April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
Hello and welcome to the April edition of Dorset Business, Dorset’s leading business magazine. I’d like to begin by saying we are seeing genuine and really encouraging signs of recovery within the business community. Whilst I fully appreciate the tough economic climate (and we still have some way to go) and the incredible challenges many businesses face, there are positive messages coming from the business community and many tell me their order book is picking up and the climate is improving. We know this certainly isn’t the case in all sectors at this time but we must embrace this positivity as we look to the future and we will continue to do all we can to support this as well as fighting for those sectors most affected. Our AGM in March saw us welcome Caron Khan as our new President, Tony Brown as our new Vice President and Steve Mills return to the position of Honorary Treasurer. I’m very much looking forward to working with Caron as our new President and it is the first time in our 72 year history the presidency has passed from one female to another. Liz Willingham is now our Past President and still on our board; I’d like to pay tribute to Liz and the incredible job she has done in her two years as Dorset Chamber President, another first for us, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with Liz. She’s shown incredible energy, passion and vision in this role and you’ve been an inspiration Liz, thank you.
I’d like to say a very big thank you to our Dorset Chamber Platinum Business Partners that have renewed their relationship with us this month. This includes PKF Francis Clark, Bournemouth University, Dorset LEP, Reidsteel, Blue Sky Financial Planning, Crystal Clear Telecom, Deep South Media, Field Engineering, Greendale Construction, JP Morgan, Lester Aldridge, Morebus, Mploy and Savills. We also welcomed Poole-based Onbuy, the fastest growing online marketplace as new Premier Business Partners and BV Dairy as new Platinum Business Partners, a leading producer of dairy products based in North Dorset. Our Business Partners are leaders in their respective sectors and are champions for Dorset Chamber and our work in supporting business growth in Dorset. I’d like to say a personal thank you to all for your support and we very much looking forward to continuing to work closely with you. Many have asked me what our plans for the future are in respect of events. We are of course looking forward to re-starting our face to face events programme when we can and we know many have desperately missed the personal social interaction this offers. We will do this in a safe and responsible manner and at this time, dependant on the roadmap, we anticipate this being in July with an exciting first event in what
will have been 16 months. There is no doubt we’ve also seen many benefits in digital events and we see our forward events plan as an exciting mix of face to face and virtual, offering choice and flexibility to our members. That’s all from me and I hope you enjoy this month’s magazine. Ian Girling Chief Executive | Dorset Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Contents 06 OnBuy set to partner with more household brand names to provide a trusted route to market 08 Bournemouth Airport 2021-22 schedule 11 President’s Column 13 AFCB 14 Deep South promotion for Ed and James 17 ITSB has been recognised with Microsoft Certified Partner Gold status!
19 Membership Rates 21 20 Member to member offers 22 Why your remote workers may not be as safe as you think... 25 New Faces, New Places 26 New Members 28 Brand new workwear e-commerce business launched in Dorset 29 Affiliated Chambers 36 Greendale charges on with EV installation certification
40-41 15 influential Dorset Businesses remain proud Dorset Chamber Business Partners 43 Battens law firm in change of ownership 46 Hall & Woodhouse’s Community Chest opens to deliver vital community support 49 Local seafood industry takes brunt of BREXIT ‘Teething Problems’ 51 (Not) Driven - by Steve Bulley 56 - 62 Dorset Business Directory
How members have adapted their business models in response to the pandemic DESIGN, PRODUCTION AND SALES
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How members have adapted their business models in response to the pandemic Showing remarkable resilience, they didn’t give up Bridge Health & Wellbeing in Christchurch had to radically adapt their business model in response to COVID19. After the excitement of finally realising their dream of opening their health and wellbeing clinic in Christchurch, Dorset in July 2019, husband and wife team Paul and Lousie O’Connell were looking forward to the future. The business was growing well, with lots of new clients joining their range of wellbeing classes and coming to the clinic for physiotherapy and rehabilitation treatment. Then lockdown struck and just seven months after opening they were faced with having to close their doors on their totally face-to-face business. Showing remarkable resilience, they didn’t give up but pivoted to run services online wherever possible. They introduced interactive online Pilates classes through Zoom and video physiotherapy consultations. They also invested in creating YouTube videos, writing regular blogs and sharing wellbeing tips on social media to help people stay safe and healthy during lockdown, including whilst working from home. They promoted the benefits of staying active during lockdown, using things like live online classes to build routine and structure into your week and encouraging people to seek help for their pain through physiotherapy and not suffer in silence. In June 2020, the clinic was able to reopen its doors for face-to-face physiotherapy treatment, but not without hours spent understanding the regulations, writing COVID safe procedures and educating clients on what to expect. Again, they adapted to a new way of working, using full PPE, screening clients before appointments and changing working hours to accommodate only one client in the clinic at a time, to minimise any possible transmission. They didn’t complain but 4
April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
were keen to embrace helping their clients in any way they could. Since then, they have continued to adapt to changing regulations, including introducing outdoor Pilates classes last summer and free outdoor wellbeing walks this Spring, to service clients as best they can. Some of these adaptations will be temporary, as they can’t wait to reopen the clinic doors for face-to-face classes, sports massage, Indian Head massage and other appointments as soon as possible. But others will remain, as some clients prefer online Pilates, being able to engage in exercise from the comfort of their own homes. As Paul says, “When Steve Hard, Bournemouth Football Club’s lead/first team physiotherapist, officially opened our doors at the end of July 2019, my wife Louise and I were excited about our new adventure. The first year was always going to be tough but we didn’t quite expect a global pandemic! Our clients have been so supportive throughout. We have learnt so much and, despite everything, are feeling really positive and looking forward to the future.”
Pivoting a sporting events company - but with long-term vision...
Pre-pandemic, Lashings World’s business centred around events involving sporting legends, with roots in charity cricket legend days; it raised (or helped raise) £230k for charities and sports clubs in 2019 alone. However, COVID -19 restrictions meant 46 of its live events across the UK had to be rescheduled last year and after a short period of consolidation to ensure the business and team would be protected, the company looked at how it should maximise its spare time in summer / autumn 2020. Two new products have enabled the company to “pivot” the business: • The Lashings World 100 Club: a senior level business club where members can interact with sporting legends, showcase brands and entertain / network with clients and other members. The club’s member benefits are 1) Virtual Events 2) Live Events and 3) Lashings themed merchandise. This product both added value straight away, whilst also providing clients with an excellent package once live events are allowed again. • The Lashings World Master Blaster Tour is all around one day cricket master class coaching featuring our international cricket legends. The company as partnered with established coaching company, International Cricket Masters, and will be embarking on a UK tour of Master Blaster coaching at cricket clubs around the country this summer. As difficult as it has been for an events company which relies on audiences/corporate guests being able to meet together and socialise, Lashing World used the time to properly scope and implement projects that will continue post-pandemic.
Paul O'Connell Bridge Health and Wellbeing
Lockdown Success Story - Dorset Company Expands in Poole! Nunet Switched to PPE Production for Dorset’s Front Line
Nunet, a specialist in the design, creation and production of bespoke ring binders, folders, boxes and wallets putting its expertise to use during the pandemic to support the production of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for NHS staff. Morgan Leadbitter, Managing Director at Nunet said: “Like many companies in 2020, we saw a reduction of orders as soon as the working from home measures and subsequent stringent social distancing measures were introduced and we had to furlough most of our staff to safeguard their jobs. By coincidence on the same day I was contacted by two different people regarding the production of PPE. We didn’t hesitate to look at what could be done.” Despite most of the Nunet team being furloughed, they looked at the market, the best designs and quickly came up with a prototype for a visor. As an existing supplier to Dorset University NHS Trust they were able to pitch the design, source the materials, commission the tools and started production. With the help of volunteers and adhering to strict social distancing measures, they were able to fulfil orders for delivery straight to frontline staff here in Dorset. Nunet also registered with the Government’s PPE procurement service and opened an online shop for the general public to order directly.
Family owned and run Ocean Bathrooms was proud to announce a brand new, luxury showroom on Mannings Heath Road, Poole. Conveniently located for Canford Cliffs, Sandbanks and Bournemouth. Ocean Bathrooms opened its first large luxury showroom in Bridport Dorset in 1993, and the London branch followed; offering luxury bathrooms to both retail and trade, together with an impeccable design and installation service. Joe Mühl, Commercial MD said: “We have set our sights on offering our customers an exciting showroom experience by introducing cool theming with wall paper, curtains and blinds handmade by Nicky from Margo and Mya, cinema sound courtesy of Luke from Living Home Tech and a sensory experience courtesy of Linda our Eco Designer, whilst they are perusing. I have introduced lots of specialist metal finishes and tiles, showcasing and complementing all of our luxury brands. Showers will be working adding to the experience.” Joe Mühl explaines: “We have done too much over the years to give up- we have to look forward and create new opportunities especially in these very uncertain times. I am very excited to be involved in this showroom and welcoming all customers both new and old through the door.”
Putting our best foot forward The description I have about myself on Linked In is ‘I live life in the fast lane, with one eye on the rear mirror to see who my next introduction might be’. Life is not all about the destination it is about the people we meet along the way. 2020 was certainly very different, living life in the slow lane, and not even being able to meet people to make connections. We all had to adapt to new ways to communicate with people, virtually, on- line. Many people have risen to the challenge although for some it has been a steep learning curve. I am pleased to say that I have enjoyed the challenge of the learning curve. Throughout Dorset Chamber networking, I have found we have things in common, but all come from different places with different challenges, but together we have formed a caring community. We are taking each day at a time with a shared interest in keeping our businesses going. I recall Tony Brown was demonstrating how to do a new kind of handshake with our feet! At the last face to face meeting we had in 2020. I’m sure the Dorset Chamber team had no idea they would be leading us with Steve Bulley though lockdown on Zoom Networking. My challenge has been different from yours but together we can all help each other. I am still saying ‘fix your eyes upon Jesus’
Joe Mühl Ocean Bathrooms
Innovation during Covid-19 LiveWell Commercial was designed as a faceto-face engagement-lead service and as such, we rely heavily on networking events with local business to reach out and promote our service. Our Health MOTs and our training courses were originally designed for in-person, onsite delivery. However, but due to lockdown restrictions, March 2020 required us to totally rethink our strategy. Although health and wellbeing were high on the national agenda, our training products did not enable us to reach out and support companies in a virtual way. We needed to adapt, and quickly. With 30 years’ experience in HR, I knew what the priorities were for organisations. I also knew how stressful managing a major change programme, business re-planning, devising new Health and Safety protocols and staff communications would be. more news online -
Our first priority was to reach out and offer support by hosting a series of free workshops, discussing the impacts the pandemic was likely to have on staff, and what companies could do to mitigate the risks and the long-term effects on staff health and wellbeing. We then set about translating all of our training collateral into a digital offer and learned, like most people, to use zoom so that we could deliver education, training and Health MOTs virtually. This experience has brought about exciting developments for LiveWell; a new brand for LiveWell Commercial, a fully virtual training offer, and newly designed free resource packs full of easy-to-share content offering signposting and support for HR leads, team leaders and business owners. The chamber networking events were vital to helping us maintain relationships with our customers, and even helped us to gain some new ones.
Sheena Dayman YMCA Bournemouth
Julia Calleja Livewell Dorset 5
Cas Paton,
OnBuy set to partner with more household brand names to provide a trusted route to market Dorset-based, the world’s fastest-growing online marketplace, is expanding its seller portfolio and offering for household brand names. OnBuy is already the trusted eCommerce partner for brands such as Proctor & Gamble, award-winning cookware and kitchen accessories brand Swan, and Emma Mattress. With questions around shopping habits having changed permanently, large businesses are looking to expand their online sales function. As a result, OnBuy is experiencing a considerable uplift in enquiries from big brands wishing to sell on the platform, as well as seeing upwards of 600 new retailers joining every month. OnBuy’s offering for brands includes inventory management, category administration, brand protection, and guidance for authorised retailers, as well as other benefits to support online sales growth and increased brand exposure. Cas Paton, founder and CEO of OnBuy, said: “We have worked hard over the past four years to optimise our offering for brands but now
in this faster evolving eCommerce and retail landscape, we have sped up the development of this side of the business. “Not only do we want to work with more brands to offer our customers the best and most reliable online shopping experience available, but we also aim to support the wider retail ecosystem. OnBuy can, and is, providing brands with a quality eCommerce platform that is secure and trusted. “At OnBuy, we don’t, and never will, sell our own stock, making OnBuy the preferred option for SMEs and household brand names alike.” Increased interest from brands comes as OnBuy was named the UK’s most trusted online marketplace. With a strong 4.6/5 customer rating across over 25,000 reviews on Trustpilot, OnBuy beats marketplaces such as eBay, Amazon and Not On The Highstreet at customer
At OnBuy, we don’t, and never will, sell our own stock, making OnBuy the preferred option for SMEs and household brand names alike. 6
April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
satisfaction. OnBuy aims to bring fair, transparent eCommerce to the industry, offering customers more choice, more savings and more convenience while championing retailers’ success and creating growth for them. Trust among customers has been built from the business’s transparent model. OnBuy lists all the retailers selling a product on the product page – including each retailers’ price, delivery information and reviews – so customers are fully informed and can easily choose which retailer to buy from. Crucially, OnBuy even showcases the product’s price history to foster full transparency with customers. This transparent approach has enabled OnBuy to become a reliable platform for connecting retailers and customers, ultimately claiming its stake as the UK’s most trusted online marketplace. As a result of its rapid growth in 2020, the eCommerce business has quadrupled its workforce to over 70 full-time staff members and has plans to expand its offices into Manchester, creating at least another 100 jobs over the next two years. OnBuy’s workforce scale-up is to accommodate its ongoing expansion into over 140 countries by the end of 2023. @DorsetChamber
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Wish you were there? 2021-22 schedule now available
Escape to the sun with a wide choice of destinations on your doorstep with the launch of Bournemouth Airport’s annual destination guide, FLY. FLY Bournemouth 2021-22 features 30 destinations in 14 countries. Returning for 2021 are the four Greek Islands, Corfu, Kefalonia, Rhodes and Zante, as well as Paphos in Cyprus and eight Spanish destinations including mainland Spain, the Balearics and Canary Islands. You can also fly to Antalya in Turkey from May 2021 and Malta from July. In 2022, you can fly direct from Bournemouth Airport to Barbados to catch the Caribbean fly cruise, along with Crete, Dublin, Ibiza, Gran Canaria, and Dalaman. Steve Gill, Managing Director of Bournemouth Airport, said: “We’re delighted to be publishing the latest edition of FLY Bournemouth with a host of ideas and inspiration for discovering the world from Bournemouth Airport. Whether it’s a fly-cruise, short break, summer sun, winter escapes or business links, our fantastic choice of direct flights heralds a welcome return to air travel, all with the ease and convenience of flying from your local airport.”
April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
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April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
Find a way forward with BCHA and J.P. Morgan A unique employability skills coaching programme from BCHA aims to support people whose lives have been affected financially by COVID, as well as help rebuild the local economy Individuals in the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole area, whose financial health has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, are to receive support through charitable housing association BCHA’s new ‘The Way Forward’ project, which is supported by J.P. Morgan. BCHA will work closely with local employers and other organisations such as Citizens Advice, BCP Council (BCP) and the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to provide a seamless service, which has been specifically designed for those whose lives have been financially impacted by COVID-19. Based in Bournemouth and Poole, a team of dedicated advisors will work with individuals to develop healthy habits to support financial security in what is a very unpredictable time. The team will deliver a personalised coaching programme through flexible online, telephone and face-to-face appointments. This could include identifying transferable skills, as well as accessing training and education to equip them to move into employment. The Way Forward will also provide vital help in supporting the rebuilding of the local economy. Val Jefferies, Project Manager for The Way Forward said: “The current economic situation can seem bleak for individuals who are financially impacted, as well as employers trying to grow and restart their businesses. The Way Forward is a light at the end of the tunnel and provides a unique, individualised service to achieving financial health. The project will provide a holistic approach to empower people to regain financial fitness and re-enter training, education and work.” more news online -
Hannah Elson, Managing Director, J.P. Morgan in Bournemouth commented: “We are delighted to be supporting BCHA in bringing this project to life and giving individuals the tools to improve their employment and career prospects.” Duncan Newman, BCP Economic Development Officer feels it will help both the economy and those individuals struggling as a result of the pandemic. He said: “I am pleased that the project will work with those most affected and provide pathways into the sector growth areas to boost both the individual’s financial situation and the local economic position.” The Way Forward team is reaching out to local employers who are looking to recruit to ensure that the project can meet their needs and provide a joined-up approach with those individuals looking to retrain and/ or return to the workplace. Tom Lund, Head of Operations and Service Delivery for Citizens Advice Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole said: “We are excited to be supporting BCHA in their delivery of The Way Forward project. The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed many people's lives and the delivery of services to support people to achieve better financial health are now more important than ever. The projects delivered by Citizens Advice will work in close partnership with BCHA’s The Way Forward project to support residents of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole reach stronger financial wellbeing and find pathways to a better future.” or tel: 01202 410610
The President’s Column by Caron Khan I’ve been lucky to have spent the last 20 years working with a mix of businesses and organisations on some great brands and projects, and it appears one thing can be agreed upon: my perspective is often unusual, sometimes surprising, and always from a good place. For me, the common theme is passion: passion for Dorset, and passion for bolstering its business community. Which is why I’m so honoured to have been a Board Member of the Chamber since 2018, and a member since 2002. During my time as a Board Member I saw the inner workings of the Chamber, which showed just how vital the organisation is to Dorset’s business community. During the challenges of 2020, I witnessed the team’s relentless hard work to support its members, and was proud to have played a small part in guiding the organisation through some difficult times of its own. Today, the Chamber’s place in the Dorset business community is more important than ever, and its reputation has never been stronger. This has only been made possible by its dynamic and forwardthinking leader, Ian Girling, and his incredibly strong and supportive team. With fresh plans in place to further improve the offering to it members, it’s safe to say that the Chamber is still very much the first choice organisation to represent businesses in Dorset. There will, of course, be further challenges for businesses, but there is now a glimmer of light at the end of a very dark tunnel and I look forward to working alongside Ian as his President to ensure we don’t just survive as a business community, but once again thrive. And when we’re finally all back together, we can celebrate the amazing tenacity of Dorset’s brave businesses. 11
April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
Care South link up with Community Sports Trust AFC Bournemouth’s Community Sports Trust has kicked off another season of footballing activities for residents in Care South’s local care homes – albeit over Zoom. The team delivered their first virtual session last week, with residents at Queensmead care home in Christchurch and Maiden Castle House in Dorchester getting involved. Care South, who are currently in their seventh season of partnership with the club, is a leading not-for-profit charity delivering person-centred care in residential and dementia care homes across Dorset and the wider south coast. The call was a chance to reconnect with the residents, bring some fun to the homes and make residents, who have missed not being able to attend games at Vitality Stadium, feel closer to the club. Additionally, the session featured a personalised video message from Jack
Wilshere, the club’s new project ambassador, and our team of community coaches will also be making weekly calls to the residents to improve physical and mental wellbeing. Following the activities, Simon Bird chief executive of Care South, said: “The seventh year of our much treasured partnership with AFC Bournemouth has been by far our most challenging yet. “We are so grateful to Steve Cuss and his team at the Community Sports Trust in making sure that our residents still have their weekly sessions, combining fun, reminiscence and exercise, broadcasting live over Zoom into the lounges of all Care South’s care homes. “Also, a warm welcome to our new project
We are looking forward to enjoying the football and social
ambassador Jack Wilshere – I know that many of our residents are fans, and very much looking forward to meeting him.” Steve Cuss, head of community at AFC Bournemouth, also commented: “We are delighted to be able to see everyone again at Care South through the adapted online visits. “We are looking forward to enjoying the football and social aspects of the sessions as we have missed the engagement with all the residents and staff at the homes. “It will be great to share this time with everyone until we are able to be with them in person.”
aspects of the sessions as we have missed the engagement with all the residents and staff at the homes.
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Deep South promotion for Ed and James A media relations consultancy in Dorset has made two senior promotions. Ed Baker and James Tourgout, formerly senior account directors, have been made associate directors at 10-strong Deep South Media. They will become shareholders in the business, which is in its 23rd trading year and is independently ranked in the top half of the UK’s 800 larger PR agencies. The consultancy has worked as the costeffective PR function for scores of companies and organisations, from FTSE 250s to start-ups. Ed, in his ninth year and in charge of digital, previously worked for a national news agency as a reporter covering the central south coast of England. In his eighth year, James oversees online training and was previously deputy head of news and business editor at the Dorset Echo in Weymouth.
Deep South Media is led by managing director Ron Wain, who joined as an account director in 2006 from business editor at the Southern Daily Echo in Southampton; the firm has recorded consistent profitability, with reinvestment in jobs. He is supported by fellow director and company secretary Scott Sinclair, a former senior reporter at the Southern Daily Echo and head of corporate communications at national mapping agency Ordnance Survey. Ron said: “We are always looking to the future, irrespective of how the UK economy is faring, because the demands of commerce and consumers are constantly evolving – and rightly so. “Ed and James have worked tirelessly to help shape new revenue streams through digital and training, as well as professional content
They thoroughly deserve their promotions to associate directors and both show entrepreneurial flair and business acumen. 14
April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
generation for a diverse range of clients. “They thoroughly deserve their promotions to associate directors and both show entrepreneurial flair and business acumen.” Deep South Media was established in February 1998 by Gareth Weekes following editorship of the Bournemouth Daily Echo in Dorset and, prior to that, the Salisbury Journal in Wiltshire. Based in Bournemouth, the company diversified from publishing into public relations; the business has been rated financially strong by market intelligence publisher Plimsoll. Latest developments from Deep South Media include the launch of online training sessions in effective media relations for businesses and organisations in the UK. Investment is also being made in e-learning video masterclasses, where customers can access a range of bite-sized, how-to modules on their smartphones or laptops. A subscription-only PR service, aimed at smaller businesses and called The Spartans, has also been rolled out. Posts on Deep South Media’s social media channels, built up organically and aimed at business communities, currently reach nearly 50,000 people, with plans to double that within two years. /company/dorset-chamber/
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ITSB has been recognised with Microsoft Certified Partner Gold status! ITSB are extremely proud to announce that they’ve officially been recognised by Microsoft with Microsoft Certified Partner Gold status for offering best-in-class solutions, skills and expertise delivering Cloud Solutions and Services to new and existing clients. With this announcement ITSB joins a very small number of IT Solutions providers in the UK who have reached the achievement of becoming Microsoft Gold Cloud Partners! Becoming a Microsoft Gold Partner is no simple task and is only awarded to those who can prove their competency. This is achieved in various ways, firstly the ITSB team had to undertake a number of complex exams provided
by Microsoft. They were also required to pass sales and technology assessments as well as provide a host of high-quality client references to provide a real-world insight into their services. “Since joining ITSB, it has been my mission to see us move from being a Microsoft Silver Partner to Gold, as I believe it demonstrates both the value we offer our customers as well as the technical competency of our team to deliver high-end services, tools and guidance to our customers. I have been immensely proud to have headed up our operations during this time and see the level of professionalism and drive from our engineering teams to achieve certifications in technologies they know well.
Since joining ITSB, it has been my mission to see us move from being a Microsoft Silver Partner to Gold
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The team, as always, surpassed expectations and have helped us achieve gold status in multiple competencies with many more lined up in the coming few months” – Dan Warren, Operations Director. It’s no secret that our world has been forced to switch to a virtual way of life during the COVID-19 pandemic and many organisations are now utilising the Cloud to enhance their working infrastructure. As a Microsoft Gold Partner ITSB will be able to continue offering their clients industry leading knowledge with their best-in-class technological expertise and team alongside their unrivalled awareness of Microsoft products, continuous online technical training, support and tools from Microsoft themselves.
April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
Membership Rates 2021 #GetBusinessDone All prices plus VAT
Digital £120
Essential £245
Corporate £395
Premium £645
Elite £995
Diamond £2,200
Charities £225
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Connections and Marketing Upload news stories onto the website news portal Listing in magazine and online members directory Access to Simply Networking online meetings Access to networking breakfast / lunch events Access to Business Leader events Free use of boardroom at Chamber House* Dorset Business Focus Magazine posted Introduction to your business in Dorset Business Focus Magazine (number of words) Discounted advertising rates in Dorset Business Focus magazine Editorial considered for Dorset Business Focus Magazine (max p/a) Access to key contact member database Online event promotion *Up to 10 times per annum. Digital members can book at the discounted rate of £25+VAT per half day
Business Support £1,000,000 business legal insurance (up to £100,000 per claim)
Legal/ HR/ health and safety/ helpline
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Business Buddy Scheme Access to over 500 online training courses for all employees Qualify for affinity schemes (Cars/Vans/AA) Discounts and offers Stand at one Dorset Chamber Business Expo event
2 Tickets to Business Leader event
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4 Tickets to Business Leader event Video introduction to your Business with Chief Exec/ Board member Member to Member offers on website or published in magazine
International Trade Services 50% discount on international trade documents* (up to per annum) Access to documentation technical helpdesk
International Document training (% discount)
Corporate £316
Premium £516
Elite £796
Diamond £1,776
Global introductions to international Chambers *Not applicable to Customs Declarations and most documents relating to shipments to the Middle East
All prices plus VAT
International Trade Services Only Membership 50% discount on international trade documents* (up to per annum) Access to documentation technical helpdesk
International Document training (% discount)
Global introductions to international chambers No other Dorset Chamber services included, to upgrade see main membership rates above . *Not applicable to Customs Declarations and most documents relating to shipments to the Middle East
To join click or call 01202 714810 / 01202 714806 more news online -
Rates available from 1 September 2020 until further notice, subject to change, annual membership is non-refundable 10/9/2020 V2
Member To Member Chamber Offers Free Cashflow Forecast with SME Assistance Every business should have a Cashflow Forecast, especially if the business wants to grow. Most business failures are due to lack of or bad cash management. What you get… 1. 121 Zoom for me to understand your revenue streams and expenditure. 2. a personalised Cashflow Forecast Template 3. 1-hour group Zoom Cashflow Forecast Master Class 4. 121 Zoom to go through your Cashflow Forecast
Free contract of employment health check with View HR
You will then have a fully functioning Cashflow Forecast and be ready to take your business to the next level!
Free contract of employment health check to ensure that your business is up to date with current employment legislation, the Good Work Plan changes in 2020 and general good practice guidelines.
Contact Simon Rigby on 07590 673704
Contact Gemma Murphy on 01425 205390
Sanjeev Verma, CEO at Squire Technologies, Accepted into Forbes Technology Council Sanjeev Verma, CEO at Squire Technologies, a Core Network Solutions provider to the telecoms industry has been accepted into Forbes Technology Council, an invitation-only community for world-class CIOs, CTOs, and technology executives. Sanjeev Verma was vetted and selected by a review committee based on the depth and diversity of his experience. Criteria for acceptance include a track record of successfully impacting business growth metrics, as well as personal and professional achievements and honours. “We are honoured to welcome Sanjeev Verma into the community,” said Scott Gerber, founder of Forbes Councils, the collective that includes Forbes Technology Council. “Our mission with Forbes Councils is to bring together proven leaders from every industry, creating a curated, social capital-driven network that helps every member grow professionally and make an even greater impact on the business world.” As an accepted member of the Council, Sanjeev has access to a variety of exclusive opportunities designed to help him reach peak professional influence. He will connect and collaborate with other respected local leaders in a private forum. Sanjeev will also be invited to work with a professional editorial team to share his expert insights in original business articles on, and to contribute to published Q&A panels alongside other experts. Sanjeev will benefit from exclusive access to vetted business service partners, membership20
April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
branded marketing collateral, and the hightouch support of the Forbes Councils member concierge team. “I’m excited to be joining the Forbes Technology Council community of experts and look forward to contributing to the valuable business and thought leadership synonymous with the Forbes name. Network transformation
in telecommunication networks is what facilitates digital transformation in our global economies, and I am keen to share our insights, ideas and experience gained from over 20 years of working with the worlds telecoms network operators.”
Why your remote workers may not be as safe as you think... According to new research from ESET, 80% of businesses worldwide are confident their home-working employees have the knowledge and technology needed to handle cyberthreats to company finances. ESET surveyed the attitudes of 1200 senior managers across the UK, US, Japan and Mexico for the business segment of its global financial technology (FinTech) research, exploring their attitudes toward security and FinTech. While many businesses expressed confidence in the face of cyberthreats, the same research also showed that nearly threequarters (73%) of these businesses also think they are likely to be impacted by a cybersecurity incident, and half said they had experienced a cybersecurity breach in the past. Could businesses be overestimating how safe their employees are? It is no secret that since the COVID-19 lockdowns began, we have seen a significant increase in cybercrime targeting remote workers. COVID-19 has created a range of opportunities for cybercriminals, with the panic around the coronavirus and the uncertainty caused by the rapid transition to remote work setups affording malicious actors a greater chance of success in their attacks on individuals and organisations. As employees left the office and dispersed across various locations, devices and networks, certain deficiencies in some businesses’ security stance have likely been exposed. Many companies have had to transition from the firewall approach of the traditional office to a new distributed model. While ESET’s research shows that the majority of businesses feel that their employees are able to handle the accompanying risks, there are a series of new challenges that they may be underestimating.
to a password in order to access your intranet. Another issue posed by home working is that it can be tempting to switch from device to device. We live in a highly connected world, and with opportunities for socialising and leisure activities limited, we are all spending more time on our personal computers and mobile devices. Using said personal devices to check work emails or do a small task here and there can be potentially dangerous, as non-work devices are less likely to have the same levels of protection that work devices often have installed. Similarly, it is just as easy to make the same mistake the other way round, by visiting risky websites such as torrent pages or adult sites. These may expose work laptops to online threats, which is particularly dangerous when the device in question can provide hackers with access to invaluable corporate data. Lastly, there is the ever-present threat of phishing, which has been a prominent threat through the pandemic. With the health crisis providing new hooks for creating convincing phishing emails and text messages, there is a heightened risk that employees will click on malicious links or attachments and allow themselves to be duped by social engineering attacks.
How to secure your employees and your business Because remote working has changed the way in which we interact with our teams and our colleagues, it can be hard to keep tabs on the extent to which each employee is aware of the steps they need to take to protect themselves and the company. This is why it is important to have regular training and guidance on the importance of cyber hygiene. It is crucial that every member of staff is proactive in making sure that their devices and files are secure, and in order for this to happen they must be made aware of the dangers that can be caused by behaviours such as using an insecure connection or device, indiscriminately clicking on links, or visiting risky websites. With that being said, the internet can be a dangerous place, and threats can be difficult to keep track of. No matter how much we know about cybersecurity, it is always possible that we could slip up. As a result, it is more vital than ever to have trustworthy, reliable security software to protect your business.
The inherent risks of remote working Working from home means employees are connecting to the internet via their personal home router, and this means that company data can be exposed to all the dangers of public networks. So when accessing corporate intranets, using a virtual private network (VPN) is vital to creating a secure, encrypted connection. However, issues such as slow internet, domestic distractions and simple forgetfulness can cause even the most security-conscious employee to make a mistake and connect without a VPN. This has the potential to expose individuals to malicious actors looking to spy on personal and company data. Therefore, don’t allow employees to connect to your company’s internal systems without using a VPN. For extra security, require your employees to enter a onetime code (multifactor authentication) in addition 22
April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
Cash With No Red Tape
A Bournemouth IT services business has received in excess of £180k cashback from the government for innovation activities, over a period of just 4 years. Rob Sowden of local tax incentives consultancy, Business Cash Enabler reports: “This is an incredible case study, but very typical of what happens. The IT services and digital sectors often miss out on significant cash because neither business owners or their advisors associate their activities with research and development (R&D), in order to receive benefit under the government’s R&D tax credits scheme. This company does not produce any product but is an IT support business and integrator of third party products. This involves overcoming technical uncertainty
which is by definition research and development. Activity can qualify if it involves iterative stages of development where the outcome can’t be known until trialled or tested and where the solution does not reside in the public domain. Even failed, cancelled or aborted projects may be eligible for tax credits or cashback. Each year this company’s accountant asked them if they carried out any R&D activities and the client answered “no”. This happens often because neither the accountant nor the client understand the full technical scope of the HMRC scheme. A trading company in any sector that carries out any form of unique innovation may qualify for a yearon-year cashback from HMRC under this very generous scheme. A business does not have to be
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profitable to get this cashback, in fact a loss-making company can obtain an enhanced cashback, up to 33% of qualifying staff costs can be rebated. Some businesses have claimed and received small amounts, maybe £10k or £20k, which is much less than they are entitled to. Many businesses simply don’t believe me when I tell them how much they could be getting, or even that they are even eligible at all. In effect, they are saying no to free cash! The average SME receives in excess of £50k for a single year claim. A company can back-claim for two years, so an initial claim can be significant. What catches many businesses out is that they believe this claim opportunity is an accountancy work-stream, whereas it is really about technology. The service I introduced this
business to required a specialist IT/ software analyst to identify all of the qualifying activities permitted within the government’s scheme rules. To put the above case study in perspective, imagine that a business sought to raise finance, a bank loan for instance, for £180k. It would require a robust business case and plenty of red tape to apply and be accepted and would have significant monthly payment terms. By contrast, there is no red tape with this government incentive, albeit there are eligibility rules. The big difference is that this cash does not have to be paid back, it is a cash injection straight to the bottom line.” For more information visit www.
To arrange a free eligibility check email or call 07732 627085.
April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
New Faces, New Places Celebrating new roles being filled within the Members of Dorset Chamber
Battens Solicitors expands its Sherborne team
Juice Broadband Expands Team
Leading South West firm, Battens Solicitors, have expanded their Sherborne Residential Property team with the appointment of Senior Associate Solicitor, Samantha Pattle and Chartered Legal Executive, Nicola Pugsley. Together, Samantha and Nicola have extensive local knowledge of the Dorset area and boast almost 20 years’ experience in the conveyancing field between them.
Juice Broadband are expanding rapidly and as such have appointed Unified Communications Manager Ricki Hill to head up the sales and marketing for the Local Internet Service Provider.
Digital Storm appoints new Marketing Manager Digital Storm, the Bournemouthbased web and marketing agency, is pleased to appoint Natalka Antoniuk as their new Marketing Manager. She brings a wealth of digital marketing knowledge, a keen eye for detail and exciting new ideas to the team.
Dorset LEP Team welcome new Business Relationship Officer David joined Dorset LEP in March 2021, his key responsibilities are with the Dorset Gateway, helping to support local business. During the last 15 years, David has been part of developing further education and apprenticeship programmes to meet the demands of employers, whilst helping business to thrive and grow.
Youngest Commissioner joins the board
New associate joins successful ViewHR team
Dr Alice Hall has been welcomed to the board of Poole Harbour Commissioners (PHC) to act as their new Environmental Commissioner. At 29 she is the youngest Commissioner to sit on the board in the Trust Port’s 125year history. Dr Alice Hall is a Marine Biologist and qualified European Scientific Diver, employed by Bournemouth University.
Oyster welcomes new Head of Engineering
Lauren Harris has joined the team as Head of Engineering recruitment with 8 years’ experience in Engineering/ Technical specialist recruitment, placing temporary and permanent positions. With a love for Recruitment she is full of energy is driven and tenacious and excited to grow Oyster’s new division.
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Nicola Garsden has joined LewisManning Hospice Care in the role of Volunteers Manager. She has vast charity and healthcare knowledge and experience, having previously worked in the hospice sector for 13 years.
View HR Limited, HR and employment law consultancy, appoints new HR associate, Candice Openshaw, to its Dorset team. As an experienced HR Director, Candice brings with her a wealth of knowledge with SME’s during start up, rapid growth and periods of change and transformation. Candice is passionate about helping clients create engaged and healthy workforces.
New volunteer at LewisManning Hospice Care
Dorset Chamber welcomes our New Members #GetBusinessDone
A Plan Insurance Poole
Fire Door Controls
Fortus Business Recovery
140 High Street, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1DN 01202 644390 Our experienced advisors help clients with both their personal and business’s needs. With over 800,000 policyholders this makes us a Top 5 UK Insurance Broker and client satisfaction is our key priority. This is reflected in our Trustpilot reviews where we’re rated as Excellent and our in-house claims specialists deal with the entire process, from first notification to resolution. A Plan Poole, we will look after you.
27A Glen Road, Parkstone, Poole, Dorset, BH14 0BJ 07879 660622 Supporting businesses to build better relationships with customers and suppliers, achieve operational excellence and maximise revenues.
Arena Business Centre, 9 Nimrod Way, Ferndown, Dorset, BH21 7WH 0845 2260536 Independent specialist suppliers and installers of alarm activated fire door closers. Hard Wired and Wire Free options including Swing Free solutions.
12-14 Carlton Place, Southampton, Hants, SO15 2EA 07776 707725 We are a licensed insolvency practice and help companies great and small find their way through the financial darkness with confidential business debt advice. We provide timely, relevant advice on how to handle such issues as business insolvency.
Good Oaks East Dorset Office 5 Basepoint Business Centre, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 6NX 01202 065261 eastdorset/ Good Oaks East Dorset has been set up with one goal in mind; to help people maintain their independence at home.
Hillingdon HR 6 Kingsbridge Road, Poole, Dorset, BH14 8TN 07795 558648 Hillingdon HR offers straight talking HR and employment law advice, helping you navigate your people issues with ease. Our aim is to save you time and money by ensuring that we minimise risk and deliver value to your business by getting the best out of your people.
The Perfect Source
V88 Apps 64 Ashley Road, Poole, Dorset, BH14 9BN 07721 776312 At V88 we develop high quality mobile apps for smaller businesses that can make a real difference to customer engagement 26
April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
4 Cedar Park, Cobham Road, Ferndown Industrial Estate, Ferndown, Dorset, BH21 1SR 0845 6434959 You want your business to stand out from the crowd. Whether you are looking for increased exposure, brand development with your promotional marketing, exhibition/ event giveaways or corporate gift for your discerning clients, you will find The Perfect Source is Your Perfect Source. The Perfect Source…Enjoy the difference!
Plato Video Bourne House, 23 Hinton Road, Bournemouth, BH1 2EF 07557448526 Through a deep understanding of our clients and their audience, we create powerful, unique video content that connects and inspires.
Merryfield Close, Verwood, Dorset, BH31 7AT 07713 049117 Practical, straight-talking, complete business training for today’s companies. From 17 years in financial services running a $1bn digital business, working directly with 800 $5bn+ companies across Europe, US, Middle East, and Asia, training and advising 5,000+ people across 22 countries.
To become a member visit:
with Morris Lane Chartered Accountants
Brand new workwear e-commerce business launched in Dorset Workwear Pro Direct based in Dorchester offer sole traders and small to medium size businesses with an innovative website, to source branded workwear and PPE via their brand new, fresh and intuitive website.
What are SuperDeductions? As a result of measures announced in the Budget, companies (not sole traders or partnerships) will now benefit from SuperDeductions, effectively enhanced capital allowances, when investing in qualifying new plant and machinery for the two years 1 April 2021 – 31 March 2023. Capital Allowances allow companies to write off the cost of certain capital assets against taxable profits taking the place of accounting depreciation which is not normally tax deductible. These assets have to be tangible, expected to last more than 2 years and used in the business. The new allowances are for investments in assets that qualify for the current main rate of capital allowances of 18% and will benefit from a 130% first-year allowance. This means that for every £100 that you spend, you can deduct £130 in computing your taxable profits. This is equivalent to a tax saving of 24.7%. For example, if a company bought a new machine for its factory for £10,000 during April 2021, it could deduct £13,000 from its profits; at the present 19% rate of corporation tax this would reduce corporation tax by £2,470. And, in addition investments in assets qualifying for the 6% special rate capital allowances benefit from a 50% first year allowance, equivalent to a £9.50 tax saving for each £100 invested (although claiming the 100% annual investment allowance instead where this is available will be more beneficial).
Introducing a brand-new e-commerce platform, Workwear Pro Direct. Their vision is to provide sole traders and small to medium size businesses with an innovative website, developed by a local Somerset company, to source branded workwear and PPE coupled with a high-quality personal service. Workwear Pro Direct’s origins go back to 2001, as a recently qualified pilot their CEO Martyn Perry saw the opportunity to produce and manufacture flight safety wear for the offshore helicopter sector. 20 years on they are still providing the same vision with clients today, across numerous industry sectors. Over the past year, the number of employees at Workwear ProDirect have increased from just two, to a team of twelve. It is expected that further jobs will be created in the Dorset area as the business continues to scale-up it’s operations. Workwear Pro Direct genuinely wants to stand out within a competitive marketplace and believes their fresh brand, intuitive website and product selection will allow them to achieve this. Reducing landfill waste by recycling old workwear through ‘Buy Back’ scheme Sustainability should be a key element of any business looking to make a positive impact in the 21st century. Workwear Pro Direct’s ‘Buy Back’ scheme is now an integral part of their group Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy. This ground-breaking scheme is the first of its kind for the workwear industry and enables customers to recycle their old workwear and uniforms in return for a cash incentive.
Helping companies donate to charity through ‘Gift Back’ scheme Charity has always been at the heart of Workwear Pro Direct. Their unique ‘Gift Back’ scheme enables all customers to donate a percentage of their workwear purchases to a charity of their choice. They’re proud that by helping businesses look good, they can do good by donating vital funds to local and national charities all over the UK and beyond. Branding workwear service for clients All Workwear Pro Direct’s products can be personalised to suit the specific needs of every client’. They are offering a wide range of customisation services, from vinyl printing to embroidery and have an in-house design team to assist with logo and design aspects. Opportunity to save with their ‘Workwear Plus’ rewards scheme The biggest addition to their new e-commerce platform is an incredible new rewards programme. Workwear Pro Direct can choose to enrol in the ‘Workwear Plus’ scheme which entitles them to special discounts and added benefits. For each purchase a customer makes, they’ll be rewarded with points which they can use to get a discount off their next purchase, or customers can save them up and redeem some exciting rewards such as power tools, appliances and memorable experiences.
If you require help or advice, please contact Carla Hobby on 01202 715950 |
April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
Affiliated Town Chambers Dorchester Chamber for Business We play an active role helping to promote local business and enterprise, representing a wide range of businesses both large and small. Our priority is to help our members work together to boost trade. In addition, we are also working with community partners on our Retain & Retrain campaign to promote apprenticeships and similar initiatives to further enhance employability in Dorchester.
Bridport Chamber of Trade and Commerce - Bridport Business A Voice and a Champion for businesses in Bridport. Our mission is to ensure that Bridport provides the ideal environment for businesses to thrive and supply the goods and services the town and surrounding area need to remain economically vibrant. Our vision is that the Chamber will represent and work with the business community and others to promote the town and increase prosperity for our members. Membership provides access to networking events, email updates, free online promotion and the chance to raise the profile of your business.
Ferndown Chamber For Business Ferndown Chamber For FERNDOWN Business works tirelessly to CHAMBER FOR BUSINESS make Ferndown a great place to do business. We work with the Town Council and local organisations such as the Rotary Club to put on events in the town to bring the public and businesses closer together whilst promoting the town in a positive way.
Shaftesbury Chamber of Commerce The Shaftesbury Chamber has around 100 members from its two business parks and independent High Street businesses. They hold monthly networking meetings and are very active in the development of the town’s economy. Unlike many other towns, Christmas lights and activities are entirely run and paid for by Chamber members.
Sherborne Chamber of Trade and Commerce The Sherborne Chamber of Commerce exists to promote its members’ businesses and the wider business community. It has a membership in excess of 150. The Chamber is involved in just about every event that takes place in the town, supporting the Sherborne community, attracting media interest and creating a memorable experience for visitors to the town.
SturBiz - Sturminster Newton Chamber of Commerce The Sturminster Newton Chamber of Commerce was set up in 2018 and named SturBiz for simplicity. Its Mission is to promote and enhance Sturminster Newton and surrounding area’s economy and its businesses and support a thriving and effective business community.
Swanage & District Chamber of Trade Swanage Information Centre won another award in the South West England Tourism Excellence Awards and now holds a Gold and Bronze Award for Visitor Information Service of the Year. Swanage Town Council has funded and refurbished the Information Centre and four of the twelve toilet blocks in the town. It is great to see in this current climate investment in facilities that give a better visitor experience for people visiting Swanage.
Weymouth & Portland Chamber of Commerce The Chamber has been supporting firms in Weymouth and Portland for 100 years. We’ve helped many people to find their feet in the local business community, by providing an environment where they can connect with likeminded people. In recent years we’ve represented the concerns of businesses to the local councils, contributing to a significant cut in the cost of car parking charges. #GetBusinessDone
How ring rusty is your sales team? "I haven't made a sales visit in over a year". "I was furloughed for 8 months and have just been dropped back into the team. I'm really nervous about messing up". Two quotes from salespeople David Cottrell Owner of Gradient has heard recently while working on a tendering project for a client. David said: "There were many other examples of experienced salespeople showing a lack of confidence and uncertainty. Given the circumstances, we shouldn't criticise these reactions but what can we do to prevent them in your sales team?" Many business owners and sales directors have been working hard during lockdown using zoom to keep in touch with your customers but as lockdown restrictions are being eased the big question is. How ring rusty is your sales team? "During the tendering project mentioned above it was embarrassingly easy to secure concessions from potential vendors with the application of just gentle pressure. It begs the question of how much can you afford for your sales team to give away as your business reopens?" David added. Having been both 'poacher and gamekeeper' David has a unique perspective to help get your team ready for the return to making sales visits and suggests that senior managers look at: • * A mystery shopping exercise using a realistic buying scenario to capture real-time examples of sales performance • * Reminding teams of customer value orientations more news online -
• Revisit questioning skills • Focusing teams on Identifying customer pain points • Skill to advance the customer relationship If you feel that your sales team is ring rusty speak to David Cottrell owner of Gradient on 07595 264368 or visit Let's knock the rust off and show the shiny sales team underneath! 29
April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
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April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
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April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
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Greendale charges on with EV installation certification As a result of the recent boom in the electric vehicle market, Greendale Construction Limited’s electrical division, Greendale Electrical, has announced it is now an approved ROLEC EV charger installer. ROLEC EV has been specialising over the past 9 years in the design, manufacture and supply of the largest and most comprehensive range of electric vehicle charging pedestals, wall units and stations in Europe. This enables Greendale Electrical to cater for the increased demand in charging stations throughout
Dorset and Hampshire. ROLEC’s EV and PHEV charging products are compatible with all electric vehicles manufactured today, and have been certificated by many of the world’s leading EV manufacturers - including Renault, Nissan and Mitsubishi. Chris Kane, Director, Greendale Construction, commented: “Capitalising on the recent grants, offered by the Government Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV), on behalf of our customers, the certification allows Greendale Electrical to deliver a highly reactive and
structured domestic and commercial installation, as well as after-sales service. There has been an increased shift in environmental awareness, particularly during the pandemic, and we look forward to offering our clients this service.” Rob Vella, Head of Greendale Electrical, commented: “Our growing Greendale Electrical team are delighted to add this additional option to our already extensive electrical provision.” Rob Vella, Jake Barton and Andy Sokol, Greendale Construction Electrical Team
April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
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Supporting your business growth aspirations through insolvent acquisitions Buying a business out of an insolvency process can be a great way to create opportunities for other organisations to expand while saving jobs at the same time. However, there are many pitfalls that need to be carefully considered and a different type of expertise is required compared to normal M&A transactions. Here are just a few of the common issues that need to be considered; • Buyer beware – Administrators sell the business as agents of the company, with no personal liability or warranties provided. Therefore, the buyer has an increased level of risk around areas such as ownership over assets and their quality. Greg Palfrey • Due diligence – Due to the cash constraints of the seller, transactions are often completed within a very short timeframe. This means that a buyer has limited time to carry out due diligence. • Employees – The Transfer of Undertaking (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 will usually have the effect of transferring employee contracts to the buyer automatically. This means that employee liabilities are taken on by the buyer and there can be certain obligations around consulting with employees that need to be carefully managed to avoid the risk of compensation claims from employees. • Suppliers – Suppliers who are owed money may be critical for the ongoing operation of the business. While outstanding balances due prior to the insolvency will be a claim against the insolvent company, suppliers may seek to negotiate the recovery of some of these balances in order to continue supplying the buyer. In addition, the buyers will usually take the risk that some stock might belong to unpaid suppliers. • Customers – Commercial relationships may have been damaged if for example customer have been let down by the company. Debts due from customers are an asset of the seller and pursued by the administrator, which could also have an impact on relationships. Sometimes, it may be appropriate for the buyer to purchase the debtors which could be challenging to recover if there have been issues caused by the seller. • Property leases – There is often insufficient time for the buyer to secure an ongoing lease with the landlord. The administrators will offer the buyer a licence to occupy the premises, but this does not guarantee that a longterm deal can be agreed with the landlord to continue the lease. • Contracts – Contracts may be terminated on the event of insolvency. Therefore, the buyer may need to renegotiate contracts. • Licences – The business may need certain licences to trade, which may not be transferable to the buyer.
GU6 Champions complete first round of training
Dorset Chamber’s initiative to provide support and build resilience amongst business leaders is well underway. ‘Got Your 6’ (GU6 for short) has been developed with the boss in mind, who is often carrying the weight of their organisation and their teams’ livelihoods on their shoulders. The initiative, which launched at the Dorset Chamber Business Leaders event on 18 March, has been named after a term used by WW2 fighter pilots where they protected the ‘backs’ of fellow pilots in formation at the vulnerable rear ‘six o’clock’ position. Ultimately Dorset Chamber ‘has the backs’ of those in our business community; member or non-member, who may need some respectful and confidential support. At a time where the pressure of running a business and managing a team is potentially at its most stressful, ‘Got Your 6’ aims to plug the gaps, offering like minded people with shared experiences to talk to, and potentially signpost to further help. The initiative has been instigated by past president, Liz Willingham. “I have been concerned for some time about the lack of support specifically for employers. Perhaps there is an assumption that they don’t need the same mental health support as our workforces and that they are immune to workplace stress. The angle about grabbing your oxygen mask first before helping others really applies here and for our businesses to be in good shape, the leaders need to be effective, resilient and thinking clearly.” GU6 has been developed with the support of our members including Ouch Training (who has just delivered Mental Health First Aid Training to the first GU6 Champions), Dorset Mind, Livewell Dorset, Chamber President Caron Khan, and Peter Radford from Beyond This. Now with over a dozen Mental Health First Aid trained business leaders ready to share their knowledge and experience and listen to the challenges of those who may need to talk, GU6 is ready for action. A dedicated section of the Chamber website is being created to host a growing bank of relevant resources and information, all aimed at helping our business leaders thrive in a difficult time. Keep an eye out to see if there is something which may help you, or someone you know. To find out more, follow @ GU6Dorset on Twitter or see
Insolvent opportunities by their nature are reactive and arise at very short notice, but now may be a good time for businesses to proactively think about what opportunities to look out for and how they might be pursued should they arise. Thinking about these issues in advance and developing a framework to address the different issues associated with an insolvent transaction may put them ahead of competitors, where the ability to complete quickly can be a deciding factor. Notwithstanding this, the process will largely be reactive to the circumstances and will need to be carried out at an intense pace. Having completed many insolvent transactions, we are well placed to help businesses carry out due diligence, structure the offer, negotiate the best value and create a robust post acquisition plan, providing you with the best chance of a successful acquisition, minimising the risks and maximising the opportunity. 38
April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
Watercress, Science and Technology
with View HR
Dorset based super-food producer The Watercress Company (TWC) has further strengthened its position as one of the most innovative and forward-thinking grower organisations in the UK. Tom Amery, MD of The Watercress Company explains the importance of science and technology to his business: Our award-winning team is built its success on innovation and R&D and its natural we continue to look for opportunities to deliver distinctiveness and remain relevant to our consumers. Ten years ago, we successfully launched The Wasabi Company, this was before Japanese products went mainstream in the UK; we were an early adopter to productivityenabling farming technology, and embraced IT systems to improve our processes to ensure our salad crops can reach us from 2 overseas locations and be on the shelves in less than 48hrs from harvest. We are now excited to be exploring how science and technology can help watercress’ use in the healthcare industry. For the last 20 years TWC has spearheaded the drive to educate the nation on the health benefits of eating watercress, its nutritional advantages and promoting peer reviewed scientific research into the cancer fighting properties of our peppery crop. Through such work they have begun to identify key constituents of watercress that can be applied to specific aspects of healthcare. To realise our full potential in this sector, we have invested in the creation of Watercress Research Ltd (WRL), led by an NHS GP & Experimental Scientist Kyle Stewart and a board of experts in this sector. In the last six months WRL has been working on several exciting and truly innovative applications for watercress: • Watercress has fantastic urease-inhibiting properties that can be used on skin conditions such as nappy rash in babies and rashes caused by incontinence in the elderly. The urease-inhibiting treatment containing a patented watercress extract prevents the burning action associated with these rashes and WRL is in talks with companies manufacturing creams, incontinence wipes and nappies. • WRL anticipates that the extract will work on other conditions where urease activity is pathologically implicated eg struvite kidney stones, urinary tract infections and liver cirrhosis. In these cases, the urease-inhibitor could act both as an antiinflammatory but, perhaps most exciting, as an antibiotic. Given the growing problem of antibiotic resistance, this would be a truly remarkable breakthrough.
to be important in the cancer fighting properties of watercress. It is currently being investigated for its role as an anti-inflammatory agent and it has been shown that the watercress extract improves the healing process of inflamed skin potentially having a huge impact on the sufferers of eczema, psoriasis, and other skin conditions. As well as creams for these, it is thought that the PEITC can reduce the inflammation of sunburn. • Finally, as a by-product of the production process to yield the PEITC-rich urease inhibiting extract, we concentrate out the protein and fibre from the watercress. This has been shown to contain a particularly high essential amino acid content, as well as being high in fibre, low in sugar and fat and packed full of vitamins and minerals and could have several applications. At the same time, we are exploring working in healthcare through diet. We are trialling ways to make fresh watercress into a pulp which can be fresh frozen and used to make a nutrient rich soup & pesto which will meet NHS diatray needs and still stay within tight budgets. Tests at NHS Hospitals have shown there is a demand for nutritious additions to existing menus and we believe we have part of the solution with a nutrient dense ingredient and a formulation that is new to market. So, although growing watercress is a time-old process dating back to the Romans in the UK, is natural and technically simple, science and technology play a huge role in TWC. A dedicated team of scientists, growers and healthcare specialists are exploring ways to use surplus watercress, that might otherwise go to waste, and through technology are aiming to create higher value products with a higher purpose from a simple plant.
The importance of workplace investigations
View HR is incredibly proud of the calibre of workplace investigations undertaken by the team for businesses, producing reports of the highest quality. When a business receives a formal grievance or needs to conduct a disciplinary investigation, it is essential that investigations are conducted properly. A correctly executed investigation can be the difference between costly legal fees and a potential Employment Tribunal claim or a successful and correct resolution. For many organisations, finding someone with the time, skills, and knowledge to undertake an impartial investigation can be difficult. Those difficulties may be compounded if the allegations are against a senior member of staff, the issue is complex or of a serious and unpleasant nature. Here, at ViewHR, workplace investigations are our speciality. We have extensive employment law knowledge within the team together with robust capability and practical understanding of investigation requirements due to our years of experience in this area. ViewHR will support your organisation as an independent party. An independent investigator can reassure employees that appropriate and proper process will be followed. Our investigation reports are clear and of a high standard and will enable the business to reach a clear conclusion based on fact. Our report will define a clear plan for the next steps. Ultimately, failing to deal with complaints and issues properly will often push the problem further along the line. If you would like to find out more about how we can support your business to manage effect workplace investigations then please get in touch. Gemma Murphy, Founder & Director of View HR Limited. 01425 205390 |
• The compound PEITC (phenyl ethyl isothiocyanate) which gives watercress its distinctive peppery taste, was found in the research findings revealed in 2007 and 2010 more news online -
15 influential Dorset Businesses remain proud Dorset Chamber Business Partners
PKF Francis Clark
“Working with the Chamber and Dorset Gateway, we’re delighted to be providing specialist advisory support on complex international trade matters and other topical issues. We look forward to continuing to support Dorset businesses to overcome the challenges they face, and identify and capitalise on opportunities for growth, as we emerge from the pandemic.” Martin Aldridge | Partner
Greendale Construction Limited
"Greendale has really benefited from the support Ian and his team at Dorset Chamber offer. The networking and business events organised by the Chamber, which have continued online throughout the pandemic, have enabled us to access vital support and interaction during this time. Greendale will continue its projected growth in 2021 with a number of exciting new projects won, as well as focusing on our apprenticeship program and charity work." Chris Kane | Managing Director
Bournemouth University “We are looking forward to another year working in partnership with Dorset Chamber as a Business Partner. We are especially excited about opportunities to build closer links between Chamber members and our students and graduates through student project work, placements and recruitment. We send the Chamber and all their members our very best wishes for the year ahead.”
Deep South Media
“Deep South Media has been a member for 23 years to date and we are proud to be a longstanding platinum business partner as well as the Chamber’s virtual press office. The excellent networking events generate new work and a chance to hear sound advice. Launched: online training for marketing and PR professionals on how to write media releases with impact.” Ron Wain | Managing Director
Mark Painter | Business Development Manager
Mploy Staffing Solutions More Bus / Excelsior
“Dorset Chamber allows us to strengthen partnerships with existing business partners and start new relationships with others. As the economy opens up, we look to welcome back existing customers and generate passenger growth. Bus services will play a vital role in the economic recovery by providing access to jobs, education, tourist destinations, and local businesses. They are also integral to the Government’s NetZero ambitions.”
Mploy became a Platinum Business Partner of Dorset Chamber in April 2020. Since then, both organisations have worked closely together to navigate through the pandemic, diversifying and adopting to many changes. Kat Mieszkowska, COO commented: “We look forward to continuing our partnership with Dorset Chamber and with our ambitious growth plans for the coming years we can offer our specialist support to local businesses in their path of regaining their pre-pandemic market positions.”
David Heckles | General Manager
Kat Mieszkowska Chief Operating Officer
If you are interested in becoming a Dorset Chamber Business Partner please contact Anne at | 01202 714816 40
April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
Field International
“We are delighted to continue our special relationship with Dorset Chamber, with our Group Head Office in Poole it’s important to be part of and support the local business community. Our dedicated workforce of highly qualified personnel continues to provide our clients with world class precision engineered products, services and now boast engineering and manufacturing facilities in Singapore, China, and sales offices around the World” Richard Marples | Global Business Development Director
Blue Sky Financial Planning
“If ever anyone had any doubts about joining up with the Dorset Chamber then surely the support and dynamism, they have demonstrated for local businesses during the pandemic speaks volumes. What really defines an organisation is how they react in times of adversity. Blue Sky has a strong affinity with the Chamber as their culture embraces a proactive attitude, but more importantly, Ian and the team really care and see it as a privilege to look after the best interest of their members.”
Lester Aldridge LLP
“The benefits of a strong partnership have never been more obvious than over the last year. As we faced the unknown, the partners without exception stepped up to support each other, the firm’s employees, and clients. Collaboration and innovation thrived. Over the next 12 months, we will build on what we have learnt through the experiences of the last year.” Matthew Barrow | Partner
Gary Neild | Managing Director
Dorset LEP ReidSteel
“REIDsteel is proud to be a Platinum Business Partner and a longstanding supporter of Dorset Chamber. As a major local employer with a significant supply chain and ambitious growth plans, we know how important a strong business community is for the area’s economy. Together we can make Dorset an even greater place in which to work, live and do business.” Simon Boyd | Managing Director
Crystal Clear Telecom Ltd “We are delighted to renew our Platinum Business Partnership for a 3rd Year, helping to support and connect businesses in Dorset particularly supporting the switch to home working during these exceptional times. We continue to offer the best possible solutions for your unified communications, and now boast some of the most reliable and besthosted telephony solutions on the UK market.” Scott Gower-Smith | Managing Director
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Local IQ
“Our long-established partnership with Dorset Chamber provides a solid foundation for us to take our digital marketing message to the membership of the county’s premium SMEs. Like the Chamber, our aim is to help local business grow and prosper and working alongside Dorset Chamber gives us the perfect platform to achieve that.” Tracy Hayden | Director of Advertising
“We provide a seamless service to the local business community together. Dorset LEP funds the Chamber to provide a single source of information and advice free of charge for Dorset businesses, including nonmembers. We work closely on custom brokerage services and Dorset LEP offers a range of other services outside of this such as bid writing, scale-up support and crowdfunding.” Lorna Carver | Director
“At J.P. Morgan we believe that reducing inequities and creating widely-shared prosperity requires collaboration of business, government, non-profit and other civic organisations. Dorset Chamber’s Business Partner meetings provide a platform for local organisations to share initiatives, insights and ideas, prompting collaboration on some truly inspiring projects to benefit our local community. We look forward to our continued membership throughout 2021.” Gavin Browning | Executive Director
“At Savills we very much enjoy working with Dorset Chamber as a Business Partner. The Chamber is a great forum for local businesses to interact, keeping us in touch with the everchanging landscape and challenges that we all face as 2021 unfolds.” Phil Beattie | Director, Savills Wimborne
Dorest LEP offers valuable support to local high streets Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) is committing £30,000 in a new initiative to allow local businesses free access to popular ecommerce platform “” to start trading online. Following consultation with business community leaders across the county, five towns have signed up to take part initially: Bridport Chamber of Commerce, Bournemouth Chamber of Commerce, Gillingham Chamber of Commerce, Sherborne Town Council and Wimborne Business Improvement District (BID). Shops and businesses based in these towns are urged to come forward immediately to take advantage of the free opportunity to secure more local trade and shoppers are encouraged to use the platform to support their local high street outlets. is a multi-award-winning digital platform founded by Dr Jackie Mulligan in 2016 (long before the pandemic) to revive British High Streets by providing a local, town-based online platform where small businesses can create their own online shops and compete with the online retail giants. Supported by Visa and NatWest, the platform offers over 150 digital town and city marketplaces throughout the UK, enabling local shops and businesses to show information, products, and services, so that more communities than ever can ‘support local’ more easily through click and collect, bookings and home delivery. Charley Smith is one of the Directors of Fair Ground, a fair trade shop selling clothing, home accessories, gifts and food from around the world - including a great range of fair trade 42
April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
chocolates for Valentine’s Day - in Cornmarket Court, Wimborne. Fair Ground and has been trading for over 25 years, more recently selling through during the pandemic. Charley says: “We’re finding that ShopAppy is really enhancing our local trade. It’s the best of both worlds really as it gives local people a simple way to support their local shops without leaving their homes. As a business we have found it very easy to use – in terms of displaying our products, communicating with customers and payment. It’s an excellent idea and we are delighted to be able to use this to boost our local business.” You can see Fair Ground on the ShopAppy website at: wimborne/fair-ground/ Shops and businesses are given their own “online shop” within their location. It is simple to use for both businesses and shoppers. When restrictions ease the platform acts as a digital shop window to influence local footfall, ensuring people can see all of the things they can do and see locally in one place online. Interested businesses don’t require membership of the business communities partnering with Dorset LEP, you just need to be trading in these areas. Lorna Carver, Director of Dorset LEP shared: “I am delighted to roll-out the platform across five of Dorset’s town areas. We have introduced a number of support initiatives in the last nine months and this is /company/dorset-chamber/
another important step for the region’s recovery, especially as it will benefit small businesses in some of the most rural areas of our county.” Founder of Dr Jackie Mulligan says: “We are very excited to see ShopAppy. com now across five towns in Dorset. None of us want to see our High Streets disappearing, but the effects of lockdown and COVID-19 mean many people are now shopping online with huge, global retail giants, rather than supporting our much-loved local businesses. It’s great news for member shops in lockdown who can still trade, and it’s also fantastic to know that local communities are rallying around to bring that vital spending closer to home.” If your business is based in one of the five Dorset towns mentioned above, you can find out more at a 'Find out More' session and join the scheme free of charge by registering at and going to “Register New account” selecting “Covid19 Free”. Find out more at
Battens law firm in change of ownership Leading South West law firm Battens Solicitors has announced a change of ownership. After many years as majority shareholders, Chairman David Stephens and Commercial Property director Ray Edwards, will step down with five of Battens’ senior solicitors becoming the new owners and directors. The five new owners include Ceri Stephens, who will take the reins as Managing Director, and Peter Livingstone, who will become Chairman. They will be joined in the running of the firm by equal shareholders Katherine Gilmour, Head of Company & Commercial, Louise Gidley, Head of Family, and Naomi Dyer, Head of Private Client. Despite interest from external parties in the 150-strong firm, with offices across Somerset, Dorset and beyond, the former owners wanted to prioritise passing the firm on to existing members of the Battens team. Commenting on the new ownership, former Battens Chairman, David Stephens, says: “Ray and I are both absolutely delighted that it has been possible to pass the ownership and running of the firm on to existing Battens team members. Ceri and Peter will continue as directors, and Louise, Katherine and Naomi who are becoming directors have been well versed members of the management committee for some time, so we’re leaving the business in really safe hands. “What’s tremendously important and particularly beneficial is that all five have been with the business for at least ten years and in fact, Ceri, Naomi and Katherine have been with us since joining as trainees. We wish the new team every success, and naturally we will be on hand to ensure a smooth transition.” Battens chose to make this announcement on International Women’s Day (IWD) (8th March
2021) to celebrate the fact that four of the five new owners of the firm are women. This year’s IWD ‘Choose to Challenge’ theme fits the firm’s commitment to equal opportunities for all and reflects its new structure as a majority femaleowned and led law firm. Ceri Stephens, Managing Director says; “We are all really excited to be at the helm of Battens and writing the next chapter of the business. I hope that being a board made up of 80% women will inspire others, both within the firm and externally, to fulfil their potential. “With all five of us already involved in the running of the firm and having a fantastic team of people behind us, we are looking forward to keeping the business going from strength-to-strength. And despite the challenges the pandemic has brought over the past twelve months, it has given us insight into new ways of working and how to remain agile and customer-focussed in a fast-moving market. We will definitely take what we have learnt during this period of change forward with us as we continue to evolve and develop as a firm, for the benefit of our clients and our staff.” Chairman of Battens, Peter Livingstone adds: “Given the turbulence of the past twelve months with the virus and of course Brexit, we are extremely grateful to David and Ray for helping us to steer the ship and for waiting for the right time to make these changes. We are very pleased that they will continue to work alongside us. Ray will remain working with us in the commercial property department and with the Battens Charitable Trust and David will continue his invaluable compliance work. We are very thankful for all their support in making this happen.”
with Tower Supplies
Anyone can sell safety, but you wouldn’t buy safety from anyone
Since 1983 Tower Supplies have been a one-stop-shop of health, safety and hygiene products. With a head office and distribution centre in Poole, whilst being one of the largest UK independent companies in their market, Tower haven’t forgotten its roots and have a dedicated area sales rep, Boyd Steedman, to customers in Dorset. Tower founder Jonathan Aris was the company’s first representative visiting businesses in Dorset. Whilst who and how Tower conduct business has evolved in the last four decades, the mission is to Make The Workplace A Better Place remains and Boyd is passionate in what he does to achieve this. The wider, increasing demand and use of Tower products such as COVID PPE (sanitiser, masks, respirators, lateral flow test kits etc.) has seen Boyd meet and help many new customers in Dorset in the last year. Whilst dealing with a specialist safety company may be new to some organisations who previously haven’t needed the expertise Tower provide, the positive vibe that Boyd goes about his work with had made new customers in particularly feel at ease during uncertain times. Tower are members of the British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) registered safety supplier scheme who’s slogan is “Anyone can sell safety, but you wouldn’t buy safety from anyone”. Not only do the BSiF audit Tower (and test its products) for continuation of membership but Boyd is one of only of approximately 200 safety professionals in the UK who’s passed the BSiF Safe Supply accreditation. Boyd Steedman 01202 305576 |
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Co-founders, Matt Swift, Daniel Keogh and Mark Nash
Mploy are celebrating 20 years in business! Where did the time go? What has started as a one office on Longfleet Road in Poole has grown to 8 established offices, 5 different divisions covering a variety of sectors and a Healthcare Training Academy, and there is more to come! Mploy will see opening of their 9th, Southampton office in April 2021 to extend their services to the east. Mark Nash – Co-founder and Finance Director comments: “We are extremely proud
of our journey and business achievements. We have dedicated staff, some of whom have been with us for over 17 years! We supply well-known brands and reputable local businesses and have ambitious plans for a further growth in the coming years!” Matt Swift – Co-founder and Director adds: “We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all our employees for their dedication and ongoing commitment to providing a fantastic
Mploy are the leading recruitment business and a Sunday Times Top 100 Company to work for 44
April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
service to our clients, as well as to all our customers, workers and candidates who have worked with us or for us over the years. It certainly has been an exciting time and we are looking forward to the future” Mploy are the leading recruitment business and a Sunday Times Top 100 Company to work for. Mploy also proudly hold a title of the Company of the year Winner at the Dorset Business Awards in 2019. Mploy are a corporate member of REC, GLAA license holder, Platinum Investor in People and hold ISO 9001:2015 Certification. They are Stronger Together Business Partner Advanced and the biggest local supplier of temporary labour in the South West.
Is Long Covid a disability? Long Covid made its way into the headlines in October with reports of the long-term debilitating effects suffered by those experiencing sustained symptoms. What is long COVID? Long Covid is so far poorly understood and there is, as yet, no defined pathology. A recent peer-reviewed investigation exploring the experiences of UK sufferers was led by Oxford University. At this stage it found that experiences differ hugely from person to person and that there is no obvious correlation between existing medical conditions and the chances of developing this long-term condition. It is possible that those suffering from longterm effects of the coronavirus may be classified as disabled for the purposes of the Equality Act 2010.
be very different to another. Indeed, the effects of Long Covid generally will likely vary from person to person. The media is currently reporting examples of people struggling to walk as a result of their symptoms and that is very likely to meet the test. Finally, the effect of the condition must be long-term and this is defined as either lasting or likely to last for a period in excess of 12 months. We know that the coronavirus has already been around for some 12 months but it is difficult to say at this stage whether Long Covid will satisfy this element of the test.
What is the definition of a disability in the workplace? A disability for Equality Act purposes is a much lower burden than for medical purposes or even what the average person might mean when they used the word disabled.
Symptoms appear to fluctuate based on current reports but that is not a barrier to a condition being a disability. The condition is currently being compared to other conditions such as ME and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), both of which are capable of constituting a disability for Equality Act purposes. It is feasible that long-Covid may fall within the definition.
Equality Act 2010 definition of disability For the Equality Act, the definition is a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on the individual’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities. This loose definition allows the tribunal to conduct a fact-based assessment in each individual case which appears before it. Any case in relation to Long Covid is therefore going to take the individual into account. Long covid in the workplace As medical practitioners increasingly recognise Long Covid, employees will be increasingly able to satisfy the impairment element of the test. The impact on them personally is what will then be used to assess the effect on their normal day to day activities. These activities also have a relatively low threshold and relate to the “things some people do on a regular or daily basis” such as walking or travelling by other transport, carrying out household tasks and engaging in social activities. Depending on the individual’s role, their ability to carry out their job may also be taken into account. Is Long Covid a substantial or long-term impairment? The ‘substantial’ element of the test means that the effect must be ‘more than minor or trivial’. This component of the test will also be very factspecific as what is substantial to one person may
So, is Long Covid similar to ME or CFS?
So, is Long Covid classed as a disability?
An individual severely affected by Long Covid may well be disabled under the Equality Act. Employers will need to be aware that, just because someone is capable of doing their job, they are not precluded from falling within the definition and therefore being protected from discrimination and imposing on the employer the duty to consider and potentially make reasonable adjustments. Long COVID: What do employers need to do? It is probably safest to assume that Long Covid could be within the definition when making workplace decisions and to act accordingly. In most cases this will mean: • Consulting with the individual about the effects of the illness; • Seeking appropriate medical advice either from the employee’s own GP or an independent clinician; • Ensure managers are trained in the sickness absence policies and how these related to absences which could arise from a condition which is a disability; and • Be prepared to consider appropriate adjustments to accommodate the effects of the condition if it is a disability.
Andrew Radcliffe
Spyrosoft is the fastest growing technology company in Europe On the 2nd March, Spyrosoft was ranked 5th overall the in the Financial Times (FT)1000 fastest growing companies in Europe and the fastest growing company overall in the technology sector! Spyrosoft ranks amongst other companies with the highest annual growth rate in revenue over four consecutive years from 2016-2019. We are delighted by this achievement but could not have done it without our many loyal clients over the past five years who have had faith in us to consistently create technology that improves their business and the services that they provide to the wider world. This work however, was, and is, achieved by over 600 of our employees world-wide. This award is a tribute to their dedication and hard work - without them, none of this would be possible. Our team do great work every day, going above and beyond to achieve the goals of clients across multiple sectors, but all aligned to one goal in the end. Spyrosoft faced a number of challenges before this success, and we had to adapt and overcome them in order to grow. The Covid epidemic has had a huge impact on the world of business and work. However, the technology industry has become even more relevant and has accelerated rapidly as companies rely on automation, machine learning and artificial intelligence in all sectors. Like our clients we have had to ensure we can maintain operations in the midst of a pandemic. With this in turn presenting challenges. As a company we are working with some of the biggest names across Europe, developing new technology that ensures work doesn’t stop, and even adapting to a post-Covid customer base with new priorities. Recognising our global clients’ problems and formulating effective and thorough technology solutions is our priority. In light of our FT success we now aim to go even further for our clients. We are so proud of everyone associated with Spyrosoft and are excited for the future with new and existing clients, our team and technology!
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with Frettens Solicitors
What is the new 5% deposit mortgage scheme? The Government has announced a new 5% deposit ‘mortgage guarantee’ to help potential homebuyers. Conveyancing Partner, Clare Hallett looks at the new mortgage loan scheme and details what it means for buyers and lenders. The scheme allows homebuyers who provide a deposit of at least 5% to take out 95% loan-to-value mortgages. This only applies to potential buyers looking to purchase a main residential home in the UK worth up to £600,000. The mortgages will be available for home movers and first-time buyers. The loans start in April and can be taken out until the scheme runs out in December 2022. The policy has been introduced to encourage more lenders to re-join the 95% market. In addition, the scheme aims to give potential buyers who can’t afford huge deposits a chance to get on to the property ladder. According to Boris Johnson, The Government want to ‘turn generation rent into generation buy’. These loans have been risky in the past, as some buyers have previously ended up in negative equity. This is why the ‘government guarantee’ has been put in place, The Government will offer to take on some of the risk of low deposit loans, giving lenders some protection from loss. Furthermore, the buyer will gain compensation for a portion of their losses if needed. Clare Hallett says “It’s encouraging that support for first time buyers is continuing particularly as they often struggle to save for a larger deposit and many don’t have access to a bank of mum and dad. I also hope that the format means a more streamlined administrative process than some of the other schemes which are available. I hope that mainstream lenders continue to support this initiative and more are encouraged to get involved”
Hall & Woodhouse’s Community Chest opens to deliver vital community support Hall & Woodhouse has launched its 2021 Community Chest Awards with applications opening to local causes from Friday, March 5. The leading independent family-owned brewer launched the Community Chest initiative in 2002 and has again pledged a total of £50,000 to worthy causes with identified needs. Local voluntary organisations in regions where Hall & Woodhouse operate have the opportunity to apply online for grants up to £4,000 to support their causes. Mark Woodhouse, Family Director of Hall & Woodhouse, explained: “The Community Chest was originally set up almost 20 years ago to support and strengthen local communities which our pubs are a focal part of. “Today we are proud to be able to support those voluntary organisations that are helping their communities at such a difficult time. We remain dedicated to the Community Chest, despite the challenges our sector has faced, and are keen to hear from those in need. The past year has been so turbulent for many charities and has greatly impacted communities in so many ways. We have heard first-hand just how essential our support is for the survival of the causes that that we have helped to date.”
A Community Chest grant can go towards improving a variety of different aspects of the local area- for example, by helping the youth, elderly, disabled, arts, environment and more. Since 2002, the Hall & Woodhouse Community Chest has donated over £650,000 to more than 800 causes across the south of England and is backed by the Dorset and Sussex Community Foundations. Applicants have until Friday, May 7 to submit their grant requests. Application forms can be downloaded via community-chest Successful grant beneficiaries will be notified of the outcome of their application in September with an awards event in October 2021.
Micro Nav sign contract with Maldives Airports Company Maldives Airports Company Ltd has awarded a contract to Poole based Micro Nav to supply a 240° five-channel monitor based 3D tower and radar simulator to the Aviation Institute. Micro Nav secured the contract following a competitive public tender, having provided the most commercially and technically compliant bid. The delivery will be completed in a fast 10-week turnaround enabling Maldives Airports Company to commence training on the simulator in early spring. This delivery includes a two-week training course to support in maximising the use of the simulator. Maldives Airports Company will be using the BEST (Beginning to End for Simulation and Training) simulator set up as a 240°
monitor based 3D tower simulator. They will predominantly utilise the simulator to deliver ATC training to a high standard and in compliance with ICAO requirements, as well as for validation of new operational procedures. Maldives Airports Company has committed to a long-term support package, benefitting from Micro Nav’s world-class support offering, with software upgrades, priority support and access to the company’s simulation experts. Micro Nav has been providing ATC simulators to airports, colleges and ANSPs globally for over 30 years. For further information, please get in touch
Clare Hallet
April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
Hendy Group expands Lotus operations in the south and south west Hendy Group is on the expansion trail with the addition of Lotus in Hampshire and Devon to complement its existing Lotus operation in Dorset. Hendy chief executive Paul Hendy said he was delighted that the performance car manufacturer had awarded the additional areas to Hendy. “While this year has been challenging for the whole automotive sector, we remain committed to building on our strong base and we are delighted to be adding these additional Lotus dealerships to our portfolio,” said Paul. Hendy Group currently operates 24 franchises from 65 locations in the south including a number of performance, premium and sports car brands. “Our Dorset operation is an important part of our Performance Division and we will be looking to repeat this success in Hampshire and in Devon where we already have successful dealerships.” Full details regarding the location of the new dealerships are currently being finalised and Paul said the new centres will be offering new and used cars sales together with a full service and support operation. “Lotus is a tremendously
exciting manufacturer to be involved with and we are looking forward to working with this iconic British company across the south and south west. It’s great to be providing the Hendy premium service to more Lotus customers than ever before,” he said. Paul added, “The new dealerships are being launched at a really exciting time for Lotus. The Evora, Elise and Exige ranges are iconic performance cars and we’re all eagerly anticipating the unveiling of the Type 131, and
production of the Evija – the world’s first British all-electric hypercar. We’re thrilled to be part of a company with such a bright future.” Geoff Dowding, executive director, Sales and Aftersales, Lotus, added: “We are delighted to be extending our relationship with Hendy in the south and south west. Growing our retail network with the right partners is an important step as we transform the Lotus business and brand.”
Paul Hendy, Hendy Group
Hair2Care for Paul Tansey, Managing Director at Intergage Paul Tansey, Managing Director at Intergage Ltd, Past President and Board Director at Dorset Chamber is also a Trustee of another Chamber member – MYTime Young Carers charity. The charity marked Young Carers Action Day on 16th March with its own #Hair2Care campaign (inviting people to wear their hair in an unusual or alternative style for the day). This campaign saw supporters donning a wide array of unique and colourful hairstyles and posting pictures on social media sites in return for donations or sponsorship, Paul reversed the idea and completely shaved his head – and later his eyebrows - in support of the charity. There are over 700,000 young carers in the UK and MyTime's mission is to provide young carers with the support, friendship and opportunities that every child deserves. more news online -
Paul says: “Young carers are incredibly selfless. The love and compassion they show for their family is humbling. However, being a young carer can lead to high levels of stress, worry and loneliness - even mental health and employment problems. Let's do something to help... #Hair2Care is all about showing our support for young carers. I not only take my hat off to these young people, I take my hair off too…” If you’d like to sponsor Paul, you can still do so here: www.justgiving. com/fundraising/paul-tanseyhair2care or you can find out more about MyTime Young Carers here: 47
Scaling up in Dorset
- Cas Paton, founder and CEO of Two of the biggest challenges scaleup businesses face are infrastructure and access to talent. A fast-growing business needs access to the right IT, business premises and services to facilitate that growth. Managing the infrastructure of a quickly evolving business can be a significant pain point for many entrepreneurs during this phase. It’s common for a successful start-up to go from a small team with a handful of people to a workforce that needs an office with over 100 desks. We’ve certainly experienced this level of growth at over the past year, having quadrupled the team from just 14 of us to over 70. Attracting the right talent can also be a challenge, particularly for more specialist roles, and this is something that I know other entrepreneurs in the region face. To help overcome any challenges, it’s important for business owners to strike up conversations with a network of key local stakeholders and to work together to determine resolutions. We’re fortunate to have such strong organisations such as Dorset Chamber to help facilitate these discussions. OnBuy has operated from its headquarters in Poole since it was founded in 2016 and currently employs more than 70 people – although we’re recruiting for at least 30 more roles right now! From our Dorset home, OnBuy has gone from strength to strength in the last four years and after a record-breaking year in 2020, with 605% year-to-date growth and sales soaring from a run rate of £24 million to over £200 million, we’re quickly gaining market share. Our growth is set to skyrocket this year as we continue our worldwide scale-up that’ll see countryspecific OnBuy websites in more than 140 countries by year-end 2023. While committed to Dorset, in order to scale up to a level to accommodate our international growth plans I need to ensure the best infrastructure and team are in place to achieve this – finding new premises and recruiting more team members are our current focuses. I am pleased to see that local authorities and other stakeholders are acknowledging growing businesses in Dorset and the challenges they face. As a business community, we need to ensure there is the ability for businesses to start, grow and thrive in the region, otherwise we run the risk of losing the enterprise, innovation, and productivity these entrepreneurs bring to the region. I’ve had positive conversations with our local authority, BCP, in relation to finding a new OnBuy HQ; we’re looking for somewhere that has easy access to transport links and local facilities as well as plenty of parking. The right location for us will be critical for attracting talent to join the OnBuy team. 48
April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
As we head further into 2021 with positivity on the horizon, here are my top tips for entrepreneurs with a growing Dorsetbased business:
• Expand your networks - We all know the phrase "it’s not what you know, but who you know." Networking is a great way to expand your professional relationships and gain insight into opportunities that exist in the area and how others in the business community are coping. Attend as many Dorset Chamber networking events as you can and don’t be afraid to share your challenges with the Chamber team – they’ll more than likely know someone who’ll be able to help. LinkedIn has proved useful for us too, and we’re active on the platform daily. • Be smart with recruitment – As you grow your business, don’t lose focus on hiring the right people. You might be tempted to fill roles as quickly as possible when things get busy, but don’t forget to align your team strategy to your business strategy. Your team are critical to the future of your company (not to mention, recruitment is a time-intensive and often costly process), so it’s important to get it right first time. Look to hire a team that are well-equipped to help the business grow and will bring their own tenacity to the table, then make sure you onboard them well. • Think ahead – When making decisions to scale up your infrastructure, such as moving to new premises, think long term. You want the investment to serve you now and in 5 years’ time. So, if you’re planning on doubling your team over the coming years, make sure the investments you’re making now will still be suitable when that happens. It can be daunting to think bigger, and it can feel like a gamble in some cases, but don’t sell yourself short. As a rapidly growing business, OnBuy is flying the flag for Dorset across the globe. With the support of key local stakeholders, we hope OnBuy offers some encouragement to other businesses that look to continue to grow in the county. We can work together to help highlight the huge potential of the county - forget Silicon Valley, it’s all about Silicon Beach now! /company/dorset-chamber/
Finding pandemic silver linings when it comes to work Sometimes breaking away from the way things have always been done provides new opportunities and benefit people's lives says technical manager Rob Bruce from Team Jobs in Poole. Many people tended to be loyal to the industries they have served for years. This has been because an industry has been reliable and provides a sense of comfort and familiarity. Then Covid threw everything up in the air and disrupted many people’s lives. You could say that a job for life is a thing of the past, for people of all ages. Today it is more about lifelong learning and skills that you have developed that can serve multiple industries. Rob, sees two sides of the coin when it comes to remaining within the industries people have served balanced with the flexibility to broaden your skills. Rob says, “There are people who have been in a specific job for many years. With numerous candidates the team and I work with, this has been their life and provided stability. As an example, John Cobb, was a man who enjoyed a well-paid job as a foreman with a steel manufacturer for 29 years and one day lost his job, the team helped him find his next role.” You can read more about this story here about John. “For other people, they look at the scope of skills they have developed as an opportunity to widen their horizons and fit within different industries. I understand that employers want people with A, B, or C related skillsets and can be quite specific with the type of person they want. Other employers champion transferable skills and if a person has A and B now, they can have C, D, E, and F in the future. A teachable fit has a role to play.” The pandemic has heightened the validity of the work-life balance and also encouraged the way that people look at work and being open to new suggestions. Jaime Rana, senior consultant says, “For the companies we have supported with delivery teams, many people come with an interesting story. A candidate who was a pilot is now a delivery driver. What the pandemic has provided many people is a way to step back and look at their lives. Whilst there is the pressure of paying the mortgage, for people it isn’t necessarily the money, but what they need to earn to live a happy life and be there for their families.” According to the Mental Health Foundation, one in six of us will experience a mental health problem in a given week. Balancing what you want out of life and the skillsets you can deliver to the right company and sector can mean a positive future, no matter the detours that we all face. /dorsetchamber
Local seafood industry takes brunt of BREXIT ‘Teething Problems’ A local tax expert has warned that the recent description of the problems faced by British Seafood businesses trying to deliver their products to EU customers as “Teething problems” significantly understates the complex and challenging issues many food businesses are having to address. We spoke with Heather Williams, a local Tax Partner with Azets in the firm’s recently-opened Bournemouth office, who said that businesses are having to tackle a complex web of new rules and procedures and warned that mistakes could be costly: “Most rules and procedures relating to the movement of goods from the UK to the EU fall within the remit of HM Revenue and Customs and these include Customs Duties and VAT. Businesses must be aware that if these are not dealt with in an accurate and timely manner it can lead to significant border delays, unexpected costs and at worst, penalties. There are signs that the UK and EU border authorities are taking a more lenient approach at present to maintain the flow of goods but business’s procedures and payments of tax in this area will come under scrutiny at some point in the future,” said Heather. She added, “Fortunately, in spite of the problems, we understand that some local seafood and other food businesses have persevered and successfully delivered their products to EU markets. However, there are many others that will be struggling with a new and complex regime. There are compensation schemes available but these may not go far enough.” Six areas to consider Heather highlighted six key areas that all businesses should be aware of when planning or engaging in trade with the EU: • Incoterms and Delivery Terms. These are the terms between suppliers and customers that determine responsibility for matters such as delivery of the goods and export/import formalities. Although this should be a negotiation between supplier and customer, there are examples of some large logistics providers urging UK suppliers to deliver on DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) incoterms because the freight will be sent to the EU on “Groupage” (e.g. where multiple different suppliers’ goods are grouped together on one truck). There is a clear commercial reasoning for this from the logistics providers’ perspective. However, it is important that UK suppliers understand the VAT and Customs consequences of supplying on DDP terms. • EORI number (short for Economic Operators Registration and Identification number). UK suppliers will need a UK EORI number to export goods from the UK. If the UK suppliers are responsible for importation of the goods from the EU, then they will also need an EU EORI number. These EORI numbers are required in advance of the export/import declarations. • EU Import VAT. Although the supply and importation of seafood is zero rated in the UK, many EU countries do not share the same zero-rated status. Therefore, if UK suppliers are responsible for importation of the goods in the EU, then they can be expected to pay import VAT in the EU. more news online -
• EU VAT Registration. Where a UK supplier is responsible for importation/delivery of goods in the EU, then it may be required to register for VAT in the countries of importation/delivery. A consequence of VAT registration is that UK suppliers may need to charge Output VAT on their supplies, depending on local rules. Once VAT registered, import VAT can normally be reclaimed through submission of the VAT returns. It is also possible to apply for simplification schemes such as Postponed VAT Accounting to neutralise import VAT and support cash flow. • Customs Declaration will be required. This service is normally performed by a Logistics Agent if freight and delivery of the goods is outsourced - or by a Customs Agent if suppliers have their own in-house fleet of vehicles for deliveries. A suite of accompanying documents will also be required including commercial invoices and health declarations. Consignments will also need to be correctly labelled for EU markets. • Customs Representative. UK companies should ensure they have the correct type of “Customs Representation” from their logistics and customs agent. Some EU countries require businesses established outside the EU to have an ‘Indirect Representation’ for customs purposes, whereas others may permit “Direct” Representation. Noteworthy is that being an indirect representative will mean that agents have joint and several liability over import VAT and Duty. Customs agents may therefore be reluctant to provide an Indirect Representation for UK suppliers due to the shared risks.
Heather concluded by urging businesses concerned about the new rules and procedures to seek advice as soon as possible. “We have been supporting our clients by working with our overseas affiliates and undertaking, for example, supply chain reviews, to determine the most efficient EU VAT/Duty model. Although multiple VAT registrations may be required for some businesses, it may be possible to register for VAT and EORI in one EU country, to allow goods to be imported into the EU and distributed into other EU countries. Sadly, it has become evident already that there is no one-size-fits-all BREXIT solution and each business will operate slightly differently with tailored solutions required.”
recruitment with Mploy Office People
Recruitment trends in 2021 and beyond Remote Working We’ve had a lot of changes in our lives in the last year caused by the global pandemic with the fast implementation of remote working, juggling the demands of caring and home-schooling whilst expecting to continue with our work duties. We’ve had a taste of flexibility now and it’s here to stay. Remote working will remain one of the most sought-after criteria for jobseekers now, and surveys of workforces across multiple sectors that have been forced to ask their employees to work from home have had overwhelmingly positive responses about the new autonomy people have over their working day. Companies are quickly recognising that there is certainly a need for more flexible working going forward and it’s good to see businesses recognise this as an opportunity. Virtual Interviews We’ve all been using Zoom for our family and friend get togethers over the last year, and interviewing has had no exceptions. It’s a really convenient way to replicate the interview environment from the comfort of your own home, saving both time and money. Although there’s nothing quite like a face-to-face interaction – a virtual first impression isn’t a bad second place. We think they are definitely here to stay in and play a part in 2021, and beyond. Social Media Recruiting Over the last year we’ve all either been glued to our phones or Netflix, in-between baking banana bread and home-schooling that is! Scrolling through social media is now the everyday norm, and hiring has shot up massively over the course of the last year. Tags, likes and shares mean a lot in today’s modern world, and the better the brand presence, the more likely you are to attract and retain the best staff. You can check out our latest jobs on our Instagram and Facebook pages at Mploy. David Whiteman | Area Relationship Director
UK-EU preferential rules of origin The TCA (Trade & Cooperation Agreement) confirms that goods originating in the UK or the EU are subject to tariff-free and quota-free trade. Although this offers certainty for the trading terms between the EU and UK, it does not necessarily remove the need for businesses to introduce changes to their operations. In order to benefit from
preferential rates of duty for their goods, traders must now be able to demonstrate that they meet the specific origin requirements for moving goods between the UK and EU. Where this cannot be proved, or where goods do not meet the origin requirements, World Trade Organization (or Most Favoured Nation) tariffs will apply. Businesses must pay attention
when importing goods from the EU (or other GSP/FTA country) to the UK into free circulation, i.e. tax paid, as this will remove the originating status of goods. As a consequence, if businesses intend to re-sell any goods back to the EU without further ‘significant’ processing in the UK, they will not be able to import the goods back into the EU using preferential rates of duty. Easements for business Both the UK and EU have agreed to apply several temporary easements in relation to rules of origin. Until 31 December 2021, businesses do not need supplier declarations in place when goods are exported. Businesses making use of preferential rules of origin must be confident that the goods qualify and may be asked to retrospectively provide supplier’s declarations. Further easements have been confirmed for low-value consignments. When importing into the UK, for consignments of £5,700 (€6,000) or less, a statement on origin can be completed by any exporter.
Practical steps for businesses There are some practical steps your business can help to smooth the process: • Contact suppliers to confirm that imported goods qualify for preferential duties and request proof of origin to access this. • Undertake an audit to determine the accurate classification of components and finished goods. • Determine whether goods have a positive rate of duty using the relevant trade tariff (UK Global Tariff for UK duties and EU Tariff for EU duties). • Assess if the ‘sufficient processing’ general rules can be met for goods being produced in the UK. • Understand the product-specific rules for goods against the classification for the finished good. • Determine if goods meet the rules (by checking each component qualifies in its own right). • Once determined that the finished goods ‘qualify’, document and evidence this. • To export the goods, provide evidence in the form of a proof of origin. This can be provided in various formats, but be aware that they differ for different agreements.
New Grants for SMEs The UK Government has launched a new wave of financial support to help small and medium-sized businesses that import or export from/to the EU. Businesses can use the grant for training on how to complete customs declarations; how to manage customs processes and use customs software and systems; and specific import and export related aspects including VAT, excise and rules of origin. The grant can be used to help you get professional advice so your business can meet its customs, excise, import VAT or safety and security declaration requirements. To be able to apply for the grant, businesses must be established in the UK; have been established in the UK for at least 12 months before submitting the application, or currently hold Authorised Economic Operator status; not have previously failed to meet its tax or 50
April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
customs obligations; have no more than 500 employees; have no more than £100 million turnover; and import or export goods between Great Britain and the EU or move goods between Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Whilst grant funding is not primarily designed for freight forwarders, it could assist their customers to be better prepared for their role in international trade. Applications for the SME Brexit Support Fund will open soon details can be found in the following link guidance/grants-to-help-small-andmedium-sized-businesses-new-toimporting-or-exporting /company/dorset-chamber/
Steve Bulley Head of Business Engagement at Dorset Chamber and car fanatic
Hyundai BAYON
This month I’m looking ahead to another future new car. Hyundai have seen their range expand in to every sector over the past few years including the i130N and new i120N hot hatches and a refreshed version of the i110 city car. When it comes to SUV’s the latest small segment is growing and the BAYON will be the latest and smallest member of Hyundai’s expanding SUV family. The all-new BAYON features a compact exterior, a roomy interior, and a long list of intelligent safety and connectivity features which make it stand out in its segment. With this, the allnew BAYON democratises technology, making high-tech safety and connectivity features accessible for all. In line with Hyundai’s existing SUV naming strategy, BAYON’s name was inspired by a vacation hotspot: Bayonne, the capital of the French Basque Country and one of the most beautiful destinations in the south-west of France. As BAYON is designed to meet the demands of the European market, the company
decided to give it a European name. With BAYON, Hyundai has now launched or enhanced seven new models in just 12 months – or 20, counting all body types and powertrain variations making 2020 a record year for its fleet expansion. Outside BAYON is distinctive through unexpected and eye-catching proportions and a hint of Sportiness. Inside is defined by a range of connectivity equipment, including a 10.25-inch digital cluster and a 10.25-inch AVN or 8-inch Display Audio. Occupants can benefit from LED ambient lighting technology integrated into the front passenger foot areas, door wells, and front door pull handle areas, as well as the storage area below the centre console. In addition, BAYON is equipped with the latest Hyundai Bluelink upgrade, meaning users can benefit from state-of-the-art Connected Car Services. This means the driver can mirror their Google or Apple calendar in the vehicle’s infotainment system
BAYON boasts excellent fuel efficiency and highly competitive CO2 emissions ranking thanks to an updated Kappa engine family. The T-GDi is a downsized turbo-charged engine with direct injection for optimum efficiency. When combined with Hyundai’s unique 48-volt mild hybrid technology (48V) with intelligent Manual Transmission, this results in even more enhanced fuel savings and efficiency. Expect the range to open at just over £19,000 and be available from the Summer of this year. For more information see hyundai or call 01202 970485.
Office space to rent
Tower Park Poole •
Convenient location with easy access to Poole and Bournemouth with parking
Approx. 2000sq foot Upper Ground floor with toilets, kitchen and parking.
£21,000 p/a + 50% utilities
Contact Steve Bulley in confidence 01202 714802
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CityFibre breaks ground on Christchurch and Poole’s digital transformation Nearly every home and business in Christchurch and Poole will gain access to next-generation broadband thanks to a major investment by CityFibre. Christchurch and Poole are celebrating major milestones in their digital transformations as work has officially begun on a new full fibre network that will reach almost every home and business locally. The £30m investment by CityFibre forms part of its plans to upgrade the nation’s legacy networks with gigabit-capable full fibre connectivity. Building on CityFibre’s ongoing investment in Bournemouth’s town-wide full fibre network, the project is expected to boost business productivity and innovation and deliver millions in economic benefits for Christchurch and Poole, while giving residents access to the UK’s fastest broadband services. With construction now underway, CityFibre, the UK’s third national infrastructure platform, is building a network capable of serving
Christchurch and Poole’s current and future demands. Upon completion, it will provide a platform for a new generation of “smart city” applications, as well as the roll-out of 5G mobile services. As CityFibre’s City Manager for Bournemouth, Lucy Cooper is spearheading the delivery of the Christchurch and Poole project. A local born and bred, Lucy is responsible for ensuring the stateof-the-art full fibre network is implemented with minimal disruption, while delivering maximum benefit for the wider community. Lucy is also the lead point of contact for all of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole’s stakeholders and a key advocate of the wideranging benefits that a full fibre network will bring to each community’s residents and businesses. The network is not yet live in Poole and Christchurch, but once activated, services will be available from an increasing range of broadband providers. Across the UK, CityFibre is already working with launch partner, Vodafone to deliver
Redundancy Pay
Did you know the Government will pay if the Company you work for goes out of business? The number of redundancies has spiked sharply due to Covid-19, exceeding those recorded during the credit crunch recession of 2009/10. Latest Office for National Statistics figures showed that there were 314,000 redundancies in Q3 2020 and 343,000 in Q4 (compared to 118,000 and 109,000 for the same quarters in 2019). Employees (and that includes directors) have certain rights when they are made redundant, including getting redundancy pay. Normally the employer pays this. But what happens when redundancy happens because of the company going out of business? The answer is that the Insolvency Service, a Government agency, will pay. What can employees apply for? The significant levels of support the Government have provided for businesses during the pandemic has certainly stopped the number of redundancies rising even higher. However, even as the Government has published its route map out of lockdown (22nd February), significant
damage has been done to many thousands of businesses. In addition to the significant redundancies already seen, The Federation of Small Businesses has also suggested that it expects up to 250,000 SMEs to go out of business in 2021, and that will only mean more redundancies. Employees made redundant due to the insolvency of the company they work for can apply for the following, although there are caps* on what the Insolvency Service will pay: • Statutory redundancy pay. The Insolvency Service will pay this if the employee being made redundant has worked for their employer for at least 2 years. However, the claim must be made within 6 months of redundancy. • Holiday pay that is outstanding • Unpaid wages, overtime and commission • Statutory notice pay if the employee has worked for the employer for at least one year. (* The amount of redundancy pay people are entitled to depends on length of service, age, and rate of pay. The rate of gross weekly wages at the time of redundancy (currently up to a maximum of £525/ week) and the length of time in service (up to a maximum of at 20 years) are used to calculate the amount of redundancy pay.)
These statutory payments are claimed through the Redundancy Payments Service and are paid from the National Insurance Fund. What about Company Directors? The answer, which is not all that widely known, is that directors are entitled to the same redundancy payments when a business becomes insolvent as normal employees, 52
April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
next generation broadband services, and TalkTalk is expected to join the network soon. If residents are interested in full fibre broadband, they can pre-register interest with CityFibre to receive information when services are available. To pre-register, visit: www. residential
providing they can prove their status as an employee of the company, and fulfil more than an advisory or non-executive role. In more detail, the eligibility criteria – which will need to be proven to the liquidator – comprise: • Does the director have a contract of employment? • Has the director worked for at least 16 hours per week? • Has the company been incorporated for over two years? • Was the director genuinely carrying out a practical role for the company? If the above criteria can be proven, and if the director has been paid a salary through PAYE then it is likely they will be eligible for statutory redundancy pay at insolvency as well as any arrears in salary and holiday pay and pay in lieu of notice. These statutory payments are claimed through the Redundancy Payments Service and are paid from the National Insurance Fund. It is our job to save businesses – and jobs. Clive Fortis of Antony Batty who have an office in Bournemouth states “Although most commentators believe we will see a spike in insolvencies over the next few months and therefore redundancies - it is the job of insolvency practitioners and restructuring specialists such as us to save businesses (and jobs) as well as implement insolvency procedures. As the most recent R3 survey shows, where insolvency practitioners were involved, 40% of insolvent businesses were saved. And that is certainly something that is needed right now.” Part of the service we offer to businesses in financial difficulties is to talk to their employees on your behalf – removing the emotional tie directors may feel to them – to give them practical help and guidance.
New trainees start and solicitor qualifies at Lester Aldridge A new wave of trainee solicitors have started their training contract at South Coast law firm Lester Aldridge, while Thomas Harrigan has completed the training programme and qualified as a solicitor. LA welcomes Emily Curtis-Bennett, Aneta Zaitlikova, Beth McCarthy, Luke Foot, and Jessica Slater, who started their two-year training contract on 1st March. The training programme offers an opportunity for each graduate to experience four ‘seats’ in a variety of practice areas across the three offices. Emily Curtis-Bennett commented on what attracted her to the Lester Aldridge trainee scheme: “I wanted to train at a firm that had a robust and long-standing training programme in place. It was also very appealing to me that a lot of partners and senior staff at LA initially trained with the firm, so it clearly showed the investment
that LA put into their trainees.” Thomas Harrigan joined the LA training programme in March 2019 and qualified as a solicitor on 5th March. He joins the firm’s highly respected Litigation & Recoveries team, where he will work with commercial clients, specialising in the recovery of unpaid debts and assets. “I am pleased to offer my congratulations to Thomas on completing our training programme and qualifying as a solicitor,” said Matthew Barrow, Managing Partner at the firm. “I am also delighted to welcome our new trainees to the firm. As a full-service firm, we offer our trainees the opportunity to gain a diverse range
of experience in the law. They will become an integral part of each team and have the chance to work with high-profile commercial clients as well as private clients, learning from exceptional lawyers along the way.” Matthew Barrow began his career at Lester Aldridge in 1999 as a trainee solicitor. The application window for applying for a graduate training contract at Lester Aldridge starting in 2023 opens on 1st April, applications must be in by 30th June 2021.
Photo left to right: Trainee Solicitors Emily Curtis-Bennett, Aneta Zaitlikova, Beth McCarthy, Luke Foot, Jessica Slater, and Solicitor Thomas Harrigan. more news online -
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Date Apr
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Inward and Outward Processing
09:30 – 12.30
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Incoterms 2020
09:30 – 12.30
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Customs Procedures and Documentation
09:30 – 12.30
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Export Documentation
09:30 – 12.30
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Understanding Exporting
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Methods of Payment
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April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
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Accountants & Tax Advisors
Air Conditioning
ABGI UK, London 0203 984 0321
Nauticool Ltd, Poole 01202 739937
Hall & Woodhouse Ltd, Blandford St Mary 01258 452141
Albert Goodman, Weymouth 01305 722458
Universal Maintenance Contracts Limited, Wimborne 01202 891772
Pure Milk Vodka Ltd, Beaminster 01308 868844
Arnold Accounting & Bookkeeping Services Ltd, Christchurch 07513 838434 ASfB | Accounting Services for Business, Bournemouth 01202 755600 Azets, Bournemouth 02380 247070 Bicknell Business Advisers Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 025252 Certius Professional Services Limited, Poole 08006 890794 Enrich Accounting Ltd, Bournemouth 07403 407455 Filer Knapper LLP, Christchurch 01202 483341
Business Associations
DMW Architects Ltd, Wimborne 01202 884024
Bournemouth Property Association, Bournemouth 01202 204717
SME Assistance - Simon Rigby, Tarrant Monkton 07590 673704
Lionel Gregory Architects Ltd, Poole 01202 723157
Wimborne BID, Wimborne Minster 01202 888992
QP Architecture, Christchurch 01202 484642
Business Coaching/ Consultancy
Stick With It Business Coaching, Southampton 07709 692821
Western Design Architects, Blandford Forum 01258 830675
Amanda J Green Ltd, London 07976 613553
Audio Visual Equipment MVS Audio Visual, Wimborne 01202 861696 Quad Vision Ltd, Wimborne 03300 419019
Autoclave Pressure Vessels ASC Process Systems Limited, Poole 07919 276205
Grant Sellers Chartered Accountants, Verwood 01202 824500
Inspire Professional Services Limited, Poole 01202 717867 Mazars LLP, Poole 01202 680777 MLW Accountants, Poole 07900 924872 Morris Lane, Poole 01202 715950 On The Spot Accountants, Lymington 07973 939228 PKF Francis Clark, Poole 01202 663600 Saffery Champness LLP, Bournemouth 01202 204742 Schofields Chartered Accountants, Bournemouth 01202 555785 SJT Accounts Ltd, Bournemouth 07855 295280 Smith and Williamson, Southampton 02380 827600 Tragor Ltd, Poole 01202 680914 Ward Goodman Chartered Accountants, Wimborne 01202 875900
April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
Selfless Leadership Ltd, Poole 07712 468338 Sheridan Lake Associates, Christchurch 07831 310613
Frost and Company, Dorchester 01202 840225
Hill Osborne, Poole 01202 678555
Quay Development Coaching, Poole 01202 690415
Bournemouth Airport, Christchurch 01202 364114
Aspirin Business Solutions Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 801187 Bidbetter Ltd, Poole 07944 847014/01202 237506 Brian G Ford FCA, Ringwood 01425 472749, CLIENTLOGIX Ltd, Poole 07879 660622 David McDonald Consulting Ltd, Bournemouth 07872 407548 Dean Skivington Consulting, Swanage 07532 889488,
DAeCO, Poole 01202 880302
DELTA Group, Broadstone 01202 690348
FGP Systems ltd, Weymouth 01305 773638
Dorset Business Consultants Ltd, Bournemouth 07850 937400, DorsetBusinessConsultants.
Think Research, Poole 01202 765654
Banking HSBC, Bournemouth 03455 848056 J.P.Morgan, Bournemouth 01202 342000
Bathroom Design & Installation Ocean Bathrooms, Bridport 01308 800511
Bookkeeping and Payroll Milburn Finance, Bournemouth 01202 535399 Ookkee, Poole 01202 283214
Dorset Business Mentors, Dorchester 01202 607530 Futurum Consulting Ltd, Salisbury 0333 3399926 G W A, Ringwood 01425 489533, HANTEC SYSTEMS LIMITED, Eastleigh 023 8166 1995 Insight6 - Dorset, Salisbury 07887 554898 J R L Coaching and Consulting, Bournemouth 07795 202982 Janus PPM, Dorchester 07582 415346 KIMCO, Wimborne 01202 888549
Branding & Design Becks Neale Designer & Brand Consultant, Ferndown 01202 973017
Leaf Consulting, Wimborne 07960 653525
SUCCESSMITH, Poole 07763 316763 The Arts Development Company, Dorchester 01305 224901 The CEO Coach Ltd, Poole 07973 137470 The Change Agent Ltd, Bournemouth 07990 514537 Traction Six, Broadstone 02033 849785 Transitions Life Coaching, Ringwood 01425 472354 Verace Business Assistance, Poole 07467 952352 Wessex Ventures Limited, Ferndown 07768 703809 Workforce Results, Poole 01202 800551
Business Recovery & Insolvency Antony Batty & Co, Bournemouth 01202 551193 Fortus Business Recovery, Southampton 07776 707725 Portland Business & Financial Solutions Limited, Poole 01202 712810 Verulam Advisory, Bournemouth 01202 941475
Business Support Services Dorset Business Angels, Bournemouth 01202 706975 Evolve, Poole 0333 322 2332 Flexible Project Management, Broadstone 07710 454065
Market Makers, Dorchester 07733 368386,
Gradient (Europe) Ltd, Bournemouth 07595 264368
The Crop, Bournemouth 07575 358644
Pidela Consulting Ltd, Dorchester 07866 360334
Kirks Insolvency, Poole 01202 606400
Workwear Pro Direct, Chard 01460 298615
Quay Business Associates Ltd, Poole 01202 679225
Law Point, Bournemouth 01202 729444
DORSET BUSINESS FOCUS / BUSINESS DIRECTORY Signature Office Support, Wareham 07909 042262
BCHA, Bournemouth 01202 410500
Talbot Village Trust, Poole 01202 338551
Quoin Property Consulting Limited, Wimborne 07710 543305,
The Passionate PA (UK) Ltd, Poole 01202 802863
Bournemouth Hospital Charity, Bournemouth 01202 704060
The Grove Hotel Bournemouth, Bournemouth 01202 552233
Savills, Wimborne 01202 856800
CAN (Community Action Network), Poole 01202 466130
The Tank Museum, Bovington 01929 405096
Care Good Oaks East Dorset, Christchurch 01202 065261 eastdorset/
Care South, Poole 01202 712400
Wessex Reserves Forces & Cadets Association, Taunton 01823 250110
Comax Ltd, Ringwood 01202 684111
Citizens Advice Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole, Bournemouth 01202 290967
WISE Ability Services Ltd, Bournemouth 07712 393719
Guarantee Laundries Ltd, Stalbridge 01935 812118
Diverse Abilities, Poole 01202 718266
Signature Catering, Ringwood 01425 477665
Dorset Community Foundation, Poole 01202 670815
Chamber of Commerce
Dorset Mind, Bournemouth 01202 099183
Catering & Catering Equipment
Bridport Business Chamber of Trade and Commerce, Bridport 07577 199786 Dorchester Chamber for Business, Dorchester 01305 360293 Dorset Chamber, Poole 01202 714800 Ferndown Chamber for Business, Ferndown 01202 912182 Gillingham Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Gillingham 01747 823699 Shaftesbury & District Chamber of Commerce (SDCC), Shaftesbury 01747 850059/01747 853957 Sherborne Chamber of Trade & Commerce, Sherborne 01935 815 008 Somerset Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Taunton 01823 444924 SturBiz - Sturminster Newton Chamber of Commerce, Sturminster Newton 07810 424269 Swanage & District Chamber of Trade, Swanage 07966 462974
Dorset Reclaim, Bournemouth 01202 773384 Dorset Wildlife Trust, Dorchester 01305 217987 Education Development Trust, Fareham 01329 559170 Faithworks Wessex, Bournemouth 01202 429037 Help and Care, Bournemouth 03001 113303 Home-Start North Dorset, Sturminster Newton 01258 473038 Hope HTS, Bournemouth 01202 312231 Julia’s House, Poole 01202 644220 Lewis-Manning Hospice Care, Poole 01202 708470 Lighthouse Poole, Poole 01202 781 320 MYTime Young Carers, Poole 01202 710701 Pavilion Dance South West, Bournemouth 01202 203637
YMCA Bournemouth, Bournemouth 01202 290451
Sherborne Holdings Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 303585 Siteright Construction Supplies Ltd, Sturminster Marshall 01258 858028 Spetisbury Construction Ltd, Wimborne 01202 856685 T A Colbourne Projects Ltd, Poole 01202 716516
Chemical Supply Analytical Services
WFBA Consulting Civil and Structural Engineers, Romsey 01794 368241
OEMAchem, Southampton 02380 707686
Construction? Design & Build
Cleaning Services
All Build Developments, Bournemouth 01202 070560
AMS Cleaning Ltd, Broadstone 01202 600611 BH Commercial Cleaning Limited, Wimborne 01202 068088
Designed in Oak, Ringwood 07860 629616 Jurassic Coast Ventures Ltd, Bridport 07977 707617
Clean Deep Services Ltd., Broadstone 07598 996307
PDL BOURNEMOUTH LTD, Bournemouth 01202 554450
Dorset Commercial Cleaning, Poole 01202 986700
Woodmace, Poole 07702 714710
Construction & Surveyors
Consultancy - Compliance Risk Advisory
Acheson Construction Ltd, Dorchester 01305 267938 Align Property Consultants Limited, Poole 01202 695777 Building Options Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 798428 Composite Profiles UK Limited, Poole 01202 659237 Cowling and West, Wimborne 01202 558262 Godsell Arnold Partnership Ltd, Broadstone 01202 600900
Space Time Ltd, Christchurch 07780 877167
Corporate Gifts & Clothing, Ferndown 08452 260880 UK Printed Mugs, Poole 01202 798828 Wessex Trophies Limited, Broadstone 01202 650444
Couriers & Freight Forwarding AOG Worldwide Ltd, Christchurch 01202 375702
Weymouth & Portland Chamber of Commerce, Weymouth 07730 135973
Pivotal Housing Association, Bournemouth 01202 306070
Graham Garner & Partners Ltd, Broadstone 01202 697341
Poole Hospital Charity, Poole 01202 448449
Greendale Construction Ltd, Poole 01202 764551
Kuehne & Nagel Ltd, Uxbridge 01159 438000
PramaCare, Poole 01202 207300
Harry J Palmer (Broadstone) Ltd, Wimborne 01202 842224
Raven Logistics, Poole 01202 800539
360 Skills For Life, Dorchester 01202 130395 About Face, Poole 01202 677340 Ansbury, Poole 01202 677557 Autism Wessex, Christchurch 01202 483360
Rotary International District 1110, Wimborne 01202 882277 Sexual Trauma and Recovery Services (STARS), Poole 01202 308840
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MC Plan and Site Services Ltd, Poole 01202 744966 Primmer Olds B.A.S Chartered Surveyors, Bournemouth 01202 013015
E-TEL EXPRESS, Ferndown 01202 874156
Schenker Ltd, Poole 01202 862150
Cyber Security ESET UK, Bournemouth 01202 405405
Day Nurseries
Electrical Services
Environmental Services
Tops Day Nurseries, Bournemouth 01202 551553
Drewlec Electrical Services, Bournemouth 01202 575757
Floodmate, Poole 0800 932690/07790474478
Defence ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD, Dorchester 01305 212400
Digital Agencies Total Guide to Poole, Poole 07814 080119
Display & Storage Suppliers Shopfitting Warehouse, Wimborne 01258 859900
Distribution Clarendon Specialty Fasteners, Swindon 01793 439166 De Monchy Aromatics Ltd, Poole 01202 620888, DigitalAir Wireless, Poole 01202 612400 Kong Company Ltd, Salisbury 01722 783211 Pam International, Poole 07496 388327 Riverside Aromatics Ltd, Poole 01202 679532
Energy Efficiency Services Thermal & Acoustic Solutions Ltd, Christchurch 01202 487463 Utility Point Energy & Telecoms, Poole 03455 577878/03455 570055
Engineering A & M Defence & Marine Services Ltd, Wimborne 01202 828700 Aeronautical & General Instruments Ltd, Poole 01202 689022
Avonwood Developments, Wimborne 01202 868000 AW Precision Engineering Ltd, Poole 01202 710789 Chemring Technology Solutions Ltd, Poole 01202 628155
Bournemouth University, Poole 01202 961961
iec Ltd, Poole 01202 339559
SWRAC, Wimborne 07841 784000 The Bournemouth English Book Centre, Poole 01202 712908 Touchstone Training Ltd, Bournemouth 07903 438381 Weymouth College, Weymouth 01305 208919
Electric Vehicle Charging Apollo Electric Car Chargers, Southampton 01962 790005
April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
Lashings World X1 Ltd, Ferndown 07846 947397 Sandpolo Ltd, Aldeburgh 07796 693796
Facilities Management
G K D Technik Ltd, Wimborne 01202 861961
Solent University, Southampton 02382 013291
Bournemouth 7s, Poole 01202 545630
Aviation & Defence Spares, Poole 01202 768667
Bournemouth and Poole College, Poole 01202 205500
Skills & Learning Adult Community Education, Poole 01202 262300
BH Live, Bournemouth 01202 055555
UKSV, Ringwood 01425 480444
Downhole Tools International Ltd, Poole 01202 690001
PETA Limited, Portsmouth 02392 538700
Event Management & Equipment
Aish Technologies, Poole 01202 307082
Aurora Boveridge College, Wimborne 01725 551247 boveridgecollege
Kingston Maurward Enterprises Ltd (KME), Dorchester 01305 215000
SUEZ recycling and recovery UK, Maidenhead 0800 093 1103
IS-Rayfast Ltd, Swindon 01793 439136 Lab21 Healthcare Ltd, Bridport 01308 421829 Littlemore Scientific Engineering, Gillingham 01747 835550 Modulift UK Ltd, Poole 01202 621511 Reidsteel, Christchurch 01202 483333 Safi Valves Ltd, Poole 01202 624618 Smiths Metal Centres Ltd, Verwood 01202 893755 Spherea Test & Services Limited, Christchurch 01202 872800
Candour Facilities Management Limited, Ringwood 07766 397605
Financial Services Apex CB Financial Planning, Poole 01202 622223 Archway Financial Solutions LLP, RINGWOOD 01425 600616 Baggette Wealth Management Ltd, Poole 01202 676983 Bloom Finance Group CIC, Bournemouth 01202 914413, Blue Sky Financial Planning Ltd, Poole 01202 756560 Business Cash Enabler, Bournemouth 07732 627085 Church House Investment Management, Sherborne 01935 382620
Moneycorp, South West London 02078 287000 Mortgage Squared Ltd, Bournemouth 0808 1551807 NFU Mutual West Dorset, Beaminster 01308 862774 Peter Harding Wealth Management, Poole 01202 830730 Quilter Financial Advisers, Ringwood 07736 561429 Redwood Business Finance Ltd, Bournemouth 07702 098884 SG Financial Ltd, Poole 07775 710551 Shrap, Bournemouth 07837 182494 Strategic Solutions Chartered Financial Planners, Bournemouth 01202 769890 Teachers Building Society, Wimborne 01202 843500 Templar Financial Associates , Bournemouth 0345 9001298 The Lewis Workplace Pension Trust, Poole 01202 738650 The Mortgage Explorer, New Milton 01425 627511 TheNonExec, Ringwood 01202 828266 Wavecrest Capital Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 779147 WHIreland Wealth Management, Poole 01202 974111 Y-Not Finance, Ferndown 01202 912182
Food & Drink
Creditplus, Poole 01202 684898
ABP Yetminster, Yetminster 01935 872777
First Capital Finance Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 434000
BV Dairy, Shaftesbury 01747 851855
Ideal Financial Solutions, Poole 01202 916488
Harlees Fish and Chips, Wimborne 01202 602524
Investec Wealth & Investment Limited, Bournemouth 01202 208100
Hincknowle Fruit Farm, Bridport 01308 488765,
Lester Brunt Wealth Management, Wimborne Minster 01202 695801
Tides Marine International Ltd, Poole 01202 656773
Lewis & Co (Investments & Pensions) Limited, Poole 01202 718400
Ultra Electronics ENERGY, Wimborne 01202 850450
Life Matters, Poole 01202 025481
Keith Spicer Ltd, Wimborne 01202 863800 Organix Brands Ltd, Bournemouth 07458 022789 Rossi International Ltd, Wimborne 01258 857210 The Jordans & Ryvita Company, Dorchester 01305 751000
DORSET BUSINESS FOCUS / BUSINESS DIRECTORY The Watercress Company, Dorchester 01305 250875
Funeral Services & Directors F C Douch & Son (Funerals), Wimborne 01202 882936
Holiday Parks Hoburne Ltd, Christchurch 01425 277661 West Dorset Leisure Holidays, Bridport 01308 422139
Home Improvements
International Trade Matters, Bampton 01398 332881
Kimcell Ltd, Dorchester 01202 755300
IST Supplies Ltd, Broadstone 01202 692775
Netriver Systems Limited, Weymouth 02087 060995
Newburgh Networks Limited, Blandford forum 01258 444999
A -One Insurance Group, Ringwood 01425 480700
Nicholas O’Hara Funeral Directors Ltd, Wimborne 01202 882134,
Southern Softflow, Three Legged Cross 01202 828241
Home Technology
A Plan Insurance Poole, Poole 01202 644390
Custom World Dorset Ltd, Ferndown 01202 896816
Living Home Technology , Poole 01202 775133
Alan & Thomas Insurance Group, Poole 01202 754900
SecQuest Information Security Ltd, Southampton 0345 19 31 337
G P & J Baker Limited, Poole 01202 266999
Hotels & Conferencing
All Insure Services Ltd, Blandford Forum 01258 488879
Sense IT Support, Ringwood 01425 267267
Coleman Marine Insurance a Gallagher Company, Poole 01202 647400
Target IT Services, Bournemouth 01202 538488
Graphic Design Creative Studios, Wareham 01929 551700
Green Energy Voltalia UK PLC, London W6 07989 494455
Bournemouth Carlton, Bournemouth 03300 283411 Bournemouth Highcliff Marriott Hotel, Bournemouth 01202 557702 Chewton Glen, New Milton 01425 275341
Hotel Du Vin & Bistro Poole, Poole 01202 785570
Bioenergetics Systems Technology Group Ltd, Poole 01202 785888
Kingston Country Courtyard, Corfe Castle 01929 481066
Bridge Health & Wellbeing, Christchurch 01202 473800 BWT Physio, Poole 01202 749514
Marsham Court Hotel, Bournemouth 01202 552111 Minterne Estate, Dorchester 01300 341370
CryoShower, Swanage, 7532889488
RNLI, Poole 03003 007654
DDC Dolphin Limited, Poole 01202 731555
Summer Lodge Hotel, Dorchester 01935 482000
Kestrel Medical Ltd, Broadstone 01202 658444
The Hilton Bournemouth, Bournemouth 01202 804775
Liberty Private Care, Christchurch 01202 800494
Village Hotel Bournemouth , Bournemouth 01202 416147
Livewell Dorset, Weymouth 01305 233105 Nuffield Health Bournemouth Hospital, Bournemouth 01202 702809
Health & Safety A3C (U.K.) Limited, Blandford Forum 07702 013198 CT Health and Safety, Broadstone 07956 074798 DoorTECH Safety Solutions , Ferndown 08458 385906 Fire Door Controls, Ferndown 0845 2260536 Quadrant Safety, Poole 01202 622391/07538900201 Wessex Safety Services LLP, Bournemouth 07850 030791
HR Absolute Works Dorset, Poole 01202 241763/07730 732124 Hillingdon HR, Poole 07795 558648 Jurassic HR, Weymouth 07873 874478 Purple HR Ltd, Wimborne 01202 801047 The HR Team South Coast LTD, Poole 01202 701414 Treenhill Consulting Ltd, Fordingbridge 0330 0010030/07508 424502
Cornish Mutual, Truro 07814929262/ 01872 227151 Coversure Insurance Services (Poole & Weymouth), Poole 01202 929141/01305 457202 Gallagher Insurance Brokers, Bournemouth 08002 988707,
QuoStar Solutions Ltd, Bournemouth 0845 644 0331
Tech Wessex, Weymouth 01305 300320 TECHNEDs Ltd, Poole 03333 031047 The Data Vault, Bournemouth 01202 375079
Kitchen Design
NFU Mutual Wessex, Wareham 01929 553472
Curiel Kitchen Designs, Ferndown 01202 897332/07834 228129
The Insurance Institute of Bournemouth, Bournemouth 01202 518242
Landscape Services
UK Health Insurance, Poole 01202 756352
Interactive 3D & VR CentreVR Limited, Bournemouth 01202 878300
Eazy Garden Ltd, Ferndown 01202 978373
Landscape Supplies & Aggregates Suttle Stone Quarries, Swanage 01929 439444
Laundry Service & Equipment
A B S Computer Systems Ltd, Poole 01202 770900
Tech2Serv Ltd, Bournemouth 07917 542246
C3IA Solutions Limited, Poole 01202 721123
Lifts Supply & Installation
CFA Trading (Refurbished Computers), Poole 0333 666 7771
Bourne Lifts Ltd, Wimborne 01202 582923/07808 813804
Local Authority
Chillblast, Poole 01202 068333
BCP Council, Bournemouth 01202 454630
ENHANCED, Poole 01202 308000
Dorset Council, Dorchester 01305 221000
Glitch IT Limited, Christchurch 01202 237996
Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership , Poole 01202 962719
ITEC Connect Ltd, Wimborne 01202 848866
ITSB, Bournemouth 03300 881 335
A & E Connock (Perfumery & Cosmetics) Ltd, Wimborne 01425 653367
Import/Export Services
Juice Broadband, Poole 01202 332331
A B Precision (Poole) Ltd, Poole 01202 665000
EMONA PARTNERS LTD., Bournemouth 07961 094428
Keyfort Ltd, Bournemouth 08448 014580
Abbey Supply Co Ltd, Poole 01202 623258
ViewHR Ltd, Ringwood 01425 205390
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DORSET BUSINESS FOCUS / BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ability Projects Ltd, Poole 01202 305800
Field International Limited, Poole 01202 676331
Nexus Cooling Ltd, Poole 01202 250100
Violegen, Poole 01202 026656
AlfaTronix Ltd, Poole 01202 715517
FireSTOP Manufacturing Ltd, Dorchester 01305 213112
Nunet Ltd, Ringwood 01202 821572
Wessex Filters Ltd, Poole 01202 671671,
Alltrista Plastics Limited, Christchurch 01202 483636
Flowbird Transport Limited, Poole 01202 339339
Oakmount Control Systems Ltd, Yeovil 07812 653583
Ashland Industries Europe – ISP Microcaps UK Ltd, Poole 01202 627352
Focal Point Fires, Christchurch 01202 499330
Packline Ltd, Poole 01202 307700
Gemini 2000 Ltd, Poole 01202 666700
Physicool Ltd, Dorchester 07778 274265
Get Fresh Cosmetics Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 859059
Polyhose (UK) Ltd, Christchurch 01202 478334
Greens Combustion, Poole 01202 607563
Precision Acoustics Ltd, Dorchester 01305 264669
Griff IVD Ltd, Yeovil 07778 997464
Primetals Technologies Limited, Christchurch 01202 331000
ASM Assembly Systems (Weymouth)., Weymouth 01305 760760 BEST Fittings Ltd, Gillingham 01747 312672 BOFA International Ltd, Poole 01202 699444 Bowmill Engineering Ltd, Poole 01202 266266
Hamworthy Combustion Engineering, Poole 01202 662717
WRES Ltd, Poole 01202 674480 Wyndham Page Ltd, Poole 01202 734656
Marine Actisense, Poole 01202 746682 Fireboy Xintex UK Operations Ltd., Poole 08453 899462
Marketing PR & Web Developers Aylesworth Fleming, Bournemouth 01202 295723
R. Hamilton & Co. Ltd, Mere 01747 860088
B4B Marketing, Poole 01202 684400
Hamworthy Heating Limited, Poole 01202 662500
Rowland Sandwith Ltd, Wimborne 01202 882323
Biddable Media Consultancy, Poole 07951 448452
C.C.Moore & Co Ltd, Sturminster Newton 01963 362234
Heatric Division of Meggitt (UK) Ltd, Poole 01202 627084
S K C Ltd, Blandford Forum 01258 480188
BWR Web Design, Bournemouth 07752 444377
Caleva Process Solutions Ltd, Sturminster Newton 01258 471122
Honeywell Analytics Ltd, Poole 01202 676161
Sargasso Worldwide Industrial Limited, Sturminster Newton 07743 877690
Caron Khan Consultancy, Bournemouth 07967 524578
British Diamond Wire Die Co Ltd, Poole 01202 745104 C R Instruments ltd, Christchurch 01202 989822
Carlisle Fluid Technologies UK Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 571111 Caterpillar Marine Power UK Ltd, Wimborne 01202 796000 CBRNergetics Ltd, Poole 01202 800298 CDA Products Limited, Shaftesbury 01747 352999 Concept Cables Ltd, Blandford Forum 01258 480603 Confex Technology Ltd, Poole 01202 881466 Coty International BV, Bournemouth 01202 524141, Cygnus Instruments Ltd, Dorchester 01305 265533 Darlena Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 302010 Denis Wick Products Ltd, Poole 01202 665100 Dometic Group Ltd, Blandford Forum 03446 260141 Electronic Technicians Ltd, Wimborne 01202 897722 Enovation Controls Ltd, Salisbury 01722 410055 Farrow & Ball, Wimborne 01202 876141
April 2021 | Dorset Business Focus
Hydreco Hydraulics Limited, Poole 01202 627500 I C B Waterproofing, Poole 01202 785200 I C Brindle & Co Ltd, Broadstone 01202 657814 Industrial Abrasives Ltd, Christchurch 01202 303362 Ishida Europe, Poole 01202 466300 Kallo Foods Ltd, Camberley 01276 609000 KVP EU Ltd, Beaminster 01308 867020 Lillidale Ltd, Wimborne 01202 848456 Lotek UK Ltd, Wareham 01929 552992 Lush Manufacturing Ltd, Poole 01202 664040
Senscient, Poole 01202 606460 Siemens Traffic Mobility, Poole 01202 782000 Sigma-Aldrich, Poole 0800 717181 Solentim Ltd, Wimborne 01202 798510 Sontronics, Poole 01202 722583 Strouden Joinery, Poole 01202 696123 Sunseeker International, Poole 01202 382222 Superior Seals Limited, Wimborne 01202 854335 Tecan Ltd , Weymouth 01305 765432 Thompson Valves Ltd, Poole 01202 647827
Magicard Ltd, Weymouth 01305 470000
Time & Data Systems International Ltd, Poole 01202 723535
Marden Edwards Ltd, Wimborne 01202 861200
Trimetals Limited, Blandford Forum 01258 459441
Neal’s Yard Remedies, Gillingham 01747 834665
Tyrol Tyre Sealant Manufacturer, Christchurch 01202 470257/07710 491310
NETZSCH Pumps & Systems Ltd, Dorchester 01935 483900
Vapormatic UK Limited, Exeter 01392 435461
Darren Northeast PR Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 676762 Digital Storm Limited, Bournemouth 01202 298392 Dorset Media, Ferndown 07516 679004 Dorset Tech, Gillingham 01258 808577 Insightful UX Ltd, Poole 01202 912760 Intergage Ltd, Wimborne 01202 684009 Key Digital Agency Ltd, Dorchester 01305 542000, Sturminster Newton 01258 807695 We Are 778 Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 778800
Media & Film Dorset Biz News Ltd, Poole 07838 858228 Global Brand Communications, Bournemouth 01202 727070 Image Republic Ltd, Wimborne 01202 820555 Plato Video Ltd, Bournemouth 07557 448526 The Blackmore Vale, Sturminster Newton 01258 472572
DORSET BUSINESS FOCUS / BUSINESS DIRECTORY The Minster Press, Wimborne 01202 882277
Rubicon Recruitment Group, Poole 01202 680311
Motivational Speaker & Trainer
The Print Agency, Wimborne 01202 872777
Peter Radford Speaker, Sturminster Newton 07884 946219/ 01258820897
Xerocad Limited, Ferndown 01202 897297
Sheridan Maine Recruitment Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 970970
Wave 105, Fareham 01489 481057
The Inspiration Bureau Ltd, Bournemouth 07717 870390
Motoring Sales & Servicing Bionanovate Limited, Poole 01202 695999 Breeze Volkswagen, Poole 01202 713000
Property Management Estatesman, Sherborne 01935 319777, GH Property Management Ltd, Southampton 03453 080988
Property Sales and Rental ASN Capital, Bournemouth 01202 771441
E T S Truck & Van, Poole 01202 669339
Basepoint Centres Limited, Bourenmouth 01202 331700
Hendy Group, Eastleigh 023 8024 2616
D J Property, Weymouth 01305 778896
Marshall BMW/MINI, Bournemouth 01202 535535
Goadsby & Harding (Survey & Valuation) Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 550000
OKO Global LLP, Tiverton 02078 703156 Poole Audi, Poole 01202 775050 Star Tech Ltd, Poole 01202 694758 Volvo Cars Poole, Poole 01202 065555
Notary Services Paul Wintle Notary Public, Bournemouth 01202 267818
Office Furniture Osmond Ergonomics, Wimborne 01202 850550
Office Supplies Ace Office Environments Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 240000
Patents & Trademarks
James Drewitt & Son Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 575757 Move On Sales and Lettings, Poole 01202 711169
Public Relations & Marketing Consultants Deep South Media Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 534487 Liz Lean PR, Poole 01202 701828 Perceptions Marketing Solutions, Weymouth 07739 582608
Publications IMS Group, Bournemouth 01202 611100 LOCALiQ, Bournemouth 01202 554601
IP Consult, Swanage 01929 421925
Pulford Publicity Ltd (inc. Mags4Dorset & Brightbox Designs), Ferndown 01202 870270
PHARMAQ Ltd, Fordinbridge 01425 656081
Aspire Jobs Ltd, Ringwood 07974 429217
Bijou Recruitment, Bournemouth 07941 319420
Andrew Plant Photography & Video, Wimborne 01202 886375
Hardy Recruitment, Poole 01202 232520
South Coast Virtual Tours, Highcliffe 01425 333161
Mploy Staffing Solutions Ltd, Poole 01202 668360
Printing Services & Supplies
Oyster Recruitment Limited, Poole 03333 443034
C M P Printing Limited, Poole 01202 739993
REED Specialist Recruitment, Bournemouth 01202 585585,
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TeamJobs, Poole 01202 445700 The Work Shop, Ringwood 01425 489393
Recycling & Waste Eco Sustainable Solutions, Christchurch 01202 593601 W & S Waste Management Ltd, Poole 01202 675564
Removals & Storage BH Storage Limited t/a easyStorage, Poole 01202 932299 Leatherbarrows Removals & Storage Ltd, Christchurch 01202 578581 Maidmans Moving and Storage Limited, Poole 01202 681 397 Store & Secure Self Storage, Bournemouth 01202 520220
Retail Brewery Square, Dorchester 01305 267777 Dacombes of Wimborne, Wimborne 01202 882615 New Look Retailers LTD, Weymouth 01305 765000, Poole 01202 048630 Party Boutique, Bournemouth 01202 941229 The Paddock Pantry Ltd, Sturminster Newton 01258 473336
Serviced Offices Bayside Business Centre Ltd, Poole 01202 282042 BizSpace Poole & Christchurch, Poole 01202 853100/01202 031087
Signage Signs Express Bournemouth, Christchurch 01202 797239 bournemouth
Social Media Agency South Coast Social Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 985022
Software/ Cloud Services Chittak, Bournemouth 01202 611711 Dorset Creative, Bournemouth 01202 237899 KFA Connect, Ringwood 01425 484445 Provulo, Weybridge 07503 267160 Rifu UK Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 923222 Servana Managed Services Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 026522 Solweb Ltd, Ferndown Industrial Estate 01202 232846 Spyrosoft Ltd, Ferndown 01202 862311 Talk Think Do, Wimborne 01202 375647
Solar/Green Energy W H White Limited, Wimborne 01202 612504,
Solicitors Barker Brettell LLP, Southampton 02380 336970
Watt to Wear Ltd, Wiveliscombe 01984 622010
Battens Solicitors Ltd, Dorchester 01305 250560
Retail & Commercial Interiors
Coles Miller Solicitors LLP, Poole 01202 673011
Creative Retail Solutions, Poole 01202 233088
Dutton Gregory Solicitors LLP, Bournemouth 01202 315005
Kiwi Design, Verwood 01202 822634
School Meals Provider Forerunner – School Meals, Bournemouth 01202 434555
Security Smart Homeworks, Bournemouth 01202 309503 Vanguard Security Services Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 523573
Ellis Jones Solicitors LLP, Bournemouth 01202 525333 Frettens LLP, Christchurch 01202 499255 Humphries Kirk, Wareham 01305 251007 Laceys Solicitors LLP, Bournemouth 01202 557256 Lester Aldridge LLP, Bournemouth 01202 786161
DORSET BUSINESS FOCUS / BUSINESS DIRECTORY Matthew and Matthew, Bournemouth 01202 437179 Paris Smith LLP, Southampton 023 8048 2482 Preston Redman LLP, Bournemouth 01202 292424
Telecommunications 4Com plc, Bournemouth 03304 444444 Buzz Networks Ltd, Poole 02034 888812
Intelligent Land, Ferndown 01202 570471
Yellow Buses, Bournemouth 01202 636046
Arena4Finance, Wimborne 01202 849691
Ally Case Travel Counsellors for Leisure., Bournemouth 01202 375180
Scott Walby LLP, Wimborne 01202 888300
Citrus Telecommunications Ltd, Bournemouth 03451 939393
Aspire Training Team, Bournemouth 01202 551553
Steele Raymond LLP, Bournemouth 01202 204598
City Fibre Holding Ltd, Bournemouth 02035 100602
Aspire4Business, Poole 07802 322828
Stowe Family Law LLP, Christchurch 01202 113664 bournemouth
Crystal Clear Telecom Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 941040
Dragonfly Wellness Dorset, Shaftesbury 07979 052236
ElemenTel, Romsey 0330 024 8998
Exalt Training Ltd, Wareham 07889 502247
Grapevine (Telecoms & IT), Poole 01202 644434
Locomotivation, Poole 01202 567204
International Push to Talk Ltd, Christchurch 01202 240366
Micro Nav Limited, Bournemouth 01202 764444
Trethowans, Bournemouth 01202 338585
Sports & Leisure AFC Bournemouth, Bournemouth 01202 726322 Bowl Central, Bournemouth 01202 093000 Dorset County Football Association, Poole 01202 682375 Hoburne Golf, Verwood 01202 814088 Individuality Swimming Ltd, Poole 01202 031701 www.individualityswimmingandfitness. Muc-Off Ltd, Poole 01202 307790 Rock Reef (Bournemouth Pier), Bournemouth 01202 983983 Rockley Watersports Ltd, Poole 01202 677272 Thrive Personal Training Limited, Bournemouth 07900 692014
Phones 4 Business Limited, Bournemouth 01202 705030 Squire Technologies Ltd, Dorchester 01305 757314 Telesoft Technologies Ltd, Blandford 01258 480880 Town & Country Communications, Bournemouth 01202 514444 TTS Media & Communications Ltd, Beaminster 01308 888020, https://www.facebook. com/groups/247229492149705
Condor Ferries Ltd, Poole 03456 091030 Katharine Cleall Travel Counsellors for Business., Ringwood 01202 802166 cleall
Utilities D&A Procurement Ltd, Bournemouth 07956 311336 Utilities 4 Less Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 800200
Vehicle Leasing
Ouch Training Team Ltd, Wimborne 01202 880999
Autoclub Car Leasing, Bournemouth 01202 925853
thatLIFT, Verwood 07713 049117
Dorset Car Leasing, Poole 07881 702500
Transport & Logistics
Vehicle Rental
Bournemouth Swanage Motor Road & Ferry Co, Swanage 01929 450203
Abacus Vehicle Hire - Horton Commercials, Wimborne 01202 877790
Brittany Ferries, Poole 08712 440411
U-Drive, Poole 01202 747275
Channel Seaways Ltd, Poole 01481 723400
Windows & Double Glazing Dorset Windows Ltd, Wimborne 01202 825225
VoIP Unlimited, Poole 01202 612000
John Pipe Limited, Poole 01202 715888
Tool Hire & Sales
More Bus / Excelsior Coaches, Poole 01202 338420
Site Safety Limited, Wimborne 01202 870555 The Embroidery Barn, Dorchester 01305 251659 Tower Supplies, Poole 01202 718000
EquipAxxess Limited, Bournemouth 01202 768383
Town Planning Consultants
Poole Harbour Commissioners, Poole 01202 440210
Portman Stone Limited, Christchurch 01202 484340
Chapman Lily Planning Ltd, Wareham 01929 553818
The Avocado Shop Ltd, Chobham 07925 431589
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