Malvern Magazine Fall/Winter 2018

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The Veritas: Teresa Lohse

Safety Doesn’t Happen By Accident

Project Beisbol


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Malvern Prep offers day camp, sports camps, and summer courses for boys and girls on our beautiful campus. Our camps are designed to help your child get ahead, try out a new sport and make new friends - all while having fun! DAY CAMP (AGES 6-14)



To learn more about Summer Camps and Courses at Malvern Prep, visit:

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Students take part in courses outside of their traditional curriculum, experiencing courses like knitting, mosaics, leadership skills, and more!

20 A PLACE AT THE TABLE Fr. Donald Reilly and Mr. Stephen Borish ‘10 provide insights on how the community is embracing our academic theme.


An Interview with Ms. Lohse provides insight on Malvern’s Global Exchange Program.


DR. LOU GIANGIULIO ‘86 P’21 Dr. Giangiulio begins his term as President of the Alumni Board and discusses how his time at Malvern made an impact on his life.

42 A YEAR IN REVIEW Take a look back at the photos of the week from the first half of the 2018-19 academic year.




Head of School's Message


4 7 The Veritas: Teresa T Lohse

Friar Days Employee Spotlight

Safety Doesn’t Happen By Accident

Project Beisbol



News & Class Notes


In Memoriam

ON THE COVER The magazine cover and Big Picture spread on page 26 were designed to showcase everyone in the Malvern community, illustrating that we all have A Place at the Table.

Taking Our Place at the Table




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Dear Friends, I hope this letter finds you and your family well. Our school theme for this academic year is “A Place at the Table.” This theme is a metaphor for welcoming others and accepting them into our community with a deep appreciation for their unique gifts and their desire to become part of our Augustinian Community. In this edition of the Malvern Magazine, you will read about members of our community who reflect extraordinary efforts and who work collaboratively and effectively with others at our “Table.” This is the environment in which a love of learning, growing in self-knowledge, and seeing the face of God through loving service happens on a daily basis. My first year as Head of School was about learning and listening to anyone and everyone. I recently came across a pearl of wisdom: “Leadership is about listening. If a leader does not listen, he or she will soon be surrounded by people who have nothing to say.” I acquainted myself with the long-standing traditions of Malvern and I came to appreciate the heroic efforts of those iconic figures who steered the “ship of state” with a steady hand in good times and during very difficult days. I attended every event I possibly could, often wishing I could be in several places at the same time, and enjoyed every minute of my first year. The welcome and good will I encountered was inspiring. In this my second year, I continue to climb the proverbial learning curve as the landscape of education is an exciting and ever-evolving reality. I also intend to be at as many events as possible and to be accessible to all the members of our community. I would like to give a nod to those at our “Table” who are on the Leadership Team of our school. These competent, passionate, caring, and high-performing professionals are those on whom I rely for their particular expertise and collective wisdom. (Please see the website for the names and positions of those on the Leadership Team.) I am pleased to introduce to you and welcome the newest member of the Leadership Team, Elizabeth Alfonsi. Beth takes her place at the “Table” as the Executive Director of Advancement. Beth’s key responsibility is to reorient the approach to Development, Marketing, and Admissions that results in advancing Malvern’s vision to become the best-in-class independent, Augustinian, Catholic School in the Philadelphia region. Beth oversees the planning, implementation, and evaluation of all activities related to fund-raising, student recruitment, alumni programs, communications, and strategic marketing. As one of our interviewers said of Beth: “She is most definitely a leader and a team player.” As Beth herself said: “Oldest of 6 … Captain of both basketball and hockey teams...with lofty goals of someday being at the top!” Highly effective people are united by a common bond. What binds our community together is the commitment to offer a top-tier education, foster faith formation, and instill character development, all of which is realized by living our Augustinian core values of Truth, Unity, and Love. May our mutual love for Malvern and all the good that you read about in this edition of the Malvern Magazine be on our lips, in our hearts, and on our minds every day. I continue to be excited about being Head of School at Malvern. There are good days and challenging ones. What is constant is the privilege of getting to see the future through the eyes of those young men who genuinely care for their Brothers, are selfless in their service projects, and want nothing more than to be the best version of themselves at all times. Be assured of my continued prayers for you, your family, and those in the Malvern Community who have gone before us. In Augustine,

Rev. Donald F. Reilly, O.S.A., D. Min.


Rev. Donald F. Reilly, O.S.A., D. Min. Head of School EDITOR


Bob Colameco, Sarah Ravenfeld, Leah Thompson CONTRIBUTING WRITERS

Allison Hall, Sarah Ravenfeld, Leah Thompson LAYOUT & DESIGN

Hillman Creative PRINTING

Great Atlantic


Elizabeth Alfonsi


Allison Hall


Sarah Ravenfeld


Leah Thompson


Matthew McManus ’08



Christine Tiberi P’10’12


Marie Sumser


418 S. Warren Avenue Malvern, PA 19355-2707 tel: 484-595-1100 fax: 484-595-1124 e-mail: web: Malvern Magazine is made possible through your support of The Malvern Fund. For Malvern Magazine queries, call 484-595-1117 or e-mail


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Letters to the Editor SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS WITH US!

The Veritas: Mr.


Ian Harkness

A Leader on and

off the Battlefie ld

Class of 2018 Grad uation

MER 201 8

We welcome all readers to give us feedback on this issue or to share story ideas for future issues. All letters to the editor that we receive will be considered for publishing in the next issue of the Malvern Magazine. (Letters are edited for length.) Letters to the Editor can be mailed to:


Jouurrney to the Truth

Malvern Preparatory School 418 S. Warren Ave., Malvern, PA 19355-2707 Attn: Malvern Magazine or e-mail



TURN YOUR PA TAXES INTO SCHOLARSHIP ASSISTANCE The Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) Program allows you to receive a 90% tax credit on your personal or business PA taxes.

TO LEARN MORE about using your tax dollars to help

$1.1 MILLION total need that could be met through these powerful programs

49 12


number of students who benefited last year... help us grow this number


Simply stated: your dime, is Malvern’s Malv ern’s dollar

Malvern students reach their goals, contact the Advancement Office at 484-595-1111, or visit FALL/WINTER 2018

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BROTHERHOOD CEREMONY Malvern Prep Welcomes Welcomes the Class of 2022 with Brotherhood Ceremony During their journey through their Upper School years, Malvern students come to see each other like brothers, with a bond deeper than friendship. On Monday, September 10, each member of Malvern Prep’s Class of 2022 and transfer students were formally welcomed into the Malvern community at a special Brotherhood Ceremony in the school’s O’Neill Sports Center. Each student was presented with a medal of St. Augustine, which was placed around his neck by his parent or guardian. These medals depict the image of St. Augustine, the founder of the Augustinian Order of priests who established and support Malvern Prep and reflect the students’ new status as Malvern Friars. Each student and his family were then blessed by one of the six Augustinian Friars participating in the ceremony. The new Malvern brothers then signed their names in a Class of 2022 ledger, symbolizing their acceptance into the Malvern community. The entire Upper School student body, faculty, staff, and families of the Class of 2022 and transfer students were present for the ceremony, which brought together Malvern’s two groups of freshman students — those who had attended Malvern for middle school and those who were entering in the ninth grade. Rev. Donald F. Reilly, O.S.A., D. Min. and Rev. James Cassidy, O.S.A. opened the ceremony with a greeting and opening prayer, respectively. Following, Billy Carlini ’19, Student Council President, read the First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians, and Rev. Christopher Drennen, ’73, O.S.A. followed with a homily. “Without you, the Class of 2022, we would not be the same Malvern Prep,” shared Fr. Drennen. “Brotherhood is something that grows with you. It will be part of your lives for the next four years and hopefully for the rest of your lives. Let the spirit of Unity live within you and grow throughout your lives.” The ceremony concluded with the singing of the alma mater, led by Malvern’s Liturgical Music Group. mp


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Malvern Prep celebrated student artistic talent at the winter art festivals. These festivals showcased students’ artwork and musical abilities and featured works in a variety of mediums. Feedback from attendees indicated that the festivals this year were among the best yet. Congratulations to all of the students and faculty members who participated! mp


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The Malvern Theatre Society brought us Pippin as their Fall Musical production. The musical focuses on a performance troupe, led by a Leading Player, to tell the story of Pippin, a young prince on his search for meaning and significance. He is on a journey looking for fulfillment, and it isn’t until he experiences happiness in his everyday life that he feels truly fulfilled. Pippin’s life mirrors that of St. Augustine, who with a restless heart, struggled to find his place in the world. Like Pippin,

Augustine discovered that love of family and friends brought true happiness and fulfillment. Congratulations to students from Malvern Prep, Notre Dame Academy, and Villa Maria Academy for making Pippin a success. Join us for the Malvern Theatre Society's Spring production of Newsies during the first two weekends in March. mp


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Manny Del Pizzo and Tony Del Pizzo A Father/Son Duo in the Music Department “I’m the better-looking one,” quips Manny Del Pizzo P’11 as we begin our conversation. Manny, Upper School music teacher, is in his 20th year of teaching at Malvern and was recently joined by his son Tony ’11 in Malvern’s Music Department. Tony began working at Malvern as the Middle School music teacher in September 2018. When asked what it’s like coming back to Malvern as an employee, Tony describes it as “normal.” “Some of the teachers I had in Middle School, like Jaime Wasson ’87 and Ron Algeo ’86 P’15 are now my colleagues – it feels like we’ve picked up right where we’d left off.” While many alumni have come back to work or teach at Malvern, there are few that can say that their Dad was their teacher and is now a colleague. However, this isn’t their first time working together: “We used to paint houses together, we play in a band on the weekends together, Tony tolerates me pretty well,” shares Manny. It is obvious that Manny and Tony have a special relationship. While talking with them, they seem like old friends who can finish each other’s sentences and know what each other is thinking. It isn’t until Manny starts to show his role as a proud father, that you remember they are father and son. “When students show interest in music, we explain to them the number of hours that go into this, and the work ethic that is needed. That is something he [Tony] always had, even as a young kid,” says Manny.

Manny and Tony share that during their tenure at Malvern, the arts have always had an important role at the school. Manny was hired about 9-10 years prior to the Duffy Arts Center being built – which happened while Tony was a student. The music technology and facilities that are available to students at Malvern are incredible. “When I got to college, I was using the same technology and equipment that I used at Malvern,” explains Tony. That is impressive for a small school, considering some schools have decreased or eliminated arts programs. “I find it amazing that for a school this size, that just about every year we have at least 1-3 students go on to major in the Arts in some respect,” shares Manny. “It’s fulfilling for me to see students major in something that they really love and for parents to realize that one can make a good living in music. They may not be Justin Bieber, but they don’t have to be. There is an opportunity to make a living – and have a nice life-in music,” he adds. Both Manny and Tony have an enormous sense of pride when speaking about Malvern. “I have spent the majority of my young adult life here,” shares Tony, “I love the sense of community, and the friends that I made at Malvern have become lifelong friends.” Manny adds, “I love the fact that Malvern gives students this opportunity in the Arts. The other thing I love about Malvern is their fearlessness in the spirituality side of life. That is something that students can’t learn in any other type of atmosphere. For me, combining music and spirituality is awesome.” mp


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Malvern Students Use Baseball to Connect with Colombian Youth

Four of our students were invited to participate in the "Sport for Social Change" exchange in Colombia through Project Béisbol from October 27 - November 5. Project Béisbol, a non-profit based in Colombia, was started by Malvern alumnus Justin Halladay ’95 as a way to help youth through baseball. During the exchange, our students had the opportunity to use their Spanish, teach students how to play baseball, donate equipment, and participate in other cultural activities. "We donated some equipment to a little league organization outside of Monteria. A kid was thanking us and started tearing up mid-speech. This is when it occurred to all of us how much we were doing for them," said senior Steven O'Meara. "What we gave them

made their week. Some of the kids did not even have gloves, let alone bats or cleats. With the donations, they were now able to play the game we both loved: baseball." "Exchanges like this one open the world up to our students. They give them the opportunity to use their Spanish, and to meet people of all different backgrounds and realize how very much they have in common. It also encourages them to be servant leaders," said Director of Global Exchange, Teresa Lohse. Congratulations to Charlie Andress ’19, Nate Daller ’20, Steven O’Meara ’19, and Fran Oschell ’21 for being selected for this special experience. mp

Eleven Juniors Named to Malvern’s National Merit Cohort Eleven juniors were selected to participate in a National Merit Scholar Prep Cohort. Their selection was based on the scores they received on the PSAT taken in their sophomore year, which indicated that they scored within striking distance of National Merit Scholarship Recognition. Those juniors selected are: Jack Jogerst, Thomas Bevevino, Max Jogerst, Charles Fish, Christian Siaton, Colin Dougherty, Jerry Yang, John Guardiola, Brian Szipszky, Manikandan Venkatesh, Kenneth Bull, and Rory Searing.

achievement and believe this ‘booster shot’ of support will place them in a strong position to earn National Merit recognition.” The National Merit Cohort will continue to evolve at Malvern. Each year, sophomores who test within striking distance of National Merit recognition will be notified and encouraged to participate in additional prep sessions to prepare for the PSAT as a junior. If a student is named as a National Merit Finalist, he will have the opportunity to receive a Merit Scholarship. mp

These students were identified through their individual testing performances as having an ability to perform at a very high level in standardized testing. To support these students, Malvern provided additional instruction and reviewed test-taking strategies with this group. The cohort was led by Malvern faculty members, Mr. Rich Roper and Mrs. Lauren Lesch. “We felt that this approach allowed us to recognize and support these students, while not being defined by something like a standardized test,” said Patrick Sillup, Assistant Head of School for Academics, adding, “We are excited about their academic


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FriarDays Five Seniors Earn National Merit Honors Malvern Prep is proud to present its 2018 National Merit Scholarship Program award winners. In this year’s competition, five of Malvern’s seniors were honored as National Merit Commended Scholars. Congratulations to Ashton Canavan, Corey Kovalovich, Adam Morys, Anthony Papa, and Brennan Robinson. mp

Safety Doesn’t Happen By Accident

For the Faculty & Staff at Malvern Prep, safety is something that we take seriously and that involves careful planning with many members of our community. Schools around the country are focused on safety and Malvern is no different. Additional safety precautions were taken on campus this year. In October 2018, the school implemented a new key card system for all exterior building doors. All students, staff, faculty, and coaches have been assigned a key card, which also serves as an ID and are required to use it to gain access to campus buildings. The system allows us to keep all exterior building doors locked, requiring a key swipe for entry. Students should be wearing their key cards at all times. This not only allows students to access buildings easily, but also provides another layer of security on our campus. With the implementation of the key card system comes a more enforced Visitor’s Policy. Visitors must sign in at the Visitor's Center upon arrival, and those expecting visitors will be alerted. In addition to the key card system, members of Malvern Prep's faculty and staff participated in a simulated emergency event with the help of the Chester County Department of Emergency Services. The Malvern Borough Chief of Police, Lou Marcelli, took part in the training and offered his expertise on how law enforcement integrates into the school's crisis plans.

Steve LeStrange ’88 P’25, Director of Safety and Security, and Malvern's Dean of Students, Tim Dougherty, coordinated the training. “Safety is our utmost priority; we have crisis plans in place, and it’s very important to practice those plans so that we are prepared and know what’s going to work or what we have to change in our plans. The Chester County Department of Emergency Services and Malvern Borough police are extremely supportive in training with us to create a unified real-time training approach,” says LeStrange. During this mock session, the emergency scenario was a building fire where all students and faculty were safely evacuated. Following the National Incident Management System (NIMS) set up by FEMA, Malvern Prep’s EOC (Emergency Operations Center), led by Fr. Reilly, determined where and how students should be evacuated from campus and then helped set up a reunification site. “It was eye-opening to see all of the decisions that need to be made in a split second,” said Michele Lott. “We are fortunate to have someone with a wealth of knowledge like Steve leading the team. His experience in crisis management is such a benefit for Malvern.” The team dedicated to emergency response will continue to meet throughout the year to review and practice plans in the event of an emergency. mp


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and Update on The St. Augustine Center for Social Impact On Friday, September 7, the Malvern community gathered to celebrate the groundbreaking and blessing of The St. Augustine Center for Social Impact. The ceremony began with a presentation in the Duffy Arts Center Theatre where Rev. Donald F. Reilly, O.S.A., D. Min., Head of School, shared that The Center, opening in fall 2019, will be a visible sign of the primary importance service plays in our community. Both a venue and program, The Center reinforces our design-based approach to education, which is guided by Catholic Social Teaching, emphasizing the social nature of humanity and an ethics of the common good. Mr. Pat Sillup, Assistant Head of School for Student Leadership, followed with remarks on the goals of The Center. "I can imagine people coming up to me and saying ‘I can't believe the problems your students solved, or the spotlight they are putting on things that have lived in the dark for too long, or the voice they're providing to those that don't have one.’ Wear the Malvern Seal with pride because you [the students] are part of something awesome,” said Sillup. Mr. John McGlinn P’14’16’18 T, Chair of the Board of Trustees, wrapped up the presentation by sharing that the building will provide an environment for iteration, success, and failure, and that it will all lead to something better for the world. Following, the community gathered in the quad to watch the official groundbreaking. mp


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Malvern Prep Welcomes Chris Herren as part of Distinguished Speaker Series

On October 25, Malvern Prep once again welcomed Chris Herren, former NBA player and author of Basketball Junkie, to campus as part of our Distinguished Speaker Series. Herren shared the harrowing story of his descent into addiction and his miraculous recovery with students during the day and members of the larger Malvern community that evening. During the presentation, Herren urged students to focus on the “first” day and not the “worst” day of addiction. “We put too much focus on how ugly addiction is in the end instead of figuring out why it’s beginning,” he said. Herren also shared that 7 of his 15 high school basketball teammates became heroin addicts, their addiction starting in high school, drinking beer in the woods and in basements. "We feel a shared responsibility with Chris to tell this story and raise awareness that the addiction process begins with the first exposure to an illegal substance. This timely discussion was an important one for our community," said Fr. Reilly. mp


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Students Travel to Nashville for 2018 NAIS Student Diversity Leadership Conference During the weekend of November 15 – 18, six Malvern students and six chaperones attended the National Independent Schools’ (NAIS) Student Diversity Leadership Conference (SDLC) in Nashville, TN. The SDLC is a multiracial, multicultural gathering of upper school student leaders from across the U.S. and abroad. The conference focuses on self-reflection, forming allies, and building community. Led by a diverse team of trained adult and peer facilitators, participating students develop cross-cultural communication skills, design effective strategies for social justice practice through dialogue and the arts, and learn the foundations of ally-ship and networking principles. Students also heard from prominent social activists, Lisa Ling, Marc Lamont Hill, and Christian Picciolini, who shared their ideas and solutions to the sensitive issues that plague society today. In addition to large group sessions, the SDLC family groups and home groups allowed for dialogue and sharing in smaller units. “There’s no better feeling than seeing the students' excited faces after a long day of workshops with their peers. All of their high energy and stories give me joy,” recalls Mr. Stephen Borish ’10, Science Teacher and Coordinator for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. As the students attended the SDLC, their chaperones were also able to take a journey of their own - to learn and grow in a safe space, during NAIS’s People of Color Conference (PoCC). The PoCC equips educators at every level, from teachers to trustees, with knowledge, skills, and experiences to improve and enhance the interracial, interethnic, and intercultural climate in their schools. The conference included preconference seminars, general sessions with keynotes, dozens of practitioner-led workshops, extensive affinity group work, and dialogue sessions. “PoCC provides education professionals of all backgrounds in independent school opportunities to network and build with each other. Surprisingly, this feeling of excitement never faded – with each new session or speaker, I grew more attached to what it means to make a difference in the community around you,” said Ms. Leah Thompson, Project Manager.

‘19 AWARE.

As part of the experience, the students who attended SDLC will assist the Diversity Awareness Club in Malvern’s 2nd annual st@MP Diversity Conference on April 6, 2019. The SDLC provided our students with ideas and knowledge that they can use for their own student-led sessions. mp




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Malvern Students Participate in International Student Summit Over the weekend of December 8–9, seven Malvern students participated in the International Student Summit in Philadelphia. This year’s program was entitled Rising Africa: Finding a Path to a Sustainable and Egalitarian Future. The students researched the history and current economic, social, and political climate of their designated country and region, then gathered in groups to debate solutions and draft a proposal. Gavin Canzanese ’19 was named Outstanding Student Leader, an award presented to the student who demonstrated exemplary leadership skills in guiding large groups of students toward a collaborative proposal. Brian Szipszky ’20 and Henry Connors ’20 were phenomenal

leaders, a position that is normally only awarded to seniors. Finally, Eric Yablonski ’21 kicked off the presentation of his group’s proposal with the utmost professionalism. The team is looking forward to the spring event, The Future of Work: A G20 Summit. According to the World Affairs website, this global economic forum will “focus on labor, employment, and the increasing globalization of the world economy. Students will explore how automation, outsourcing, and computerization impact labor markets and the economy, and will devise innovative solutions aimed at tackling this important global issue.” Congratulations to Gavin, Brian, Henry, Eric, Joe Lister ’21, Mace Giampietro ’21, and Chris Corrielus ’22. mp

Student Artwork Featured at Main Line Sports Center At the end of October, Malvern’s Marketing & Communications Team and Maintenance Team installed new student artwork at the Main Line Sports Center (MLSC). The featured artwork was created by Jack Donohue ’20, Ian Lebano ’21, and Jack Fialko ’21. The artwork is being displayed as part of a sponsorship opportunity with MLSC. Including the artwork in an athletic space helps Malvern tell the story that our students are more than just athletes, they are incredibly artistic and talented in so many areas. Congratulations to the featured artists! mp FALL/WINTER 2018

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Malvern Students Participate in 2nd J-Term Malvern Prep’s 2nd J-Term (January Term) took place January 7–11, 2019. Students returned from Christmas break and had the opportunity to experience a variety of J-Term courses. The course catalog included classes on topics like crime scene investigation, photography, comics, mosaics, stage design, knitting, cooking, and even a course on what every young man should know. The purpose of the J-Term was to provide students with experiences beyond traditional disciplines. It was also an opportunity to look at co-teaching and how it impacts the overall learning experience for students.

Mrs. Suzanne Sweeney and Mr. Jay Schiller, included an alumni roundtable, featuring: Matt Mackrides ’08 (lacrosse), Zach Fernandez ’17 (football), Jarrett Donaghy ’16 (lacrosse), Cam Battisti ’18 (lacrosse), Matt Daller ’17 (baseball), Mike Narzikul ’16 (soccer), Joe Basiura ’18 (football), Stephen Salle ’18 (water polo), Will Haus (lacrosse), and Jawan Carter (basketball).

In addition to on-campus courses, a variety of off-site locations were used throughout the week, and courses included trips to The Museum of the American Revolution, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Franklin Institute, Barnes Foundation, Eastern State Penitentiary, NBA Headquarters, and Conestoga Capital Advisors, to name a few!

J-Term courses were taught not only by faculty members, but also administrators, students, alumni, and parents. Some of our student leads and co-leads included: Andrew Reilly ’20 (Magic), Jack Boyle ’19 (Start U), Jasir Cook ’20 (Cooking & Culture), Teddy Hawke ’20 (Film Studies), Henry Connors ’20 (Project Incubator), Nick Martino ’19 and Sean Rushton ’19 (Leadership I), and Tim Mitchell ’19 (A Step Ahead). In addition, we were fortunate to have some really excellent guest speakers participate in the courses as well. Barbara Orr, Co-Owner and Executive VicePresident, Poretta & Orr, Inc.; Gladys Rosa-Mendoza, Experience Researcher and Strategist, Facebook; Daniel Couser, Founder and CEO, Kovarvic, LLC; Deina Seeger, Founder and CEO, iBalans, LLC; and James Barnes, Founder and CEO, JB Innovation, were just some of the notable speakers that participated in J-Term.

The Basketball Analytics course hosted guest speaker Bob Hughes ’99, Head Coach of Rosemont College’s Men’s Basketball Team. He shared insights on what it is like to coach at the college level, and how analytics and data play a part in coaching, but also the importance of teamwork and cultivating relationships.

Our alumni participation was a huge part of the success of J-Term. One class in particular, A Sporting Difference, taught by

Our J-Term courses are all outside the lens of the students’ regular curriculum. This approach not only allows our J-Term


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FriarDays Mr. Kevin Moore hosted a course offsite at Uncommon Individual Foundation in Devon, PA called Start U. Throughout this course, students experienced a start-up business by designing, iterating, and pivoting their actions to write a personal story of growth. “Going into the week I didn't know what to expect from Start U. I saw this class as a way to be introduced into the world of Entrepreneurship, hence the reason I chose Start U. After being in the class for not even two hours, I had already conducted an interview with Evan Hajas ’04, a Malvern Alumnus and entrepreneur. As the week continued I was able to meet, learn, and gain valuable insight from other entrepreneurs, as well as continue to develop a network that will give me a competitive edge,” says Sebastian Costantini ’19. Overall, the J-Term experience helped to connect students, take advantage of new experiences, and welcomed a host of parents, alumni, and guest speakers to our campus. mp

instructors to have fun sharing and teaching a subject that they connect with outside of the classroom, but also affords the students the opportunity to learn a new skill and try something they may not have otherwise had an opportunity to experience. Matt Ford ’21, attended Mr. Rob Muntz's class, Stagecraft with AV Documentation, where students engaged in simple construction as they learned how to create and read design plans. “I liked it a lot; this is my second year taking this course. I enjoyed learning about how to build every part of the stage and working with drywall,” Matt says. Alex Haylock ’19 was able to explore a new avenue within his field of interest, photography. Ms. Jacki Cantor’s class, Alternative Photography, provided students with the chance to experiment with “old school” techniques that have helped shape the way we develop pictures today. “I wanted to explore and expand my knowledge of photography. This one was actually an accident, but I like it – turned out better than I thought,” Alex says as he shared his overdeveloped black and white photo. Ms. Cantor is praised as a “great teacher,” inspiring the creativity in Jack Irish ’22, who had no prior experience, but really enjoyed learning new skills and hopes to learn more as he pursues photography as a hobby. Some teachers use the J-Term as an opportunity to fill a void seen around campus. “We realized that the students' experience stress, and we wanted to provide techniques to deal with that stress. Our hope was that students learn how to handle stress in different ways while gaining an appreciation of the arts in a way that helps relieve stress,” Mrs. Sue Giordani and Mrs. Jackie White shared. Together, the teachers hosted a course called Happy Trees, Happy Thoughts, which focused on experiencing the art of Bob Ross paintings to help relieve stress and reflect on the natural beauty in life. During this course, each student created a body of work that consisted of four completed paintings with a showing of their work in the Duffy Arts Center Gallery.


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John McEvoy, Assistant Admissions Director, Varsity Lacrosse Coach


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FriarDays Alumnus, current parent, varsity lacrosse coach, former faculty member, Hall of Fame member, and Assistant Director of Admissions are the many titles that describe Mr. John McEvoy ’86 P’21’24 in his long relationship with Malvern. A graduate of 1986, John is currently the Assistant Director of Admissions. His journey through Malvern as a student as well as his time as an employee are, in his words, “what makes me tick.” Between his time as a student and an employee, John has spent 22 years at Malvern. To say he knows Malvern well is an understatement. After graduating from Malvern, John attended Villanova University, and upon completing college, John worked as a sales professional for a year before realizing that his true calling was to become a teacher. “What I remember from being at Malvern is that there were teachers that I really liked and respected; I liked the way they treated me, and I wanted to be like them,” shares John.

John explains that this success from graduates is a trademark of the lacrosse team. “For me, it’s not where they go to school as much as what they do when they get there,” he says, explaining that the boys are prepared to play because Malvern’s team is run like a college-level lacrosse program. These days John’s role has expanded to being a current parent of two Malvern students - a seventh grader and a sophomore. “I have them here because I want them to have a piece of what I had when I was a student. I want them to feel supported and taken care of like I did. I want someone who is going to hold my sons accountable and help parent them with me, and I know that happens here at Malvern,” shares John. mp

John returned to Malvern as a Middle School teacher in 2000. By 2013 he had moved full time to Admissions. “As a faculty member, I didn’t know the business side of the school, but I sat on the admissions committee and found that to be really interesting – I liked learning about how the school works. I enjoyed meeting with kids, and so the transition from faculty to administration came naturally,” shares John. For the last 15 years, John has had an additional role at Malvern as Head Coach of the varsity lacrosse team. His love of lacrosse began as a student at Malvern. “My 9th grade teacher suggested I play, and I’d never seen a lacrosse stick in my life, but he wasn’t taking ‘no’ for an answer,” says John. John was named All-State as well as a High School AllAmerican and the Inter-Ac League’s Most Important Player in his senior year. In 2006 he was inducted into the Malvern Prep Hall of Fame. He went on to play at Villanova, where he quickly became a standout player and was named the team’s Rookie of the Year. During his time at Villanova he was two-time MVP, and at the time of his graduation in 1990, he was the Wildcat’s leading scorer. John was inducted into Villanova’s Varsity Club Hall of Fame in 2008. Following his college career, John spent 10 years playing professionally with the Philadelphia Wings, where he was named All-Star, the league’s Unsung Player and, due to his strong leadership skills, served as team captain. “John is one of the unsung heroes within the Malvern community for the life lessons taught to the scholar-athletes within Malvern’s lacrosse program. John’s life is grounded in Malvern's Augustinian values and that differentiates him from the field. He coaches with an incredible focus on the small details, winning the moment, servant leadership, and all with an incredible work ethic,” says Kevin Traynor ’86 P’14’16’18’21’22. Kevin adds, “Our scholar-athletes are sought after and ultimately become team leaders and captains. In 2014, John coached a historic undefeated team. Seven of those who played under John went on to successful college academic and athletic careers, but most importantly, four of those from the Class of 2014 went on to be captains of teams like Army, Penn State, BU, and Penn. One of my son's coaches told me, ‘I don't know what is happening at Malvern, but I recruit from and expect Malvern grads to be my future captains."


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FOX29 Broadcasts Live from Malvern Prep

Football Takes Home Inter-Ac Title for Third Consecutive Year It was a storybook season for the 2018 Football Team. The Friars finished as undefeated (11-0) Inter-Ac Champions. This is the third consecutive year the team has been named Inter-Ac Champions. Throughout the season, the team racked up a number of accolades: Eighteen Friars were named to various Inter-Ac Football Teams at the end of the season. Keith Maguire ’19 and Penn Charter’s Edward Saydee were named Co-MVPs of the team. Jake Hornibrook ’19, Drew Gunther ’19, Quincy Watson ’19, Nick Gueriera ’19, and TyGee Leach ’19 were named to the Inter-Ac First Team. Will Redden ’20, Harry Stinger ’19, Mike Hussey ’19, Ryan Iacone ’19, Lonnie White ’21, Joe Carpenter ’19, Johnny Turley ’19, and Caimin Hayes ’20 were named to the Inter-Ac Second Team. Head Coach Dave Gueriera was also honored with the Co-Coach of the Year award. Congratulations!

Keith Maguire named Maxwell Football Club PA Player of the Year Keith Maguire ’19 was honored at the Club’s 34th Annual Awards Dinner at Drexelbrook Country Club on Thursday, January 10, 2019. Maguire was one of 63 finalists up for the award. As PA’s Player of the Year, Maguire, along with the winners from New Jersey and Delaware, will be candidates for the Club’s Jim Henry Award as the Outstanding Player in the Region, which will be announced in March. Congratulations, Keith! mp

On November 12, Malvern Prep was visited by FOX29 Philly's Jen Frederick, where she broadcasted live from Malvern! The live segments included an interview with our football team about their 11-0 season and Inter-Ac championship, as well as interviews with Coach Dave Gueriera, and Keith Maguire ’19 and his family. The live segments concluded with Jen speaking to Dr. Jim Fry and members of the Student Council to learn more about our annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. mp

Water Polo Progresses During Growth Season Despite a difficult season, the Friars managed to pull out a number of exciting wins. The team notched wins over St. Benedict’s Prep, Friends Central (three times!), William Penn Charter (twice!), and Lawrenceville. The team also competed in the Eastern Prep Championships at The Baldwin School in early November. The team went 1-2 overall during the tournament, but played well against tough competitors. Jake Caulfield ’20 made 17 saves during the first game against St. Benedict’s Prep, but they lost in a nail biter (9-8). The team won their second game against William Penn Charter (18-4) with goals from Jack Cassidy ’20, Brennan Robinson ’19, Owen Preston ’19, Ryan Cochran ’22, Chris Krein ’21, Eric Yablonski ’21, Dan Ward ’21, and Sean Hughes ’21. In Game 3 of the championships, the Friar’s fell to Mount Saint Joseph’s (MD) 11-7. mp

Cross Country Takes on PC in Exciting Championship Race In a nail biter of a race, the Friars beat Penn Charter by a single point for the 2018 Inter-Ac Championship title. In the Varsity race, all six Malvern competitors placed in the Top 25. Congratulations! In the postseason, two Friars competed and medaled in the Northeast Regional Cross Country Championships in New York City. The race is comprised of the top runners from DC through Maine. Zach Brill ’22 took first place in the ninth-grade division with a time of 17:04.6, and Collin Hess ’21 took 19th place in the tenth-grade division with a time of 17:39.4. mp


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FriarDays Soccer Falls to SCH in League Match Rugby Finishes Second, Looks In a tough league matchup on Saturday, November 10, Springside Toward Spring Season Chestnut Hill defeated the soccer team in the final Inter-Ac match of the season. mp

Matt Civitella ’19 Wins Medalist Honors at PAISSA Golf Tournament At the PAISSA Golf Tournament in October, senior Matt Civitella took home medalist honors for shooting a 1-over par score (71) on a windy day at Gulph Mills Country Club. John Updike ’19 tied for second place with Haverford School senior Sam Walker with a 2-over par score of 72. Andrew Curran ’19, winner of the Bert Linton Invitational Tournament, chipped in with an 82 and Keller Mulhern ’22 rounded out the scoring with an 85. The Friars (225) placed second overall in the tournament, falling to The Haverford School (221) and beating Episcopal Academy (228). mp

The Rugby 7s saw a successful finish to their fall season, taking runner-up to Bishop Shanahan in the PA Rugby State Championship final that was hosted at LaSalle High School in October. The Friars entered the knockout round of the tournament as the fourth seed after finishing pool play at 2-0-1, with a tied result to Shanahan who moved on as the third seed.

In the semifinal game, the Friars defeated #1 seed Hempfield to advance to the finals against Shanahan. The team will be back in action in the spring. Ben Murphy ’19 and Scott Stratton ’20 made the PA All-State 7s team this year and represented Pennsylvania and Malvern Prep at the High School Premier New York 7s Tournament. State and Club teams from the US and Canada played in the high school division. The PA team took second place in the tournament, falling to a Canadian club team. mp

Middle School Cross Country Takes Home First Championship Title The Middle School Cross Country team had a great season! The team took home the 2018 Championship title as well. Congratulations! mp

Rowing Grows Through Fall Season, Looks Toward Spring Throughout the fall season, Malvern rowers competed in the Navy Day Regatta, Head of the Charles Regatta, the Head of the Schuylkill Regatta, and the Mercer Fall Classic. The team has steadily improved throughout the season and is looking forward to going into winter training in preparation for the spring rowing season. During the fall season, rowing teams from Malvern Prep, The Haverford School, Unionville High School, Agnes Irwin School, and Merion Mercy Academy competed with Olympic medalists and World Champions as part of an ergathon. The Friars competed with Damir Marton from Croatia. Martin is a two-time Olympic Silver Medalist and World Rowing Champion. Following the erg event, all of the students participated in a Q&A session with the athletes. The Olympians, who were in town to compete at the Head of the Schuylkill Regatta, were invited to the Conshohocken Rowing Center by the Gold Cup Foundation. mp

Middle School Swimming Wins Grade School Swimming and Diving Meet Congratulations to our Middle School Swim Team on winning the Grade School Swimming and Diving Meet on Sunday, October 28. The Friars scored 346 points to beat St. Francis of Assisi (278 points) and 10 other schools. Nolan Murphy ’25 was the 4th 6th-grade highpoint winner with six gold medals. Logan Turley ’25 took home five gold medals and a silver medal, while Connor Cross ’25 won three gold medals. In the 7th-8th grade category, Sheldon Tang ’23 won three gold medals, a silver medal, and two top-six medals. mp


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A PLACE AT THE TABLE: A Conversation with Rev. Donald F. Reilly, O.S.A., D. Min., Head of School and Stephen Borish ‘10, Coordinator for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


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Fr. Donald Reilly and Mr. Stephen Borish provide their perspectives on our 2018–19 academic theme of A Place at the Table, and why it is important that each member of the Malvern community understand that they have A Place at the Table.

Q. What does A Place at the Table mean for Malvern? FR: Essentially, A Place at the Table is a metaphor for letting another person in. It is being aware that the people with whom we spend the better part of our day are important and have value in and of themselves. They are unique expressions of the presence of God among us. Making room for others, letting them into our lives, allows us, as Augustine would say, to “hear the other side.” If you are part of the Malvern Community, you have a place reserved at our “Table.” You belong. At times, you may have to be assertive and bring your own “chair.” It can be challenging and hard to do, but it is part of the dynamics of any group; it certainly will be beyond campus life. SB: I think it is a call for us to define who we are, who we want to be, what we represent, and how we uplift the diverse voices in our community. This year has been about getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. The theme asks us to hold ourselves accountable. In other words, the theme is about checking ourselves. It is about listening to and learning from each other. It helps me envision what belonging could look like. It helps me think about who I serve, what stands in the way of every member of our community feeling that they belong, and what policies and practices in our community will help nurture a sense of inclusiveness, fairness, and uniqueness. In the classroom, for example, in Modern Medicine, a Science elective course that I designed, many of the topics we discuss are identity and equityrelated in some way. We typically have discussionbased classes where everyone is part of the circle, and we all have the opportunity to share. What I’ve found during these discussions is that if one student is dominating the discussion, other students will step in and say, ‘Let’s be aware of the voices and opinions we haven’t heard from yet.’ I strive for equity and inclusion to become the bedrock of my classroom culture; it’s a work in progress. It’s been a lot of learning and unlearning for me.

Q. How does the theme, A Place at The Table, support our Strategic Plan? FR: Malvern’s Strategic Plan has three components: Academics, long-term Sustainability, and Community. Each dimension of the Plan is intended to assure a future of promise for our school. The theme A Place at the Table emphasizes the importance of community to our Augustinian, Catholic culture. The thinking of St. Augustine is our guide here. He believed that students learn better when they learn together, and the relationship between a teacher and a student should be symbiotic. There are times when the teacher is the student. There are times when the student is the teacher. A community of lifelong learners is the hallmark of our philosophy of education. SB: In my opinion, A Place at the Table fits into the Community Pillar of the Strategic Plan. I believe it's a step in the right direction in terms of acknowledging our community’s desire for inclusion. On a personal level, A Place at the Table has helped me become more aware of the members of our community who feel silenced and “out of place.” Healing those impacts takes intentionality and cultivation – something St. Augustine has a lot to teach us about.

Q: Why is it important for everyone in our Malvern Community to have A Place at The Table? FR: The Gospel prescription for an experience of the presence of God is found in the words of Christ: Where two or three are gathered, there I am ... and whatever you do to the least among you, you do to me. The Malvern Community does not discover God. The community is invited to recognize God in one another regardless of differences. A Place at the Table assumes the possibility of fellowship, a Brotherhood among those who live and move among us. It is


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important that we recognize that the best version of ourselves is a source of inspiration for others, frequently strengthening the bond of what we hold in common – God is with us! SB: Diversity brings so many benefits to every community and when we take a stand and say that everyone has A Place at the Table, we are making a bold statement. I’ve always believed that my liberation as a person is closely connected to my community’s liberation. In other words, it is through recognizing our differences and uniqueness that we access the gift of seeing each other as full human beings. When I come to the Table as my full self, then the entire community is stronger. This theme is important because we all should feel welcome, included, and whole. As St. Augustine taught me, “Let us adapt ourselves to our students with love.”

Q: Last year our theme was Truth: A Journey to the Heart, why was A Place at the Table selected for this year? FR: The degree of unease we feel in our country concerning our differences suggested this year’s theme. Christ’s consistent and persistent invitation to love one another was intended to teach us a way of life. God’s unconditional love for us should encourage us to strive to be in right relationships with one another. Our theme reminds us that hate is taught. It is a learned behavior. As difficult as it can be at times, loving one another allows us to welcome companions on this journey we call life.

Q. How is the Malvern community diversifying? FR: Malvern is diversifying by continually reinforcing the bedrock value of inclusivity. An inclusive community is one in which each member seeks to know his/her own personal dimensions of difference. Progress in coming to know one’s own complexity opens one to appreciate the intricate and subtle, and not so subtle, differences in others. Inclusiveness is a prerequisite for diversity. Having said this, Malvern is intentional in inviting students, faculty, and staff who share our values to become part of our community. I am acutely aware that students need to see those who are like them teaching, coaching, counseling, and supporting them during their time on campus. Diversity not only empowers a student with role models he sees and from whom he learns, it anticipates the inevitable reality of diversity in our society. SB: As a community, we recognize the importance of honesty – both internal honesty (who am I?) and external honesty (who are you?). St. Augustine calls this the inner and outer self. The next step our community must take is to study the systems and structures that benefit some members and unintentionally close off other members. To do this, our faculty and staff have the opportunity to ask themselves about their own personal identity through the SEED experience. SEED (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) is a program designed around equity and identity meant to spark honest dialogue and story sharing. In addition, our students have designed a yearly diversity conference called st@MP (Speaking Truth at Malvern Prep), which is entirely student-driven, from concept to execution to review. There is no better way to reinforce this year’s theme and for students to feel they truly have A Place at the Table than by giving them the autonomy and responsibility to create and run a successful conference.


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Q. How have you experienced the benefits of diversity and inclusivity at Malvern? FR: The benefits of diversity and inclusivity as per the question at Malvern for me is to witness the successful efforts of our “Courageous Conversations,” a forum during which any topic of concern can be discussed. The tremendous effort and success of last year’s Diversity Conference was completely organized and executed by students. This was a positive sign that students’ voices were heard and given a platform to have important issues aired in a caring and safe environment. The expanded SEED (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) Program will eventually engage every member of the Faculty and Staff during the next couple of years and is transforming the curriculum and our awareness of difference within individuals and our community as a whole. Attending national conferences on diversity enables students, faculty, and staff to learn and bring back to campus the need for ongoing education in the area of diversity and inclusivity. The Diversity Awareness Club provides opportunities like “Open Mic” night for students to entertain and enjoy each other’s company. Our Distinguished Speaker Series welcomed Rosetta Lee to campus in January to address the student body. Rosetta invited us to know, accept, and appreciate the diversity among us. She was able to creatively challenge us through her style of presentation to name our differences as an integral part of who we are as a community. These experiences have benefited me as a person and as a school leader at Malvern. SB: The benefits of inclusion occur to me all the time. From daily conversations with students to interactions with my peers, the benefits of inclusion and the theme of the year has encouraged me to pause and listen to what others are saying. One example of the benefits of diversity and inclusion at Malvern has been the student-led diversity conference (st@MP), which has taught me that my role as an educator always follows my role as a learner. It

is through learning that I teach and vice versa. st@MP has provided our students with the opportunity to speak their truth and to honor the differences in each other. Unfortunately, however, this past year has revealed that we have a lot of honest work to do. But, we can do it.

Q. What does diversity mean for Malvern? Is it just color? FR: Malvern invites us to accept the Augustinian axiom that knowing oneself is the preeminent life project a person can pursue. Selfknowledge requires that we “own” aspects of ourselves that may be different from the image we would like to project to the world. Diversity is not just color for us. It is a depth of knowledge and appreciation of the radical truth of self. While this pursuit is lifelong and challenging, it is an encounter with the mystery of who we are to ourselves. This awareness is the beginning of an acceptance of difference in others. In our heart of hearts, there is always a “piece” of ourselves that we are not sure is going to be accepted by us or others precisely because it may make us different. If we truly accept ourselves in all of our complexities, color is the least differentiating factor. That which makes us different from one another pales in comparison to that which we have in common. SB: We are all united by what makes us human – our desire to be heard, acknowledged, and loved. I think it was Pope Francis who tells us that there is “unity in diversity,” and that “we need to free ourselves from feeling that we all have to be alike.” Diversity at Malvern means that each member of our community has a unique and important role, and offers a contribution and voice to the landscape of our community. In response to the question “Is it just color?” Absolutely not. However, I do think race plays an important role in one’s experience at Malvern and beyond. As a white person, I live in a society where I am not forced to think


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about my skin color every day; but that’s not the narrative of every person in our community, and I think we need to be honest about that.

Q. What benefit does a more diverse school provide to our students? FR: A more diverse school empowers a person in the community to delve into and explore the diversity within him/her self. This exploration is a good thing for the individual and for the community. It also prepares students for an ever-increasing diverse world. Within the next 25-30 years, a majority of people in our country will be of Hispanic origin. Needing to know and appreciate the implications of societal changes with regard to ethnicity is critical. Women are self-selecting and winning positions as elected officials in local and national government offices. The comfort level with differences is preceded by a comfort level with oneself. Our life project is to value self knowledge in order to feel comfortable with others and to live a happy, productive life. SB: A community that reflects the diversity of our larger society is a better learning environment for everyone. Diversity across all plains strengthens our community and prepares students for citizenship in a pluralistic world. It can be a source of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome.

Q, What does a more inclusive school provide to our students? FR: An inclusive school should provide students with the freedom to know themselves within a welcoming and loving community. The confidence and courage self-knowledge offers a person is truly a gift to oneself and others. What needs to be avoided is the opposite of inclusivity, namely, a narrow or exclusive view of the world; entitlement is not far behind.

SB: A more inclusive and diverse Malvern allows our students to belong. It gives everyone (students and beyond) the authentic feeling of empowerment and participation. From that grows our students’ sense of safety, value, and acceptance. It allows us to study how our biases are framed and what we can do to unlearn them.

Q. What has been done around campus to ensure everyone has A Place at the Table? FR: Access to those who can facilitate change is important. Members of the administration, faculty, and staff all have open door policies. Frequently, I see students, many in small groups, gathered around campus particularly during lunch, to talk, share experiences, fortify relationships, and be in the company of those with whom they share common interests. I support and encourage these enclaves within the community. I have open, advertised periods each Friday when faculty, staff, and students can anonymously sign up to meet with me on any topic of their choice. Often, our morning Quiet Time refers to our theme underlining the common goal we have to listen to each other and hear what is being said. Having the theme has influenced opening prayers of meetings and discussions from the Board of Trustees to individual classrooms. Our Campus Master Plan is moored in our community values. Designing spaces and utilizing areas to communicate these values guide and will influence decisions going forward. SB: My journey started with SEED (Seeking Educational Equity & Diversity), which got me thinking about the role my identities had in the classroom. This program has dramatically changed the way I think about the classroom environment and the topics that are the most impactful in the lives of my students. My journey continues now as a SEED facilitator, designing experiences for faculty and staff to recognize their unique identities and the ways


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in which our biases about race, age, religion, gender, sexuality, body type, ability, mental health, and class impact our lives and affect our curriculum. In addition to SEED, I (and a team of other members of our community) have worked with students to help organize st@MP, our student-run diversity conference. We have had the opportunity to hear guest speakers on the topic of diversity such as Darnell Moore, Kathleen Walls, and Evan Thornburg (Deputy Director of LGBTQ+ Affairs for the City of Philadelphia), just to name a few. During the J-Term, we have designed opportunities for students to unpack the messages of Ms. Rosetta Lee, a nationally recognized diversity consultant and one of our Distinguished Speakers who spoke about identity and pride. This year we are participating in the National Association for Independent Schools’ Assessment of Inclusion and Multiculturalism, which is designed to give schools the tools and data needed to evaluate our Inclusion and Multiculturalism mission effectiveness. This will assist us in looking at areas of improvement and success.

Q. Is there a constituency within Malvern that should, but does not, have A Place at the Table? FR: I believe everyone on campus has A Place at the Table. Vigilance in encouraging each constituency to give voice to their concerns is moving in the right direction. Recently, at a faculty/staff meeting, members of the Staff expressed the desire for parity with the Faculty in some areas in their roles on campus, e.g. Ladder advancement. I was happy to hear this concern. The topic will be addressed. Women in leadership positions throughout the school is important. Hiring for

diversity is a priority. The Leadership Team of the school is currently comprised of (five men two Augustinians, three laymen and three women.) The profile of leadership on campus results in robust and inclusive conversations and decisions. This balance needs to replicated wherever possible. SB: For me, I encourage our community to look critically at the makeup of our teams. For example, we need more women, and people of color in leadership positions and on the Board of Trustees. Admitting and hiring from the diverse socioeconomic spectrum is also a value add for our community. It’s important for us to answer the questions, “Who isn’t here because they don’t feel welcome?” and “What do they need to feel they belong?”

Q. What is the long-term plan for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion? SB: Long term, I hope we become a courageous community that challenges the status quo. I envision a community similar to the one St. Augustine calls for – a community of friends, sharing life and truth. Ideally, I hope it becomes the norm for us to evaluate our curriculum for bias – both implicit and explicit. I hope we learn to balance the windows and mirrors provided to our students in the classroom and beyond. I see a future Malvern where we address the policies and practices that exclude, and we work to override the impact. I see a future Malvern where we follow St. Augustine’s request to “live harmoniously.” mp


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Our academic theme, A Place at the Table, reminds us that everyone in our community has importance. This magazine issue includes an image of every member of our community to illustrate that our differences and diversity are what each of us brings to the Table every day. Our community is strengthened through recognizing and celebrating our differences.


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Creating life-changing experiences, one country at a time Ms. Teresa Lohse, Global Exchange Program Director, discusses her role in helping Malvern students as they travel abroad, as well as welcoming students from various parts of the world to the Malvern Prep community.

Q: What is your role at Malvern? I am the Global Exchange Program Director and an Upper School Spanish teacher. I have been involved with Global Exchange for the past six years, for one year as the Assistant to the Director and the last five as the Director of the program. The program was started 10 years ago by Lida Rosle, retired guidance counselor and Spanish teacher. This is my 21st year as a teacher at Malvern, which I began as a Spanish teacher. While the majority of my time at Malvern I have taught Spanish, I’ve also had the opportunity to teach French for about three years. This year, in addition to running the Global Exchange Program, I am teaching two Honors Spanish classes: Honors Spanish II and Honors Spanish III. I became interested in the Global Exchange Program because I traveled abroad to Spain for a year during graduate school, and it was truly a life-changing experience. So for me to be able to facilitate these experiences for students at their age is very exciting and gratifying.

Q: For those not familiar, what is the Global Exchange Program?

This is actually the 10th year of the program. It enables students to study in another country, then ideally host a student back at Malvern for the same amount of time. It began with an exchange program in Spain at a school called

Real Colegio de Alfonso XII in the Escorial complex, which is northwest of Madrid. The impetus for the program was getting our students exposure to other cultures, but within an Augustinian ethos. The majority of the schools that we have exchanges with are Augustinian schools, which gives the student a chance to experience another country and culture, but with the familiarity of it being in an Augustinian school. It also provides an added layer of comfort to our families to know that their sons are in a school with a similar environment. We offer exchange opportunities for both Middle and Upper School students. For the Upper School, the exchange experience is typically 3-4 weeks. For Middle School, the program is more of a cultural exchange and typically lasts 10 days. Our exchange program for Middle School is with the Aquinas American School in Spain, and while they typically want our students to stay longer, understand that there is a reluctance to send Middle School students abroad for 3-4 weeks. Their students study here typically for 2-3 months, or the equivalent of a trimester. Each year we send about 15-20 Malvern students abroad and we typically host about the same or slightly more. In addition to Alfonso XII, we also offer exchanges in Panama at Colegio San Agustín, Peru at Colegio San Agustín, and two exchanges in Australia: one in Sydney at St. Augustine College and one in Brisbane at Villanova College. We are continually looking to expand and, in fact, were able to do so in October when we went to Colombia through a hybrid exchange/service trip to assist Justin Halladay’s ’95 nonprofit Project Béisbol. The students involved had a tremendous experience. Malvern will, in turn, welcome 17 students from Colombia as well as 5 adult participants in early March of 2019. We’ve had a couple of unique exchanges over the years.


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For example, Nico Contreras, Science teacher Anna Geider’s second cousin from Argentina, studied with us for a semester a couple of years ago and then returned for a couple of weeks last year. We also had Kaloso Tsoaeli, a student from South Africa, study at Malvern last year for the spring semester. These exchanges show that there is room for flexibility within the parameters of the program.

Q: What are the benefits to our students who travel abroad and the exchange students visiting Malvern?

I think one of the biggest benefits is that they can put a name and a face to someone from another country. I always talk to the boys about the importance of being a good ambassador not only for Malvern but also for the U.S. There are so many stereotypes that people have about one another – whether it be about Americans or someone from another country – and it’s so valuable for us to break down those stereotypes. When our boys meet students from another country, they realize how many common bonds they share. I think, too, there is a level of maturation that happens when students travel abroad, and they have to become independent in another country to a certain extent. Of course, linguistically it is a huge benefit for those who may be studying Spanish, since we have so many Spanish exchanges. For exchange students visiting Malvern, again, breaking down stereotypes is a significant benefit. They may think ‘Oh, Americans aren’t really like what I’ve seen in the movies.’ Students visiting often express that they feel so welcomed here. The immersion into our culture is another benefit, especially for those learning English.

Q: Why is it important for Malvern to

Q: Why are the benefits of being a host family?

It really turns into an experience for the whole family. Host families can change that person’s life for the better because of their hospitality and kindness. The exchange students really just want the experience of living with an American family – even a trip to the grocery store for these students can be really fun! We think of it as a chore, but this experience really allows host families to see their normal everyday lives through the eyes of someone else. In addition, as a school we organize trips to New York and Washington, DC, two iconic cities in the area, so that the exchange students and their hosts get to enjoy these locations together. That takes a little pressure off the families so that they can bring them to other favorite local spots, such as the Rocky statue at the art museum!

Q: Do you have a memorable experience/ story from a Malvern student going abroad?

One story that stands out is about a student, Tommy Pero ’17, who, prior to traveling to Australia, was encouraged by his family to watch the movie Crocodile Dundee. They really felt it would get him ready for his experience. He’d only been gone about a week-and-a-half when I received a photo from his family of Tommy with Paul Hogan – the actor who played Crocodile Dundee. What are the chances! But really each year there are stories like this that make the exchange experience so memorable for our students. mp

Host family opportunities are not limited to our current parents. Alumni are also invited to participate. For more information contact Teresa Lohse 484-595-3518.

have a Global Exchange Program?

Part of it is for exposure to different cultures and for our students to realize that they are part of a global community. I also believe it is important for our students to make connections. They get to see our own backyard through different eyes when they host an exchange student. When students go abroad, it gives them another venue to become leaders. It’s a confidence booster and empowering for many students.

*Answers have been edited for clarity and length.

::: The Veritas is a series of interviews with prominent members of the Malvern Prep Community. Would you like to see someone interviewed in a future issue? E-mail suggestions to


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Big Plans for Malvern’s Alumni

Dr. Lou Giangiulio ’86 P’21 is a man of many talents and accomplishments. He is the father of four children – three daughters and one son (Nick ’21), has built a successful medical practice in Malvern, served in the Medical Corps of the U.S. Army, is an avid accordion and piano player, and most recently, was named as the President of Malvern Prep’s Alumni Board. “I’m really looking forward to meeting more alumni and engaging with them, as well as spreading the good word of all the exciting things happening around campus,” says Giangiulio. He also hopes to encourage alumni to come back and support their alma mater – and not just with a gift to the school. “There are a number of opportunities to be engaged with the school such as attending an outstanding Malvern Theatre Society performance, cheering on our Friars at a big athletic event, donating your time to volunteer for any number of our Christian Service trips or activities, or even offering an internship or mentorship to our young students.” As a student Giangiulio made the most of his time here, much like our students do today. “I was involved in a lot of different activities as a student here. I played football for four years, wrestled for four years, and threw shot put for the track team,” shared Giangiulio. “I was also the Student Council Vice President my senior year, was on the Mathletes team,

a member of the National Honor Society (NHS) and participated in the Malvern Theatre Society performances with Mr. [Rich] Roper.” When asked to think about what Malvern was like while he was a student and what it is like now, he pauses for a moment before responding. “The Core Values and spirituality are still something that is very much present today, as much as it was when I was a student, but I think the Arts have changed the most. When I was a student here, the program was not as strong, as vibrant as it is now. To be honest, if the Arts program was like this when I was a student, I probably would have gone into music.” “My son is just as involved as I was in activities. I want him to forge his own experience here and broaden his horizons,” shares Giangiulio. “I’m proud of him for choosing Malvern and making the experience his own.” One of Giangiulio’s favorite memories of his time at Malvern was the first dance of senior year. It was 1985 and the theme was Beach Party. “I’ll never forget this grand idea for the dance to have a beach party theme. We went on little missions throughout the summer to gather what we needed for the party – a lifeguard stand, palm trees, sand, Malvern Beach Patrol t-shirts – and we turned Stewart Hall (then the small gym) into an awesome beach! We had the DJ’s from


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WMMR come out and play music for us. It was just such a great time,” he says. After Malvern, Giangiulio pursued a degree in Economics at The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD. “I chose to pursue a degree in Economics because during my senior year at Malvern, I had John Ostick P'99'07'13 as my Economics teacher, and he made the class so interesting and dynamic that I decided to pursue it at Hopkins.” “After three years of working for an investment bank in New York and London, I knew it wasn’t my calling in life, so I stopped working for the bank, moved home, prepared to take the MCAT, and applied to medical schools.” During his time at home, Giangiulio had a series of odd jobs working as a waiter, volunteering with the wrestling team at Malvern, and working at Paoli Hospital. He ended up saving enough to pay for a year of medical school but decided to join the U.S. Army to pay for the rest of medical school and enhance his medical knowledge. “I was deployed to Afghanistan as part of the Medical Corps for 10 months, and I saw infectious disease cases that will never be seen in this country because we immunize. I believe it made me a better doctor because I have seen all those things … I know what happens when you don’t immunize and take preventative precautions,” says Giangiulio. While at Jefferson University for medical school, Giangiulio realized he wanted to go into pediatric care. “I love the long-term relationships that I build with families and their children. But I also love the preventative health aspect of pediatrics and working to ensure we put these kids on the right path for success.”

When discussing his life and accomplishments and how, if at all, he felt Malvern prepared him for that success, he reflects for a moment. “I imagine I would have been successful if I went somewhere else for high school, but the fact that I am still involved with Malvern to the extent I am has everything to do with the experience I had during my four years here,” says Giangiulio. “It was the right time and the right place for me. Knowing I could succeed at a place like Malvern gave me the confidence to achieve everything that I have accomplished in my life.” mp


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Homecoming &



The campus was buzzing with energy on October 19 and 20 for Malvern’s annual Homecoming and Reunion events. The campus was beautifully decorated by the generous Mothers’ Club and Malvern Maintenance staff, whose hard work was nothing short of spectacular.

1:00 p.m., and Varsity Football at 1:30 p.m. As the athletic contests concluded, the Pig Roast became the main event. Families, students, alumni, faculty, and staff enjoyed the food and camaraderie of the afternoon. The energy added a sense of liveliness among the students looking forward to the evening’s Homecoming Dance.

The Duffy Arts Center was the focal point on Friday night as the Alumni Association presented its 2018 Athletic Hall of Fame inductees. Four individuals were recognized for their excellence in athletics. Those inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame were Doug Borgerson ’96, Chuck Chinici P’90, Hunter Jones ’92 to emember P’23’25, and Jeff Spano ’97.

Moments r

Also on Friday evening, Friars in classes ending in ’3 and ’8 celebrated with an All-Reunion Class Party in Stewart Hall, while the Class of 1993 celebrated their 25th Reunion at Applebrook Golf Club. Homecoming kicked off Saturday morning with the Alumni 5k in Memory of Joy Pancoast P’07’11’14. The afternoon’s athletic contests kicked off with Varsity Soccer at 12:15 p.m., followed by Varsity Water Polo at

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Also on Saturday evening, the Class of 1968 celebrated their 50th Reunion at Aronimink Golf Club.

Homecoming & Reunion was an incredible weekend, made possible by the efforts of the Alumni Association, parent volunteers, students, faculty, and staff. We hope our entire community enjoyed being on campus, watching the sporting events, and reconnecting with fellow Malvernians. We look forward to another great event next year and hope to see our alumni back on campus soon!

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Alumni Golf Outing On a clear and chilly fall Monday in October, Waynesborough Country Club played host to the 34th Annual Alumni Golf Outing. More than 125 golfers, former faculty, and staff and alumni came together in the spirit of Brotherhood. Congratulations to the winning foursome of Bryan Forcino ’96 PT, Geof Forcino ’99, Shaun Gallagher ’98, and Dave Smith ’96. They took home four tickets to the Philadelphia Eagles vs. Washington Redskins Monday Night Football game at Lincoln Financial Field on December 3. Thank you to everyone who helped make the golf outing a success! We know this is a staple on the Malvern calendar and look forward to the 2019 outing. mp

Alumni Gather for Annual Fr. Duffy Christmas Party

On December 11 Alumni gathered in Stewart Hall for the Annual Fr. Duffy Alumni Christmas Party. The event brought together alumni from various classes and was a great way to kick off the holiday season at Malvern. This year, Bryan Forcino ’96 PT was honored with the Alumni Loyalty Award. Dr. Lou Giangiulio ’86 P’21, Alumni Board President, presented Forcino with the award and shared that the award is given to an alumnus who has dedicated his time and talent to Malvern’s academic, athletic, and extracurricular programs, as well as Malvern’s fundraising and alumni efforts. Forcino was President of the Alumni Board from 2015–2018 and has been a member of the Board for seven years. During

his tenure as President, Bryan and the board had many accomplishments, including: • The Alumni 5k race, with a portion of the proceeds raised dedicated to a St. Agnes Scholarship. • Senior Student Representatives sitting on the Alumni Board. • Navigating the Alumni Board through two Head of School changes. • Hosting Alumni Association-sponsored lunches. • Chaperoning juniors on their Urban Challenge Christian Service Trip to Camden, NJ. • A member of the Alumni Golf Outing Committee. Congratulations to Bryan and his many accomplishments! mp


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NewsNotes 1966 SHARE YOUR ALUMNI NEWS! Malvern Prep encourages all alumni to share news in the NewsNotes section of the Malvern Magazine. To contribute, visit the Alumni page on, write to Alumni Programs, Malvern Preparatory School, 418 S. Warren Ave., Malvern, PA 19355, or e-mail (All alumni notes are edited for length, grammar, and content.)

Alumni photos are welcome! Digital photos, saved as 300 dpi .jpg files, are accepted, as well as print photos. To submit a photo, e-mail it to or mail it to Alumni Programs, Malvern Preparatory School, 418 S. Warren Ave., Malvern, PA 19355. Photos will be returned upon request. Only acceptable photos will be published.

::: Looking for a great way to get involved with Malvern that involves the people you know best—your class? The Class Agents & Correspondents program is the answer! E-mail to get involved.

Class Agents: Mr. Norm E. McMahon P’00 PT and Mr. William A. Thomas

Sid and his wife Bridget live in Arlington, VA.

FRAN DUNPHY, basketball coach for Temple University, was the recipient of the 2018 Dean Smith Award by the U.S. Basketball Writers Association.

1975 Class Agent: Mr. Edward F. Klinges, Jr. P’12’15’18 PT In September, TOM MCGUIRE spoke at the Brandywine Battlefield Park Associates Revolutionary Dining Series about the Archibald Robertson Map of the Battle at Brandywine.

1998 Class Agents: Mr. William Dunigan, Mr. Shaun J. Gallagher, Mr. Anthony J. Grubb, and Mr. Marvin C. Pittman Congratulations to SHAUN GALLAHER and his wife, Parker, on the birth of their baby girl, Blaine Davis Gallagher.

1999 Class Agent: Mr. Robert J. Hughes III BOB HUGHES and his wife, Carolyn, welcomed their second child, Mary Catherine, into the world on July 21, 2018.

1986 Class Agents: Mr. Harry S. Stinger III P’19, Mr. Michael J. Sweeney, Jr. P’18, and Mr. Anthony J. Wirtel III P’19 JOHN MCEVOY P’21’24 was named Philly Lacrosse Co-Coach of the Year.

1993 Class Agents: Mr. Chris Datz P'22 and Mr. Ryan Irish P'22'23

1959 Class Agent: Mr. Robert F. Cardone Members of the Class of 1959 gathered for dinner in Conshohocken with FR. BRIAN LOWERY, O.S.A. while he was visiting from Italy.

SIDNEY HODGSON was recently promoted to the rank of Captain in the United States Navy. With this promotion, he took command of the Terminal Defense Systems Program in June.

2000 PATRICK DOERR was recently honored by JEVS Human Services as an inspiring individual who has achieved extraordinary success while overcoming tremendous physical challenges. Doerr works as an accountant and software administrator for Main Line Health.


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2001 Class Agents: Mr. William P. Corbett and Mr. Sean P. McConnell In June 2017, CAPTAIN JERRY REITANO took command of the U.S. Army Special Operations Command Flight Company at Ft. Bragg, NC. Cpt. Reitano is pictured with his wife Kala, and daughters Peyton and Henley.


In late November, CRAIG FORD successfully defended his dissertation and completed his doctoral studies at Boston College. Ford’s PhD is in Theological Ethics, and his research focuses on gender, sexuality, race, and the Catholic Moral Tradition. The title of Ford’s dissertation was “Foundations of a Queer National Law,” and he currently teachers theology at Fordham University.

Class Agents: Mr. Neil J. Brazitis and Mr. J. Michael Treston MICHAEL GATMAITAN relocated to Syracuse, NY, and is working as a Senior Project Manager for Syracuse University.

2007 Class Agent: Mr. John G. Kernicky CARTER LINDBORG graduated from Georgetown University’s School of Medicine in 2018. He is now in his first year of a five-year orthopedic surgical residency at the University of Buffalo. He and his wife, Amelia, have a 6-month-old daughter, Linnéa.

2006 Class Agent: Mr. Anthony J. Antonello Congratulations to RYAN WATSON who graduated FBI training in the fall. The training was part of Ryan’s journey to being an FBI agent.

BRIAN THOMAS graduated from Temple University Beasley School of Law in May. During his time at Temple, he made Dean’s List three semesters and was named a Law and Public Policy Scholar. He spent his summers while enrolled at Temple further pursuing his interests in corporate transactional law at Deutsche Bank in New York, followed by a stay at the United States Securities and Exchange Commission’s


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headquarters in Washington, DC, as a member of the Commission’s Student Honors Program. He also worked closely with Professor Jonathan Lipson, counsel of record for Amici Curiae Law Professors, on a brief submitted in support of the petitioners in Czyzewski v. Jevic Holding Corp., a case argued before the United States Supreme Court in December 2016. Prior to law school, Brian worked for four years in client relationship management at Brown Brothers Harriman in Boston. Brian graduated from Boston College in 2011, where he obtained his BS as a double major in Management and English. Brian currently resides in Ardmore, PA. After sitting for the Pennsylvania bar exam in July, he is actively pursuing an associate job at a law firm in Philadelphia or the greater Philadelphia area. His primary professional interests include general corporate law, corporate tax, mergers and acquisitions, start-up financing, and securities regulation.

2008 Class Agent: Mr. Michael J. McKee BOB RAFFERTY JR. wed Heather Rittenhouse on September 28, 2018, in Philadelphia. Rev. Christopher Drennen, O.S.A. ’73 officiated the wedding at St. Augustine Catholic Church.



United States Marine Corps Lieutenant MICHAEL PAUL SALINAS stopped by to see younger brother ISAAC SALINAS ’18 compete in a water polo match in Orange County, CA, in early October. Lt. Salinas is stationed at Camp Pendleton, CA.

Class Agent: Mr. Joseph V. D’Ascenzo III WILL LEE cofounded Socionado, a platform that makes it simple and easy for any brand to find the right social media manager.

2011 ZACH OLAH and BEN MAUREY met up in June while attending the American Society of Clinical Oncology conference in Chicago. TONY DEL PIZZO began teaching in Malvern’s Music Department during the fall of 2018. He teaches Middle School music.

Class Agent: Mr. John D. Bradford III

2015 Class Agent: Mr. Parker A. Abate TYLER BARR and ANDREW GOSSELIN graduated from Officer Candidate School (Quantico, VA) at the end of June. Both young men are in the NROTC programs at their respective schools.


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2018 Class Agents: Mr. Cameron D. Battisti and Mr. Desmond L. Papariello NICK MARGAY and LOUIS MARGAY ’18 pose for a quick photo in downtown Annapolis, MD. Louis is in his first year at the U.S. Naval Academy.

2016 Class Agents: Mr. Robert DiCicco, Mr. James G. Faunce, and Mr. Ben Yankelitis BEN YANKELITIS was featured on ESPN for his part in helping to plan and organize the inaugural University of Notre Dame vs. University of Michigan Special Olympics Flag Football Rivalry Series.

BILLY CORCORAN was named the Inquirer’s Pitcher of the Year. During his senior year, Corcoran helped lead the Friars to a 30-7 mark and the Inter-Ac League crown.

In October, JAKE HODLOFSKI was named as the Landmark Conference Defensive Athlete of the Week. Hodlofski is currently a freshman goalkeeper at the University of Scranton. Also in October, STEPHEN SALLE earned the honor of being named the Northeast Water Polo Conference Rookie of the Week. Salle is a freshman at Brown University.


Water Polo Hosts Alumni Game Over Thanksgiving Weekend The Water Polo team had a great turnout for their 3rd annual Alumni Water Polo game on Friday, November 23. Fr. Flynn stopped by to pray with and bless the group. What a great day to be a Friar!


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News from the Augustinian Province of St. Thomas of Villanova Brother Bill Gabriel, O.S.A., Spends Pastoral Year at Malvern Prep There is a new friendly face around campus this year. And, if he wasn’t wearing his Augustinian habit, he may be mistaken as just another senior. Brother Bill Gabriel, O.S.A., 26, is spending his pastoral year of Augustinian formation as an assistant campus minister, theology teacher, and assistant ninth grade basketball coach at Malvern. “I love being part of the Malvern community, and helping students get to know Saint Augustine and see how his teachings are such a part of a Malvern education,” Brother Bill says. “Following graduation from college, I spent a few years at Archmere Academy in Delaware as a campus minister and basketball coach, so it is great to be back in high school.” How did Brother Bill decide to join the Augustinians and where is he on his formation journey? As he tells it, he knew that he wanted to be an Augustinian from a very early age. Growing up in New England and attending an Augustinian-led parish, he remembers telling his father, “I am going to be that guy,” referring to the Augustinian pastor. Fast -forward to fall 2015, following graduation from Villanova and a few years in the working world, he joined the Augustinians. First as a prenovice and then as a novice, he professed his simple vows on August 5, 2017. This step then led him to his first two years of a four-year period of theological studies. This year he takes a break from his theological studies for his pastoral year at Malvern. “My experience of the Augustinian spirit at Malvern has been exceptional – a spirit of loving hospitality, vibrant community, and a deep, communal desire and search for Truth,” he says. “It has been a gift to learn from and walk with the Malvern Prep Community, serving as a great affirmation of my call to the Augustinian way of life.” Brother Bill will resume his theological studies after leaving Malvern at the end of this school year. If all goes well, as we know it will, he will profess his solemn vows next year and be ordained as a transitional deacon. Finally, after his seven years of preparation, he will be ordained to the priesthood and take up his new ministry. “Malvern takes great joy in having Brother Bill with us this year,” said Malvern Head of School Father Donald Reilly, O.S.A. “It is truly a gift to have him present, modeling the Augustinian way of life for our students.”

Augustinian formation programs are supported by the Augustinian Fund. If you want to learn more about Augustinian vocations, go to To learn more about all the ministries of the Augustinian Province of St. Thomas of Villanova, go to


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Grade 4, 8th and P’22’2 h, scaglia uce, spinac aritan u B b m Ro lett ags of ood Sa 7, Mr. , June pped off 8 b en, to the G ursday ro rd On Th y Leader, d Grade Ga ! th m Acade s from the 8 . Great work li e radish loset in Pao C Food

ek in Spain for

joyed their we

en e Class of 2022 Members of th p. tri their exchange

r the summer! ort in Lima, Peru, ove n gathering at the airp d from Machu Picchu and are It was a mini Malver rne retu just si vare Cal ’15 were headed to Nick ’17 and Peter se, Brian, and Patrick azon, while Ms. Loh en route to the Am Machu Picchu.

Our Junior Christian Service Trips started on Friday, June 8 and went through Monday, June 18. Pictured above is the group in Chulucanas, Peru. Great work to all of our groups!

rate ered to celeb nter will munity gath Ce e school com for Social Impact. The th r, be em nter In Sept nd on The Ce ou gr ng ki ea br . Fall of 2019 open in the

In early September, four inductees for the Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica helped out La Comunidad Hispana during Kennett Square’s Mushroom Parade.

On Tuesday , August 28, and Wednesd of 2022 had ay, th in a variety of eir Freshman Orientation August 29, the Class information . al sessions, tea Students participated and even a fie ld day. Welc m building ac ome to Malv tivities, ern!

-day from a 10 tructure as returned recently ilding local infr es on er bu ap d their ch ents assisted in ud niors an Rising se to Nadi, Fiji. St ildren. ip ch tr l e ca ic lo e serv ed with th and play

Malvern juniors and their chaperones in South Africa. Pic are enjoying their tim tur KwaNyusa-Miambo. ed here are the students with cam e pers at brate their 1960 gathered to cele an with ust 22, the Class of great day that beg a On Wednesday, Aug was It . pus cam ch and y Bash on , and ended with lun 9th Annual Birthda n bag toss competition all who attended! Mass, included a bea anda. Thank you to Ver l Hal tin Aus dessert on the

Water Polo alumni got together at the Bison Invitational at Bucknell University in mid-September. Pictured: Pat Coffey ’15 (Fordham University Goalie), Adam Spinos ’14 (University of Toronto, Asst. Coach for Goalkeepers), Isaac Salinas ’18 (U.S. Naval Academy), and Magnus Sims ’15 (Fordham University Water Polo Co-Captain).


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year, t event of the hosted their firs team of seniors dent Council Stu the to er, ns mb tio pte In Se ngratula urnament. Co a Handball To the victory! who took home

Represent at October to ives from the Chest er County meet with Fo the 8th G rade Garde our 8th graders and od Bank stopped by n. help plant our fall cr in ops in

Our Middle School students enjoyed their annual Halloween Party on Wednesday, October 31. The party featured candy, raffles, and a costume contest.


Our students had a warm welcome from NASDAQ in New York City in November. Students and chaperones were in the city to see King Kong on Broadway.


What a great pe Pippin! for th rformance by the entire cas e Malvern Th eatre Society’ t and crew of s fall musical!

A few of Malve rn’ Christian Servi s sophomores spent their De ce cem in Philadelphia Weekend at St. Augustine Ch ber preparing dinne urc Project. r for those at Be h thesda

rtunity to had the oppo O’Meara ’19 st part of the day was ber, Steven be he “T y! da In mid-Octo well as e hool for th ss campus, as be Head of Sc y different people acro y and get to know him an ill m Re . so g Fr tin mee y with spend the da being able to O’Meara. l level,” said on a persona

Corey Kovalovich ’19 and Brendan Taylor everyone at the 29th ’20 helped distribute Annual OPC Apple Festival about the serv information to Comunidad Hispan a, located in Kennet ices offered by La t Square.

Members of th Christopher’ e Class of 1958 met for lunc s in Arnie Maccio Malvern. Pictured here h earlier this week at cc (L-R) Andy Ta Tom Flanag a, Fred Huenerfauth, Vince Wolfin lone, Paul Pelosi, an, and Bill May. gton,

ts and families from St. Patrick’s In early December, Malvern hosted studen en’s Christmas Party. The children Childr annual our for town Norris in Parish d lunch and treats, and even met participated in games and activities, enjoye

In mid-December a group of Middle School students spe time at the Cheste r County Family Academy assisting nt Christmas party. with their What a great day!



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(July 2018–January 2019)

Frank Adams ’52

Mary Jane McBratnie P’89 GP’11

Carole Burnham P’82’84

Charlie McLaughlin

Joseph Cardile P’10

Kathryn E. McNally GP’86

Joseph Cunnane '70

Leon Mankowki GP'16'18'20

Raymond F. Dlugos Sr.

Helen Meehan

Eileen Dolente P’06

Susan Mills P’19

Patricia Drennen P’73

Peg Panetti

Joseph Freney ‘60

Elizabeth Parsons GP’97’03’07’09’11’16

James Gannon P’90 Alfredo Giannaccari ‘13

Robert P. Quigley '45 P'72'74'77'80 GP'03'11'12'13'14'17 TE

Barbara Giannaccari P’13

Margaret Schwartz P’74

John Harmatuk, Sr.

Marjory Small P’78

Harrison Hneleski

Timothy Toner

Margaret Lindsay P’88’89

John Wuetig


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Unity for One Malvern Truth for One Malvern Love for One Malvern

Invest in One Malvern

Our students are building and designing with a higher purpose - to serve others. And they’re doing it together - united for the common good. They’re also creating memories and friendships that will last a lifetime. Consider a gift to The Malvern Fund so that the events and traditions, which we hold so dear, can continue for future Malvernians.

Discover the Many Ways of Giving

484-595-1110 | @MalvernPrep

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418 S. Warren Avenue • Malvern, PA 19355-2707

B.A.S.H. XLV will be held on Malvern Prep's campus in the O'Neill Sports Center


Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 6 p.m.

Save the Date & Join us at B.A.S.H XLV! 2018MP_Fall/Winter_Cover_.indd 4

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