Oreo chocolate truffles recipes

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Oreo Chocolate Truffles Recipes You can never go wrong with Oreo and paired with silky cream cheese and chocolate, it becomes an unbeatable combination. It is made using only three ingredients, these truffles are easy to whip up for all those surprise parties and get together at a short notice. Learn this simple recipe and surprise your loved ones.

Image Courtesy : gimmesomeoven.com

Time Chart Preparation Time : 20 minutes Cooking Time : 5 minutes Serves: 6 / 7 Essential Ingredients : 1 packet Oreo cookies Cream Cheese : 1 cup Milk Chocolate : 1 ½ cup


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Crush the cookies in a food processor to fine crumbs. Add the cream cheese and blend well. Roll into small sized balls. Melt the chocolate over a double boiler till fully melted. Dip the balls in the melted chocolate and lift them using forks. Allow the excess chocolate to drip. Place these on a baking sheet or wax paper and refrigerate till set. Decorate with leftover crumbs or chocolate vermicelli.

Make delicious Oreo chocolate truffles with the below recommended Bakeware products.    

Oster Mini Chopper Silico Pat Cookie Sheet (270 x 420 mm) - SC-040 Silico Spatula Big - SC-033 Dinette Jade Cutlery Set of 25 Pcs

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