Machynlleth comedy festival 2014

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Festival Team & Credits / Tîm yr Ŵyl a Chydnabyddiaethau

A very warm-welcome to the wonderful town of Machynlleth as we celebrate our 5th birthday in style. It’s our biggest and best line-up yet. We’ve squeezed even more comics into rooms around the historic market town for your enjoyment.

Croeso cynnes iawn i dref hyfryd Machynlleth wrth i ni ddathlu ein pen-blwydd yn 5 oed mewn steil. Dyma’n trefn fwyaf ac orau eto. Rydym wedi gwasgu hyd yn oed yn fwy o ddigrifwyr i ystafelloedd o amgylch y dref farchnad hanesyddol i chi eu mwynhau.

In addition to the hundreds of comedians, we’ve introduced a dedicated theatre programme, music curated by friend of the festival Sweet Baboo, our annual cabaret spectacular from Mary Bijou, and our most exciting children and family programme yet.

Yn ogystal â’r cannoedd o ddigrifwyr, rydym wedi cyflwyno rhaglen theatr bwrpasol, cerddoriaeth wedi’i churadu gan gyfaill i’r ŵyl Sweet Baboo, ein cabaret blynyddol ysblennydd gan Mary Bijou, a’n rhaglen blant a theulu fwyaf cyffrous eto.

The woodland stage makes a very welcome return, along with the steam train and sweet shop gigs. But of course, we’ve also planned some new adventures with a gig on a mountain, and inside of another, as well as all the usual treats and surprises on the weekend itself.

Mae’r llwyfan coetir yn dychwelyd i groeso mawr, ynghyd â’r gigiau trên stêm a siop losin. Ond wrth gwrs, rydym hefyd wedi cynllunio anturiaethau newydd gyda gig ar fynydd, a thu mewn i un arall, yn ogystal â’r pleserau a’r pethay annisgwyl arferol ar y penwythnos ei hun.

We’re taking the festival back to its spiritual home at the Owain Glyndwr Centre with the introduction of a cosy late-night bar in the Senedd, whilst on the lawns of Y Plas we’ve quadrupled our ale festival offering with 24 different beers to try. And of course all your favourite food vendors are back to keep you fed throughout your stay.

Rydym yn mynd â’r ŵyl yn ôl i’w chartref ysbrydol yng Nghanolfan Owain Glyndŵr gan gyflwyno bar clyd hwyr y nos yn y Senedd, ac ar lawntiau’r Plas mae ein gŵyl gwrw bedair gwaith y maint, gan gynnig 24 o gwrw gwahanol i chi roi cynnig arnynt. Ac wrth gwrs, mae eich hoff werthwyr bwyd i gyd yn ôl i’ch bwydo chi drwy gydol eich ymweliad.

It’s a very special year for everyone involved in the Machynlleth Comedy Festival and we can’t wait to celebrate with a weekend filled with laughter, good times, and friends.

Mae’n flwyddyn arbennig iawn i bawb sy’n rhan o Ŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth, a dy’n ni’n methu aros i ddathlu gyda phenwythnos llawn chwerthin, amserau da, a chyfeillion.

Have fun!


r Ltd Henry Widdicombe and Emma Butler, Little Wande

Machynlleth Comedy Festival 2

Festival Directors/Cyfarwyddwyr yr Ŵyl Henry Widdicombe, Emma Butler. Festival Operations Manager/Rheolwr Gweithrediadau’r Ŵyl Steve Pickup. Artist Liaison Manager/Rheolwr Cyswllt â’r Artistiaid Clare Nightingale. Volunteer Manager/Rheolwr Gwirfoddoli Helen O’Donnell. Technical Manager/RheolwrTechnegol Adam Cobley. Box Office Managers/Rheolwyr y Swyddfa Docynnau Laura Keating, Nick Rose. Children and Family Manager/Rheolwr Plant a Theuluoedd Hazel Anderson. Theatre Manager/Rheolwr Theatr Lisa Heledd Jones. Site Manager/Rheolwr Safle Pete Dobbing. Venue Managers/ Rheolwyr Lleoliadau Kate Simons, Katy Wilkes, Katie Hall, Hugh Russell, Alexandra Adey, Clara McMenamin, Shaun Lothian, Zoe Fell, Sam Roberts, Ian Rigby. Volunteer Leaders/Arweinwyr Gwirfoddoli Andy Dudfield, Jonny Bull. Artist Liaison/Cyswllt â’r Artistiaid Sarah Hazel, Lauren Nightingale, Alex Hall, Toni Tippett. Senior Technician Joel Clements. Technicians/Technegwyr Andy Thomas, Rod Edwards, Leigh McAndrew, Misha Anker, Rowan Woodhouse, James Mahoney, Charlie Bull, James Lowey, Alice Greening, Jonathan Esp, Sion Pugh, Dave Brush. Welsh Language Events/Digwyddiadau Cymraeg Daniel Glyn. Music Programming/Rhaglen Gerddoriaeth Sweet Baboo. Cabaret Programming George Orange – Mary Bijou Cabaret. Press Office/Swyddfa’r Wasg Andy Richards, Adam Wilcox ( Festival Photography/Gŵyl Ffotograffiaeth Ed Moore (, Ian Greenland ( MONTY TRENT. Film/Ffilm Ryan Owen and Sara Watkin. Design/Dylunio Dickie Dwyer ( Web/Y we Dan Abel ( Festival App/Ap yr Wyl James Mahoney, Dave Brush. Welsh Translation/ Cyfieithiad Cymraeg Steffan Alun. Volunteer Crew/Criw Gwirfoddolwyr Alyson Fielding, Carl Chapple, Sarah Vaile, Nick Rose, Jem Jenkins-Jones, Alex Jones, Rhian Clugston, Colin Edwards, Steven Greenaway, Nick Oram, Steph Smith, Catrin Jones, Mark Jones, Sarah Kalwarowsky, Sam Phillips, Josie Russel, Katy Funnell, Andrej Krbyla, Rachel Allen, Ben Kavanagh, Clare Turner, Glen Gair, Lora Elliot, Sinead Wheeler, Eve Baird (Correct at time of going to print) (Yn gywir wrth fynd i’r wasg)










Train Station



T H E OWA IN GLYN DŴ R C E N T R E Box Office, Senedd Bar, Food stalls AENGWYN

Losin Lush














GETTING AROUND MYND O GWMPAS Bigtop Tent, Pabell Pys Melys, Beech Bar, Food

WC Machynlleth Comedy Festival 4

Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 5


L Y Ŵ R ’ U A BARI Proudly celebrating 5 years in partnership with Machynlleth Comedy Festival, we are delighted to once again welcome the awardwinning Waen Brewery to supply the finest quality ales to our festival goers across the weekend. As well as stocking our all-new late night watering hole (the Senedd Bar at Owain Glyndwr), they have also curated a jawdropping 24 cask festiv-ale on the lawn at Y Plas which showcases their own products alongside a fine selection from five of their favourite Welsh breweries. Iechyd da! THE WAEN BREWERY The Waen Brewery is a family run Micro Brewery based less than 20 miles from Machynlleth. Their bottled and kegged craft beers are now in high demand across the UK, bringing them much deserved widespread critical acclaim for their quality brand of Hellish Good Beer. Most recently, their Chilli Plum Porter and Blackberry Stout both scooped prizes at SIBA 2013 to add to a rapidly filling trophy cabinet!


Gan ddathlu 5 mlynedd falch mewn partneriaeth â Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth, mae’n bleser gennym unwaith eto groesawu Bragdy’r Waen arobryn i gyflenwi cwrw o’r ansawdd gorau i fynychwyr yr ŵyl ar draws y penwythnos. Yn ogystal â chyflenwi ein bar hwyr newydd sbon (Bar y Senedd yn Owain Glyndŵr), maent hefyd wedi curadu gŵyl gwrw 24 casgen anhygoel ar y lawnt yn Y Plas yn arddangos eu cynhyrchion eu hunain ochr yn ochr â detholiad gwych o bump o’u hoff fragdai Cymreig. Iechyd da!

This year we’ve gone all out to get everything racked and tapped from the off with a choice of 24 cask ales available at our Beech Bar on the Plas lawn, all handpicked by brewmaster Sue at the Waen Brewery. A sight to behold, make sure you give yourself plenty of thinking time before you start to order! As ever, the bar will also serve a selection of local ciders along with wine, spirits, soft drinks and other draught products, making sure there is a tipple there to tickle all fancies. The full list of ales along with tasting notes will be available on the weekend but to give you a chance to plan ahead, here’s some more information on the breweries and products which will be pouring at the festival...


Eleni, rydym wedi gwneud pob ymdrech i ddechrau’r cyffro o’r cychwyn gyda dewis o 24 cwrw casgen ar gael yn ein Beech Bar ar lawnt y Plas, wedi’u dewis yn bersonol gan y bragwr Sue ym Mragdy’r Waen. Mae’n wledd i’r llygaid - gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn treulio digon o amser yn meddwl cyn i chi ddechrau archebu! Fel arfer, bydd y bar hefyd yn cynnig detholiad o seidrau lleol ynghyd â gwin,

BRAGDY’R WAEN Mae Bragdy’r Waen yn fusnes bragdy micro a redir gan deulu llai nag 20 milltir o Fachynlleth. Mae galw mawr am eu cwrw crefft potel a barilan ar draws y DU bellach, gan ennill clod feirniadol eang haeddiannol iddynt am eu brand o Hellish Good Beer o safon. Yn fwyaf diweddar, enillodd eu Chilli Plum Porter a Stowt Mwyar Duon wobrau yn SIBA 2013 er mwyn ychwanegu at gabinet tlysau sy’n llenwi’n gyflym! rS aste Brewm


gwirodydd, diodydd meddal a chynhyrchion drafft eraill, gan wneud yn siwr bod llymaid at ddant pawb. Bydd y rhestr lawn o gwrw ynghyd â nodiadau blasu ar gael ar y penwythnos, ond i roi cyfle i chi gynllunio ymlaen llaw, dyma fwy o wybodaeth am y bragdai a’r cynnyrch a fydd ar gael yn yr ŵyl ..


Our festiv-ale hosts, the Waen Brewery will be showcasing their most popular ales including:


Bydd cyflwynwyr gŵyl gwrw’r ŵyl, Bragdy’r Waen, yn cynnig eu cwrw mwyaf poblogaidd gan gynnwys

Traditional Welsh Ale 3.7% ABV Pale ale, sweet malts, UK hops Blackberry Stout 3.8 % ABV

Multi award winning stout. Coffee and dark fruit

Janner’s Pride 4.0% ABV

Malty conker coloured ale, with hints of whisky and ginger

Festival Gold 4.2 % ABV

Golden ale, crisp malts and lovely bitter hops

Landmark 5.5 % ABV

Gold medal winner IPA

Chilli Plum Porter 6.1 % ABV

Multi award winning - dark fruit, subtle green chilli. Beer Bods beer of the year 2013

There will also be one or two of the limited edition Gravity Series beer. Call into the Beech Bar on the Plas Lawn for full details on these and all the other guests ales.

Bydd hefyd un neu ddau gwrw cyfyngedig Cyfres Gravity i’w gadarnhau. Galwch i mewn i’r Beech Bar ar lawnt y Plas am fanylion llawn am yr holl gwrw hyn a chwrw gwadd eraill.


As a micro-brewery, Otley Brewing Co are dedicated to the craft of producing Welsh ale with a difference. They believe in using the highest quality ingredients with every effort made to source their produce from the local area, including fresh Breconshire water and the finest malts and hops available. Once they have all our essential ingredients, they can begin the science, the art that is brewing. Fel bragdy micro, mae Otley Brewing Co yn ymroddedig i’r grefft o gynhyrchu cwrw Cymreig gyda gwahaniaeth. Maent yn credu mewn defnyddio’r cynhwysion o’r safon uchaf gyda phob ymdrech i gael eu cynnyrch o’r ardal leol, gan gynnwys dŵr ffres Sir Frycheiniog a’r brag a’r hopys gorau ar gael. Unwaith y byddant wedi casglu’r holl gynhwysion hanfodol, gallant ddechrau’r wyddoniaeth, crefft bragu.


Y Bragdy Mws Piws / The Purple Moose Brewery is a ‘10-Barrel’ micro-brewery based in the historic harbour town of Porthmadog, North Wales, close to the mountains of Snowdonia. Brewing commenced on 14th June 2005 with a one-off special pale ale at 3.5% called “No.1” Mae’r Bragdy Mŵs Piws yn fragdy micro ‘10 casgen’ yn nhref harbwr hanesyddol Porthmadog, Gogledd Cymru, yn agos at fynyddoedd Eryri. Dechreuon nhw fragu ar 14 Mehefin 2005 gyda chwrw arbennig golau unigryw o 3.5% o’r enw “No. 1”


Established in 2011 by Buster Grant, one of Wales’ best known brewers, Brecon Brewing have created a range of beers full of flavour and character inspired by the dramatic locality, working with the local community and reigniting interest in Brecon. Sefydlwyd yn 2011 gan Buster Grant, un o fragwyr mwyaf adnabyddus Cymru, mae Brecon Brewing wedi creu amrywiaeth o gwrw llawn blas a chymeriad a ysbrydolwyd gan yr ardal leol ddramatig, gan weithio gyda’r gymuned leol ac ailgynnau’r diddordeb yn Aberhonddu.


Beer fashioned as an artform for exuberance. Welsh Craft Sommelier Tom and his brewing brothers at The Celt Experience exploit their natural penchant for craft beer to experiment with natures tools. A stray brewery absent in time chasing emotions reflected in their ancestors.

Machynlleth Comedy Festival 8


A 10 barrel microbrewery based in Henllan North Wales making flavour packed assertive beers for the discerning drinker. Bragdy 10 casgen yn Henllan, Gogledd Cymru yn gwneud cwrw pendant llawn blas i yfwr deallus

Cwrw wedi’i greu fel crefft afiaith. Mae’r sommelier crefft Gymreig Tom a’i frodyr bragu yn The Celt Experience yn manteisio ar eu dawn naturiol i grefftio cwrw i arbrofi gydag offer byd natur. Bragdy crwydr ar goll mewn amser yn ceisio emosiynau a adlewyrchir yn eu cyndadau.

Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 9


The Senedd (Parliament) Bar is a new addition for 2014 and part of the much-loved Owain Glyndwr Centre, home to three performance spaces as well as the festival’s spiritual hub out on the lawn. Housed in the magnificent 16th century building, the bar will be stocked with everything you’d expect plus a plentiful supply of cask and bottled ale from our friends at the Waen Brewery. Whether grabbing a drink on the way into a show or having an extended catch up with friends, we’ll be serving from midday through until 2am! LIVE MUSIC Each evening, the bar will feature acoustic shows from musical guests that have performed over on the Plas stage. Stripped down sets and lovely late night vibes will create the perfect Senedd soundtrack to finish to a hectic day at the festival.

Mae Bar y Senedd yn ychwanegiad newydd ar gyfer 2014 ac yn rhan o ganolfan boblogaidd Owain Glyndŵr, yn gartref i dri man perfformio yn ogystal â chanolbwynt ysbrydol yr ŵyl allan ar y lawnt.

lwyfan y Plas. Bydd setiau symlach ac awyrgylch hwyr y nos yn hyfryd creu’r gerddoriaeth berffaith i’r Senedd i orffen diwrnod prysur yn yr ŵyl.

Wedi’i leoli yn yr adeilad godidog o’r 16eg ganrif, bydd y bar yn cynnwys popeth y byddech yn ei ddisgwyl yn ogystal â chyflenwad digonol o gwrw casgen a photel gan ein ffrindiau ym Mragdy’r Waen. P’un a ydych yn mynnu diod ar y ffordd i sioe neu’n cael sgwrs hir â ffrindiau, byddwn yn gweini o ganol dydd tan 2am!

YR AWYR AGORED Mae drysau Bar y Senedd yn arwain at lawnt Owain Glyndŵr lle bydd bar potel, pabell paentio wynebau, gemau lawnt a dodrefn cyfforddus i ymlacio arnynt drwy gydol y dydd. Wedi i’r haul fachlud, bydd ein pyllau tân yn cynhesu oerfel hwyr y nos. Ychwanegwch ddwy stondin arlwyo flasus, a fyddwch chi ddim eisiau gadael!

CERDDORIAETH FYW Bob nos, bydd y bar yn cynnwys sioeau acwstig gan westeion cerddorol a berfformiodd ar

Hefyd, gallwch ddisgwyl rhai setiau arbennig DJ wrth i sêr comedi llwyfan yr ŵyl ddod i’r deciau a chwarae detholiad o’u hoff ganeuon i chi eu mwynhau!

Also expect some extra-special DJ sets as the festival’s stand-up stars descend on the decks and spin a selection of their favourite tunes for your listening pleasure! OUTSIDE The doors of the Senedd Bar open out onto the Owain Glyndwr lawn where there will be a bottle bar, face painting tent, lawn games and comfy furniture to relax on throughout the day. Once the sun goes down, our fire pits will add a warm glow to your late night chill. Add in two mouth-watering catering stalls and you’ll never want to leave! Machynlleth Comedy Festival 10

Mach Comedy Fest 042

FOOD & DRINK Because we know you like to plan where and when you’ll be fuelling up on delicious treats during your weekend in Machynlleth, here’s a run-down of the festival bars, cafes and stalls. BARS

We have two real ale bars located on site. You’ll find the Beech Bar (including our whopping great Festiv-ale) on the lawns of Y Plas and the all-new Senedd Bar at Owain Glyndwr. The bars will host a range of real ales lovingly curated by the local Waen Brewery, as well as local cider, wine, water and juices. See the bars section for full details.


The Chicken Cow Café: From healthy breakfasts to late night snacks, the Chicken Cow Café serves delicious, nutritious, bootilicious food all day long. We specialise in massive cakes freshly cooked on site, fabulous quiches and oven-baked spuds to warm your cockles. Come and relax on a comfy sofa and sample a slice of Chicken Cow Café cake!* Half our profits will be donated to CAMAD, the volunteer centre for the Dyfi Valley. (*does not contain chicken or cow) Matilda’s Bakehouse is a clay wood-fired oven on wheels, in which sisters Feline and Nia Charpentier bake delicious freshly assembled pizzas. Using only handmade dough, pure mozzarella cheese, homemade tomato sauce, and toppings of seasonal and ethically sourced ingredients. The pizzas are assembled to order and then baked in the 400 degree oven next to the flames in under two minutes. Delicious! The Curry Stall is a family run business passionate about great quality Indian street food. Specialities include a fantastic ‘secret recipe’ chicken curry, Keema Matar (lamb & peas) both served either mild or spicy depending on taste - and delicious vegetarian options all served with speciality rice or wraps! All ingredients are sourced locally wherever possible and served in eco-friendly containers.


Twist and Snout: Get your laughing gear round a ‘Twist and Snout’ handmade gourmet burger, a Falafel burger with all the trimmings, or one of our home reared, free range pork sausage & bacon breakfast baps! All our meat products are high welfare & locally sourced. The Green Goat Cafe: We adhere to the ethos of being Healthy, Hearty & Wholesome, with a little naughtiness on the side! The Green Goat Café is a Machynlleth based events caterer fronted by chefs Claire & Peter. A partnership of love and creativity, the pair take their culinary inspirations from traditional British and world foods. The Green Goat’s use local and ethical produce where possible and can guarantee that they know where their ingredients hail from. At the festival, The Green Goat Café will be offering up a lesson in Mexican Street Food & traditional Mayan recipes alongside our range of artisan baked goods and refreshments - prepare those taste buds for an education in good eating! (*The Green Goat also cater for vegetarian, vegan & gluten free diets)


Caffe Milo: Visit Milo and Estelle at their coffee rickshaw for freshly brewed, fairtrade coffee and tea, as well as homemade cakes and brownies.


The town of Machynlleth has many fine pubs, restaurants, cafes and takeaways. Pick up an information sheet at box office and start exploring what the beautiful town has to offer. Machynlleth Comedy Festival 12

Gan ein bod yn gwybod eich bod yn hoffi cynllunio ble a phryd y byddwch yn manteisio ar ddanteithion blasus yn ystod eich penwythnos ym Machynlleth, dyma restr o fariau, caffis a stondinau’r ŵyl. BARIAU

Mae dau far cwrw ar y safle. Mae’r Beech Bar (gan gynnwys ein Gŵyl Gwrw’r Ŵyl enfawr) ar lawntiau’r Plas ac ym Mar y Senedd newydd sbon ger Owain Glyndŵr. Bydd y bariau’n darparu amrywiaeth o gwrw wedi’u curadu gyda chariad gan fragdy lleol Bragdy’r Waen, yn ogystal â seidr lleol, gwin, dŵr a sudd. Gweler adran y bariau am fanylion llawn.


The Chicken Cow Café: O uwd i frecwast i bopcorn am hanner nos, mae’r Chicken Cow Café yn gweini bwyd blasus, maethlon, bootilicious tan yn hwyr yn y nos. Rydym yn arbenigo mewn cacennau enfawr wedi’u coginio’n ffres ar y safle, quiches gwych gyda’r nos, pasteiod homity a thatws pob i’ch cynhesu. Dewch i ymlacio ar soffa gyfforddus ac i flasu darn o gacen Chicken Cow Café! * Rhoddir hanner ein helw i CAMAD Cymunedol Machynlleth. (*nid yw’n cynnwys iâr na buwch)

wedi’i wneud â llaw, caws mozzarella pur, saws tomato cartref a thopins o gynhwysion tymhorol ac wedi’u tarddu’n foesegol. Rhoddir y pizzas at ei gilydd yn ôl yr archeb, ac yna fe’u pobir yn y ffwrn 400 gradd nesaf at y fflamau mewn llai na dau funud. Hyfryd! Mae’r Curry Stall yn fusnes a redir gan deulu, sy’n angerddol am fwyd stryd Indiaidd o safon gwych. Mae ei arbenigeddau’n cynnwys cyri cyw iâr ‘rysáit cyfrinachol’ ffantastig, Keema Matar (cig oen a phys) - y ddau wedi’u gweini naill ai’n fwyn neu’n sbeislyd gan ddibynnu ar eich chwaeth - a dewisiadau llysieuol blasus, oll wedi’u gweini â reis neu fara lapio arbenigol! Mae’r holl gynhwysion wedi’u tarddu’n lleol lle bynnag y bo’n bosib ac wedi’u gweini mewn cynwysyddion eco-gyfeillgar


Twist and Snout: Bwydwch eich offer chwerthin yn ‘Twist a Snout’ gyda byrgyr gourmet wedi’i wneud â llaw, byrgyr Falafel gyda’r holl drimins, neu un o’n rholiau brecwast selsig porc a chig moch cartref buarth! Mae ein holl gynnyrch cig yn lles uchel ac o ffynhonnell leol.

Mae’r Green Goat yn defnyddio cynnyrch lleol a moesegol lle bo hynny’n bosib, a gallant addo eu bod yn gwybod o ble y daw eu cynhwysion. Yn yr ŵyl, bydd y Green Goat Café yn cynnig gwers mewn bwyd stryd Mecsicanaidd a ryseitiau traddodiadol Maia ochr yn ochr â’n amrywiaeth o nwyddau a lluniaeth wedi’u pobi gan grefftwyr. Paratowch eich tafodau am addysg bwyta’n dda! (*Mae’r Green Goat hefyd yn darparu ar gyfer deietau llysieuol, fegan a heb glwten)


Caffe Milo: Dewch i ymweld â Milo ac Estelle yn eu ricsio coffi am goffi a the masnach deg ffres, yn ogystal â chacennau a brownis cartref.


Mae gan dref Machynlleth lawer o dafarnau, bwytai, caffis a mannau cludfwyd da. Casglwch daflen wybodaeth yn y swyddfa docynnau a dechreuwch chwilio am yr hyn sydd gan y dref brydferth i’w gynnig.

The Green Goat Cafe: Rydym yn cadw at ethos bod yn iach a’n llawn daioni, gydag ychydig o ddrygioni slei! Mae’r Green Goat Café yn arlwywr digwyddiadau ym Machynlleth dan arweiniad y cogyddion Claire a Peter. Partneriaeth o gariad a chreadigrwydd, daw ysbrydoliaeth goginio’r pâr o fwydydd traddodiadol Prydain a’r byd.

Mae Matilda’s Bakehouse yn ffwrn bren glai ar olwynion, lle mae’r chwiorydd Feline a Nia Charpentier yn pobi pizzas blasus wedi’u rhoi at ei gilydd yn ffres. Gan ddefnyddio dim ond toes Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 13



That’s right campers, we’ve gone high-end on you and ordered in hot showers, flushing toilets, and more so that you can camp in style on the weekend of the festival! Don’t get us wrong we loved the tap in a field as much as the next camper, but the time felt right to give you some luxuries. We’ve booked our own field behind the bowling club and we’re filling it with home comforts including: • 24 hour manned site • Private hot shower blocks • Posh flushing toilets


“More luxury!” we hear you clamour. Fred’s Yurts will be setting up camp once again in the new official Comedy festival campsite - ready and awaiting your arrival, located just minutes from the action. Expect a lovely range of classic bell tents, yurts (of all sizes) and large canvas family sized tents as well. Yurts can come with wood burners plus beds and bedding can also be added. Prices start from £190 for a four person bell tent – click on yurts in the accommodation section of the festival website for full details.

• Complimentary phone charging facilities • Free on-site parking • Located in the heart of the festival a few minutes from every venue • Great vibes All for the bargain price of £20 per person for all 3 nights! Bring whatever size tent you like, it’s still £20 per person. CAMPERVANS, CARAVANS AND TRAILER TENTS If you’ve got a live-in vehicle you want to bring, that costs just £50 per vehicle and includes 2 campsite wristbands (additional wristbands can be purchased at £20 pp). Pitches also include space for an awning/gazebo - you make yourselves comfortable! To book your pitch, go to the accommodation section of the website and click on the camping link.


Mae wir, wersyllwyr, rydym bellach o’r radd flaenaf - rydym wedi trefnu cawodydd poeth, toiledau sy’n fflysio, a mwy, fel y gallwch wersylla mewn steil ar benwythnos yr ŵyl! Peidiwch â chamddeall - roedden ni wrth ein boddau â’r tap mewn cae hefyd, ond mae’r amser wedi dod i ni roi rhai moethau i chi. Rydym wedi trefnu ein cae ein hunain y tu ôl i’r clwb bowlio, ac rydym yn ei lenwi â chysuron cartref, gan gynnwys: • Safle â chriw 24 awr • Blociau cawodydd poeth preifat

Dewch â pa bynnag faint babell yr hoffwch, mae’n dal yn £20 y pen. CERBYDAU GWERSYLLA, CARAFANNAU A PHEBYLL TRELAR Os oes gennych gerbyd yr hoffech ddod â chi, mae’n costio dim ond £50 y cerbyd ac yn cynnwys 2 fand llawes gwersyll (gellir prynu bandiau llawes ychwanegol am £20 y pen). Mae’r meysydd hefyd yn cynnwys lle am adlen/ gasebo - mynnwch le cyfforddus i’ch hun! I archebu eich cae, ewch i adran lety’r wefan a chliciwch ar y ddolen wersylla.


“Mwy o foethusrwydd!” ry’ch chi’n mynnu. Bydd Fred’s Yurts yn dod unwaith eto i wersyll newydd swyddogol yr Ŵyl Gomedi - yn barod ac yn aros i chi gyrraedd, wedi’i leoli munudau o’r cyffro.

Gall pebyll crwyn ddod â llosgwyr pren yn ogystal â gwelyau, a gellir ychwanegu dillad gwely hefyd.

Gair Cymraeg yr w ˆ yl: Comedi

Mae prisiau’n ar £190 am babell gloch pedwar person - cliciwch ar yurts yn adran lety gwefan yr ŵyl am fanylion llawn.

Tudur Owen

Gallwch ddisgwyl amrywiaeth hyfryd o bebyll cloch clasurol, pebyll crwyn (o bob maint) a phebyll cynfas mawr maint teulu hefyd.

Prynhawn dydd Gwener a dydd Sadwrn

• Toiledau moethus sy’n fflysio • Cyfleusterau gwefru ffôn cyflenwol • Parcio am ddim ar y safle • Wedi’i lleoli yng nghanol yr ŵyl ychydig funudau o bob lleoliad • Awyrgylch gwych

Llais Cymru

Y cyfan am bris o £20 y person am y 3 noson!

Mach Comedy Fest 042



THE PATHWAY The Woodland Pavillion: The Woodland Pavillion is back, and better than ever. With more events and impromptu performances taking place across the weekend. Check the chalk-boards for events throughout the weekend.


Y Senedd: Rydym wedi cyffroi’n lân i gael mynediad i adeilad hanesyddol y Senedd eleni. Gan gynnwys ein swyddfa docynnau yn ogystal â bar hwyr y nos gyda DJ a cherddoriaeth acwstig drwy gydol y penwythnos.

Y Pafiliwn Coetir: Mae’r Pafiliwn Coetir yn ôl, ac yn well nag erioed. Gyda mwy o ddigwyddiadau a pherfformiadau digymell drwy gydol ypenwythnos. Edrychwch ar y byrddau sialc am ddigwyddiadau drwy gydol y penwythnos.

The spiritual heart of the festival, and this year bigger and better than ever! The ancient Welsh parliament building provided the inspiration for holding the festival in beautiful Machynlleth. The hub of the festival since 2010 we have added a third intimate performance space in the turret (so exciting), and we’re taking over the Senedd Building for our box office and late night bar. The lawn has an ale bar, food stalls and comfy seating.

Owain Glyndŵr Lawn: Grab a quick bite to eat between shows or kick back and take a lounge break on comfy sofas with cosy blankets and retro board games, or cosy up in front of our fire pits in the evenings.

Powys Arts Month: In partnership with Powys Arts Month, Crafted Space will be adding further installations to the Woodlands this year. Keep your eyes peeled.

Calon ysbrydol yr ŵyl, ac eleni mae’n fwy ac yn well nag erioed! Yr adeilad senedd Cymreig hynafol oedd yr ysbrydoliaeth i gynnal yr ŵyl ym Machynlleth brydferth. Canolbwynt yr ŵyl ers 2010, rydym wedi ychwanegu trydydd lle perfformioagos yn y tyred (mor gyffrous), ac rydym yn hawlio Adeilad y Senedd ar gyfer ein swyddfa docynnau a’n bar hwyr y nos. Mae’r lawnt yn cynnwys bar cwrw, ardal bicnic ac, fel bob amser, Bettie’s Lounge.

Twist & Snout: Twist & Snout serving up gourmet burgers and twice-cooked chunky chips.

The Senedd: We couldn’t be more excited to have access to the historic Senedd building this year. Housing our box office as well as a late night watering hole with DJ’s and acoustic music throughout the weekend.

Machynlleth Comedy Festival 16

Lawnt Owain Glyndŵr: Mynnwch rywbeth i’w fwyta rhwngsioeau neu ymlaciwch a chymryd seibiant lolfa ar soffas cyfforddus gyda blancedi clyd a gemau bwrdd retro, neu cynheswch o flaen ein pyllau tân gyda’r nos.

Twist & Snout: Twist & Snout yn gweini byrgyrs gourmet a sglodion trwchus wedi’u coginio ddwywaith. Green Goat Cafe: offering up Mexican Street Food & traditional Mayan recipes alongside our range of artisan baked goods. Green Goat Cafe: yn cynnig bwyd stryd Mecsicanaidd a ryseitiau traddodiadol Maia ochr yn ochr â’n amrywiaeth o nwyddau wedi’u pobi.

Mis Celfyddydau Powys: Mewn partneriaeth â Mis Celfyddydau Powys, bydd Crafted Space yn ychwanegu gosodiadau pellach i’r coetiroedd eleni. Cadwch lygad amdanynt. Caffe Milo Milo and Estelle will be serving up freshly brewed coffee and sweet treats from their coffee rickshaw. Caffe Milo Milo and Estelle will be serving up freshly brewed coffee and sweet treats from their coffee rickshaw.

YSGOL BRO DDYFI A welcome addition to the festival we’re using the secondary school for the first time this year. Directly opposite Y Plas. Ychwanegiad i’w groesawu i’r ŵyl, rydym yn defnyddio’r ysgol uwchradd am y tro cyntaf eleni. Gyferbyn â’rPlas.

The historic Y Plas houses 2 of the festival’s indoor venue spaces: The Main Hall and Vane Tempest. The lawns of Y Plas also play host to our the Bigtop Stage, the festival Beech Bar, cafes, food stalls and the children’s area: Mae’r Plas hanesyddol yn cynnwys 2 o leoliadau dan do’r ŵyl: Y Prif Neuadd a Vane Tempest. Mae lawntiau’r Plas hefyd yn cynnwys y Bigtop Stage, Beech Bar yr ŵyl Bar, caffis, stondinau bwyd ac ardal blant:

Bigtop Stage: Bydd Sweet Baboo yn curadu’r llwyfan cerddoriaeth eleni, gan ddewis ei hoff actau i ddod i chwarae yn yr ŵyl, ac fel bob amser bydd y parti’n para tan yn hwyr y nos gyda’n hoff DJs i gyd. Nos Wener, daw Mary Bijou Cabaret â’u sioe boblogaidd Hitch i’r Big Top. Pabell Pys Melys: The Children’s Tent: Special events, performances and workshops. See our Children’s Programme for more details.

A beautiful 300 seat converted tabernacle housed in the Museum of Modern Art Wales. Heading North from the clock tower the Tabernacle will be on your right. Tabernacl 300 sedd prydferth wedi’i drosi yn Amgueddfa Celf Fodern Cymru. Gan fynd i’r gogledd o dŵr y cloc, bydd y Tabernacl ar y dde i chi. Sponsored by Tesni Ltd.

Pabell Pys Melys: Pabell y Plant: Digwyddiadau arbennig, perfformiadau a gweithdai. Gweler Rhaglen y Plant am fwy o fanylion.

Beech Bar: Located in the stripy bigtop alongside the ancient beech tree on the lawn of Y Plas. The Beech Bar hosts our Ale Festival with over 20 casks of Welsh ales, along with cider, wine, spirits and soft drinks. See the ale festival section of the programme to see what John and Sue at the Waen Brewery have planned.

The Chicken Cow Cafe: Relax on comfy sofas and allow Nicky and the team serve you up wholesome breakfasts, homity pies, oven baked potatoes and massive cakes!

Beech Bar: Wedi’i leoli yn y bigtop streipiog ochr yn ochr â’r goeden ffawydd hynafol ar lawnt Y Plas. Mae’r Beech Bar yn cynnal Gŵyl Gwrw’r Ŵyl gyda dros 20 casgen o gwrw Cymreig, ynghyd â seidr, gwin, gwirodydd a diodydd meddal. Gweler adran gwrw rhaglen yr ŵyl iweld beth mae John a Sue ym Mragdy’r Waen wedi’i gynllunio.

Matilda’s Bakehouse: Back by popular demand is Matilda’s - a clay wood-fired oven on wheels, in which sisters Feline and Nia Charpentier bake delicious freshly assembled pizzas.

Bigtop Stage: Sweet Baboo curates the music stage this year handpicking his favourite acts to come and play the festival, and as always we’ll be partying long into the night with all our favourite DJ’s. On Friday night Mary Bijou Cabaret bring their hit show Hitch to the Big Top.


The Chicken Cow Cafe: Ymlaciwch ar soffas cyfforddus, a gadewch i Nicky a’r tîm weini brecwast iachus, pasteiod homity, tatws pob popty a chacennau enfawr!

Matilda’s Bakehouse: Yn ôl oherwydd y galw mae Matilda’s - ffwrn bren glai ar olwynion, lle mae’r chwiorydd Feline a Nia Charpentier yn pobi pizzas blasus wedi’u rhoi at ei gilydd yn ffres. The Curry Stall: Mick will be once again serving up great quality Indian street food. The Curry Stall: Bydd Mick unwaith eto’n gweini bwyd stryd Indiaidd o safon.


Located behind the Co-op store the Bowling Club provides an intimate setting to see comedy… as well as learn how to bowl. Wedi’i leoli tu ôl i siop Co-op, mae’r Clwb Bowlio’n lleoliad clyd i weld comedi … yn ogystal ag i ddysgu sut i fowlio.

RAG AND BONE Rag and bone shop by day, performance space by night. Another new addition to the festival programme. Siop sborion yn ystod y dydd, man perfformio gyda’r nos. Ychwanegiad newydd arall i raglen yr ŵyl.


An intimate 30 seat venue in the historic 15th century basement of Sabrina’s Delicatessen Lleoliad clyd 30 sedd yn seler hanesyddol 15fed ganrif Sabrina’s Delicatessen.

Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 17


Sponsored by Broomfield and Alexander



IS A COMEDIAN A show about why we take offence, what to do when the internet steals your face and what a man vomming on a train says about modern Britain. Sioe ynghylch pam rydym yn teimlo sarhad, beth i’w wneud pan fydd y rhyngrwyd yn dwyn eich wyneb, a beth mae dyn yn chwydu ar drên yn ei ddweud am Brydain fodern. .

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Eyes down and get your blue rinse ready for Horse & Louis’ Comedy Bingo!

Machynlleth Bowling Club Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 6:00pm £7



‘A smart, gag-heavy show questioning identity, anonymity and what causes offence. Slick, sharp and with oodles of charm, Nish Kumar is a comedian, and a bloody good one at that.’  Time Out ‘A comedian on the up…. An ingenious, witty look at identity that suggests Kumar will soon be getting known for all the right reasons.’ The Times




Part charades, part comedy show, part dream financial opportunity! Yes you: Jonny AudienceMember, and you: Jenny Punter, will have the chance to win a bucket full of cold, hard, actual cash whilst battling each other in a game loosely based on normal bingo but containing no bloody confusing numbers. If what’s written on your ticket happens onstage, you’re a winner! Screw the economic crisis - it’s light-heartedgambling o’clock! Warning: show may contain high levels of prize wonga... May contain... Llygaid i lawr a rinsiad glas yn barod amHorse & Louis’ Comedy Bingo! Gan gynnwys siarâds, comedi, a breuddwyd o gyfle ariannol! Oes, mae gennych chi, Joni Aelod Cynulleidfa a chithau, Jeni Gwsmer, gyfle i ennill bwced o arian pur gan frwydro’n erbyn eich gilydd mewn gêm ar sail bingo arferol ond heb y rhifau blydi dryslyd yna. Os yw beth a ysgrifennwyd ar eich tocyn yn ymddangos ar y llwyfan, rydych yn enillydd! Angofiwch yr argyfwng economaidd - yr amser yw gamblo ysgafn o’r gloch! Rhybudd: gallai’r sioe gynnwys lefelau uchel o wonga i’w wobrwyo ... Gallai gynnwys ... Venue: Y Plas Vane Tempest Date: Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai Time: 6:00pm Price: £6 Age 18+ Machynlleth Comedy Festival 18




Hey Guys, It’s just Ellie White and Natasia Demetriou splitting an hour to try out some characters and dancin for their solo shows at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2014. #edinburghfestivalfringe2014 #charactersanddancin #guys Heia bobl, jyst Ellie White a Natasia Demetriou yn rhannu awr i roi cynnig ar gymeriadau a danso newydd ar gyfer eu sioau unigol yn Ngwyl Fringe Caeredin 2014. #ngwylfringecaeredin2014 #gymeriadauadanso #bobl “A pleasure to watch ... Satisfyingly outlandish” Three Weeks ‘Everyone’s new obsession...Genius’ Gay Times Gay Times Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 6:00pm £6

Tom Bell has forced together all his favourite jokes into a one easy-to-love comedy parade. Come cheer them on! High energy, upbeat surrealism from the star of Knightmare Live, Big Bad World and Wizards vs Aliens. This show is especially good for sexy people (that’s you) Mae Tom Bell wedi casglu ynghyd ei holl hoff jôcs mewn un gorymdaith gomedi hawdd i’w charu. Dewch i’w cefnogi! Egni uchel, swrealaeth addawol gan seren Knightmare Live, Big Bad World a Wizards vs Aliens. Mae’r sioe yn arbennig o dda ar gyfer pobl rywiol (chi, hynny yw) “sublime peaks and godawful troughs” The Scotsman “Surreal comedy at its best”  Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 6:00pm £6

Richard Herring - The Podfather (The Guardian), reluctant ‘King of Edinburgh’, Sony Award and three time Chortle Internet Award winner brings his Leicester Square Theatre podcast west for a chat with a star comedy guest at the Machynlleth Comedy Festival. It’s ad-libbed, unedited, largely unplanned and may well contain questions about ham hands, sun cream and bigfoots. The conversations can go off at all kinds of comedic tangents, or be serious. Daw Richard Herring - Y Podfather (The Guardian), ‘Brenin Caeredin’ amharod ac enillydd Gwobr Sony a Gwobr Rhyngrwyd Chortle deirgwaith - â’i bodlediad Leicester Square Theatre i’r gorllewin am sgwrs gyda gwestai comedi arbennig yng Ngŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth. Mae’n fyrfyfyr, dyw heb ei olygu, i raddau helaeth mae heb ei gynllunio ac efallai’n cynnwys cwestiynau am ddwylo ham, eli haul a bigfoot. Gall y sgyrsiau fynd i bob math o gyfeiriadau comedi, neu fod yn ddifrifol. Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Tabernacl Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 6:00pm £7

30-something imagineer Nick Helm comes back to Machfest with hours and hours of new stuff as he tries in vein to scrape together enough ‘good’ material for his new BBC3 show so he won’t look like a total cunt and open himself up to a ton of Twitter abuse once it has aired. Please help him by turning up. He is a dick, but he means well.

ôl i Ŵyl Mach gydag oriau ac oriau o stwff newydd wrth iddo geisio’n ofer i grafu digon o ddeunydd ‘da’ ynghyd ar gyfer ei sioe BBC3 newydd fel na fydd yn edrych fel cont llwyr, yn agored i doreth o atgasedd ar Twitter wedi iddi gael ei darlledu. Helpwch e drwy ddod. Pric yw e, ond mae’n ddigon diniwed. “Arrogant” - Three Weeks

Daw’r dychmygwr yn ei 30au Nick Helm yn Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 6:00pm £6

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Rag & Bone Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 7:30pm £6

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Royal House Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 1:00pm £6

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Bowling Club Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 2:30pm £6

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 8:30pm £6

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 10:00pm £6

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 1:00pm £6

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Plas Vane Tempest Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 2:30pm £6 Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 19


ARTHUR SMITH SINGS LEONARD COHEN VOL 2. A critical and word-of-mouth hit at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, Arthur Smith brings his acclaimed new show to Machynlleth.






DANIEL GLYN, MIKE BUBBINS, ALED RICHARDS, JAMS THOMAS, GETHYN ROBYNS MC Steffan Alun yn cyflwyno awr o standup Cymraeg. Dewch yn llu, da chi!

Just as Degas felt compelled to revisit his ballet dancers and David Attenborough his gorillas, so Arthur Smith has turned again to Leonard Cohen.

Welsh language comedy showcase.

In this entirely new show Smith’s reflections on dementia, enthusiasm, comedy and death are marinated in Cohen’s music; his rendition of the songs is hugely enhanced by the fabulous Smithereens and by the show’s director, Kevin Day. Llwyddiant beirniadol gyda’r gair ar led yng Ngŵyl Fringe Caeredin, daw Arthur Smith â’i sioe newydd arobryn i Fachynlleth. Yn union fel y teimlodd Degas reidrwydd i ailedrych ar ei ddawnswyr bale a David Attenborough ei gorilod, felly mae Arthur Smith unwaith eto wedi at Leonard Cohen. Yn y sioe newydd sbon hon, cyfunir myfyrdodau Smith ar ddementia, brwdfrydedd, comedi a marwolaeth â cherddoriaeth Cohen; caiff ei fersiynau o’r caneuon eu gwella’n sylweddol gan y Smithereens gwych a gan gyfarwyddwr y sioe, Kevin Day. ‘This is a triumph of mordant and madcap wit alike.’  Times

A brand new show from the UK’s foremost guitar-wielding, loop-layering stand-up comedian – and erstwhile Machynllethmeister – Rob Deering.


LIAM WILLIAMS Lyrical anti-lad LIAM WILLIAMS snarls out his sulky debut. An hour of soul-smithied jokes and negative energy. May he keep his demons and his eczema at bay.

Sioe newydd sbon gan ddigrifwr gitâr-a-hanau blaenllaw’r DU - a Machynllethfeistr gynt - Rob Deering..

Edinburgh Comedy Award Best Newcomer Nominee

“As sharp and versatile as a Swiss Army Knife” – The Independent Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Ysgol Bro Ddyfi Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 7:30pm £6

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 7:30pm £6

‘A comical and musical triumph.’  Independent

Y gwrth-’lad’ telynegol LIAM WILLIAMS yn chwyrnu ei sioe gyntaf bwdlyd. Awr o jôcs ac egni negyddol o’r enaid. Boed i’w gythreuliaid

a’i ecsema gadw draw. Enwebai Gwobr Newydd-Ddyfodiad Gorau Comedi Caeredin. “We predicted this debut was going to be a cracker, and it feels good to be proved right”  Time Out. Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Plas Vane Tempest Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 7:30pm £7 Bridget Christie returns to Machynlleth Comedy Festival for the 3rd time with her new smash hit show.


JOANNA NEARY’S JAPE-TIME JAMBOREE For this show, I, Jo Neary, will cherry pick my favourite characters and stand up routines on the train to Wales, to act as ballast for all the new stuff that no one has seen or judged yet.

Why does Bic think women need special biros to write with? Who decided Thatcher and Beyonce were feminist icons? What did Sir Stirling Moss say about women’s brains? Mae Bridget Christie yn dychwelyd i Ŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth am y trydydd tro gyda’i sioe boblogaidd newydd.

Using no props or costumes, just her massive eyes and tiny voice, Jo will conjure up a warm world of misfits, outcasts and ne’er do wells and then go for chips.

Pam fo Bic yn credu bod angen ysgrifbinnau arbennig i fenwyod ysgrifennu? Pwy benderfynodd bod Thatcher a Beyonce yn eiconau ffeministaidd? Beth ddywedodd Syr Stirling Moss am ymenyddiau menywod?

Ar gyfer y sioe hon, byddaf i, Jo Neary, yn dewis a dethol fy hoff gymeriadau a rwtinau comedi llwyfan ar y trên i Gymru, fel balast ar gyfer yr holl bethau newydd nad oes neb wedi’u gweld na’u barnu eto.


Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Tabernacl Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 7:30pm £11

Machynlleth Comedy Festival 20

A BROTHER FOR JONATHAN This is Turps’ open love-letter. Part-stand up, part keynote presentation, part anecdotal love-in, “A Brother for Jonathan” is a show about his body, his father, self-congratulation, and the circumstances surrounding his birth. His mum saw it and she was “tickled”. Dyma lythyr cariad agored Turps. Gan gyfuno comedi llwyfan, cyflwyniad allweddol, a chariad

storïol, sioe yw “A Brother For Jonathan” am ei gorff, ei dad, hunanlongyfarch, ac amgylchiadau ei enedigaeth. Gwelodd ei fam y sioe ac roedd hi’n “tickled”.

Heb ddefnyddio propiau na gwisgoedd, dim ond ei llygaid enfawr a’i llais bach, bydd Jo yn creu byd cynnes o bobl ryfedd, alltudion a chnafon drwg ac yna mynd am sglodion.

“Accomplished stuff... one to watch” The Scotsman

‘Neary is a character actress par excellence, not only are her characters well observed and immaculately performed, but they are well written and, most importantly, funny… A Joyce Grenfell of our age.’ The Guardian

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 7:30pm £6

‘Hilarious off-kilter talent’ The Sunday Telegraph

‘This hour announces her as one of the finest comedians around.’  Independent ‘A superb stand-up with a powerful voice and something to say. It’s nothing short of a revelation.’ Observer Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 7:30pm £7

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Tabernacl Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 9:00pm £11 Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 21



There is a hot, new panel show on the planet called ‘Challenged’. Join your hosts Brian Gittins and his 7ft 2inch robot Charles Petrescu (half metal, half Romanian) for a night of mindbending questions, puzzles, prizes and fake penises.

STOP UKIP TOUR The UK’s hottest musical comedians present a raucous hour of songs, satire and silliness. Ahead of 2014’s European Elections, join them to take on Nigel Farage’s ‘fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists’.

Mae sioe banel gyffrous newydd ar y blaned o’r enw ‘Challenged’. Ymunwch â’r cyflwynwyr Brian Gittins a’i robot 7 troedfedd 2 fodfedd Charles Petrescu (hanner metel, hanner Romanaidd) am noson o gwestiynau, posau, gwobrau a phidynnau ffug.

Multi-award-nominees and stars of Radio 4’s Now Show & Infinite Monkey Cage. Comediwyr cerddorol mwyaf cyffrous y DU yn cyflwyno awr aflafar o ganeuon, dychan a ffolineb. Cyn Etholiadau Ewropeaidd 2014, ymunwch â nhw i frwydro ‘fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists’ Nigel Farage. Enwebeion sawl gwobr a sêr Now Show a Infinite Monkey Cage Radio 4. ‘Musical comedy’s rising stars’ Sunday Times


Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Machynlleth Bowling Club Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 8:00pm £8 Age 18+

TAKE THE HIT His wife’s parents have moved in. Permanently. Not so much a show as a person getting out of the house. But fear not, Wozniak has more show business in his moustache than he does in his little finger. Where do you keep yours? Let’s find out if we get around to it. ‘Just could be the new comedy hero’ Time Out wrote that ages ago. ‘Completely hilarious, highly recommended’ (3 News - they are real and based in New Zealand). Wozniak has a total of 43 stars from an undisclosed number of reviews. Mae rhieni ei wraig wedi symud i mewn. Yn barhaol. Nid sioe fel y cyfryw, ond person yn dianc o’r tŷ. Ond peidiwch â phoeni, mae gan


Once again, Wales’s best (and indeed only) bi-lingual standup show returns to Machynlleth. No knowledge of Welsh, or indeed English, necessary. Come and tri-lingual! Noson o gomedi ddwy-ieithog.

Machynlleth Comedy Festival 22


 The Daily Telegraph  The Sunday Times Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Ysgol Bro Ddyfi Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 9:00pm £9


GET UP WITH YOUR HANDS - YOUR NUMBER 2 IN THE MORNING (WORK-IN-PROGRESS) Beth Vyse performs Olive Hands as she presents her daytime chat show, some of her guests will include Lusty Ree, Which DR Jennifer Jones and Chinese X Factor winners ‘The Blind Boys’. All your daymares have come true in Olive Hands she truly puts the ‘loose’ in women.

‘Marvellous, imperious, ambitious’ The Times Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Plas Vane Tempest Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 9:00pm £6

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 9:00pm £7


Wozniak fwy o fyd adloniant yn ei fwstas nag yn ei fys bach. Ble ydych chi’n cadw’ch un chi? Cawn ni weld os bydd amser. ‘Just could be the new comedy hero’ ysgrifennodd Time Out hynny oesoedd yn ôl. ‘Completely hilarious, highly recommended’ (3 News - mae nhw wir yn bodoli, ac mae nhw yn Seland Newydd). Mae gan Wozniak gyfanswm o 43 o sêr o nifer anhysbys o adolygiadau.

Beth Vyse yn perfformio Olive Hands wrth iddi gyflwyno ei sioe siarad ddydd. Bydd ei gwesteion yn cynnwys Lusty Ree, Which DR Jennifer Jones ac enillwyr X Factor Tsieina ‘The Blind Boys’. Daw eich holl hunllefau dydd yn wir gydag Olive Hands priodol iawn yw’r term ‘loose’ women.


Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 9:00pm £6

Tommy started performing stand up late in 2010. Six months later he was a finalist in the 2011 Laughing Horse New Act competition and he won So You Think You’re Funny later that year. In 2012 he performed as part of the AAA late night show at the Edinburgh Fringe and was a finalist in BBC Radio 2’s New Comedy Award. Tommy wrote, directed and acted in the award-winning short film Arrowman Sam, for which he was Cinemagic’s Young Filmmaker of the Year and was shortlisted for Broadcast Young Talent’s Young Writer of the Year award. Dechreuodd Tommy berfformio comedi llwyfan ddiwedd 2010. Chwe mis yn ddiweddarach, cyrhaeddodd rownd derfynol cystadleuaeth Act

Newydd Laughing Horse 2011 ac enillodd So You Think You’re Funny yn ddiweddarach y flwyddyn honno. Yn 2012, perfformiodd fel rhan o sioe hwyr AAA yn Fringe Caeredin, a chyrhaeddodd rownd derfynol Gwobr Gomedi Newydd BBC Radio 2. Ysgrifennodd, cyfarwyddodd ac actiodd Tommy yn y ffilm fer arobryn Arrowman Sam, ac enillodd ddyfarniad Gwneuthurwyr Ffilm Ifanc y Flwyddyn Cinemagic, a chyrhaeddodd rhestr fer gwobr Awdur Ifanc y Flwyddyn Broadcast Young Talent. Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 9:00pm £6 Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 23


WHEN LOLLY MET JONNY Jonny Pelham (“echoes of a young Daniel Kitson” - Bruce Dessau) was a finalist and judges choice in the BBC Radio New Comedy Awards 2013 and runner-up in So You Think You’re Funny 2012 and Lolly Adefope masquerades deep-rooted insecurities in character comedy. She was described by the Scotsman as “wannabe comedienne”. They’ve never met before* but together they bring an hour of comedy to Mach. *at the time of print Cyrhaeddodd Jonny Pelham (“echoes of a young

Daniel Kitson” - Bruce Dessau) rownd derfynol a dewis beirniaid Gwobrau Comedi Newyd Radio’r BBC 2013 a rownd derfynol So You Think You’re Funny 2012, ac mae Lolly Adefope yn cuddio ansicrwydd dwfn gyda chomedi cymeriadau. Disgrifiwyd hi gan y Scotsman fel “wannabe comedienne”. Dydyn nhw erioed wedi cwrdd o’r blaen*, ond gyda’i gilydd byddant yn cyflwyno awr o gomedi ym Mach. *adeg argraffu Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 10:30pm £6

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 10:30pm £6


WORK-IN-PROGRESS Jack Barry and Annie McGrath preview their low-energy sketch comedy show before heading to the Edinburgh Fringe this August with their debut hour. Jack Barry ac Annie McGrath yn rhoi rhagolwg o’u sioe gomedi sgets isel mewn egni cyn mynd i Fringe Caeredinym mis Awst gyda’u hawr gyntaf. ‘Twins have undeniable comic chemistry, bouncing off each other with a genuine ease and charm that many double-acts will struggle to emulate.’ – FEST

MACHYNLLETH COMEDY FESTIVAL SHOWCASE The annual Friday night Showcase featuring as many acts as we can squeeze in until they throw us out of the building. This show goes on for hours. Arddangosfa flynyddol nos Wener yn cynnwys cynifer o actau ag y gallwn eu ffitio nes iddynt ein taflu allan o’r adeilad. Mae’r sioe’n mynd ymlaen am oriau. Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Mach Comedy Fest 042

Y Plas Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 10.30pm £12 Age 18+

Sponsored by Waen Brewery

Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 25



Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Tabernacl Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 12:00pm £7


CHAOS IS A FRIEND OF MINE Caroline Mabey (‘Oddball Genius’- Chortle) has been busy having a baby. But she doesn’t want to be defined by that, so please stop going on about it. She only did it to get out of going to the Edinburgh Festival anyway. And now she’s back. And she’s going to the Edinburgh Festival. Here she presents for you her exciting “work” in progress. Work:progress ratio not fixed at time of writing. Mae Caroline Mabey (‘Oddball Genius’- Chortle) wedi bod yn brysur yn cael babi. Ond nid yw am i hynny ei diffinio, felly da chi stopiwch fynd ymlaen am y peth. Yr unig reswm wnaeth hi hynny oedd er mwyn osgoi mynd i Ŵyl Caeredin beth bynnag. A bellach, mae hi nôl. Ac mae hi’n

Hello campers! Why not wake up to playful experimental music in a beautiful 18th century Methodist chapel? In 1959 the composer John Cage read, in random order, a selection from 90 stories, each timed to last a minute, while David Tudor improvised at the piano in another room. In two inevitably completely different performances, the comedian Stewart Lee will read Cage’s stories, while Steve Beresford and Tania Chen take Tudor’s role, working spontaneously in the moment with piano, electronics, toys and found objects. The trio are utterly delighted to be able to bring Indeterminacy to the Machynlleth Comedy Festival as the final dates of their 2014 tour. Helo gampwyr! Beth am ddeffro i gerddoriaeth arbrofol chwareus mewn capel hardd y Methodistiaid o’r 18fed ganrif? Yn 1959,

“The slightly deranged offspring of a menage a trois between Vic Reeves, Harry Hill and Floella Benjamin” Bruce Dessau, Evening Standard “Truly, Mabey’s dippy mind produces some of the most bewildering and wonderful lines you could hope to topple from a person’s mouth” EdFest Magazine Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Plas Vane Tempest Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 1:00pm £6

‘fully deserves his underground reputation as the comedians comedian’ – Three Weeks Machynlleth Comedy Festival 26

“Lee’s ability to deconstruct and denature comedy .... is carried over into Indeterminacy thanks to Chen and the arch-surrealist Beresford, creating the effect of a soundtrack undertaken with due seriousness, but gone horribly wrong.” Brian Morton, The Wire.

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 1:00pm £6



WORK-IN-PROGRESS Lucy is a hugely talented comedy actress and writer. She was 2012’s winner of The BBC New Comedy Award, and in August 2011 she was also a finalist in the Gilded Balloon’s nationwide stand-up comedy competition So You Think You’re Funny? Lucy has been filming the new series of Live At The Electric for BBC Three, and is developing a show with BBC Radio.

Come along and watch what could be a glorious triumph of brand new comedy magic, or a glorious flop! Who will certainly be glorious and you will definitely be entertained, there might even be a clapping competition! Gemma is best known as Yara Greyjoy in HBO’s Game of Thrones, she starred as Rachel Crabbe in The National Theatre’s One Man Two Guvnors, She received great critical acclaim for her role as Andrea in Philip Ridley’s Dark Vanilla Jungle. She has worked on films with Anthony Hopkins and Emily Blunt (The Wolfman) and Jack Black (Gulliver’s Travels). Gemma often pops up on telly in shows such as Live at The Electric, Badults, Harry and Paul and Threesome.

‘The next Victoria Wood in the making’ Arthur Smith

Gemma yn dychwelyd i Ŵyl Mach gyda chymysgedd o’r hen a’r newydd ...Ar adeg ysgrifennu’r broliant godidog hwn, nid yw’n glir a fydd Gemma yn roi cynnig ar fod yn hi ei hun yn hytrach na’r annwyl Chastity Butterworth, neu hyd yn oed gymeriad neu ddau hollol wahanol!? Hynny yw ... dyna syniad!

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Dewch draw i wylio’r hyn a allai fod yn fuddugoliaeth ogoneddus o gomedi newydd sbon, neu’n fethiant gogoneddus! Pwy a ŵyr ... bydd yn sicr yn ogoneddus, a byddwch yn sicr yn cael eich diddanu. Efallai y bydd cystadleuaeth glapio hyd yn oed!

‘Devastating comic timing’ The Stage Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 1:00pm £6

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

HAS A GO (WORK IN PROGRESS) Gemma returns to MachFest with a mixture of old and new... At time of writing this magnificent blurb, it is not clear whether Gemma will have a go at being herself instead of dear old Chastity Butterworth, or even a completely different character or two!? I mean...what a prospect!

Lucy yn actores gomedi ac awdur hynod dalentog. Hi oedd enillydd Gwobr Gomedi Newydd y BBC 2012, ac ym mis Awst 2011 roedd hi hefyd yn rownd derfynol cystadleuaeth gomedi llwyfan genedlaethol y Gilded Balloon, So You Think You’re Funny? Mae Lucy wedi bod yn ffilmio’r gyfres newydd o Live At The Electric i BBC Three, ac mae’n datblygu rhaglen newydd gyda BBC Radio.

Venue: Date: Time: Price:


THE STAND-UP CHAMELEON Eddie Lizzard the Stand Up Chameleon - bestrode the New York comedy scene in the 1970’s like a colossus, before basically becoming the American Parkinson, interviewing all the greats. Then it all went wrong in the 1980’s. Now Eddie revives the glory days of his famous chat-show in the biggest comedy comeback since Jim Davidson. Eddie Lizzard the Stand Up Chameleon - daeth i fyd comedi Efrog Newydd yn y 1970au fel cawr, cyn troi’n Parkinson o America yn y bôn, gan gyfweld â’r enwogion i gyd. Yna, aeth y cyfan o’i le yn y 1980au. Nawr mae Eddie yn ailfyw dyddiau gogoneddus ei sioe sgwrsio enwog yn yr adfywiad comedi mwyaf ers Jim Davidson.

Nid yw’r gymhareb gwaith:cynnydd wedi’i bennu eto.

NOBODY’S TWISTING YOUR ARM Comedian Alistair Green stands on a stage for roughly an hour (unless it goes badly) moaning about everything he thinks is wrong with the world including his own pitiful shortcomings as a human being. Sounds hilarious doesn’t it.

‘undiscovered genius’ – The Guardian


MASTERWORKS IN PROGRESS Venue: Royal House Date: Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai Time: 1:00pm Price: £6 See page 19

mynd i Ŵyl Caeredin. Yma, mae’n cyflwyno ei “gwaith” ar y gweill cyffrous.


Bydd y digrifwr Alistair Green yn sefyll ar lwyfan am tua awr (oni bai ei fod yn mynd yn wael) yn cwyno am bopeth mae’n credu sydd o’i le ar y byd, gan gynnwys ei ddiffygion truenus ei hun fel person. Swnio’n ddoniol dros ben, on’d yw e.

darllenodd y cyfansoddwr John Cage, ar hap, ddetholiad o 90 stori, pob un wedi’u hamseru i bara am funud, gyda David Tudor yn chwarae byrfyfyr ar y piano mewn ystafell arall. Mewn dau berfformiad a fydd yn anochel yn hollol wahanol, bydd y digrifwr Stewart Lee yn darllen straeon Cage, tra bod Steve Beresford a Tania Chen yn cymryd rôl Tudor, gan weithio’n ddigymell yn y foment gyda phiano, electroneg, teganau a gwrthrychau. Mae’r triawd wrth eu boddau eu bod yn gallu dod ag Indeterminacy i Ŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth fel dyddiadau olaf eu taith 2014.

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 1:00pm £6

Mae Gemma yn fywaf adnabyddus fel Yara Greyjoy yn Game of Thrones HBO, serennodd fel Rachel Crabbe yn One Man Two Guvnors y Theatr Genedlaethol, a derbyniodd feirniadaeth o fri am ei rôl fel Andrea yn Dark Vanilla Jungle Philip Ridley. Mae hi wedi gweithio ar ffilmiau gydag Anthony Hopkins ac Emily Blunt (The Wolfman) a Jack Black (Gulliver’s Travels). Mae Gemma yn aml yn ymddangos ar y teledu mewn sioeau fel Live at The Electric, Badults, Harry and Paul a Threesome. Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Plas Vayne Tempest Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 2:30pm £6 Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 27

his fun and friendly style of comedy has seen him perform all over the UK and internationally. Cited by Mark Thomas in the Guardian as a comedian to look out for alongside Josie Long.



What do you think about opinions? Tiernan isn’t sure, even though everyone else is keen to shout theirs at him. He’s starting to think that it’s best not to have any at all. Which is of course, an opinion. A new hour from Douieb about the internet being too loud, politics, spiders and Icelandic noises. Tiernan is one of the UK’s most sought after comedy hosts,

Beth ydych chi’n meddwl am farnau? Nid yw Tiernan yn siŵr, er bod pawb arall yn awyddus i floeddio eu rhai nhw ato. Mae’n dechrau meddwl ei bod yn well peidio â bod â rhai o gwbl. Sydd yn farn, wrth gwrs. Awr newydd gan Douieb am y rhyngrwyd sy’n rhy uchel, gwleidyddiaeth, pryfed cop a synau Islandeg. Tiernan ywun o gyflwynwyr comedi mwyaf poblogaidd y DU. Mae ei arddull gomedi hwyl a chyfeillgar wedi ei weld yn perfformio ar hyd a lled y DU ac yn rhyngwladol. Enwyd gan Mark Thomas yn y Guardian fel digrifwr i gadw llygad amdano ochr yn ochr â Josie Long. Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 2:30pm £6


MASTERWORKS IN PROGRESS Venue: Bowling Club Date: Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai Time: 2:30pm Price: £6 See page 19

WORK-IN-PROGRESS Nadia Kamil is a Welsh-Iraqi woman weirdo who performed her ‘delightful debut’ (The Skinny) solo show last year at the Edinburgh festival to much acclaim after performing the very first incarnation of it at Machynlleth. She has supported triple comedy award nominee and soft-boiled good egg Josie Long on tour and has baffled & delighted audiences across the globe including on a boat around the Bahamas and a boat on the Thames. She’s great on a boat, is what we’re learning here. Mae Nadia Kamil yn Gymraes Iracaidd ryfedd a berfformiodd ei ‘delightful debut’ (The Skinny) unigol y llynedd yng ngŵyl Caeredin i lawer o Machynlleth Comedy Festival 28

glod ar ôl perfformio’r fersiwn cyntaf ohoni ym Machynlleth. Mae hi wedi cefnogi Josie Long, enwebai tair gwobr gomedi a pherson da iawn wir, ar daith, ac mae wedi drysu a difyrru cynulleidfaoedd ar draws y byd, gan gynnwys ar gwch o amgylch y Bahamas a chwch ar y Tafwys. Mae hi’n wych ar gwch, dyna beth ry’n ni wedi dysgu yma. ‘Expect a comedy onslaught that doesn’t let up for a moment’ The List.

SONGS FOR THE DISENCHANTED ORC Songs about geeky goblins, the bullied wizard, a dwarf skin head and many more. These are the fantasy weirdos and oddballs that don’t go on amazing adventures but stay at home and make bread in the shape of runes wishing they had. This year, Chris Boyd might even make it along to watch.

Royal House Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 2:30pm £6


IN ANOTHER GREAT SHOW AGAIN Lou Sanders (Stewart Lee’s Alternative Comedy Show / Russell Howard’s Good News) is in another great show and you can see it here. Mae Lou Sanders (Stewart Lee’s Alternative Comedy Show / Russell Howard’s Good News) mewn sioe wych arall, a gallwch ei gweld yma. “Utterly delightful and hugely talented...Very Funny...Destined for hugeness” Time Out “From the crazy off-beat surrealism of Lou Sanders, it seems like something new is happening in comedy.” The Independent

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Plas Vane Tempest Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 4:00pm £7

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 4:00pm £7

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 2:30pm £6

Mark Olver yn cyflwyno sioe drafod lle bydd digrifwyr yn siarad am gomedi. Yn cynnwys perfformwyr gorau’r Ŵyl yn trafod sut y maent yn ysgrifennu a pham eu bod wrth eu boddau â chomedi. Sioe i unrhyw un sy’n dwlu ar, neu sydd â diddordeb yn, y grefft o fod yn ddoniol. Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Plas Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 4:00pm £6

Ben Target was perfect. Bathe in his fading glory. Turn away as he weeps. Edinburgh Comedy Award Best Newcomer nominee.

show ‘Road to Wembley’.

“The poor man’s David O’Doherty.” - The List

“The master of all geekdom” - Three Weeks

Mark Olver hosts a discussion show where comedians talk about comedy. Featuring the best performers at the Festival talking about how they write and why they love comedy. A show for anyone who loves, or has an interest in, the art of being funny.


Mae Owen Niblock wedi bod yn gwneud ei beth ers 10 mlynedd, ac erioed wedi bod ar Russell Howard’s Good News, ond mae wedi bod ar raglen arbennig Bargain Hunt i ddigrifwyr. Ie wir. Bargain Hunt! “Very much derivative of the semi-surreal style of Boothby Graffoe” - Chortle”




Caneuon am fwganod gicaidd, y dewin a fwliwyd, pen croen corrach a llawer mwy. Dyma bobl ryfedd ac od byd ffantasi nad ydynt yn mynd ar anturiaethau anhygoel, ond sy’n aros gartref ac yn gwneud bara siâp llythrennau rwnig maent yn dymuno fod ganddynt. Eleni, efallai y bydd Chris Boyd hyd yn oed yn llwyddo i fynd i’w wylio.

“A very funny man” - Russell Howard Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Dewch i weld Bridget Christie yn methu fel digrifwr wrth iddi geisio canfod deunydd ar gyfer ei nawfed sioe unigol yn olynol. Gostyngwch eich disgwyliadau. Bydd yn daith llawn embaras erchyll i bawb a ddaw. Nid yw hyd yn oed am ddim. Dyna asshole.


Owen Niblock has been doing whatever it is he does for 10 years and has never been on Russell Howard’s Good News but he has been on Bargain Hunt comedians special. That’s right. Bargain Hunt!



WORK-IN-PROGRESS Come and see Bridget Christie fail at stand-up as she tries to work out material for her 9th solo show in a row. Lower your expectations. It will be a sickeningly embarrassing ride for all involved. It’s not even free. What an asshole.


WORK-IN-PROGRESS Sheeps is a sketch group containing Daran Johnson, Alastair Roberts and Liam Williams. From skits to sketches, from jokes to gags – there’s something here for all fans of contemporary live sketch comedy. Think the Two Ronnies meets Sheeps, then the Two Ronnies Leave. Sheeps will be performing a sneak preview of their 2014

Grŵp sgets yw Sheeps yn cynnwys Daran Johnson, Alastair Roberts a Liam Williams. O sgetsys i sgets neu ddwy, o jôcs i ambell jôc – mae rhywbeth yma i bob ffan comedi sgets fyw gyfoes. Meddyliwch am y Two Ronnies wedi’u cyfuno â Sheeps, ac yna mae’r Two Ronnies yn gadael. Bydd Sheeps yn perfformio rhagolwg o’u sioe 2014 ‘Road to Wembley’. Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Machynlleth Bowling Club Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 4:00pm £7

Roedd BenTarget yn berffaith. Dewch i’w weld wrth i’w ogoniant bylu. Edrychwch i ffwrdd wrth iddo wylo. Enwebai Gwobr Newydd-ddyfodiad Gorau Comedi Caeredin. “Staggeringly inventive and sometimes unnerving, this highly physical performer is a true original and a legend in the making” Guardian.

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 4:00pm £6 Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 29


ADVENTURES IN LIMITED SPACE Very much a work-in-progress, Jordan currently has a few ideas what this will ultimately be about. There’s a fair chance it’ll be about how we routinely fictionalize our experiences, how we write stories of ourselves and convince others to publish them. There’ll also probably be some animation and dancing and props and music and a tactlessly callous lack of emotional pay-off. Also Jordan shouted at a confused old Chinese man at work the other day and he can’t get the image of his sad face out of his head so there’ll probably be something about that, too.

emosiynol. Hefyd, gwaeddodd Jordan ar hen ddyn dryslyd Tseiniaidd yn y gwaith y diwrnod o’r blaen, ac mae’n methu ag anghofio ei wyneb trist, felly mwy na thebyg y bydd rhywbeth ynghylch hynny hefyd.



Enillydd Gwobr Welsh Unsigned Stand-up 2012

Winner of Welsh Unsigned Stand-up Award 2012 Gwaith ar y gweill yn wir, mae gan Jordan rai syniadau ar hyn o bryd am beth fydd yn hon yn y diwedd. Mae’n debygol y bydd yn trafod y ffordd rydym yn troi ein profiadau’n ffuglen rheolaidd, sut rydym yn ysgrifennu straeon am ein hunain ac yn darbwyllo eraill i’w cyhoeddi. Mwy na thebyg y bydd peth animeiddio a dawnsio a phropiau a cherddoriaeth a diffyg uchafbwynt



Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 4:00pm £6

Free Willy a llosgfynyddoedd, ond efallai ddim. Byddaf yn ceisio fy ngorau, ond peidiwch â phoeni, rwy wedi gwneud hyn oll o’r blaen.

A nasal spray addict, Brian has given himself 35 years to reach the London Palladium.

Hello gang, Nathaniel Metcalfe here. Since I was last there I’ve been on James Acaster’s Findings (BBC Radio 4) and Fresh From the Fringe (Radio 4 Extra). I’m excited to be debuting my new show at Machynlleth Comedy Festival. It’s only my second show, but my fifth year performing at the festival. You do the math(s). Maybe I’m lazy (true) or maybe I like to spend lots of time trying to get it just right, so much so that I’m still writing it now (January). It will likely feature material about Sugar Puffs, Free Willy and volcanos, but it might not. I will try to do best, but don’t worry, I’ve done all this before. Helo gang, Nathaniel Metcalfe yma. Ers i mi fod yma ddiwethaf, rwyf wedi bod ar James Acaster’s Findings (BBC Radio 4) a Fresh From the Fringe (Radio 4 Extra). Rwy’n edrych ymlaen at gael dangos fy sioe newydd am y tro cyntaf yng Ngŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth. Dim ond fy ail sioe yw hon, ond dyma fy mhumed flwyddyn yn perfformio yn yr ŵyl. Gwnewch chi’r math(s). Efallai fy mod i’n ddiog (gwir) neu efallai fy mod yn hoffi treulio llawer o amser yn ceisio’i gwneud yn berffaith - i’r graddau fy mod i’n dal i’w ysgrifennu ar hyn o bryd (mis Ionawr). Bydd yn debygol o gynnwys deunydd am Sugar Puffs, Machynlleth Comedy Festival 30

After 6 years on the circuit, Brian Gittins has yet to make any waves in the comedy world and continually struggles to find an audience that like him.

The dickhead from C4’s Derek and Gittins returns with a brand new show (more or less). Ar ôl 6 blynedd ar y cylch comedi, nid yw Brian Gittins eto wedi creu stŵr yn y byd comedi ac mae’n parhau i frwydro i ddod o hyd i gynulleidfa sy’n ei hoffi. Yn gaeth i chwistrell trwynol, mae Brian wedi rhoi 35 mlynedd i’w hun i gyrraedd y Palladium yn Llundain Y dickhead o Derek C4 a Gittins yn dychwelyd gyda sioe newydd sbon (mwy neu lai). ‘One of the best comedy characters of the decade.’ Ricky Gervais ‘Mundane, ineffectual and misconceived-to-thepoint-of-disturbing.’ Guardian ‘Very funny and horrifically distressing.’ Independent Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Royal House Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 4:00pm £6

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Plas Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 5:30pm £8 Age 18+ Mach Comedy Fest 042


(WORK-IN-PROGRESS) A brand new comedy sketch show from all-female sketch group Birthday Girls. Expect odd characters, offbeat sketches, try-hard dancing, and the best and most rewarding time of your life. Directed by Tom Parry (Pappys, BBC3’s Badults). Birthday Girls are Beattie Edmondson, Rose Johnson and Camille Ucan Sioe sgetsys comedi newydd sbon gan y grŵp sgests o ferched, Birthday Girls. Gallwch ddisgwyl cymeriadau rhyfedd, sgetsys od, dawnsio sy’n trio’n rhy galed, a’r amser gorau a mwyaf gwerthfawr yn eich bywydau. Cyfarwyddwyd gan Tom Parry (Pappys, Badults BBC3). Birthday Girls yw Beattie Edmondson, Rose Johnson a Camille Ucan. Venue: Date: Time: Price:


YOU CAN’T TAKE IT WITH YOU (WORK-IN-PROGRESS) Ch4’s Stand Up For The Week team member and winner of the BBC New Comedy Award (2011) Angela Barnes is warming up her hotly-anticipated debut hour show ahead of the Edinburgh Fringe. It is about, y’know, life and stuff and that. Angela has featured on BBC3’s Russell Howard’s Good News, Eddie Izzard’s Laughs in the Park for BBC2 and BBC Radio 4’s Now Show. Aelod tîm Stand Up For The Week Ch4 ac enillydd Gwobr Gomedi Newydd y BBC (2011), mae Angela Barnes yn twymo am ei sioe awr gyntaf

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 5:30pm £6

‘one of the best shows of its kind that I have seen this year’ Broadway Baby

Noson gyda seren enfawr Hollywood a seren Independence Day, Jeff Goldblum. Gallwch ddod o fewn chwe troedfedd i’ch arwr. Eisteddwch mewn cadair blastig wrth iddo adrodd hanes ei wyliau gyda Richard Attenborough. Dysgwch sut y gall corgimwch dychmygol achub eich bywyd. Yn cynnwys Whoopi Goldberg.Mae credydau ysgrifennu Partridge yn cynnwys The News Quiz, It’s Your Round a Small Scenes i BBC Radio 4 a Pantheon Of Heroes Elis James a Here Be Dragons i BBC Radio Wales. “tear-jerkingly funny stand-up comedy ... an absolute gem of a show.”  Broadway Baby

y bu mawr aros amdani cyn Fringe Caeredin. Mae’n trafod, chi’n gwybod, bywyd a stwff fel’na.Bu Angela ar Russell Howard’s Good News BBC3, Laughs in the Park Eddie Izzard ar gyfer BBC2 a Now Show BBC Radio 4.

“At every turn there is imagination ... If you can suspend your disbelief you can’t fail to fall in love with Partridge.”  Fringe Guru

‘Hers is a world-weary and devastatingly matterof-fact outlook on the world that really makes her stand out’ The Guardian Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Joe Lycett, ‘one of the strongest emerging comedy talents we’ve seen in a long time’ (Time Out) and 2012 Fosters Comedy Award Best Newcomer nominee, is on tour with his all new stand-up show.

Fel y gwelwyd ar Celebrity Juice (ITV2), Never Mind the Buzzcocks (BBC2), 8 Out Of 10 Cats (Channel 4) a Sweat the Small Stuff (BBC3).

Some words that may appear in the show include: hello, thanks, what, time, there, Nigel.*

‘Already possesses the relaxed, homely charm of an old campaigner’ (Times)

As seen on Celebrity Juice (ITV2), Never Mind the Buzzcocks (BBC2), 8 Out Of 10 Cats (Channel 4) and Sweat the Small Stuff (BBC3).

‘A delightfully natural style that builds a real connection with the audience … an accomplished storyteller’ (Chortle)

Mae Joe Lycett, ‘one of the strongest emerging comedy talents we’ve seen in a long time’ (Time Out) ac enwebai Gwobr Gomedi Newydd-ddyfodiad Gorau Fosters 2012, ar daith gyda’i sioe gomedi llwyfan newydd sbon.

*Subject to change, largely dependent on if there is someone called Nigel in the audience at your particular show. *Gall hyn newid, yn dibynnu i raddau helaeth ar rywun o’r enw Nigel yn y gynulleidfa yn eich sioe chi.

‘Imaginative and cheekily subversive comedy … Entertainingly mischievous’ (Guardian)

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Ysgol Bro Ddyfi Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 5:30pm £10


WORK-IN-PROGRESS Pat’s coming back to mach. He’ll sleep in a sack, give it a crack , and never look back.

inventive’. ‘Laughter here is guaranteed’.

SUGGEST IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS Musical romantic David Elms uses his stand up comedy, ‘silky voice’, ‘eccentric writing’, and ‘flashes of real comic genius’ to bring you a show that’s ‘silly, fun, ridiculous, surprising, and inventive’. ‘Laughter here is guaranteed’.

Cyrhaeddodd rownd derfynol Myfyriwr Chortle 2012, Digrifwr y Flwyddyn Prifysgol Caeredin 2011 a chyrhaeddodd rownd derfynol Gwobrau Comedi Newydd BBC Radio 2.

Chortle Student Finalist 2012, Edinburgh Uni Stand up of the Year 2011 and BBC Radio 2 New Comedy Awards semi-finalist.

“Original, Intelligent and Madcap”  What’s On Stage

Bydd y cerddor rhamantus David Elms yn defnyddio ei gomedi llwyfan, ‘silky voice’, ‘eccentric writing’, a ‘flashes of real comic genius’ i gyflwyno sioe sy’n ‘silly, fun, ridiculous, surprising, and



Dyma rai geiriau a fydd efallai’n ymddangos yn y sioe: helo, diolch, beth, amser, yno, Nigel.*

Y Plas Vane Tempest Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 5:30pm £6


Machynlleth Comedy Festival 32

‘exuberantly silly, consistently imaginative and delightfully playful’ The Guardian


AN AUDIENCE WITH JEFF GOLDBLUM An audience with Hollywood megastar and star of Independence Day, Jeff Goldblum. Get within six feet of your idol. Sit in a plastic chair while he recounts his holiday with Richard Attenborough. Learn how an imaginary prawn can save your life. Featuring Whoopi Goldberg. Partridge’s writing credits include The News Quiz, It’s Your Round and Small Scenes for BBC Radio 4 and Elis James’ Pantheon Of Heroes and Here Be Dragons for BBC Radio Wales.

Mae Pat Yn dychwelyd i Fach. Bydd yn cysgu mewn sach, yn rhoi cynnig arni, heb edrych yn ôl. “true star quality and bags of originality, mixing physical humour, gimmicks, wordplay and comedy songs. Imagine a cross between Sean Lock and Eddie Izzard and you might be getting somewhere, but nowhere close.” – Bruce Dessau, Evening Standard

“Intelligently comic and joyously silly”  Broadway Baby

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 5:30pm £7

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Bowling Club Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 5:30pm £7

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 5:30pm £6

Sponsored by Rag and Bone

Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 33



WHEN’S THIS GONNA STOP? An energetic and compelling master of audience interaction, Stuart’s spontaneous performances see him creating a perversely endearing air of comedic chaos in a show about support groups, catchphrases, lebkuchen, volcanoes and how 9/11 makes any song better. Meistr egnïol a grymus ar ryngweithio â’r gynulleidfa, mae perfformiadau digymell Stuart wedi’i weld yn creu naws wrthnysig annwyl o anhrefn doniol mewn sioe am grwpiau cymorth, arwyddeiriau, lebkuchen, llosgfynyddoedd a sut mae 9/11 yn gwneud unrhyw gân yn well. “laughs come thick and fast…definitely one to watch” Edinburgh Fest Mag review Venue: Date: Time: Price:


Like everyone else, he’s done Russell Howard’s Good News (BBC3) , One Night Stand (Dave) and is a regular host on BBC Radio 4 Extra with Ray Peacock who he also does an idiot double act with.

Mike Wozniak, Enwebai Gowbr Gomedi Caeredin 2013, Brian ar “Man Down” Channel 4, yn arborfi gyda sioe gomedi llwyfan newydd. Bydd o gwmpas drwy’r penwythnos, felly dylai fod yn hawdd dod o hydd iddo am adborth/cwyntion/ cynigion am swydd ddydd.

Gamble yn cyflwyno’i sioe unigol gyntaf. Iawn, mae wedi bod i Fach o’r blaen a gwneud sioe, ond ry’n ni’ncyfrif hon fel ei “gyntaf” oherwydd ei fod yn mynd i Fringe Caeredin â hi y tro hwn. Ta waeth, gadewch i ni beidio â phoeni. Gallwch ddisgwyl hiwmor hyfryd o’i geg tew.

“very funny” The New York Post

Royal House Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 5:30pm £6


WORK-IN-PROGRESS Gamble wops out his debut solo effort. Sure, he’s been to Mach before and done a show, but we’re counting this as his “debut” because he’s going to the Edinburgh Fringe with it this time. Anyway, let’s not get bogged down. You can expect some lovely humour delivered from his plump mouth.


WORK-IN-PROGRESS Phil Wang brings a work-in-progress show to the Machynlleth Comedy Festival.

Mike Wozniak, Edinburgh Comedy Award Nominee 2013, Brian on Channel 4’s “Man Down”, experiments with a new stand-up show. He’ll be around for the weekend so should be easy to track down for feedback/complaints/ day-job offers.

“Wozniak is bang on the money”  The Telegraph “Master of deadpan” Daily Express “Conceptual Triumph” The List

Winner of the 2010 Chortle Student Comedian of the Year Award, the Comedy Central Live Funniest Student Award 2011, and the current President of the prestigious Cambridge Footlights, Phil Wang is rapidly making a name for himself as one of Britain’s funniest Engineering undergraduates.

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Plas Vane Tempest Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 7:00pm £6

Fel pawb arall, mae wedi bod ar Russell Howard’s Good News (BBC3) , One Night Stand (Dave) ac mae’n gyflwynydd rheolaidd ar BBC Radio 4 Extra gyda Ray Peacock, ac mae mewn act ddwbl dwp ag ef hefyd.

In his brief time here on Earth, Phil has supported acts such as Greg Davies, Kurt Braunohler & Kristen Schaal, and Chris Addison with his dry, deadpan charm and an occasional ukulele. Daw Phil Wang â’i sioe gwaith ar y gweill i Ŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth. Enillydd Gwobr Digrifwr Myfyriwr y Flwyddyn Chortle 2010, Gwobr Myfyriwr Mwyaf Doniol Comedy Central Live 2011, a llywydd presennol y mawreddog Footlights Caergrawnt, mae Phil Wang yn prysur wneud enw i’w hun fel un o israddedigion Peirianneg mwyaf doniol Prydain. Yn ei gyfnod byr yma ar y ddaear, mae Phil wedi cefnogi actau fel Greg Davies, Kurt Braunohler a Kristen Schaal, a Chris Addison gyda’i swyn sych ac, o bryd i’w gilydd, iwcalili. “A skilful and hilarious individual” Varsity “Effortlessness personified” The Tab “Genius” The Cambridge Student


MY OLD BITS AND MY NEW BITS In 2012, in what was a surprise to scientists everywhere, Aisling became the first woman to win the prestigious So You Think You’re Funny? competition in 20 years. In August 2013, she was also the only woman nominated for the Foster’s Best Newcomer Award for her debut stand-up show “C’est La Bea”. To Machynlleth she brings a sort-of-best-bitsand-sort-of-new-stuff-kind-of-show-youknow-the-one-come-along? Yn 2012, gan beri syndod i wyddonwyr ym

Machynlleth Comedy Festival 34


mhob man, Aisling oedd y fenyw gyntaf i ennill cystadleuaeth fawreddog So You Think You’re Funny? mewn 20 mlynedd. Ym mis Awst 2013, hi hefyd oedd yr unig fenyw i gael ei henwebu ar gyfer Gwobr Newyddddyfodiad Gorau Foster’s am ei sioe comedi llwyfan gyntaf, “C’est La Bea”. IFachynlleth daw â rhywfaint-o’r-goreuon-arhywfaint-o-stwff-newydd-chi’n-gwyboddewch-yn-llu? Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Machynlleth Bowling Club Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 7:00pm £6

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Ysgol Bro Ddyfi Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 7:00pm £7

WORK-IN-PROGRESS TOBY - made up of sisters Sarah and Lizzie Daykin - quickly became an underground cult hit with their 2010 Edinburgh debut show, and their refreshing approach to sketch comedy won them rave reviews once again for their 2011 show Lucky. As they return with their hotly anticipated third show, will the sisters finally be able to put their differences behind them? They have written and performed for Live at the Electric (BBC 3) and have appeared in Anna and Katy (Channel 4), Dead Boss (BBC 3), For The Win (BBC3) and Chickens (Sky 1). Tyfodd TOBY - sef y chwiorydd Sarah a Lizzie Daykin - yn llwyddiant tanddaearol yn gyflym

gyda’u sioe gyntaf yng Nghaeredin 2010, ac enillodd eu hymagwedd ffres at gomedi sgets adolygiadau gwych unwaith eto am sioe 2011 Lucky. Wrth iddynt ddychwelyd gyda’u trydydd sioe y bu disgwyl mawr amdani, a fydd y chwiorydd yn gallu goresgyn eu gwahaniaethau o’r diwedd? Maent wedi ysgrifennu a pherfformio ar gyfer Live at the Electric (BBC 3) ac wedi ymddangos yn Anna and Katy (Channel 4), Dead Boss (BBC 3), For The Win (BBC3) a Chickens (Sky 1). “The pacing of these oddball, original sketches is expert”  Independent Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 7:00pm £6

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 7:00pm £6 Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 35


DYNES A HANNER Romp ddifyr drwy’r canrifoedd mewn sioe sy’n rhoi golwg newydd ar ein harwresau! Beth yw ‘arwres’ mewn difri? Pa gyfrinachau sy’n llechi tu ol i’r enwau? Mae’r hanner can munud yn hedfan wrth i Llio Silyn a Rhian Morgan gyflwyno mewn sgets, can a cherdd y gwir am y merched sy wedi ffurfio ein hanes. Y tywysogesau! Yr ymladdwyr! Ac ymhlith yr enwau adnabyddus, cyflwynir ambell i nytar go iawn. Yn dilyn llwyddiant ysgubol eu sioe ddiweddaraf ‘A gymri di Gymru?’ dyma i chi wers hanes gywasgedig sy’n procio ac yn difyrru, yn dwysbigo ar brydiau ac troi hanes din dros ben, a hynny mewn arddull syml ac agos atoch.



Mae Daniel Glyn wedi bod yn perfformio comedi llwyfan ers 1992, ac eleni mae’n teimlo ei fod yn mynd i’w gael yn iawn. Mae’n wyneb cyfarwydd ar S4C, yn llais cyfarwydd ar BBC Radio Cymru, ac yn rhif ffôn cyfarwydd yn y toiledau cyhoeddus ar hyd yr A470. Hanner Cymro, hanner Sais o Gaerdydd sy’n siarad Cymraeg, yn y sioe hon, bydd yn rhannu ei brofiadau fel mwngrel ieithyddol a diwylliannol. Dewch i weld y dyn a elwir yn Welshie gan y Saeson, ac yn ddysgwr gan y Cymry. (Sioe Saesneg)



Venue: Date: Time: Price:



Daniel Glyn has been performing standup since 1992, and this year he reckons he’s going to get it right. He is a familiar face on S4C, a familiar voice on BBC Radio Cymru, and a familiar phone number in the public toilets along the A470. A half Welsh, half English, Welsh speaking Cardiffian, this show sees him sharing his experiences of being a linguistic and cultural mongrel. Come see the man who’s called a Welshie by the English, and learner by the Welsh. (English language show)

After sorting out politics (Hitler Moustache), religion (Christ on a Bike), love (What is Love, Anyway?) and penises (Talking Cock) Herring’s tenth consecutive stand-up show tackles the undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveller returns (apart from Jesus and that canoe bloke). Is death a tragedy or an excuse to have an extended lie-in? Are we snuffed out or forced to endure eternity without bodily pleasures? Death is inevitable, so let’s laugh in its face while our hearts still beat and our jaws are still attached.

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Royal House Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 7:00pm £6

Suzi’s innovative style capitivates audiences with her engrossing tales of social ineptitude and stories of desperately trying to fit in.

Mae arddull arloesol Suzi yn swyno cynulleidfaoedd gyda’i straeon diddorol am analluedd cymdeithasol ac am geisio’n anobeithiol i ffitio i mewn. Join Suzi Ruffell as she tries out new material. This bright young comic is quickly making a name for herself with a Leciester Mercury Comedian of the Year nominee and Latitude Festival New Act Comp nominee under her belt. Regarded as one of best up and coming acts on the circuit Suzi is in constant demand at clubs and theatres across Britain. She is fast establishing herself on the live Machynlleth Comedy Festival 36

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Tabernacl Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 7:30pm £11

circuit supporting Alan Carr, Josh Widdicombe and Kevin Bridges on tour.

Ymunwch â Suzi Ruffell wrth iddi roi cynnig ar ddeunydd newydd. Mae’r digrifwr ifanc cyffrous yma’n datblygu enw da’n gyflym, gan ei bod eisoes yn enwebai Digrifwr y Flwyddyn Leciester Mercury a Chystadleuaeth Act Newydd Gŵyl Latitude. Ystyrir Suzi yn un o’r actau newydd gorau ar y cylch comedi, ac mae galw mawr amdani mewn clybiau a theatrau ar draws Prydain. Mae hi’n prysur sefydlu ar y cylch byw, gan gefnogi Alan Carr, Josh Widdicombe a Kevin Bridges ar daith.

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 7:00pm £6

Ar ôl rhoi trefn ar wleidyddiaeth (Hitler Moustache), crefydd (Christ on a Bike), cariad (What is Love, Anyway?) a phidynnau (Talking Cock), mae degfed sioe gomedi llwyfan olynol Herring yn mynd i’r afael â’r wlad heb ei darganfod na ddaw ‘run teithiwr yn ôl ohoni (ar wahân i Iesu a’r boi canŵ). Yw marwolaeth yn drasiedi neu’n esgus i gysgu’n hwyr am byth? Ydyn ni’n diflannu neu’n gorfod treulio tragwyddoldeb heb bleserau corfforol? Mae marwolaeth yn anochel, felly dewch i ni chwerthin yn ei hwyneb tra bod ein calonnau’n dal i guro, a bod ein genau yn eu lle o hyd.



One of the hit shows of this year’s Edinburgh festival Alex Horne comes to Machynlleth Comedy Festival following a complete sell-out run in Edinburgh. The 30 year old multi-Bafta award-winning stand up and platinum-selling R&B artist Alex Horne is back with a show full of observations, impressions and lies. Best known for mindblowing Powerpoint or live music, this show has neither; just Alex, a panda, some jokes and some lies. Although one of those may also be a lie. Or a joke. Either way, it’ll be funny. Honest. Daw un o sioeau lwyddiannus Gŵyl Gaeredin, Alex Horne, i Ŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth eleni ar ôl gwerthu pob tocyn ar gyfer ei rhediad yng Nghaeredin.Mae’r digrifwr a enillodd sawlBafta a’r artist R&B 30 oed a gyflawnodd werthiant platinwm Alex Horne yn ôl gyda sioe’n llawn arsylwadau, argraffiadau a chelwyddau.

‘A real stand-up gem’ The Guardian

Yn fywaf adnabyddus am Powerpoint heb ei ail neu gerddoriaeth fyw, nid oes un o’r ddau yn y sioe hon; dim ond Alex, panda, ambell jôc ac ambell gelwydd. Ond efallai mai celwydd yw un o’r rhain. Neu jôc. P’un bynnag, bydd yn ddoniol. Onest.

‘This is what talent looks like before it hits big’ London Is Funny

“A beguiling blend of the smart and the stupid. . . a real delight” The Sunday Times

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Rag and Bone Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 7:00pm £6

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Plas Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 8:30pm £11

Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 37



No characters. Just her. When you strip it all back what do you have? She supported The Mighty Boosh last year, Harry Hill named her The “Best comedy newcomer” and Eddie Izzard called her “Sexy and bonkers like Twin Peaks” so here’s hoping she’s not a total bore....


AN HOUR OF CLASSIC BANTS Three time edinburgh comedy award nominee and cult-optimist Josie Long sows the seeds of her brand new show, a helplessly likeable force of social change.

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Ysgol Bro Ddyfi Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 8:30pm £8

Bydd Josie Long, a enwebwyd am wobr gomedi Gaeredin deirgwaith ac sy’n optimist tanddaearol, yn gwasgaru hadau ei sioe newydd sbon, grym diymadferth hoffus o newid cymdeithasol.

Dim cymeriadau. Dim ond hi. Pan fyddwch yn diosg y cyfan, beth sydd gennych? Cefnogodd The Mighty Boosh y llynedd, enwodd Harry Hill hi y “Best comedy newcomer” a galwodd Eddie Izzard hi “Sexy and bonkers like Twin Peaks” felly dyma obeithio na fydd hi’n gwbl ddiflas ... “Vivacious character comedian Holly Burn’s mixture of the madcap, the surreal and the downright deranged has become more and more beguiling over the past few years.” - The Independent “Like a holiday camp run by clowns and deviants... there’s plenty of fun to be had” - The Guardian “Hilarious. Part vamp, part clown, part psycho and part hostess with the moistest... Holly Burn is an extraordinary, fresh, strange new talent.” - The Scotsman Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 8:30pm £7


MASTERWORKS IN PROGRESS Venue: Owain Glyndŵr Centre Date: Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai Time: 8:30pm Price: £6 See page 19 Machynlleth Comedy Festival 38


OLD FASHIONED (WORK-IN-PROGRESS) A stand up show about feeling bamboozled by the modern world. Join Lloyd for a brand new hour of gags, anecdotes, riffs and occasional exasperated pleas to the sky. Will contain jokes about CGI, plugs and gang bangs. As seen in second-hand shops up and down the country, on Russell Howard’s Good News (BBC3) and heard on The Rhod Gilbert show (BBC Radio Wales) amongst other things. Sioe gomedi llwyfan am deimlo’n ddryslud yn y

byd cyfoes. Ymunwch â Lloyd am awr newydd sbon o jôcs, straeon, byrfyfyr ac ambell ble blin i’r awyr. Bydd yn cynnwys jôcs am CGI, plygiau a ‘gang bangs’. I’w weld mewn siopau ail law ar hyd a lled y wlad, ar Russell Howard’s Good News (BBC3) ac i’w glywed ar The Rhod Gilbert show (BBC Radio Wales) ymysg pethau eraill. “Particularly brilliant” Fest Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Plas Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 8:30pm £7 Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 39



MC MIKE BUBBINS, JORDAN BROOKES, JAMS THOMAS, ALED RICHARDS, PENNY MATTHEWS Once again, Wales’s best (and indeed only) bi-lingual standup show returns to Machynlleth. No knowledge of Welsh, or indeed English, necessary. Come and tri-lingual!

WORK-IN-PROGRESS Join the nostalgic slacker with a big heart as he trains up his debut solo show to fighting weight. He’ll question everything, talk about love, and probably reference something stupid like Snorlax. Catch him while he’s awake. Ymunwch â’r diogyn hiraethus â chalon fawr wrth iddo hyfforddi ei sioe unigol gyntaf i bwysau ymladd. Bydd yn cwestiynu popeth, yn siarad am gariad, a mwy na thebyg yn cyfeirio at rywbeth twp fel Snorlax. Dewch i’w weld tra’i fod ar ddihun.

Noson o gomedi ddwy-ieithog.

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Machynlleth Bowling Club Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 8:30pm £6


CONTAINS SCENES OF AN ADULT NATURE Following its highly acclaimed, sell out run at the Edinburgh Festival, Brett brings his award winning comedy show to the Machynlleth Comedy Festival.

“Highly rated up-and-comer” The Guardian

Yn edrych ar bynciau difrifol pornograffi’r we, llefain … a sut i oroesi toriad trydan yn Efrog Newydd heb golli urddas; Cafodd y sioe rai o’r adolygiadau gorau y llynedd - gan

dderbyn canmoliaeth eang gan feirniaid a chynulleidfaoedd.

Machynlleth Comedy Festival 40

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Tabernacl Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 10:00pm £12


Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 8:30pm £7

ARE SPLITTING AN HOUR. WHY? GENEROSITY Mae spent last year gleefully reliving the traumas of her melodramatic adolescence, and the disappointment of the 2012 Apocalypse, but now it’s time to move on using the therapeutic process of new material. Let’s have a nice time, for once in our terrible lives! Rag and Bone Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 8:30pm £6

Bydd seren ‘The Last Leg’ Channel 4, a ‘Live At The Apollo’ a ‘Mock The Week’ BBC1, Josh Widdicombe, ar daith eto yn yr hydref gyda’i sioe newydd sbon, ‘Incidentally…’

“Guardian sports reporter turned ace observationalist Josh Widdicombe has the ability to find the sparkle in the mundane that puts him in line to be the next Sean Lock.” - Guardian


Venue: Date: Time: Price:

The last twelve months have been incredible for the Edinburgh Comedy Awards Best Newcomer nominee 2011 Josh Widdicombe, with the hit Channel 4 show ‘The Last Leg’ being commissioned for two series after its success during the Paralympics Games. Josh also picked up the coveted Saturday breakfast slot on XFM and his much-loved show features regularly in the iTunes Podcast Top 10.

Mae’r deuddeg mis diwethaf wedi bod yn anhygoel Josh Widdicombe, a enwedwyd am wobr Newydd-ddyfodiad Gorau Gwobrau Comedi Caeredin 2011, gyda sioe boblogaidd ‘The Last Leg’ Channel 4 yn cael ei gomisiynu am ddwy gyfres ar ôl ei llwyddiant yn ystod y Gemau Paralympaidd. Derbyniodd Josh slot brecwast ddydd Sadwrn ar XFM, ac mae ei sioe boblogaidd iawn yn aml yn 10 Uchaf Podlediad iTunes.

Exploring the serious subjects of internet pornography, crying… and how to survive a New York blackout with your dignity intact; the show proved to be one of the best reviewed shows of the last year – receiving widespread critical and audience praise. Yn dilyn rhediad o fri a werthodd bob tocyn yng Ngŵyl Caeredin, daw Brett â’i sioe gomedi arobryn i Ŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth.


INCIDENTALLY Star of Channel 4’s ‘The Last Leg’ BBC1’s ‘Live At The Apollo’ and ‘Mock The Week’, Josh Widdicombe returns to the road this autumn touring his brand new show ‘Incidentally…’

Treuliodd Mae y llynedd yn mwynhau ailfyw trawma ei llencyndod melodramatig, a siom Apocalyps 2012, ond bellach mae’n amser symud ymlaen gan ddefnyddio proses

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Royal House Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 8:30pm £6

therapiwtig deunydd newydd. Dewch i ni gael amser braf, am unwaith yn ein bywydau erchyll! ‘She had the audience in the palm of her hand’  ThreeWeeks. Dan Cook, formerly of sketch group Delete the Banjax, is doing a solo show. It involves him and his new best mate Potato. Sure, it might be work in progress, but he guarantees at least one joke. Mae Dan Cook, o’r grŵp sgets Delete the Banjax, yn gwneud sioe unigol. Mae’n ei gynnwys ef a’i ffrind gorau newydd Potato. Efallai ei fod yn waith ar y gweill, ond mae’n addo o leiaf un jôc. “Cook possesses a quality that simply makes him funny”  The List

IS (IN AND) OUT OF HIS MIND Robin Ince - Sony Gold Award winning comedian and science enthusiast (Radio 4’s Infinite Monkey Cage with Prof Brian Cox) - presents another in his line of unhinged stand up comic lectures. After dabbling in Darwin and Feynman, and cleaning out Schrodinger’s Cat, Robin now delves into his mind and possibly your mind too. From Freud and Jung to Laing and Milgram, from rats after rewards to insanity cured by ink spots, Robin looks at the last 100 years of psychiatry, psychology and skewiff brain dabblings. Just how hard is it being a self conscious being on planet earth. Come along, he may cure you. Robin Ince - digrifwr a enillodd Wobr Aur Sony sy’n frwdfrydig am wyddoniaeth (Infinite Monkey Cage Radio 4 gyda’r Athro Brian Cox) - yn cyflwyno darlith ddoniol arall yn ei gyfres wallgof.

Sponsored by White Lion Hotel

Ar ôl dablo gyda Darwin a Feynman, a glanhau ar ôl Cath Schrödinger, mae Robin nawr yn chwilota yn ei feddwl, ac efallai eich meddwl chi hefyd. O Freud a Jung i Laing a Milgram, o lygod mawr ar ôl gwobrau i wallgofrwydd a wellir gan smotiau inc, bydd Robin yn edrych ar y 100 mlynedd ddiwethaf o seiciatreg, seicoleg a dablo yn yr ymennydd. Pa mor anodd yn union yw bod yr unig fod hunanymwybodol ar y ddaear? Dewch yn llu - efallai y bydd yn eich gwella. “when someone writes a history of modern comedy, they should make room for Robin Ince” …The Guardian “thoughtful, provocative and very funny” … The Times Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Plas Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 10:00pm £10

Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 41




THOUGHTS ON LOVE (BY A MAN WITH NONE OF THE ANSWERS) We’re all idiots searching for someone who’ll fail to notice. Award winning stand-up from Jigsaw’s Tom Craine (BBC Radio 4, sell-out runs Edinburgh 2011-2013). As seen: Russell Howard’s Good News (BBC Three), Live At The Electric (BBC Three), Fake Reaction (ITV2), Doctor Who: The Ultimate Guide (BBC Three). Sex & The Single Guy columnist (Cosmopolitan). Writer for British Comedy Award nominated The Last Leg (Channel 4). Rydym ni oll yn ffyliaid yn chwilio am rywun na


Rob Deering’s Beat This The live music-based game show from Rob Deering – ‘brilliant musical comedian’ Time Out – comes to MachFest. ‘Employing live music mash-ups, megamixes (not enough of them nowadays) and music trivia, the nimblefingered Deering pits comedians and the audience against each other’ Comedy Central. This long-established Edinburgh Festival tradition, coming to Wales for the first time, is the perfect end – middle, if you’re that badassed – to your Festival Saturday night. Rob Deering’s Beat This Sioe gêm gerddoriaeth fyw gan Rob Deering – ‘brilliant musical comedian’ Time Out – yn dod i Ŵyl Mach. ‘Employing live music mash-ups, megamixes (not enough of them nowadays) and music trivia, the nimble-fingered Deering pits comedians and the audience against each other’ Comedy Central. Daw’r traddodiad sefydledig hwn o Ŵyl Caeredin i Gymru am y tro cyntaf, yn ddiwedd perffaith - neu ganol, os ydych mor wyllt â hynny - i’ch nos Sadwrn yn yr Ŵyl. Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Ysgol Bro Ddyfi Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 10:00pm £8

Machynlleth Comedy Festival 42



TOM BASDEN Tom Basden will play some songs and read some stuff and show some art and generally tear this festival a new one in a fairly low-key but uncompromising way. Not boasting or anything, but he’s won an Edinburgh comedy award (only the newcomer one, to be fair) and a British comedy award and speaks a bit of Chinese. There’s also an outside chance you’d recognise him from TV depending of course on what you’ve seen and how good you are with faces. Bydd Tom Basden yn chwarae ambell gân ac yn darllen stwff ac yn dangos celf ac yn rhwygo’r ŵyl yn ddarnau mewn ffordd dawel ond

 Three Weeks  British Comedy Guide “Wise, Funny, lyrical” Observer. “A rising stand-up star” The Independent


Machynlleth Bowling Club Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 10:00pm £6

digyfaddawd. Ddim fy mod am frolio na dim, ond mae wedi ennill gwobr gomedi Caeredin (dim ond yr un i newydd-ddyfodiad, i fod yn deg) a gwobr gomedi Prydain ac mae’n siarad rhywfaint o Tseiniëg. Mae cyfle bach hefyd y byddwch yn ei adnabod o’r teledu gan ddibynnu wrth gwrs ar yr hyn rydych wedi’i weld a pha mor dda rydych chi’n cofio wynebau.

WORK IN PROGAGS Hello Mach, We have not met yet but I have heard you are nice. I have a show packed full of one liners to run past you, hope you dont mind. Come and watch, I promise I won’t steal anything.


Rag and Bone Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 10:00pm £6 Sponsored by I.G. Owens Ironmongers

Love videogames? Love comedy? This’ll mash both together! Sound good? Then you’re probably a nerd. But so are we, so come to this! It is FOR. YOU. It’ll be like GamesMaster off the telly, but in a cupboard.

Helo Mach, dydyn ni heb gwrdd eto, ond rwyf wedi clywed eich bod yn neis. Mae gen i sioe yn llawn jôcs un llinell i’w rhannu â chi, gobeithio nad oes ots gennych. Dewch i’w weld, rwy’n addo peidio â dwyn dim.

There’ll be loads of guest comedians performing gaming-based comedy stand-up/sketches/ songs to make you nerdgasm, as well as battling on classic videogames for Team McNeil (winners) and Team Pamphilon (losers). Nerds, assemble.

“fiendishly clever quips” Bruce Dessau

Wrth eich boddau â gemau cyfrifiadur? Wrth eich boddau â chomedi? Bydd hon yn cyfuno’r ddau! Swynio’n dda? Yna rydych yn gîc, siŵr o fod. Ond ry’n ni hefyd, felly dewch atom! Mae AR EICH CYFER. CHI. Bydd fel GamesMaster ar y teledu, ond mewn cwpwrdd.

“perfectly-timed, clever one-liners” Leicester Mercury Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Venue: Date: Time: Price:




fyddant yn sylwi. Comedi llwyfan arobryn gan Tom Craine o Jigsaw (BBC Radio 4, rhediadau a werthodd bob tocyn yng Nghaeredin 20112013). Fel y gwelwyd: Russell Howard’s Good News (BBC Three), Live At The Electric (BBC Three), Fake Reaction (ITV2), Doctor Who: The Ultimate Guide (BBC Three). Colofnydd Sex & The Single Guy (Cosmopolitan). Ysgrifennwr ar gyfer The Last Leg (Channel 4) a enwebwyd am Wobr Gomedi Brydeinig. .

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 10:00pm £6



Bydd llwyth o ddigrifwyr gwadd yn perfformio comedi/sgetsys/caneion am gemau i roi nerdgasm i chi, yn ogystal â brwydro ar gemau fideo clasurol ar ran Tîm McNeil (enillwyr) a Thîm Pamphilon (collwyr). Gîcs, dewch ynghyd.

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 10:00pm £6 See page 19

“A twerp…a comedy genius” The Guardian Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 10:00pm £7

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Bowling Club Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 11:30pm £7 Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 43



Y Tabernacl Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 12:00pm £7 See page 26


MASTERWORKS IN PROGRESS Venue: Owain Glyndŵr Centre Date: Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai Time: 1:00pm Price: £6 See page 19


GOOD LUCK MR GORSKY! Remember that most twenty-somethings live with their parents. Adjust your perspective and settle in to what is, admittedly, a scribble in progress. Be the stiff napkin to my wondering biro. Winner of the Foster’s Edinburgh Best Newcomer Comedy Award 2013. Cofiwch bod y rhan fwyaf o bobl yn eu hugeiniau’n byw gyda’u rhieni. Addaswch eich persbectif a setlwch am rywbeth sydd, rhaid cyfaddef, yn sgribl ar y gweill. Byddwch yn gadach syth i fy ysgrifbin meddylgar. Enillydd Gwobr Gomedi Newydd-ddyfodiad Gorau Caeredin Foster’s2013.

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 1:00pm £6

Machynlleth Comedy Festival 44



WORK-IN-PROGRESS Join award-winning sparky stand up Joe Lycett as he workshops material for his third new hour show. Expect it to be rough round the edges, interactive, potentially slightly awkward, but most of all BLOODY GOOD FUN. His 2012 show got nominated for Edinburgh Comedy Award Best Newcomer so it can’t be all bad. As seen on 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown (C4), Never Mind the Buzzcocks (BBC2) and as heard on Radio 4’s Just A Minute.

THUMBS FOR HIRE Nell Frizzell is one of those horribly enthusiastic, outdoorsy people she would have hated when she was 13. She also has a really awful laugh and drinks so much tea she’s actually given herself anaemia. Nell Frizzell yw un o’r bobl ofnadwy o frwdfrydig hynny sy’n hoffi’r awyr agored y byddai wedi’u

A delightfully natural style that builds a real connection with the audience … an accomplished storyteller’ Chortle.


WORK-IN-PROGRESS Join Romesh Ranganathan as he previews his eagerly anticipated brand new show. The last twelve months have been incredible for Ranganathan with him winning the prestigious ‘Leicester Mercury New Act Award 2013’ and his critically acclaimed Edinburgh Festival debut being nominated for the coveted ‘Best Newcomer Award 2013’. Culminating in his debut appearance on BBC2’s ‘Mock The Week’, BBC1’s ‘Live At The Apollo’, BBC3’s ‘Russell Howard’s Good News’, ‘Edinburgh Comedy Fest Live 2013’ and a regular slot on Channel 4’s weekly topical show ‘Stand Up For The Week’.

Ymunwch â Romesh Ranganathan wrth iddo ddangos ei sioe newydd sbon y bu hir aros amdani am y tro cyntaf. Mae’r deuddeg mis diwethaf wedi bod yn anhygoel i Ranganathan, wrth iddo ennill y ‘Gwobr Act Newydd Leicester Mercury 2013’ a’i sioe gyntaf fawreddog yng Ngŵyl Gaeredin yn cael ei henwebu ar gyfer ‘Gwobr Newydd-ddyfodiad Gorau 2013’. Arweiniodd hyn at ei ymddangosiad cyntaf ar ‘Mock The Week’ BBC2, ‘Live At The Apollo’ BBC1, ‘Russell Howard’s Good News’ BBC3, ‘Edinburgh

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Royal House Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 1:00pm £6


Ymunwch â’r digrifwr cyffrous arobryn Joe Lycett wrth iddo weithio ar ddeunydd ar gyfer ei drydedd sioe awr. Gallwch ddisgwyl iddo fod yn amrwd, yn rhyngweithiol, efallai ychydig yn chwithig, ond yn bennaf oll yn HWYL GWYCH. Cafodd ei sioe 2012 ei henwebu am Wobr Comedi Caeredin Newydd-ddyfodiad Gorau, felly ni all fod yn ddrwg i gyd. Fel y gwelwyd ar 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown (C4), Never Mind the Buzzcocks (BBC2) ac fel y clywyd ar Just A Minute Radio 4. ‘Imaginative and cheekily subversive comedy … Entertainingly mischievous’ Guardian.

casáu pan oedd yn 13. Mae ei chwerthin yn ofnadwy hefyd, ac mae wedi yfed cymaint o de ei bod wedi rhoi anemia i’w hun.

CHARACTERHORSE The master of character comedy returns with a sublimely original hour of comic shape-shifting and supreme silliness. From the Writers’ Guild Award-winner and star of Being Human (BBC3), Colin Hoult’s Carnival of Monsters (Radio 4), Life’s Too Short (BBC2) and Derek (C4).

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Machynlleth Bowling Club Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 1:00pm £6

Comedy Fest Live 2013’ a slot rheolaidd ar raglen amserol wythnosol Channel 4 ‘Stand Up For The Week’’.  Sunday Times

Meistr comedi cymeriad yn dychwelyd gydag awr hynod wreiddiol o newid siâp doniol a gwir ffolineb. Gan enillydd gwobr Undeb yr Ysgrifenwyr a seren Being Human (BBC3), Colin Hoult’s Carnival of Monsters (Radio 4), Life’s Too Short (BBC2) a Derek (C4). ‘Rivetingly original ... delightfully funny’  Telegraph Venue: Date: Time: Price:


WORK-IN-PROGRESS Ian Smith is an award-winning comedian, as seen on BBC3’s ‘Sweat the Small Stuff’, BBC2 sitcom ‘Popatron’, Sky’s ‘Officially Special’ and ‘BBC Three at the Fringe’. In his critically acclaimed debut solo show, ‘Anything’, Smith tackled that tricky and restrictive theme - anything. This is a work-in-progress of his second solo show. Who knows what it will be about. It should be fun though.

Machynlleth Bowling Club Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 2:30pm £8

“Ranganathan’s punchlines are sharper and funnier than many of his peers.” The Guardian Sponsored by The Red Lion

Mae Ian Smith yn ddigrifwr arobryn, a welwyd ar ‘Sweat the Small Stuff’ BBC3, sitcom BBC2 ‘Popatron’, ‘Officially Special’ Sky a ‘BBC Three at the Fringe’. Yn ei sioe unigol feirniadol o fri, ‘Anything’, aeth Smith i’r afael â’r thema anodd a chyfyngol honno - unrhywbeth. Dyma waith ar y gweill ei ail sioe unigol. Pwy â wyr beth fydd y testun? Ond dylai fod yn hwyl. “Fantastically funny” The Times


Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Plas Vane Tempest Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 1:00pm £6

EARLY IDEAS Elis James and Josh Widdicombe share an hour to try out new material. Elis James a Josh Widdicombe yn rhannu awr i roi cynnig ar ddeunydd newydd.

“A highly enjoyable show not to be missed”  Three Weeks Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 2:30pm £7

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 2:30pm £6 Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 45


ADVENTURE Chasing excitement, John came to the UK from his native Canada. After some sex, death and theft, he got enlightenment instead...

IN “A WORK-IN-PROGRESS” Liam Williams does a new show. In February it was called ‘Capitalism: A Free Verse Stage Play’ but even back then he wasn’t married to that as a title.

Daeth John i'r DU o Ganada yn chwilio am gyffro. Ar ôl rhywfaint o ryw, marwolaeth a lladrad, cafodd oleuedigaeth yn lle ...

Liam Williams yn gwneud sioe newydd. Ym mis Chwefror, ei theitl oedd ‘Capitalism: A Free Verse Stage Play’ ond hyd yn oed bryd hynny, nid oedd wedi ymrwymo i’r teitl hwnnw.

 Cream of the Fringe Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 2:30pm £6

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Royal House Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 2:30pm £6

See us at Machynlleth and grab your free poster!






For more information, subscriptions and how to get involved, please visit us at @mag _ stand fund us on

Mach Comedy Fest 042

Mach Comedy Fest 042



FINDING EMO (WORK-IN-PROGRESS) When Joel (Impractical Jokers BBC3, Russell Howards Good News BBC3, Sweat the Small Stuff BBC3, MTV News) was 15, he was in a terrible band that played one gig. Can he find the members and reunite them for the sake of a stand up comedy show narrative? The answer is - possibly.

UNPACKED Henry Paker brings his new show to Machynlleth Comedy Festival. Henry took his first solo hour of stand up Edinburgh Festival in 2010 and followed it up with his acclaimed show Cabin Fever in 2011 ( The Guardian: ‘scales impressive comedy peaks throughout this entertainingly twisty solo hour’) and Classic Paker in 2013 ( Chortle: ‘there’s not a spare syllable or hesitation in the whole hour, he is as precise as music and the audience were delighted to follow his tune’). His narrative comedy show, The Golden Lizard, won him and Mike Wozniak the Best New Show at the Leicester Comedy Festival in 2011, and went on to sell out a run at London’s Soho Theatre.

Pan roedd Joel (Impractical Jokers BBC3, Russell Howards Good News BBC3, Sweat the Small Stuff BBC3, MTV News) yn 15, roedd mewn band erchyll a chwaraeodd un gig. A fydd yn gallu dod o hyd i’r aelodau a’u haduno er mwyn naratif sioe gomedi llwyfan? Yr ateb yw - o bosib. “Hilarious.. Delightful tales”  Scotsman  Three Weeks Dommett has what it takes to make it to the top, catch him on the way up” Daily Telegraph Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Plas Vane Tempest Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 4:00pm £7

Mae’r awr hapus hon yn adrodd hanes perthynas Mike ag Elvis Presley, yn rhannol ar sail y gwaith ar y gweill a werthodd bob tocyn y llynedd. Trwy gydol bywyd Mike, mae bob amser wedi gallu cyfrif ar gefn mewn ‘jumpsuit’ i’w gefnogi. Ddim yn llythrennol, ‘dyw e ddim o’i gof, ond yn hytrach y caneuon y mae’n teimlo y recordiodd Presley yn benodol ar ei gyfer, er mwyn ei gefnogi wedi iddo farw.

Machynlleth Comedy Festival 48

Bowling Club Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 4:00pm £7

feels Presley recorded, specifically for him, in order to support him from beyond the grave. To say thankyouverymuch, Mike decided to enter every Elvis competition in the country, reaching the final (honestly) of the European Elvis Championship. Did he win? All will be revealed. The audience can expect limitless laughter, four songs, and two dazzling costumes.



WORK-IN-PROGRESS Gabby Best hasn’t slept properly in years. Nor have the various women currently sharing a squalid bedsit in her brain... Come and meet them (and her) as they simmer the midnight oil... Dyw Gabby Best heb gysgu’n iawn ers blynyddoedd. Mae’r un peth yn wir am y menywod amrywiol sy’n rhannu fflat brwnt yn ei hymennydd ... Dewch i gwrdd â nhw (a hithau) wrth iddynt wynebu canol nos ...



Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 2:30pm £6 See page 19


...IS BRINGING EDD HEDGES (Hello Everyone) Multi-award winning Welsh comedian Matt Rees (me) has generated a huge buzz on the circuit with his unique brand of well-crafted gags and acerbic delivery earning him high praise from audiences and critics alike.

Star of BBC Radio Wales’ Mike Bubbins - Daytripper

Leicester Mercury Comedian of the year

“a properly original comedy mind” Guardian

‘Hilariously gifted’ – Rhod Gilbert

“a properly original comedy mind” Guardian

(Rwy’n dod â fy ffrind Edd Hedges gan ei fod yn ardderchog) Edd Hedges So you think you’re funny 2013– ENILLYDD

Y Plas Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 4:00pm £7

(I am bringing my mate Edd Hedges up with me because he is amazing) Edd Hedges So you think you’re funny 2013– winner

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 4:00pm £6

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 4:00pm £6

(Helo Bawb) Mae Matt Rees (fi), digrifwr o Gymru a enillodd sawl gwobr wedi creu cynnwrf mawr ar y cylch gyda’i fath arbennig o jôcs crefftus a pherfformiad coeglyd gan ennill canmoliaeth uchel gan gynulleidfaoedd a beirniaid fel ei gilydd.

Er mwyn dewud diolchynfawriawn, penderfynodd Mike gystadlu ym mhob cystadleuaeth Elvis yn y wlad, gan gyrraedd (ones) Pencampwriaeth Elvis Ewrop. A fu’n fuddugol? Datgelir y cyfan. Gall y gynulleidfa ddisgwyl chwerthin diddiwedd, pedair cân, a dwy wisg arbennig.

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Sponsored by Huw Lewis Tyres

IS WATCHING THE WHEELS GO ROUND AND ROUND A few thoughts about Emptiness. Quiet desperation. And a complete inability to get round to grasping the nettle (if indeed it is a nettle). A Work In Progress (clearly). ‘Britain’s greatest living anti-comedian’ (The Guardian). ‘Aczel turns unprofessionalism into an artform’ (The Times). or hesitation in the whole hour, he is as precise. Ambell syniad am wacter. Anobaith tawel. Ac anallu llwyr i gymryd risg (os oes risgiau i’w cymryd). Gwaith ar y Gweill (yn amlwg). ‘Britain’s greatest living anti-comedian’ (The Guardian). ‘Aczel turns unprofessionalism into an artform’ (The Times). Venue: Owain Glyndŵr Centre Date: Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai Time: 4:00pm Price: £7

Aeth Henry â’i awr unigol gyntaf o gomedi llwyfan i Ŵyl Caeredin yn 2010, a’i ddilyn â’i sioe o fri Cabin Fever yn 2011 (**** – The Guardian: ‘scales impressive comedy peaks throughout this entertainingly twisty solo hour’) and Classic Paker in 2013 (**** – Chortle: ‘there’s not a spare syllable or hesitation in the whole

Star of BBC Radio Wales’ Mike Bubbins - Daytripper

ME AND MR PRESLEY This uplifting hour tells the story of Mike’s relationship to Elvis Presley, partly based on last year’s sold-out work-in-progress. Throughout Mike’s life he has always been able to count on a jumpsuited shoulder to lean on. Not literally, he’s not delusional, but rather through the songs he

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Daw Henry Paker â’isioe newydd i Ŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth.

“Young, sharp and clever” Sunday Times


hour, he is as precise as music and the audience were delighted to follow his tune’). Enillodd ei sioe storïol, The Golden Lizard, Sioe Newydd Orau iddo a Mike Wozniak yng Ngŵyl Gomedi Leicester yn 2011, ac aeth ymlaen i werthu pob tocyn mewn rhediad yn Theatr Soho Llundain.

Digrifwr y flwyddyn Leicester Mercury

(Rydyn ni hyd yn oed yn ystyried cân fawreddog (We are even thinking about doing a big musical ar y diwedd) number at the end)

Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 49


CAUTION TO THE WIND Boyd is back at Machynlleth Comedy festival. Back in the warm embrace of the Welsh Hills and your kind eyes and smiles. Back for the fifth year in a row. Even though one year he threw up in a bin in front of Gareth Richards. Even though one year he announced his retirement from comedy live onstage. Mae Boyd yn ôl yng Ngŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth. Yn ôl yng nghynhesrwydd bryniau Cymru a’ch llygaid a’ch gwenau caredig. Yn ôl am y bumed flwyddyn olynol. Er iddo chwydu un flwyddyn mewn bin o flaen Gareth Richards. Er iddo gyhoeddi un flwyddyn ei fod yn ymddeol o gomedi yn fyw ar y llwyfan.

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Royal House Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 4:00pm £6

Dewch i weld eich hoff ddarnau o gomedi Boyd wedi’u glynu ynghyd mewn stori am hela stormydd cyn iddo fynd ymlaen i greu tonnau pitw mewn gwyliau comedi eraill llai cyfeillgar, llai meddwl-agored, llai golygus o amgylch y wlad. Trwm ar y pathos, trwm ar y llanast, trwm ar y chwerthin. “If he put the effort in, Chris Boyd would be one of the most exciting acts in the country” James Acaster


STNAD-UP An exhilarating brand new almost-hour of almost-stand-up delivered vigorously by a thoughtful idiot who has nicknamed himself J-LbreakR in the face of good advice. Co-founder and co-host of the Alternative Comedy Memorial Society, writer for The News Quiz, as heard on Radio 4’s Dilemma and Welcome To Our Village, Please Invade Carefully, and seen on Channel 4’s Blaps. Bron awr newydd sbon gyffrous o gomedi llwyfan wedi’i gyflwyno’n rymus gan dwpsyn meddylgar sydd wedi rhoi’r llysenw J-LbreakR i’w wyneb er gwaethaf cyngor da. Cydsylfaenydd a chyd-gyflwynydd The Alternative Comedy Memorial Society, ysgrifennwr ar gyfer The News Quiz, fel y clywyd ar Dilemma a Welcome To Our Village, Please Invade Carefully Radio 4, ac y gwelwyd ar Blaps Channel 4. “Innovative, hugely funny” Time Out “A comic who’s prepared to push both himself and his audience in the pursuit of new laughs, of unorthodox, never-been-tried-before routes to the funny” The Guardian

FOR EYES Hi. I’m planning a general muck-about basically - involving new bits and some old favorites from my past two shows. The title sort of suggests that it’ll be all visual (drawings, tricks, lip syncing etc) but I bet I’ll put some talking in there too, knowing bloody me.

‘Sheer comic gold’  - Metro Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Plas Vane Tempest Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 5:30pm £6

Helo. Rwy’n bwriadu chwarae o gwmpas, yn y bôn - gan cynnwys darnau newydd a rhai hen ffefrynnau o fy nwy sioe flaenorol. Mae’r teitl yn awgrymu y bydd y cyfan yn weledol (lluniau, triciau, cydamseru gwefusau etc) ond rwy’n siŵr y byddai’n cynnwys rhywfaint o siarad, gan fy mlydi nabod i.

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 5:30pm £6


Mr Tony Law, sydd wedi ennill sawl gwobr, yn cynnig cymysgedd o syniadau ffres, afreswm “shouty bollocks” mewn ymdrech gwaith ar y gweill at sioe newydd sbon.

STORIES. POEMS. BITS THAT DON’T REALLY WORK. THESE GUYS HAVE GOT IT ALL. Two tall men. One an excellent comedian, the other an excellent all-rounder at board games. Prepare your chuckle transmitters and ready your smile glands.

Dangerously funny’  The Guardian ‘Inspired lunacy’  The Telegraph ‘Chaos has rarely been so finely conducted and this much fun’  The Times

Machynlleth Comedy Festival 50

Sponsored by The Wynnstay Hotel


MACHYNLLETH COMEDY FESTIVAL SPECIAL The World’s greatest alternative comedy club relocates from Cardiff to Machynlleth for a oneoff special. Expect all the regular farting about along with some super-special guests. Comedy Storage - Inspiring a Generation.

“He gives us the fun of subversion and the pleasure of seeing a man more in control than he likes to let on” Times


Y Plas Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 5:30pm £8


Awr newydd sbon am bobl sy’n ysbrydoli pobl drwy fod mor ddiflas. Gan feistr o ddigrifwr cymeriadau, crëwr ‘Carnival of Monsters’ Radio 4 a seren ‘Being Human’ (BBC3) a ‘Life’s Too Short’ (BBC2).

“Put simply, no other show has made me smile so much this year” Independent.

NONSENSE-IN-PROGRESS Multi award-winning Mr Tony Law offersup a mixture of fresh ideas, absurdity and “shouty bollocks” in a work-in-progress effort towards a brand new show.

Venue: Date: Time: Price:


WORK-IN-PROGRESS A brand new hour about uninspiring people inspiring people by being uninspiring. From master character comedian, creator of Radio 4’s ‘Carnival of Monsters’ and star of ‘Being Human’ (BBC3) and ‘Life’s Too Short’ (BBC2).

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Machynlleth Bowling Club Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 5:30pm £6

Clint grew up mainly in Stevenage, which is a quaint little stabbing village just north of London. Once he had sufficient funds saved up in a handkerchief, he bought a ticket to Wales and has enjoyed the tap water there ever since. Finalist and winner of the Runner Up award in Amused Moose’s Laugh Off 2012 Gareth Brand is from the small village of Colwinston

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 5:30pm £7

in South Wales. He is the finest stand-up comedian they have ever produced. He is also better than most of the comedians in neighbouring Corntown.

Daw clwb comedi amgen gorau’r byd o Gaerdydd i Fachynlleth am sioe unigryw arbennig. Gallwch ddisgwyl y llanast arferol ynghyd â gwesteion hynod arbennig. Comedy Storage - Ysbrydoli Cenhedlaeth.

gynhyrchu erioed. Mae hefyd yn well na’r rhan fwyaf o’r digrifwyr ym mhentref cyfagos Corntown.

Dau ddyn tal. Un yn ddigrifwr gwych, y llall yn dda am bob gêm bwrdd. Paratowch eich trosglwyddyddion chwerthin, a sicrhewch bod eich chwarrenau gwenu’n barod. Magwyd Clint yn Stevenage yn bennaf, pentref hen ffasiwn llawn cyllyll i’r gogledd o Lundain. Ar ôl iddo gynilo digon o arian mewn hances boced, prynodd docyn i Gymru, ac mae wedi bod yn mwynhau’r dŵr tap yno ers hynny. Cyrhaeddodd rownd derfynol, ac ennill gwobr y rhai ddaeth yn ail yn Laugh Off Amused Moose 2012. Daw Gareth Brand o bentref bach Colwinston yn Ne Cymru. Ef yw’r digrifwr gorau iddyn nhw ei

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 5:30pm £6 Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 51


THE SKY SHOW The Sky show is a comedy/theatre/poetry show about the sky and the things in it; you know, clouds, birds, weather and others. The Sky show is suitable for people who have seen the sky and enjoy looking up. Following on from 2012’s Yellow Show, a show about the colour yellow, ‘Dave Funniest Joke of the Edinburgh Fringe 2013 Winner’ Rob Auton turns his attention to the sky. (That joke isn’t in this show.) Mae The Sky Show yn sioe gomedi/theatr/ barddoniaeth am yr awyr a’r pethau sydd ynddo; chi’n gwbod - cymylau, adar, tywydd ac eraill. Mae The Sky Show yn addas i bobl sydd wedi gweld yr awyr ac sy’n mwynhau edrych i fyny. Yn


CARIAD AND LOUISE’S CHARACTER COMEDY NIGHT Character Comedians Cariad Lloyd and Louise Ford invite you to a night of bizarre and delightful comedy creations. Featuring Cariad (BBC3’s The Cariad Show, E4’s Cardinal Burns) and Louise (Sky 1’s Chickens, BBC2’s That’s Kevin) as they perform their most wonderful voices that live in their head. Mae’r digrifwyr cymeriadau Cariad Lloyd a

Louise Ford yn eich gwahodd am noson o greadigaethau comedi rhyfedd a hyfryd. Gyda Cariad (The Cariad Show BBC3, Cardinal Burns E4) a Louise (Chickens Sky 1, That’s Kevin BBC2) wrth iddynt berfformio’r lleisiau mwyaf rhyfeddol sy’n byw yn eu pennau. “A pocket dynamo of a comic” The Guardian “rib-achingly hysterical’ The Metro Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Plas Vane Tempest Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 7:00pm £7

dilyn Yellow Show 2012, sioe am y lliw melyn, mae Rob Auton, enillydd ‘Dave Funniest Joke of the Edinburgh Fringe 2013’ yn talu sylw i’r awyr. (Nid yw’r jôc honno yn y sioe.)


FYLM SCHOOL Simon Munnery - ‘one of the funniest and most original comedians of the past 20 years’ (The Guardian) - turns host and director, to introduce the festival’s top comedians to a camera, projector and cinema screen for an evening of stand-up, visual and live film-based comedy. Guests TBA.

“Charming, eccentric and uplifiting, Auton is a talent to watch” The Independent “Crammed with beauty and vivid imagination” Fringe Guru “A very funny man” Paddy Considine “That’s just sad” Vanessa Feltz Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Royal House Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 5:30pm £7


THE PROP MAN Wes Zaharuk is The Prop Man. He is a one-man tour de force, known to combine routines with power tools, bananas and film noir. You could call him plain daft, others have compared him to Tommy Cooper on acid but his award-winning eccentric collection of eye-popping prop tricks have earned Wes Zaharuk a world-wide reputation for a tornado-like approach to comedy.

Simon Munnery - ‘one of the funniest and most original comedians of the past 20 years’ (The Guardian) - yn troi’n gyflwynydd a chyfarwyddwr, i gyflwyno digrifwyr gorau’r ŵyl i gamera, taflunydd a sgrîn sinema am noson o gomedi llwyfan, gweledol a byw ar ffilm. Gwesteion i’w cyhoeddi. ‘Ambitious, artistic and hugely funny - comedy connoisseurs will love it’  Time Out.


Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Methodd Elis Ŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth y llynedd oherwydd ei fod yn Seland Newydd, yn gwneud sioe o’i hoff rwtinau i dorf o bobl oedd yn meddwl bod bod yn Gymro’n egsotig. Eleni, mae wedi penderfynu gwneud yr un sioe i dorf o bobl sy’n gwybod bod gan Gaerfyrddin fannau gwell i siopa na Llanelli. Fel y gwelwyd ar 8 Out Of Ten Cats (C4), Dave’s One Night Stand (Dave), Russell Howard’s Good News (BBC3), The Rob Brydon Machynlleth Comedy Festival 52

Machynlleth Bowling Club Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 7:00pm £7


Show (BBC2), Live at The Comedy Store (Comedy Central) Xfm a gwyliau comedi Caeredin, Melbourne a Seland Newydd. Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Tabernacl Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 7:00pm £10

THE COMMISSION Star of The IT Crowd, Austentatious & BBC Radio 4 – brings her highly acclaimed debut comedy show to Machynlleth. As a songwriter, Parris gets asked to write songs for the great and the good. And the ugly. She gets commissioned to write songs she doesn’t want to write. Here she performs some of the songs she wanted to send them, including the hardest song she ever got asked to write – the one that broke her heart. A darkly twisted comedy show from the awardwinning comedian. Seren The IT Crowd, Austentatious a BBC Radio 4 – yn dod â’i sioe gomedi gyntaf o fri mawr i Fachynlleth.

BEARD are Rosa Robson and Matilda Wnek, two friends who like making each other and full price ticket-holders laugh. After working together last year as part of the Footlights’ International tour show ‘CANADA’, they return to their double-act for a new show they’ve definitely already started working on. Named as one of the Top 5 sketch-shows at the Fringe 2012 by The List, catch this “original and brilliant” (Three Weeks) duo in a new work-in-progress. BBEARD yw Rosa Robson a Matilda Wnek, dwy ffrind sy’n hoffi gwneud i’w gilydd a phobl a dalodd bris llawn am docynnau chwerthin. Ar ôl gweithio gyda’i gilydd y llynedd fel rhan o sioe daith Ryngwladol Footlights, ‘CANADA’, maent yn dychwelyd at eu act ddwbl am sioe newydd y maent yn bendant wedi dechrau gweithio arni’n barod. Enwyd fel un o 5 Orau sioe sgets yn Fringe 2012 gan The List, dewch i weld y ddeuawd “original and brilliant” (Three Weeks) mewn gwaith ar y gweill.

Wes Zaharuk yw’r ‘Prop Man’. Mae’n gorwynt un dyn, yn adnabyddus am gyfuno rwtinau gydag offer pŵer, bananas a film noir. Gallech ei alw’n wirion bost. Mae eraill wedi ei gymharu â Tommy Cooper ar asid, ond mae ei gasgliad ecsentrig arobryn o driciau prop syfrdanol wedi ennill enw da byd-eang i Wes Zaharuk am ei ymagwedd wyllt i gomedi. “Twin Peaks meets Cirque du Soleil”. Toronto Sun

GREATEST HITS Elis missed the Machynlleth Comedy Festival last year because he was in New Zealand, doing a show of his favourite routines to a crowd of people who thought being Welsh was exotic. This year he has decided to do the same show to a crowd of people who know that Carmarthen has better places to shop than Llanelli. As seen on 8 Out Of Ten Cats (C4), Dave’s One Night Stand (Dave), Russell Howard’s Good News (BBC3), The Rob Brydon Show (BBC2), Live at The Comedy Store (Comedy Central) Xfm and the Edinburgh, Melbourne and New Zealand comedy festivals.



Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Ysgol Bro Ddyfi Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 7:00pm £10

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 7:00pm £6

Fel cyfansoddwr, gofynnir i Parris ysgrifennu caneuon i enwogion o fri. Ac i’r hyll. Fe’i comisiynir i ysgrifennu caneuon nad yw hi am eu hysgrifennu. Yma, mae’n perfformio rhai o’r caneuon yr hoffai fod wedi’u hanfon atynt, gan gynnwys y gân anoddaf y gofynnwyd iddi ei hysgrifennu erioed – yr un a dorrodd ei chalon. Sioe gomedi tywyll dirdro gan y comedïwr arobryn. A darkly twisted comedy show from the awardwinning comedian. “One sometimes doubts that Britain’s got talent, but Parris has it in spades” - The Guardian Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 7:00pm £7 Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 53


IN PREQUEL An hour of stand up from TT, discussing being one’s own harshest critic yet also biggest fan and the conflict that comes with it. One of stand-up comedy’s emerging stars mixes quirky gags with hilarious anecdotes for a show which has the potential to change your might not...but it has the potential.

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 7:00pm £6



SIOE GOMEDI FAWREDDOG GYMRAEG GWYL MACHYNLLETH Awr a hanner o gomedi Cymraeg gan rhai o enwau a cegau mwya y byd standup Cymraeg. Yr holl elw at Ffrindiau Canolfan Owain Glyndwr. Dewch I gefnogi Canolfan Owain Glyndwr a chomedi Cymraeg! MC Tudur Owen, Elis James, Daniel Glyn, Steffan Alun, Jams Thomas, Penny Matthews, Aled Richards, Gethin Robyns.

Awr o gomedi llwyfan gan TT, yn trafod bod yn feirniad llymaf ac yn ffan mwyaf o’ch hun, a’r gwrthdaro a ddaw o hynny. Un o sêr newydd comedi yn cymysgu jôcs hynod gyda hanesion doniol am sioe sydd â’r potensial i newid eich bywyd ... efallai na fydd ... ond mae ganddo’r potensial “Humour from the heart” Three Weeks


Freeze is an inefficient and bleak mix of comedy, theatre, music, props,
tusseling, music and material (with a view to developing it into a tv
show/dvd/ blu-ray). It consists of Tim Key (Mid Morning Matters/adverts/poetry) and Tom Basden (Plebs/ adverts/married). They are trying to organize a screen for this one and don’t have accommodation. Mae Freeze yn gyfuniad aneffeithlon a llwm o gomedi, theatr, cerddoriaeth, propiau,
cwffio, cerddoriaeth a deunydd (gyda’r bwriad o’i ddatblygu’n rhaglen deledu
/dvd/blu-ray). Mae’n cynnwys Tim Key (Mid Morning Matters/ hysbysebion/barddoniaeth) a Tom Basden (Plebs/ hysbysebion/priod). Maent yn ceisio trefnu sgrîn ar gyfer hon, ac nid oes ganddynt lety. “It’s impossible to describe the pure inventiveness of this show, you can only go and see it yourself” The Observer “An indifinably crackers hour” The Independent.


NEEZUS “Y’all ‘bout to turn s**t up. I’m ‘bout to tear s**t down I’m ‘bout to air s**t out Now what the f**k they gon’ say now?” Kanye West, “New Slaves” from the album “Yeezus” I have absolutely no idea what Kanye is going on about here. But he seems really confident that things are going to pan out well.

llawn cyntaf am mai Machynlleth yw fy hoff le yn y byd. As seen on the Alternative Comedy Experience and as heard on Radio 4. “A highly polished, subtly innovative stand-up... he nails the punchlines over and over again, thanks to taut, economical writing that puts audience pleasure firmly ahead of self-indulgence... His is a talent worth catching up with” - The Guardian

This is my third solo show and this will be the first full performance of it. It will be about subjectivity, self-esteem & will feature some of the customary whining about being a brown. Machynlleth is my favourite place in the world. As seen on the Alternative Comedy Experience and as heard on Radio 4. “Y’all ‘bout to turn s**t up I’m ‘bout to tear s**t down I’m ‘bout to air s**t out Now what the f**k they gon’ say now?” - Kanye West

Dyma fy nhrydedd sioe. Fel gyda’r ddwy ddiwethaf, Machynlleth fydd y perfformiad Machynlleth Comedy Festival 54

Hold on to your hats. The boy’s moved out of his Gran’s and he’s back on the prowl. Following last year’s “brilliant debut” (The Independent), it’s time for a stonking new hour of “delightful, literate, exquisitely-worded comedy” (The Scotsman) from the awkward toff, wannabe lad, So You Think You’re Funny? winner and “one of the best young comedians around” (Time Out). Be not afraid. Jump aboard. Cydiwch yn eich hetiau. Mae’r bachgen wedi symud allan o gartref ei Nain, ac mae’n ôl ar grwydr. Yn dilyn “brilliant debut” (The Independent) y llynedd, mae’n amser am awr newydd sbon o “delightful, literate, exquisitelyworded comedy” (The Scotsman) gan y toff lletchwith sydd am fod yn “lad”, enillydd So You Think You’re Funny? a “one of the best young comedians around” (Time Out). Nac ofnwch. Dewch yn llu.

Get ready to tear s**t up.

Na. ‘Sgen i ddim syniad am beth maeKanye yn parablu chwaith.

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Royal House Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 7:00pm £6

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Rag and Bone Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 7:00pm £6

Ysgol Bro Ddyfi Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 8:30pm £10


Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Tabernacl Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 8:30pm £10


SECRET HOLDING PATTERN A best of. Sort of. Sponsored by

MACH ATTACK II Pen’rallt books Long-time friends and fellow singer songwriters Gavin Osborn and Isy Suttie perform a knockabout collection of songs old and new and at least one duet about P Diddy. Bydd y ffrindiau ers amser hir a’r cyd-gantoriongyfansoddwyr Gavin Osborn ac Isy Suttie yn perfformio casgliad swnllyd o hen ganeuon a chaneuon newydd ac o leiaf un ddeuawd am P Diddy.

It hasn’t quite worked, has it? I mean, we’re basically fine, good even, but it still hasn’t quite taken off. We’ve turned up on a few TV shows, had a nice spot on Radio 4 but, let’s face it, no-one really knows who we are.

gydag ambell ddarn ychwanegol rhyngddynt a oedd yn ymddangos yn ddoniol pan wnaethon ni eu hysgrifennu. Gwnaeth ein cyfarwyddwr, Matt, chwerthin yn uchel iawn. Ac mae’n foi swrth fel arfer. Hefyd, mae pobl wedi dweud pethau neis amdanom - edrychwch: “Hilarious” - The Guardian. “Lively and Ambitious” - The Times. “Wonderfully Funny” - Time Out. Mae hynny’n dda, on’d yw e?

Still, this should be good. It’s the best stuff we’ve ever written, with some new bits in-between that seemed funny when we wrote them. Our director, Matt, laughed really loudly. And he’s a miserable sod at the best of times. Also, people have said nice things about us - look: “Hilarious” - The Guardian. “Lively and Ambitious” - The Times. “Wonderfully Funny” Time Out. That’s good, isn’t it? Goreuon. O ryw fath.

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 8:30pm £8

Dyw e heb weithio, naddo? Hynny yw, ni fwy neu lai’n iawn - yn dda, hyd yn oed - ond heb brofi gwir lwyddiant. Rydyn ni wedi bod ar ambell raglen deledu, wedi mwynhau sbot hyfryd ar Radio 4, ond rhaid wynebu’r peth, does neb wir yn gwybod pwy ydyn ni. Wedi dweud hynny, dylai hon fod yn dda. Dyma’r stwff gorau i ni ei ysgrifennu erioed,

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Plas Vane Tempest Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 8:30pm £6 Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 55


TRUTHMOUTH In 2013, Joseph Morpurgo teamed up with critically revered theatre company Truthmouth for an adventurous new collaboration. These are their findings. Faux-verbatim lunacy and character comedy from the Austentatious man and two-time Chortle Award nominee. Key themes: giddy triumph, exquisite misery, quiet storm, comely rocks. Directed by Natalie Bailey (The Thick Of It).

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 8:30pm £7

Yn 2013, ymunodd Joseph Morpurgo â’r cwmni theatr beirniadol o fri Truthmoutham gydweithrediad anturus newydd. Dyma oedd eu canfyddiadau. Comedi cymeriadau gair am air camsyniadol gan y dyn Austentatious a enwebodd am Wobr Chortle ddwywaith. Themâu allweddol: buddugoliaeth benysgafn, diflastod coeth, storm dawel, creigiau hawddgar. Cyfarwyddwyd gan Natalie Bailey (The Thick Of It). “Oodles of ideas packed into this innovative hour... A mightily impressive debut”  Time Out


ALISTAIR GREEN IS JACK SPENCER SEX ADDICT Comedian Alistair Green stands on a stage for roughly an hour (unless it goes badly) moaning about everything he thinks is wrong with the world including his own pitiful shortcomings as a human being. Sounds hilarious doesn’t it.

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 8:30pm £6

Ymunwch â’r digrifwr a’r personoliaeth cyfryngau sydd bron yn enwog Jack Spencer wrth iddo drafod ei ddibyniaeth rhyw dinistriol, gwleidyddiaeth byd-eang (os bydd amser), a pherfformio darnau o’i ddrama un dyn a fydd yn ennill gwobr (o bosib). ‘undiscovered genius’ – The Guardian ‘fully deserves his underground reputation as the comedians comedian’ – Three Weeks


AT MACHYNLLETH COMEDY FESTIVAL The first band to ever host Never Mind The Buzzcocks (BBC Two) will be rolling into town with a barnstorming show, providing top-notch musical mayhem for the night. Led by the brilliant comedian and latest star of 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown (Channel 4), Alex Horne, expect this to be a one-off chance to see an unforgettable show!


THE HAUNTING OF LOPHAM HOUSE In 1910 accountants’ assistant Leopold Clarke is sent to investigate some sinister goings on at the mysterious Lopham House. What really happened there? Why is everyone so afraid of it? A third equally intriguing question? All these questions and more will answered in “The Haunting at Lopham House” a hilariously chilling ghost story from acclaimed writer performer Tom Neenan. Ym 1910 anfonir cynorthwy-ydd cyfrifwr Leopold Clarke i ymchwilio i rai pethau sinistr sy’n digwydd y dirgel Dŷ Lopham. Beth ddigwyddodd yno mewn gwirionedd? Pam fod ei ofn ar bawb? Trydydd cwestiwn sydd yr un mor ddirgel? Atebir yr holl gwestiynau hyn a mwy yn “The Haunting at Lopham House”, stori ysbryd iasoer ddoniol gan yr ysgrifennwr a’r perfformiwr o fri Tom Neenan. ‘a two-man team whose highly skilled writing is touched with genius….an hour of engaging silliness, packed with inventive devices and satisfyingly funny gags’ The Guardian Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Rag & Bone Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mtayio 8:30pm £6

Bydd y band cyntaf erioed i gyflwyno Never Mind The Buzzcocks (BBC Two) yn dod i’r dre gyda sioe ysgubol, gan gynnig anhrefn cerddorol o’r radd flaenaf am y noson. O dan arweiniaeth y digrifwr ardderchog a seren ddiweddaraf 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown (Channel 4), Alex Horne, gallwch ddisgwyl i hwn fod yn gyfle unigryw i weld sioe bythgofiadwy! “We can’t recommend The Horne Section highly enough – it’s simply the best late-night show at the [Edinburgh Fringe Festival] and a gigantic heap of fun” Time Out

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Tabernacl Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 10:00pm £12


THE UNTITLED THOM TUCK EXPERIENCE Thom Tuck is probably doing a show in Edinburgh. He genuinely doesn’t know for sure. Do expect at least one graph. Mwy na thebyg y bydd Thom Tuck yn gwneud sioe yng Nghaeredin. Dyw e wir ddim yn gwybod yn siŵr. Gallwch ddisgwyl o leiaf un graff.


PODCAST The famous Bearpit Podcast (Podcast) records live in Machynlleth for a special one-off episode. Sponsored by Sipswich Ales, hosted by Euan Raffles, guests include Richard Isapotato, Tommy Jumpers and more!

CHALLENGED Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Machynlleth Bowling Club Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 9:00pm £8 Age 18+ See page 22

Machynlleth Comedy Festival 56

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Plas Vane Tempest Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 10:00pm £6 Age 18+

The cult Edinburgh Fringe in-joke/shambles/ Frankenstein’s Monster, created by Fin Taylor, Mat Ewins, Matt Winning, John Kearns, Adam Hess, Richard Gadd, Lolly Adefope & more. Bydd y Bearpit Podcast (Podcast) enwog yn recordio’n fyw ym Machynlleth am bennod unigryw arbennig.

Noddwyd gan Sipswich Ales, cyflwynwyd gan Euan Raffles, y gwesteion yn cynnwys Richard Isapotato, Tommy Jumpers a mwy! Y jôc fewnol/llanast/anghenfil Frankenstein tanddaearol o Fringe Caeredin, a grëwyd gan Fin Taylor, Mat Ewins, Matt Winning, John Kearns, Adam Hess, Richard Gadd, Lolly Adefope A Mwy. Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 10:00pm £7 Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 57


ONE MAN MEGA MYTH Comedian and inspirationalist Nick Helm has overcome pain and suffering his entire life to become the greatest living example of ‘not giving up’ the world has ever known. Now for the last time ever he brings his Edinburgh Award losing spectacular to Machfest. A show so monumental it will change your DNA – FOREVER. Nick Helm will entertain you until it kills him. Mae’r digrifwr a’r ysbrydolwr Nick Helm wedi goresgyn poen a dioddefaint drwy gydol ei fywyd i fod yr enghraifft fyw orau o ‘beidio â rhoi’r gorau’ yn y byd i gyd. Nawr, am y tro olaf erioed, mae’n dod â’i sioe ysblennydd a fethodd Wobr Gaeredin i Ŵyl Mach. Sioe mor odidog y bydd yn newid eich DNA – AM BYTH. Bydd Nick Helm yn eich difyrru tan iddo farw. ”The burden is his. The pleasure is yours.”  Telegraph “A dazzling hour”  Evening Standard “Invigorating, unpredictable and unreliable”  Times “A high-octane, brilliantly silly hour”  Time Out “It ain’t pretty, but it is hilarious”  Chortle2 hours long.

Mach Comedy Fest 042

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Plas Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 10:00pm £12 Age 18+

Mach Comedy Fest 042


WOT? NO FISH!! Written and performed by Danny Braverman, directed by Nick Philippou. In 1926, shoemaker Ab Solomons drew on the wage-packet he gave to his wife Celie. He then drew a cartoon weekly throughout their marriage until the early eighties. These cartoons, chronicling the Solomons’ family life through all their ups and downs, were recently discovered by his great nephew. Danny Braverman’s solo show tells the funny and

TRE THEA THEATR A warm welcome to Machynlleth Comedy Festival’s new dedicated theatre programme. Hand-picked by us to showcase the most interesting and innovative theatre pieces we’ve seen this year. Enjoy! Croeso cynnes i raglen theatr bwrpasol newydd Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth. Wedi’u dewis yn benodol gennym i arddangos y darnau theatr mwyaf diddorol ac arloesol rydym wedi’u gweld eleni. Mwynhewch!


Gan ddefnyddio deunydd go iawn, jôcs clasurol a siwt blaidd, mae Rachel yn cwestiynu sut rydym yn defnyddio a chamddefnyddio hiwmor. Mae’r sioe hyfryd drist a doniol hon yn cyrraedd ar ôl gwerthu pob tocyn ar gyfer perfformiadau yn Brighton, Llundain aChaeredin.

Using real-life material, classic jokes and a wolf suit, Rachel questions how we use and abuse humour. This beautifully sad and funny show arrives from sold out performances in Brighton, London and Edinburgh.

‘A love letter to comedy by someone who wants it to mean something… Rachel Mars is electrifying’ The Guardian

THE WAY YOU TELL THEM Turning the spotlight on the inner workings of comedy, The Way You Tell Them interrogates the desire and – sometimes uncontrollable – compulsion to be funny.

Gan roi sylw i waith mewnol comedi, mae The Way You Tell Them yn cwestiynu’r awydd a’r orfodaeth na ellir ei reoli weithiau - i fod yn ddoniol.

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

moving story of how he uncovered the lost art of his great-uncle. Premiering to critical acclaim at Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2013, bread&circuses’ new show takes audiences on a journey of searing honesty, spanning decades and generations. Ym 1926, manteisiodd y crydd Ab Solomons ar y paced cyflog a roddodd i’w wraig Celie. Yna tynnodd gartŵn wythnosol drwy gydol eu priodas tan yr wythdegau cynnar. Darganfuwyd y cartwnau hyn yn ddiweddar gan ei or-nai, ac maent yn croniclo bywyd teuluol y Solomons

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 2:30pm £8

Mae sioe unigol Danny Braverman yn adrodd hanes doniol ac emosiynol sut daeth o hyd i gelf cudd ei hen ewythr. Derbyniodd y perfformiadau cyntaf ganmoliaeth feirniadol yng Ngŵyl Fringe Caeredin 2013, ac mae sioe newydd bread&circuses yn tywys cynulleidfaoedd ar daith o onestrwydd pur, ar draws degawdau a chenedlaethau. Winner of the Brian Way Award 2013 – ‘An epic story that takes hold of you from the moment a lid

is taken off a shoebox and doesn’t let you go even after the play has finished.’ “One of the best shows I’ve seen in Edinburgh this summer, indeed one of the most touching I’ve seen all year.” The Guardian “a small gem”  The Times Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Tabernacl Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 5:30pm £10



IF DESTROYED STILL TRUE Last year Molly saw an old school friend in a sauna. Rather than engage in small talk, she found a way to hide from her in what’s essentially a small, hot shed. It was weird. It occurred to her that her relationship with her teenage self might be slightly dysfunctional. If Destroyed Still True is a new show written and performed by Molly Naylor with live music by Iain Ross (Bearsuit, Mega Emotion), a live collage of autobiography, songs, interviews with a real life teenager and a story about a 15-year-old girl’s battle with the sea. It is a show about youth, friendship, growing up and our relationship with our teenage selves. ‘Does everything new and worth having come at the cost of something old and worth keeping?’ - Carl Jung. (At least, I think it was Carl Jung. It might have been Coolio.) Written and performed by Molly Naylor, with live music from Iain Ross. This is a work-inprogress performance. Y llynedd, gwelodd Molly hen ffrind ysgol mewn

Machynlleth Comedy Festival 60

drwy eu cyfnodau da a drwg.

sawna. Yn hytrach na sgwrsio, daeth hi o hyd i ffordd i guddio oddi wrthi mewn, yn y bôn, sied fach boeth. Roedd yn od. Sylweddolodd efallai bod ei pherthynas â’i hunan yn ei harddegau ychydig yn gamweithredol. If Destroyed Still True yw’r sioe newydd a ysgrifennwyd a pherfformiwyd gan Molly Naylor gyda cherddoriaeth fyw gan Iain Ross (Bearsuit, Mega Emotion), collage byw o hunangofiant, caneuon, cyfweliadau gyda glaslances go iawn a hanes brwydr merch 15 oed â’r môr. Mae’n sioe am bobl ifanc, am gyfeillgarwch, am dyfu i fyny a’n perthynas â’n hunain yn ein harddegau. ‘Does everything new and worth having come at the cost of something old and worth keeping?’ - Carl Jung. (O leiaf, rwy’n credu mai Carl Jung oedd e. Efallai mai Coolio oedd e.) Ysgrifennwyd a pherfformiwyd gan Molly Naylor, gyda cherddoriaeth fyw gan Iain Ross. Perfformiad gwaith ar y gweill. Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Plas Vane Tempest Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 10:30pm £6

An indie musical about memories, first-loves and growing up - by Amy Mason, Eddie Argos (lead singer of Art Brut) and folk star Jim Moray. In the late nineties, teenage couple Amy and Eddie fled their bedsit haven of damp walls, smashed furniture and only-orange foods for a holiday on the Isle of Wight. Thirteen years on, they try to make sense of an island, a holiday and a much-forgotten relationship. Sioe gerdd indi am atgofion, cariadon cyntaf a thyfu i fyny - gan Amy Mason, Eddie Argos (prif ganwr Art Brut) a’r seren werin Jim Moray. Yn y nawdegau hwyr, ffodd y cwpl yn eu harddegau Amy ac Eddie o’u hafan fflat un ystafell â waliau llaith, dodrefn wedi torri a bwydydd oren yn unig am wyliau ar Ynys Wyth. Tair blynedd ar ddeg yn ddiweddarach, maent yn ceisio gwneud synnwyr o ynys, gwyliau a pherthynas a anghofiwyd. ‘A must see… warm and sad and subtly uplifting’ – The Stage  What’s On Stage  The Herald Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Tabernacl Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 4:00pm £7 Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 61


ON THE BEACH John Osborne – creator of Radio 4 and West End sell-out show John Peel’s Shed – has spent the past twelve months visiting British seaside towns. This show documents a lunchtime walk along one such beach: charting the lives, loves, hopes and nostalgia all found down on the beach. Mae John Osborne – crëwr sioe Radio 4 a West End a werthodd bob tocyn, John Peel’s Shed - wedi treulio’r deuddeg mis diwethaf yn ymweld â threfi glan môr Prydain. Mae’r sioe hon yn adrodd hanes taith gerdded amser cinio ar hyd un traeth o’r fath: gan nodi’r bywydau, y cariadon, y gobeithion a’r hiraeth sydd oll i’w gael ar y traeth. ‘Heart-warming, nostalgic… Osborne’s writing is sublime’ The Stage  The Independent

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Tabernacl Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 5:30pm £8

Machynlleth Comedy Festival 62


HURTLING I have a message for you from the past. Ok, it’s a message from this morning, so it may be the recent past. But it’s still the past. This is an invitation to remember a previous version of yourself, to imagine a future version and to wonder who that makes you now. We’ll start with a true story. Your true story.

Mae gen i neges i chi o’r gorffennol.

Hurtling is an outdoor performance for one with a cassette player and headphones.

Dyma wahoddiad i gofio fersiwn blaenorol o’ch hun, i ddychmygu fersiwn yn y dyfodol ac i feddwl pwy mae hynny’n golygu ydych chi ar hyn o bryd. Dechreuwn ni gyda stori wir. Eich stori wir chi.

It’s a glimpse of a fleeting moment as it zooms past; an attempt to grasp at a slippery present. Written and performed by Greg Wohead

Ocê, neges o fore ‘ma yw e, felly nid o’r gorffennol pell. Ond mae’n dal i fod o’r gorffennol.

Perfformiad awyr agored i un yw Hurtling gyda chwaraewr casét a chlustffonau. Mae’n gipolwg ar ennyd fer wrth iddo wibio heibio; ymgais i afael ar bresennol llithrig.Ysgrifennwyd a pherfformiwyd gan Greg Wohead Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Outside Performance Throughout Saturday and Sunday Various £6

Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 63




HITCH “No one is Innocent!” shouts the Compere. At a Cabaret based on Alfred Hitchcock that is most likely true. Mary Bijou Cabaret and Social Club brings you HITCH. This troupe of international circus and cabaret artists include a singing Mrs. Danvers extolling Rebecca, a victim of Vertigo walks a wire in high heals. Tippi Hedren chased up a pole by Birds, one man is caught in the beauty myth of the master himself, all the while Marlena Dietrich prowls the theatre looking for an accomplice or victim, she’s not picky. Accompanied by the music of Tom Elsob of the Idol Rich, Bethan Cecil and Branwen Munn. They sing for their lives. Someone will lose their life tonight, or more than one, depending on the mood. Mary Bijou Cabaret and Social Club is taking cabaret to new frontiers. Made up of veterans of NoFit State Circus and the underground

NEW 4 FLOORS NOW OPEN 8 Maengwyn St, Machynlleth Machynlleth Comedy Festival 64

live art scene of London. HITCH was originally commissioned for the Wales Millennium Centre and Blysh Festival. HITCH is also funded by the Arts Council Wales.

cerddoriaeth Tom Elsob o’r Idol Rich, Bethan Cecil a Branwen Munn. Maent yn canu am eu bywydau. Bydd rhywun yn colli eu bywyd heno, neu fwy nag un, gan ddibynnu ar yr awyrgylch.

Fancy dress is optional but highly recommended! Come as your favourite Hitchcock character … victim, villain or hapless innocent. Or maybe you fancy yourself as the ‘master of suspense’ himself.

Mae Mary Bijou Cabaret and Social Club yn cymryd cabaret i bellfannau newydd. Yn cynnwys cyn-aelodau NoFit State Circus a chylch celf fyw tanddaearol Llundain. Comisiynwyd HITCH yn wreiddiol ar gyfer Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru a Gŵyl Blysh. Ariennir HITCH gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru hefyd.

“Does neb yn ddieuog!” gwaedda’r cyflwynydd. Mewn cabaret yn seiliedig ar Alfred Hitchcock, mwy na thebyg bod hynny’n wir. Mary Bijou Cabaret and Social Club yn cyflwyno HITCH. Mae’r criw o artistiaid syrcas a cabaret rhyngwladol yn cynnwys canu Mrs Danvers clodfori Rebecca, sy’n dioddef o’r bendro yn cerdded gwifren mewn sodlau uchel. Erlidir Tippi Hedren i fyny polyn gan adar, mae un dyn wedi’i ddal yn chwedl harddwch y meistr ei hun, tra bo Marlena Dietrich yn crwydro’r theatr yn chwilio am gyd-droseddwr neu ddioddefwr, ‘sdim ots p’un. Gyda chyfeuliant

Mae gwisg ffansi yn ddewisol, ond argymhellir hi’n gryf! Dewch fel eich hoff gymeriad Hitchcock ... dioddefwr, dihiryn neu ddiniweityn didoreth. Neu efallai bod arnoch awydd dod fel y ‘meistr cyffro’ ei hun. . Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Beech Bar Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 10:45pm Free

Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 65


An extra-special audio treat this year on the Plas lawn as none other than Stephen Black (aka Sweet Baboo) curates the live music programme in the Beech Bar.

Pleser arbennig iawn eleni ar lawnt y Plas pan fydd neb llai na Stephen Black (sef Sweet Baboo) yn curadu rhaglen gerddoriaeth fyw yn y Beech Bar.

Currently working on a new Sweet Babs album and recently returned from SXSW festival, Stephen has lined up a stunning mix of rising stars across the weekend. To top it off, all the shows in the Beech Bar are absolutely free so come along, grab a pint and enjoy some fantastic music on us!

Ar hyn o bryd, mae Stephen yn gweithio ar albwm Sweet Babs newydd, a dychwelodd yn ddiweddar o ŵyl SXSW. Mae wedi trefnu cymysgedd syfrdanol o sêr newydd ar draws y penwythnos. Yn goron ar y cyfan, mae’r holl sioeau yn y Bar Beech yn rhad ac am ddim felly dewch draw, mynnwch beint, a mwynhewch gerddoriaeth wych â ninnau’n talu!


Laura Bryon is Tender Prey, a Cardiff based musician who mixes garage rock, blues and ghostly girl group clangs to shake you, soothe you and see you through the night.

Cardiff’s Shape Records take charge of our Saturday night music programme. Bydd Shape Records Caerdydd yn gyfrifol am ein rhaglen gerddoriaeth nos Sadwrn.


Machynlleth Comedy Festival’s favourite DJs/people Jonny Bull and Andy Dudfield will be armed with an array of quality tuneage throughout the weekend, from lazy afternoon vibes to funky floor fillers on Saturday and Sunday night!


Look out for Horizons bands around Machynlleth Comedy Festival this year. Working together, BBC Cymru Wales and the Arts Council of Wales are supporting 12 new artists over the coming year and they land in Machynlleth as one of the destinations. Horizons is a scheme to showcase the most exciting unsigned acts with the potential to make a real breakthrough in Wales and beyond. Listen to the bands on BBC Radio Cymru and BBC Radio Wales or check out more from the talented selection on

Machynlleth Comedy Festival 66

Laura Bryon yw Tender Prey, cerddor o Gaerdydd sy’n cyfuno roc garej, blŵs a thwangian grŵp merched ysbrydol i’ch ysgwyd, eich tawlu ac i’ch cludo drwy’r nos. Bydd Laura yn rhyddhau ei halbwm gyntaf yn nes ymlaen eleni ar y label annibynnol o Fanceinion Bird Records, chwaer label i Finders Keepers a weithiodd ag artistiaid enwog megis Gruff Rhys a Jarvis Cocker.

GULP yw Guto Pryce (Super Furry Animals) a Lindsey Leven, gyda Gid Goundrey yn chwarae’r guitar a Gwion Llewelyn (Race Horses) ar y drymiau. Bas aneglur, canu gwerin breuddwydiol, acwstig a drymiau electronig a synths ... mae eu sain sinematig ac arallfydol yn arwydd cerddorol o’r daith ffordd; y dirwedd a’r digwyddiadau ar hyd y ffordd, golygfeyddac alawon ffilmig - o heulwen crasboeth anialwch Califfornia i gyfnos cartrefwedd gwledig Cymru a’r Alban.

Bydd hoff DJs/bobl Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth Jonny Bull a Andy Dudfield wedi’u harfogi ag amrywiaeth o gerddoriaeth o’r radd flaenaf drwy gydol y penwythnos, o alawon diog y prynhawn i diwniau cyffrous i ddawnsio iddynt nos Sadwrn a nos Sul! Cadwch lygad am fandiau Horizons o amgylch Gwyl Gomedi Machynlleth eleni. Gan weithio gyda’i gilydd, mae BBC Cymru Wales a Chyngor Celfyddydau Cymru yn cefnogi 12 o artistiaid newydd dros y flwyddyn i ddod, ac maent yn dod i Fachynlleth fel un o’u cyrchfannau. Cynllun yw Horizons i arddangos yr actiau heb eu harwyddo mwyaf cyffrous sydd â’r potensial i wneud cynnydd go iawn yng Nghymru a thu hwnt. Gwrandewch ar y bandiau ar BBC Radio Cymru a BBC Radio Wales neu edrychwch am fwy o’r detholiad talentog yn

Laura will be releasing her debut album later this year on Manchester based indie label Bird Records, sister label to Finders Keepers who have worked with acclaimed artists such as Gruff Rhys and Jarvis Cocker.


GULP is Guto Pryce (Super Furry Animals) and Lindsey Leven, with Gid Goundrey providing guitar and Gwion Llewelyn (Race Horses) on drums.Fuzzed-up bass, dream-folk vocals, acoustic and electronic drums and synths… their cinematic and ethereal sound is a musical manifestation of the road trip; the landscape and events along the way, filmic scenes and melodies – from the sun-squinting, flickering saturation and lens flare of the Californian desert to the gloamin of rural Scottish and Welsh homescapes.

Hello, my name is Stephen. I play in a band called Sweet Baboo. I’m a long-time friend of Machynlleth Comedy Festival and now, after a long and gruelling interview process, I am delighted to say the festival have named me:

Helo, fy enw i yw Stephen. Rwy’n chwarae mewn band o’r enw Sweet Baboo. Rwy’n hen ffrind i Ŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth, ac ar ôl proses gyfweld hir ac anodd, mae’n bleser gen i ddweud bod yr ŵyl wedi fy enwi fel:

Director of Music at Machynlleth Comedy Festival 2014

Cyfarwyddwr Cerddoriaeth Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 2014

What that means is it’s an excuse to book some of the most exciting, fantastic, and not to mention my favourite, bands of the last couple of years.

Beth mae hynny’n ei olygu yw ei fod yn esgus i ddewis rhai o’r bandiau mwyaf cyffrous ac ardderchog o’r ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf - a fy hoff fandiau, wrth gwrs.

I urge you go see them all, buy their merchandise and have a good time. IT’S FREE!!!!

Rwy’n eich annog i fynd i’w gweld i gyd, i brynu eu nwyddau ac i gael amser da. MAE AM DDIM!!!!

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Beech Bar Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 7:00pm FREE

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Beech Bar Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 9:15pm FREE

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Beech Bar Fri 2 May / Gwe 2 Mai 8:00pm FREE


Oliver Wilde is a pure audiophile in the truest sense of the word. Since first coming to wider attention with his 2013 debut LP, A Brief Introduction to Unnatural Lightyears, the ascendant Dabchick producer and songsmith has littered the British musical landscape with miniature moments of wonder, delight and headphone escapism. Mae Oliver Wilde yn sainffilydd pur yng ngwir ystyr y gair. Ers denu sylw ehangach am y tro cyntaf gyda’i LP gyntaf yn 2013, A Brief Introduction to Unnatural Lightyears, mae’r cynhyrchydd a cherddor Dabchick o fri wedi llenwi tirwedd cerddorol Prydain ag eiliadau bach o ryfeddod, llawenydd a dihangfa ar glustffonau.

Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 67


Mowbird are from Wrexham with a strong DIY ethic, and a fuzzy, lo-fi sound. The band self recorded and released four EP’s between 2010 & 2013, supported Neon Indian, Times New Viking and Sky Larkin as well as playing at Green Man Festival, Swn and Camden Crawl. Their debut album Islander was released earlier this years on Shape Records.

GlANUSk PArk � breCAN beACONS � wAleS

GreeN mAN

Daw Mowbird o Wrecsam gyda moeseg DIY cryf, a sain aneglur cywair-isel. Recordiodd y band bedwar EP eu hunain a’u rhyddhau rhwng 2010 a 2013, ac maent wedi cefnogi Neon Indian, Times New Viking a Sky Larkin a chwarae yng Ngŵyl Green Man, Swn a Camden Crawl. Rhyddhawyd eu halbwm cyntaf Islander yn gynharach eleni ar Shape Records. Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Beech Bar Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 8:00pm FREE

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Beech Bar Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 9:30pm FREE

beST mediUm Sized feSTivAl È Uk feSTivAl AwArdS 2�10 Ç


Islet are sonic adventurers from Wales. Formed in Cardiff in 2009, Islet resolved to be a group without rules, building a reputation for fearlessness in live shows that sees members switching instruments and blurring the boundaries between stage and surrounding environment. Mae Islet yn anturiaethwyr sonig o Gymru. Ffurfiwyd yng Nghaerdydd yn 2009, penderfynodd Islet fod yn grŵp heb reolau, gan ddatblygu enw da amddewrder mewn sioeau byw gydag aelodau’n newid offerynnau ac yn cymylu’r ffiniau rhwng y llwyfan a’r amgylchedd o gwmpas.


Gathering together from a range of previous Cardiff bands, Shhh…Apes! is a collective of choice musical talent centred at the capital’s premium rehearsal space, Music Box Studios. A derivatively titled but unique debut EP The Shape of Apes to Come was released in 2013 – five tracks of vibrant analogue-meets-digital collision, carefully dotted with equal amounts of clinking glockenspiel and moody, swelling synth.


Being a lovingly crafted and carefully curated music programme, perfection takes time. Details of our headline act for the Sunday night are coming very soon - be sure to keep an eye on @machcomedyfest for up to the minute info. Social media is where you will also find info on all the additional musical activity around the festival - from acoustic shows and guest DJ sets in the Senedd Bar to outdoor sets on the Woodland Pavilion stage and even the odd surprise performance or two…

Machynlleth Comedy Festival 68

Gan ddod at ei gilydd o amrywiaeth o fandiau Caerdydd blaenorol, mae Shhh...Apes! yn dalent gerddorol ar y cyd yn lleoliad ymarfer gorau’r, Music Box Studios. Rhyddhawyd EP â theitl deilliadol ond hunaniaeth unigryw The Shape of Apes to Come yn 2013 - pum trac o analog bywiog a gwrthdrawiad digidol, sy’n frith o symiau cyfartal o glockenspiel a synth. Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Beech Bar Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 8:00pm FREE

GrASS rGTS feSTivAl AwArd È Uk feSTivAl AwArdS 2�12 Ç

beirUT C NeUTrAl milk HoTel C bill CAllAHAN C CAribOU C firST Aid kiT C dAUGHTer C kUrT vile C ANNA CAlvi C SHArAN vAN eTTeN C PoliCA C reAl eSTATe C mAC demArCo C HAmilToN leiTHAUSer C SimiAN mAbile diSCo PerfArmiNG wHArl C TOy C ANGel olSeN C Jeffrey lewiS & THe JrAmS C boy & beAr C i breAk HOrSeS C TUNNG C frANCoiS & THe ATlAS moUNTAiNS C frANk fAirfield C miCHAel CHAPmAN C NiCk mUlvey C TelemAN C ry X C eAST iNdiA yoUTH C lANTerNS oN THe lAke C fAT wHiTe fAmily C AdUlT JAzz C SPeedy orTiz C oÕHGley & TidAw C SAmAriS C williAm Tyler C 9 bACH C SAmANTHA CrAiN C GeorGiA rUTH C All we Are C lAUrA GroveS C mAriAm THe believer C HAPPyNeSS C PlANk! C AliCe bomAN C eAveS C SoNS of NAel & AdriAN C HACkeySmiTH C THe rAilS C bAbe C vAlleyerS C JoHN moUSe C PlUS mANy mOre TbA TeN eNTerTAiNmeNT AreAS iN lUSH welSH wilderNeSS � 1500 PerformerS � 24 HoUr woNder � fUN fOr liTTle oNeS (ANd biG oNeS) � liTerATUre � SCieNCe � Comedy � lOCAl Ale & Cider � dUSk �Til dAwN boNfireS



Fel rhaglen gerddoriaeth wedi’i chreffio’n gariadus a’i guradu’n ofalus, mae perffeithrwydd yn cymryd amser. Mae manylion ein prif act ar gyfer y nos Sul i ddod yn fuan iawn - cadwch lygad ar @machcomedyfest am yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf. Cyfryngau cymdeithasol yw lle byddwch yn cael gwybodaeth ar yr holl weithgareddau cerddorol ychwanegol o amgylch yr wyl hefyd - o sioeau acwstig a setiau DJ gwadd ym Mar y Senedd i setiau awyr agored ar lwyfan y Pafiliwn Coetir a hyd yn oed perfformiad surpreis neu ddau.

#GreeNmAN14 C GreeNmAN.NeT TiCkeTliNe.C0m/GreeN-mAN

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Beech Bar Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 9:30pm FREE




All-aboard the Machynlleth Express as it steams its way towards our engine shed-cum-comedy club for the second year running! Back by popular demand the Corris Railway will be hosting another special event this year for a handful of lucky ticket holders. Tŵt tŵt!


The BBC Radio Showcase returns hosted by Mike Bubbins. Recorded for the BBC live at the Machynlleth Comedy Festival and broadcast the very same night on Radio Wales and Radio 4 Extra this is your chance to be in the audience. They’ll even give you coffee and a danish, and it’s all for free!

Pawb ar fwrdd Trên Machynlleth wrth iddo deithio i’n sied sy’n glwb comedi am yr ail flwyddyn yn olynol! Yn ôl oherwydd y galw poblogaidd, bydd Rheilffordd Corris yn cynnal digwyddiad arbennig arall eleni ar gyfer llond llaw o ddalwyr tocynnau lwcus.

Venue: Date: Pick up: Return: Price:

Corris Railway Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 9:30am Y Plas Car Park 1:15pm Y Plas Car Park £12


Mae’r BBC Radio Showcase yn dychwelyd, wedi’i gyflwyno gan Mike Bubbins. Wedi’i recordio ar gyfer y BBC yn fyw yng Ngŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth i’w ddarlledu ar yr un noson ar Radio Wales a Radio 4 Extra, dyma’ch cyfle i fod yn y gynulleidfa. Byddant hyd yn oed yn rhoi i chi coffi a danish i chi, ac mae’r cyfan yn rhad ac am ddim!

What’s better than a visit to see the reigning Shed of the Year? A trip to see the reigning Shed of the Year when there will be comedians in it, that’s what. We’re putting on an excursion up a local mountainside to Alex and Sam’s wonderful winning shed where you’ll be given tea and cake and thoroughly entertained by 4 wonderful comedians in what we believe is one of the best venues yet at the Machynlleth Comedy Festival. Only ten tickets available to this super-special event. Beth sy’n well nag ymweliad i weld Sied y Flwyddyn? Ymweliad i weld Sied y Flwyddyn pan fydd digrifwyr ynddi, dyna beth.

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Machynlleth Bowling Club Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 11:00am Free


Join the star of stage, screen and BBC Radio 4 Extra’s Comedy Club for some jovial interviews and songs.

Isy will be chatting to some festival favourites, before performing the first ever musical about the Mach Comedy Festival. Song sheets and biscuits will be provided. Ymumwch â seren y llwyfan, y sgrîn a Comedy Club BBC Radi 4 Extra am gyweliadau hwylus Machynlleth Comedy Festival 70

Venue: Date: Pick up: Return: Price:

Shed Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 3:40pm Y Plas Car Park 5:30pm Y Plas Car Park £10

Rydym yn cynnal taith i fyny mynydd lleol i sied arobryn hyfryd Alex a Sam lle byddwch yn cael te a chacen ac yn cael eich diddanu’n drylwyr gan 4 digrifwr gwych yn un o’r lleoliadau gorau eto yng Ngŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth yn ein barn ni. Dim ond deg tocyn sydd ar gael i’r digwyddiad arbennig hwn.

a chaneuon. Bydd Isy yn sgwrsio â rhai o ffefrynnau’r ŵyl, cyn perfformio ei sioe gerdd gyntaf erioed am Ŵyl Gomedi Mach. Darperir taflenni caneuon a bisgedi Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Machynlleth Bowling Club Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 12:30pm Free Mach Comedy Fest 042


EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS BY CARL CHAPPLE May 2nd to June 7th 2014. The Museum of Modern Art Cymru, Machynlleth. Artist Carl Chapple unveils a selection of paintings from his new series Portraits of Performers, featuring images of a number of festival favourites, including Lloyd Langford, Tim Key, Nat Luurtsema, Rhod Gilbert, Holly Burn and Paul Foot. Paintings were made from life during 2013 and early 2014, and involved working with comedians, actors, dancers, poets and musicians from a range of backgrounds and at various career stages. Of the fifty or so paintings in the series so far, around twenty-five will be included in the exhibition. Machynlleth Comedy Festival, along with Arts Council Wales, are incredibly proud to have supported Carl throughout the process, and to have been chosen as the launch event for the exhibition. The official exhibition opening will take place from 1.30pm on Saturday May 3rd, and will be opened by comedian Elis James.

Bydd yr artist Carl Chapple yn datgelu arddangosfa o baentiadau o’i gyfres newydd o Bortreadau o Berfformwyr, yn cynnwys ffefrynnau’r ŵyl, fel Lloyd Langford, Tim Key, Nat Luurtsema, Rhod Gilbert, Holly Burn a Paul Foot.

Mae’n bleser o’r mwyaf gan Ŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth, ynghyd â Chyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, fod wedi cefnogi Carl drwy gydol y broses, ac i gael ei dewis fel digwyddiad lansio’r arddangosfa.

Gwnaed y paentiadau o fywyd yn ystod 2013 a dechrau 2014, ac roedd yn cynnwys gweithio gyda digrifwyr, actorion, dawnswyr, beirdd a cherddorion o gefndiroedd amrywiol ac ar gamau gyrfa gwahanol. O’r oddeutu hanner cant o baentiadau yn y gyfres hyd yma, bydd tua pump ar hugain ohonynt wedi’u cynnwys yn yr arrdangosfa.

Cynhelir y dangosiad preifat o 1.30pm ddydd Sadwrn 3 Mai, ac fe’i agorir gan y digrifwr Elis James. Venue: Date: Time: Price:

MOMA Cymru (Y Tabernacl) Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 1.30pm Free

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Tabernacl Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 10:00am £12


Linking in with Carl Chapple’s portrait exhibition in Y Tabernacl, our annual art class returns, this year with added clothes. Carl will lead a portraiture class with a number of comedians sitting for you to immortalise them in charcoal. About the tutor: Wales based artist Carl Chapple has many years experience and has had exhibitions of his work displayed across the UK. This year he has a special exhibition of performers portraits launching at the Machynlleth Comedy Festival. About the models: A selection of models (comedians) will pose for your drawing pleasure. The class will be tailored to all levels of ability and experience and all materials will be provided. Cream teas will be served at elevenses. Work from the class will be displayed in a festival exhibition. Gan gysylltu ag arddangosfa bortreadau Carl Chapple yn y Tabernacl, mae ein dosbarth celf blynyddol yn dychwlyd, eleni gyda dillad ychwanegol. Bydd Carl yn arwain dosbarth portreadau gyda nifer o ddigrifwyr yn eistedd i chi eu anfarwoli

mewn golosg. Am y tiwtor: Artist yng Nghymru yw Carl Chapple â blynyddoedd lawer o brofiad, ac mae arddangosfeydd o’i waith wedi cael eu harddangos ar draws y DU. Eleni, mae ganddo arddangosfa arbennig o bortreadau perfformwyr yn lansio yng Ngŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth. Am y modelau: Bydd amrywiaeth o fodelau (digrifwyr) yn sefyll i chi fwynhau eu harlunio. Bydd y dosbarth wedi’i deilwra i bob lefel gallu a phrofiad, a darperir yr holl ddeunyddiau. Bydd te hufen yn cael ei weini fel pryd bore. Caiff gwaith o’r dosbarth ei arddangos yn arddangosfa’r ŵyl.

Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 73


Will you be one of the lucky 20 to join four comics at a very special intimate gig at Machynlleth’s own traditional sweet shop? To be in with a chance of winning a pair of golden tickets head to Losin Lush and purchase a handmade festival chocolate bar.

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Losin Lush Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 4:30pm £ Golden Ticket

A fyddwch chi’n un o’r 20 lwcus fydd yn ymuno â 4 digrifwr mewn gig agos arbennig iawn yn siop losin draddodiadol Machynlleth? Er mwyn bod â chyfle i ennill pâr o docynnau euraidd, ewch i Losin Lush a phrynu bar siocled wedi’i wneud â llaw i’r ŵyl.


MARK OLVER AND HIS FREE COMEDY COURSE An incredibly short introduction to stand-up comedy. Very informal, very relaxed. No actual performing but an opportunity for those who come to perform in the Woodland Pavilion later that evening. No experience needed, and open to literally anyone. Locals positively encouraged. Cyflwyniad byr dros ben i gomedi llwyfan. Anffurfiol iawn, hamddenol iawn. Dim perfformio mewn gwirionedd, ond cyfle i’r rhai sy’n dod i berfformio yn y Pafiliwn Coetir yn ddiweddarach y noson honno. Dim angen profiad, ac ar agor i unrhyw un o gwbl. Anogir pobl leol yn sicr.


Led by a mysterious hooded boatman, journey deep beneath the mountains of Southern Snowdonia and sail through a magical underground waterfall to arrive at the King Arthur’s Labyrinth for a comedy experience like no other... Part of a group of 20, once inside you will be guided through winding tunnels to discover a series of lantern-lit performances within the ancient caverns. Ticket holders will be picked up by bus at Y Plas at 6.45pm and returned by 9.30pm (approx. 20 mins travel time to King Arthur’s Labyrinth). Please present show tickets when boarding the bus. Warm clothing is advised as ticket holders will be underground for 75 minutes. Due to the nature of this event, it is not suitable for people with mobility issues. Dan arweiniad cychwr dirgel â chwfl, teithiwch yn ddwfn o dan fynyddoedd De Eryri a hwyliwch

drwy rhaeadr hudol tanddaearol i gyrraedd Labyrinth y Brenin Arthur am brofiad comedi fel dim arall ... Yn rhan o grŵp o 20, y tu mewn fe’ch tywysir drwy dwneli troellog i ddarganfod cyfres o berfformiadau wedi’u goleuo â llusernau yn y ceudyllau hynafol. Cesglir deiliaid tocynnau ar fws yn y Plas am 6.45pm ac fe’u dychwelir erbyn 9:30 (tua 20 munud o amser teithio i Labyrinth y Brenin Arthur). Cyflwynwch docynnau i’r sioe wrth fynd ar y bws. Cynghorir dillad cynnes gan y bydd deiliaid tocyn o dan y ddaear am 75 munud. Oherwydd natur y digwyddiad hwn, nid yw’n addas i bobl â phroblemau symudedd. Venue: Date: Pick up: Return: Price:

King Arthur’s Labyrinth Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 6:45pmY Plas Car Park 9:15pm Y Plas Car Park £12

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Plas Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 1:00pm Free Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 75

TABLE FOR TWO Commissioned by Powys Arts Month, Crafted Space have created an installation piece that reflects the intimate and innovative nature of the Machynlleth Comedy Festival.

Comisiynwyd gan Mis Celfyddydau Powys, mae Crafted Space wedi creu darn gosod sy’n adlewyrchu natur agos ac arloesol Gwyl Gomedi Machynlleth.

Sited along the Woodland Way between two prestigious historic buildings in Machynlleth, the piece seeks to amplify what already exists in this beautiful natural corridor.

Ar hyd y Ffordd Goetir rhwng dau adeilad hanesyddol mawreddog ym Machynlleth, mae’r darn yn ceisio ymhelaethu ar yr hyn sydd eisoes yn bodoli yn y coridor naturiol hardd.

At a distance the arrangement of salvaged tables and chairs is familiar: an intimate setting around which families and friends gather to relax, to share food, to see one another more clearly.

O bell, mae’r trefniant byrddau a chadeiriau a achubwyd yn gyfarwydd: lleoliad agos y bydd teuluoedd a ffrindiau’n ymgynnull o’u hamgylch i ymlacio, i rannu bwyd, i weld ei gilydd yn gliriach. Yn agos mae’n dod yn amlwg bod mwy i’r wyneb nag a welwch.

Up close it becomes apparent that there is more to the surface than meets the eye.

Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 77




HEOL PENTREHEDYN, SY20 8DN. TEL: 01654 703 455


WOODLAND PAVILION We’re thrilled to bring the Woodland Pavilion back for a second year, with more free and impromptu performance from comedians and musicians throughout the weekend. Expect to see Mark Olver curating a feast of free live comedy on Saturday and Sunday evening, acoustic sessions from bands performing at the festival, daytime performances from Machynlleth’s very own Tangerine Youth Choir and Mid Wales Youth Jazz Group, along with whatever else we can cram onto the stage. Keep an eye on the daily listings displayed on

the blackboards beside the Woodland Pavilion and our twitter account @machcomedyfest for all the latest info. Mae’n bleser o’r mwyaf gennym ddod â’r Pafiliwn Coetir yn ôl am yr ail flwyddyn, gyda mwy o berfformiadau am ddim a digymell gan ddigrifwyr a cherddorion drwy gydol y penwythnos. Gallwch disgwyl gweld Mark Olver yn curadu gwledd o gomedi byw rhad ac am ddim ddydd Sadwrn a nos Sul, sesiynau acwstig gan fandiau sy’n perfformio yn yr ŵyl, perfformiadau dydd

gan Gôr Ieuenctid Tangerine Machynlleth ei hun a Grŵp Jazz Ieuenctid Canolbarth Cymru, ynghyd â beth bynnag arall y gallwn ei ffitio ar y llwyfan. Cadwch lygad ar y rhestrau dyddiol ar y byrddau du wrth ymyl y Pafiliwn Coetirac ar ein cyfrif Twitter @machcomedyfest am yr holl wybodaeth ddiweddaraf. Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Woodland Pavilion All weekend Various FREE

Proudly sponsored by Mid Wales My Way / Noddwyd â balchder gan Fy Nghanolbarth Cymru Mid Wales My Way Essentials experiences to complete your Mid Wales holiday

Hanfodion Fy Nghanolbarth Cymru i - profiadau i gwblhau eich gwyliau i Ganolbarth Cymru

Walk the untouched “Green heart of Wales” in Cambrian Mountains or explore the great frontier earthwork built by King Offa.

Cerddwch “calon werdd Cymru” sydd heb ei chyffwrdd ym Mynyddoedd Cambria neu ewch i weld y gwrthglawdd ffin mawr a adeiladwyd gan y Brenin Offa.

Encounter waterfalls, amazing caves and the highest mountains in southern Britain in the Brecon Beacons. Take a scenic bike ride and discover breath-taking Lake Vyrnwy and The Berwyns. Experience local cuisine and award winning beverages

Ewch i weld rhaeadrau, ogofâu anhygoel a’r mynyddoedd uchaf yn Ne Prydain yn y Bannau Brycheiniog. Cymerwch daith feic i weld godidogrwydd Llyn Efyrnwy a’r Berwyn Profwch fwyd lleol a diodydd arobryn.

CONTACT / CYSWLLT Mid Wales Marketing Team, Powys County Council, Brecon TIC, Cattle Market Car Park, Brecon, Powys, LD3 9DA Ffôn/ Tel: 01874 622485 E-bost/Email: Cyswllt/ Contact: Andrew Williams, Swyddog Cymorth Twristiaeth (Gogledd), Tourism Support Officer (North)

Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 79

KIDS AU PETH T PLAN PABELL PYS MELYS CHILDREN AND FAMILY TENT/ PABELL PLANT A THEULUOEDD Come and join us in the Pabell Pys Melys! It’s bursting to the seams with fun activities for all the family. There is something here for everyone whatever your age. We can guarantee that adults will have as much fun as the kids! Just turn up to the tent and join in! (Please make sure children are accompanied by an adult at all time. Maximum of 4 children to one adult owner is advised).

Dewch i ymuno â ni yn y Babell Pys Melys! Mae’n llawn o weithgareddau difyr i’r teulu cyfan. Mae rhywbeth yma i bawb, beth bynnag yw eich oedran. Gallwn warantu y bydd oedolion yn cael cymaint o hwyl â’r plant! (Gwnewch yn siŵr bod plant yng nghwmni oedolyn bob amser. Cynghorir uchafswm o 4 plentyn i un oedolyn).

SAT/SAD Time/Amser



Craft Activities for all the family


The Chimp Nest

11:30pm - 12:30pm Nonsense Poetry workshop (age 12-adult) 1:30pm-2:30pm

Hulahoop Workshop


Lady Bird Nature Walk

4:00pm - 5.00pm Wrap Jewellery Workshop (age 12 - Adult)

SUN/SUL Time/Amser



Craft Activities for all the family


The Chimp Nest

11:30am-12:30pm Nonsense Poetry workshop (age 6-11) 12:00pm-1:00pm The Biggles Bees 1:30pm-2:30pm 3:00pm-4:00pm

Hulahoop Workshop Make a Puppet and Perform a Play

4:00pm - 5.00pm Wrap Jewellery Workshop (age 12 - Adult)

Machynlleth Comedy Festival 80

THE ARTY MONKEY CREATIVE COLLECTIVE The Arty Monkeys are back at Mach and bringing you loads more crafts, workshops, play and fun for kids and their grown-ups. Mae’r Arty Monkeys yn ôl ym Mach ac yn cyflwyno llwyth yn fwy o grefftau, gweithdai, chwarae a hwyl i blant a’u hoedolion. ART AND CRAFT ACTIVITIES 10am -6pm Sat & Sun Individual craft items from £1.50 - £2.50 Let your creativity shine making a fantastic selection of crafts to keep or to give as gifts. With at least nine different activities available all day which will you chose to make first? Badges, windmills, medals, carnival masks, button mobiles, jewellery, key rings, bedroom door tags, scratch art and more! Fun for kids and their grown-ups too. Our great value craft token is just £5 for any three items as well as unlimited goes of the ‘Ketchupult challenge’ and Pants! design competition. Gadewch i’ch creadigrwydd ddisgleirio drwy wneud amrywiaeth wych o grefftau i’w cadw neu i’w rhoi’n anrhegion. Gydag o leiaf naw gweithgaredd ar gael drwy’r dydd, beth fyddwch chi’n dewis ei wneud yn gyntaf? Bathodynnau, melinau gwynt, medalau, masgiau carnifal, mobilau botwm, gemwaith, cylchoedd allweddi, tagiau drws ystafell wely, celf crafu a mwy! Hwyl i’r plant ac i’w hoedolion hefyd. Mae ein tocyn crefft gwerth mawr yn £5 yn unig am unrhyw dair eitem yn ogystal â throeon anghyfyngedig yn ‘her Ketchupult’ a chystadleuaeth ddylunio Pants!

PANTS! 10am -6pm Sat & Sun FREE when you purchase an Arty Monkey craft token. “Groovy pants, funky pants, cheeky little monkey pants...”
Design and colour your own pair of outrageous pants to hang on the Arty Monkey washing line. The best pair will be chosen on Sunday and the winner will receive a fabulous family prize.
 Inspired by the children’s book ‘Pants’ by Giles Andreae and Nick Sharratt.

THE CHIMP NEST 10am -6pm Sat & Sun FREE Relax and have fun as a family with a selection of games and books in our chill out area; there’s even play-doh and chalk boards to keep the tiniest apes happy while their big sibs are busy with arts and crafts. During the day there will also be parachute games (weather permitting) and story-times so keep your eye on the information board at the entrance to the tent for times.

Wedi’i ysbrydoli gan lyfr plant ‘Pants’ gan Giles Andreae a Nick Sharratt.

Ymlacio a mwynhewch fel teulu gyda detholiad o gemau a llyfrau yn ein hardal ymlacio; mae hyd yn oed play-doh a byrddau sialc i gadw’r mwcwn lleiaf yn hapus tra bo’u brodyr a’u chwiorydd yn brysur gyda chelf a chrefft. Yn ystod y dydd, bydd hefyd gemau parasiwt (os yw’r tywydd yn caniatáu) ac amser stori, felly cadwch eich llygad ar y bwrdd gwybodaeth yn y fynedfa i’r babell am amseroedd.

KETCHUPULT CHALLENGE 10am -6pm Sat & Sun FREE when you purchase an Arty Monkey craft token.


Calling madcap inventors! Using a high-tech selection of materials (paper, elastic bands, elbow grease, spit,...) design and make a flying machine that can be launched using our patented contraption-chucker ‘The Ketchupult’. Whose will fly the furthest each day and win the prize?

Ahoy there buccaneers! Gather your motley crews and head to Pabell Pys Melys to start your pirate adventure. Follow Captain Inkbeard’s story-trail around the lawns of Y Plas solving his fiendish clues and puzzles to discover the hiding place of his treasure. All correct answers will be entered into a prize draw with the winner announced on Sunday afternoon.

“Groovy pants, funky pants, cheeky little monkey pants...”
Dyluniwch a lliwiwch eich hun pâr eich hun o bants gwarthus i’w hongian ar y lein ddillad Arty Monkey. Dewisir y pâr gorau ddydd Sul, a bydd yr enillydd yn derbyn gwobr wych i’r teulu.

Yn galw ar bob dyfeisiwr gwallgof! Gan ddefnyddio amrywiaeth hynod dechnolegol o ddeunyddiau (papur, bandiau elastig, eli penelin, poer ...) dyluniwch a chrëwch beiriant hedfan y gellir ei lansio gan ddefnyddio ein taflwr dyfeisiau o fri, y ‘Ketchupult’. Un pwy fydd yn hedfan bellaf bob dydd ac yn ennill y wobr?

Ahoi i’r bycanîrs! Casglwch eich criwiau lliwgar ac ewch i’r Babell Pys Melys i ddechrau eich antur môr leidr. Dilynwch drywydd stori Capten Inkbeard o amgylch lawntiau’r Plas gan ddatrys ei gliwiau a’i bosau dieflig i ddarganfod cuddfan

ei drysor. Bydd pob ateb cywir yn cael ei roi mewn het a bydd yr enillydd yn cael ei gyhoeddi brynhawn Sul. CIRCUS PLAY Sessions on Sat and Sun FREE Come and try your hand at juggling, scarfs, hoola-hoops, clubs, flower sticks and circus tricks. Fun for all ages. See the blackboard at Pabell Pys Melys for information about times (weather permitting) Dewch i roi cynnig ar jyglo, sgarffiau, cylchoedd hwla, clybiau, ffyn blodau a thriciau syrcas. Hwyl i bob oedran. Gweler y bwrdd du yn y Babell Pys Melys i gael gwybodaeth am amserau (os yw’r tywydd yn caniatáu) FUNNY FLAGS 10am -6pm Sat & Sun FREE Add your favourite joke to our comedy bunting and help us reach our target of 20 meters of jokes! Ychwanegwch eich hoff jôc i’n baneri comedi a helpwch ni i gyrraedd ein targed o 20 metr o jôcs!

Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Pabell Pys Melys Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai Various Various Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 81

irl Paper Bag G


Once upon a time there was a girl who lived in a paper bag. You might thing that a girl who lives in a paper bag can’t possibly have much of an exciting life and you would be right. But you can help her discover what really is possible with just a little bit of paper and a lot of imagination. Lots of silliness, play and a lot of heart. Un tro, roedd merch oedd yn byw mewn bag papur. Efallai eich bod yn meddwl na fyddai gan ferch sy’n byw mewn bag papur fywyd cyffrous iawn, a rydych chi’n iawn. Ond gallwch chi ei helpu i ddarganfod beth sy’n bosib gydag ychydig o bapur a llawer o ddychymyg. Llawer o wiriondeb, chwarae a llawer o galon. Venue: Date: Time: Price: Age:

Royal House Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 11:00am -11:35am £1.50 a ticket. £5 family ticket (family of 4)


Following the success of last year’s ‘What rhymes with custard...?’ award winning poet Kit Lambert is back with a rhymetastic workshop for kids and their grown-ups. Together, we’ll create a brand new poem to celebrate the comedy festival and everyone will go away having written their own comic verse. So if you fancy yourself as a budding poet/comedian (no experience necessary), join us for a relaxed and fun hour playing with words. All you need to bring is your imagination! Yn dilyn llwyddiant ‘What rhymes with custard ...?’ y llynedd, mae’r bardd arobryn Kit Lambert yn ôl gyda gweithdy odli gwych i blant a’u hoedolion. Gyda’n gilydd, byddwn yn creu cerdd newydd sbon i ddathlu’r ŵyl gomedi a bydd pawb yn mynd i ffwrdd wedi ysgrifennu eu cerdd ddoniol eu hunain. Felly os hoffech chi fod yn fardd/digrifwr newydd (nid oes angen profiad arnoch), ymunwch â ni am awr ddifyr heb bwysau o chwarae gyda geiriau. Yr oll y mae ei angen arnoch yw eich dychymyg! Venue: Date:

Pabell Pys Melys Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai

Time: Price:

11:30am -12:30pm Free (pre-booking advised)


Ages 12 + (Saturday) Ages 6 - 11 (Sunday) Children must be accompanied by an adult



A PIRATE LIFE FOR ME You may think that old Mary MacGreagor and Annie Greengrass may be more at home in the dusty closets of your local charity shop but look closer. These two sea dogs are in fact legendary. Once the scourge of the seven seas, feared and redeemed by all seamen and scoundrels. If only they can agree on where they left their trusty old ship. With an incredible steam punk ship that is ingeniously hidden among the tatters and treasures of their tall stories, this unruly pair bring their past to life with the aid of puppets, scraps of scummy old maps and bawdy songs. But me land lubbers, be warned - don’t believe a word of it! Efallai y byddwch yn meddwl y byddai’r hen Mary MacGreagor ac Annie Greengrass yn fwy cartrefol yng nghypyrddau llychlyd eich siop elusen leol, ond edrychwch yn agosach. Mae’r môr-ladron hyn yn chwedlonol. Roeddent unwaith yn ysglyfaethwyr ar y cefnfor, ac roedd yr holl forwyr a chnafon yn eu hofni a’u parchu. Pe baent ond yn gallu cytuno lle gadawon nhw eu hen long ffyddlon. Gyda llong pync stêm anhygoel wedi’i guddio’n graff ymhlith racs a thrysorau eu straeon annhebygol, daw’r pâr afreolus hyn â’u gorffennol yn fyw gyda chymorth pypedau, darnau o hen fapiau budr a chaneuon anniwair. Ond blantos, bydded hysbys - peidiwch â chredu gair!

Join author and comedian Daniel Glyn in a jokes session especially for sensible children and childish parents. Daniel will share some of his favourite jokes from his brand new book, Llyfr Jôcs Daniel Glyn, and ask for some of your favourites.(Welsh language event) Machynlleth Comedy Festival 82

These ladybirds just love exploring the undergrowth. Why not join them for a 45min adventure around the wonderful wilderness of Machynlleth. Mae’r buchod coch cwta wrth eu boddau’n archwilio’r isdyfiant. Beth am ymuno â nhw am antur 45 munud o amgylch diffeithwch rhyfeddol Machynlleth. Venue: Date: Time: Price: Age:

Y Plas lawn Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 2:00pm - 3:00pm Free All ages welcome


She teaches Hoop for No Fit State Circus and can split 5 hoops! Come and learn to hoop with the delightfully talented Ellie Hoops. Hoops are provided. All you need to bring is some swinging hips and a lot of joy! Fun for everyone. Mae hi’n dysgu hwla i No Fit State Circus a gall rannu 5 cylch! Dewch i ddysgu hwla gyda’r hynod dalentog Ellie Hoops. Darperir cylchynnau. Y cyfan sy’n rhaid i chi ddod â chi yw cluniau i’w siglo a llawer o lawenydd! Hwyl i bawb. Venue: Y Plas lawn Date: Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai Time: 1:30pm-2:30pm Price: Free Age: All ages welcome


SNOW BABY Wrapped up in a snowy smother, Grandnonny Des and her Bear man fall in love. But that is just the beginning of the story. When the storm comes and Des’s Bear man disappears, how will she cope alone on a hill plagued with nothing but bad weather and a cloud of hungry crows for company?!


SESIWN JÔCS Ymunwch a’r awdur a’r comedïwr Daniel Glyn mewn sesiwn jôcs yn arbennig i blant call a’i rhieni plentynnaidd. Bydd Daniel yn rhannu rhai o’i hoff jôcs i blant yn y sesiwn, a hefyd yn gofyn i glywed eich ffefrynnau chi. Bydd Daniel hefyd yn trafod ei brosiect diweddara, sef Llyfr Jôcs Daniel Glyn. Dewch yn llu, a dewch a gwȇn efo chi!


Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 11:00am -11:35am £3 a ticket, £10 family ticket (family of 4)



Venue: Date: Time: Price: Age:

Y Plas lawn Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 12:30pm Free Any age land lubbers welcome

This is a love story. This is story of castles in the air, of weathering the storm, and dreams coming true in the most unexpected ways. Beautiful tabletop puppetry, imaginative storytelling and funny bits! Be swept away! Wedi lapio mewn eira llethol, mae Grandnonny Des a’i Arthddyn yn syrthio mewn cariad. Ond dim ond dechrau’r stori yw hynny. Pan ddaw’r

storm ac mae Arthddyn Des yn diflannu, sut fydd hi’n ymdopi ar ei phen ei hun ar fryn sy’n cynnwys dim ond tywydd gwael a chwmwl o frain sy’n awchu am gwmni?! Stori gariad yw hon. Dyma stori am gestyll yn yr awyr, goroesi’r storm, a breuddwydion yn dod yn wir yn y ffyrdd mwyaf annisgwyl. Pypedwaith pen bwrdd prydferth, adrodd straeon llawn dychymyg a darnau doniol! Dewch i gael eich cudo! Venue: Date: Time: Price:

Y Plas Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai 2:30pm - 3:30pm £3 a ticket, £10 family ticket (family of 4)


2+ Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 83


Wrap bracelets, shamballa and macramé bracelets are still on-trend for men and women of all ages, but why spend a fortune when you can learn to make your own versions at a fraction of the price? During this one hour workshop you’ll learn a few different techniques, go away with at least one finished bracelet and have the skills to make more for friends and family. Mae breichledau lapio, siambala a breichledau macramé yn dal i fod yn ffasiynol i ddynion a merched o bob oedran, ond pam gwario


PERFECTLY BANANAS Wes Zaharuk has a world-wide reputation for a tornado-like approach to comedy, surreal feats and an eccentric collection of eye-popping prop tricks. He is a one-man tour de force, known to combine routines with power tools, bananas and film noir. Perfectly Bananas received five star reviews at the Edinburgh Festival and picked up a 2013 Buxton Fringe Award for Best Comedy (Individual).


ANIMAL TALES If you were a mouse or a cat or a dog, you could smell the stories in the air.

If you were a lizard or a snake, you could taste the stories on the tip of your tongue. If you were a fish or a dolphin or a great giant whale, you could feel the stories in the ripples of the water. Watch as this series of lyrical, comical tales unfold from a canvas map and transport us across the globe.

Mae gan Wes Zaharuk enw da byd-eang am ei ymagwedd wyllt i gomedi, ei gampau swrrealaidd a’i gasgliad ecsentrig o driciau prop syfrdanol. Mae’n gorwynt un dyn, yn adnabyddus am gyfuno rwtinau gydag offer pŵer, bananas a film noir. Cafodd Perfectly Bananas adolygiadau pum seren yng Ngŵyl Gaeredin, a cafodd Wobr Fringe Buxton 2013 am y Comedi Gorau (Unigolyn).  Cream of the Fringe

Pe baech yn llygoden neu gath neu gi, gallech arogli’r straeon yn yr aer. Pe baech yn fadfall neu’n neidr, gallech flasu’r straeon ar flaen eich tafod.

Venue: Date: Time: Price: Age:

Y Plas lawn Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 12:30pm - 1:30pm Free All ages welcome

Machynlleth Comedy Festival 84

Venue: Date: Time: Price: Age:

Venue: Date: Time: Price: Age:

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 1:00pm £3 a ticket / £10 a family (family of 4) All ages welcome

Awst 17-24 August ^ 2014 wyl achynlleth estival

Y Pabell Pys Melys Sat 3 May / Sad 3 Mai Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 4:00pm-5:00pm Free (booking recomended) 11- adult

/momawales @momawales


BY THE ARTY MONKEY CREATIVE ACADEMY We were going to think of a clever title for this workshop but decided to go for the ‘what it says on the tin’ approach... It sounds bonkers (and it probably will be) but we’d love you to join us for some poetry, craft and performance chaos fun. You get to keep your creations and no puppets will be harmed during the making of the play (probably...)

Ian Bostridge ~ Gwyn Hughes Jones ~ Lawrence Power ~ Miloš Milivojević ~ Steffan Morris ~ Tippett String Quartet Bengt Forsberg ~ Heath String Quartet ~ Julius Drake ~ Charles Owen ~ Michael Pollock ~ Trystan Llyr Griffiths Hogia’r Ddwylan Male Voice Choir ~ Katharine Gowers ~ Julia Somerville ~ Elizabeth Burgess ~ Nigel Cliffe ~ O Duo

Book online at or on 01654 703355

Y Tabernacl ● Heol Penrallt ● Machynlleth ● Powys ● SY20 8AJ ● 01654 703355 ●

Suitable for children aged 4 and up. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Roedden ni’n mynd i feddwl am deitl clyfar i’r gweithdy hwn, ond penderfynon ni fynd am ymagwedd ‘yr hyn mae’n ei ddweud ar y tun’ ... Mae’n swnio’n wallgof (ac mae’n debyg y bydd), ond byddem wrth ein boddau pe baech yn ymuno â ni am ychydig o farddoniaeth, crefft a gwallgofrwydd perfformio difyr. Byddwch yn cael cadw eich creadigaethau ac ni fydd unrhyw bypedau’n cael eu niweidio yn ystod y broses o wneud y ddrama (mwy na thebyg ...) Addas i blant 4 oed a hŷn. Rhaid i blant fod yng nghwmni oedolyn.

Pe baech yn bysgodyn neu ddolffin neu forfil enfawr, gallech deimlo’r straeon yng nghrychdonnau’r dŵr. Gwyliwch wrth i’r gyfres hon o straeon telynegol, doniol ddatblygu o fap cynfas a’n cludo ar draws y byd.

ffortiwn pan gallwch ddysgu sut i wneud eich fersiynau eich hunain am ffracsiwn o’r pris? Yn ystod y gweithdy awr hwn, byddwch yn dysgu rhai technegau gwahanol, yn mynd i ffwrdd ag o leiaf un freichled orffenedig a’r sgiliau i wneud mwy i ffrindiau a theulu.

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Venue: Date: Time: Price: Age:

Y Pabell Pys Melys Sun 4 May / Sul 4 Mai 3:00pm - 4:00pm Free (booking recomended) 4+

Cardiff: 02920 549939 Newport: 01633 265828 Swansea: 01792 790444 Twitter: @BroomfieldWales Mach Comedy Fest 042

FRI/GWE COMEDY / COMEDI Time/Amser Event/Digwyddiad




Y Tabernacl


Machynlleth Bowling Club Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Y Plas Vane Tempest Rag & Bone Y Tabernacl Ysgol Bro Ddyfi Y Plas Vane Tempest Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Machynlleth Bowling Club Y Tabernacl Ysgol Bro Ddyfi Y Plas Vane Tempest Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre

£7 £6 £6 £6 £6 £6 £11 £6 £7 £6 £6 £7 £8 £11 £9 £6 £7 £6 £6

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Y Plas Owain Glyndŵr Centre

£6 £12 £6

THEATRE/THEATR Time/Amser Event/Digwyddiad




Y Plas Vane Tempest


6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 9:00pm 9:00pm 9:00pm 9:00pm 9:00pm 10:30pm 10:30pm 10:30pm

Richard Herring - Leicester Square Theatre Podcast (but at the Machynlleth Comedy Festival) Nish Kumar - Is a Comedian Nick Helm - Masterworks in Progress Natasia Demetriou and Ellie White - Splitting an Hour Tom Bell - The Lost Shows of Tom Bell Horse and Louis - Comedy Bingo! Nick Helm - Masterworks in Progress Arthur Smith - Arthur Smith Sings Leonard Cohen Vol 2. Rob Deering - Work-in-Progress Liam Williams Goreuon Standup Cymraeg Patrick Turpin - A Brother for Jonathan Joanna Neary - Joanna Neary’s Jape-Time Jamboree Challenged Bridget Christie - A Bic for Her Mike Wozniak - Take the Hit Bring and Bi-Lingual Jonny and the Baptists - Stop UKIP Tour Tommy Rowson - Down and Out in Powys and London: Work in Progress Beth Vyse - Get Up With Your Hands - Your Number 2 In The Morning (Work-in-Progress) Twins - Work-in-Progress Machynlleth Festival Showcase Lolly Adefope and Jonny Pelham - When Lolly Met Jonny

Molly Naylor - If Destroyed Still True

The Comedy Club Daily, 10pm until midnight





7:00pm 8:00pm 9:15pm

Tender Pray Gulp Oliver Wilde

Beech Bar Beech Bar Beech Bar

Free Free Free

CABARET Time/Amser





Mary Bijou Cabaret

Beech Bar


Machynlleth Comedy Festival 86

Mach Comedy Fest 042












Y Tabernacl


1:00pm 1:00pm

Steve Beresford, Tania Chen & Stewart Lee John Cage’s Indeterminacy Caroline Mabey - Chaos is a Friend of Mine Alistair Green - Nobody’s Twisting Your Arm

Y Plas Vane Tempest Owain Glyndŵr Centre

£6 £6

1:00pm 1:00pm 1:00pm 2:30pm 2:30pm 2:30pm 2:30pm 2:30pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:30pm

Lucy Beaumont - Work-in-Progress Eddie Lizzard - The Stand-Up Chameleon Nick Helm - Masterworks in Progress Gemma Whelan - Has a Go (Work in Progress) Nick Helm - Masterworks in Progress Tiernan Douieb - Tiernan’s Tour 2014 Owen Niblock - Songs for the Disenchanted Orc Nadia Kamil - Work-in-Progress Mark Olver - Dancing About Architecture Sheeps - Work-in-Progress Bridget Christie - Work-in-Progress Lou Sanders - In Another Great Show Again Ben Target - Becoming Ben Target (Work in Progress) Jordan Brookes - Adventures in Limited Space Nathaniel Metcalfe - Suburban Trauma (Work-in-Progress) Brian Gittins - Vagina Monologues 2 Joe Lycett - If Joe Lycett Then You Should Have Put a Ring on It Benjamin Partridge - An Audience with Jeff Goldblum Angela Barnes - You Can’t Take it With You (Work-in-Progress) Birthday Girls - Work-in-Progress David Elms - Suggest it From the Rooftops Pat Cahill - Work-in-Progress Stuart Laws - When’s This Gonna Stop? Ed Gamble - Work-in-Progress Aisling Bea - My Old Bits and My New bits Mike Wozniak - Master of Disguise (Work-in-Progress) TOBY - Work-in-Progress Phil Wang - Work-in-Progress Llio Silyn a Rhian Morgan - Dynes a Hanner Dan Glyn - Wel-Well-Welsh Suzi Ruffell - Work-in-Progress Richard Herring - We’re All Going To Die! Alex Horne - Lies

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Royal House Y Plas Vane Tempest Machynlleth Bowling Club Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Royal House Y Plas Machynlleth Bowling Club Y Plas Vane Tempest Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Royal House Y Plas Ysgol Bro Ddyfi Machynlleth Bowling Club Y Plas Vane Tempest Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Royal House Ysgol Bro Ddyfi Machynlleth Bowling Club Y Plas Vane Tempest Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Royal House Rag and Bone Y Tabernacl Y Plas

£6 £6 £6 £6 £6 £6 £6 £6 £6 £7 £7 £7 £6 £6 £6 £8 £10 £7 £6 £6 £7 £6 £6 £7 £6 £6 £6 £6 £6 £6 £6 £11 £11

8:30pm 8:30pm 8:30pm 8:30pm 8:30pm 8:30pm 8:30pm 8:30pm 10:00pm 10:00pm 10:00pm 10:00pm 10:00pm 10:00pm 10:00pm 10:00pm 11:30pm

Josie Long - Work-in-Progress Bring and Bi-Lingual Lloyd Langford - Old Fashioned (Work-in-Progress) Holly Burn - Herself (Work-in Progress) Brett Golstein - Contains Scenes of an Adult Nature Nick Helm - Masterworks in Progress Fin Taylor - Work-in-Progress Mae Martin and Daniel Cook - Are Splitting an Hour. Why? Generosity Josh Widdicombe - Incidentally Robin Ince - is (In and) Out of his Mind Rob Deering - Beat This David Trent - Live at Machynlleth Bowling Club Tom Basden - Tom Basden Mark Simmons - Work-in-Progags Tom Craine - Thoughts on love (by a man with none of the answers) Nick Helm - Masterworks in Progress McNeil And Pamphilon - Go 8-bit

Ysgol Bro Ddyfi Machynlleth Bowling Club Y Plas Vane Tempest Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Royal House Rag and Bone Y Tabernacl Y Plas Ysgol Bro Ddyfi Machynlleth Bowling Club Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Rag and Bone Owain Glyndŵr Centre Machynlleth Bowling Club

£8 £6 £7 £7 £7 £6 £6 £6 £12 £10 £8 £6 £7 £6 £6 £6 £7

Machynlleth Comedy Festival 88





2:30pm 5:30pm Various

Rachel Mars - The Way You Tell Them Wot? No Fish!! Greg Wohead - Hurtling

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Y Tabernacl Outside Performance

£8 £10 £6





8.00pm 9.30pm

Mowbird Islet

Beech Bar Beech Bar

Free Free

MORE... / MWY … Time/Amser




9.30am 11.00am 12.30pm 3.40pm

Corris Railway BBC Radio Showcase BBC Radio 4 extra presents Isy Suttie and Friends Shed of the Year

Corris Railway Machynlleth Bowling Club Machynlleth Bowling Club Shed

£12 Free Free £10






10:00am 11:00am 11:30am

The Arty monkey Creative Collective Paper Bag Girl Daniel Glyn - Sesiwn Jôcs

Y Pabell Pys Melys Royal House Owain Glyndŵr Centre

Various 4+ 6+

Various £1.50/£5 family ticket £3/£10 family ticket


Nonsense Poetry Workshop

Y Pabell Pys Melys



12:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 4:00pm

A Pirate Life for Me Hulahoop Workshop Lady Bird Nature Walk Snow Baby Wrap Bracelet Workshop

Y Plas Lawn Y Plas Lawn Y Plas Lawn Y Plas Y Pabell Pys Melys

All ages All ages All ages 2+ 12 - adult

Free Free Free £3/£10 family ticket Free


BACKING THE BEST NEW MUSIC IN WALES CEFNOGI’R GERDDORIAETH NEWYDD ORAU YNG NGHYMRU Look out for the Horizons bands around Gallwch weld bandiau Gorwelion ar the Machynlleth Comedy Festival stages. lwyfannau Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth. Advance tickets for all festival shows available via the official website: Any remaining tickets will be available on the weekend from the festival box office opens at 3pm on Friday 2 May in the senedd building at Owain Glyndwr.

Check out more on the bands here #horizons

Mae mwy am y bandiau ar #horizons

Horizons is a scheme delivered by BBC Cymru Wales in partnership with Arts Council of Wales to develop new, independent contemporary music in Wales.

Mae Gorwelion yn gynllun gan BBC Cymru Wales mewn partneriaeth â Chyngor Celfyddydau Cymru i ddatblygu cerddoriaeth gyfoes annibynnol, newydd yng Nghymru.

Tocynnau Ymlaen Llaw Ar Gyfer Pob Sioe’r Ŵyl Ar Gael Ar Y Wefan swyddogol: Bydd unrhyw docynnau dros ben ar gael ar y penwythnos yn swyddfa docynnau’r ŵyl ar agor am 3pm ddydd gwener 2 mai yn adeilad y sendd yn Owain Glyndŵr. Machynlleth Comedy Festival 90

Mach Comedy Fest 042






Y Tabernacl


1:00pm 1:00pm

Steve Beresford, Tania Chen & Stewart Lee John Cage’s Indeterminacy Joe Lycett - Work-in-Progress Romesh Ranganathan - Work-in-Progress

Machynlleth Bowling Club Y Plas Vane Tempest

£6 £6

1:00pm 1:00pm 1:00pm 2:30pm 2:30pm 2:30pm 2:30pm 2:30pm 2:30pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 8:30pm

John Kearns - Good Luck Mr Gorsky! Nick Helm - Masterworks in Progress Nell Frizzell - Thumbs for Hire Colin Hoult - Characterhorse Nick Helm - Masterworks in Progress Josh Widdicombe and Elis James - Early Ideas Ian Smith - Work-in-Progress John Hastings - Adventure Liam Williams - in “A Work-in-Progress” Mike Bubbins - Me and Mr Presley Henry Paker - Unpacked Joel Dommett - Finding Emo (Work-in-Progress) Edward Aczel - Is Watching the Wheels Go Round and Round Gabby Best - Work-in-Progress Matt Rees - bringing Edd Hedges Chris Boyd - Caution to the Wind Tony Law - Nonsense-in-Progress John-Luke Roberts -Stnad-Up Colin Hoult - Work-in-Progress Comedy Storage in the Loft - Machynlleth Comedy Festival Special Sam Fletcher - For Eyes Clint Edwards and Gareth Brand - Stories. Poems. Bits that don’t really work Robert Auton - The Sky Show Elis James - Greatest Hits Simon Munnery - Fylm School Wes Zaharuk - The Prop Man Cariad Lloyd and Louise Ford- Cariad and Louise’s Character Comedy Night Rachel Parris - The Commission BEARD - Work-in-Progress Tom Toal - in Prequel Nish Kumar - Neezus Ivo Graham - Bow Ties & Johnnies (Work-in-Progress) Sioe Gomedi Fawreddog Gymraeg Gwyl Machynlleth

Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Royal House Machynlleth Bowling Club Y Plas Vane Tempest Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Royal House Y Plas Machynlleth Bowling Club Y Plas Vane Tempest Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Royal House Y Plas Machynlleth Bowling Club Y Plas Vane Tempest Owain Glyndwr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Royal House Y Tabernacl Ysgol Bro Ddyfi Machynlleth Bowling Club Y Plas Vane Tempest Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Royal House Rag and Bone Ysgol Bro Ddyfi

£6 £6 £6 £8 £6 £7 £6 £6 £6 £7 £7 £6 £7 £6 £6 £7 £8 £6 £6 £7 £6 £6 £7 £10 £10 £7 £7 £7 £6 £6 £6 £6 £10

Machynlleth Comedy Festival 92





8:30pm 8:30pm 8:30pm 8:30pm 8:30pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

FREEZE McNeil And Pamphilon - Secret Holding Pattern Isy Suttie and Gavin Osborn - Mach Attack II Joseph Morpurgo - Truthmouth Alistair Green - Alistair Green is Jack Spencer Sex Addict Tom Neenan - The Haunting of Lopham House Challenged The Horne Section - at Machynlleth Comedy Festival

Y Tabernacl Y Plas Vane Tempest Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Owain Glyndŵr Centre Rag and Bone Machynlleth Bowling Club Y Tabernacl

£10 £8 £7 £7 £6 £6 £8 £12


Nick Helm - One Man Mega Myth

Y Plas



Thom Tuck - The Untitled Thom Tuck Experience

Y Plas Vane Tempest



The Bear Pit Podcast - Podcast

Owain Glyndŵr Centre






4:00pm 5:30pm Various

The Islanders John Osborne - On the Beach Greg Wohead - Hurtling

Y Tabernacl Y Tabernacl Outside Performance

£7 £8 £6

MUSIC / CERDDORIAETH Time/Amser Event/Digwyddiad



8.00pm 9.30pm

Beech Bar Beech Bar

Free Free

Shhh-Apes TBC

MORE... / MWY … Time/Amser Event/Digwyddiad



10:00am 1:00pm 4:30pm 6:45pm

Y Tabernacl Y Plas Losin Lush King Arthur’s Labyrinth

£12 Free Golden ticket £12

Portrait Drawing Blank 5 Losin Lush King Arthur’s Labyrinth






10:00am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 3:00pm 4:00pm

The Arty monkey Creative Collective Paper Bag Girl Nonsense Poetry Workshop Biggles Bees Animal Tales Wes Zaharuk Hulahoop Workshop Make a puppet and create... Wrap Bracelet Workshop

Y Pabell Pys Melys Royal House Y Pabell Pys Melys Y Pabell Pys Melys Y Plas Lawn Owain Glyndŵr Centre Y Plas Lawn Y Pabell Pys Melys Y Plas

Various 4+ 12 - adult Various All ages 4+ All ages 11 - adult 12 - adult

Various £1.50/£5 family ticket Free Free Free £3/£10 family ticket Free Free Free

THANKS The town of Machynlleth: We’d like to thank all the residents and businesses of the town for the continued support of the festival and being so welcoming to attendees and crew during the event. We love being a small part of this special community. Rab Jones, Colin Wilde, Julie Humphries, Mererid Owen and all the staff of Y Plas, and Raymond Jones and the staff and board of MOMA for always going out of their way to accommodate the festival as we grow and develop. Geoff and Janet Humphries, the boards of the Owain Glyndŵr Centre and Machynlleth Bowling Club for their support with accommodating the festival. Sabrina at the Royal House Deli for allowing us to use her wonderful basement room. James at Rag and Bone - the latest addition to our fantastic performance spaces in the town. All those involved in our programme of one off shows - Ian and Shirley at King Arthur’s Labyrinth; Alex and Sam for Shed of the Year; Richard, Andrew and all the staff at Corris Railway; and Alyson at Losin Lush.The White Lion Hotel for donating space to the festival during the event, and for their full support in the run-up. Fiona Stewart, Ben Coleman and Ian Fielder at Green Man for always being on-hand with practical advice and a helping hand. Paula and Gerry Jewson at West Coast Energy Ltd/Tesni Ltd for your continued invaluable support of the festival. Sara Lewis from the Welsh Government’s Major Events Unit, and Julie Lewis and Geraint Pritchard from Powys County Council for your support for the festival. Linda Strange from Broomfield Alexander for her knowledge and practical support of the festival. Arts and Business Cymru for their continued support of the festival. Peter Saunders for directly supporting the festival this year. Lauren Orme for her superb additional design work. Geoff Hill, Annie Grundy and Zoe Matthews for their continued invaluable support and Phil Wheeler for local advice, help and contacts. All our sponsors and advertisers. All the artists who perform at the festival and make it what it is. All the attendees who come together to enjoy comedy in the ancient capital of Wales

DIOLCH Tref Machynlleth. Hoffem ddiolch i holl drigolion a busnesau’r dref am y gefnogaeth barhaus i’r ŵyl, ac am fod mor groesawgar i’r mynychwyr a’r criw yn ystod y digwyddiad. Rydym wrth ein boddau’n cael bod yn rhan fach o’r gymuned arbennig hon. Rab Jones, Colin Wilde, Julie Humphries, Mererid Owen a holl staff Y Plas, a Raymond Jones a staff a bwrdd MOMA am fynd allan o’u ffordd bob amser i ddarparu ar gyfer yr ŵyl wrth i ni dyfu a datblygu. Geoff a Janet Humphries, byrddau Canolfan Owain Glyndŵr a Chlwb Bowlio Machynlleth am eu cefnogaeth i ddarparu ar gyfer yr ŵyl. Sabrina Deli Tŷ-yn-y-Lôn am ganiatáu i ni ddefnyddio ei hystafell wych yn y seler. James yn Rag and Bone - ein lleoliad perfformio ardderchog diweddaraf yn y dref. Pawb sy’n rhan o’n rhaglen o sioeau unigryw - Ian a Shirley yn Labyrinth y Brenin Arthur; Alex a Sam am Sied y Flwyddyn; Richard, Andrew a’r holl staff yn Rheilffordd Corris, ac Alyson yn Losin Lush. Gwesty’r Llew Gwyn am gynnig lle i’r ŵyl yn ystod y digwyddiad, ac am eu cefnogaeth lawn drwy’r paratoadau. Fiona Stewart, Ben Coleman ac Ian Fielder yn Green Man am fod ar gael bob amser gyda chyngor ymarferol a help llaw. Paula a Gerry Jewson yn West Coast Energy Ltd/Tesni Ltd am eich cefnogaeth amhrisiadwy i’r ŵyl. Sara Lewis o Uned Digwyddiadau Mawr Llywodraeth Cymru a Julie Lewis a Geraint Pritchard o Gyngor Sir Powys am eich cefnogaeth i’r ŵyl. Linda Strange o Broomfield Alexander am ei gwybodaeth a’i chefnogaeth ymarferol i’r ŵyl. Celfyddydau a Busnes Cymru am eu cefnogaeth barhaus i’r ŵyl.Peter Saunders am gefnogi’r ŵyl yn uniongyrchol eleni. Lauren Orme am ei gwaith dylunio ychwanegol ardderchog. Geoff Hill, Annie Grundy a Zoe Matthews am eu cefnogaeth amhrisiadwy barhaus a Phil Wheeler am gyngor, cymorth a chysylltiadau lleol. Ein holl noddwyr a hysbysebwyr. Yr holl artistiaid sy’n perfformio yn yr ŵyl ac yn ei gwneud yr hyn ydyw. Yr holl fynychwyr sy’n dod at ei gilydd i fwynhau comedi ym mhrifddinas hynafol Cymru.

ABOUT MACHYNLLETH COMEDY FESTIVAL “A welcome break from the norm... it boasts the kind of top-quality lineup that’s beyond many of its rivals.” The Guardian

Our Supporters/Partners Celebrating our fifth year the festival is already a firm fixture in many people’s diaries. It would be impossible for the festival to grow and develop without key support from funders and sponsors. Welsh Government: The Welsh Government’s Major Events Unit (MEU) continues to support the Machynlleth Comedy Festival, extending their commitment to the festival until 2015 and beyond. Machynlleth Comedy Festival would like to thank the Welsh Government for continuing to support the development of live comedy in Wales and what we believe is a unique event in the UK comedy calendar. Tesni Ltd: Tesni is the new name for WCE Properties, a Welsh based housing developer with a strong belief in providing sustainable developments that are healthy, happy and comfortable places to live. The owners of Tesni have been business mentors for the festival since 2010 overseeing our development as a company and providing invaluable advice at key times. We are proud to be working in partnership with a leading independent sustainable housing developer working in Wales. Tesni Ltd are proud venue sponsors of Y Tabernacl this year.

Venue Sponsors/Noddwyr Lleoliadau

Show Sponsors/Noddwyr Sioeau

YNGLYN Â GWYL COMEDI MACHYNLLETH Powys County Council: Powys County Council’s tourism department are directly supporting the event in 2013 and we would like to thank Powys County Council for their continued support. Tourism Partnership Mid Wales: The festival received direct funding from Tourism Partnership Mid Wales towards the online marketing of the event, and we would like to thank them for this invaluable support for the event. The Peter Saunders Trust: We gratefully received a grant from the Peter Saunders Trust which recognises the economic benefit of the event to the local area. We’re proud of our association with the local trust. BBC: Machynlleth Comedy Festival is proud to be working with BBC Radio 4 Extra, BBC Radio Wales and BBC Radio Cymru for the third successive year. Roustabout: Local tent specialists Roustabout have supported the festival since year one. Thanks to Geoff, Alex and all the crew. The Waen Brewery: Our partnership with local brewers Sue and John continues to develop and flourish and we look forward to the next five years.

Ein Cefnogwyr/Partneriaid Gan ddathlu ein pumed flwyddyn, mae’r ŵyl eisoes yn ddyddiad cadarn yn nyddiaduron llawer o bobl. Byddai’n amhosib i’r ŵyl dyfu a datblygu heb gefnogaeth allweddol gan gyllidwyr a noddwyr. Llywodraeth Cymru: Mae Uned Digwyddiadau Mawr Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau i gefnogi Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth, gan ymestyn eu hymrwymiad i’r ŵyl tan 2015 a thu hwnt. Hoffai Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth ddiolch i Lywodraeth Cymru am barhau i gefnogi datblygiad comedi byw yng Nghymru a’r hyn a gredwn sy’n ddigwyddiad unigryw yng nghalendr comedi’r DU. Tesni Ltd: Tesni yw’r enw newydd ar WCE Properties, datblygwr tai yng Nghymru sy’n credu’n gryf mewn darparu datblygiadau cynaladwy sy’n lleoedd iach, hapus a chyfforddus i fyw ynddynt. Mae perchnogion Tesni wedi bod yn fentoriaid busnes i’r ŵyl ers 2010, gan oruchwylio ein datblygiad fel cwmni a rhoi cyngor amhrisiadwy ar adegau allweddol. Rydym yn falch o fod yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth gyda datblygwr tai cynaladwy annibynnol blaenllaw sy’n gweithio yng Nghymru. Tesni Ltd yw noddwyr balch lleoliad Y Tabernacl eleni.

Cyngor Sir Powys: Mae adran dwristiaeth Cyngor Sir Powys yn cefnogi’r digwyddiad yn uniongyrchol yn 2013, a hoffem ddiolch i Gyngor Sir Powys am eu cefnogaeth barhaus. Partneriaeth Dwristiaeth Canolbarth Cymru: Derbyniodd yr ŵyl arian uniongyrchol gan Bartneriaeth Dwristiaeth Canolbarth Cymru tuag atfarchnata’r digwyddiad ar-lein, a hoffem ddiolch iddynt am y gefnogaeth werthfawr hon i’r digwyddiad. Ymddiriedolaeth Peter Saunders: Roeddem yn ddiolchgar i dderbyn grant gan Ymddiriedolaeth Peter Saunders sy’n cydnabod gwerth economaidd y digwyddiad i’r ardal leol. Rydym yn falch o’n cysylltiad â’r ymddiriedolaeth leol. BBC: Mae Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth yn falch o fod yn gweithio gyda BBC Radio 4 Extra, BBC Radio Wales a BBCRadio Cymru am y dryddedd flwyddyn yn olynol. Roustabout: Mae’r arbenigwyr pebyll lleol Roustabout wedi cefnogi’r ŵyl ers y flwyddyn gyntaf. Diolch i Geoff, Alex a’r holl griw. Bragdy’r Waen: Mae ein partneriaeth gyda’r bragwyr lleol Sue a John ynparhau i ddatblygu a ffynnu, ac edrychwn ymlaen at y bum mlynedd nesaf.

Our Supporters/Partners Ein Cefnogwyr/Partneriaid

“A small but perfectly formed antidote to some of the more sprawling comedy festivals” The Independent “An intimate comedy festival packed with experimental, creative and warmly adventurous stand-up which strikes at the heart of what comedy is all about: fun and entertainment.” Buzz Magazine “Machynlleth is not as other festivals for all sorts of reasons: the happy absence of agents, PR people, TV producers, journalists and all the other guff that goes to make so many festivals into corporate events meant that the comics were not fighting for attention or fretting about money and reviews. The atmosphere was relaxed and outdoors-y, seeming to encourage an air of experimentation and creativity. You could engage with your audience and with the other comics in a way that is not possible at big festivals.” Arthur Smith

Machynlleth Comedy Festival 96

Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 97

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Cymru: llond gwlad o ddigwyddiadau.

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Wales: we love a big occasion.

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Box Office: 01539 725133 Highgate, Kendal, Cumbria, LA9 4HE

Mach Comedy Fest 042

Am eich digwyddiad mawr nesaf yng Nghymru, ewch i wefan Croeso Cymru – Cymru. Am wyliau go iawn. For your next big occasion in Wales – Wales. For proper holidays. Mach Comedy Fest 042

This programme has been printed by Welshpool Printing Group


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