October Newsletter

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"We must use time creatively, in the knowledge that time is always ripe to do right." -Martin Luther King Jr.



Hey Guys! Welcome to the MacArthur Key Club newsletter. I am so glad you reading! Here you will find upcoming events and wonderful articles written by amazing Key Clubbers over the events our club has participated in the past month or about their own Key Club experience! If you would like to be a part of the next newsletter, contact me, and let me know! Feel free to email me at annamswierkosz@gmail.com with questions. -Anna Swierkosz Editor of MacArthur Key Club


PP rr oo m m "The Thirst Project is a nonprofit organization whose aim is to bring safe drinking water to communities around the world where it is not immediately available. The Thirst Project collects money and builds wells all across the continent of Africa where villages do not have immediate drinking water."

"We work with governments, civic leaders, celebrities, corporations, campus groups, churches, teachers and people just like you; anyone willing to help us advocate for the survival and well-being of every child."


oo tt ii oo nn "March of Dimes is a United States nonprofit organization that works to improve the health of mothers and babies. 'We believe that every baby deserves the best possible start. Unfortunately, not all babies get one. We are changing that.'"

"Children's Miracle Network Hospitals is a North American non-profit organization that raises funds for children's hospitals, medical research, and community awareness of children's health issues."




Kiwanis Luncheon November 7 12-1pm

Kids Korral November 10 3pm-9pm

Relay for Life November 10-11th 7pm-7am

Creative Living Thanksgiving Luncheon November 20

Unified Volleyball November 23

Fire Station Thanksgiving November 28


T T hh ee B B ee nn ee ff ii tt ss oo ff J J oo ii nn ii nn gg K K ee yy C C ll uu bb by Nicholas Saliba

Key Club is a group of students who interact with the public and perform various service projects. Joining Key Club also has multiple benefits. It looks very good on a college application or even a job resume. Employers will instantly recognize that you’ve already gone through community service and volunteer work. It also means you would have already experienced a working atmosphere and you have leadership skills. Another benefit is that you can meet new people and make new friends. People often associate Key Club members as kind and giving due to the nature and purpose of the organization. In a typical high-school environment, people tend to stick to certain friend groups. However, by joining the Key Club you can free yourself of that environment and get together with people who care about the community they live in.


The club is also a lot of fun! Many people stereotype the club as cleaning up trash and other tedious and boring activities. We may sometimes do tedious and intense activities, however, simply being able to socialize and hang out with friends while doing your work makes the club very enjoyable. Also, it is just something to do; a reason to leave the house on a long, boring weekend. The club also benefits other people. Helping other people and the community should already be a compelling reason to join. If you don’t get anything out of the experience you can always look back and say you went out into the world and helped those in need. The official way of life and motto for any Key Club is to care and help those in need. Even if you don’t participate much in Key Club activities you will still learn the value of volunteering and serving other people. Those are vital skills for any career major.


O O cc tt oo bb ee rr K K ii dd ss K K oo rr rr aa ll by Austin Urbanski


The cold weather has finally arrived, and what better way to warm up then with a nice hot meal. This October, the MacArthur Key Club took their monthly trip to help with Kids Korral. This is an organization, located at the Toby Keith Foundation, which helps families fighting against cancer. The MacArthur Key Club comes once a month in order to help cook and serve for those families. Each month has its own special meal, and for October our theme was chili. We had a large number of volunteers this time around, including: Key Club President Makinley Kennedy, members Andrew Celedon, Isabel Celedon, Jacob Swedlund, Clay Pritchett, Eric Wang, Austin Urbanski, and Jordan Fisher, along with our sponsors Kathy Sauders and Lorrie Barnes. This group of students came together to make a great meal for the families of the Toby Keith Foundation. Whether new or old to the kitchen, each member took on their tasks with a heart full of service. Â

While Makinley and Jacob cooked the chili, Isabel and Austin prepared the salad. Meanwhile, Jordan and Eric made the cornbread, while Andrew and Clay helped wash the dishes. Although it took some time for us to chop onions and butter bread, our cooking skills were just good enough to make a fantastic meal. After the food was cooked and everyone's appetites were satisfied, the group went on a tour of the building. Many of the Key Clubbers were shocked when they found out the building has its own theatre, playground, library, toy room, and much more. In the end it was fun to cook alongside the fellow Key Club members, but the best part of Kids Korral was knowing you helped make a struggling family's day a little better. Although we may not have been the best of cooks, we will continue to come every month in order to help serve with Kids Korral. When it comes to the MacArthur Key Club, we love service!


PP aa rr tt nn ee rr ’' ss C C ll uu bb H H aa ll ll oo w w ee ee nn by Mackenzie Thomas

On Monday, October 28, 2019, Key Club members gathered in the Macteria (MacArthur’s school cafeteria) to help out with the Partner’s Club Halloween carnival. The members ran the ”pumpkin pong” table in which the children, family members, or members of partner’s club would have three chances to win candy by bouncing a ping pong ball into a cup on the other side of the table. Besides “pumpkin pong”, there was also dancing, a ring toss station, and a balloon making station that participants could entertain themselves with. Everyone attending and working the carnival could be seen in a variety of costumes from ninjas to dinosaurs to astronauts! While everyone was dancing, popular Halloween songs such as “Thriller” and the “Monster Mash” were audible in the background.


The Partner’s Club Halloween carnival was an important event to attend and volunteer for because it brings community members from all different backgrounds (including those with special needs) together to enjoy a fun night with games, music, crafts, dancing, and costumes. This event among others this year has helped build up every key club member’s love to serve the community. This was my first year in key club. As a junior, it has helped me not only get more involved in Lawton, but it has also helped me gain a great group of friends, and become more involved in school. Key Club has taught me so much about leadership, servitude, and community outreach. It will prepare me for college and life following it. I plan on continuing volunteering in my community even after graduating high school. Wherever I may decide to go college, I hope that I will be able to join Circle K and continue volunteering through Kiwanis programs. Volunteering aids those in need and helps make someone’s day just a bit easier. Key club models these values in every event held including the Partner’s Club Halloween carnival.


FF aa ll ll

R R aa ll ll yy

by Eugene Martinez

This is a description of my first Fall Rally with my members and two cool adults. At first it was a slow walking up process for me on the way, until we actually stopped into Frontier City. During the meeting they talked about the theme of DCON, which is Hollywood, and also about how we need more active members in our community. Soon after that my five friends and I had an adventure that would have had me in excitement. We had gone on rides that were accessible and did not take long for us to get on, and I had conquered my long term fear of Roller Coasters. At the end of the day I might have been tired, but I made more exciting memories being a Key Club member.


O Ow w ee nn '' ss R R ee cc C C ee nn tt ee rr H H aa ll ll oo w w ee ee nn by Anna Swierkosz

I swear I blinked and October flew by! Next thing I know, it is already Halloween! October was a busy time for Key Club with many events that took place, along with a lot of preparation for exciting things coming up. On Halloween, as well as the day before, Key Club helped out at the Owen’s Rec Center where they threw a Halloween bash. The event is for children and families to come and trick or treat and play games in a safe environment. Key Clubbers help set up and clean up every year. They also help out with games, with two members to a station. There was a great turnout this year and it was a wonderful time. The group of amazing women and men who run the event are always so kind and are great examples of doing good in the community. It is always nice to see people in Lawton come together to have fun and enjoy time with friends and family.


Contacts Contacts Club Officers President: makinleyakennedy@gmail.com Vice President: aclawdog1@yahoo.com Secretary: savvy528@gmail.com Treasurer: jacobtswedlund@gmail.com Editor: annamswierkosz@gmail.com



Regional Advisor


District Staff

Ashna Patel: governor@tokeyclub.com Kareena Patel: secretary@tokeyclub.com Katherine Chao: treasurer@tokeyclub.com Vivian Thai: editor@tokeyclub.com Dillion Grisham: cl@tokeyclub.com Lacey Thomas: techassissant@tokeyclub.com


Thank Thank You You for for Reading! Reading! @mackeyclub MacArthur High School Key Club

@mackeyclub http://macarthurkey.club 15

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