones that came before. Here are just a few examples of how our alumni stepped up and gave back!


Jon Hausman almost needs no introduction. His journey at Wise began in 1993, and he’s been part of the Camp Wise Magic for 17 years. He remembers every single first-time camper who boarded the bus at the end of the session and told him that they loved camp and were definitely coming back the next summer. Jon says that every time that happened, it just added to his favorite memory of camp.

Jon is always willing to lend a helping hand to camp, and this summer was no different. Jon did everything from helping us find rental cars (he currently works in sales for Bedford Nissan) to driving one of the luggage trucks at the beginning of the session to sponsoring a staff appreciation meal.

The reason why he gives back? So that the laughter continues forever.

Recite or sing these blessings as you light the Hanukkiyah each night during Chanukah:

Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha-olam, asher kid’shanu b-mitzvotav, v-tzivanu l’hadlik ner shel Chanukah.

Blessed are you, Our God, Ruler of the Universe, who makes us holy through Your commandments, and commands us to light the Chanukah lights.

Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha-olam, she-asah nisim la-avoteinu v-imoteinu ba- yamim ha-heim ba-z’man ha-zeh. Blessed are you, Our God, Ruler of the Universe, who performed miracles for our ancestors in their days at this season.

On the first night of Chanukah add this prayer

Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha-olam, shehecheyanu v-ki’y’manu v-higianu la-z’man ha-zeh.

Blessed are you, Our God, Ruler of the Universe, for giving us life, for sustaining us, and for enabling us to reach this season.


This summer Dr. Stacey Ehrenberg, a MaternalFetal Medicine specialist at the Cleveland Clinic, looked after camper and staff health and wellbeing both inside and outside the Health Center. Not only was she one of our camp doctors, but she also spearheaded an alumni effort to organize a staff dinner and foam party at the end of the summer.

Stacey was a camper from 1987-1993 and was staff from 1993-1994. Her children Anna, Sophia, and Josh now attend camp. She loves giving back to camp because Camp Wise has given her so much and continues to give her children an amazing experience every summer.

She says, “I absolutely believe that I would not be who I am today without Camp Wise. Camp Wise gave me the confidence to be who I am, to make life-long friends, to live and get along with people that aren’t my family, to love Judaism and connect with Judaism in my own way, and to gain skills that have truly shaped who I am.”


While Dr. Jon Grischkan never attended Camp Wise as a camper, he was a staple at the pool from 1994-1998. Jon’s connection to Wise runs deep. His siblings also came to camp, and he met his wife, Jenny Slate Grischkan, “quite literally within five minutes of arriving at CW on [his] first day.” Their children, Noah and Kate, are now Camp Wise campers.

Jon is a Pediatric Otolaryngologist (or ENT) living in Bexley, OH. This summer Jon supported camp in a major way as he set up COVID-19 testing site and administered the pre-camp COVID-19 tests for all of our Columbus campers.

Jon made some of his closest friends at CW. He fondly remembers wearing swim goggles to protect his eyes from all the smoke while cooking with the other specialists for the weekly village cookouts. One of his favorite memories is walking onto the Ohalim Rec Field before breakfast to watch the fog lift from the overnight cold.

camp wise news | fall 2021
L-R: Jon Grischkan, Jenny Slate (now wife who he met at Camp), and Jeremy Grischkan (brother) L-R: Paul Argent and Jon Hausman Top Row L-R: Amy Saltzman Porter, Stacey Ehrenberg, Jen Gould, and Stephanie Wise Bottom Row L-R: Amy Gross, Lanie Cohen, Abby Bruell, and Stacey Gruhin

Join Us This Winter!


For all 5th-8th graders February 20-21, 2022

Registration opens soon! Enjoy a jam-packed overnight filled with sledding, snowman building, and winter games and activities! When it’s cold, we’ll head inside our cozy rec hall to hang by the fire and enjoy delicious kosher meals and treats. Nights will be spent in our comfy heated cabins!


For ILS ’21 and ILS ’22 Teens January 14-16, 2022

Build community, hang out with your camp friends, and prepare for this year’s Israel trip! With participants from ILS 2021 and those registered for ILS 2022, it’s an opportunity to learn, grow and share experiences with your Camp Wise Community.

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I will take all the moments I have shared at Camp Wise and the many moments I have had, and I know that camp will forever be a part of me. As I look ahead, I am eagerly waiting to hear about the next generation of Camp Wise campers and staff. I look forward to meeting them and listening to their stories and learning about the moments that fill them with the Camp Wise Magic.

Where the Sidewalk Ends

There is a place where the sidewalk ends And before the street begins, And there the grass grows soft and white, And there the sun burns crimson bright, And there the moon-bird rests from his flight To cool in the peppermint wind.

Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black And the dark street winds and bends.

Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow, And watch where the chalk-white arrows go To the place where the sidewalk ends.

Yes we’ll walk with a walk that is measured and slow, And we’ll go where the chalk-white arrows go, For the children, they mark, and the children, they know The place where the sidewalk ends.

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CAMP WISE 2021 Impact Report

“If you will it, it is no dream.” This famous quote, often credited to Theodor Herzl, guided Camp Wise as we prepared to return to the Home of Happiness after more than a year away. With no 2020 camping season, and with the pandemic still looming, we knew we wanted nothing more than to offer a summer of near-normalcy to our camp families, and to do that, everything must be meticulously planned, with no detail spared. Every individual involved with Camp Wise worked with intention to ensure a remarkably successful camp season filled with all of the excitement and sentimentality that comes with returning to the Home of Happiness.

One parent of a first-time camper said, “I really have nothing but good things to say about the counselors, the communication, the support of the staff, the variety of activities, and the safety protocols. At drop off, I spoke to several counselors who said ‘I’m returning for my 10th, 11th, 12th year’. That says something about the commitment and love for camp.”

No challenge would stop us from our triumphant return to what we do best –supporting campers and staff as they build confidence, develop independence, and gain a sense of self, all while being immersed in a welcoming and engaging Jewish environment. When we heard how many

campers packed their duffels in May because they could not wait to come back, and when we saw the eager faces of new and returning campers during check-in, we knew we achieved what we set out to do.

Another parent remembered being worried about their child’s ability to make, build and maintain friendships and quickly realizing that this would not be an issue saying, “She grew so much and came home and told me that next summer, she doesn’t need to request anyone because all the girls her age were great!”

Our well-planned comeback would not have been possible without our Camp Wise Community – a community that believes so much in Wise and the uniquely special experience we have offered to countless campers and staff for more than 100 summers. Our Camp Wise Community came together and raised over $145,000 from 156 donors.

With your generous support, the Chadar roared to life with more than 460 campers, including 152 first-time campers. Additionally, your crucial partnership gave the gift of camp to all kids, including the 16% of our campers who received financial assistance – many of whom would not be able to attend camp without this support. The Home of Happiness was once again a place for kids from all around Ohio, the country, and the world to come together and

create lasting friendships and memories. We are grateful that you were by our side as we embarked on our comeback summer!

As the third oldest Jewish overnight camp in the country, this year marks another milestone as we launch our 115th summer. It is because of you that Camp Wise is strong, resilient, and continues to be a cornerstone of the Cleveland Jewish community and beyond. Thank you for blessing this house and joining us on this journey. As you think about all the happiness you’ve found here, remember to take it home and share it with a friend. We’ll see you for Summer 2022!

“The scholarships have made my child be able to become part of the Jewish community in a way we could not do without it. He loves camp and now has an interest in Jewish youth groups where he can reconnect with his camp friends! This is all because of Camp Wise. To me that is priceless!”
8 camp wise news | fall 2021 1 5 7 8 9 14 13 11 12 6 10 2 3 4 1. Swimming, 1922 2. Camp Wise, Painsville 1930 3. Salovan, Wein, Rothman, 1936 4. 1914 5. Sadie Hawkens Day, 1970s 6. 1970s 7. Exercising, 1960s 8. Camp Wise Pioneers, 1969 9. Andy Cohen, 1990s 10. 1960s 11. The Chapel, 1970s 12. 1990s 13. 1990s 14. Shabbat 1990s Be in touch! Summer: 13164 Taylor Wells Road Chardon, OH 44024 216.593.6250 Fall, Winter and Spring: 26001 South Woodland Road Beachwood, OH 44122 216.593.6250 www.campwise.org • wisekids@mandeljcc.org Camp Wise Chanukah Word Search HOLIDAY JOY MACCABEES WINTER MENORAH CAMPWISE GELT GIFTS MIRACLES DREIDEL HOMEO’HAPPINESS FRIENDS EIGHTNIGHTS FAMILY Solve The Maze to See a Secret Message! Have an aMAZEing Chanukah! FINISH START CELEBRATION LIGHTS CANDLES GAMES CHANUKAH SUFGANIOT LATKES Key to photos on back page L L E O F Y L I M A F J H N C E L E B R A T I O N O O H I E D L F E I I K F M Y M O M S R A D L L E T E N I E L A I E T E L C O N W E S O I C W I K I P I O I D E T H D C P D E A N R N E L S B A A A M E S A A T A N R M O P Y B A L G H E L I G H T S P G E C F E R G A S T F I G I A E U R L C H A N U K A H N M S L S T H G I N T H G I E E J L H S E L D N A C H L S S L M H N M I R A C L E S S G


(Campers in Training)

Camp Wise Alum Years at Camp Future Camper

Marty Shankel 2005-2009 Theo

Rachel Lipkin Gleitman 2014 Milo

Marisa Feuerman Resnik 1996-2006 Ellis

Nate Ramos 2016, 2017 Emmanuel Michael Wallenstein 1997-2002 Mila

Amanda and Josh Goldberg 1996-2009, 2014, 2018/1996-2009 Aliza

Lauren “Toaster” Kresney Solel ‘06 Emma

Brian Innenberg 1999-2002, 2007-2008 Charlotte Sophie Oppenheim (Winkeler) 1999, 2006, 2008, 2009 Lucie

Please let us know when any Camp Wise alumnus welcomes a new baby and we will send them a Future Camper onesie.

B’nai Mitzvah

We are proud of you, I said we are proud of you... uh!

When someone at Camp Wise celebrates a big day, we all stand on our benches and cheer about it! Here is a big CW cheer for all those campers who, with their families, have celebrated their B’nai Mitzvah since our last newsletter. Please let us know if we’ve missed you and we will include you in our next issue.

Halle Arnold

Matthew Arnold

Justin Bilsky

Olivia Burkons Simon Claypool Ilana Estrin Magnolia Fisher Lacey Fox

Sarah Galin Florah Greenberg

Sammy Lazzaro

Jonah Marderstein David Martel

Hannah Mitchel Zachary Nathenson Nathaniel Price

Sally Rubinstein

Sadie Salama Caden Silverstein

Jacey Simms

Maya Lewin Stanton Ilana Thal Naomi Wuliger Noah Zack

2021 Wedding Bells


• Sebastian Szlekier and Heather Weider (Solel ‘10) July 31

• Mike Diamond (Solel ’99) and Madolyn

• Andy Saltzman (former AD) and Georgia Lewis (former staff) Aug 7


• Adam Levine and Becca Kendis (Solel ‘05)

• Rachel Rubin (’99-’00, ’14-’17) and Alyssa Rautenberg Sept 11

• Matt Venning (’14) and Lauren Lehmann Oct 5


• Koty McAllister and Julia Winkeler (Solel ‘10)

• Michael Gurman and Arielle Miller (Solel ‘09) Oct 9

• Josh Maust and Jackie Gordon (Solel ‘03) Oct 9


• Josh Housman and Zoe Baris (Solel ‘02)

• Gabrielle Meles (Solel ‘05) and Avi Green Sept 19

• Sam Goldman (Solel ‘09) and Sara Federman (former staff) Sept 19

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“I’m tryin’ to tell you something about my life...”
Theo Shankel Ellis Resnik Mila Wallenstein Emma Kresney Lucie Oppenheim Charlotte Innenberg Milo Gleitman Emmanuel Ramos Aliza Goldberg


Milestone Summers

On CW night, the last night of each session, we recognize staff and campers who have been at camp for 5, 7, 10, 13 years and beyond. Those who have been with us for five years are recognized with a 5-year bag, seven years are recognized with cool 7-year shirt, ten years receive a sacred Camp Wise Crazy Creek Chair, and 13-year staff are honored with a CW sweatshirt blanket. Staff that have been at CW for 15 years or more have a tree planted in a designated area at camp in their honor. The photos below are members of our Camp Wise community who celebrated their 10th, 13th, and 15th summers at camp in 2021.


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Jenna Cahn Mallory Chylla Brielle Cohen Rachel Cohen Lila Drasner Amelia Katz Shayna Kling Mara Sanderow Ellie Shafron Rachel Weisman Becky Maly Sarah Senkfor Lexi Sussman Emily Weisblatt Josh Levy Juliana Withee Carly Chessin Shane Friedman Shana Langel
Leia Withee Sam Wittenberg Irene Young Ryan Singer

AVery Special “Todah Rabah”


We are honored to recognize the families, individuals, and groups who have chosen to make thoughtful and generous contributions to Camp Wise. Please let us know if your name was inadvertently left off the list.



Cathy and Paul Becker

Dana and Gideon Blitstein

Craig Brenner

Scott Brown

Stacey Ehrenberg and David Buchner

– Group Donation of Parents and Alumni to say Thank you to Our Staff

Mitch Cronig

Larry Davidoff and Lisa Karyn-Davidoff

Dr. Herman C. Smith Memorial Fund of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland

Stacie and Brian Ettinger

– IHO Maya Cohen

Feldman-Wehn Philanthropic Fund

Heather and Morris Goldberg Matthew Golden Emily Jennings – IHO Beth Young

Amy Kalk

Sherri Koppel

Jim Levine

Andrew Levy

Wendy Lord Barry Marlin Jordan Marks

Laura Meckler

Arielle Miller

Lori Mirkin

Eli Posa

Nachshon Project

Cecelia Polster

Jamie and Jeff Rindsberg

Darby and John Steiger Shani and Scott Spiegle

Melody Stolarsky

– IHO Roberta “Bobbie” Dworken

Martha Tisler Kari Traugott Yair Weinstock Rachel Wolf


Stacey and Todd Behrens Elana and Jason Blake Robyn and David Blond

Leslie Robbins and Justin Brophy Heidi and Loren Chylla Leslie Cohen

Jennifer Rich-Drasner and Jason Drasner

Stacey Ehrenberg

Jennifer and Matt Glass Matthew Golden

Jackie Gordon

Marissa and Brian Gould Trista Onesti and Seth Greenfield

Sydney and David Gruhin Amy and Bradley Karfeld

Meredith Levine Debbie Lewis Kim and Charles Martin Elana and Joshua Mintz Deena Nyer-Mendlowitz Shara Reiss

Thank You to Our Volunteers

The generous support of our volunteers make camp possible every summer. This summer, in particular, our campers and staff greatly benefited from the incredible generosity of our Camp Wise community.

Our Medical Advisory Team was critical to ensuring that camp opened safely and that we kept COVID-19 at bay the entire summer. This group


Dr. Stacey Ehrenberg

Dr. Arnie Feltoon

Dr. Jessica Goldstein

Dr. Jon Grischkan

Dr. Kim Resnick

Dr. Andy Wapner

Dr. Chris Young

Dr. Rob Zimmerman


Dr. David Rosenberg

Dr. Rob Zimmerman

Dr. Joan Zoltianski


Janice Adell

of dedicated medical professionals worked for many hours with our year-round team providing guidance and advisee on difficult decisions and next steps to successfully create a COVID-safe camp environment.

Throughout the summer, our volunteer doctors graciously volunteered their time to keep our campers healthy and our staff safe. From phones calls with our nurses, to taking time to see patients,

Amanda and Josh Goldberg

Jessica Goldstein

Jessica and Paul Rosenblitt

Jon Rubinstein

Kim and Asaf Salama

Jennifer and Lewis Sanderow

Lisa Berkowitz-Schloss and Jeffery Schloss

Edie Ungar-Shafron and Steve Shafron

Meredith and Matt Sharp

Robin Shell

Natalie Shteyngarts

Amy and Matt Simmerson

Dena and Daniel Stein

Jamie and Eric Synenberg

Jessie Bruder and Aaron Tevlowitz

Alexis Weiss Rachel Wolf

Marcy and Ira Young

Brooke Zelwin

Courtney Zelwin and Jeremy Zelwin

* Made possible through JCamp 180, a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation

our doctors were here to ensure the wellness of our campers and staff.

A large number of our alumni, camp parents, and JCC staff, stepped up and provided meals and snacks to our staff while on their days off at Highbrook Lodge. The home cooked meals and food from local favorites provided our staff with some TLC while enjoying some much needed down time. THANK YOU!!

Beth Nudelman

Becky and David Rocker

Debbie and Carey Arnold

Rachel Braun

The Brecher Family

Jennie (Post) and Ben Becker

Heidi and Loren Chylla

Doris and Pete Copeland

Jill Davidson

Mindy Davidson

Michelle Eisenberg

Traci Felder

Julie and Jason Feldman

Jamie and Max Garber

Adam and Andrea Goldberg Cydney Goldberg

Lesley Gordon

Melanie and Andrew Halvorson

Michael Hyman

Cheryl and Alex Isaacson

Amy (Filzer) Kalk

Doug and Karen Katz

Abby Kaufman and Molly Smemo

Cindy Kaufman

Liz and Brett Krantz

Ashley London

Amanda and Haim Mayan

Robin and Wlliam McCann

Erin and Joe McQuade

Kelly and Aaron Millstone

Georgia Lewis and Andrew Saltzman

The Semel Family

Marty and Haleigh Shankle

Elisabeth and Bradley Sherman

Abby Bruell and Yoshi Silverstein

Rebecca Lord and Ben Stallsmith

Erica Starrfield

Darby and Jon Steiger

Randi and Michael Sussman

Ali and Eric Tannenbaum

Jennifer and Tim Topalian

Idelle Wolf

Marla and Howard Wolf

Nancy and Rob Zimmerman

11 camp wise news | fall 2021
Mandel Jewish Community Center of Cleveland 26001 South Woodland Road •
Ohio 44122 Celebrating the Miracle of Camp Wise for 115 Years HAPPY CHANUKAH • 1906 – 2021 SEE PAGE 8 FOR FUN CHANUKAH ACTIVITIES FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM @campwise13164 campwise.org LIKE US ON FACEBOOK facebook.com/campwise

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