曼言 Issue No. 14 (DGame Edition)

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CONTENT Introduction




What is Human Trafficking?


Health Consequences of the victims of Human Trafficking


Human Trafficking in Hong Kong


The Past, Present and Future of Human Trafficking



⼈⼝販賣−呢個問題可能對於我地⾹港⼈並唔係⼀樣嚴重嘅 社會問題。但數據指出,全球⾄今已經⾄少有4千7百萬⼈被 ⾮法交易,僅次於毒品同武器⾛私。當中嘅受害者可以係任 何性別,任何年齡,同任何國籍。佢哋嘅後果,可以係被迫 做⾮法勞⼯,被迫成為性⼯作者,亦可以係削去器官作器官 買賣。點解呢個影響到咁多⼈,破壞左咁多美滿家庭,削剝 左咁多曾經會有嘅童年回憶,都仲可以存在?正正就係因為 我地⽣活係發達國家⼈⾯嘅⼈,並冇去親⾝關注呢⼀個問 題,希望透過呢⼀次活動,我地可以對⼈⼝販賣有所認識同 關注,亦都將呢份知識,散播出去。 今次嘅 Detective Game: Possidentem 會將⼈⼝販賣同家 庭糾紛呢兩個社會問題合併。⼈與⼈之嘅關係實在太寶貴, 何況係家⼈。若果⼀段唯⼀嘅親情,因為物質⽽破裂,呢樣 會係⼀件好可惜嘅事。親情可以脆弱得恐怖,遺囑糾紛只係 其中⼀樣會破壞嘅事。係⽇常⽣活,可能係⼀句說話,⼀個 動作,⼀個忽略,已經可以傷害到我地最親嘅⼈。希望⼤家 經過今⽇,會花少少時間去欣賞默默為我地付出,愛我地嘅 家⼈。⼀次 FaceTime,對佢地嚟講,已經無價。 Terry Chan


The Muren's, consists of Terrance Muren, and his 4 children, Marco, Victoria, Bertha and Nelson, is a well-respected noble family who runs a successful real estate agency, Muren's Properties. In secret, the patriarch, is in charge of a worldwide human trafficking ring on the side, called The Company. They mainly sell victims as foster children, child labours, sex slaves, or even some were killed in order to harvest their organs. Terrance Muren has a right-hand man named Alfred Man who helps him to run the side business. After his tragic death, a reign of terror arises as who among his 4 children will inherit Mr. Muren's colossal fortune. The solicitor, Stephen Lung, who writes Mr. Muren's will has mysteriously disappeared right after Mr. Muren's death. Since then, 3 different sets of wills were presented in court. No one other than the disappeared lawyer should know which is the real will. Hatred and jealousy will come into light and secrets will be unveiled.


Human trafficking has been in the news a lot. It is a crime that involves forcefully transporting someone into a situation of exploitation, which involves the use of force or coercion to obtain some advantages. Forced labour, prostitution, organ removal and marriage are some of the common associated crimes of human trafficking. According to the United Nations, around 30 million people are trafficked worldwide. This can happen in any community and victims can be of different age, gender, race, or nationality. Traffickers usually uses violence, manipulation, or make false promises of romantic relationships and lucrative jobs to lure victims into trafficking situations. The reason why human trafficking are kept as a hidden crime most of the time is due to victims’ fear towards traffickers and law enforcements. These reasons often kept them from seeking help from policing and security parties. Traffickers tend to use fraud and coercion to lure their victims and force them into labour or commercial sexual exploitation. To achieve this, they have a greater tendency towards people who are psychologically or emotional vulnerable, tolerating from economic hardships, lack of a social safety net, political instability or suffering from sickness.


There is a kaleidoscopic of myths and misconceptions. In order to identify the victims, recognising key indicators of human trafficking is playing a crucial role which may save their lives. However, not all of the cases have a clear indicator. It is stated that it is not necessary for the presence of indicator to proof of human trafficking. The safety of the public in conjunction with the victim is vital. It is paramount that not to try to confront a suspected trafficker directly or to alert the victim to any suspicions. Thus, it is up to law enforcement to investigate suspected cases of human trafficking.


HEALTH CONSEQUENCES ON VICTIMS OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING Human trafficking has gained growing worldwide attention in the last few decades. It was known as being coerced to do sex work and domestic servitude initially, yet there is a recognition that women, children and men being trafficked into many different forms of labour, and for sexual exploitation. The influences on health are compelling as the survivors may have encountered sexual abuse, social restrictions, and emotional manipulation. For the people who have been sex trafficked, which are mostly girls, they experienced high levels of physical or sexual abuse before and during their exploitation, and multiple concurrent physical and mental health problems immediately after their trafficking experience are reported. The most common physical health symptom reported include fatigue, headaches, sexual and reproductive health issues (2006 quantitative study in Europe). Besides, for those who have suffered from labour trafficking, the risks can include poor ventilation and sanitation, extended hours and lack of protective equipment. Such exposure to these sick factors can result in exhaustion, accidental injuries and skin infections. The refugees who return home may even go back to the same struggles they left but with other obstacles, such as stigma. Generally, victims of trafficking may suffer from a range of physical and psychological health issues arising from inhumane


living conditions, poor sanitation, inadequate nutrition and physical or emotional assaults at the hands of their traffickers. Also, vulnerability, insecurities, and stress may be found in asylumseekers and the refugee populations. The best approaches to mitigate the health effects of human trafficking is to increase both health care providers and organizations’ capacity to identify and refer people in trafficking circumstances and provide sensitive and secure services to post-trafficking people. Undoubtedly, the government should also mandate acute and longer-term provision of health care to the trafficked people. Taking everything into account, the health consequences of human trafficking are complex with no guarantee of recovery. Therefore, when we increase our awareness of the risks of human trafficking, we should not neglect how this illegal action will affect one’s health and even in all areas of their lives.



Hong Kong is renowned as one of the safest place in the planet, in fact Hong Kong was ranked top 20th in 2019 and 11th in 2018 by the Economist Intelligence Unit. However, behind all the fancy lights and beautiful extravaganza, there is a dark force lurking under this economic metropolis. As one of the most developed financial centers in the world, many people work 9 to 5 every day in order to maintain a good quality of life under the extremely financially demanding living standards . As a result, many households end up hiring maids or helpers to take care of the household, usually from developing countries like the Philippines, Indonesia and occasionally India. On the other side of the token, many immigrants from these countries see this as a lucrative opportunity to make a living and support their family. In fact, the salaries of many high skilled jobs in these countries, such as teachers and doctors earn less than a helper in Hong Kong, making it even more attractive for them to immigrate despite have to leave their homes and families; and yet, not all of these immigrants are fortunate enough to be hired by employers who treat them appropriately. According to a report in 2014, there are 18% migrants who have experience physical abuse in the form of slapping, hair pulling and even kicking. Some helpers are deprived from leaving the household and are faced with hostile conditions like scarce food supply and poor living environments. What makes this even more


inhumane s the fact that many helpers are not provided with enough support so they have no place to report these acts to change their living standards for the better due to limited labor laws and regulations.To many people’s surprise, Hong Kong is not always this perfect haven where people can find prospect and new opportunities to strive for a better life. In fact there are still many helpers and immigrants who are facing human trafficking and until the government acknowledges that this is a problem that needs to be tackled and starts implementing more laws to protect these individuals; they will continue to live under the darkness with their stories untold and their basic human rights deprived.


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