Dorset Business Focus magazine is the most widely read business publication in the Dorset business community with a readership of over 10k+. Packed full of great articles, it features the latest news from our diverse membership.
Dorset Chamber members can upload content for consideration by the editorial team to feature in the magazine. Visit our website and submit your news articles for a chance to feature in the next issue of the magazine: www.dorsetchamber.co.uk/news/ submit-your-news/
You can also read the digital version of the magazine on our website.
Hello and welcome to our July edition of Dorset Business Focus. This means we are officially now over half way through the year!
Our events continue to be busy and we are receiving record numbers of great news stories from our members – the Dorset business community is as active as ever! But don’t forget, membership of Dorset Chamber is not just about news and events. We offer a wide range of other benefits that include £1m of legal expenses cover for a whole range of issues, a legal, HR and tax advice line, a document library, considerable discounts on healthcare and AA cover, free credit checks on potential new customers, free use of our boardroom, a finance finder service and member to member offers. Our aim is to help Dorset businesses grow and prosper and our team is here to help you.
Chamber House, Acorn Office Park Ling Road, Poole, Dorset BH12 4NZ T. 01202 714800 W. www.dorsetchamber.co.uk
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Entries are now in for the Dorset Business Awards and the judges are all busy. Thank you to all businesses who have entered the awards and as always, the awards will showcase the excellence and innovation that we see in businesses across the county. We are also now taking bookings for the events in the Dorset Business Festival taking place in the Autumn with four major events taking place over two weeks. These can be found on the Dorset Chamber website.
Recently, we’ve expanded our international trade support to include consultancy and new training so if you are considering exporting or looking to grow your international markets, don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be delighted to help you.
Have a lovely summer and best wishes
Be part of Dorset’s leading business support organisation
Joining Dorset Chamber is a valuable and powerful investment for any business. Engaging with us and using membership to its full potential brings demonstrable business benefits.
To find out more contact paul.taylor@dorsetchamber | 01202 714818
Matt Desmier, Business Engagement & Knowledge Exchange Manager, Bournemouth University
There’s a lot of chatter about innovation. Business leaders are often told, “If you’re not innovating, you’re stagnating.” But what do people actually mean by innovation?
In pre-industrial times, that might have meant using a cow to pull a plough instead of hoeing the fields by hand. In the 18th Century it might’ve referred to using a steam engine to mechanise your Spinning Jenny. Fast forward to the early 20th Century and the latest innovation of the time was the automated production line.
And now in the 20th Century, the word is used to describe all manner of digital transformation, whether that be eCommerce, blockchain or more recently the allpervading promise of artificial intelligence.
Put simply innovation is the “practical application of ideas, resulting in new or improved products or services which add value to any organisation.”
Matt Desmier, Business Engagement Manager, Bournemouth. A strategist. An advisor. A mentor, raconteur and troubadour. There are many strings to Matt's bow but right now, as a Business Engagement Manager for Bournemouth University, linking that great institution with businesses is his top priority.
Delving a little deeper, it appears there are three different types of innovation: disruptive, sustaining and breakthrough. And to help illustrate the difference, let us consider the evolution of the mobile phone.
The UK’s first call from a mobile phone was made in 1985. To the folk who had one,
Don’t get caught up in the hype. Work out what is best for you, your business or your customers. Where might you or they, derive the most value?
the mobile phone was a game-changing breakthrough innovation. However, to the incumbent telephone operators, this was a disruptive innovation. Whilst interesting, they didn’t consider it a threat. The market was too small and the margins too slim for them to focus attention on it. Those companies were far more interested in sustaining innovation. Making incremental improvements to their network, products and services. From their perspective, that’s where the value lay. Time moved on and the mobile phone market grew. As did the number of players in that space, including the aforementioned incumbent telephone operators. The once
“Practical application of ideas, resulting in new or improved products or services which add value to any organisation” really does depend on your perspective.
disruptive technology had evolved into the business of sustaining innovation. Better products. Smaller, faster and more cost effective. Or better networks. Or clever partnerships. The aim of the game was now gaining market share by offering more attractive features.
That was until the iPhone came along as a breakthrough innovation. Apple opened up an entire new market by providing a service no one knew they even wanted via iTunes and the App Store.
Except to most of the other mobile operators, this wasn’t breakthrough innovation, the iPhone was disruptive: whilst interesting, they didn’t consider it a threat.
For the hardware manufacturers, they had good market penetration and were making good profits simply trying to outdo each other. Besides the size of the market segment to whom iTunes and the App
Store catered was too small to consider upending a successful business model.
Whereas for the software companies, games designers and the music industry, the iPhone was a prime example of sustaining innovation. It offered them an opportunity to gain market share quickly and they could adjust and develop their business model in a costeffective relatively risk-free manner.
What we might deduce from this, is that the “practical application of ideas, resulting in new or improved products or services which add value to any organisation” really does depend on your perspective.
What is innovative to one, might be business as usual for another.
Don’t get caught up in the hype. Work out what is best for you, your business or your customers. Where might you or they, derive the most value?
Universities are huge repositories of knowledge and ideas and Bournemouth University is no exception.
Behind those hallowed walls you’ll find experts in advertising, marketing and communication; business, design and engineering; filmmaking, animation and computer science; behavioural change, social science and healthcare, and everything in between.
Teams of academics and subject specialists spend their time, when not teaching the next generation of the modern workforce, researching the latest thinking in their chosen fields and developing new ways of doing things. Ways that will help organisations be more competitive and more innovative.
And the best way for an organisation to tap into this rich stream of support is via a Knowledge Transfer Partnership.
Available for almost 50 years, KTPs as they are more commonly known, are the UK Governments longest-established and most successful business support tool. They offer businesses and organisations a mechanism by which to access the expertise of a University, to develop new products or services in order to grow the business.
And they’re funded too.
If you have a problem you’re trying to solve, or an opportunity you want to exploit, get in touch with Bournemouth University and see if a funded KTP is the solution you’re looking for.
Many businesses rely on third-party suppliers as part of their production chain. Here are some reasons why it is essential to ensure you properly negotiate your contracts with suppliers:
Liability: If a third-party supplier defaults or delays, this may cause your business to default in its obligations to end customers. Since the end customer’s contract is with your business, they could sue you for breach of contract. Therefore, it is crucial that you can claim against the supplier. Supplier contracts should ideally therefore mirror your obligations to your end customers.
Conflict of Interests: Suppliers aim to limit their liability and risk, just as your business wishes to place liability and risk on the supplier. Consequently, suppliers often have their own contracts, drafted in their favour, which can be onerous on you as the business customer. Courts strictly interpret contracts in a business-to-business relationship, so it is vital to understand what you are signing up to. Once onerous terms are identified, negotiation is key to realign clauses more favourably for your business and reduce potential risks. If suppliers agree to your terms of purchase, these terms should be carefully drafted and tailored to reflect your specific business operations and risks.
Onerous Terms: Supplier contracts may include terms which do not protect you if a supplier’s default or delay puts you in breach of obligations to your end customer. Onerous terms might include being tied into the contract for long periods, automatic renewal unless you terminate by a specific date, the supplier’s ability to increase prices
or amend the terms without your agreement, unreasonable limitation of the supplier’s liability, indemnities you are required to give and more. The contract should address important aspects such as intellectual property, insurance, force majeure events, termination and handover when the contract ends. A red-flag review is advisable to highlight potential pitfalls. Ideally, all supplier contracts should be negotiated to achieve a better position for your business.
Data Sharing: When using a supplier, you may need to share the personal data of your business employees and end customers. As a data controller, you are responsible for due diligence on your suppliers and ensuring they comply with data protection legislation. Data processing agreements with your suppliers should outline the parties’ obligations and address critical issues such as liability in case of a data breach.
Obligations Throughout Your Supply Chain: It is your responsibility to know your supply chain and ensure the parties involved comply with certain obligations, which may include anti-bribery, anti-slavery, corruption, worker safety and environmental laws.
Reputation: Whilst a default may be with a third-party supplier, it can irrevocably destroy your business’ reputation from an end customer’s perspective.
It is your responsibility to know your supply chain and ensure the parties involved comply with certain obligations, which may include antibribery, anti-slavery, corruption, worker safety and environmental laws.
To summarise:
• Ensure you fully understand what you are signing up to. At a minimum, conduct a red-flag review of supplier contracts to highlight potential pitfalls.
• Properly negotiate supplier agreements to rebalance potential risks and liabilities to your business.
• Where possible, draft and tailor your own contracts to address your business’ activities, risks and potential liabilities and require suppliers to sign up to them.
• Review existing supplier contracts to ensure they still correctly reflect your business activities, risks, and supplier relationships.
• Ensure your business has robust compliance programs and monitors its suppliers continuously.
For further advice, please contact our Corporate & Commercial team by emailing online.enquiries@la-law. com or calling 01202 786188.
Ruth Chornolutskyy
Associate in the Corporate and Commercial team at Lester Aldridge
A couple from Dorset has taken on the task of raising up their rural community through the power of journalism. Their efforts have now been recognised on a national level, with The BV Magazine winning the Newspaper & Magazine Awards ‘Regional Publication of the Year’ by the Association of Circulation Executives (ACE).
The BV Magazine is still just the two-person team – Laura and Courtenay Hitchcock – that launched it in 2020 amid the pandemic. It has always focused on the rural heart of Dorset, and has swiftly become a vital resource for the oft-forgotten modern rural community, growing from an audience of zero to currently reaching 250,000 people a month. Driven by a desire to provide quality, thoughtful content that supports the rural area, the couple firmly believe that it is their commitment to freely accessible, good quality journalism which has been the cornerstone of their success.
It was a competitive field, winning against distinguished publications such as Brighton’s Newsquest-owned The Argus, one of Ireland’s oldest newspapers, The Impartial Reporter, and Wales’ largest newspaper, The Western Mail. The award highlights The BV’s commitment to supporting the oft-forgotten modern rural community, and the impact good local media can have on local businesses and issues.
‘We are absolutely thrilled to win – we have a wide team of expert contributors, but at the sharp end it’s just the two of us, and producing The BV is a constant, mammoth task! To achieve recognition at such a high-level means everything,” said Laura Hitchcock, editor of The BV. “Perhaps because we were new to the industry and launching a completely new publication, we weren’t afraid to try new ideas and push boundaries.’ www.bvmagazine.co.uk
Forvis Mazars, the newest top 10 global professional services network, has launched as of 1 June. Formed of Mazars, the international audit, tax, and advisory firm, and FORVIS, a top ranked firm in the United States, it will operate from Poole, Gloucester and Bristol with Mazars’ existing team and services, providing continuity for clients alongside a range of longer-term benefits with time.
Through Forvis Mazars, clients in the South West will have access to a greater range of services, knowledge and advice, alongside the local expertise they currently receive. The network also enables additional agility to support client enquiries and needs, and will particularly benefit businesses that want to grow or establish their footprint in the US. The new network will also provide opportunities for employees in the South West such as working on international assignments, secondments and reciprocal training programmes.
Commenting on the launch, Lesley Fox,
Poole Office Managing Partner at Forvis Mazars said: “The creation of the Forvis Mazars network is incredibly exciting. We remain the same local team for our clients, providing the same quality service and experience, but the network offers more opportunities for both our clients and employees in the South West. It provides our clients with access to additional expertise and capabilities, as well as on the ground support for those that have a footprint in the US or are looking to establish a presence there.
“We look forward to developing even stronger relationships with our colleagues in the US and providing our team in the South West with new opportunities as a result.”
Hervé Hélias, CEO and Chairman, Forvis Mazars adds: “This is a momentous and exciting time for our clients, our profession and our people. Mazars and Forvis have worked together for over 20 years and share a commitment to delivering an outstanding client experience. We are well positioned to deliver excellence, everywhere, under a
single global brand. Clients will get consistent, high-quality, comprehensive services worldwide, and we remain agile and flexible to their specific needs. Working together, I am confident that our two firms will continue to empower our people to raise the bar for client service standards, while challenging industry opportunities to support future needs in local markets.”
Forvis Mazars is a top 10 global network* and the largest new entrant into the global rankings in decades. FORVIS has a similar profile of clients to Mazars with more than 70% of clients being privately owned.
May saw the formal opening of University Centre Kingston Maurward, with the ‘cutting of the ribbon’ carried out by television’s Countryfile presenter, Adam Henson.
Joined by various guests from local landbased, industry-related businesses, Dorchester Town’s Mayor & Mayoress – Alistair Chisolm and Kate Hebditch, His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Dorset –Angus Campbell – as well as a variety of staff, governors and students from Kingston Maurward, the event showcased all that the new University Centre has to offer, and included an inspirational talk from Adam himself. Guests heard all about the legacy of his farm, the changes his business has seen through the years, the importance of diversification and technology in the agriculture industry, and his emphasis of teaching everyone about where our food comes from, as well as educating the next generation of farmers.
Principal & Chief Executive of Kingston Maurward, Luke Rake, said: “A proud day for me as leader of Kingston Maurwardover the last three years, we’ve built a new Higher Education Building, gained formal University Centre status from the DfE, and validated a relationship with The Open University, the only land-based specialist college in the country to do so. Days such as this are a moment to pause, reflect and celebrate. A great team doing a great job.”
University Centre Kingston Maurward has a suite of Higher Education courses, recently
launched and available to start in September 2024, for aspiring young people and those looking to further their career to embark upon.
Designed to showcase the new courses to employers and potential students, the event highlighted how degree-level study can be achieved on a part-time basis and fit around work, enabling businesses to strengthen their workforce with minimal disruption to everyday operations, and how young people can step into higher paid roles with the knowledge, skills, behaviours and experience required to evaluate, develop, and manage business situations with preparedness.
March 2024 saw the University Centre officially become affiliated with The Open University, with two new courses in Dairy Herd Management and Rural Business Management, accredited by The Open University, added to the offering which already includes Higher National Diplomas (HNDs) in Equestrian Management, Horticulture, Outdoor Adventure Management and Uniformed Public Services, an FdSc in Marine Ecology & Conservation, a Foundation Diploma in Animal Behaviour, Welfare & Conservation, and a Top Up BSc in Animal Welfare.
Working in partnership with the Open University for the next five years ensures the University Centre can make its mark
on Higher Education in Dorset and provide current and future students the opportunity to continue their studies in a familiar environment with the continued support of College staff and family.
Tom Hallam, Deputy Principal of Kingston Maurward College, said: “We are thrilled to have been successful in our application for Kingston Maurward College to participate in the programme. This hugely exciting collaboration with The Open University will really accelerate our Higher Education programme offer. This will be a huge boost for the Higher Education offer in Dorset and the surrounding regions, especially as Dorset is a ‘cold spot’ for Higher Education and this programme will help us to deliver higher education courses that match the skills needs of the local community.”
Development of programmes such as these is vital for the local rural economy, having considered the Dorset landscape and its industries, with the College itself being a working farm, those embarking on these new courses will be able to make use of the 750-acre estate alongside the new University Centre, and practical hands-on experiences within their current industry workplace or in a new work experience placement.
Lester Aldridge and Mackrell.Solicitors have announced that they are to become one firm this year, to be known as Lester Aldridge incorporating Mackrell.Solicitors. The merger will take effect from September 2024 and result in a full-service firm with a combined workforce of over 400, with offices in Bournemouth, Southampton, London and Birmingham.
Commenting on the merger, Matthew Barrow, Managing Partner of Lester Aldridge, stated: “We are excited to welcome Mackrell.Solicitors to the Lester Aldridge family. This merger aligns with our strategy, and brings together two thriving firms who share a common culture of client-centred service, teamwork and innovation.”
Maung Aye, Joint Managing Partner of Mackrell.Solicitors stated: “We are delighted to join forces with Lester Aldridge. We have been impressed with their approach to innovation and client service and this merger will allow us to greatly expand our offering to our clients, both nationally and internationally.” www.LA-law.com
Tops Day Nurseries, a childcare provider with 12 settings in Dorset and Aspire Training Team, who specialise in early years apprenticeships across Dorset, proudly announce their transition to an Employee -Owned Trust (EOT). This strategic move reflects the company’s commitment to fostering a culture of inclusivity, accountability, and shared success among its workforce.
Employee ownership is when employees have a say and a stake in the company they work for. Ownership occurs in a variety of ways – from employees directly owning shares in the company, to having shares held on behalf of employees in an Employee Ownership Trust (EOT), which is what Tops and Aspire have done.
Employee ownership marks a significant evolution in Tops and Aspire’s organisational structure. By embracing the EOT model, the company aims to cultivate a sense of ownership and accountability among its colleagues, positioning them to navigate challenges and seize opportunities effectively.
Cheryl Hadland, Founder and Chairwoman of Tops Day Nurseries and Aspire Training Team, said: “I am delighted and proud to have finally enabled Tops and Aspire to become an employee-owned business.
“I explored several partial exit strategies including accepting one of the many ESG oriented venture capitalists into the business, but decided that the most sustainable progression would be an EOT, protecting the ethos of the company, its sustainability and crucially enabling colleagues to be more engaged in their nurseries, a vital
ingredient of a successful organisation these days.
“Tops and Aspire have been like my babies, I’ve put everything I am into them, but they have grown up now, and I see my job now as supporting them to fly into their next phase.”
by Tony Brown
The definition of an entrepreneur: “they are the only people who work 80-hour weeks to avoid working 40-hour weeks!”
In today’s world innovation and entrepreneurship stand together, driving progress and transformation. Entrepreneurs, with their drive and vision act as the architects of the future and help bring ideas to life disrupting and adapting traditional industries.
Innovation on the other hand can fuel the entrepreneurial spirit, sparking the creation of products and services that address needs and solve problems. This interplay between both innovation and entrepreneurship encourages economic growth, creating jobs and improving quality of life.
Those that know me, know that my sense of humour plays a vital role in my life and helps me deal with the trials and tribulations of running a business. To be a successful entrepreneur and to keep innovated, looking after yourself is hugely important and a good sense of humour can be part of this. It can help recharge and declutter your mind and for me is an integral part of keeping balanced whilst not losing your competitive edge.
I hope you enjoy this month’s magazine.
Despite only being at the club since January, Ünal was keen to help deliver money management lessons that they can take with them into the rest of their lives.
The lessons aim to help children learn about finances, bank accounts, budgeting, understanding credit, how much things cost and a whole host of other money-related topics.
Research shows that children and young people say they find financial education useful and these lessons have been delivered for the past two seasons.
Ünal combined with Strategic Solutions, a
multi-award winning and chartered independent financial advice firm covering the south of England, and said: “I was delighted to come along and help with an important topic.
“There’s lots of important information that in these workshops and I think they’re really helpful for kids to have an idea of where to access support and how to manage things.”
Rob Silk, chartered financial planner and secretary of the Strategic Solutions Community Foundation charity added: “We are proud to be able to support our local community and believe that money management education is a key life skill.
“Partnering with AFC Bournemouth really shines a light on this important matter and hopefully provide students with the tools they need to make good financial decisions in the future.”
Students from Cornerstone Academy and St Aldhems School were in attendance, with over 45 lessons delivered now across the last two seasons across the area.
The club would like to thank Strategic Solutions for their support in delivering the scheme and their long-standing partnership with the club. www.afcb.co.uk
Bournemouth and Poole College has announced the remarkable success of its pilot back-to-work learning initiative, the Sector Work Academy Programme (SWAP), which aims to tackle local unemployment and bridge skills gaps.
The college’s Sector Work Academy Programme (SWAP) initiative is a collaboration with Sunseeker International and the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). The programme provided a group of 17 unemployed individuals, referred by the DWP, with access to a free, four-week intensive course to equip individuals with key skills covering health and safety, employability, as well as carpentry, culminating in the opportunity to interview for an apprenticeship role at Sunseeker International. Five individuals have successfully secured an apprenticeship with the luxury yacht manufacturer.
Course participant Mariusz Golkowski, age 45, became homeless in October last year and is one of the successful five Sunseeker apprentices. He said: “After losing everything, my job and my home, as well as losing all contact with my family, I became homeless last year and after hitting rock bottom I was in desperate need to improve my situation. When you have nothing, you have zero confidence, and this is when the DWP referred me onto the Bournemouth and Poole College SWAP course. I don’t give up easily and want a new start, a new life, and this programme has given me refreshed hope, boosting my confidence and helping me to learn new skills to achieve an apprenticeship with Sunseeker.
“After being unemployed and homeless for several months, I now have accommodation and am beginning to turn things around to get my life back on track. I’m looking forward to making progress with my apprenticeship while studying at the college and earning a wage.”
Phil Sayles, Principal, added: “Bournemouth and Poole College is here to support everyone in our community to get on in life, and at work, through learning new skills, including adults. We believe that learning is a life-changing experience and can make a real difference to a person’s wellbeing. We’re incredibly proud of the success achieved through the trial of our Sector Work Academy Programme (SWAP).
“The SWAP initiative shows the power of collaboration between colleges, employers and government departments in addressing unemployment and creating pathways to great employment. The enthusiasm and determination of our SWAP learners throughout the training was evident and we congratulate Sunseeker’s latest apprentices and wish Mariusz and the other students well as they embark on their apprenticeship and career journeys.”
Paul Hayler at Sunseeker International added: “Sunseeker remains committed to investing in talent development and providing individuals with the skills and opportunities needed to thrive in the marine industry. We’re delighted to welcome the new apprentices to the team.”
Plans are now underway to implement SWAP as an on-going initiative and Bournemouth and Poole College will look to enrol a further group of individuals, referred by the DWP, this July for a September start date.
The SWAP initiative shows the power of collaboration between colleges, employers and government departments in addressing unemployment and creating pathways to great employment.
An expanding brewery in Dorset has raised a glass to the future with a 10-year lease on a warehouse which has been transformed into a production centre and tap room.
In a deal through property consultancy Vail Williams, Eight Arch Brewing Co signed up to 5,748 sq ft of space at Unit 1, Stone Lane Industrial Estate, Wimborne.
Following a six-figure investment in equipment and fittings, part of the ground floor has been converted into a high-tech brewery, with a tap room for customers on Fridays and Saturdays at specified times, and seating areas inside and out.
Eight Arch Brewing Co, named after the eight arches at nearby historical landmark Julian’s Bridge in Wimborne Minster, relocated from smaller nearby premises.
Founded by brewer Steve Farrell in 2015, the business, which has pale ale Square Logic as a best seller, employs five people and sells beer primarily in and around the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole conurbation.
The detached two-storey building, with a mezzanine floor and previously occupied by emporium Toad Hall, is owned through the commercial property arm of Harry J Palmer Ltd, the Wimborne-based property developer.
Steve said: “We are a Wimborne brewery owned and run by a Wimborne born and bred guy and we want to continue to grow from our Wimborne home. This signing of the 10-year lease on our new premises underlines our long-term commitment to Wimborne. The founding of Eight Arch represented the first time in 80 years that an independent brewery had made and sold beer in the town.”
Vail Williams, which has its Dorset office in Bournemouth, advises on the commercial property interests of family-run housebuilder Harry J Palmer Ltd.
Bryony Thompson, a Vail Williams’ Associate working out of the consultancy’s Bournemouth office, said: “The vacant warehouse at
Stone Lane Industrial Estate serves as the ideal expansion location for Eight Arch Brewing Co.
“Steve and his team have worked tirelessly to create bigger and better premise for their national award winning beers and Tap Room.
May Palmer of Harry J Palmer Ltd, which was established in 1938 in Wimborne and is a member of Dorset Chamber, said: “It’s lovely to see new life breathed into the vacant warehouse, creating new jobs, inward investment and doing our home town proud.”
Eight Arch Brewing Co produces hop-forward pale ales to full-bodied stouts, winning awards in regional and national competitions held by the Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA). According to SIBA figures, there were 1,815 active brewers in the UK at the beginning of this year, with 211 in the South West, generating employment for 10,000-plus people.
A Parley company which recycles thousands of tonnes of food waste every year is the unlikely star of a new short movie.
Final year BA film students at Bournemouth University chose Eco Sustainable Solutions as one of the locations for their psychological thriller.
‘The Dog Food Programme’ is written and directed by Harry Clothier and revolves around a fictional food crisis in the UK.
Harry, 20, said: “We were looking for a food recycling centre and Eco fitted the bill perfectly. They couldn’t have been more helpful and we got some great footage which will look very cinematic.”
Eco has processed more than 624,000 tonnes of food waste since 2005, creating about 91,000 megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity and powering the equivalent of 33,000 homes for a year.
The commercial, industrial and household food waste is processed at one of Eco’s state-of-the-art anaerobic digestion plants where it’s turned into energy and also bio-fertiliser.
Bryony Hammond, Eco’s Brand and Communications Executive, said: “We receive many approaches to see our facilities but it’s unusual to receive a filming request, especially for a psychological thriller film.
“We were delighted to help out Harry and his team and look forward to seeing the final version of the film.”.
Construction Limited has presented Harri Honeyfield and his mum, Andrea with a cheque for £1827 after eight determined employees battled torrential storms to complete the Dorset Mud Run challenge and raise funds for the Hope 4 Harri charity. The money raised will go towards life changing surgery and post-operative physiotherapy to vastly improve seven year old Harri’s mobility and quality of life. Harri’s parents. Andrea and Simon Honeyfield started the charity Hope 4 Harri, to raise funds for treatment, and awareness of Harri’s condition.
Maria Seabright, HR and Finance Director for Greendale Construction said: “Hope 4 Harri was chosen as charity of the year for 2024 by Greendale’s employees, and will see us raising funds for Harri by holding various events throughout the year. Having already raised £3660 for Harri through the Greendale Christmas party raffle and generous donations from suppliers and subcontractors, we are incredibly proud of our Mud Run team for their dedication and time in completing what was an exceptionally muddy and challenging course this year! We’re only halfway through the year and can’t wait to plan and hold more fundraising events for little Harri’s treatment.” www.greendaleconstruction.com
Lighthouse Poole’s renewed partnership with Ocean Automotive will continue to help support the arts at the heart of the community.
“We’re really excited to be working with such a well-known and highly regarded Poole business,” says Lucy Funnell, Corporate Development Executive at Lighthouse.
“This continued partnership will enable Lighthouse to deliver even more opportunities for people in the local community and wider region to experience world class arts and culture on their doorstep.
“As a creative charity that plays an integral part in the delivery of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole’s arts strategy, support from corporate partners is invaluable.
“Corporate partnerships at Lighthouse focus on hospitality, enhancing brand awareness, engagement with our customers and supporting the work we do with Dorset’s communities and schools.”
Ocean Automotive operates in Dorset and Somerset, representing the Audi and Volvo brands through Poole Audi, Yeovil Audi and Volvo Cars Poole, along with two accident repair businesses, Poole Accident Repair and Yeovil Accident Repair.
Dave Tindall, Head of Marketing, says: “As a locally owned business, it’s a pleasure to support Lighthouse. Our shared values of sustainability and supporting the local community make this a perfect partnership and I look forward to continuing our work together between Volvo Cars Poole, Poole Audi and Lighthouse.” www.lighthousepoole.co.uk
In an era of unprecedented global challenges, the role of business extends beyond profit generation. Acting as a force for good is a strategic imperative that aligns corporate success with the well-being of our society and planet. It is about recognising that our future prosperity is represented as much by a cohesive society, a stable climate and biodiversity as any financial barometer. The shift towards a sustainable economy is transforming industries and redefining corporate purpose.
The internal framework for businesses acting as a force for good by sustainable practices, ethical governance, and active community engagement is known as corporate social responsibility (CSR). The next iteration of this theme, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) has become shorthand for non-financial reporting. A newer concept used in this sphere is ‘rational sustainability’, an approach based on logic and evidence-based decision-making, favouring long term solutions.
The EU corporate sustainability reporting directive (CSRD) will for the first time put sustainability reporting on an equal footing with financial reporting. The directive aims to support companies transitioning to more sustainable business models to create a sustainable economy. Companies need this information to make strategic business decisions and manage risk. Investors need these measures for clarity on what they are investing in and to combat ‘green-washers’ (companies that mislead us over their environmental credentials). Although only large companies with EU operations are in scope for the directive, businesses of all sizes will feel its effects.
Burden or Benefit?
In addition to regulatory and investor pressure, today’s consumers are increasingly conscientious about the ethical practices of the companies they support. Employees are also seeking more evolved, purposedriven work environments; companies known for their positive social
impact can therefore attract and retain top talent. Of course, efficient resource management, waste reduction, and renewable energy also favour a lower cost base. For these reasons and the ones mentioned above, ESG practices should be seen as benefiting business success. Charity Model
ESG is at one level second nature to charities because they are already, inherently driven by organisational purpose. Public benefit is at the heart of how they think about ‘success’. Transparency is equally embedded in charity practices, not least in part due to the tax reliefs that they benefit from. Tax reliefs derive from public money, and therefore come with ‘best value’ and accountability imperatives.
The seven principles of the Charity Governance Code, a toolkit for charity leaders, favour integrity, inclusion, and openness. The Code is aspirational, which means that it is an ongoing intention, and commitment to the Code, that counts. For charities, good governance is not a ‘nice to have’ but mission critical. It sets the right tone and helps trustee/directors meet their legal duties when making decisions.
THE ‘G’ in ESG
As output is increasingly measured against sustainability criteria, business leaders can use the Governance Code principles and benefit from a ‘purpose driven’ mindset to bring ESG into their core strategies. There is an emerging view of the resources we all use, or invest in, whether they be people, energy, or raw materials, as ultimately being shared or community assets. Our deployment of these precious assets comes with responsibility.
ESG responsibilities are critical to both the financial and non-financial success story of our businesses. By engaging with stakeholders, innovating for sustainability, practising transparent governance, and investing in communities, even smaller enterprises can drive meaningful change. This enhances reputation and prosperity while contributing to a more equitable and sustainable future…. The values of the business world are slowly but surely aligning with those of the charity sector.
Lisa Watson-Cook Partner & Head of the Charities & Social Enterprise team at Lester Aldridge.
Coles Miller Promotes Four Solicitors
Dorset law firm Coles Miller has promoted four solicitors – three of them in its Wills & Probate Department.
Jenny Oxley has been promoted to Partner, with Marie Harder, Ricky Langlois and Patrick Herklots becoming Associates.
Coles Miller Senior Partner Roger Leedham said the promotions were “Fantastic news. They strengthen the first-class service and depth of expertise that Coles Miller Solicitors can offer.”
Saffery expands corporate finance team into the south The top-15 accounting and advisory firm Saffery is expanding its national Corporate Finance team into the south of England, with Hemal Pandit joining as a director in its Bournemouth office.
An experienced corporate finance advisor, Hemal has particular expertise in the lower mid-market, regularly advising on deals ranging from £10 million to £50 million, as well as larger transactions, for clients including private equity firms, owner managed businesses, listed and private companies. He also provides wider strategic and commercial advice to businesses beyond individual transactions.
Tom Davies has also joined Saffery as Audit Manager. He joins from one of the ‘big four’ firms where he had worked since joining their school leaver programme 7 ½ years ago. www.saffery.com
The newest face of Dorset and Somerset Training Provider Network (DSTPN) Promoting Apprenticeships and FE Skills through the power of social media
Zoe Vearncombe is a truly creative spirit having been involved in acting and theatre producing for many years. She recently became interested in using her creative skills as a force for good and undertook a Digital Skills Bootcamp at her local College.
DSTPN champion Skills Bootcamps and were delighted, after interview, to offer Zoe the job of Media and Marketing Officer on the spot!
Zoe stated; “I was so thrilled when I was offered the job with DSTPN… Putting all the knowledge I’d learnt through the Skills Bootcamp to good use with a great company, who strive to help and inspire others is such a dream for me.”
ViewHR Welcomes Beth to the Team as Senior HR Professional ViewHR, a specialist independent HR and Employment Law Consultancy, has announced the addition of Beth Young to their team as a Senior HR Professional. Beth joins ViewHR with a Fellow CIPD qualification and extensive experience in strategic and operational HR across various sectors. www.viewhr.co.uk
Lewis Barr joins Lewis-Manning Hospice Care as a Trustee
Lewis Barr has joined Lewis-Manning Hospice Care as a Trustee.
Lewis, who is Frettens Solicitors’ Marketing & Commercial Director, is also a member of the Income Generation and Marketing Sub Committee (IGM) to the Board of Trustees at the hospice, advising on the charity’s income generation and marketing strategy. www.lewis-manning.org.uk
Wessex Internet bolsters leadership team Gavin Davies has been appointed as as the company’s first Chief Operations Officer (COO).
The Dorset-based rural broadband specialist has ambitious plans for the next five years and beyond, with recruitment to meet this growth also taking place across sales and customer support, network planning and operations, civil engineering, and garden works. www.wessexinternet.com
Connecting local households with the
Publishers of high-quality community magazines in the east Dorset and west Hampshire area.
Pulford Publicity has been publishing Dorset View and Viewpoint magazine for over 20 years. Both magazines are jam-packed with local news and provide the perfect platform for businesses to advertise to their local market.
In 2023, the company acquired three more titles: The Mudeford Mag, The Bulletin and BH Six & Seven. These well-established A5 magazines serve Christchurch, Highcliffe, Southbourne, Burton, Brangsore and the surrounding areas. The magazines offer a highly costeffective advertising model and are hugely popular with both readers and advertisers.
Pulford Publicity has built a reputation as the go-to company to provide event programmes and town guides. Organisations including Highcliffe Food & Arts Festival, the Cheese & Chilli Festivals, Stir Events, Christchurch BID, Verwood Town Council and West Moors Town Council are regular users of this service.
These high quality publications are engaging, aesthetically pleasing and resonate with clients and their readers. The creative artwork produced by the team of expert designers has put this service in high demand.
Reach out to our production team to learn more about our services, discover how we can assist you, or request rate cards for our publications.
Pulford Publicity helps clients to bring to life their aspirations of having their own professional magazine or publication. Design, layout, advertising sales, print and distribution are all carried out by the team, with the editorial content being supplied by the client.
Dorset Business Focus is the official magazine of Dorset Chamber and has been produced by Pulford Publicity since 2019. Living Well is a collaboration of local organisations, charities and dementia groups. The magazine has become an essential resource to people in the community and covers all aspects of elderly living.
Pulford Publicity collaborates with event organisers to secure prime sponsorship opportunities. Elevate your brand’s visibility by showcasing it at local events, reaching thousands of festival goers, and making a lasting impression.
A pair of Dorset companies have joined forces to revamp the booking process for a boat that offers free trips around Poole Harbour for people with disabilities.
Property finance specialist MSP Capital and digital marketing agency Uprated have jointly donated expertise and resource to build a new online system to help The Friends of Dolphin charity. The aim is to make it easier and smoother for people to book the Dolphin, a double-hulled catamaran specially adapted to carry passengers of all ages and disabilities, including those in wheelchairs.
The two firms have together provided the new booking solution to the charity free of charge. IT experts at Uprated, a trusted supplier to MSP Capital, reconfigured server capability to enable automated messaging and reminders as part of an improved booking experience.
MSP Capital’s input on the funding side falls under the lender’s environmental, social and governance strategy, Foundations for Better Futures. The communitygiving part of the strategy is run by a dedicated community committee which has a budget to coordinate fundraising initiatives for charities and good causes.
Lee Merrifield, MSP Capital’s Associate Director of Credit and a committee member, said: “The Dolphin is the only boat in Poole Harbour to offer free trips to people with
disabilities. Its activity is right on our doorstep.
“When we heard The Friends of Dolphin were looking for help with their booking system, we were only too happy to do our bit. A big element of Foundations for Better Futures is support for our local community and the charities that operate in it.”
Founded in 1981, MSP Capital is a principal development and bridging lender, offering solutions for sums up to £20 million. www.mspcapital.co.uk/betterfutures.
The Tank Museum scooped Marketing & Communications Campaign of the year at the annual Museum & Heritage Awards.
The prestigious event, held at the London Hilton on Park Lane, was attended by 500 representatives from the museum and heritage sector across the UK and beyond. The Dorset charity beat competition from some of the biggest names in the sector – including British Museum, National Portrait Gallery and the V&A –to take the award for its “YouTube and the Creator Economy” campaign.
The Tank Museum boasts the biggest museum YouTube channel in the world, with just shy of 800k subscribers and 200m views. Judges remarked how the campaign had “achieved the impossible” with “exceptional results” for its global brand building, audience accessibility and income diversification.
Nik Wyness, The Tank Museum’s Head of Marketing, said: “We’re very proud to be recognised for our work in creating educational video content, developing online enthusiast communities and using this platform to generate vital new sources of fundraising.
“At a time when all Museums are under considerable financial pressure, we’ve shown what can be possible when creativity, ambition and entrepreneurship are embraced in the
pursuit of a financially sustainable future.”
The Tank Museum is highly regarded as a leading example for its use of digital in the sector. New jobs were created at the rural attraction as a result of the significant growth in e-commerce during the pandemic.
And last year it generated almost 30% of its total turnover online from
non-visitors – allowing it to invest in the care of its collections, upgrade its facilities and improve its exhibitions.
“Our work as online content creators has created a new “business” – but it also shows that museums can exist and thrive beyond their physical locations.”
The ‘FOUNDRY factor’ is driving a regeneration of Poole town centre as an influx of workers to the Dolphin Centre boosts local shops, cafes and restaurants.
FOUNDRY – a £3m development offering co-working space and offices in the Dolphin– has brought 90 businesses and 250 professionals to the town since it opened in May 2023.
BCP Council footfall data shows visitor numbers in February 2024 were 10% higher than in the same month the previous year. Visitors are spending 31% longer on average in Poole town centre than they did five years ago. Council Leader Cllr Vikki Slade said: “I think Poole is very much on the up and the rethinking of the Dolphin Centre as town centres evolve has been great to see.
“The inclusion of a workspace like FOUNDRY is important to sustain a broad use for the space. More and more people want to access working space outside their home without the overheads of a dedicated office or creative space and I hope its success continues.”
FOUNDRY Poole – only the second in the UK – is one of a host of new uses being made of town centre space by landlord Legal & General Investment Management (LGIM).
Key Digital Agency too part in an innovative fundraising event to support the Shire Hall Memory Cafe. It joined forces with local businesses and community members for a spirited “Jail and Bail” event held at the historic Dorchester Shire Hall. The accused were nominated for “crimes” and tasked with raising bail money to secure their release. David Lakins, Managing Director of Key Digital, found himself in the dock after being nominated for the crime of making “terrible dad jokes” in the office. Despite his protests, he embraced the challenge, rallying support and raising an impressive £1,220 in aid of the Memory Cafe. www.key.digital
John Grinnell, Manager of the Dolphin Centre, said: “The Dolphin Centre is certainly benefiting from a FOUNDRY factor.
“The arrival and growth of FOUNDRY in the past year has brought around 90 businesses and 250 people to the heart of the town. It is the home for networking events, business talks and podcasts.
“All those people are using the shops, cafes, restaurants and the other facilities of the Dolphin Centre and the rest of the town centre.”
Businesses using FOUNDRY have felt the benefits of being in central Poole.
Mark Masters, who runs the business network You Are the Media, said: “Poole is steeped in history in a way that few other towns are, so it gives me a real sense of pride to be part of a thriving business community in my home town.
“My big passion at the moment is how smaller towns can go head-to-head with bigger cities when it comes to building meaningful communities and putting on events that people want to be a part of. That’s why I chose Poole’s Lighthouse for You Are the Media’s annual Creator Day event. Poole has never really had this kind of business-to-business environment
before but FOUNDRY has been a beacon drawing people to the town.”
Gordon Fong, Director of IT business Kimcell, saw the social media hashtag #InPoole take off after he used it at the You Are the Media Creator Day in 2023. “On every occasion I’ve visited Poole, it was really refreshing to step out into something that felt vibrant again,” he said.
FOUNDRY offers everything from £119 per month coworking membership to serviced offices. It is based in Brownsea House, a previously unused part of the Dolphin Centre above the bus station. www.foundryuk.com/poole
Bridport Business
Chamber of Trade and Commerce
Our mission is to ensure that Bridport provides the ideal environment for businesses to thrive and to supply the goods and services that the town and surrounding area needs to remain economically vibrant.
Bournemouth Town Chamber
For over 100 years
Bournemouth Chamber of Trade & Commerce (BCTC) has served as the leading voice of business in our communities. Founded in 1916 by a select group of small business entrepreneurs, the Chamber has steadily grown to service Boscombe, Kinson, Moordown, Pokesdown, Southbourne, Wallisdown, and Winton.
Dorchester Chamber for Business
We play an active role helping to promote local business and enterprise, representing a wide range of businesses both large and small. Our priority is to help our members work together to boost trade. In addition, we are also working with community partners on our Retain & Retrain campaign to promote apprenticeships and similar initiatives to further enhance employability in Dorchester.
Shaftesbury Chamber of Commerce
The Shaftesbury Chamber has around 100 members from its two business parks and independent High Street businesses. They hold monthly networking meetings and are very active in the development of the town’s economy. Unlike many other towns, Christmas lights and activities are entirely run and paid for by chamber members.
Sherborne Chamber of Trade and Commerce
SturBiz - Sturminster Newton Chamber of Commerce
The Sturminster Newton Chamber of Commerce was set up in 2018 and named SturBiz for simplicity. Its mission is to promote and enhance Sturminster Newton and surrounding area’s economy and its businesses and support a thriving and effective business community.
The Sherborne Chamber of Commerce exists to promote its members’ businesses and the wider business community. It has a membership in excess of 150. The chamber is involved in just about every event that takes place in the town, supporting the Sherborne community, attracting media interest and creating a memorable experience for visitors to the town.
Swanage & District Chamber of Trade
We have many ways of helping to promote all businesses in Swanage, the most popular of these is the Swanage Map. This is provided to tourists free of charge through all local hotels and the tourist information centre. As a member, you will be taking an active part in helping develop business opportunities in Swanage.
Weymouth & Portland Chamber of Commerce
The chamber has been supporting businesses for over 100 years, encouraging and inspiring businesses of all sizes. We’ve helped many people to find their feet in the local business community, by providing an environment where they can connect with likeminded people. In recent years we’ve represented the concerns of businesses to the local councils, contributing to a significant cut in the cost of car parking charges. We played an important role in the establishment of the Weymouth BID, in whose operation we take a keen interest.
Forest Holme Hospice Charity celebrated its 30th anniversary with the launch of a stunning display of 1,000 handcrafted stained glass fritillaria flowers at Merley House in Wimborne.
Guests including The Mayor of Poole, artist Ellie Drake-Lee and Dr Stephen Kirkham, who was the first consultant at Forest Holme when it opened, joined hospice staff, volunteers and charity trustees in the gardens at Merley House to officially open the display.
The event, which was sponsored by Gallagher Insurance in Poole, took place exactly 30 years to the day that Forest Holme Hospice Charity or Friends of Forest Holme as it was known then, first opened its doors to raise funds for the then new specialist palliative care unit based at Seldown Road in Poole. If you would like to help celebrate the hospice’s 30th Anniversary and purchase a keepsake flower visit https://register.enthuse. com/ps/event/GlassFlowers www.forestholmehospice.org.uk
Global structural steel firm, and Dorset Chamber Platinum Business Partner, REIDsteel is giving local students an insight into the world of work.
The Christchurch-based firm has welcomed the latest two work experience placements from the town’s Twynham School to its offices and manufacturing facility in Reid Street.
Year 10 pupils Milo and Tyler, gained valuable hands-on experience during a structured programme in the company’s design and production departments.
Donna Campo, Operations Director at REIDsteel, said: “We aim to give work experience students a meaningful and practical experience, which provides them with an insight into our company and opportunities within our industry.
“We believe it is important to support our local community and schools, whilst also
building relationships to encourage the next generation to think of the diverse and rewarding careers on offer with REIDsteel
“It was a pleasure to host Milo and Tyler, who were a credit to themselves and their school.”
Tyler was based in production, where he spent time in the pre-fabrication, sheet metal, glazing and fabrication workshops. Tyler also worked in the yard and had a chance to try his hand at welding.
He said: “I know what a variety of jobs options there are within the industry now and I’m pretty sure that it’s something I want to pursue for the future.”
Milo, who was based in design, said: “My favourite part was learning so many things. I was able to take away an understanding of what it’s like to be in a work environment.”
REIDsteel, with a 120-strong workforce, has built strong links with local schools
over many years. It regularly attends the annual Careers and Apprenticeship Show at Bournemouth International Centre.
Donna visited the Twynham School recently to conduct mock interviews with Year 10 students.
REIDsteel, which has a ‘one team’ ethos to emphasise the value it places on every employee, has also backed a new WorkEx Directory launched by Dorset Careers Hub and Dorset Chamber to reinvent work experience. It is one of the first companies to sign up to the initiative which aims to increase the range and number of work experience opportunities for young people.
A directory of participating businesses will be published in September 2024 and be available for schools.
Business can offer a range of experiences. These could include virtual work experience, site tours, taster days, two or three day experiences, one or two week placements, or an extended placement, such as an afternoon a week.
REIDsteel currently has a number of career opportunities on offer. They include Quantity Surveyor, Cladding Draughtsperson, Steel Erector, Structural Engineer, Trainee Production Operative, Yard Operative and Production Administrator.
REIDsteel, founded in 1919, designs, manufactures and erects all types of steel framed structures including cladding, glazing, roofing and doors. It has exported to more 140 countries to date.
Diverse Abilities, Dorset’s Disability Charity, is launching this year’s 24 Challenge in support of 24-hour care for children and adults with complex physical and learning disabilities in Dorset.
Diverse Abilities’ 24 Challenge is a chance for participants to choose their own challenge based on 24 as a theme. 24 represents the lifeline of support for the families supported by Diverse Abilities and recognises the importance of the charity’s amazing staff working night and day across children’s and adults services.
Suggested options include running every day for 24 days, swimming 24 lengths or even holding a 24-hour gameathon. It may be an opportunity to give up smoking for 24 days or a challenge to read 24 books over the summer period. The possibilities
are endless, and fundraisers have the opportunity to create their own challenge to inspire and motivate them, as well as raise money for the disability charity.
Pictured are brothers Luke & Joe who walked for 24 hours straight up and down the 7-mile beautiful East Dorset coastline between Hengistbury Heard and Sandbanks Beach. They contended with no sleep, meals on the go, blisters, sunburn, heat waves and rain. Between them and their group of friends they raised more than £3,000! Participants are encouraged to decide on their challenge now and set up their fundraising pages, with the aim of completing their challenge over the summer months.
Find out more, get inspiration and sign up at diverseabilities.org.
Weymouth College is embarking on an exciting venture to create a sustainable, community gallery at its Cranford Avenue campus.
The gallery will be built using recycled and reclaimed materials by community volunteers – creating minimum impact on the environment but with maximum creativity!
The venue will be used to showcase the work of the College’s talented art students, local artists, as well as hosting a programme of touring professional exhibitions.
The College is hoping to raise £15,000 for the project, with an online fundraising campaign now live and an official launch event set to tie in with the students’ end of year art show in June.
It is hoped the gallery build will then start over the summer holiday, on a currently unused piece of land on the College campus, close to the art department and Bay Theatre.
A spokesperson for the College said: “We need your support to bring this vision to life. Your contribution, no matter the size, will make a difference. Whether you’re a skilled builder, an artist or simply passionate about our cause, we welcome your involvement. Join us in creating something truly special for Weymouth!
“By coming together as a community, we can build more than just a gallery – we can build a legacy of creativity,
sustainability and inclusivity that will enrich the lives of generations to come.”
There are a number of ways to support the project, with the option to ‘leave your legacy’ on the new gallery: A £50 donation will see your name etched on to one of the tiles on the gallery (200 available), £500 will see you named as an official sponsor of the gallery, and named in our gallery promotional material, and £1,000 will see you named as an official
sponsor, and a student award in your name at the final student show for the next five years.
The College is also keen to hear from local businesses or organisations interested in support the project, as well as artists, those with building skills, surplus building materials or those who would like to volunteer in the community building project.
Brockenhurst College
Brockenhurst College is a large General Further Education (GFE) college situated in the New Forest National Park and delivers a wide range of A Level, vocational and apprenticeship programmes. It also provides a Higher Education programme, skills and training courses for adults, as well as bespoke services to business. The College also has a strong skills training programme for unemployed individuals, working with employers.
Stannah Services
A lift company with local lift expertise at your door. Our lift installation, maintenance and repair services are relied upon by thousands. We work with leading brands, such as Network Rail, construction companies, and lift owners, to enable the easy movement of people and goods. We’ve transferred this expertise into the home, with Stannah becoming a household name for stairlifts.
Coversure Insurance
(Poole & Weymouth)
Since opening in 2014 we have quickly established a reputation for providing our customers with great value cover and exceptionally high standards of service. So, whether you are looking for business, property, motor or home insurance, we’ll find you great cover with great service.
Voice of the Beehives
We make ESG simple and accessible for SMEs. We take away the complication and jargon to help you create a simpleyet-brilliant ESG strategy to grow your business as a force for good. Book a free consultation today.
Brett Pittwood Poole
Brett Pittwood is an independent firm of Chartered Certified Accountants providing bookkeeping, accounting and taxation services to businesses. We specialise in accounts preparation and business support, in addition to business planning, tax planning - personal and corporate.
ProPlastix Limited
ProPlastix provide the comprehensive solution from project design and development through to production of plastic injection moulded components and assembly. With over 40 years plastic injection moulding experience, ProPlastix’ state-of-the-art facilities and skilled team allow us to offer tailor-made solutions to take your plastic concept to the next level.
R&R Executive Travel
Taking the hassle out of driving to important meetings, airports, special occasions, tours etc. Sit back and relax in a 7 -Seater Luxury Mercedes and let us get you to your destination relaxed and on time!
Evolution Solar Services
A Dorset-based solar PV installation and battery storage company with over two decades of electrical expertise. Evolution Solar Services is MCS certified for both PV and battery storage, demonstrating our commitment to delivering high-quality and efficient systems. Our passion for sustainability has been recognized with the ‘Green Deal Approved’ mark, enabling us to support grant-funded initiatives like ECO4.
Macmillan Dorset Bike Ride
Broadstone www.macmillanbikeride.com
The Macmillan Dorset Bike Ride is a charity cycle ride raising funds for Macmillan Cancer Support. The event takes place annually on the first Sunday in July and is open to all types of cyclists. With three circular courses to choose from 38, 48 and 63 miles, it is a great opportunity to enjoy the Dorset countryside and support people with cancer.
Lucid Services
Wimborne www.lucidservices.uk
Lucid Services provide VOIP Business Phone systems and Advanced CCTV security systems to businesses across Dorset and beyond. With over 30 years combined experience in telecoms, and a passion for excellent customer care.
Lucid was formed in 2022 by husband and wife team Adam & Emma, who are committed to growing with customer care at the forefront.
Omni Management
At Omnium, we work with our client partners to achieve their long-term sustainability goals, focusing on optimising energy efficiency, reducing financial costs and eradicating waste through behavioural and non-behavioural changes. Our expert services provide personalised procurement plans and ongoing support throughout the contract, ensuring businesses can future-proof their energy solutions. Together, we’re paving the way to a greener, more sustainable future.
How important do you consider the transition to net zero for your business? Are you ready to get started but don’t know where to begin? Or are you on the journey already? Has your business measured its carbon footprint?
Reducing your carbon emissions won’t happen overnight, and the roadmap will look different for every business depending on where you are in your journey. But with your input we can shape the right support Dorset businesses require to achieve the goal of net zero.
With the government aiming for all businesses to secure zero carbon emissions by 2050, we want to know where you are on the journey. Can you spare five minutes to share your views?
Please fill in the survey: www.surveymonkey.com/r/T3Q25YV
Could you offer a young person in Dorset a first taste of what work could be like? The Dorset WorkEx Directory, from Dorset Careers Hub and Dorset Chamber, aims to support relationships between employers and schools, by signposting them to available opportunities.
So, whether you can offer a two-hour virtual intro to your job role, a day’s experience on the floor or a two-week block in the office, your support can make a huge difference.
Find out more >>
Do you find bidding for government or public sector contracts very difficult, or just stay away from them all together because they seem impossible to navigate?
Contrary to popular belief, winning a public sector contract is not as hard as it seems. With a good understanding of how the tendering process works and a clear strategy in place, it can be relatively painless.
Philip Norman is founder and MD of Winning Tenders, a Poole-based business specialising in winning tenders (mainly for SMEs). With years of experience and, a high success rate in winning public sector contracts for large and small businesses (and a very high success rate winning places on framework agreements), he has shared a checklist of dos and don’ts to help you navigate the public sector tender process:
• Complete the tender in full and do exactly what is asked of you
• Complete the tender in a particular format, if asked to do so
• Contact the buyer if you are unclear of any aspects of the tender
• Be creative – work out your USP and make your response relevant to the requirement
• Price at a point that is sustainable for your business
• Submit your tender 24 hours prior to the deadline
• If you’re unsure, you can hire a consultant, such as Winning Tenders, to help you complete your bid
• Go for contracts that you cannot fulfil
• Confuse the Selection Questionnaire (SQ) and invitation to tender (ITT) phases. The SQ is about selection criteria and shortlisting. The focus is backward-looking, so you need to demonstrate your credentials as a company before getting the chance to bid. The ITT is forward-looking and focuses on how you will seek to perform the contract
• Ignore the word count or fail to fill in any part of the tender document
• Submit stock corporate sales material and standard copy
• Include bold statements that cannot be backed up with evidence
• Introduce inappropriate or ill-prepared people. If you are invited to undertake or receive a presentation, your representatives should be well versed in the requirement and in your company, be presentable and affable
• Submit your tender late, even by a minute
• Forget to inform your nominated referees, as this gives a poor impression and you may even end up with a bad reference.
For more public sector bidding advice, follow Winning Tenders on LinkedIn. www.winningtenders.co.uk
The Marsham Court Hotel was highly commended at the Disability Smart Awards 2024 for their work to improve the lives of disabled people.
The Marsham Court Hotel was highly commended in the Disability Smart Inclusive Customer Experience category at an awards ceremony in London on 30 April, hosted by Business Disability Forum and held in partnership with Bloomberg.
The Disability Smart Inclusive Customer Experience Award recognises organisations that have gone the extra mile to break down barriers experienced by disabled people through truly inclusive customer service.
The judging panel awarded The Marsham Court Hotel highly commended status for their passion and drive in creating a family-run, full-service hotel that is affordable, accessible and inclusive for everyone.
Operations Director James Dixon-Box said: “For an independent family run business like ours to be recognised in these global awards is truly amazing and we hope that it will inspire other businesses to strive for true inclusivity”.
TUI UK&I won the Inclusive Customer category this year and Alton Towers Resort was a finalist.
The Border Target Operating Model (BOTM) is a new approach to sanitary and phytosanitary controls for imports of live animals, animal products, plants and plants products to Great Britain. These new requirements will impact importers of animals, plants and plant products designed to modernise the border and speed up controls The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has published a summary of the Border Target Operating Model operational learnings and most commonly asked questions since 30 April.
Dorset Chamber’s International Trade team’s, Tom Bennett, shares some of the highlights:
Border Control Post/Port Health Authority opening hours
You are strongly advised to check the Border Control Post (BCP) opening hours and the Port Health Authority (PHA) operating hours at the point you are planning an import of consignments containing high and medium risk products. BCP/PHA contact details are listed on GOV UK. Also contact the BCP/PHA at your chosen port of entry for details on emergency or out of hours arrangements in case of transport delays or changes. Double-check that your chosen port of entry has a Border Control Point designated for the product you are importing All SPS goods, excluding live animals, must
enter GB via a port of entry with a suitably designated BCP (except for movements from the Island of Ireland). If you have selected Port of Dover or Eurotunnel as the Port of Entry in the Transport section of the import notification, the Border Control Post will be Sevington. Note, if you later decide to go via a different BCP you must update your declarations. Where a consignment is identified as being brought into GB via a point of entry without a suitably designated BCP, it may be subject to formal enforcement action, including the consignment being detained and refused entry.
Use of official and commercial seals Official seals are only required when stated in the Health Certificate. Commercial seals can be used and are encouraged for land bridge transit movements – these should not be recorded on the health certificate but should be included in the CHED notification where used.
Keep the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) up to date
You must make sure that any errors in the customs declaration are corrected and the submitted CHED import notification reference is added to the declaration in the correct section and the correct document code is used before you submit the declaration. Import of Products, Animals, Food and Feed System (IPAFFS) provides a Copy
and Paste feature so that you or your agent can copy both of these from the submission screen, to paste into the declaration. Use the right commodity codes for IPAFFS and CDS
You or your customs agent must make sure that the commodity codes declared in the customs declaration are the same as the commodity codes declared in your import notification on IPAFFS. You can amend these codes to ensure that they match, but you must do this in both systems. Failure to do this is likely to result in your goods being called into a BCP and held until the error corrected.
Fixing signature errors on health certificates
If a paper certificate is used it must bear the signature and stamp of the certifying officer. Verifiable PDF certificates must bear a valid digital signature. You must also check attestations are completed in accordance with the model certificate ‘notes for completion’ and all nonapplicable attestations are correctly deleted or omitted from the certificate. Deletions carried out by hand must be initialled and stamped. If completed electronically as a verifiable PDF the signature and stamp per page is sufficient.
If you need support or guidance on BOTM or any aspect of global import and export, get in touch international@dorsetchamber.co.uk
Do you import or export goods?
Dorset Chamber can provide invaluable advice and support to your business and help prepare you for an HMRC customs compliance check.
Our specialist team will visit your site and conduct a review of your customs exposure to identify any areas of concern in knowledge or processes – helping you to make sure your company is prepared and, most importantly, compliant. The review includes recommendations on actions and/or training options to help ensure you’ve got what you need. Contact Kellie or Tom at international@dorsetchamber.co.uk to find out more.
In addition to the varied networking events that we run throughout the year there are many other benefi t s that come with your membership package. Our affinity schemes have been negotiated with the British Chamber of Commerce and are available to all members. If you have any questions about how to access them, please contact our friendly membership team on 01202 714800.
Business Legal Expense Insurance
Up to £100,000 per claim, covering subjects such as Employment disputes, Health & Safety prosecutions, tax investigations and data protection investigations. (Caveats apply, please refer to the policy documentation)
Call Quest 01455 852 037 for advice.
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Are you importing/exporting, paying for a service abroad, receiving international funding? For preferential exchange rates and zero international fees. Call Dorset Chamber 01202 714800 to register.
Our pursuit of well-being often focuses on traditional methods like exercise, mindfulness, and healthy eating. While these are undoubtedly important, there’s another, often overlooked, path to personal growth and resilience: embracing fear.
Fear is a natural human response, designed to protect us from danger. However, in the modern world, many of our fears are no longer about physical threats, but rather about failure, rejection, or the unknown. These fears can hold us back, preventing us from taking risks, pursuing new opportunities, or reaching our full potential.
But what if, instead of avoiding fear, we embraced it? What if we saw fear not as an obstacle, but as a challenge to overcome, a catalyst for growth?
Research has shown that facing our fears can have a profound impact on our well-being. It can boost our confidence, increase our
resilience, and even improve our physical health. When we push ourselves outside of our comfort zones, we learn that we are capable of more than we thought, and this realisation can be incredibly empowering.
Imagine you’re a skydiver, standing at the edge of the plane, heart pounding, palms sweating. The fear is real, but so is the anticipation of the thrill, the freedom, the sense of accomplishment that awaits on the other side.
The same principle can be applied to the business world. Taking on a challenging project, pitching a new idea to your board, or speaking to a big crowd. But by facing these fears, you not only increase your chances of success, but you also grow as a person and as a professional.
Of course, embracing fear doesn’t mean being reckless. It’s about taking calculated risks, pushing yourself to the edge of your
comfort zone, but not beyond. It’s about challenging yourself to grow, to learn, and to become the best version of yourself.
So, the next time you feel fear holding you back, don’t shy away from it. Embrace it. See it as an opportunity. Because on the other side of fear, you might just find a whole new level of well-being.
Are you ready to face a challenge?
Registrations have opened for the LewisManning Hospice Care Skydive, which takes place on 21 September at Old Sarum Airfield in Salisbury. Participants will be taking an adrenaline-pumping 10,000ft leap into the skies to raise essential funds and awareness of the hospice nurses and the vital services they provide in our community at Lewis-Manning.
Find out more >> lewis-manning.org.uk/skydive/
Sculpture by the Lakes is an idyllic retreat nestled within 26 acres of Dorset countryside. The park offers an oasis of tranquillity with beautiful, landscaped gardens, stunning artwork and high-quality facilities – making it the ideal setting for corporate functions.
Gardens and sculptures
Sculpture by the Lakes is the only sculpture park in the world to be recognised as an accredited botanic garden, and is designed to celebrate the harmonious synergy between the beauty of nature and contemporary art.
Guests can lose themselves in the park’s stunning natural surroundings – home to over 1,000 tree and shrub species – and discover more than 120 sculptures by leading artists placed around the gardens.
Private hire venues
Sculpture by the Lakes offers a variety of high-quality facilities to suit a range of event needs, from intimate meetings to large scale drinks receptions.
Host an exclusive group celebration at a choice of secluded private venues, including The Retreat – a double storey timber building with a roof terrace offering unrivalled park views. For creative brainstorms, the park offers a range of cosy pods, tucked away amid the serenity of the lakes and offering the perfect opportunity to be at one with nature.
The quality of the day extends to the park’s food, with its on-site restaurant, The Kitchen, serving up a delicious selection of dishes inspired by the harvest. Guests can enjoy
fresh, seasonal produce sourced directly from the park’s own Kitchen Garden.
Additional facilities
The Makers Yard sits at the entrance to the park – a free-to-enter site with even more for guests to explore. As well as The Kitchen, the site is home to The Gallery, featuring artwork from internationally acclaimed artists, The Store and The Pantry, offering hundreds of hand-crafted products, food, and drinks from artisan and independent producers.
For more information about Sculpture by the Lakes, visit www.sculpturebythelakes.co.uk/.