Natural Remedies for Cavities

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Natural Remedies for Cavities By: Linda M. Poole


Natural Remedies for Cavities

When choosing the best natural remedies for cavities, most people get so caught up in trying one herbal remedy after another. Others try to dutifully follow what their dentists advise. Among the gentlest home remedies for a cavity is tea. Research shows that regularly sipping or rinsing the mouth using black tea, in particular, curbs bacterial plaque formation. Note that multiple species of plaque-causing bacteria may cling to teeth surfaces, producing acid that leads to tooth cavity. Drinking black tea can do much inhibiting bacterial growth. >>>Click here to get more information natural remedies for cavities<<<

Note that the tea shouldn't have sugar nor other add-ons. It’s the polyphenols in black tea that combat the cavity-causing bacteria. There’s no substitute, of course, for daily oral hygiene habits like brushing the teeth after meals and flossing, and visiting the dentist for check-up and cleaning. Cavity-prone individuals also benefit from drinking lots of water to cleanse the palate and lessen bacterial in the mouth. Besides properly brushing their teeth, people can also enhance their oral health by using a real cavity-fighting mouthwash. There are strong mouthwashes in the market, and quality brands with xylitol, witch hazel, green leaf extract, and monosodium phosphate. Choose an alcohol-free option with safe active ingredients that can effectively eliminate volatile sulfur compounds that lead to bad breath. People cannot always brush their teeth after every snack or meal, especially when they’re outside their homes. Yet certain habits, like chewing a sugar-free gum or munching a fresh apple or cheese, can stimulate mineral-rich saliva. Stimulating saliva helps cancel out acid in the mouth after eating or drinking, and prevents dry mouth syndrome.

To get more information about natural remedies for cavities, please visit this site

Stimulating the flow of saliva in the mouth can make the mouth’s pH acid return to the safe zone. Plaque acids that lead to tooth decay are neutralized. If there is not much saliva in the mouth, there’ll be less oxygen, which in turn can let sulfur-producing bacteria thrive. There are times, though, when saliva is decreased – when people sleep, when certain medications are being taken, and other instances. Hence good oral hygiene habits, eating healthy foods, and stimulating saliva by gum chewing can lessen bacteria. The best natural remedies for cavities may be right in your kitchen pantry then. Foods like green, leafy vegetables, carrots, and a pack of raisins (with flavinoids & photophenols that keep in check bacteria in the mouth) can enhance oral health by protecting the teeth from cavities. Load up also on calcium-rich foods like oysters, and teeth-strengthening whole grains, nuts & seeds. Letting a dentist treat a cavity may also prevent further damage on your pearly whites. Before cavities grow large and begin to affect the nerves and then lead to tooth abscess, dental treatment can come to the rescue. Preventive care is very important, so to take care of your teeth & gums. Eat well, be informed on the main causes of tooth decay, and take measures to prevent cavities. Most kids are prone to cavities, but regular brushing of teeth and a good diet throughout childhood can ensure healthy teeth & gums. If you want to get more information about natural remedies for cavities, please click here.

To get more information about natural remedies for cavities, please visit this site

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