Caroline Sharp
caroline.sharp @dorsetchamber.co.uk

Ed Earl ed.earl @dorsetchamber.co.uk
Caroline Sharp
caroline.sharp @dorsetchamber.co.uk
Ed Earl ed.earl @dorsetchamber.co.uk
Dorset Business Focus magazine is the most widely read business publication in the Dorset business community with a readership of over 10k+. Packed full of great articles, it features the latest news from our diverse membership.
Dorset Chamber members can upload content for consideration by the editorial team to feature in the magazine. Visit our website and submit your news articles for a chance to feature in the next issue of the magazine: www.dorsetchamber.co.uk/news/ submit-your-news/
You can also read the digital version of the magazine on our website.
Hello and welcome to the September edition of Dorset Business Focus. Is it me or is the year just flying past us?
This month’s magazine has a focus on skills, an area that is absolutely key to the growth of our economy.
Dorset Chamber has been working closely with skills providers in Dorset in delivering the Department for Education’s Dorset Local Skills Improvement Plan, part of a national review of skills provision against the current and future needs of business. This has been a valuable and highly productive project and it’s evident that training providers in Dorset are delivering at the highest levels and committed to working with business.
The Dorset Chamber team is now very busy with preparations for the 2024 Dorset Business Festival, a programme of major business events over a 2 week period beginning on 30 September with an opening networking breakfast with the guest speaker, Lord Matthew Elliott - a leading Westminster strategist. We then have a Business Expo on 2 October which will offer an excellent opportunity to meet literally hundreds of businesses. We still have a small number of stands available and the Expo is free to attend as a delegate.
Chamber House, Acorn Office Park Ling Road, Poole, Dorset BH12 4NZ T. 01202 714800 W. www.dorsetchamber.co.uk
Production Manager Ben Pulford ben@pulfordpublicity.co.uk
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01202 893430 www.pulfordpublicity.co.uk
Our conference, themed “Business as a Force for Good”, takes place on 9 October. Hosted by former BBC Breakfast business reported Declan Curry, the conference features leading keynote speaker Benita Matofska. Benita is a worldleading speaker, changemaker and climate change consultant to some of the world’s most forward-thinking businesses. We will also welcome President of the Jobs Foundation Lord Matthew Elliott, one of the UK’s foremost public policy thinkers and strategists and over twenty business leaders from across the region.
The grand finale of the festival is the prestigious Dorset Business Awards which takes place on 10 October, where we will be celebrating the achievements of Dorset businesses across a wide range of categories.
You can see all information and book your tickets for the great celebration of business in Dorset on the Dorset Chamber website.
Ian Girling Chief Executive Dorset Chamber
Be part of Dorset’s leading business support organisation
Joining Dorset Chamber is a valuable and powerful investment for any business. Engaging with us and using membership to its full potential brings demonstrable business benefits.
To find out more contact paul.taylor@dorsetchamber | 01202 714818
The Dorset Local Skills Improvement Plan, (LSIP) published in August 2023, highlighted how the skills system could address some of the issues and priorities faced by employers when recruiting, retaining and upskilling their people. One year on, the first annual progress report for the Dorset LSIP has just been approved by the new Government and is available to view at www.dorsetchamber.co.uk/lsip
Stakeholders from the skills sector from across the county continue to work collaboratively to respond to the priorities and challenges raised by employers. These skills advocates include employers, local councils, business organisations, sector organisations, education providers - schools, colleges, universities and independent training providers. In this article, we’ve highlighted a snapshot of the activities of these stakeholders and partners, as they respond to the current and future needs of employers.
Identified by the Dorset Skills Board as high need, growth and innovation sectors, the LSIP focuses on the skills needs in the sectors of: Health and Social Care, Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering
including Aerospace, Defence and Marine, Construction, Digital Tech and Creative, and Agriculture, Agri-tech and Aquaculture.
Nicola Newman, project lead, Dorset Local Skills Improvement Plan said “A consistent commitment to training can sustain and grow a business and its people. The LSIP aims to enhance the relevance and enable and empower employers to access the full range of funded and free training available in Dorset.” Understanding and developing the skills needed to meet Net Zero goals was identified as a cross-cutting priority in all sectors, by the Department for Education. Alongside sector specific technical skills, other crosscutting skills needed by employers in all sectors were also identified as priorities.
These included English and Maths, digital skills (from Outlook to AI) and leadership and management skills (particularly staff supervision which has changed post the pandemic).
“This is just the start of this employer led skills journey for Dorset. In a relatively short period of time, we’ve built strong foundations, aligned strategic thinking and are seeing activities, initiatives and projects responding directly to the LSIP priorities to build capacity, capability and collaboration in the system.”
If you want to maximise the benefits of funded post-16 technical education, training, and employment support to secure the workforce you need, or want to be part of this change process, please get in touch. www.dorsetchamber.co.uk/lsip
Employer ask: Make it easier to find, understand and access free and subsidised training for my business and people
Response: Training Provision Directory from DSTPN and the launch of the Dorset Skills employer newsletter, LinkedIn channel and events
Stay up-to-date with the latest training and skills news for employers in Dorset. Register for the newsletter and follow Dorset Skills on LinkedIn to get updates on:
• Funded and Free Training
• Events
• Insights and Reports
• New Programmes
Looking for training course information, contact details or simply an explanation of what training options are available in your area, then you need to download the new Business Skills. Sorted! directory
Produced by the Dorset and Somerset Training Provider Network (DSTPN) with the support of Dorset Local Skills Improvement Plan, this handy directory available online provides an accessible way to source the training and learning opportunities available to organisations of all sectors and sizes, across the county.
As well as explaining the different types of training available – from Supported Internships, Apprenticeships, T Levels, Skills Bootcamps and HTQs – it also gives direct links to the training and education providers.
Download your copy at dstpn.co.uk/business-skills-sorted/
Employer ask: More staff to fill available job vacancies
Response: Support and training from specialist stakeholders. Training to be more inclusive in hiring practices including the Disability Confident scheme, working with adults and young people with SEND and supporting people back into the workplace.
Seetec Pluss offer a fully funded bespoke service for organisations who want to expand and recruit but don’t have time to manage upskilling and training. They’ll work with employers to identify and provide relevant, funded training to prospective candidates ahead of interview or work trials to meet specific workforce needs.
To find out more visit: www.seetecpluss.co.uk/
One in five adults have a disability of some kind, yet only 6% of adults with a learning disability are in a paid job and 60% would like to join the workforce. By being more inclusive and accessible, you can tap into this capable workforce, creating healthy diversity within your workplace and giving these young people a much-needed chance.
To access a free toolkit to guide you in becoming a Disability Confident employer, developed by Andrew Holland at SendMe2Work in partnership with Dorset Careers Hub, Find out more: www.dorsetcareershub.co.uk/disabilityconfident-resources
Employer ask: More ‘work ready’ applicants with practical work experience, to reduce induction time spent on familiarisation of equipment and scenarios.
Response: Providers are working closely with industry to create work simulated environments. Over the past year more and more facilities have opened locally in Further Education Colleges and Universities.
Within Bournemouth University’s brand new £48 million Bournemouth Gateway Building, the Faculty of Health & Social Sciences now houses clinical and community simulation suites. This includes an operating theatre, ambulance setting and other wards that mirror healthcare workplace settings. Learners practise their skills before heading out on placements in NHS Trusts and community settings across the south.
Jasmine Hart, Paramedic Science student: “We interact a lot with our local trust... At BU, it’s a bit like a three-year job interview and by the time you finish, a trust has a very good idea of what you are like as a person and your level of performance.”
Employer ask: Equipping the future workforce with sectorspecific green skills
Response: Modern Methods of Construction programme to develop new green skills needed in the local building industry
Looking to expand your workforce or for a new approach to recruitment? You can now access the no cost services from your local Job Centre.
The network of local Employer Advisers will help you find the right people for your jobs using the most suitable recruitment solution www.gov.uk/jobcentre-plus-help-forrecruiters/
As a result of construction priorities identified in the LSIP and championed by Magna Housing, the Local Skills Improvement Fund collaborative bid included a Modern Methods of Construction capital and revenue programme to develop new green skills required in the local building industry.
The remodelling and refurbishment of a site at Weymouth College and the purchase of specialist equipment plus the development of a new curriculum has been an exemplar industry/ college collaboration involving a range of employers and professionals including: Magna Housing, Complex Asset Management Solutions Ltd., Fisher & Dean Construction Ltd., Taylor Lewis, One50Studio, South West Procurement Alliance, LHC Procurement Group, Rollalong, Michelmores, Building Better.
These housing associations, MMC manufacturers, architects, planners and contractors have been integral to the course design, which also has filmed clips from the professionals incorporated within a seminar approach to delivery. www.weymouth.ac.uk
Employer ask: Upskill staff with digital skills from core IT skills to more advanced digital leadership skills
Response: Digital programmes at all levels rolled-out across the county
Dorset Council has launched a free Digital Leadership training programme for local businesses, funded by the Shared Prosperity Fund.
Running from September to early 2025, the online training programme is targeted at CEOs, directors, managers, and digital champions across all industries and aims to help businesses craft a future-proof strategy with cuttingedge digital tools.
The programme is designed to help improve productivity using digital platforms, foster a culture of experimentation and innovation, learn more about AI, delve into data decision-making and assist with horizon scanning for future opportunities.
For more information: planning@cosmic.org.uk
The Digital Skills Hub in Boscombe offers a series of seven free Business Masterclasses in partnership with Silicon South and Dorset Local Enterprise. Partnership.
Each one-day workshop covers a specific topic pertinent to developing and running a business with momentum and sustained growth. Workshops can be attended as a one-off, or you can attend all seven. Visit: www.digitalskillshub.org.ukto find out more
Do you work in tech or digital? Dorset Council needs tech professionals like you to inspire the young coders of the future.
Dorset Coding Day is an event run by Dorset Council in partnership with BCP Council and Barclays Digital Eagles. Schools around Dorset are encouraged to sign up to take part in interactive code-along activities. Taking place throughout the week of 7 October, this year it wants to engage with more schools, creating more excitement, and inspiring more innovation.
If you think you can spare a few hours to support future tech professionals, sign up here www.digitalskillshub.org.uk
At Beagle Aircraft, the staff is exceptionally hard-working and highly skilled in their sectorspecific areas. As the business expands, the company aims to ensure its employees have the opportunity to take on greater responsibilities and achieve promotions.
The Senior Leadership Team and staff acknowledged that despite their high skill levels and job-specific competencies, there was a desire to expand their knowledge and gain confidence in managing and leading their teams.
An opportunity was identified to develop the staff through a Leadership and Management Skills Bootcamp Programme. Initially, there was hesitation due to some stories heard about Skills Bootcamps. However, after meeting with Somerset Council and the Wrap Around Support Service Team (Dorset and Somerset Training Provider Network), they were convinced of the program’s potential.
The development of a bespoke Leadership and Management curriculum
was initially daunting but was made easy with the support of the Wrap Around Service, who did an excellent job of putting the curriculum together. Beagle Aircraft had complete control over the curriculum content, its design, and delivery schedule.
Once the curriculum content was agreed upon, Yeovil College was introduced and successfully bid to run the program. Yeovil College created the delivery materials, which were approved by Beagle Aircraft, and the program was launched.
The program has been running for 14 weeks, and feedback from participating staff members has been overwhelmingly positive. The knowledge and skills acquired are already having a beneficial impact on the business. This initiative marks the beginning of what is hoped to be many more Skills Bootcamps at Beagle Aircraft.
To find out more about Skills Bootcamps visit: dstpn.co.uk/skills-bootcamps/
Labour came into power promising to deliver a raft of reforms to UK employment law, which were to be implemented within their first 100 days of gaining power. In the King’s Speech on 17 July 2024, Labour outlined its commitment by announcing it would introduce two new employment law bills - an Employment Rights Bill and a draft Equality (Race and Disability) Bill. What changes will these include?
Whilst we don’t have any specific details at present, the Employment Rights Bill is likely to include provisions relating to the majority, if not all, of the pledges made in Labour’s Plan to deliver “A New Deal for Working People”; these include:
• Day 1 employment rights, including the right not to be unfairly dismissed (although probationary periods are likely to have a special status).
• Ban on exploitative zero-hours contracts.
• Restrictions on fire and rehire.
• Statutory sick pay reforms to enable sick pay to be paid from day 1 of sickness rather than day 4.
• Reform of the apprentice regime.
• Further strengthening and review of family rights to increase bereavement leave and parental leave.
• Creation of new single worker status. Labour is likely to include some of its other plans within the draft Equality (Race and Disability) Bill to:
• extend equal pay to cover race and disability as well as sex, and
• introduce mandatory ethnicity and disability pay reporting for employers with at least 250 people.
When will this happen?
We should know by next month if Labour are to introduce this Bill
within their 100-day timescale.
The details and timescale for implementing any changes should be set out at this point. Realistically, many of these changes will need to be introduced over time and are likely to be subject to revision as they go through both houses of parliament.
Changes to or a new ACAS Code of Practice will also need to be made to support the implementation process.
It is unlikely that any substantive changes will take place this year. The last government took a year to implement the numerous changes that came into force this April, and realistically, we are unlikely to see any practical effects from Labour’s proposals until October 2025/April 2026.
In the interim, Labour could look to implement some of its other employment commitments piecemeal to maintain momentum on its pledges. This could include removing the lower-earning rate for 18 to 20-year-olds and linking the National Living Wage to the cost of living.
What do employers need to do?
Employers can start preparing for change. Once we have more detail in October, employers should:
• Review their present policies and procedures, particularly around probationary periods and sickness.
• Review existing employment contract terms and determine how many workers’ zero-hour contracts are in place.
• Review workforce demographics to identify how many will be affected by changes in the National Living Wage. The collation of this information will enable employers to plan and prepare for change and give training to managers in time for these to be implemented.
If you have any questions about how these changes may affect your business, please email our expert employment solicitors at online.enquiries@la-law.com.
Dee Woodcock, Solicitor www.lesteraldridge.com
Dorset Chamber has strengthened the ranks of its platinum business partners with leading Technology and Telecoms provider ITCS.
ITCS provides services for customers nationwide and recently acquired Dorchester-based Poundbury Systems as part of its growth strategy. Dorset Chamber’s business partner programme is for members that wish to make a greater contribution to the organisation and the business community. ITCS has become the Business Partner for Technology and Telecoms at the chamber.
ITCS becomes a Platinum Business Partner as the chamber celebrates its 75th anniversary this year and as it looks ahead to its Business Festival in the Autumn. The company is based in Bridgend, South Wales, with offices in London, the South West and
the Midlands. It provides a comprehensive and flexible range of IT solutions to cover all of businesses’ requirements.
Managing Director Brian Stokes said: “ITCS and Dorset Chamber are like minded organisations with a commitment to excellence, innovation and the highest quality service.
“This is an exciting time to become a Platinum Business Partner with the addition of Poundbury Systems to the ITCS group.
“We are all looking forward enthusiastically to embracing our role and working more closely with the chamber team and fellow members.
are all looking forward enthusiastically to embracing our role and working more closely with the chamber team and fellow members.
“This strategic expansion enables us to offer a comprehensive range of Technology and Telecom Services, including Business IT Support, Cyber Security, Super Fast Broadband, Software Development and Web Design, with digital marketing, SEO and PPC.
“These services are tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses in the region, where we look forward to building lasting relationships and contributing to the economic development of Dorset.”
Ian GIrling, chief executive, Dorset Chamber said: “ITCS is a leading national technology and telecoms provider with a local office which has built an excellent reputation over many years.
“We look forward to developing a strong and valuable relationship with ITCS to help further raise its profile while supporting the business community and growth of the local economy.”
In today’s competitive business environment, companies need to continually adapt and innovate. One effective, yet often overlooked, strategy for fostering growth and development is offering work experience opportunities to school students. For Dorset businesses, this approach not only supports the community but also plays a vital role in upskilling your current workforce.
Bridging the Skills Gap
A significant challenge facing many businesses today is the widening skills gap. Integrating students into your workplace through work experience programs can help address this issue. These young minds bring fresh perspectives and a willingness to learn, which can invigorate your team. While students gain valuable insights into the professional world, your employees benefit from mentoring and teaching opportunities that enhance their leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills.
Fostering a Culture of Continuous Learning
Work experience placements can spark a culture of continuous learning within your organisation. When employees step into mentoring roles, they are encouraged to reflect on their own practices. This reflective process often uncovers new ways of thinking and problem-solving, driving innovation and creativity in your business.
Strengthening Team Dynamics
Mentorship isn’t just about sharing knowledge; it also strengthens relationships within your workforce. Employees who mentor students develop patience, empathy, and improved communication skills—traits essential for effective teamwork. Involving different departments in mentoring can also break down silos, fostering collaboration and creating a more cohesive workplace culture.
Providing employees with the opportunity to mentor students can significantly boost job satisfaction. It allows them to engage in meaningful work beyond their usual responsibilities, contributing to the development of the next generation. This sense of purpose can lead to higher employee engagement and loyalty, ultimately improving retention rates.
Future-Proofing Your Workforce
Offering work experience placements is an investment in the future of your industry. The students you mentor today could become the skilled professionals you need tomorrow. Establishing these early connections with local talent not only helps build a pipeline of future employees but also strengthens your company’s reputation as a socially responsible business in Dorset.
Registering with the Dorset Work Ex Directory
To ensure young people can benefit from your opportunities, register with the Dorset Work Ex Directory through the Dorset Chamber, in partnership with Dorset Careers Hub. This directory connects businesses with local schools, making it easy to offer placements and facilitate a sustainable connection.
By joining the Dorset Work Ex Directory, you’ll be part of a network dedicated to shaping the future workforce while reaping the benefits of upskilling your own employees.
Visit www.dorsetchamber.co.uk/workex to find out more
by Tony Brown
In today’s interconnected world, businesses have the unique potential to be powerful agents of positive change. Beyond profit-making, companies are increasingly recognizing their role in fostering social and environmental good. This shift towards corporate social responsibility sees businesses investing in sustainable practices, supporting community development, and promoting ethical standards.
By prioritising these values, businesses not only contribute to a better society but also enhance their brand reputation and customer loyalty.
Parallel to this trend, the employment landscape is evolving, demanding a new set of skills from the workforce. Critical thinking and problem-solving remain paramount, as they enable employees to deal with challenges and drive innovation.
In addition, interpersonal skills such as communication and teamwork are essential, as collaboration across diverse teams becomes the norm. Adaptability and continuous learning are also crucial, given the rapid technological advancements and changing market conditions.
Digital literacy has become indispensable across virtually all sectors.
Ultimately, businesses that harness these skills within their workforce are better positioned to act as forces for good.
By fostering a culture of ethical responsibility and equipping employees with the necessary skills, companies can create a positive impact that extends beyond their immediate operations, benefiting society as a whole.
A vacant commercial site near the Hampshire/Dorset border has been acquired by a property investment company.
The off-market purchase by D R Smith Properties, with property consultancy Vail Williams advising the new owner, is the first time since 1928 that ownership of the site in Ringwood, has changed hands.
What was formerly the family-run Wells vehicle garage, just off the A338 and close to the A31, is to be turned into a new vehicle showroom or similar.
Ben Duly, an associate for Vail Williams, said: “The intention is to modernise the site, subject to planning permission, into a new vehicle showroom or similar.”
“Wells is now the only survivor of the original garages of Ringwood. The building has been in the area since 1930, since then, the site has survived world wars, been used by the Ministry of Defence where the pumps were commandeered and guarded by the army, and been through depression, recession and changes in government.
LOCALiQ – part of Newsquest Media Group – has launched its third annual study into the state of digital marketing in the UK to help local businesses benchmark against others and consider their current and future plans.
3.5 billion web searches help generate more than £129 billion in e-commerce revenue in the UK every year (Statista) – but the integration of AI in search platforms is shaking up the way customers are discovering local businesses, and many are now trying to ride the current.
This year’s survey will further investigate the impact AI is having on the industry, as well as views on the ethics of using it. Last year, LOCALiQ surveyed over 500 businesses, revealing 31% needed more training when it came to Artificial Intelligence. In fact, 81.3% of respondents said they did not think AI would lead to redundancies, and a third said it would allow them to recruit more. Use the QR code to complete the survey.
IMI has committed to its long-term future in Dorset, relocating from its current site in Creekmoor to a purpose-built facility in Poole.
The company’s new 105,000 sq. ft site will be located at the Technology Road industrial park, and will manufacture a broad range of products for critical applications in challenging operational environments. These will include high-integrity solenoid valves, pressure regulators and other industrial components for its IMI Herion, IMI Maxseal and IMI Thompson Valves brands. The facility will also provide additional local manufacturing capacity for other IMI businesses.
A state-of-the-art customer experience centre is planned as part of the site to further immerse existing and potential clients in the full journey of IMI’s Process Automation solutions. Upon completion the new site is also expected to create a number of jobs, cementing IMI’s status as a leading employer in the Poole area. Subject to planning permission and construction timetables, IMI aims to complete the final handover in early 2026.
“We wanted to build a new facility that would showcase IMI as a centre of engineering excellence for critical applications across the energy, chemical and marine industries”, explains Gary Clapcott, Managing Director of the IMI site in Poole.
“As one of Poole’s leading employers for more than six decades, we remain highly committed to our local community. This move to a new facility further underlines that IMI will be part of the town’s long-term future and continue to be a responsible and considerate employer.”
Innovations at the new facility will also include IMI’s ongoing efforts to decarbonise manufacturing sites across all its global businesses. Sustainability measures set to be implemented at the site include solar heating and photovoltaic panels, while 30% of its parking spaces will be for electric cars.
Year on year, to the end of June, the supply of publicly marketed farmland in the South West increased by just under 65 per cent, according to the latest market analysis from Savills.
20,600 acres of farmland were marketed during the first half of 2024, compared to 12,514 acres during the same period in 2023.
In the South East, there was an increase of 59 per cent over the same period, with 12,335 acres of farmland marketed to the end of June, compared to 7,763 acres during the same period in 2023.
The rise corresponds with increased supply across Great Britain as a whole, which was up by an average of 36 per cent at 118,232 acres. This represents a 19 per cent increase compared to the pre-Brexit levels of 2012-2016.
Kelly Hewson-Fisher, Head of Rural Research comments: “In January we forecast the supply of farmland would continue its upward trajectory with the market returning to historic average levels of supply. So far this has played out.
“Also, this year’s spring marketing
window was compressed due to the extremely poor early weather and of the total acreage marketed during the first six months of this year 93,435 of them came to the market from April.”
Looking at the size of farms marketed, there have been more larger blocks, over 500 acres, marketed than in 2023.
Overall, farmland values for the South West increased by an average of 5.6% in the 12 months to June, putting the average value for all farmland at £9,240 per acre. Meanwhile, the South East saw an increase of 1% on average over the same period to £9,335 per acre, with GB as a whole seeing an increase of 1.7% to the end of June, with an average value of £8,242.
The cumulative effect of the agricultural transition and the array of demands on farmland suggests the adaptability of grade 3 arable land to multiple uses is reflected in its popularity and values have increased by 6.5% in the South West.
Geoff Jones, Savills head of rural agency in the south, says “It is clear following the marketing of a number of farms and estates ranging from prime residential estates to substantial farming portfolios there is strong buyer appetite for best in class properties across all sectors. However, buyers are more selective than ever and presentation of a property and pragmatic pricing is paramount.”
It is clear following the marketing of a number of farms and estates ranging from prime residential estates to substantial farming portfolios there is strong buyer appetite for best in class properties across all sectors.
The official merger of Weymouth College and Kingston Maurward College took place on 1 August, marking the start of an exciting new chapter in Dorset’s further education offer.
The newly formed ‘Weymouth and Kingston Maurward College’ promises to bring enhanced opportunities and improved educational experiences to students and employers across the region.
The union follows extensive talks between the two colleges, the Department for Education, and the Further Education Commissioner. A public consultation also received a resoundingly positive response from stakeholders, including students, parents, staff and local communities.
Benefits for students and stakeholders include sharing physical and financial resources, expanded curriculum and courses, elevated quality of education, and more opportunities for collaboration and innovation.
The newly formed Board of Governors has announced Kate Wills as the Interim CEO and Principal overseeing a transitional period. Kate has more than 20 years of experience in further and higher education and takes over from Julia Howe at Weymouth College and Luke Rake at Kingston Maurward College.
Kate brings a wealth of knowledge and educational experience, including serving as Deputy Principal at The Cornwall College Group – a large general further education college with ten campuses. Kate believes the merger represents a significant step forward in the College’s mission to provide outstanding education and training.
She said: “Together, we are stronger, more resilient and better equipped to meet the needs of our students, employers and the local community.
“I would like to thank all those who have contributed towards the merger for their hard work and unwavering support. Their collective efforts have been instrumental in bring this vision to reality.”
Throughout the process, both colleges have maintained a steadfast focus on student experience and quality of education. This commitment will remain central to the vision of the merged college, ensuring that students receive exceptional support and learning opportunities.
This strategic union will combine strengths to offer an expansive range of courses and
apprenticeships across sites. The Kingston Maurward campus will continue to provide land-based courses, including agriculture, animal science, and horticulture, while the Weymouth campus will uphold its strong tradition of delivering A Levels and diverse vocational courses and apprenticeships.
Steve Webb, chair of the Board of Weymouth College, commented: “The creation of the Weymouth and Kingston Maurward College gives the county a strong academic and financially secure institution, which will broaden the opportunities available to students. It aims to offer an even more attractive option for students, encouraging more of them to pursue the FE route to
personal development.
“We have plans to be one of the best FE colleges in the country for student development and the merger is an excellent first step.”
Robert Lasseter, chair of the Board of Kingston Maurward College, added: “I would like to pay tribute to our staff and board for embracing this exciting development in Further Education for Dorset, supported by the DfE.”
Both chairs also paid tribute to Principals Julia Howe and Luke Rake for their exceptional leadership and dedication throughout the complex merger process.
Hall & Woodhouse (H&W) has invested in Dorset-based small business, Holidaymaker, to support its mission to bolster the holiday park and hospitality industry with increased guest engagement technology.
In 2020, the Holidaymaker guest experience app was created to drive revenue, boost brand loyalty, and increase repeat business for hospitality brands. The founding aim of Holidaymaker was to develop a technology that revolutionises the way businesses in the sector connect with guests. H&W has invested in the startup to allow further enhancement, implementation, and reach of this technology.
Anthony Woodhouse, Chairman of Hall & Woodhouse, explained: “We feel strongly about backing Dorset-based winners and enabling entrepreneurs to unlock their full potential.
“It is an exciting time to be working closely with Holidaymaker, as it looks to grow and push the boundaries of what can be achieved in the sector. We are eager to see what learnings we can apply to our own business through this partnership.”
H&W’s investment helped enable Holidaymaker to evolve from functioning solely as a guest experience app to a multi-dimensional software platform that enables parks to market directly to their guests and owners. www.hall-woodhouse.co.uk.
Dorset celebrates double success with Dorset Museum & Art Gallery and City Cruises Poole winning TripAdvisor Travellers’ Choice Awards.
Dorset Museum & Art Gallery was awarded a TripAdvisor Travellers’ Choice Award placing it among the top 10% of global attractions on the world’s largest travel guidance platform. This accolade reflects the museum’s exceptional visitor experience, highlighted by the enthusiastic feedback from guests who have left glowing reviews over the past year.
Claire Dixon, executive director of Dorset Museum & Art Gallery, expressed her delight: “We are thrilled to be recognised among travellers’ favourites this year. This award is a testament to the dedication of our staff and volunteers and the high quality of our museum displays. We are grateful to everyone who shared their positive experiences with us.” www.dorsetmuseum.org
City Cruises Poole has also been awarded with a 2024 Travellers’ Choice Award. This honour underscores City Cruises Poole’s status as a top-tier attraction, showcasing its consistent ability to deliver exceptional service and unforgettable experiences.
Carol Scott, regional director for City Cruises York and Poole, commented, “We are absolutely delighted to receive this recognition. This award reflects our team’s dedication to providing memorable and high-quality experiences for our guests. We strive to ensure every cruise offers something special.”
Since its inception in 2014, City Cruises Poole has offered diverse adventures on Europe’s largest natural harbour, including sightseeing cruises, island-hopping tours, and private charters, all celebrated for their exceptional service. www.cityexperiences.com
This month Dorset Chamber’s Paul Taylor drove the latest iteration of the Taycan from Porsche…
Porsche has outdone itself with the latest iteration of the Taycan, offering enhanced performance, improved efficiency, and cutting-edge technology. The driving experience has been refined to deliver an even more exhilarating performance. The introduction of a push-to-pass function, part of the Sport Chrono package, provides a 95PS boost at the press of a button, adding a thrilling edge to overtakes.
Efficiency upgrades make it a formidable electric vehicle, boasting faster charging times and a longer range. Aerodynamic enhancements reduced rolling resistance, and a lighter weight contributes to fewer charging stops and quicker recharge times, 350 plus miles. The optional Porsche Active Ride suspension ensures a smoother ride by
maintaining vehicle stability, even during dynamic maneuvers.
Inside, the Taycan’s cabin has been updated with a more intuitive instrument cluster and central display. Apple CarPlay integration and a new mode switch on the steering wheel enhance convenience and driving enjoyment. Advanced driver assistance systems, like fatigue detection and adaptive cruise control, new Matrix LED headlights now come as standard which use speed, camera and navigation data to light up the road on low light and night time drives in optimal fashion without dazzling other cars.
Overall, the updated Taycan is a triumph of performance, efficiency, and technology. Thank you Porsche Bournemouth for the test drive please contact 01202 897688 If you’d like your car to be Driven by the team, get in touch: press@dorsetchamber.co.uk
Bridport Business
Chamber of Trade and Commerce
Our mission is to ensure that Bridport provides the ideal environment for businesses to thrive and to supply the goods and services that the town and surrounding area needs to remain economically vibrant.
Bournemouth Town Chamber
For over 100 years
Bournemouth Chamber of Trade & Commerce (BCTC) has served as the leading voice of business in our communities. Founded in 1916 by a select group of small business entrepreneurs, the Chamber has steadily grown to service Boscombe, Kinson, Moordown, Pokesdown, Southbourne, Wallisdown, and Winton.
Dorchester Chamber for Business
We play an active role helping to promote local business and enterprise, representing a wide range of businesses both large and small. Our priority is to help our members work together to boost trade. In addition, we are also working with community partners on our Retain & Retrain campaign to promote apprenticeships and similar initiatives to further enhance employability in Dorchester.
Shaftesbury Chamber of Commerce
The Shaftesbury Chamber has around 100 members from its two business parks and independent High Street businesses. They hold monthly networking meetings and are very active in the development of the town’s economy. Unlike many other towns, Christmas lights and activities are entirely run and paid for by chamber members.
Sherborne Chamber of Trade and Commerce
SturBiz - Sturminster Newton Chamber of Commerce
The Sturminster Newton Chamber of Commerce was set up in 2018 and named SturBiz for simplicity. Its mission is to promote and enhance Sturminster Newton and surrounding area’s economy and its businesses and support a thriving and effective business community.
The Sherborne Chamber of Commerce exists to promote its members’ businesses and the wider business community. It has a membership in excess of 150. The chamber is involved in just about every event that takes place in the town, supporting the Sherborne community, attracting media interest and creating a memorable experience for visitors to the town.
Swanage & District Chamber of Trade
We have many ways of helping to promote all businesses in Swanage, the most popular of these is the Swanage Map. This is provided to tourists free of charge through all local hotels and the tourist information centre. As a member, you will be taking an active part in helping develop business opportunities in Swanage.
Weymouth & Portland Chamber of Commerce
The chamber has been supporting businesses for over 100 years, encouraging and inspiring businesses of all sizes. We’ve helped many people to find their feet in the local business community, by providing an environment where they can connect with likeminded people. In recent years we’ve represented the concerns of businesses to the local councils, contributing to a significant cut in the cost of car parking charges. We played an important role in the establishment of the Weymouth BID, in whose operation we take a keen interest.
Dorset Community Foundation is changing the lives of young people facing financial challenges through enterprise grants and is calling for further applications.
Its SWEF Enterprise and Business Fund is fuelling the ambitions of young people, by awarding grants of up to £2,000 to help young people who have been running their own business for less than two years.
Since its launch in 2021 more than £45,000 has been awarded to more than 50 young people aged between 18 and 30 to help with rent, equipment and other bills.
The businesses funded so far range from drone photography to making furniture, clothing to camping vans and recycling to remote bookkeeping.
Dorset Community Foundation chief executive, Grant Robson, said the grants are a good way for any young person with a business idea to find funding: “The idea of the fund is not just about supporting some genius with an idea that will change the world, it’s for ordinary, hardworking people who just want to utilise their skills, energy and courage to change their future but don’t have parents who can afford to fund them or savings in the bank.”
Dorset wealth management firm, Baggette + Co, is continuing its pledge to invest in young professionals across the region.
18 year-old Chloe Blackmore, a student at Poole High School, has joined the family-run firm as a client services administrator. Chloe’s appointment is part of Baggette + Co’s ongoing commitment to fostering young talent and addressing the gender imbalance within the financial services sector.
Chloe, who is pursuing her T-Levels in Accounting and Finance and has a year left at Poole High School, was one of twelve students who recently spent a day at Baggette + Co, learning about sustainable investments. Chloe’s passion for finance and eagerness to learn impressed the senior management team so much that she was offered a position within the firm’s outstanding Client Services team.
“I’m loving my time at Baggette + Co,” said Chloe. “It’s been a fantastic experience gaining real-life insights into a career I’m excited about pursuing. The team is so supportive, and the community feel within the business is amazing.”
Baggette + Co recognises the importance of financial literacy and is dedicated to inspiring the next generation of financial advisors. The firm’s commitment to nurturing talent aligns with industry data revealing that only 16 percent of regulated financial advisors in the UK are women.
Baggette + Co, Managing Director, Jo Hjalmas said:
“We are committed to providing opportunities for aspiring financial professionals and promoting diversity within our industry.”
In addition to supporting local schools throughout Dorset, Baggette + Co has supported young people at Poole & Bournemouth College and Bournemouth University in recent years, something the business aims to continue for many years to come.
Poole-based marketing and software agency b4b has launched a new business management platform aimed at trades businesses with mobile workforces.
The aptly named RemoteWorkr is the latest project to launch from the software team at b4b. It’s a tried-and-tested job management system that seamlessly integrates customer relationship management, job scheduling and workforce co-ordination into a singular, intuitive platform.
“From discussions with our clients, it became clear that job and customer management was a challenge faced by many trade businesses we worked with, particularly for those with teams attending appointments remotely.” said Jed Murray, Head of Software. Put simply, the platform can run every job from start to finish, saving time and eliminating stress. It brings together enquiries, estimates, quotes, jobs, staff, invoices, and more — all in one place. Due to being cloud-based, the platform can be accessed across every device – PC, mobile and tablet – making it
particularly suited to mobile businesses. Available on a licence model paid monthly per user, along with a minimal installation fee, the platform is available ‘out of the box’ or can be customised to suit particular styles of
working if required at an additional charge. Contact b4b for a platform demonstration. The first ten businesses to sign-up will receive half price licence fees for the first six months. www.b4b.co.uk
Dorset care home, Pine Martin Grange, has brought magic to residents by introducing a new interactive light projector as a way to further improve the quality of life for its residents.
Provided in partnership with SocialAbility, the Happiness Programme uses interactive games to connect
residents with each other and staff.
The Happiness Programme, stimulates movement by inviting participants to take part in various virtual activities such as popping bubbles, playing the piano or interacting with fish. Games are rich in colour, movement and detail, and allow people of all ages to play in a safe and comfortable environment.
Diverse Abilities, Dorset’s disability charity, returns to Poole’s Lighthouse with its popular Gala Ball this November, sponsored by Franses Jewellers of Bournemouth.
There’s still a chance to get your ticket for the charity’s eighth Gala Ball, which will be held on Saturday November 16. Tickets are available to purchase for both groups and individuals, with funds raised helping the 1,500 children and adults supported by the charity across Dorset every year. Tickets for the Gala Ball are £110 per person or £1000 for a table of 10.
Demi Tarrant, Events Executive at Diverse Abilities, commented: “The Gala Ball is without a doubt one of the highlights of the calendar. It’s the perfect opportunity to get dressed up, enjoy a delicious three-course meal and dance the night away to our live band and DJ, all whilst raising money to support children and adults with disabilities in Dorset. The evening also includes other surprise entertainment, a live auction, and the opportunity to win great prizes throughout the night. www.diverseabilities.org.uk/gala
Pine Martin Grange, which is owned by luxury care group Dormy Care Communities, introduced the projector as part of its varied activity programme and as part of the launch, invited children from Sanford St Martin’s Primary School to have a go alongside the residents. www.dormycare.co.uk
The Crumbs Project
Ensbury Park
The Crumbs Project is a disability training charity providing hospitalitybased programmes in Food Production & Service, Housekeeping, Administration, and Digital Skills. Our ‘training for independence’ empowers adults with disabilities, providing professional, digital, and life skills for roles within Hospitality, promoting employment and independent living.
Aims Accountants for Business
I am a Chartered Accountant with over 30 years’ experience in both practice and industry. Services include bookkeeping, Management Accounts, forecasting and budgeting, system implementation and improvement and statutory company accounts, personal, partnerships and Company Tax Returns. Vat Returns, CIS Returns, and payroll. General Accounting and tax advice. I am also a certified Xero and QuickBooks user.
Grosvenor Technology Ltd
Grosvenor Technology delivers advanced access control and workforce management solutions designed to simplify your operations, enhance security, and ensure compliance. Our innovative access control platform, Janus C4 and our cutting-edge workforce management devices provide the tools a business needs to optimise their workforce, reduce costs, and create a safer, more efficient workplace.
Rural Ranges Ltd
The Bespoke Cooker Company: Rural Ranges sell and install exquisite range cookers and exceptional quality reconditioned Agas, controllable electric conversions and a whole host of related services including servicing and maintenance and refurbishment. Operating across the UK, USA and Europe.
Green IP Ltd
Green IP Ltd is a sustainability focused BCP based business providing the latest in Cloud Hosted Telephone Solutions (VoIP), Business Collaboration tools (MS TEAMS, Webex, etc) and flexible communications solutions for any size of business and often at a fraction of the cost of a traditional telephone system and with much more flexibility to serve your business.
Strong Social London Limited
With expertise across hospitality, luxury, F&B, e-commerce and fashion industries, Strong Social London is a digital marketing agency boasting a portfolio of renowned brands. Offering social media management, content creation, email marketing, influencer marketing and paid advertising, they pride themselves on working with businesses to deliver remarkable results.
Paragon Skills
Paragon Skills is an award-winning, Ofsted-rated ‘Good’, national apprenticeship provider inspiring over 7,000 learners annually and working with over 2000 businesses to deliver apprenticeships in a high-quality, consistent way. Our dedicated focus on the Care and Education sectors means we are deeply rooted within these sectors and have in-depth knowledge and understanding of what is required from a training perspective.
Upton Bay Care Home
Hamworthy www.barchester.com/home/uptonbay-care-home
Upton Bay Care Home in Hamworthy, Poole offers high-quality residential care for older individuals and those with dementia. Located near Dorset’s attractions like Poole Quay and Sandbanks, the home provides a Memory Lane Community with personalised care and engaging activities. The dedicated staff create individual care plans and ensures a warm and attentive environment for all residents.
Rentec Ltd Poole
Rentec is an established dynamic company providing high quality mechanical, electrical and renewable services in the South of England to public and private sector clients in the commercial, industrial and large-scale domestic markets. As a family owned and run business, we are proud of our staff and what has been achieved.
JRS Training recently had the opportunity to work with The Prince’s Trust, once again supporting them with their ‘Get into Construction’ programme which provides young people not in employment or education (NEETs) with the training and certification required to begin
work in the construction industry.
Industry professional Michal Ostrowski from Lawtech Group visited to talk to the delegates and provide them with some insight into what it’s like to work in the industry. Lawtech works closely with JRS Training to provide training and NVQs to their local workforce.
After spending time with the delegates, Michal was particularly impressed with one young man, Kacper. “Kacper asked the right questions and paid full attention to what I was saying. Afterwards, he showed me his competencies and qualifications and asked me if I had any jobs – he was clearly a motivated young lad, and I had a good feeling about him.”
Since the course, Kacper has been employed by Sebastian Kubala from Kubala Construction Ltd, working on a local Lawtech site.
JRS Training is incredibly proud to have been a part of this journey, supporting a motivated, intelligent young man to get into construction. James Owen, managing director of JRS Training, said: “This is exactly what the industry needs. Everyone is aware of the stillgrowing skills shortage in the UK construction industry, and an important way of solving this is by making the essential training and qualifications accessible to young people who otherwise may not have had access to them.”
If you can support JRS Training and the work they do with The Prince’s Trust, whether its apprenticeships, work experience or guidance, please contact the team.
Talbot Village Trust, a local grant-giving charity dedicated to helping people to live well, has awarded over £571,000 to 36 charitable organisations across South-East Dorset, Bournemouth, Poole, Christchurch, and Purbeck. This funding represents the first of two grant cycles for the year, supporting a diverse range of initiatives.
The grants, ranging from £1,200 to £60,000, are designed to foster well being across local communities and drive positive social change throughout the region.
Nicholas Ashley-Cooper, Chairman of Talbot Village Trust, said:
“Our mission is to support organisations making significant improvements in our community, supporting individuals of all ages. We are thrilled to continue backing a wide spectrum of causes, from educational and youth programmes to charitable and faith-based initiatives. We look forward to announcing the recipients of our second grant cycle later this year.” www.talbotvillagetrust.co.uk
The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) has been created by the EU and is the world’s first carbon border tax. In this article, Mark Sherwood from Auditel Carbon Consultancy, explains what it may mean to your business.
CBAM creates both an opportunity and enhanced risk for UK companies. Across the EU Carbon will continue to become an increasing factor in supply chain management and tendering. The provision of reliable good quality, verifiable data by suppliers will help build and maintain relationships. Those companies with clear carbon reduction plans
will increasingly gain competitive advantage. CBAM operates by imposing a charge on the embedded carbon content, of CBAM designated imports, that is equivalent to the charge required for the same materials resulting from industries subject to the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).
What does that mean for UK companies?
If you export CBAM goods to the EU or components ultimately destined for the EU your ultimate client may have an obligation to report the direct and indirect emissions that occurred in the production process. They will require verified documentation of
CBAM creates both an opportunity and enhanced risk for UK companies. Across the EU Carbon will continue to become an increasing factor in supply chain management and tendering.
the tCO2e emissions of the eligible goods as well as details of any carbon taxes paid in the country of production.
We are currently in a transitional period which runs from October 2023 to December 2025, CBAM is a reporting function only, during this period, although the EU can still impose fines for not reporting the quantity of emissions embedded within each product. From January 2026 EU companies will have to match their CBAM reporting with purchased CBAM Certificates. Why is the EU doing this?
Driven by the belief that Carbon is a Global problem, and with enhanced climate ambitions coming into play across the EU, the EU has introduced the CBAM to address both the risk of companies moving carbon intensive production to countries with lesser climate policies and the importation of carbon intensive goods, This is a further step towards the bloc’s 2030 goal of cutting emissions by 55% from 1990 levels. It is also hoped that CBAM will help exert global influence on combatting climate change,
incentivising international companies and countries to take climate action.
Currently CBAM goods are those carbon intensive products imported into the EU that contain aluminium, steel and iron, cement, fertilizers, hydrogen and electricity. For example steel screws, clips and fasteners are CBAM products. Exporters whose goods or ‘upstream goods’ form components in products ultimately exported to the EU may be impacted. As CBAM becomes more established it is intended that more products will fall into its scope, The EU intends to expand its application to all sectors subject to EU emissions trading by 2030. The UK government has stated that it will shortly introduce its own version of CBAM. The transitional phase runs until December 2025. From January 2026 CBAM will directly impact companies balance sheets as EU importers are
obliged to purchase sufficient emission allowances for imported embedded emissions. They will be required to submit a retrospective annual CBAM declaration including a comparison of the imported CO2 emissions; with the emissions allowances acquired during the year. If too few certificates have been acquired financial sanctions may be imposed. As EU based companies start monitoring the emissions performance of their supply chain, they will also seek to verify and document in which country the actual emissions relating to the development of their goods were generated. Thus companies that consume CBAM products will potentially incur additional costs. Corporates will need to understand the geographical composition of their supply chain, where required, making explicit cost versus carbon trade-offs to ensure the resilience of their pricing model.
In addition to the varied networking events that we run throughout the year there are many other benefi t s that come with your membership package. Our affinity schemes have been negotiated with the British Chamber of Commerce and are available to all members. If you have any questions about how to access them, please contact our friendly membership team on 01202 714800.
Business Legal Expense Insurance
Up to £100,000 per claim, covering subjects such as Employment disputes, Health & Safety prosecutions, tax investigations and data protection investigations. (Caveats apply, please refer to the policy documentation)
Call Quest 01455 852 037 for advice.
Competitive Corporate paid plans, immediate cover on all benefits. Pre-existing medical conditions covered except Personal Accident. Call 0345 6021629 stating you are a Dorset Chamber member or email businessenquiries@ westfieldhealth.com www.westfieldhealth.com
24hr Legal/ HR/Health & Safety/ Tax/ VAT Helpline
For advice on any of the above subjects call Quest on 01455 852 037
Access an extensive Document Library featuring 700+ meticulously crafted HR, H&S and EL templates to download. With a vast range of options, Quest ensures members have the right tools at their fingertips for every facet of their business. Login to the link below - Members will be sent a unique name and password
Link: Chamberdorset.questcover.com
AXA Health Business Healthcare Cover
Complete the required page and activate the service for you and your employees. Call 0800 3897413 www. axahealth.co.uk/central-chambers
Up to 67% off Business Breakdown cover. The AA can cover a single car or whole fl eet, must be under 3.5 tonnes, from just £48.13. Available for you and your employees. Check for eligibility on 0800 551188. Contact 01202 714800 for the Dorset Chamber Access code.
01202 714800 | ww w.dorsetchamber.co.uk |
Swoop Chamber Finance Finder
Looking for business fi nance or grants? Call 020 3966 7585 stating you are Dorset Chamber member or visit www.dorset.swoopfunding.com/signup/ user
Are you importing/exporting, paying for a service abroad, receiving international funding? For preferential exchange rates and zero international fees. Call Dorset Chamber 01202 714800 to register.
Leading Dorset wealth management firm Baggette + Co has continued its ambitious growth plans with the appointment of a highly experienced new Head of Marketing, Lee Taylor. A specialist in business growth, Lee has a 20-year track record in professional services marketing, working with some of the largest national and regional law firms, including Irwin Mitchell and Mills & Reeve. Lee’s move from the legal to the financial services sector brings a wealth of expertise to Baggette + Co. www.baggette.co.uk
Lester Aldridge Expands Expertise with New Court of Protection Team
Lester Aldridge has announced the addition of a new Court of Protection team to its Private Client department in London. Joining Lester Aldridge as a Partner is Jeremy Abraham, a seasoned professional with extensive experience in family law, both as a lawyer and a mediator.
Senior Associate Philippa Davies, who specialises in Court of Protection work, will support Jeremy Abraham. Philippa’s expertise lies in representing the best interests of individuals lacking the mental capacity to advocate for themselves, particularly in matters related to property and affairs. Kris Gungah, a paralegal with significant experience in the Court of Protection field since July 2012, also joins the team. www.lesteraldridge.com
Appointed to R3 Council
Mike Pavitt, Partner and head of Paris Smith’s Corporate Restructuring & Insolvency team, has been appointed Council Member at R3, the UK’s insolvency and restructuring trade body, which represents members of the insolvency profession across the UK. R3 Council members represent the national membership and play a vital role in R3’s strategic decision-making process, determining policy and business strategy. www.parissmith.co.uk
REIDsteel Appoints new Contracts Director
Byron Yates has joined the Dorset-based company’s board as Contracts Director. He brings a 30-years plus track record in turnkey structural steel and construction projects in the UK and South Africa both for his own firm and main contractors.
Byron, who is a Prince 2 project management practitioner and holds a NVQ Level 7 Diploma in Construction Senior Management, has run his own structural steel company delivering a similar service to REIDsteel from brief to project handover. www.reidsteel.com
New Joiner for Savills Development Team
Savills south coast development team has welcomed new joiner Katharine Ingram. Katharine joins with 25 years of experience in the property industry, having worked in the area for the last 15 years. Prior to joining Savills as an associate development surveyor, she worked for Fox & Sons as a land manager. Katharine, will be based at Savills Southampton office.
“I am excited to become part of such a dynamic and successful department within Savills. After an excellent first half of the year, I am looking forward to helping play my part in building on that success for the rest of the year and beyond.”
Care Home Appoints New Post Lady
Continuing Ray’s Legacy
Jean has stepped into the role of the Postie at Upton Bay Care Home, paying tribute to her dearest friend Raymond Stanley and continuing his legacy with pride and dedication. Jean’s dedication to bringing smiles to others through her role as the Postie reflects the same spirit of kindness and compassion that Raymond embodied.
Dorset Chamber Welcomes new Marketing Executive
Ed Earl has joined the Dorset Chamber team after completing a year as Students’ Union President at Arts University Bournemouth following completion of their degree in Fashion Branding and Communication.
They are excited to embark on this next chapter, taking on editorial responsibilities of the Dorset Business Focus Magazine, management of Dorset Chamber’s social media channels and working with Chamber members to promote news, member-to-member offers and events.
“The team at Dorset Chamber have been so welcoming, I’m excited to develop my skills and get to work on highlighting the value of our membership”. www.dorsetchamber.co.uk
Woodstock Legal Services Expands Team with New Appointments
Woodstock Legal Services has appointed three new members to their team. The appointments include residential Conveyancer Consultant Daylia-Maria Jonson, with over thirty years of experience in the legal profession; experienced chartered legal executive Katie Hunt, bringing a wealth of experience and passion to the role; and experienced solicitor Chloe Scott, with over two decades of experience in the industry.
Hendy Group has appointed Duncan McPhee to the new role of Chief Operating Officer (COO), further strengthening the executive board in preparation for the organisation’s next phase of growth.
As Hendy’s new COO, McPhee will oversee day-to-day operations and drive excellence across all key functions, including car and commercial vehicle sales, aftersales, logistics, marketing, financial and insurance, and customer experience. Hendy Group is ranked 18th in the AM Top 100, with a 2023 turnover of just over £1bn, and represents over 20 automotive brands across the South Coast.
“Duncan is passionate about developing high-performing teams and fostering an environment where colleagues can really thrive – all of which aligns perfectly with our culture and our growth ambitions,” comments Chief Executive of Hendy Group, Paul Hendy.
McPhee brings a wealth of experience from the automotive industry, starting out his early career as a sales executive at John Martin Group, followed by 10 years at Arnold Clark as a General Manager, before joining Lookers plc in 2008.
Over £2k worth of vital business tools to keep your organisation moving forward. Easy to access and included as standard for all Dorset Chamber Members.
Within the package, Members get unlimited access to expert business support including Advice Lines on the four vital business services of HR Health & Safety, Legal and Tax & VAT as well as a support library with over 750+ downloadable templates, assets and policies.
What is included?
HR Helpline
Got an HR challenge or issue? Need expertise on a specific topic or scenario? From PIPs and grievances to flexible working, this specialist helpline can give you peace of mind that you need without buying-in expensive consultants.
Health & Safety Helpline
Every business, even those under five staff, must be compliant with health and safety regulations. So don’t get caught out, contact the specialist team and be confident you’re operating legally and safely.
Legal Helpline
If you don’t have in-house legal expertise, this free helpline will help you navigate through those important legal questions, concerns or issues.
Tax & VAT Helpline
Avoid expensive Tax & VAT issues and get free professional advice. Contact the experts on this helpline if you’ve tax related queries.
Also included:
Document Library
Get access to 750+ free downloadable templates that are updated regularly following legislation changes or amendments. Members have access to a comprehensive online documentation library that includes a wide range of HR, health and safety, legal and business documents - from recruitment to absenteeism to policy management, risk assessments and creating a company handbook.
Legal Expenses Insurance
Dorset Chamber Members get £1m worth of legal expenses cover and £100,000 per claim.
• Included in the cover is
• Employment tribunal cover
• Tax enquiry cover
• Business cover – includes HSE prosecution defence, property disputes, data protection, licence protection, criminal prosecution, jury service and more
• Personal cover includes personal injury, motor disputes and wrongful arrest (also covers employees)
Complimentary HR and Health & Safety Review:
Set up a free 1:1 meeting with a Business Support Manager who will carry out a free compliance review of your HR and Health and Safety policies and check you’re covered.
They’ll check your business is compliant or signpost you to support and flag where more complex guidance or assistance is needed.
To book your 1:1 review, call 01455 852 028
To access the support, visit: www.Chamberdorset.questcover.com.
All Dorset Chamber members will have received a unique name and password, if you haven’t, please contact membership@dorsetchamber.co.uk
applauded for community impact
An assessment by Sport England’s trusted trade body, Right Directions, Bournemouth’s flagship leisure centre, Littledown has been praised for customer service, its diverse programme of activities, and making a positive impact in the local community. Littledown is operated by registered charity and social enterprise BH Live in partnership with BCP Council.
Quest assessors look at factors such as cleanliness, how the centre is run and people skills. They recognise centres and teams for their commitment to making being physically active an inviting, rewarding, and safe pastime.
Poole’s FOUNDRY Named Best Workplace on the South Coast
The £3m development in the Dolphin Centre has brought 250 office workers to Poole and helped drive a sharp rise in footfall in the town centre.
FOUNDRY and landlord L&G Real Assets took the Workplace of the Year title at the South Coast Property Awards, held at the Hilton Southampton. Ema Armstrong, General Manager at FOUNDRY Poole, said the workspace had proved popular with people who had been working at home but missed human contact.The awards brought together developers, agents, planners, consultants, property lawyers and dealmakers from across the region. www.foundryuk.com/poole
MP Sir Christopher Chope has gone behind the scenes at one of the UK’s most successful recycling companies. Sir Christopher toured Eco Sustainable Solutions’ 32-acre Eco Park at Parley. I was delighted to visit Eco Sustainable Solutions and to see how the company turns waste wood into renewable heat and electricity.
“The scale of the operation is impressive and is a great example of how Christchurch is leading the way in recycling and the circular economy,” Sir Christopher said. www.thisiseco.co.uk
Strategic Solutions Staff Shortlisted for 2024 ‘Women in Financial Advice’ Awards
Strategic Solutions Financial Services has announced that two members of their firm, Rachael Martin and Natasha O’Neill, have been shortlisted in the 2024 Women in Financial Advice Awards. Rachael Martin has been Shortlisted for Woman of the Year –Paraplanning, and Natasha O’Neill has been Shortlisted for Role Model of the Year. These awards celebrate the achievements of women in the financial advice community and the UK financial services sector. Winners will be announced on 6th November in a special gala ceremony. www.ssfs.co.uk
Upton Bay care home wins Dementia Care Award
Upton Bay’s home manager Mevin and the team at Upton Bay have once again achieved outstanding success by claiming the prestigious Best Dementia Care Team Award at the UK Dementia Care Awards. This recognition is a testament to their unwavering dedication and commitment to providing unparalleled care and support to individuals facing dementia.