Renovation Update 3.15.22

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Renovation Updates Winter 2022

The renovations begin in January with Tony’s Tavern

Next stop is our Upper Main Dining Room

Let’s take a walk down Peacock Ally (so much sun!)

Take a peak at the Women’s Restroom

The work continues in the Ladies’ Room

Repainting has begun

A new door is being cut in the Living Room for a brand new bar

Completely transforming the Living Room

Tony’s is having even more work done as January moves on

Excavating the Gaddie Room for the brand new bar

Swinging back around to the Ladies’ Room

Peacock Ally’s ceiling getting some repairs

Our side entrance is moving into February by getting some fresh paint!

The Lower Main trim joins the entrance with a fresh coat

The new bar door is fully cut out

A new view above the fireplace

The renovation coninues to flow smoothly

Fresh paint on the molding in the Living Room

A high contrast paint job on the molding in the Lower Main Dining Room!

Moving into mid-February, we have a hidden gem in the Ladies’ Room!

The Living Room bar is coming to fruition!

Meanwhile, the Gaddie Room’s bar is catching up

Excavation behind the Gaddie Room bar continues

Let’s take a closer look

Tony’s back wall is getting some work done

Imagine the view from these windows while you hang out and have some of Chef’s cooking

Peacock Ally’s original floor!

A brand new floor is going on top of this!

A new ceiling for the kitchen!

The re-carpeting process has begun! Be careful not to step in the glue!

What a great pattern!

Brand new carpet being installed in the foyer

The Private Dining Room is getting some carpet, too!

The dance floor is being removed

Work on the PC has begun!

The existing staircase has been uncovered! Rumor has it we’ll have a barbershop!

The new driving bay extension is underway!

New carpet in Peacock Ally!

New wallpaper in the Private Dining Room

Removing the old floors in the Upper Main Dining Room

The Private Dining Room’s flooring is being finalized

The driving bay is almost complete!

We enter mid-March with a fresh coat of paint in Tony’s Tavern in preparation for some new wallpaper!

The ladies’ room is getting some nice marbled flooring!

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