The Space - Design Resources

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table of contents research target audience mission identity areas of the space advertising and social media

19 27 33 39 45 79

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. r e h t e g o t e m to co

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Imagine a place

where anyone and ever yone

interested in design could come together,

share thoughts, discuss ideas, and create beautiful things.

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The internet is great and all, bu t there are so many more tangible and phys ical resources out there‌ Now if someone coul d just gather all those things together in on e place, that would be great.


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I just want space to think...

space to

. n g i s e d

Research is to see what ever ybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else h as thought. – albert szen t-gyorgyi

research This is the time to pose the most basic, yet important, questions. How do we address the problem, and approach the best solution? How have solutions worked in the past? Who are we designing for? How can we improve the way the design community works and interacts?

s, Cor

St. Ive



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ies n o l o c t r a c i r o hist Artists are extremely social human beings. By looking at some of the artist’s colonies that have been formed through-out history, it is clear that artists and creatives favor a close-knit community where they can live and work together.


St. Ives, Cornwall Artists have been coming to St. Ives, a seaside town in Cornwall, England, since the 19th century. Artists were undeniably attracted to the landscape, climate and social aspects of this remote area of the country. They came in search of fresh subject matter and a more communal way of living and working. In the early 20th century, Cornish artist Alfred Wallis and his friends were responsible for laying the foundation for the artist’s colony that is there today.

Taos, New Mexico The well-known art colony in Taos is a prime example of creative minds coming together. It started over a century ago when Ernest Blumenschein and Bert Phillips fell in love with the magic and beauty of the Taos valley in northern New Mexico. Soon after, artists from come from all over live and work amongst one another in this inspirational setting.


r e v n e D d n u o r a Artists of today also have a fundamental need to be in a familiar community of interaction and cooperation. In order to be a successful artist or designer, it is vital to have good relationships, connections, and a supportive network. The following are a few examples of studios and organizations in Denver that hold these same beliefs.


Art Students League of Denver

A non-accredited school where every student has the opportunity to study with regionally and nationally recognized working artists in a wide selection of media. The Art Students League of Denver is an inclusive and inspiring art school and community where students of all abilities are guided by professional artists to reach their highest potential.

RedLine RedLine encourages artistic growth in an environment where artists can cross the red line to lose the inhibitions that may hold an artist back, while gaining support systems to excite the senses and realize one’s dreams.

Denver Creative Co-op Studio

Denver Creative Co-op Studio is a gathering place dedicated to fostering community growth and cohesiveness, while also providing a space for expression, expansion, creativity, and personal development. These goals commit us to providing the community with the highest quality of social artistic interaction, and the products they produce.


rch a e s e r r e consum


In order to successfully design a system for a collective art and design organization, we must first decide who a place like this would benefit. Friends, peers, design students, and professionals were asked what kinds of things should exist in an organization and building such as this. Space to work, most of all Workshops and tutorials Studio spaces Cafe or coffee shop Design books and resources Programs - giving back to the community Darkroom Screen-printing and print-making studio Computer lab - or accessible computers to use Meeting/Seminar rooms Bookstore - to buy art supplies Art Gallery - not just artists, also designers Places to just hang-out and talk

The public is the only critic whose opinion is worth anything at all. – mark twain 27

target It’s easier to hit your e it is. when you know wher – the spin project

e c n e i d u a t e targ It is important to determine who the target audience is before further developing a mission or identity. Based on thorough research, three different personas were created. Through these customer profiles, we can better determine what this primary group of people want and need in a place like this.

#1 a n o s r e p t design studen

Ken, graphic

In his junior year at RMCAD Enjoys interactive design and web design Also interested in screen printing, print making, and photography Lives in a small studio apartment Currently gets his work done at places like Starbucks, usually with friends or peers

Needs Money is a concern Needs proper space and equipment for doing different activities Would like to take tutorials or workshops on various techniques and crafts Space with free Wi-Fi, open late or 24/7, and has a cafe

Ken is a full-time graphic design student at RMCAD. He has a busy schedule and spends a lot of time working on projects outside of class. Ken would love to have a fun and stimulating place to go to get his work done, preferably a place that has a cafe, is open very late and has free Wi-Fi. Ken needs to find a place where he can take tutorials on web design and various software. Since Ken can’t do screen printing, print making, or darkroom photography out of his own home, he would like to go to a venue that provides the proper space and equipment, as well as workshops and tutorials. Some of these things are available at RMCAD, but he doesn’t want to have to take expensive classes to learn the different crafts.



David, f ersona #2 reelance illustrato r

Does freelance illustration out of his home office Has a couple clients, always looking for more Also does oil painting, cartoons, and digital photography Occasionally shows his artwork in galleries around Denver

David has become fairly successful doing freelance illustration out of his own home. He enjoys working alone, in his own world. David has his own studio space at home, but is always running out of space, not to mention the cabin fever. David would really like a place where he can find inspiration and get in the zone, as well as work on his illustrations.

Needs Wants a place where he can find inspiration and resources Needs a reliable way to find new clients Likes to always be involved in the art and design community Always open to making new relationships with people in the community

David is currently providing illustrations and designs for a few clients, but he is always looking for new clients and customers. He regularly posts online at places like CraigsList, the Denver Egotist, etc. to try and find new clients. Even though David knows a lot of people in the art community, he feels that he should always be getting himself more involved, so he can gain new inspiration and ideas. On occasion, David tries to get his work into some of the local galleries around Denver, to gain some more exposure.


#3 a n o s r e p ner aphic desig

Maria, gr

Owner of a small graphic design studio in Denver, specializing in green design. Works with two other designers and one intern. Just started her business 2 years ago and has a couple faithful clients, but always looking for new ones.

Needs Has a very busy schedule; would be nice to have everything in one place. Always looking for a way to find new clients, and form new relationships. Needs a place to meet with clients, friends, colleagues. Wants a physical place to find good resources (up-to-date books, magazines) on different areas of design.


Maria has owned her small design studio, The Quick Brown Fox, for just over 2 years. She currently has two other designers working with her, as well as one intern. Maria’s studio specializes in sustainable graphic design. Maria has a couple loyal clients, but she is always looking for opportunities for new client relationships. Sometimes Maria invites her clients to her studio, but they usually end up meeting at the local coffee shop, where they discuss ideas over coffee and snacks. The location is nice, but parking is horrible. Maria would like to find an accessible and convenient place to meet with her clients, friends, and other designers. As one of the leaders of this field in Denver, Maria and her designers need to be at the forefront of what’s going on with green design practices. Maria does a lot of her research online, but she loves books; they always have the best information. The public library’s selection of books on design is really outdated, and waiting to order books online always takes too long. Maria would love to find a place that has a great selection of up-to-date books, magazines, and other resources that pertain to various areas of design.


The purpose of this mission statement is to quickly communicate who this organization is, what it does, and why it is important. This mission is always kept in mind throughout the entire design and marketing process.


An accessible venue that gives design students and professionals a space to explore, create, discuss, and connect.

es u l a v core


accessibility inspiration education dialogue connections 37

philosophy Our philosophy is to create an inclusive network of people interested in communication design, and design for the social good. We offer programs that give visitors the chance to give back to their city and community.


goals To create an inclusive community of designers who are motivated and passionate about what they do. To provide people with the space, resources, workshops, tutorials, and opportunities that are essential for continued learning and education in the field of design. To provide a community space for designers and the public to come together to get inspired, share ideas, have discussions, get work done, and participate in benefitting their community.


A brand is a person’s gut feeling about a product, service, or organization. The brand isn’t what you say it is. It’s what they say it is. – marty neumeier


identity The identity is the “persona� of an organization. It embodies the company’s mission, values, strategy, and objectives through visual aesthetics. This brand should immediately portray an idea of what the organization is all about.


name and wordmark Welcome to The Space. Through endless brainstorming and weeks of decision making, this name was born. The purpose behind this name is to portray the idea of having accessible space to learn and explore, to connect with friends and colleagues, and a space to work. Artists and designers are more likely to succeed if they have a beneficial environment to work in, and that is what we are trying to accomplish at The Space.


color palette The Space’s identity is meant to evoke a playful, modern, and stimulating feeling. This color palette was chosen based on these feelings as well as the organization’s mission and goals. These colors will be used consistently throughout the branding, advertising and marketing of The Space, as well as the actual venue of The Space.


PANTONE Orange 021 U



PANTONE Cool Gray 7 U PANTONE Cool Gray 10 U


icon system The Space is broken up into four areas in order to make such a large and comprehensive building more accessible and approachable. The physical building is broken up into these four different areas: Explore, Create, Discuss, Connect. Each of these sections will accomplish an aspect which is important to every artist or designer.




These icons were created to give the visitor an immediate idea of what they will be seeing or experiencing in that particular section of The Space. A key component of the identity, these icons proudly portray an informational, modern feel.




e c a p s e h t f o s a are Let’s delve into the four areas of The Space venue. These are not only physical sections of the building, but also four encompassing values which are important to every designer. The Explore section gives visitors the opportunity to do research, discover new possibilities, and get inspired. Create offers numerous resources and space to work. Discuss provides a great environment to meet with friends and colleagues. And Connect gives artists and designers the opportunity to network and interact with the community.

floor plan As the visitor enters through the front doors, they will see that they are in a large, open foyer. They will be greeted by someone at the welcome desk, who then will introduce them to The Space and point them in the right direction.

Next, given the visitor turns right, he will head into the Explore area, in which they can walk through the open gallery space. Or he can check out the design library, which is also connected to the supply and bookstore.

Coming out the other side of the gallery, the visitor will enter into the Create section, where the fun really happens. Here, he can take a workshop or tutorial, or even rent his own studio space to privately work in.

Upon leaving this section, he sees that he is in the Discuss area. A good coffee shop and cafe is a must-have wherever there are artists and designers. The open lounge area encourages interaction and discussion.

As the visitor makes his way to the exit, he will find himself back where he started. One of the most important areas of the space, Connect, gives visitors access to programs, the job board, and upcoming news and events. Connect is also encompassing of the entire space and what happens here, as visitors are always communicating and interacting with one another.




gallery space y r a r b i l n g i s the de e r o t s k o o b d n supply a This area of The Space building is full of various resources that any artist or designer would find valuable. It’s different than just going to a library, cruising the galleries, or browsing different art supply stores. Why? Because here, it’s all in one place! And every component in this space is catered to the artist in need of inspiration. 51

e c a p s y galler


One of the first things that a visitor sees upon entering Explore, is the impressive art gallery space. It is so easy to get inspired just by walking through the enlightening space. High ceilings, intimate lighting, and ample floor space allow for ideal social events like gallery shows and openings. The Space is proud to feature local artists and designers, but also feature national and international talent on occasion. We believe that not only fine artists, but graphic designers as well, should be given the opportunity to show in art galleries.


design library


The Design Library at The Space will offer everything you might find in the art section of a normal library, but this “library� offers even more. The Space carries books and resources that are specifically catered to the modern artist or designer. Thousands of books, magazines, newspapers, movies, and documentaries are available for check-out. But what really makes this place different from any other are the specific resources available for designers: Pantone swatch books, abundant paper samples, and even full color printers.


supply and book



A supply store is essential for any artist, or designer. And to always have one always on-hand is downright convenient. The books that are found here can also be found in the design library for check-out, but are available for purchase because we know that every designer likes to add valuable books to their personal collection. An impressive selection of supplies are offered here, which includes anything one might need to take a workshop in the Create section. There is also an option for students to sell gently used books and supplies, which are then available for purchase at a discounted rate.



s p o h s k r wo s l a i r o t tu e c a p s o studi It’s time to take all this inspiration and get to work! Create offers personal studio space and an impressive array of workshops and tutorials. We want to educate people, enlighten their passion, and push them to create beautiful things.

s p o h works


Artists never stop learning, and are always looking to broaden their technique and skill set. The Space provides a wide array of workshops to anyone at almost any level. Experienced instructors offer their time and expertise to give visitors an educational and hands-on experience. An example list of workshops that are offered at The Space are as follows.

Screen printing Print-making Book-binding Photography Ceramics Drawing Painting




Today, designers must be at the forefront of digital programs and technology. That is why we give every designer, from beginner to experienced, the opportunity and resources to get ahead in an overly digital world. For those who want to start learning web coding or refine their Photoshop skills, they can find knowledgeable instructors and valuable resources at The Space. The following are examples of available tutorials:

Creative Suite 4 programs Photoshop Illustrator InDesign Dreamweaver Flash

Web Design and Coding Basic HTML & CSS JavaScript jQuery AJAX Flash


studio spac e


Sometimes you just need a private place to work, while still being surrounded by fun and creative people. For those artists and designers who want to have their own private retreat to get work done, there is ample studio space available for weekly or monthly rent. These rooms are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for anyone who needs some extra room. Even with separate work spaces, a kind of micro-commnunity is formed when artists congregate together. They share thoughts and ideas, give feedback, and form close relationships, which is a primary goal at The Space.


coffee shop and cafe open loung e a r ea meeting ro oms We want to encourage discussion and dialogue by providing a stimulating and refreshing environment at The Space. There is more than enough room for visitors to meet with friends, clients, or colleagues or just put their feet up and take advantage of the free Wi-Fi.

e f a c d hop an

s e e f f o c


A good coffee shop is almost vital in the life of a designer. It is where they can come and meet with friends, get work done, fuel up on coffee or just relax. Whatever reason may draw people here, they will be sure to find an active, yet cozy environment. The whole cafe area provides comfortable seating (which leads into the open lounge area), free Wi-Fi, and a sufficient amount of power outlets for laptops. Visitors are welcome to stay as long as they wish, whether it’s 10 minutes or 10 hours.


a e r a e g n u o l n e op An extension of the seating at the cafe, the open lounge area is the perfect place to spark some inspiring conversation. This open community sitting area is ideal for working on a group project or studying for an exam. This space simply gives visitors room to work, and it’s open 24 hours a day.


meeting rooms Private meeting rooms are available for almost any purpose: client meetings, group discussions, presentations, or small lectures. Most rooms are equipped with a computer, flat screen TV, dry erase board, and conference table. These rooms can be used anytime, if available. Or can be booked ahead of time for important meetings and gatherings.



s m a r g pro d r a o b job s t n e v e t n a t r o imp This section provides an emphasis giving back to the community, as well as helping visitors enhance their careers and social lives as designers. Connect is more so an all-encompassing idea throughout The Space, but it is also a physical section of the building.


s m a r g o pr A primary goal at The Space is to provide an accessible place for design students and professionals to not only connect with each other, but also with their community and city. The Space will offer a number of programs that let designers truly give back. We know that designers want a place to work, play, and connect. We’re giving them a place to do just that, while giving their work a purpose and meaning.


designing for good The Designing For Good program offers design studios, artists, and freelancers the opportunity to give back to their community by helping non-profits in need of design services. They will provide an organization with their expertise at a discounted cost, or for free. This is a wonderful opportunity for any artist or designer to help make Denver become a better city while also pumping up their resume or portfolio.

student scholarship program Talented art and design students deserve recognition for their hard work. Each semester (fall, spring, summer), The Space will provide a scholarship of $2,000 to one talented Denver student, who is currently enrolled in any art or design program. This scholarship will be funded mainly by donations.


d r a o b job


It’s certainly hard to find a decent job these days, let alone a decent job in the professional design world. That’s why every member of The Space receives automatic access to the Job Board, which will post potential clients and up-to-date jobs, both related and specific to art and design. This may not guarantee a job, but it will certainly put these artists and designers ahead of the rest.


important ev ents


At The Space, there is a great belief in the importance of social communication and networking. In addition to the programs and job board, The Space gives visitors the opportunity to connect with their community through important events such as gallery openings, helpful workshops, social networking events, and educational talks and seminars by renowned designers and professionals. Workshops will also be held to help our artists and designers get ahead in their careers. Below are more specific examples of important events that may take place at The Space. AIGA events Gallery openings Talks and seminars Events held by local organizations

Meet and Greet events Career Workshops

How to be a successful freelancer How to build an impressive portfolio How to be a sustainable designer



advert ising an d social media Advertising media, such as brochures, have been created in order for potential visitors to gain a quick knowledge of The Space. Social networking and an accessible website are also important for people in the design community to stay connected with The Space. 81

edia m g n i s i t r adve ures


giving you the space to

create with

passion and purpose


Four promotional brochures have been created in order to introduce a potential visitor to The Space. Each brochure quickly explains one area of The Space (Explore, Create, Discuss, and Connect) and what is available in these areas. They are designed and written to attract young artists and designers, through bold images, intriguing layouts, and screen-printed inspired illustrations.

giving you the space to

connect with

your community


ia d e m l a i c so website and blog The website created for The Space will be informative and extensive, but very easy to navigate. The main navigation will guide the user towards pages that explain who and what The Space is, upcoming events, membership information, and contact information. The sub navigation will consist only of icons of the four areas of The Space, which will lead the user to learn more about that particular area. There will also be an option for member login, so they can keep track of their account, profile, messages, and events. Members will also have private access to the Job Board through The Space website. These days, more and more companies and organizations are keeping blogs. This would be a helpful tool for The Space to use in order to further connect with its visitors and customers. It is an excellent way to communicate thoughts and ideas, recording past events, and gaining customer feedback.

social networking Today, having only a website is not enough to stay connected with visitors and customers. It is essential to be involved in the ever expanding social networking world, especially in the design industry. That is why The Space will be avidly present on Twitter and Facebook.



colophon Designer Laura Woodhouse Book Paper Hammermill Color Copy 80lb cover Book Cover Mohawk Color Copy Gloss 100lb cover, double thickness Brochure Paper Mohawk Color Copy Gloss 100lb cover Typefaces Franklin Gothic Book, Book Italic, Medium, Medium Italic Century Schoolbook Regular, Bold, Italic

Copyright 2010 Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design Laura Woodhouse |

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