Flying High for Saudi Arabia - Level 2 - Workbook

Page 57

What’s next?  Lesson 3

2 Writing a Look at these sentences. Put a check (✔) in the box you think most appropriate. The population will increase in cities and decrease in the country.



Definitely not

1 The Earth will continue to get warmer and weather conditions will change. 2 Public transportation won’t improve. 3 People will live in complexes which include stores, offices, etc. 4 Most shopping will be done on the Internet. 5 Most people won’t go to work, but will work from home. 6 People won’t work so much and will have more free time. b Now use your answers to write a paragraph about how you see the future. Use will and won’t and add some ideas of your own. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Unit 9


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