February 2020 Issue Painting World Magazine

Page 36




Sand the entire plate and lid with fine sandpaper. Paint all surfaces Antique Maroon. Sand all surfaces Apply second coat of Antique Maroon. Sand all urfaces lightly until smooth. Spray the entire plate and lid with matte finishing spray. Mix Walnut Oil into a small amount of dark red mixture to an ink consistency. Using the #4 flat brush, paint the entire top of the lid. Allow this to dry completely. Trace and transfer designs to plate and lid.

PAINT PALETTE: RED: Dark mixture – Equal parts Alizarin Crimson + Burnt Umber. (AC+ BU) Middle mixture – Equal parts Cadmium Red Light + Burnt Sienna. (CRL + BS) Light mixture – Cadmium Red Light. (CRL) YELLOW: Dark mixture – Burnt Sienna (BS) Middle mixture – Yellow Ochre (YO) Light mixture – Equal parts Yellow Ochre (YO) + Titanium White (TW) + touch BU WHITE: Dark mixture – Yellow Ochre (YO) Middle mixture – Unbleached Titanium (UT) Light mixture – Titanium White (TW) GREEN: Dark mixture – Equal parts Prussian Blue (PB) + Burnt Sienna + Burnt Umber Middle mixture – Add Ivory Black to Cadmium Yellow Light to achieve medium moss green Light mixture – same as light yellow mixture


INSTRUCTIONS: YELLOW SCROLLS: Using the #2 flat brush, load with middle yellow, and paint a stroke down the middle of the scroll, leaving the edges unpainted. Wipe the brush and re-load with YO. Side load into the BS. Paint, press, and blend the inner edge of the scroll. Wipe and re-load with YO. Side load with light yellow mixture and paint the outer edge of the scroll. Using the #2 filbert, load with light yellow mixture. Paint the “c” stroke that forms the knob of the scroll. Using the liner and thinned light yellow, paint a stroke just under the “c” stroke, rounding and pressing as you paint it. With liner, and thinned BS, Paint the inner edge of the scroll. Using the teardrop brush, load with thinned lightyellow mixture. Touch the tip of the brush into the BS. Paint the 2 teardrops on the inside of the scroll. Place 3 dots of light mixture at the base of the scroll with thinned paint and a stylus. Place a dot at the upper, inner edge of the scroll knob. GREEN LEAVES: Using the #2 flat OR filbert, paint a stroke of middle green from tip of the leaf to the base leaving the edges unpainted. Wipe the brush and reload with middle mix and side load with dark green mix. Paint, press, and blend as you form the dark side of the leaf. Wipe the brush and load with light green mix. Paint, press, and blend as you form the light side of the leaf. Using thinned paint and the liner brush, outline the dark side of the leaf with dark green. As you paint this stroke, you will end at the tip of the leaf, lift slightly, and continue to paint the little extra stroke at the tip of the leaf. Outline the inner edge with thinned light green mix. Also, paint 2 vein lines with thinned light green following the contour of the leaf.

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