Dorset Business Focus magazine is the most widely read business publication in the Dorset business community with a readership of over 10k+. Packed full of great articles, it features the latest news from our diverse membership.
Dorset Chamber members can upload content for consideration by the editorial team to feature in the magazine. Visit our website and submit your news articles for a chance to feature in the next issue of the magazine: www.dorsetchamber.co.uk/news/ submit-your-news/
You can also read the digital version of the magazine on our website.
Hello and a very warm welcome to the August edition of Dorset Business Focus and I hope you are enjoying the summer months.
I’d like to begin by thanking everybody that attended our 75th Anniversary Gala Dinner. We had a wonderful evening celebrating supporting Dorset businesses since 1949, a period that spans nine decades. We feel immensely proud of this and look forward to continuing to serve our business community with energy and optimism. We thanked several of our members for over 40 years membership and this included our sponsor for the evening, Goadsby, our longest serving member that has been with us since 1981.
We recently closed for entries for the Dorset Business Awards and I’d like to thank all the businesses that entered. There are some truly inspiring entries across the range of categories that really capture the excellence and innovation that takes place in so many Dorset businesses. The entries are now out with the judges who will no doubt be having a tough time in identifying the finalists and winners – but a huge thank you to all who put some much work into your entry.
Chamber House, Acorn Office Park Ling Road, Poole, Dorset BH12 4NZ T. 01202 714800 W. www.dorsetchamber.co.uk
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The awards take place on Thursday 10th October and are part of the wider Dorset Business Festival which includes a launch breakfast, a business expo and a conference themed “Business as a Force for Good”. The events will include leading experts across a range of areas and the events are filling up quickly with the awards being sold out already. Take a look at the Dorset Chamber website for information on the Festival and we really encourage you to get involved in this great celebration of Dorset businesses.
I hope you enjoy the rest of the summer and Summer and as always, please don’t hesitate to get in touch if we can help you in any way.
Ian Girling Chief Executive Dorset Chamber
Be part of Dorset’s leading business support organisation
Joining Dorset Chamber is a valuable and powerful investment for any business. Engaging with us and using membership to its full potential brings demonstrable business benefits.
To find out more contact paul.taylor@dorsetchamber | 01202 714818
Gary Neild, CEO of Blue Sky Financial Planning
Blue Sky Financial Planning became an EOT in December 2022. This monumental shift has brought a myriad of benefits to our clients, our dedicated team, and the enduring legacy of our business.
Our decision to transition to an EOT was driven by a deep-seated commitment to preserve the unique culture and values that have always defined Blue Sky. When I started this journey back in the nineties, the financial services industry was often characterised by self-serving practices, ambiguity and a relentless focus on commissions and sales targets. I was determined to create a business that genuinely cared for its clients, one that considered it a privilege to manage their finances with integrity, transparency and a steadfast commitment to their financial well-being.
After many years thinking about legacy planning, the move to an EOT aligned perfectly with our ethos. By transferring
Our clients have always been at the heart of everything we do at Blue Sky. The shift to an EOT has only strengthened our commitment to them. With the team now owning the business, there is a boosted sense of responsibility and ownership in every interaction. This has translated into even higher levels of personalised service and very happy clients. The continuity provided by this sustainable ownership structure means that clients can enjoy long-term relationships with their trusted advisors, free from the disruptions often caused by mergers or acquisitions.
For our employees, becoming an EOT has been incredibly empowering. Every team member now has a stake in the success of Blue Sky, nurturing a culture of shared purpose and collaboration. This new structure has led to a stronger
Over the years, we have received numerous offers from companies looking to absorb Blue Sky into their operations. While we considered each offer, none truly resonated with our core values. The decision to become an EOT ensures that the essence of Blue Sky – our commitment to client-centric financial planning, our nurturing and educational approach, and our dedication to cultivating meaningful relationships – remains intact. It has always been a privilege and an honour to be entrusted with our clients’ money and its only right that we should repay their faith in us.
Transitioning to an Employee Ownership Trust has been one of the most rewarding decisions in Blue Sky’s history. It has reinforced our commitment to our clients, empowered our employees, and safeguarded the legacy of our business. We are excited about the future and confident that, together, we will continue to thrive
In 2021, after nearly 40 years of private ownership, Rubicon transitioned into an employee-owned business, a decision aimed at ensuring the company’s longevity and benefiting its people. This move has since evolved into a business model that encourages employee empowerment and strategic planning. As we recently celebrated our third anniversary of employeeownership, the positive changes are evident.
Strategic Beginnings:
The Founders originally drove Rubicon’s shift to employee-ownership. A decision aimed to secure the company’s future by preserving its independence and aligning the interest of employees with the business’s long-term goals. This ensured Rubicon’s core values remained intact and free from external investor pressures or potential buyouts, while also taking advantage of favourable tax implications for the Founders.
Embracing Employee-Ownership:
Over the past three years, scepticism has transformed, through perseverance, into enthusiastic support from the team and wider community. This transition has empowered our employees, creating a culture of collaboration and shared responsibility. The focus is shifting from financial incentives to genuinely amplifying the employee voice within the company. As partners, our employees are motivated to contribute to Rubicon’s success, knowing their efforts directly impact their futures. This sense of ownership has continued to increase innovation, improve morale, and inspire stronger commitment to our company’s goals and values.
The focus now is increasingly on the horizon and forming a strategic approach that involves every employee in setting long-term goals and creating a clear roadmap to achieve them.
An immediate and significant change is the transition from our former Founder and MD, Lloyd Banks, to a co-leadership model. Two MDs, Jess and Terry, now jointly head up the business, bringing diverse perspectives and complementary skills to the Leadership team. This collaborative approach ensures balanced decisionmaking, considering multiple viewpoints and leading to more robust strategies.
The Co-Leadership Model: Jess and Terry bring distinct yet complimentary strengths to their roles. Jess is predominantly externally focused, dedicating her efforts to building relationships that drive Rubicon’s growth. Her ability to connect with various people and identify new opportunities ensures Rubicon remains competitive and forward-thinking. Terry is predominantly focused on operations. He ensures our existing customer base is provided a quality service, optimising internal processes and implementing a culture of continuous improvement. Terry’s commitment to
operational excellence guarantees that our processes run efficiently, maintaining high standards and customer satisfaction.
Our journey as an employee-owned business is still in its early stages and is constantly evolving. As we refine our business planning and strategies, our ultimate short-term goal is achieving financial freedom for employees. This means creating a sustainable and profitable business that benefits everyone, from the newest hire (post 6-months) to the most seasoned team member. Rubicon’s shift to employee-ownership has been transformative. Initially driven by the need for an exit strategy for our Founders, it has evolved into a powerful model of shared ownership and collaborative leadership. As we look to the future, our commitment to future-proofing and financial freedom remains steadfast, ensuring Rubicon continues to thrive as a dynamic and employee-driven business.
Dorset Chamber spoke to Liam Toms, communications and engagement manager at Grapevine about its journey to becoming an EOT. Here he shares his experience of how it has helped Grapevine to flourish.
The modern, somewhat trivial, anxieties experienced by SMEs often divert sight from more meaningful achievements. Search engine ranking and social media followers may simplify the measurement of performance, rarely are they an accurate indicator of how well a business is truly doing. Client retention and staff tenure can paint a clearer a picture.
Without the more public accolades, the size, or perhaps volume, of a company’s voice can feel diminished. Despite successes, particularly those more likely to be celebrated internally, a lack of voice runs the risk of pairing with a lack of confidence.
The latter can make progressive ideas such as four-day working weeks or B Corp status feel unattainable. When the priority of the day is protecting gains to date, simply finding time to consider how the future might look for your business can be a challenge.
I came to join the Grapevine team via an unconventional route. They were a client of the Creative Enterprise Bureau, based within Bournemouth University, which I set up and ran. It paired students and academic staff
was helping to map the future of a company founded in 1991, which had rode the wave of advances in technology across its first two decades.
When I made the move to an in-house role at Grapevine, being less involved with client work, I had time to ‘look forward’ in my day. I’ve since heard this referred to as working ‘on’ the business, rather than ‘in’ it.
An emerging trend I’d noticed was employee ownership. One of our longstanding clients, Salad, a creative agency who have become strong advocates for EO within the local business community, made the transition in 2021. This felt right for them. I’ll admit, it wasn’t something I ever thought would be a consideration for us.
Yet, the day we were each invited into a meeting to hear plans for Grapevine to become an Employee Ownership Trust, I wasn’t surprised. It made total sense. Grapevine has always been about its people. It’s reflected how long staff stay with us. The personal relationships our staff have with clients and providing a consistent point of contact is core to our business.
Best Place to Work’ at the Dorset Business Awards, achieved Gold Partner status with our industry partner, Gamma. Most recently we became accredited as a Living Wage Employer.
Our first year of employee ownership coincided with an annual turnover increase of over 16% to deliver the highest turnover in Grapevine’s 32-year history. This enabled us to pay a profit share to all staff, 50% greater than the amount that was targeted. Employee Ownership has helped us define our voice. It’s proving to be a great fit for our people-led business.
Liam Toms, communications and engagement manager at Grapevine grapevine.uk.com
Cheryl Hadland MA (Ed.), Founder and Chair of Tops, Aspire, GECCO
Bankers nearly always asked me “What is your get out plan?” at annual reviews, and over the 35 years I’ve had of running a business I gave them a variety of answers, including “I’ll never retire”, “I’ll pass it on to my children”, “I’ll sell it to a venture capitalist (VC) or investment firm”. I only seriously started considering an EOT after meeting someone at a networking meeting who had done it a few years before, back in 2019. I was seriously worried that VCs were only really interested in their financial return, despite their assurances to the contrary. I had a couple of aborted attempts at selling but buyers couldn’t convince me that they would really continue with my sustainability ethos, protect all my people, (850 at last count), and support nursery settings in deprived areas. Plus the contracts they offered me to stay on were awful such as asking me to clock in and out - ridiculous for a self-confessed workaholic! And step-in rights that meant I could be out on my ear if there was a national or local disaster, like Covid perhaps?! I did my due diligence for myself, reading widely, having lunch with the founder and chair of a fantastically successful EOT group of nurseries in the Midlands; another lunch with a founder/still CEO in Taunton. I went to an EOT conference; spoke to
financial advisors, accountants and legal specialists about the pros and cons. to make sure I knew what I could be getting into. I discussed options with my directors, including management buy outs, protected bonuses and/or shares for directors, and how we could structure ourselves as it seemed to us that directors could be the losers in the plan if we weren’t careful.
My conclusion was that an EOT was far more likely to protect my business legacy, and staff and settings compared to selling to a VC. I learnt that an EOT can be brilliant for recruitment and retention, innovation and engagement PROVIDED the communication is done well. The tax free chunk of money on completion was a welcome de-risk for me, but I would have got a lot more cash up front from a VC. The tax free income until the EOT pays off the value of the business is a great pension, provided the company continues to be profitable, so keeping an eye on the management accounts and being able to veto board decisions if necessary, is a control worth keeping until its paid off completely.
The figures have to stack up for the founder, the EOT and HMRC. The business needs to be in reasonable shape to provide an appropriate value for all the years of risk, work and investment from the Founder, (valued as an EBITDA multiplier) but must
My conclusion was that an EOT was far more likely to protect my business legacy, and staff and settings compared to selling to a VC
also be affordable for the EOT to give the staff a fair opportunity to do well and achieve tax free bonuses from profit in the not too distance future. I decided to delay sale until we had recovered from Covid and I felt confident about the future for them.
I did move the freehold properties and their mortgages into a different limited company and excluded those from the sale to make the transaction affordable for the business, and give them a debt free balance sheet, which also gives me some leverage to engage in some new business ideas, if I want to in the future. I also paid a first bonus (tax free under an EOT) to all staff on completion, technically earned whilst still in my ownership but through their hard work, which gave staff a taste of what was to come and I hope will inspire them to further success. Competent succession is of course vital if you are actually going to be able to step back successfully, and this also took me several years to put in place. (beyond the scope of this article!)
A slightly worrying discovery was finding that if the EOT still owes me money when I die, my estate would have to pay IHT on funds they haven’t received yet, so I had to put a life insurance policy in place. Fortunately, my blood pressure went down post EOT, making life insurance more affordable and imminent death less likely, maybe! www.topsdaysnurseries.co.uk
Lester Aldridge, Premier Business Partner of Dorset Chamber and a leading law firm on the South Coast and London, is widely recognised for its legal expertise and commitment to delivering bespoke solutions to clients. This year, the firm has made significant strides in its ambitious growth strategy. The recent move to new offices in Southampton, the introduction of specialised teams, and the imminent merger with Mackrell.Solicitors, highlight the firm’s commitment to growth as well as building strength in existing areas of the business to provide an enhanced service offering for its clients.
The relocation of Lester Aldridge’s Southampton office in July to Mountbatten House, in the heart of Southampton’s business district, is a significant milestone for the firm. The bespoke new office space is designed to accommodate a growing team and support a collaborative environment, demonstrating the firm’s dedication to better serving its clients across the South Coast.
Two specialist teams have been added to the firm’s service offering this year. Lester Aldridge recently introduced a new Court of Protection team to its Private Wealth
department. The Court of Protection is a specialised court that safeguards individuals who lack the mental capacity to make decisions for themselves. Three experienced lawyers in this growing area of law have joined Lester Aldridge, further enhancing the firm’s expertise and solidifying its position as a leader in private client services.
A new Borrower Real Estate Finance team, led by Partner David Fanchi, has also been established. This team, comprising the extensive experience and market knowledge of the Real Estate Finance and Commercial Real Estate teams, provides a thorough understanding of real estate financing from a borrower’s perspective, ensuring that client interests remain at the forefront of every transaction.
The upcoming merger with Mackrell. Solicitors is a critical step forward for Lester Aldridge. From 1 September 2024, the firm will be known as ‘Lester Aldridge incorporating Mackrell.Solicitors’, creating a full-service firm with a combined workforce of over 400 and offices in Bournemouth, Southampton, London, and Birmingham. Mackrell.Solicitors, renowned for its international reach and multi-jurisdictional expertise, brings a
wealth of experience and a broad client base. This merger will significantly bolster Lester Aldridge’s capabilities, particularly in the areas of international law, private wealth, commercial litigation, and corporate services.
In June, Lester Aldridge was honoured at the South Coast Property Awards 2024, winning Property Law Firm of the Year for the second year in a row. This recognition highlights the firm’s outstanding contributions to the South Coast property market and its commitment to delivering exceptional legal services in this sector. The firm was also a finalist at The Lawyer Awards 2024 in the category of Law Firm of the Year: The Independents.
Beyond its professional interests, Lester Aldridge continues to demonstrate a strong commitment to community and charity involvement. As an example, the firm actively participates in the Big Sleep to raise money for YMCA Bournemouth, an annual charity event to raise awareness of homelessness and essential funds for the cause. A team of lawyers and support staff brave the elements and sleep in makeshift boxes to emphasise the urgent need for safe and stable housing for all community members. Lester Aldridge joined the initiative in 2018 and has sponsored and participated every year since, raising over £24k for the charity.
Additionally, Jo Clarke, Partner and Head of Risk and Operations at Lester Aldridge, has been appointed as the President of the Bournemouth and District Law Society (BDLS). This prestigious role puts her at the forefront of promoting the interests of legal professionals within the Bournemouth and District area.
Lester Aldridge’s recent developments reflect a clear vision for the future that prioritises growth, innovation, and excellence in client service. The firm is committed to expanding its reach and enhancing its service offerings with its clients at its core. www.lesteraldridge.com
Bournemouth University’s Talbot Campus was the venue for the national Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) Practitioners Conference which took place over two days on the 19 and 20 June 2024.
KTPs have been in operation across the UK for nearly 50 years, helping businesses succeed by connecting them to UK academic resources. Universities and higher education institutions bring new skills, research and academic thinking to their business partners. In turn, universities benefit from the knowledge gained from the latest innovation in industry practice, which they can use in their teaching.
Run by Innovate UK they work by connecting graduates, academics and businesses together to help drive new innovations and ideas using their academic expertise to help deliver them.
Matt Desmier, Bournemouth University’s Business Engagement & Knowledge Exchange Manager, who organised the event said: “The network of all the universities across the UK have come to BU today to discuss how best to run KTPs and what type of projects they should develop. We’ve invited local businesses here so that they can understand the opportunities that exist in the business support network, and we’re sharing and we’re raising everybody’s talents at the same time.”
Ian Jones, Head of External Engagement at Bournemouth University, said, “Universities work for public good, and it is vital that the knowledge and research developed within universities is used and shared by businesses to put them into practice. At BU, I’m proud of the work we do with businesses across a range of sectors as we’ve been able to work together for public good. If you’re interested in working with us at BU, we’d love you to get in touch”.
Dorset Chartered Builders, Greendale Construction Limited, has successfully completed a major contract to turn a dilapidated building into a luxury four double bedroom holiday cottage near Downton, Wiltshire. The 42-week works involved major structural alterations after it was discovered that all existing walls were unconnected. A steel frame was installed in the rear to tie the walls and support the new 1st floor. Front walls were tied with HeliBar, and a damp membrane system to all solid walls, metal stud and insulation lined prior to plastering.
The pitched roofs were completely replaced
due to the amount of rot, and a loft conversion to create a split-level floor for the stunning master suite to the front of the cottage which also boasts a dressing area, as well as two further double bedrooms.
As well as a single-storey side extension built to form the living room, with aluminium sliding doors leading out onto the patio terrace and garden, the cottage has benefitted from new window and external doors, as well as a total internal fit-out which includes a new main bathroom and shower room. Downstairs, another double bedroom, lavatory, utility room, snug, kitchen and living room all benefit
from underfloor heating, with radiators to the first floor. Log burners have been installed to the living room and snug, creating a cosy environment all year round.
Greendale Construction Director, Rob Hooker, commented: “This has been a very rewarding project in a beautiful and quite unique location. The transformation from start to finish has been extraordinary. Thanks go to our client, the design team and our brilliant contracting team in delivering this amazing project. We are now excited to be working the next large phase of the piggeries and holiday let section.” www.greendaleconstruction.com
Ian Girling, chief executive, Dorset Chamber
Founded in 1949, just four years after the end of World War 2, Dorset Chamber has been dedicated to serving the Dorset business community for seventy five years.
For nine decades Dorset Chamber has been working hard to support the business community. During that time, we’ve seen twenty General Elections, eighteen Prime Ministers and been through seven recessions. Throughout all of this, we’ve been by the side of Dorset businesses all the way. So, as we look to the future, in an uncertain world and when technology continues to develop at an exponential rate, we will continue to stand by the side of business. Always doing what we can to build a prosperous Dorset.
The Dorset Chamber Story
We are so incredibly proud to be part of such a vibrant, innovative and friendly community. Our roots go back to 1948 when plans were made to form a Chamber of Trade for Poole. This was following an industrial exhibition that highlighted the growth of business in the town and the need for a business voice. In November of that year, 100 manufacturers came together and formed Poole Chamber of Commerce, a business
membership organisation operating on a not-for-profit basis. By 1951, Poole Chamber was employing people and helping businesses export across the globe.
Thirty years later in 1981, operating from the offices of Bournemouth Chamber of Trade, Poole Chamber reformed to become Dorset Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Over the years the Dorset Chamber has been based on Poole Quay, Towngate House in Poole, Upton House, New Fields in Stinsford Road to our current offices Chamber House in Ling Road which has been the home of the Chamber since 2004.
Over the years we have supported thousands of businesses across the county through our membership and international trade services and provided a vital voice for business in Dorset at a local, regional and national level through our accreditation with the British Chambers of Commerce. An evening of celebration It was an evening of recognition and reminiscence, as over 170 Members, Business Partners, past-Presidents, leaders from BCP Council and Dorset Council UK, partners and friends came together to mark Dorset
Chamber’s 75th anniversary last month.
Thank you to our sponsors, and longest standing member, Goadsby, and the venue Marsham Court Hotel. The evening was hosted by Dorset Chamber’s CEO, Ian Girling, and Tony Brown, Dorset Chamber President, who shared the story of the chamber accompanied by a stirring and thought provoking video produced by Image Republic.
We were privileged to have five pastPresidents support the celebration including: Eddie Salter (2001 – 2002), Vincent Boni (2016 – 2017), Paul Tansey (2017 – 2018), Liz Willingham Chart.PR MCIPR (2018 –2020) and Caron Khan (2020 – 2023).
During the event, certificates were awarded to some of our longest standing members including Goadsby (43 years) ABP Technologies (43 years), Poole Harbour Commissioners (42 years) and SKC Ltd (41 years).
During the evening Ian Girling announced he would be facing his biggest fear and doing a Sky Dive in September, to raise vital funds for the charity, Lewis-Manning Hospice Care. To donate, visit https://lnkd.in/e6adnY2h. www.dorsetchamber.co.uk
Thank you to our longest standing Members:
Goadsby Ltd 43 Years
ABP Technologies Ltd 42 Years
Graham Garner & Partners Ltd 42 Years
Poole Harbour Commissioners 42 Years
Honeywell Analytics Ltd 42 Years
S K C Ltd 41 Years
Saffery LLP 41 Years
Enovation Controls Ltd 41 Years
John Pipe Limited 41 Years
BCP Council 41 Years
Bournemouth Airport 41 Years
A & E Connock (Perfumery & Cosmetics) Ltd 41 Years
Chemring Technology
Solutions Ltd 41 Years
Rowland Sandwith Ltd 41 Years
AlfaTronix Ltd 40 Years
Sunseeker International 40 Years
Sherborne Holdings Ltd 40 Years
Thompson Valves Ltd 40 Years
Coty International BV 40 Years
Brittany Ferries 40 Years
Vail Williams 40 Years
Frettens LLP 39 Years
Lester Aldridge LLP 39 Years
Leatherbarrows Removals & Storage Ltd 39 Years
Ellis Jones Solicitors LLP 39 Years
Trethowans 38 Years
Steele Raymond LLP 38 Years
KIMCO 38 Years
Coleman Marine Insurance a Gallagher Company 38 Years
Coles Miller Solicitors LLP 37 Years
Morris Lane 37 Years
Lotek UK Ltd 37 Years
Safi Valves Ltd 36 Years
Savills 36 Years
Nuffield Health Bournemouth
Hospital 34 Years
PKF Francis Clark 34 Years
Local IQ 34 Years
Weymouth College 34 Years
Polyhose (UK) Ltd 34 Years
Cygnus Instruments Ltd 33 Years
Kiwi Design 33 Years
Preston Redman LLP 33 Years
Dorset Council 33 Years
Ace Office Environments Ltd 32 Years
Avonwood Developments (Zone Safe) 32 Years
HSBC 32 Years
The Minster Press 32 Years
Schenker Ltd 31 Years
Magicard Ltd 31 Years
Trident Maritime Systems UK Limited 30 Years
Polyhose UK, an energy conveyance products wholesaler, is delighted to celebrate over 30 years of Dorset Chamber membership in 2024.
From their dedicated warehouse and distribution site in Christchurch, Dorset, Polyhose supplies customers all over the UK with world-class Thermoplastic, PTFE, Rubber Hydraulic, Industrial, Composite, Stainless Steel, Flexible hoses and Fluid Connectors.
The company is certified to ISO9001:2015 for sales and distribution, assembly and testing of thermoplastic, PTFE and rubber hoses and associated fittings and components and has been consistently ISOcertified since 1997.
Polyhose joined Dorset Chamber in the early 1990s. At the time, the company needed assistance with export documentation and certificates of origin to sell and distribute their products to India, the Middle East, South Africa and Asia. Since then, Polyhose has continued to benefit from Dorset Chamber membership through export documentation assistance and training opportunities. 2024 is
also a milestone year for the Chamber, which celebrates its 75th anniversary this year.
“Polyhose is very proud to have been a member of the Dorset Chamber for so many years, demonstrating our commitment to the local economy and the Dorset business community,” commented Marc Whibley, Managing Director at Polyhose UK.
Ian Girling, Chief Executive at Dorset Chamber, added, “I would like to thank and congratulate Polyhose on their 30th year of membership of Dorset Chamber, with this year being our own 75th anniversary. We’ve been proud to support Polyhose with their export activity and congratulate Polyhose on their huge success over the years.”
Alongside its Dorset Chamber membership, Polyhose UK is also a member of the British Fluid Power Association (BFPA), the UK’s only trade body for the Hydraulic and Pneumatic Industries. With customers in Dorset and across the UK, Polyhose products are used in all kinds of fluid transfer applications, including hydraulic systems in manufacturing, construction, agriculture, automotive, marine, rescue equipment and
Accountancy firm, Saffery, is celebrating its 40th year of supporting the local business community from its office in Bournemouth.
The office was started back in 1984 with a team of only 4. Over its history in Bournemouth, Saffery has seen significant growth, establishing a strong reputation and has developed a full service offering to the local area.
Roger Wareham, Partner and Head of the Bournemouth Office commented, “I am proud of what Saffery has developed over the last 40 years here in Bournemouth and even more proud to be able to support the incredible local businesses, families and individuals with our services. To provide a true national firm offering at a local level, including housing a full suite of specialisms directly in our Bournemouth team, is a great achievement and a testament to our amazing people.
“We are looking forward to developing our Bournemouth office even further over the next 40 years with some exciting plans on the horizon.” www.saffery.com
industrial applications such as water jetting, sewer cleaning, high pressure blasting and painting and fire suppression systems, as well as LPG and high-pressure industrial gas transfer. Their culture of excellence means highly engineered fluid conveyance products that industries can trust to perform every time.
A commercial property scheme in East Dorset is now 70% let following the latest raft of signings with joint marketing agent, Vail Williams.
Bedrock Park, a speculative development by Northwood Urban Logistics, comprises 26 trade counter, industrial and warehouse units at Vulcan Way, Ferndown Industrial Estate. Bryony Thompson, an associate at
Vail Williams, working out of the firm’s Bournemouth office, said: “With the latest signings, Bedrock Park is now 70% let and we are in discussions with a number of businesses keen to move here.
“Occupiers are drawn to Bedrock Park not only for its position in servicing the 400,000plus population in the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole conurbation but
also to the energy efficiency aspects of the workplaces - Bedrock Park is designed to incorporate green credentials, with A and B energy performance certification.”
Bryony added: ““Rents for pre-lets and proposed developments in Dorset’s industrial market are increasing due to a supply squeeze, compounded by a lack of new development this year; we anticipate headline rents moving towards £11.50 - £12 per square foot by this December compared to last year’s £10.50 sq ft for pre-lets between 16,000 sq ft - 40,000 sq ft.”
Bedrock Park itself totals 188,271 sq ft. Located on a premier industrial location in the BCP conurbation, with convenient access to the West Country and the UK motorway network, all the units come with electric loading doors and are available leasehold.
Green technologies include low air permeability design, electric vehicle charging points, photovoltaic panels on units 13-17 and 21, high-performance insulated cladding and roof materials, increased natural lighting in warehousing and secure cycle parking.
www.vailwilliams.com/person/ bryony-thompson/
Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance has announced the return of its ‘Race from the Base’ cycle challenge, which will be held at Henstridge Airfield on Saturday 7 September 2024.
For the second year running, the event is an ultra-cycling challenge with three different distances to choose from: 30km (The Circuit), 60km (The Cruise) and 100km (The Climb). All routes will start and finish at the airfield, which is the home of the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance team.
With a total of 500 places available, you can take part as a serious cyclist, or simply use it to have fun and exercise on what will hopefully be a beautiful day in September. Businesses or groups might like to use Race from the Base as an opportunity for team building, or in-house competitions with friends and colleagues; it really is an event that is open to all.
Entrance is free for members of the public who wish to come along and show their
support to those taking part. Henstridge Airfield Cafe will be open where food and drink will be available, or you can bring along a picnic and sit and soak up the atmosphere. Entrance fees for participants are Adults:
£25 (30km), £35 (60km), £40 (100km); Under 16’s: £10 (30km), £15 (60km).
to register, visit: www.dsairambulance. org.uk/race-from-the-base
Garry James, from FOUNDRY gives an insight into the unique co-working space that is FOUNDRY Poole and the unique partnership it has forged.
FOUNDRY is not just about providing desks; it’s about fostering a dynamic business community where networking, collaboration, and growth flourish.
You will find a variety of workspaces tailored to different needs and working styles. The co-working lounge offers a flexible mix of day desks, high tables, sofas, and armchairs, perfect for those who thrive in a more casual, open environment. For those seeking more privacy, FOUNDRY provides private offices, along with state-of-the-art meeting rooms.
Networking is the cornerstone of FOUNDRY, through our partnership with Barclays Eagle Labs. The space is designed to encourage interaction and collaboration, leading to unique business opportunities and partnerships. One notable example of this is the relationship between Vault X, a gaming accessories manufacturer, and Zenscape, a startup specialising in adventure luggage. Vault X, with their established logistics expertise, extended invaluable support to the burgeoning
Zenscape, helping them streamline their supply chain processes and navigate the complexities of scaling a new business.
Another testament of FOUNDRY’s collaborative spirit is the synergy between ZBRA Marketing and Runderwear. ZBRA Marketing, an innovative marketing agency, and Runderwear, an e-commerce company specialising in running underwear, utilised their proximity to provide targeted marketing strategies. This collaboration not only enhanced Runderwear’s market presence but also demonstrated the powerful impact of having diverse, complementary businesses within the same workspace.
FOUNDRY Poole also excels in creating networking opportunities through events and introductions. Jvat, an Australian consulting firm with a presence in FOUNDRY, sought to host an event aimed at engaging potential sales prospects. Recognising their needs, FOUNDRY facilitated an introduction to Katie Street, a local events agency expert. This connection enabled jvat to plan and execute a successful event, showcasing how FOUNDRY’s network extends beyond the workspace to include essential business services.
The success stories emerging from FOUNDRY Poole highlight its role as a catalyst for business growth. By bringing together a diverse range of professionals and providing a versatile working environment, FOUNDRY Poole stands out as a premier destination for businesses in Dorset. Whether you’re a startup seeking support, an established company looking to expand, or a professional aiming to connect with like-minded individuals, FOUNDRY Poole offers the perfect ecosystem to thrive. www.foundryuk.com
Becky Philips joins Evolve Evolve has announced the addition of Becky Philips to its team. With a robust background in business and a wealth of international experience, Becky is poised to bring fresh perspectives and insights to its clients. Warren, founder of Evolve, added, “We are thrilled to have Becky on board. Her extensive experience and proven track record in building successful businesses will be a tremendous asset to our clients and our team. We look forward to the new opportunities and insights she will bring.” www.evolveadvisory.co.uk
Frettens appoints new head of HR services Frettens Solicitors has announced the appointment of Nathan Andrews who has joined its team as Head of HR Services from 1 July 2024. Nathan is an experienced HR professional who has spent the last seven years running his own successful HR business, Okana. He has over 18 years of people management experience, having gained experience as an in-house HR Manager and HR Director at a variety of different sectors. On top of this, he is a CIPD Level 7 qualified People Management Specialist with a deep understanding of UK employment law He will join Michelle Kemp’s Employment and HR team whilst also enabling Frettens to offer new and complimentary services including: Workplace Mediation, Employment Investigations, HR Case Management and HR Training www.frettens.co.uk
Rubicon announces two promotions to co-leadership model Rubicon People Partnership, a leading recruitment consultancy with headquarters in Poole, has announced the appointment of Jessica Comolly-Jones and Terry Porter to Joint Managing Directors.
Joining Rubicon as Trainee Recruitment Coordinators in 2005 and 2006, Jess and Terry bring a wealth of experience to the table with very different skill sets that work very well together.
With Jess dedicating her efforts to building relationships externally that drive Rubicon’s growth and Terry focusing on operations and maintaining high service standards to our customer base, the pair are in position to drive the business to a new level. www.rubiconpeople.co.uk
Nigel Kilpatrick joins Rockwater Rockwater Branksome in Poole, part of the lifestyle hospitality brand, has announced that Nigel Kilpatrick, founder of Compassion in Business and dedicated charity volunteer, has joined the team as the host of its free weekly mental health and wellbeing session, So Talk. Nigel Kilpatrick brings a wealth of experience and a commitment to fostering mental health and wellbeing as the So Talk host. So Talk is open to everyone and takes place every Monday from 10am to 11am in the Roof Terrace at Rockwater Branksome. www.rockwater.uk
David Crockford appointed as new Chair of the Property Litigation Association for the South Coast
David Crockford, Head of Property Litigation at leading regional law firm, Steele Raymond, has been appointed as the new Chair of the Property Litigation Association for the South Coast.
The Property Litigation Association (PLA) is a members’ organisation set up in 1995 for legal professionals specialising in all aspects of commercial, residential, and agricultural property litigation. As well as organising education, training, and networking opportunities for its members, it also plays a vital role in campaigning for improvements in property law.
Commenting on his appointment, David said: “The PLA is the most important property entity for legal professionals in the country, so I am delighted to have been chosen to serve as Chair for the South Coast region.” www.steeleraymond.co.uk
Businesses are increasingly at threat from cyber attackers who are using sophisticated emails to extract money. Leading Dorsetheadquartered cyber-security company C3IA Solutions has outlined the risks of the fast-developing cyber crime, Business Email Compromise (BEC) and are encouraging organisations to be vigilant.
C3IA Solutions has explained that the usual targets for BEC are those within companies who have the authorisation to handle or approve financial transactions.
One method used by criminals is to create an email that looks like it comes from a known contact and worded in a way that persuades the target to send money. With filters and security getting better, this type of attack is proving less effective, but a more malicious method is replacing it. This is when attackers compromise a legitimate email account or IT network of a supplier, contractor or business partner.
Tactics include waiting for a genuine email asking for payment to be sent to the target, then issuing a follow-up email from the same account saying the bank details have changed – and providing the hackers’ own. Criminals are also utilising AI so they can replicate the type of wording used in genuine emails so their fraudulent ones sound right as well as look right.
Rory Griffin from C3IA Solutions, based in Poole, said: “Government figures show that about half of all businesses have reported a cyber breach or attack, and BEC attacks make up a large number of them. The attacks using personalised, impersonation emails are becoming less and less likely to succeed because of better filters and security.
“But a compromised, legitimate and known email account would not be picked up by spam filters, and the recipient already trusts information from that account. This is what hackers are now using.
“And utilising AI means that even if the criminals are working from abroad and don’t speak English, they can accurately replicate wording that the recipient would recognise.
“Businesses are only responsible for the cyber security measures inside their own organisations, but it doesn’t mean they can’t speak to business partners to discuss mutual security.
“Collaborating with contacts and partners could prove a valuable alliance”
The Dolphin Poole will soon be welcoming the first four of five diverse food businesses to its brand-new Street Food destination.
The Dolphin Street Food will bring both local start-up restaurants and more experienced F&B operators to the first floor of the centre. The new food outlets confirmed to open this summer are Chuck and Blade,
Wraps ‘N Roll, Noodlebar, and Zeen Cuisine.
John Grinnell, Centre Manager of The Dolphin, said: “We’re excited for the launch of The Dolphin Street Food, as the new restaurants will diversify our offering and enhance the experience for our visitors. We’ve long felt the need to introduce more options for food and drink, and it’s a great
opportunity for us to support local up-andcoming restauranteurs as they make the transition to commercial units.”
Chuck and Blade’s new Poole location will be the first of its kind in Dorset, where visitors will enjoy handmade smash burgers, alongside fan favourites such as dirty fries and milkshakes.
Wraps ‘N Roll creates tortilla wraps with a variety of fillings inspired by flavours from around the world. The business prides itself on supporting local suppliers and using fresh, locally sourced ingredients.
Popular Bournemouth restaurant Noodlebar will expand into Poole with an extensive menu of pan-Asian cuisine.
Lastly, a taste of the Caribbean will be served by Zeen Cuisine, presenting authentic homemade dishes that bring Jamaican flavours to the fore.
The new initiative further expands The Dolphin’s community offering, evolving the centre from a traditional retail location, into a destination that provides visitors with a broad range of services and experiences.
Local businesses are diving in headfirst for the chance to sponsor one of 40 giant mermaid tail sculptures during The Great Tail Trail next spring.
The latest sponsors include Poole BID, Steele Raymond, Castlepoint, Compleat Food Group, GoodOaks Home Care and air traffic control simulations specialist, Micro Nav, with more big names soon to be announced.
The sculpture art trail, which will raise vital funds for local children’s hospice charity, Julia’s House, is set to be the biggest and most colourful public event across Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch (BCP) in 2025. Artists will be chosen from hundreds of entries, to give each sculpture a unique and eye-catching design for the trail, which runs for eight weeks from 5 April to 1 June.
Learner Programme Partner sought
More than half of the sculptures have been snapped up by sponsors already, but for those businesses who haven’t yet heard about the trail there’s still time to get involved and show your support. Julia’s House is also looking for a Headline Sponsor to put their name to the event and a Learner Programme Partner to sponsor The Tiny Tail Trail, which sees schools and community groups decorate their own smaller version of the giant mermaid tails.
“If you’d like to sponsor our Learner Programme we urge you to get in touch quickly,” says Laura Maidment, Public Fundraising Manager for Julia’s House. “This is a special sponsorship which will support all the schools and groups taking part. You’ll be helping children to get creative, see their work exhibited and get active outdoors as they explore the trail. As a sponsor, you will feature on over 40 Tiny Tail sculptures and be part of a wider marketing campaign, reaching thousands of people in the runup to and during the trail next Spring.”
To find out more about becoming a sponsor visit www.juliashouse.org/ tail-trail/sponsors
Antony Batty & Company (ABc) has joined forces with B&C Associates, an insolvency practice based in Mill Hill, London.
The process of integrating the two companies has already begun, with the B&C team moving into the central London headquarters of ABc in stages, to ensure a smooth transition, with it being business as usual for clients, introducers and suppliers. The enlarged company will trade under the Antony Batty & Company name.
The Principals of the two companies, Antony Batty, from ABc, and Jeff Brenner and Nitin Joshi of B&C Associates have known each other for over 20 years. So, when both parties were looking to reduce overheads though economies of scale, talking to each other was an obvious place to start.
The expanded company will now boast eight Licensed Insolvency Practitioners, backed up by an experienced team of Directors, managers and administrators, operating out of offices in Central London, Brentwood, Salisbury, Bournemouth and the Thames Valley. Antony Batty, of Antony Batty & Company said: “This acquisition continues our strategy of growing our presence across the South of England. Joining forces with B&C Associates, brings on board an Insolvency Practice with a successful track record of over 20 years, and one with whom we share the same vision, values and work ethic. Our aim is first and foremost to help directors and business owners save their businesses and livelihoods, so I am delighted that Jeff, Nitin and team have chosen us to continue delivering first rate solutions to struggling businesses. We are excited to open this new chapter in our history.”
Nitin Joshi, B&C Associates, commented: “In Antony Batty & Company, we have found the things that really matter in life – nice people who understand the struggles that businesses can face and are motivated to help by using their experience and talent.”
Aspire Training Team, a leading training provider specialising in the Early Years, has been accredited to the matrix Standard. The inspection assessed the quality standards for information advice and guidance services and Aspire received a glowing report.
The report showed how focused Aspire are on ensuring that they meet targets for diversity of learners within each area, thus supporting the local authorities and their communities. The assessment also identified an ethos that focuses on wellbeing of staff and wellbeing of learners. Staff explained how well they are supported, including being provided with a defined sum of money each month to spend on activities to support their wellbeing, such as sport, relaxation or another aspect of their choice.
Vizst Technology, a privately owned technology provider based in Poole, Dorset, has been named among Britain’s fastest-growing companies for the second year in a row. The IT and cyber security managed service provider entered The Sunday Times at 53.
The company has seen a 98.63% 3-year annual revenue growth which has earned them a place on this prestigious list for a second consecutive year.
Richard Betts, Chief Executive Officer at Vizst Technology, said: “We are delighted to be recognised for this prestigious record for a second year and this is a testament to the hard work, dedication and innovation of our entire team. The business has undergone a number of changes over the last 12 months, from new sales strategies, to a rebrand and launch of our Network Operations Center, providing even more value for our customers”.
Vizst Technology employs over 40 staff across the UK. It serves 230 businesses including easyjet, Vodafone, and London South Bank University, with other clients primarily across public, enterprise, and education sectors. www.vizst.com
QuoStar has been named as one of the world’s top-performing managed service providers in the prestigious 2024 Channel Futures MSP 501 rankings. The Channel Futures MSP 501 list, a technology industry benchmark, ranks companies based on their growth, profitability and innovation.
MSPs that qualify for the list must also pass a rigorous review conducted by the Channel Futures research team and editors. Channel Futures ranks applicants using a unique methodology that weighs financial performance according to long-term health and viability, commitment to recurring revenue and operational efficiency.
“This recognition underscores our team’s performance, strong partnerships, and our client-focused strategies. This is just the beginning—more well-deserved awards are on the horizon. Thank you to our clients and our team for making this possible. We are excited for 2024 and the years to come as we execute plans, deliver outcomes and maintain quality.” said Robert Rutherford, CEO, QuoStar.
This year’s list is one of the most competitive in the survey’s history. Winners will be recognised on the Channel Futures website and honoured during a special ceremony at MSP Summit, 16-19 Sept 2024 in Atlanta, GA.
Chapman Lily Planning has secured planning permission for the conversion and redevelopment of Knighton Farm buildings in North Poole to deliver modern fit for purpose employment premises.
The development includes new modern light industrial, general industrial and warehouse units, with the conversion of attractive courtyard buildings to offices.
The development sits next to the Canford Vale scheme for 695 homes (currently inbuild by Taylor Wimpey) which will result in a large resident population within easy walking distance of Knighton Farm, providing the opportunity for a resident workforce whilst promoting active and sustainable travel.
Chapman Lily Planning said it was delighted to have worked with a talented project team and inspired client to secure this consent which will make an important contribution to providing new employment land and premises in the BCP area.
Bridport Business
Chamber of Trade and Commerce
Our mission is to ensure that Bridport provides the ideal environment for businesses to thrive and to supply the goods and services that the town and surrounding area needs to remain economically vibrant.
Bournemouth Town Chamber
For over 100 years
Bournemouth Chamber of Trade & Commerce (BCTC) has served as the leading voice of business in our communities. Founded in 1916 by a select group of small business entrepreneurs, the Chamber has steadily grown to service Boscombe, Kinson, Moordown, Pokesdown, Southbourne, Wallisdown, and Winton.
Dorchester Chamber for Business
We play an active role helping to promote local business and enterprise, representing a wide range of businesses both large and small. Our priority is to help our members work together to boost trade. In addition, we are also working with community partners on our Retain & Retrain campaign to promote apprenticeships and similar initiatives to further enhance employability in Dorchester.
Shaftesbury Chamber of Commerce
The Shaftesbury Chamber has around 100 members from its two business parks and independent High Street businesses. They hold monthly networking meetings and are very active in the development of the town’s economy. Unlike many other towns, Christmas lights and activities are entirely run and paid for by chamber members.
Sherborne Chamber of Trade and Commerce
SturBiz - Sturminster Newton Chamber of Commerce
The Sturminster Newton Chamber of Commerce was set up in 2018 and named SturBiz for simplicity. Its mission is to promote and enhance Sturminster Newton and surrounding area’s economy and its businesses and support a thriving and effective business community.
The Sherborne Chamber of Commerce exists to promote its members’ businesses and the wider business community. It has a membership in excess of 150. The chamber is involved in just about every event that takes place in the town, supporting the Sherborne community, attracting media interest and creating a memorable experience for visitors to the town.
Swanage & District Chamber of Trade
We have many ways of helping to promote all businesses in Swanage, the most popular of these is the Swanage Map. This is provided to tourists free of charge through all local hotels and the tourist information centre. As a member, you will be taking an active part in helping develop business opportunities in Swanage.
Weymouth & Portland Chamber of Commerce
The future for ophthalmology patients and trainee surgeons is looking great after University Hospitals Dorset NHS Charity’s funding goal to fund a new stateof-the-art surgical eye simulator for Royal Bournemouth Hospital was met.
The £201,000 Eye Sim will train the next generation of surgeons across Wessex at the Royal Bournemouth Hospital’s Eye Unit. This enhanced equipment will ensure the hospital leads the way in providing safe, effective sight-saving operations for patients. Surgery for common eye conditions, like cataracts and glaucoma, can be very complicated. They require comprehensive ophthalmic specialist training, which takes seven years with surgeons are expected to carry out 300 complete cataract procedures, before completing training. The simulator allows
trainee surgeons to learn to operate in a small cube of 5x5x5mm and account for the natural movement of the eye. Learning these skills on a simulator before operating on patients is crucial to ensure patient safety. It also frees up theatre time for those awaiting sight-saving surgeries rather than for training purposes.
Generous supporters across the region and beyond have helped University Hospitals Dorset NHS Charity reach the full fundraising target. This includes three notable donations from the Friends of the Bournemouth Eye Unit, who donated a phenomenal £49,986 towards the Eye Sim, The Roger Raymond Charitable Trust who kindly donated £20,000 and The Valentine Charitable Trust who donated £10,000 to ensuring the next generation of surgeons receive the best training at our hospitals.
The chamber has been supporting businesses for over 100 years, encouraging and inspiring businesses of all sizes. We’ve helped many people to find their feet in the local business community, by providing an environment where they can connect with likeminded people. In recent years we’ve represented the concerns of businesses to the local councils, contributing to a significant cut in the cost of car parking charges. We played an important role in the establishment of the Weymouth BID, in whose operation we take a keen interest.
Bournemouth and Poole College has unveiled its new ‘Strategic Plan to 2030’ at a celebration event, setting out the college’s priorities for the next six years.
The Strategic Plan was launched alongside the official opening of the college’s £1.2 million University Centre at the Poole campus, which saw college principal Phil Sayles and the Mayor of Poole, Councillor Pete Miles, cut the ribbon at the county’s latest degree-level education facility. The event was attended by over 60 valued guests and community leaders from Bournemouth, Poole, and Christchurch.
The college’s aspiration is to be at the core of educational delivery and economic development across the region, with a focus on creating the skilled workforce of the future. It aims to be a respected leader, partner, and contributor to life in the area, as the first-choice training partner for businesses to upskill employees, and the aspirational destination for school leavers and adult learners for Professional and Technical learning. Foundations for these aspirations have been laid through the provision of first-
class and innovative learning experiences, which begin the college’s journey to fully-transform their campuses into worldclass learning environments. This will be strengthened on the completion of the £45million pound redevelopment of the Bournemouth campus, as well as projects due for completion this summer that will deliver resources for new, industry-focused courses in Health, Engineering and an initial investment in Sustainable Construction.
Phil Sayles, principal at Bournemouth and Poole College, said: “Bournemouth and Poole College is committed to helping the local population and businesses to thrive through providing education and training. Launching a new strategic plan that will take us up to 2030 is exciting and important. The plan builds on the college’s strengths and stature without losing sight of our dedication to student achievement, employer partnerships, and community engagement. In the next
Bournemouth and Poole College is committed to helping the local population and businesses to thrive through providing education and training.
six years, the college aims to be at the very heart of educational delivery and economic development in the local area and beyond.” Guests attending the celebration event had an opportunity to tour the new higher education facility. University Centre Poole offers a state-of-the-art learning environment for students studying degree level qualifications. It provides flexible learning spaces, digital suites with highspecification IT, engineering research equipment, and industry-standard nursing/health training facilities. Social and study spaces are also available to allow students to meet and collaborate.
Phil added: “It was with great pride and anticipation that we officially opened University Centre Poole in conjunction with the launch of our strategic plan towards 2030. The centre provides a dedicated base for our higher-level students and offers excellent technical facilities for learning. First-class facilities and access to the right equipment are important elements to students having a positive learning experience. By expanding our facilities and resources for education, we are better equipped to nurture the experts and leaders industry in our country needs. The full strategy plan can be viewed via: www.thecollege.co.uk/college/about-us/ corporate-information/our-strategy
Regional law firm Ellis Jones Solicitors and the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra (BSO) have tuned up for a new partnership.
The three-year agreement is the continuation of a seven-year collaboration aimed at making a meaningful difference in the community through the power of music.
The partnership gives the world-famous orchestra, and its musicians and staff, essential legal advice. This allows the BSO to focus on its music and community engagement so it can serve its audiences and fulfil its charitable objectives.
Ellis Jones’ provision of pro-bono advice for the prestigious orchestra – a registered charity – demonstrates its commitment to social responsibility and the local communities it serves.
Nigel Smith, Managing Partner at Ellis Jones Solicitors, said: “This agreement
opens an exciting new chapter in our relationship with the BSO.
“We are fortunate to have such an internationally acclaimed orchestra and registered arts charity on our doorstep which also does so much valuable work in the community. It is a privilege to play our part in its continued success by providing legal guidance so the BSO and its exceptionally talented musicians can concentrate on spreading joy, entertainment and emotional support through the power of their music.”
Chief Executive of Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Dougie Scarfe OBE DL, said: “We’re thrilled to announce a new three-year partnership with Ellis Jones, which builds on a strong working relationship developed over the last seven years.
“As a registered charity, the BSO tours world-class live music throughout the
Wessex Internet has been heralded as the best Rural Enterprise in the UK at the Countryside Alliance Awards, held at the House of Lords in London recently.
The awards, commonly referred to as ‘the rural Oscars’, recognise businesses that go the extra mile within their communities and support the rural economy.
Wessex Internet was initially nominated anonymously by its customers and then - from thousands of nominees across the UK - the company topped a public vote in the southwest region and was selected as the overall national winner by a panel of judges.
Hector Gibson Fleming, CEO at Wessex Internet, said: “I’m absolutely over the moon. This is a huge testament to the history of the business, the hard work of all of our people, and because we have stayed true to our values since forming as a small company to help our neighbours to now serving rural communities across Dorset, Somerset,
Wiltshire and Hampshire.
“It was particularly heartening for the judges to recognise not only the impact we make directly on the rural economy as a growing company and local employer, but more widely that the ultrafast broadband we provide enables other rural businesses to thrive and allows people living in the countryside to enjoy a higher quality of life.
“Whether by enabling remote and hybrid working for professionals, keeping businesses connected to their customers, helping families to keep in touch with loved ones, or simply enabling people to enjoy the range of entertainment and essential services available online, we are determined to bridge the digital divide.”
During the ceremony, the organisers reflected that: “Wessex Internet has developed out of the absolute need to be part of the digital world. They have fought tooth and nail to be an internet provider that meets
Southwest of England each year and impacts thousands of people beyond the concert hall through a range of community-based events.
“In providing quality legal advice — and enabling the Orchestra to focus on what it does best — we’re delighted that Ellis Jones supports our mission of creating a happier, healthier, and fairer society through live music.”
Ellis Jones Partner and Joint Head of Family Deborah Leask has been on the BSO’s board of trustees for two and a half years. Legal 500-rated Ellis Jones Solicitors has 178 staff including 21 Partners in seven offices across the South Coast and London.
It is a strong supporter of community events, good causes and charities – including sports clubs, carnivals, fundraisers and armed forces veterans.
Founded in 1893, the BSO predominately serves the south and south west of England, but has built a national and international reputation for its musical excellence and championing the role of culture in people’s lives.
Alongside its concert schedule, its BSO Participate programme delivers events and activities in more than 200 locations across 23 local council areas. This includes inspirational workshops in schools and special performances for people who may not otherwise be able to experience a live concert.
the needs of rural communities where the larger providers have failed.”
Sarah Lee, Director of Policy at the Countryside Alliance, said: “We are proud to be honouring these exceptional rural businesses, and the people behind them who are passionate about providing quality goods, services, and employment to rural communities and beyond. Running a business in a rural community isn’t easy, and it’s so important to celebrate the valued role these rural enterprises have in their communities.”
Connecting local households with the heart of their community
Publishers of high-quality community magazines in the east Dorset and west Hampshire area.
Pulford Publicity has been publishing Dorset View and Viewpoint magazine for over 20 years. Both magazines are jam-packed with local news and provide the perfect platform for businesses to advertise to their local market.
In 2023, the company acquired three more titles: The Mudeford Mag, The Bulletin and BH Six & Seven. These well-established A5 magazines serve Christchurch, Highcliffe, Southbourne, Burton, Brangsore and the surrounding areas. The magazines offer a highly costeffective advertising model and are hugely popular with both readers and advertisers.
Pulford Publicity has built a reputation as the go-to company to provide event programmes and town guides. Organisations including Highcliffe Food & Arts Festival, the Cheese & Chilli Festivals, Stir Events, Christchurch BID, Verwood Town Council and West Moors Town Council are regular users of this service.
These high quality publications are engaging, aesthetically pleasing and resonate with clients and their readers. The creative artwork produced by the team of expert designers has put this service in high demand.
Reach out to our production team to learn more about our services, discover how we can assist you, or request rate cards for our publications.
Pulford Publicity helps clients to bring to life their aspirations of having their own professional magazine or publication. Design, layout, advertising sales, print and distribution are all carried out by the team, with the editorial content being supplied by the client.
Dorset Business Focus is the official magazine of Dorset Chamber and has been produced by Pulford Publicity since 2019. Living Well is a collaboration of local organisations, charities and dementia groups. The magazine has become an essential resource to people in the community and covers all aspects of elderly living.
Pulford Publicity collaborates with event organisers to secure prime sponsorship opportunities. Elevate your brand’s visibility by showcasing it at local events, reaching thousands of festival goers, and making a lasting impression.
Cash for Kids South Coast
Cash for Kids is the official charity of Greatest Hits Radio and Hits Radio. We’re dedicated to improving the lives of disadvantaged children and young people across the South Coast, Surrey and Wiltshire from birth to and including the age of 18. Our mission is to be there when they need us the most, helping combat poverty, illness and neglect.
Inspiring Heritage
Inspiring Heritage is a design company based in Dorset, specialising in complex, high-quality, and inclusive museum exhibitions. Our diverse team of highly skilled individuals is united by a shared passion for pushing the boundaries of exhibition design.
The HealthBus Trust delivers specialist healthcare to homeless individuals in Bournemouth and nearby areas through a mobile GP-led service, collaborating with local authorities and third-sector providers. As an awardwinning charity, we address health inequalities by reaching those unable to access mainstream healthcare due to significant barriers
Blu Inc Graphics Ltd Poole
Blu Inc is a graphic design consultancy with 25 years of experience in design for brand, digital, print and wayfinding. With studios in Poole and Bristol, we produce work for our clients that’s good-looking, relevant and effective.
A specialist software development company based in Bournemouth. We build bespoke business management systems that help successful companies get to the next level. The systems we create are truly bespoke - we mould them around your internal processes, so they fit your business perfectly, without the limitations of offthe-shelf software.
FM Strat Ltd T/A Vistage
Dorchester fmstrat.co.uk
Vistage provides business leaders and owners with access to a noncompeting peer advisory group. In addition to the regular group meetings, members receive 1-2-1 coaching with their Vistage Chair, access to an online community of over 24,000 members worldwide, a world class expert speaker panel and access to Vistage events across the UK & Ireland.
Heartled Wellbeing
Heartledwellbeing provides tailored mental health and workplace wellbeing solutions including coaching, counselling, psychotherapy and bespoke training. Whether you’re an individual seeking support, or an organisation wishing to take your people to the next level we’ll support you to make and sustain the change.
Avery Health Car Home -
Southbourne Beach Care Home
Southbourne Beach is one of the area’s most popular care homes. Located in the peaceful suburbs of Bournemouth and just 250 metres from the seafront. Our care home in Southbourne provides a luxurious space where elderly residents can continue enjoying life and strike up new friendships, all while receiving the high-quality care they need. We have 87 luxury bedrooms, with 70 single rooms, and 17 shared rooms. Each room features a variety of modern en-suite facilities.
To become a member visit: www.dorsetchamber.co.uk/join
The digital revolution has reshaped the modern business landscape, presenting boundless opportunities for innovation and growth. However, this technological transformation has given rise to a formidable challenge – the widening digital skills gap in the UK. As companies across industries strive to harness the power of emerging technologies, the demand for technical expertise has outpaced the supply, leaving organisations grappling with a shortage of skilled IT professionals.
This expertise drought poses a significant threat to operational efficiency, competitiveness, and long-term sustainability, making it imperative for businesses to adopt strategic solutions to bridge the chasm and unlock their full potential.
The digital skills gap is a nationwide concern, with far-reaching implications for businesses of all sizes. According to the Open University, 63% of UK organisations report that digital skill shortages are having a negative impact on their operations.
The consequences of the IT expertise drought
Overworked and understaffed IT teams find themselves trapped in a reactive cycle, dedicating efforts to maintaining systems and addressing issues, leaving little bandwidth for innovation or optimising processes.
In the face of this formidable challenge, outsourcing IT functions has emerged as a strategic imperative for businesses seeking to bridge the expertise gap and unlock their full growth potential. By partnering with an experienced technology provider, companies gain access to a deep bench of certified experts across the latest technologies, platforms, and solutions, thereby augmenting or complementing their existing teams with specialised knowledge. The financial benefits of outsourcing IT Contrary to common misconceptions, outsourcing IT can be a financially sound strategy when executed effectively. A study by Computer Economics found that outsourcing IT reduces annual costs by an average of 15%. Beyond cost savings, outsourcing IT offers numerous operational advantages. According to Computer Economics, 63% of organisations report increased efficiency and productivity, 54% cite improved responsiveness and reduced downtime, and 35% attribute cost-cutting initiatives to their decision to outsource IT functions.
The value of a strategic IT partnership
Realising the full benefits of outsourcing IT hinges on choosing the right strategic partner. An ideal IT provider should possess a broad, diverse technical skill set across all
areas – hardware, software, cloud, security, and more. A true strategic IT partner acts as an extension of your organisation, providing not only technical support but also consulting, strategic planning, training, and full lifecycle coverage – from assessment and planning to implementation, management, and ongoing support.
Unlocking profitability through technology optimisation
One of the most significant advantages of partnering with a strategic IT provider is the ability to transform IT from a cost centre into a revenue generator and profit driver. By optimising infrastructure, automating processes, leveraging data analytics, and implementing digital transformation initiatives, businesses can drive substantial cost savings, productivity gains, scalability, competitive advantages, and growth enablement. More IT leaders are turning to strategic outsourced partners to equip their organisations with the technical expertise required to thrive in our digital era. Essentially, you want a partner that augments your team, transfers knowledge, and works as an extension of your organisation to drive tangible results.
On October 1st, 2023, the European Union introduced the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, CBAM. The aim of CBAM is to apply charges for carbon emitted during the production of products outside of the EU.
Introduced in 2 phases between 2023 through to 2026, the first phase will require reporting for six sectors: Cement, Aluminium, fertiliser, iron and steel, electricity, and hydrogen. Phase two will be introduced in 2026 and will include tariff charges.
The UK government has advised it will be introducing its own version of CBAM in 2027.
Working with specialists International Trade Matters, Dorset Chamber is hosting a webinar to help businesses get clarity on CBAM and its impact. During this hour-long session, Rachel Stockton share her expertise on what a CBAM is, how it may affect you both now and in the future, commodity codes other aspects to help you avoid falling foul of the new regulations.
Book your place for this important webinar on 19 September at 10-11am online. £15 for members, £30 standard price.
Documentary Letters of Credit
3 Sept | 9.30am - 12.30pm | Online
Agents and Distributors
4 Sept | 9.30am - 12.30pm | Online
Preference Rules of Origin
5 Sept | 4 Sept | 9.30am - 12.30pm | Online
Inward and Outward Processing
17 Sept | 9.30am - 12.30pm | Online
18 Sept | 9.30am - 12.30pm | Online
Customs Procedures and Documentation
19 Sept | 9.30am - 12.30pm | Online
Understanding and Reducing Import and Export Cost
26 Sept | 10.00am - 11.00 am | Online
Webinar: Leadership in International Trade
22 Oct | 10.00am - 11.00am | Online
Dorset temporary building manufacturer MarKey Group was invited by representatives of Made in Britain to share their insights on a ‘How to succeed in Australia’ webinar. The Christchurch-based firm delivered their first Australian export in 2023 after being approached to design and manufacture a bespoke 210 metre sunshade to cover grandstand seating on the pit straight for the Adelaide 500 motor race event.
Designed using their own in-house CAD and engineering teams, they developed a concept that could be constructed and dismantled for various events in South Australia over the coming years which would protect spectators from the elements. What makes their delivery even more impressive are the timescales. With just two months from initial enquiry to delivery, the team worked around the clock to meet their client’s deadline and ensure
the product arrived in Adelaide in time for the start of the famous car race.
Mar-Key Group’s Chief Operating Officer (COO) Paul Shelley led the operational aspect of the export. He commented: “We’ve been members of the Made in Britain campaign since 2017 and use the Trademark to positively promote the British manufacturing industry. We’re delighted to have been invited to talk about our experience at the webinar. We certainly don’t claim to be experts as this was our first Australian export, but what we do hope to do is inspire other businesses who are considering beginning their export journey.”
He added: “There are so many fantastic British manufacturing businesses creating products that are of premium quality, and we hope to encourage others to consider the vast and exciting opportunities that Australia has to offer.”
Mar-Key Group design, manufacture
and build structures for events and commercial clients throughout the UK and internationally. From Royal Ascot and Goodwood to Amazon and National Grid, they are trusted by leading brands.
Sunseeker International, a leader in luxury yacht design and manufacturing, proudly celebrated International Women in Engineering Day on 24 June. This significant day is dedicated to recognising and honouring the outstanding contributions of women engineers who are shaping the future of the marine industry.
As a company committed to innovation and excellence, Sunseeker recognises the vital role women play. From design
and development to production and project management, women engineers at Sunseeker are setting new standards in yacht manufacturing.
In celebration of International Women in Engineering Day, Sunseeker has highlighted just a few of its engineers, designers, and project managers, showcasing the stories and achievements of its engineers across its social media platforms and company website.
Gemma (BSc, CENG, CMGR, MRINA), Head of Product Management at Sunseeker International, said: “I love a challenge and luckily at Sunseeker I have had the support of my peers and management to work through them. For me, the stereotypes around gender in our industry are being broken down, it is more to do with someone’s attributes and attitudes to the role that defines them. The opportunities that come with an engineering role are vast, today I am involved with all aspects of the new product development from design engineering, project management and boat shows. It gives me exposure to engineers, production, suppliers and clients/dealers and is something I truly enjoy. I would encourage problem solvers with a strong and proactive approach to consider a role in engineering and seek out the opportunities it provides.”
Sophie Compliance Engineer and Naval Architect at Sunseeker International, said: “I have a Masters degree and PhD in Maritime Engineering (Ship Science) from Southampton University. I’ve been sailing since I was 14 and love design, so I was delighted to discover I could make a career that embraced my interests. I love how my job is so varied; one day I can be sat in the office doing stability calculations for a new boat design, the next I might be out on a sea trial taking measurements!”
“Sunseeker is incredibly fortunate to have the talented women who contribute to our success every day.
International Women in Engineering Day is an important occasion to recognise their achievements and to inspire future generations of female engineers. Their dedication, creativity, and expertise are instrumental in our mission to create world-class yachts,” said Sian Dodds, HR Director at Sunseeker International.
Sydney Marine Electrical Apprentice at Sunseeker International, said: “I’m a Marine Electrical Apprentice and I have been with Sunseeker just over three years. In September, Being a woman in engineering, I try not to make it the focal point. I’ve wanted to be an engineer ever since I was really little, my dad was a royal engineer. When I was young and visiting DisneyLand, instead of looking at the attractions I was fascinated by trying to figure out how they work and watching all the gears up in the roof.”
Sarah, Skills Academy Graduate – Systems and Plumbing said: “I am very early into an engineering career in Systems and Plumbing. At 36, I wish I had started this pathway earlier in working life. I’ve always enjoyed problem solving and science-based subjects, but never considered a career in engineering when I was young, as I had never known of any female engineers.
Working in an environment where there are fewer women certainly makes me want to challenge myself on a personal level. It feels good to have that drive, enjoy what I do and be seen as a productive team member.” www.sunseeker.com
In addition to the varied networking events that we run throughout the year there are many other benefi t s that come with your membership package. Our affinity schemes have been negotiated with the British Chamber of Commerce and are available to all members. If you have any questions about how to access them, please contact our friendly membership team on 01202 714800.
Business Legal Expense Insurance
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24hr Legal/ HR/Health & Safety/ Tax/ VAT Helpline
For advice on any of the above subjects call Quest on 01455 852 037
Access an extensive Document Library featuring 700+ meticulously crafted HR, H&S and EL templates to download. With a vast range of options, Quest ensures members have the right tools at their fingertips for every facet of their business. Login to the link below - Members will be sent a unique name and password
Link: Chamberdorset.questcover.com
AXA Health Business Healthcare Cover
Complete the required page and activate the service for you and your employees. Call 0800 3897413 www. axahealth.co.uk/central-chambers
Up to 67% off Business Breakdown cover. The AA can cover a single car or whole fl eet, must be under 3.5 tonnes, from just £48.13. Available for you and your employees. Check for eligibility on 0800 551188. Contact 01202 714800 for the Dorset Chamber Access code.
01202 714800 | ww w.dorsetchamber.co.uk |
Swoop Chamber Finance Finder
Looking for business fi nance or grants? Call 020 3966 7585 stating you are Dorset Chamber member or visit www.dorset.swoopfunding.com/signup/ user
Are you importing/exporting, paying for a service abroad, receiving international funding? For preferential exchange rates and zero international fees. Call Dorset Chamber 01202 714800 to register.
This month Dorset Chamber’s Paul Taylor drove the AllElectric Mustang Mach-E from Foray Ford…
Driving the All-Electric Mustang Mach-E from Foray Ford was a thrilling experience, blending iconic Mustang DNA with cuttingedge technology and family-friendly features. Mustang Mach-E boasts an impressive range of up to 379 miles, making it a reliable choice for long journeys without frequent recharging.
So many features including the intelligent cruise control, complemented by the eyes-on, hands-off BlueCruise autonomous driving system. This innovative technology allows for a relaxed driving experience, especially on long motorway stretches, where the car can handle steering, acceleration, and braking within certain parameters.
The cabin is spacious and well-designed, offering ample room for both the driver and passengers. The glass panoramic roof enhances the sense of openness, flooding the interior with natural light , a really nice feature. In terms of practicality, the Mustang
Mach-E excels with a large boot, 402-litre in fact, providing plenty of space for luggage and everyday items. Additionally, the front trunk (or ‘frunk’) adds another layer of convenience, offering extra storage space that many modern EVs overlook. Despite its family-friendly attributes, Mustang Mach-E retains the core Mustang feel, delivering a sporty and dynamic driving experience. The blend of performance, technology, and practicality makes the All-Electric Mustang Mach-E
If you’d like your car to be Driven by the team, get in touch: press@dorsetchamber.co.uk
Typical response rates from Customer Care surveys, can lie anywhere in the region between the 5% to 30% range* Why is this so low and what benefit does it bring you?
Roger Williams from Sandler is encouraging businesses to challenge the way they look at customer satisfaction.
“Most feedback requests are generic tick responses, scoring 1 for low or 5 for high, responses based on how we see our businesses, which is a highly subjective view. And what information do they bring to you? Precious little perhaps.”
“If customer satisfaction is important for you, and it should be, there is definitely a better way.”
To find out more, book an initial 15 minute call with Sandler where you can have a conversation to see if and how you could work together, and potentially drive your meaningful customer survey returns closer to 80%.
*Smart Survey
a compelling choice for those seeking a versatile and enjoyable electric vehicle.
A big thank you to Foray Ford ( Poole ) for the loan of the vehicle.
Marketing consultancy, Digital Storm, shares four simple things you can do to improve your Google Maps ranking and why it matters.
Approximately 86% of users utilise Google Maps to find local businesses, including home service providers. Of these interactions, more than half result in website visits or phone calls. Specifically, over 50% of interactions with a Google Business Profile lead to a website visit, and 64% of consumers use the contact information provided in Google Business Profiles to reach out to local companies.
This underscores the importance of maintaining an updated and optimised Google Business Profile to ensure potential customers can easily find and contact your business. Your Google Business Profile (GBP) is crucial for attracting local customers. For home services in the UK, it’s vital to utilise every feature of your GBP and keep it updated. Here’s how to optimise your profile effectively:
1. Properly Set Up and Optimise Your Profile
Profile Information:
• Business Name: Use your accurate, legal name.
• Business Categories: Select relevant categories (1 primary, up to 9 additional).
• Address & Service Areas: Provide your street address and specify service areas if you deliver services on-site.
• Hours: Regular, special, and holiday hours.
• Business Description: A concise 750-character overview.
• Attributes: Add specific attributes relevant to your business.
Products & Services:
• Details: Include names, descriptions, prices, and photos.
• Links: Provide landing page links for more information.
• Chat: Enable for instant messaging with customers.
Brand Images:
• Logo and Cover Photo: Ensure these represent your brand effectively.
• Add and answer common questions customers may have.
Contact Information:
• Keep your phone number and website address updated.
2. Regularly Maintain Your Information
Regular updates show Google you’re active, helping you rank higher in searches:
• Weekly Updates: Share updates, offers, and events.
• Photos & Videos: Add regularly to showcase your business.
• Reviews: Encourage reviews and respond to all feedback.
3. Add High-Quality, Useful Content
Consistently adding high-quality content helps your profile stand out, attracting more customers and improving your search ranking.
4. Monitor Your Google Business Profile Performance
Use the ‘Performance’ icon in your profile to:
• Check Interactions: Monitor phone calls, messages, and clicks.
• View Profile Metrics: Track views and understand search keywords. For the best Google Maps Ranking, keep your Google Business Profile updated and optimised. For more personalised support, book a Free Accelerator Call with Digital Storm. www.digitalstorm.co.uk
Coming to a Dorset Chamber event? Why not car share and cut your carbon emissions? If you’re interested, contact events@dorsetchamber.co.uk and let us know where you’re coming from. We’ll try and match you with someone else who is interested.
This renowned agricultural event, organised by the Gillingham & Shaftesbury Agricultural Society, is celebrating 30 years at the Turnpike Showground in Motcombe, so this year promises to be even more special.
Expect a line-up of stunning attractions - livestock parades, agricultural and countryside exhibits, equestrian events, vintage machinery and cars, charming steam engines, live bands, a funfair and many other exciting attractions.
As well as an array of rare and unusual sheep, cattle, pigs and goats, this year welcomes Joseph’s Amazing Camels to the main arena.
The main ring is also home to pocket-rocket Shetland pony racing, competitive showjumping and the not-to-be-missed Grand Parade of Livestock which showcases the region’s finest farm animals.
The Show offers visitors the chance to immerse themselves in the heart of Dorset’s rural community with a host of countryside activities and sports such as hilarious ferret racing, skilled gun dog demonstrations and magical falconry displays.
This year, the Heavy Horse Village makes a welcome return where you can witness the majestic beauty of these magnificent creatures adorned in their decorative harnesses as well as see them compete.
One of the most stunning sights at the show is the Horticulture Marquee which welcomes over 1,500 entries including flowers, vegetables and cookery! Which lemon drizzle cake will you vote for? There’s a host of fine Dorset food and drink on offer too. Indulge yourself in locally produced cheese, cake, cider, coffee, flapjacks, gin and so much more. The Show welcomes dogs on lead and mobility scooters are available for hire on the day. Family tickets available now at early-bird prices £41 for two adults and two children. Two-day tickets also available. Free parking. Visit www. gillinghamandshaftesburyshow.co.uk
Wimborne will be celebrating ‘food, glorious food’ as the town hosts a brand new food festival on Saturday 14 September. Sponsored by Wimborne BID and organised by a host of local businesses it will take place in the town between 11am and 4pm. Locations already confirmed are Willow Walk, near Waitrose and East Street.
Visitors can expect a marquee with free food demos and talks from an array of foodie specialists and local businesses, food stalls with samples to try before you buy and a self-guided food walk route. East Street will be closed for the day to create a buzzy café culture with alfresco street dining, live music and food tastings.
If you are interested in taking part in the new Wimborne Food Festival, email Tammy at office@wimborne.info
To view the latest events and to book visit www. dorsetchamber.co.uk/ events