從2013年到2019年,“創不同”學院獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助,舉辦「累積學習計劃」,支持眾多創新實踐者探索改變社會的行動,培育了近80個社會項目。 這些創新者各有不同的目標和實踐方式,但同樣致力於建構更多元、可持續發展和富人文關懷的社會。本書總結歷年參加者的心路歷程,在這充滿挑戰的時代,希望關心社會的朋友可從中找到啟發和力量。From 2013 to 2019, the Make a Difference School has enlisted hundreds of aspiring changemakers and incubated close to 80 social projects through its “Accumulator Scheme” with funding support from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. Taking diverse approaches for a variety of concerns, the changemakers share the common goal of contributing to a more pluralistic, sustainable and humanistic society. This book is a compilation of the various paths taken. In challenging times, we hope that these stories will offer inspiration to those who wish to make a change.